mengagumkan kepada bandar Taiping. 40 | Kolam Burma MAKAN ANGIN | Tarikan utama di Taiping Seawal tahun 1884, pihak Inggeris telah Nama Kolam Burma dipercayai berasal menubuhkan tempat percutian di puncak daripada rejimen askar Burma yang tanah tinggi ini yang dikelilingi Hutan Hujan menemui tempat ini pada tahun 1920. Tropika semulajadi dengan banglo bagi Askar-askar dari Burma Rifle Regiment pegawai-pegawai mereka. Kebanyakan telah dibawa untuk menggantikan Malay banglo ini masih dikekalkan sehingga States Guide yang telah dibubarkan ketika hari ini. Pada aras laut 1036m atas paras itu. Kolam Burma adalah kolam semula laut, Bukit Larut adalah resort tanah tinggi jadi yang pada asalnya digunakan untuk tertua dan paling kecil di Malaysia. Pada aktiviti rekreasi oleh tentera. Sumber air masa dahulu, kaum wanita biasanya kolam mini adalah dari Sungai Batu Tegoh. diusung menaiki kerusi sedan kerana tiada laluan untuk kenderaan. Pihak BUKITLARUT 37 Inggeris memperkenalkan penanaman di 650m atas paras laut yang kemudiannya TAMAN TASIK TAIPING terbengkalai. Kini, Bukit Larut masih kekal sebagai resort bukit. MUZIUM MATANG 38 | Kolam Renang Kemahkotaan Pada tahun 1937, Lembaga Kebersihan Taiping telah membina sebuah kolam renang yang diberi nama Kolam Renang Kemahkotaan. Nama kolam ini telah diberikan sempena sambutan hari pertabalan King George VI pada 12 Mei 1937. Kolam ini menggunakan air semulajadi dari sungai yang sentiasa mengalir tanpa penggunaan klorin. 39 | Tugu Peringatan Perang Taiping Tugu Peringatan Perang Taiping merupakan tempat bersemadinya tentera- tentera bersekutu yang terkorban semasa Perang Dunia Kedua. Tugu ini dibina pada tahun 1947, menempatkan 866 perkuburan merupakan perajurit- perajurit yang berasal daripada Australia, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, United Kingdom dan sebagainya. Tapak tugu ini diasingkan mengikut kepercayaan agama masing- masing. Terdapat empat rakyat Malaysia disemadikan di sini. Major J.H Ingram telah membangunkan tugu peringatan ini yang merupakan tugu pertama dan terbesar di Malaysia. Tugu Peringatan ini diselenggara oleh Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
The Taiping INTRODUCTION | Taiping Preface architectural pretensions of all PREFACE buildings at the advice of Mr Swettenham shows a very great improvement in taste on those which were erected in the preceding years, and ……. are equal in beauty of design and excellence of workmanship to anything to be found in any older Colony. Taiping derives its name from Chinese, Taiping became the town of everlasting 41 Tai-Peng which means Everlasting Peace. peace by force of circumstance. It was In its early years, Taiping was one of the tin born out of the bloody struggle and strife mining capitals of the world. Unlike other of communal war over the tin mining area mining towns, Taiping evolved into a place that led to its formation to commemorate where scenic beauty and urban charm the end of the Larut Wars in 1874 and as came together so harmoniously that it a neutral zone for the warring parties. Its has the appearance of a natural paradise. history can be traced back to the beginning Indeed, it is blessed with some of the best of tin mining in Larut around 1844. environmental settings in the land with lakes, forests, hills and waterfalls. Being Abstract the wettest area in Peninsular Malaysia, from the town is relatively cool and refreshing. Taiping Taiping, with Bukit Larut (formerly known Life and as Maxwell Hill) as its backdrop, offers Soul some of the most awe-inspiring scenery unparalleled by many other towns. Tin mines at Larut British Taiping has always been a place of Malaya by many firsts. As the oldest city in the Sir Frank former Federated Malay States, it is the Swettenham, starting point of British intervention in 19 July 1906 the administration of the Malay States. Besides being the first mining centre, Taiping’s impressive list includes the first railway, the first telegraph office, the first specifically designed museum building and the first fire brigade, to name but a few.
HTIaSTipOiRnYg the elephant was eventually found three days later, tin ore was embedded in the EARLY ERA : 1840-1875 mud that was on the elephant’s legs. It was the early 1840s when Long Jaafar THE LARUT WARS discovered tin, immediately ushering in the beginning of a significant phase in the The Larut Wars A series of wars broke history of the Larut District. The first tin out among the miners over the control mine was believed to have been located in of the waterways which were crucial to Klian Pauh (where the Taiping Prison now tin mining activities. Known as the Larut stands). By 1884, Long Jaafar had brought Wars, it was one of the main reasons that in the first group of Chinese miners to led to the intervention of the British in the work in the mines. By 1863, his son, Ngah administration of the Malay States. The Ibrahim had established a modern system Larut Wars were fought between two rival 42 of administration including a police station migrant Chinese groups called Ghee Hin (balai) with Jemandar (corresponding to and Hai San. To put an end to the warring, a lieutenant) in charge of a police force, the Governor of the Straits Settlements a judge, a magistrate, a treasurer and a negotiated the Pangkor Treaty which was clerk. ratified on 20th January 1874. Long Jaafar has The rival groups then laid down their been credited with arms and established Taiping. Taiping the discovery of was formally established on 20th January tin in Larut in 1874 with the formation of the first British 1848. According Administration Centre for the Federated to legend, Long Malay States and marked a new era in the Jaafar had an nation’s history. elephant named Larut. One day, the elephant went missing and when Che Ngah Ibrahim with his two sons, Wan Muhammad Isa and Wan Mohd Nasir LONG JAAFAR
BRITISH ERA : 1875-1937 The development of Taiping ran parallel INTRODUCTION | Taiping History with the development of town planning in Tin mining led to Taiping being made Britain. The Taiping Sanitary Board (today the state administrative capital. By 1879, known as Taiping Municipal Council-MPT) Taiping was a thriving town, laid in a was formed in 1874 to manage issues gridiron pattern with a main street about related to fresh water and sanitation After a mile long and new buildings that housed the great fire in 1880, a rectangular gridiron the treasury, army barracks, a hospital, planning layout with two-storey brick shop a powder magazine, a parade ground houses was laid with proper drainage and (Esplanade), a government storehouse, a sanitation. The main streets were widened large jail with bungalows for officers, and to seventy feet and the cross streets to the British Residency. sixty feet. The streets were planted with trees as well, leading to the Taiping Lake Garden. The importance of Taiping as a mining 43 capital is best illustrated by the completion of the first railway track from Taiping to Port Weld in 1885. The first Public Office was constructed in the 1880s to better administer the growth of Taiping, a model city for other British-administered towns in the Malay States. Foreign forces were attracted to Perak’s rich tin fields. The British Residency – built in 1877 Tin mining in Taiping, circa 1880. (Source: Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia)
Taiping from the tourist office. Taiping proudly boasts a total of 33 firsts for Malaysia. It has the country’s first town, railway, post office, hospital, museum, golf course, police station, prison, zoo, airfield and war cemetery for Allied troops perished in IOMNFATRSHTTEIENVLILEAW World War II. The Weekend Australian, February 6-7, 2016 MAKE IT TO THE LAKE Providing a tranquil heart to the city, the 64 ha Lake Gardens was created when an abandoned tin mine was flooded in the 1880s. It was the first public garden in Malaya. Ancient rain trees lined the lakes. Landscaped with bridges, islands, and pagodas. There are paddle boats, walking tracks, cycling lanes, a playground and roller-skating rink. Monkeys and bird species like king-fishers, parakeets and horn-bills can be seen in the gardens. PLACE OF PEACE WALK WITH THE ANIMALS Rushing between Cameron Highlands and As a visitor to Malaysia’s premier national Penang, many tourists miss out on Taiping. park Taman Negara will at- test that it Originally called Larut, it grew following is difficult to find the country’s intriguing the discovery of tin ore in 1840. However, wildlife in its dense rainforest. Zoo Taiping this prosperity also sparked civil wars that offers the chance to see many of these raged until the British intervened in 1874. animals in spacious enclosures spread over To commemorate the signing of a treaty, 14 ha within the Lake Gardens. Although the town’s name was changed to Tai- it also displays African, Amazonian Peng, which means Eternal Peace. Soon afterwards, the British chose the town as their administrative centre. Many gems of Victorian architecture can be visited. Just pick up a Heritage Trail brochure
Bukit Larut, formerly known as Maxwell Hill, is a popular highland destination in Malaysia. Located at an altitude of 1,036 m above sea level approximately 10 km from Taiping town in Perak Photos: Tourism Malaysia
and Australian fauna, the highlights are HITTING THE HEIGHTS Malaysia’s less familiar natives. For a Seeking a retreat from the tropical heat of reasonable fee you may be able to enter the lowlands, the British established the the Rainforest Experience enclosure. country’s first hill station at Bukit Larut Barking deer or a binturong sneezing on (Maxwell Hill), next to the Lake Gardens, a branch is a sight to behold. Although it’s in 1879. In the olden days, the steep not particularly feline in demeanour, this climb to the 1250m summit was a rough shaggy, dopey-looking beast is the largest trek with senior officers being carried on civet cat. sedan chair. However, now getting there is half of the fun. Private cars are prohibited Encounters with porcupines occur fairly and motorised access is restricted to often. Stay away from them since they government-owned vehicles (tickets are can be aggressive when perturbed. inexpensive), which ascend the zigzag Besides that, spot the slow loris, black bends with ease. It takes about 30 minutes and white tapirs and the mouse deer (the to climb the 10km hill slope. This hill station world’s smallest hoofed animal). Watch preserves much of the atmosphere of the gibbons swinging over their personal yesteryear with colonial- style bungalows island. A spectacular sight worth waiting and euphoric flower gardens. when a tiger swims across an unfenced pond. Even though it cannot climb the bank but its steady gaze is unnerving. THE NIGHT HAS EYES FIREFLY FANTASY Since many animals in the zoo are nocturnal In the vicinity of Kampung Dew by the and idle by day, the gates are reopened at banks of the Sepetang River one of 8pm for a night safari. Lighting that mimics nature’s greatest spectacles when fireflies moonlight allows visitors to observe the in the mangroves light up for an evening animals without disturbing them. We will of primal seduction. These marvellous come across the binturong munching on bio-luminescent beetles perform on fruit hanging upside down from a branch increasingly rare berembang trees. The and slow loris on the move. Besides that, males synchronise their flashing until you can see the sun bear with distinctive entire trees are twinkling like Christmas pale crescent on it chest and snout stands tree. out from its black fur. Small cats are the most exciting to look at with their exquisite prowling.
ATMAAIPZININGG MANAGING THE MANGROVES Kuala Sepetang, formerly known as Port Weld is well worth the 15km trip from Taiping. From the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve education centre, follow the boardwalk through coastal forest and you may even be invited to plant a few trees by the local’s nature preservation society. The northern end of the reserve, Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary, boasts more than 160 species. With strict controls on the areas cleared and replanting, the mangroves are harvested sustainably for charcoal production. Kuala Sepetang is important for fish farming and cockle- harvesting centres. The riverbanks are lined with busy seafood restaurants. Take a relaxing cruise on the river. You might be lucky enough to see eagles and Indo- Pacific humpback dolphins. VILLAGE PEOPLE Batu Kurau is situated 30 km from Taiping, it welcomes visitors seeking the relative tranquillity of a traditional kampung (Malay village). We are led to the house of one of the many craftsmen of the kampung. They include a young man who weaves
mats or screens using traditional methods and sells them online. We then get swept into the celebration since it’s Aidilfitri, the month of returning to normal after Ramadan and villagers will be taking turns to host the celebration. For visitors wishing to spend a longer time, Kurau Stone offers reasonable priced chalets with fishing and other activities. HISTORY | Taiping’s Many Firsts TOWN TREATS TAIPING HERITAGE TRAIL Antong Cafe claims to be Malaysia’s oldest THE CONCEPT OF HERITAGE TRAILS coffee factory and in its seventh decade, it aims to expose and promote places that still cooks the beans in wood-fired ovens has heritage elements. It also promotes 48 and fries them in melted sugar mixture. parts of Taiping that are naturally Malaysians do like their coffee sweet. preserved. Heritage Trails could also Visitors observe the process then sample improve the image of Taiping Heritage the product which includes innovative City. The uniqueness of Taiping city combination with durian. Don’t miss the can be captured and strengthened. The restaurant devoted to cendol, lemang Heritage Trail only covers a small part of (mix of coconut milk poured into lengths Taiping so it requires careful planning to of bamboo and cooked for three hours). ensure tourists can visit as many places On Friday or Saturday nights, head for the as possible in a limited time frame. The Cross Street Bazaar, a market catering Heritage Trail has a special route that has to locals. Women cluster around stalls been developed around unique buildings that specialize in headgear, while men with the heritage sites in the city center. are drawn to cars kitted out with flashing lights, speakers and video screens.
Taiping's MANY FIRSTS 1875 | OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART HISTORY | Taiping’s Many Firsts CHURCH Originally a simple wooden structured 49 erected up the hill. New structure built in 1873 | CAPTAIN SPEEDY’S BUNGALOW 1880 and completed in less than 4 years. Built by Menteri Ngah Ibrahim for Captain Became the first Roman Catholic Church Speedy in 1873, located at the junction and Parish in Taiping lot of Menteri Street, Matang. One of two surviving examples of colonial style 1875 | MATANG HEADMAN’S HALL houses. Built as the Headman’s Hall or Balai Penghulu for Larut, it is an administrative 1874 | TAIPING TOWNSHIP office and court of Penghulus to deal with The first town in Malaya to have official petty civil matters. Undergone several and formal administration centres. renovations to accommodate to current needs. 1874 | TREASURY & AUDIT OFFICE Used to be the Treasury and Perak Audit 1875 | ASSISTANT RESIDENT’S Office & the Government Saving Bank RESIDENCE (Bank Simpanan Kerajaan), the first Used to be the Assistant British Resident’s government bank in the Malay States. The residence and occupied by Captain T.C.S first ever steel safe in the Malay States, Speedy and later by Sir Edward Maxwell. a made-in-England Chubb brand, was Today, it is the official residence of the installed here. Larut, Matang and Selama District Officer. 1875 | THE ESPLANADE The Esplanade, also known as Padang was built in 1890 by Colonel Robert S. F. Walker, the Commandant of the Police and Military Force. It had barracks, club house and a church. Used as a parade field for marching and processions as well as a cricket field.
HISTORY | Taiping’s Many Firsts 1877 | TELEGRAPH OFFICE 1879 | BRITISH OFFICERS’ MESS A double-storey brick structure, built in Built around 1907 as the British Officers 1885. The first inland telegraph service Mess for the Malay States Guides armed was introduced in 1876. The postal force. The first Officers Mess for the Para- service was then added to the duties of military in the Malay States. Located the telegraph office, enabling telegrams to near the British army unit’s headquarters, be issued as a means of communication serving as a rest house and for hosting between Matang and Taiping. social events held by the armed forced officers. Now, the building is known as 1877 | LARUT MUNICIPAL Wisma Perwira Batalion Kesembilan Taiping was established in 1874. By 1882, Rejimen Renjer DiRaja. Taiping had become a pretty well laid- 50 out town. The formal town government of 1879 | MAXWELL HILL Municipal Rules, Larut for the welfare and In the early 1884, the British established development of the town was based on a hill retreat encased within tropical methods and organization obtained from rainforest with bungalows for their the United Kingdom at that time. Hugh officers at the peak of the hill. Most of Low set up some form of administration these bungalows are still preserved until for the health and public services of the today. Rising 1,036 m above sea level, town. A Municipal Regulation was in force Bukit Larut is the oldest and smallest hill from 1885 and 1888 passed by the State resort in Malaysia. Today, Bukit Larut still Council. A form of Sanitary Board on the remains as a hill resort. lines of the former administration was established by Frank Swettenham in 1892. 1879 | TAIPING GAOL Taiping Prison was originally named Perak Prison and also known as Taiping Gaol. In 1879, it was the largest prison complex in the Malay Peninsula. Officially gazetted as Penjara Taiping in 1992.
1879 | TOWN REST HOUSE 1881 | TOWN POLICE STATION / CLOCK HISTORY | Taiping’s Many Firsts Originally a single storey timber building TOWER and served as the governor’s residence, Once known as The Fort, it is an iconic built in 1879. The first rest house in the landmark of Taiping. The original timber Malay States. building was built in 1881 and rebuilt with bricks in 1891. Between the year 1908 and 1950, the clock tower building was used as the Town Police Station and also functioned as a fire station. 51 1881 | LAND & DISTRICT OFFICE 1883 | ALL SAINTS CHURCH Designed with Victorian Neo-classical Designed by the Australian architect, Mr. architecture, built in 1897. Today, the George A. Lefroy, and is constructed in building houses the Land & District Office Gothic design mainly of timber. The church, of Larut Matang. which survived the Japanese occupation, has retained many original features such as the east window of stained glass, the wooden pews and many commemorative brass plaques. Gazetted as a National Heritage Building in 2012 and it is still used as a place of Christian worship by the Anglican Church.
HISTORY | Taiping’s Many Firsts 1883 | KING EDWARD VII SCHOOL / 1884 | TAIPING RAILWAY STATION CENTRAL SENTRAL The first modern railway line in Malay Built in 1883, it is the second English Peninsula was introduced in Taiping. The medium school in Taiping, originally original railway station was built by the known as Central School. Renamed as Federated Malay States Railway (FMSR). King Edward VII School, in conjunction The original site for the railway station was with the coronation of King Edward VII. at King Edward VII (I) Primary School. In 1910, the railway station was relocated 52 and the tracks were extended to the north. 1884 | TAIPING MARKET 1885 | PERAK STATE RAILWAY BUILDING Malaysia’s best preserved example of a AND LARUT RAILWAY BUILDING 19th century timber structure. The second A combination of old and new architectural market building (dry market) was built in styles of two storey timber structure built 1885 and located at Kota Road (Jalan in 1885 with new addition of a two storey Kota). brick building. 1884 | TAIPING LAKE GARDEN 1886 | PERAK MUSEUM Lies on a flat ground right at the foot of The Perak Museum, built in 1883, is the the Larut Hills and is known as the Public first museum in Malaysia. This unique Garden. The lake is fringed with the same building features the designs of the Rain Trees which still stands today. Moorish combined with Neo classical and Victorian architecture. Houses several rare collections such as ethnology artefacts, zoology specimens, ceramics and interesting collections from the Orang Asli Community. 1886 | TAIPING GOLF COURSE The first golf course in Malaysia.
building is the best example of timber and brick building architecture in Taiping. 1887 | KWANG TUNG ASSOCIATION 1899 | CEYLON ASSOCIATION HISTORY | Taiping’s Many Firsts Built by the Kwangtung Association branch The Ceylonese founded the Victoria in Taiping in 1887 to protect the welfare Reading Room at Main Road in 1898. of members of the association. Kapitan Later to be known as Ceylon Association Keng Cheng Kwee was the main leader to in 1899, this is the first Association for lead the construction of the association’s the Ceylonese established in the Malay building. States. 1888 | INDEPENDENCE MEMORIAL 53 LIBRARY The original building at this site was 1902 | MATANG MANGROVE FOREST constructed in 1882 and used as a reading The State forest of Matang District in room for the British Government Officers. Peninsular Malaysia is one of the few The current Victorian building that existing mangrove forest schemes which replaced the reading room was built by the have been monitored since early colonial British government in 1912. Currently, this times. Today, mangrove silviculture building houses the public library known practiced in the Matang Forestry scheme as the Independence Memorial Library. is the best example of good management and noted as the leading expert in 1889 | TREACHER METHODIST SCHOOL mangrove forestry technique. The first girls’ school established by the Perak Government in 1889 and known as Government Girls’ School, with an enrolment of 8 pupils. The Methodist later took over the school and renamed it Lady Treacher Girls’ School. 1891 | TOPO AND SURVEY OFFICE The former Topo and Survey Office building, known for its Anglo-Indian architecture, is a restored former government office. The building, completed in 1891, was designed by G. A. Lefroy, an architect and chief surveyor from Australia. Today, this building is used to house the Taiping Municipal Gallery. This double storey
1930 | TEKAH AERODOME 2003 | TAIPING NIGHT SAFARI The landing ground is at an average height The Taiping Night Safari is a first of its of 45 ft. above sea level, lies two miles to kind in Malaysia which was inaugurated the north- west of the Town Hall at a site by DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah Muhibbuddin known as Tekka which has been acclaimed Shah in June 2003. In an effort to maintain to be one of the best landing grounds the experience of a natural environment, east of Suez by Sir Phillip Sassoon and the Taiping Night Safari attempts to display other experts. Tekah aerodrome is the first nocturnal animals in natural looking airfield in the Malay Peninsula. settings illuminated by the moonlight like lighting. 1937 | SILVER JUBILEE JETTY Built in 1937, the Silver Jubilee Jetty is a colonial-design jetty constructed using a combination of public and local community funds. This is the first jetty to be built in the Malay Peninsula to commemorate the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the reign of King George V in England. 54 HISTORY | Taiping’s Many Firsts 1947 | COMMONWEALTH WAR MEMORIAL GRAVE Built in 1947, The Taiping War Memorial is the burial place of Allied soldiers who died during the World War II. The first and largest War Memorial in Malaysia.
Zoo Taiping & Night Safari or officially zoo design. The early 1990’s saw the zoo SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight known as Taman Mergastua Sultan Idris being given priority in its development. Shah is run by the Taiping Municipal The master plan for its development Council. It is located in the famous Taiping was implemented in stages and financial Lake Gardens in Taiping, Perak. support from the Federal Government was obtained. Modern enclosures were In 1961, the elected members of the constructed in the zoo. Due to its natural Taiping Town Council, approached setting, the Taiping Zoo is one of the most the Chief Minister of Perak to submit a naturalistic zoos in the country. proposal on the establishment of a zoo in the Taiping Lake Gardens in order to An update to the master plan was done in 57 attract tourists to this town. A 5 hectare 1995 that incorporated several new ideas. site was set aside for this purpose with an The objectives taken into consideration in initial budget of RM 50,000.00. the master planning were: With the encouragement given by the • To become a centre for ex-situ wildlife Perak State Government and the Chief conservation. Game Warden of Peninsular Malaysia, the zoo was established. The zoo was • To become a centre for tourism. officially opened by His Royal Highness • To create opportunities for education Paduka Seri Sultan Idris Iskandar Al- Mutawakkil Alallahi Shah II Ibni Almarhum both formally and informally. Sultan Iskandar Shah Kaddasullah, the • To create opportunities for research. Sultan of Perak on 7th March 1964 and was officially named Taman Mergastua Sultan Idris Shah. Prior to 1993 the zoo had been increased in size to 10 hectares and a master plan for its redevelopment was prepared. In 1993 the zoo was increased to its current 14 hectare size. The master plan was updated to consider the increase in size. It included the latest developments in
The zoo’s mission statement is to become night zoo. It allows people to either walk one of the main tourist attractions in or ride on a mini train to view the exhibits. Malaysia by creating excellent animal After much planning the Taiping Night exhibits which take into consideration the Safari was opened to the public on the 3rd natural habitats to achieve the objectives of March 2003 and was officially opened of recreation, education, conservation and by the Sultan of Perak, His Royal Highness research. Paduka Sultan Azlan Muhibbudin Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Yussuf Izzudin Shah The zoo currently has two loops. The East Ghafarullahu-lah on the 15th of June 2003. and West loops are for animal exhibits. In conjunction with the opening of the It has a central recreation area, a public Night Safari, a new logo for Zoo Taiping & services area and an administrative area. Night Safari was also launched. Plans are underway to further enhance the zoo through more naturalistic animal exhibits and also the creation of a botanical trail to attract people who enjoy plants in the zoo. A new comprehensive Animal Hospital was constructed to cater for the various veterinary needs at the zoo. Zoo Taiping & Night Safari endeavors to continuously improve the exhibits for the animals taking into consideration the physical, psychological and physiological 58 needs of the animals we care for as well as improving facilities for the visitors to SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight the zoo. Recent upgradings include a new exhibit for the Malaysian Elephants with a 60m long x 10m wide pool with a depth of 3.3m for them to swim in, the African Savana exhibit and new tram station. In 2016, 12 exhibits were upgraded. Among them are the Marmoset and Tamarin complex, Lowland Forest, Orang Utans, Chimpanzees, Serow, Barking Deer, African Savana holding area, Malayan Tiger, Black Panthers, Golden Cat, Australian Fauna and Seladang. A new restaurant has also been developed called Restoran Mergastua which provides an excellent dining experience with delicious local and western food. In 2001 and 2002, Taiping Zoo embarked on an ambitious project to open a Night Safari at the zoo. The concept was along the lines of the Singapore Night Safari but using the same location for the day and
ADOPTION PROGRAMME-BACKGROUND EDUCATIONAL PACKAGES SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight Each animal in the zoo has its own Zoo Taiping & Night Safari is a place requirements which can be quite different where the public can learn about wildlife. and specific. You can help to contribute The main objective of Zoo Taiping & towards their care through Zoo Taiping & Night Safari are as a place for education, Night Safari’s animal adoption program. conservation, recreation, research, and It was first introduced in 1994. The training and also for the public to learn animal adoption programme is a unique about wildlife. Awareness about animal programme which allows individuals or welfare and education can be conveyed organizations to sponsor either animals to the public. Zoo Taiping & Night Safari or facilities in the zoo. All donations offers educational packages for school will be put to good use either for animal students, university students, families, food, medicine, enrichment programmes, corporate and others. Through these maintenance, building of animal exhibits education packages, visitors can increase or visitor facilities. Public can sponsor their knowledge as well as get additional animals, enclosures or other facilities in information about wildlife from the rangers Zoo Taiping & Night Safari to help in the on duty.(Refer to page 141 for details) efforts for conservation and preservation of wildlife. We hope this programme will generate funds that will continue to help in our conservation efforts, as well as maintaining the habitats for the good of the current generation and generations to come. COME & ADOPT For Further Information Please Contact: 59 ANIMALS Animal Adoption Programme: ZOO TAIPING & NIGHT SAFARI Jalan Taman Tasik Taiping, 34000 Taiping, PACKAGES STAGES AMOUNT Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. 1 PLATINUM RM50,000 TELEPHONE and above +605-808 6577/ +605-804 1045 2 GOLD RM 30,000 – WHATAPPS RM 49,000 +6019-481 5351 3 SILVER RM 10,000 – FAX RM29,999 +605-8066025 4 BRONZE RM 1,000 – E-MAIL RM9,999 [email protected] 5 CONTRIBUTION RM 100- RM 999 WEBSITE FACEBOOK
TaiZpOiOng SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight S&ANFIAGRHIT Zoo Taiping or Taman Mergastua Sultan ZOO TAIPING & NIGHT SAFARI 63 Idris Shah is the only zoo located in the On the other hand, the Night Safari north of Peninsular Malaysia. Zoo Taiping in Taiping will give you a whole new was established in 1961 and is located experience of zoo visiting, being the first in a natural abode in the Taiping Lake night zoo in Malaysia. Taiping’s Night Safari Gardens near the foothills of Maxwell Hill is open to the public since 2003, providing ( Bukit Larut ), covering an area of 36 visitors with the chance of observing the acres. Zoo Taiping has initiated a new animals at night, the time where most of concept where the animals are displayed them are very active. The animals are in a naturalistic exhibits which focus on the exhibited in natural surroundings similar animal’s natural habitat. The zoo has its to their natural habitat. Special lighting own unique qualities as it is located in an that is very similar to natural moonlight area where nature flourishes with natural illuminates the area so that visitors can streams, tranquil lake and lush greenery. get better sightings of the animals without Zoo Taiping now houses around 1500 compromising the animal’s well-being. animals from 140 species of mammals, Visitors will also get to enjoy and embrace reptiles, birds and fishes. Some tigers, the natural surrounding sights and sounds lions, hippos, rhinos, giraffe, orang utan, for a more realistic safari experience. and many more. Exhibits at the Malaysian Rainforest Experience, Lowland Forest, Riverine Forest, African Savana and Elephants of the Perak River are some of the exhibits that are specifically designed to imitate the animal’s natural habitats. These exhibits also function as conservation centres in the zoo’s effort to increase the animal’s population, especially the endangered ones.
ZNOIGOHTTASIPAIFNAGR&I ADDRESS ZOO TAIPING & NIGHT SAFARI Jalan Taman Tasik Taiping, 34000 Taiping, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. PHONE NO. +605-808 6577/+605-804 1045 WHATSAPP +6019-481 5351 WEBSITE FACEBOOK OPERATING HOURS ZOO TAIPING Open everyday including Sundays and Public Holidays (8.30 a.m – 6.00 p.m) NIGHT SAFARI Open every night including Sundays and Public Holidays (8.00 p.m – 11.00 p.m) On Saturday Nights and eve of Public Holidays (8.00 p.m – 12.00 a.m) GPS COORDINATES 4.854923,100.7514682
BUKIT LARUT, SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight HISTORY OF BUKIT LARUT (MAXWELL HILL) 67 Bukit Larut was formerly known as up to the peak in sedan chairs since it Maxwell Hill. First discovered in 1879 was not accessible to vehicles. The British and developed in 1884 by Willam Edward introduced tea planting at 650 m above sea Maxwell who was the Assistant British level but it was later abandoned. Today, Resident in Perak at that high altitude Bukit Larut still remains as a hill resort. as base for Britsh Officials and Europe’s farmers. Maxwell Hill is the oldest resort in Land Rover transportation services are Malaysia with a total area of approximately available for those who wish to reach the 7,241.46 hectares. peak of Bukit Larut. This service is provided by the State Government of Perak and the Bukit Larut forms an imposing backdrop of journey going up to the station at the peak Taiping with its lush greenery. In the early takes about 30 minutes. There are a total 1884, the British established a hill retreat of 108 bends (72 sharp bends) for every encased within tropical rainforest with minute of the trip. Its daylight temperature bungalows for their officers at the peak is around 15 degrees Celcius. Bukit Larut of the hill. Most of these bungalows are is very suitable for those who wish for a still preserved until today. Rising 1,036m short and peaceful retreat from the hustle above sea level, Bukit Larut is the oldest and bustle in the city. You can also enjoy and smallest hill resort in Malaysia. In beautiful sceneries of the Taiping town as those days, ladies were normally carried well as the Straits of Malacca.
SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight ADDRESS JUNGLE TREKKING IN BUKIT LARUT Bukit Larut, 34000 Taiping, A lot of people have started to love jungle trekking activity as it is both healthy and Perak. rewarding. So, why not get a change of VISITING HOURS environment and hike up Bukit Larut? A Daily, 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. unique and serene hill, Bukit Larut has GPS COORDINATES the kind of green you won’t find anywhere., There are plenty of jungle trails and one of the most popular ones is the Gunung Hijau PHONE NO trail. Along the way, you will encounter +605-8077241 a lot of pretty sights of the Taiping town as well as various kinds of birds and flora FUN FACTS ABOUT BUKIT LARUT such as wild orchids. It is one of the most • Bukit Larut is the wettest area in popular destinations in Taiping. Malaysia. It rains almost every with grasses, flowers and trees; a part of evening here. the gardens was fenced, to keep bulls out. • Before the paved road was built in Swettenham’s wife, Constance Sydney 1948, the British go up the hill by pony Holmes, got the help of a mining inspector, back as well as sedan chair as means William Scott to turn the area into a scenic of transportation. place and subsequently a park. However the development of the first public parks • Visitors, especially the ones from in Malaya was developed in stages with Europe, commented that Bukit Larut a combination of ideas and energy by is just like Switzerland in spring. Sir Hugh Low, Frank Swettenham, Col. Walker, E.W Birch, Sydney Constance 68 • During Ramadhan, the area of Bukit Holmes, A.R Venning, W.R Scott, R. Derry Larut is categorized under Zone 3 for and others. breaking fast in the state of Perak. TAIPING LAKE GARDENS HISTORY OF TAIPING LAKE GARDENS Taiping Lake Gardens was developed in 1884. It was opened and inaugurated on 17 November 1893 by S.C.G.M Frank Swettenham, the British Resident in Perak. The Taiping Lake Gardens formerly was a tin mines led by Capitan China Chung Ken Kwee who was leader of the group Hai San. Lows Least Mining, 1877 - The mining area leased for 21 years with the condition to pay royalty of $ 2.00 Renew. Lessee shall return the mining area to the State Government (the British Government) if this was not worked for 21 months in a row. . In 1884 the gardens were planted
DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT OF TAIPING Perak Government, is now located on a SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight LAKE GARDENS 96.44ha site. It is fully administered by the The concept of the Lake Park and Taiping Municipal Council, which also runs surrounding areas take them to look the Taiping Zoo located within the park. back at the wonderful memories of the Lake District in England which is RAINTREE WALK compelling and was the center of focus On December 15, 2017 part of the for British poets and writers who find 630-meter Pekeliling Road (from the front inspiration from the landscape and natural of the Flemington Hotel to the intersection design of the beauty of Scottish Highlands. of Kamal Bina Tower) was permanently Here Constance Sydney Holmes tried to closed to serve as the Raintree Walk translate the beauty of Loch Katrine, which and motor-free zone. The closure of the being immortalized by Walter Scott in his road is one of the efforts to maintain the poem Lady of the Lake (1847). sustainability of the Raintrees and to preserve the life of the tree. The route COMPONENTS IN LAKE looks as if it were surrounded by 32 of The beauty of Taiping Lake Garden was Raintrees (Samanea Saman) over 120 an inspiration to poets, writers, singers, years old. and artists. The park’s proximity to the foot of Bukit Larut makes it look more majestic. 8 The components of the park were inspired by Sir Hugh Low, Frank Swettenham, Col. 7 69 Walker, E.W Birch, Sydney Constance 5 Holmes, A.R Venning,W.R Scott, R.Derry and others. LOCATION 6 The awe-inspiring of Taiping Lake Gardens is the location in the beautiful 4 natural landscape, pools of water supplied 1 from Bukit Larut and Rain trees. There are 2 eight (8) lakes in the area of Taiping Lake Gardens; 3 EIGHT (8) LAKES/PONDS IN TAIPING LAKE GARDENS 1. Swan Lake 2. Jungle Lake 3. South Lake Raintree 4. West Lake walk 5. Island Pond 6. Pavilion Pond 7. Oblong Pond 8. Alamanda Pond The original size of the park was 61.93ha but after additional acquisition by the
LKAAKMEUNTING GARDEN Kamunting Lake Garden is a beautiful and strategically located right next to SMK 70 well equipped park with plenty of things to Bukit Jana and Rakan Muda Complex. SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight do. It is an alternative park for recreational ADDRESS Kamunting, activities to decrease congestion in Jalan Bukit Jana, 34600 Taiping Lake Garden. The 30.67 acre park is usually frequented by the locals other Perak. than being a popular tourist attraction. VISITING HOURS Daily The park is developed for the public in GPS COORDINATES order to encourage more recreational 4.9037965,100.7371728 and family activities to be done at a safe PHONE NO. and conducive environment. The park is +605-808 0777 equipped with various facilities such as jogging tracks, walking trails, gazebos, carparks, kiddy playground, workout stations, prayer rooms and public toilets. The park also has a huge open lawn, suitable for family picnics and such. The Kamunting Lake Garden is situated about 2 km away from Kamunting and 8 km away from the town of Taiping. It is
CROSS WARISAN SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight BSTARZEAEATR SQUARE Taiping Cross Street Bazaar is a relatively Warisan Square is situated in front of new tourism product established by the Taiping Municipal Council (Wisma Majlis Taiping Municipal Council and it has been Perbandaran Taiping). The square which established on 15th November 2014. It is spans about 0.850 acre equivalent to 3500 an exciting tourism destination for visitors meter per square and it is very suitable and tourists in Taiping as they can shop for functions such as concerts, community for souvenirs as well as enjoying cultural events as well as recreational activities, activities with the locals. especially for visitors and tourists. Moreover, a giant flagpole with the height The Cross Street Bazaar is situated at of 44 meters, bathed with spotlights, is Jalan Alang Ahmad (formerly known as placed here giving the square a majestic Cross Street No.2), open to public third a feel. The Warisan Square is equipped with week (Friday until Sunday) starting from an open stage, tiled plain, lighting system, 8pm till midnight. nice landscape and many more. The square becomes more lively especially at Now, there are more than 60 stores selling night with the presence of Cross Street all sorts of goods along the 300-meter Bazaar on Fridays and weekends, where stretch of road. Souvenirs of all sorts such they complement each other for public as t-shirts, keychains, fridge magnets, enjoyment. bags, labu sayong, wood carvings, crafts made of clay, house deco items, ladies’ 71 accessories as well as delectable street food are some of the things sold here at the Cross Street Bazaar to satisfy your souvenir shopping needs. ADDRESS Jalan Alang Ahmad, 34000 Taiping, Perak. PHONE NO. +605-808 0777 VISITING HOURS Fri – Sun , 8pm – 12am GPS COORDINATES 4.8540386,100.7432213
TAIPING Please allocate at least 30 minutes for MUNICIPAL a complete tour of this gallery and get GALLERY as much information as you can about Taiping. For further information, please email us at [email protected] or kindly contact us at +605- 8051501 (Corporate Affairs, Public Relations and Tourism Unit, MPT). SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight The Taiping Municipal Gallery building, known for its Anglo Indian architecture, is a restored former government office. The building, completed in 1891, was designed by G.A Lefroy, an architect and chief surveyor from Australia. This magnificent building was first used by the Perak 72 Trigonometrical and Survey Department in Perak. From 1931 to 1935, this building was taken over by the Taiping Sanitary Board. Today, this building is the best example of timber and brick building architecture in Taiping. The courtyard outside and the open space next to Taiping Municipal Gallery (called Laman Budaya) also displays interesting exhibits such as a diesel locomotive named Telok Chempedak, some sections of an old railway footbridge, a railway station sign and a classic English red phone booth. These interesting attractions provide an excellent overview of the colourful history of Taiping. It is valuable by Malaysian Museum standards, thanks to the Taiping Municipal Council that has managed to upkeep the standard year by year. The Taiping Municipal Gallery is a must-visit attraction whenever visitors come to Taiping.
KFTIOARUMERPFILUSINEMGS EDCEOW- The Kampung Dew Fireflies jetty is located SIGHTSEEING | Taiping Highlight near the highway exit at Kamunting Toll The best place to witness the wonders of Plaza (North Taiping), about 1km away. 73 fireflies in Perak is Kampung Dew. The It is 45 minutes away from Pulau Pinang village is named after a British Officer, and 30 minutes away from Ipoh by car. Arthur T. Dew, the owner of Perak Tengah Other than watching fireflies, you can also Estate during colonial times. An array experience and observe the process of of interesting packages is offered to making mangrove coal here. Moreover, do visitors who wish to experience watching treat yourself by having the famous crab the fireflies at night. Visitors will also be mee while you are here. able to embrace the natural beauty of the mangrove forest as well as the fauna that ADDRESS call this place home. Kampung Dew Fireflies Eco Tourism, Pejabat Penyelaras Jeti Kg Dew, 34700 Fireflies, in Malay, are called Kelip-kelip. Simpang Taiping. The species of fireflies here are mostly the Pteroptyx tener where its light flashes PHONE NO. together at once. Although the fireflies +019- 5781075 here are very small, they emit very bright lights that will never fail to amaze you. VISITING HOURS Some believe that fireflies can bring good Open Daily, 9am – 11pm. luck and make wishes come true. GPS COORDINATES 4.908799, 100.665171
PERAK MUSEUM SIGHTSEEING | Tourist Information Centre This museum is the oldest museum in over a hundred years old such as animal Peninsular Malaysia.It is located in species like the Benturong and Pulasan, the town of Taiping, about 85 km from skeletons and scores of animal skeletons Ipoh, the capital of Perak. It is also near and smoked clay which are either extinct the Taiping Prison, about 3 km from town. or extremely hard to find. Most of these The whole building has been gazetted collections and artifacts are displayed in as National Heritage Site in 2009. The the museum’s four main galleries housed building was first constructed in 1883 and in an almost 120 year old building. 74 it completed 3 years later. The building is unique due to its Moorish design combined COLLECTIONS AND GALLERIES with Neo classical and Victorian styles The Nature Gallery exhibits all kinds of from Europe; creating a nice blend of East animal, bird, fish, snail and herbarium meets West architecture. During the British species, all of which are housed in unique colonial era, the Perak Museum used to exhibition cases aged over a hundred serve as a center for collection, research years old. They are also placed in various and experiment of ethnology, zoology, kinds of dioramas which records a British- archeology, herbarium and minerals. style presentation method while retaining a wild habitat environment that is both Most of the museum’s earlier collections interesting and full of great ecstatic are ethnological and anthropological elements. items. Geological, botanical and enthamobological collections make up The Cultural Gallery displays collections additional specimens. To date, the total and artifacts from various types of of accumulated collections is 8,474, handiworks, handicrafts and weavings consisting of 5,074 cultural collections, 523 of the Malaysian people, especially from nature collections and 2,877 miscellaneous Perak, such as a unique weaving made by collections including archaeological the Sultan of Perak’s mother. Weavings of items. The Perak Museum is rich in the Tudung Saji (food cover), Tikar Pandan ethnological, historical, archaeological and Mengkuang (Pandan and Mengkuang and ethamobological collections. Some mats) as well as baskets reflect the artistic of them are classified as rare collections finesse in these handiworks. They are also unique, fascinating and full of ecstatic values that are increasingly hard to find this decade.
The Clay and Indigenous People Gallery Perasapan all of which are well over 100 SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions is an abundant source of collections and years old. The museum also organizes artifacts. Perak is one of the states which moving exhibitions especially to schools is home to a lot of indigenous people from around the Taiping township and nearby the Proto Malay, Senoi and Negrito tribes. towns usually upon request by schools The Indigenous People Gallery in this who are interested. Among presented museum is a window to displaying the great topics are Glorious Taiping and The Perak handiwork skills of the afore mentioned Sultanate. tribes. Of note is their astonishing display of creating clothes from wood pulp, their ADDRESS 75 traditional musical instruments as well Jalan Taming Sari, 34000 Taiping, Perak. as their great sculptures and crafting PHONE NO. arts such as mannequins and masks, +605-807 2057/+605-808 0145 adaptated countless times in medical and WEBSITE magical ceremonies. Clay works displayed by the museum are traditional industrial VISITING HOURS products such as Labu, Geluk, Belanga, Daily, 9am – 6pm Labu Pucung, Buyung, Kukusan and GPS COORDINATES 4.8601676, 100.7455335
MATANG COLLECTIONS MUSEUM The museum’s collections consist of all types of artifacts related to the chronology The Matang Historical Museum (formerly of events leading to the establishment of the museum itself. known as The Kota Ngah Ibrahim PERMANENT EXHIBITION Historical Complex) is located at Matang The museum’s permanent exhibitions displays artifacts related to the chronology (formerly known as Permatang), Perak. of the building’s construction and the building’s usage beginning from Cek Long It was built by Ngah Ibrahim, who carried Jaffar’s family, Ngah Ibrahim, English Rule, Japanese Occupation, Matang Malay the title Orang Kaya Menteri Paduka Teaching College and the Malay School. Tuan. He was the son of Cek Long Jaffar, ADDRESS Kota Ngah Ibrahim Matang, 34750 Taiping, the first Malay who opened tin mines in Perak. 76 the Larut, Matang and Selama areas in PHONE NO. 1840. This museum also doubled as a +605-847 7970 SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions home, fort and administrative center and WEBSITE covers an area of 0.8094 hectares. This VISITING HOURS building was constructed using only rock Daily, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. based materials. After Ngah Ibrahim’s GPS COORDINATES 4.812629, 100.6758821 death in Singapore on February 4, 1895, the building was put under the English administration until it was converted into the Matang Malay Teaching College (1913- 1922). During the Japanese occupation in the Malay States (1941-1945), it functioned as the Japanese Army’s headquarters. After Japan surrendered and the World War II ended in 1946, it was transformed into a Malay School (1946-1983). The fort was converted into the Matang Historical Museum beginning in 1986 and was handed over to the Department of Museumsand Antiquities (Now, Department of Museums Malaysia).
MATANG Matang Mangrove Eco-Educational SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions MANGROVE Centre (MMEC) was established in EEDCOUC- ATIONAL 1992 and is managed by Perak State CENTRE Forestry Department with the aim to provide recreation facilities, eco-tourism opportunity and improve public awareness regarding the importance of forestry. Matang mangrove is acknowledged as being one of the best managed mangroves in the world with a management history of more than 100 years. Due to its unique habitats and ecosystems, high in biodiversity, and reputation of remarkable sustainable forest management, Matang not only has become a renowned destination for ecotourism, but also a centre for research and education activities. Visitors are able to learn about the 77 mangrove ecosystem while strolling on boardwalk which zigzags through a stretch of mangrove forest featuring different flora and fauna. A day in Matang mangrove would absolutely satisfy photographers with amazing scenery and also wildlife shots. Others facilities that have been developed here are interpretation centre, accommodations facilities (i.e. chalet, dormitory and campsite), halls, carparks, toilets and so on. This centre also house a jetty which enable visitors to take a boat ride to nearby attractions such as Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary, fishing villages, fish farm, eagle show, dolphin, and also nightly display of mesmerizing fireflies. ADDRESS Jalan Taiping – Kuala Sepetang, 34650 Kuala Sepetang, Perak. PHONE NO. +605-858 1762 / +605-807 2762 WEBSITE OPERATING HOUR Daily, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. GPS COORDINATES 4.8403973, 100.6359968
SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions butter as the coastal village is surrounded by at least 40,700 hectares of mangrove forest. KUALA SEPETANG CHARCOAL KILNS Kuala Sepetang used to be called Port Weld. This place holds many of Taiping’s valuable history such as being the site of first train station in the country. Kuala Sepetang is also famous for its delicious prawn mee. But, Kuala Sepetang is also famous for its charcoal- processing industry. 78 The charcoal business has been the community’s identity since the 1900. There is no surprise to why charcoal manufacturing has been their bread and
For almost eight decades, the Kuala Bukit Gantang Homestay offers an Sepetang’s charcoal has been interesting package for visitors who wish acknowledged as one of the best in Asia. to spend their time here. Inclusive in the Furthermore, it still receives high demands package are a welcoming event, breakfast, locally and internationally. Currently, it is lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, a stay in a estimated that 144 charcoal manufacturers local foster family’s residence, as well as and more than 300 stoves are still in engaging activities with the respective business in Kuala Sepetang. Almost foster family and local residence. 70% of the charcoal production in Kuala Sepetang gets imported to two East Asian Some of the interesting and fun activities SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions countries while the rest are sold locally. that visitors can participate in during their stay include traditional games, mock Malay wedding, a guided tour around the village and Taiping town, Plant A Tree programme as well as an event for token of appreciation giveaway. ADDRESS 79 Jalan Kuala Kangsar, 34850 Changkat Jering, Perak. PHONE NO. +605-855 1311/+6012-4842742 E-MAIL [email protected] GPS COORDINATES 4.775403, 100.76849 BUKIT GANTANG HOMESTAY Bukit Gantang is a village nestled in a hilly area in Changkat Jering, Perak. The village got its name due to the fact that it is located among a series of hills making the settlement looks like it is placed inside a giant bushel (Malay : gantang). Bukit Gantang is also famous for its delicious seasonal durian, a popular tropical fruit with sweet or bittersweet creamy flesh. It is also located nearby other tourist destinations such as Kampung Dew Fireflies as well as Kuala Sepetang’s charcoal factory.
SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions TAIPING PRISON GALLERY TRONG HOT SPRING As a result from the skills certification Trong Hot Spring, the first of its kind programme, Taiping Prison Gallery is in Taiping, is a public hot spring pool born and it serves as a center for selling area that has become a popular tourist the convicts’ handicrafts, woodworks attraction in Taiping. It is located in Batu and such. Located just opposite of the 9, covering an area of one acre. The Taiping Prison, the gallery now stores establishment has been operating since products such as ceramics, metal works, 2002, consisting of two big pools, three wood works, leather products, book spine, smaller pools, changing rooms as well as bamboo crafts and pillows. Their products a lounging area where you can relax and are sold with a very reasonable price while soak your feet in the hot spring water. keeping the traditional elements intact in 80 each of their design. Other than ready- The main attraction of Trong Hot Spring made products, visitors can also place is the herbal bath, foot soak and bathing their order for custom made pieces. This facilities. The hot spring here is unique as can be done at the gallery itself or call the the water level is above ground level and phone number provided below. it remains warm even in cold weather. It is a popular attraction, usually frequented by ADDRESS the locals especially during the weekends. Jalan Taming Sari, 34000 Taiping, Perak. A lot of people come here to relax and it is beneficial for our health, as it is known PHONE NO. that hot spring water has a lot of natural +605 8072177 – 510/509 minerals that can be remedial for various ailments. EMAIL [email protected] ADDRESS Kolam Air Panas, Batu 9, Jalan Trong, VISITING HOURS 34850 Changkat Jering, Perak. Mon – Fri, 8am – 5pm. Closed at 12pm – 2.45pm on Fridays. PHONE NO. +605-8553990 GPS COORDINATES 4.8605665, 100.7476223 VISITING HOURS Daily, 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. GPS COORDINATES 4.7529556, 100.7209386
SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions 81 ANTONG COFFEE MILL SINCE 1933 Antong Coffee Mill makes Taiping The historical city proud and as become an iconic landmark. Since 1933, charcoal grilled coffee gives a unique aroma that makes your morning an even better one! ADDRESS No. 8A Jalan Syed Burhan Taiping Perak, 34000 Taiping, Perak. PHONE NO. THE OLDEST COFFEE FACTORY +6012-5068671 / +605-8075189 WEBSITE OPERATING HOUR Daily, 8.30am – 5.30pm GPS COORDINATES 4.854793, 100.732977
PERAK BOTANICAL GARDEN, TAIPING Using the concept of a living plant museum, the Perak Botanical Garden is The Perak Botanical Garden is the latest a centre for the collection and exhibition of various plant species which have their tourist attraction in Taiping with a total own aesthetic and scientific value. The uniqueness of the Perak Botanical Garden 82 area of 56.5 acres. It is located in the is further enhanced with the combination Taiping Lake Garden, which is the oldest of ecotourism and recreation, particularly recreational activities that help to improve public park in Malaysia, and which is the interaction between humans and nature. more than 140 years ago. The Perak VISITING HOURS Botanical Garden is unique in its theme Daily, 8.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. and botanical collection. The theme is as a heritage park, which combines four main functions namely, conservation, research, education and recreation. It also focuses on the social and cultural elements of the local communities in Perak and also the states in the North of Peninsular Malaysia, namely Kedah, Penang and Perlis.
SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions ETHNO VALLEY TRONG LEISURE FARM & RESORT Ethno Valley was operated on address Trong Leisure Farm & Resort provides an Lot 4576, Jalan Baru, Kg.Senduk, Bukit impressive display of natural splendour, Gantang, 34850 Taiping, Perak. The main especially for those who love ducks. activities this place is supply and process Trong Leisure Farm & Resort is the First many types of herb. There are many Duck themed leisure farm in Malaysia. activities such as achery, mounted a horse Trong Leisure Farm & Resort land was and jungle tracking. established in January 2011. Trong Leisure Farm & Resort overlooks the ADDRESS tranquil and scenic lake, it a leisure place Jalan Baru, Kampung Senduk, 34850 where everyone can enjoy the fun and Changkat Jering, Perak. learning of Duck Farming. 84 PHONE NO. Trong Leisure Farm & Resort’s land is +605-855 1104/+6019-5796169 estimated to have 70 acres of duck farms to visit and has around 60,000 of ducks in WEBSITE the farm. The species of the duck is known as ‘Peking Duck’. Besides visiting Trong duck farm to get closer with the ducks and VISITING HOUR feed the ducks; it also adds on various Daily entertainment Trong Lakeside Leisure Resorts also provides for accommodation; GPS COORDINATES Trong Lakeside Seafood Restaurant 4.7508268, 100.7521206 provides the special Duck dishes and various seafood dishes. The popular tourist attraction is located about 10km from the Toll Plaza Changkat Jering and 1.5km from Trong. ADDRESS PT293, Jalan Kuala Trong, 34800 Terong, Perak.
PHONE NO. and 1942. British, Australian, Malay and +6010-464 0918 / +6010-464 2917 / Chinese soldiers are buried here, +6012-549 8978 including one soldier from the Netherlands WEBSITE Army. Their remains were recovered from soonhockduckfarm battlefields and from temporary burial VISITING HOURS grounds in the surrounding area. Daily 9am - 7pm GPS COORDINATES The cemetery was begun by No.46 War SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions 4.7112286, 100.7081509 Graves Registration Unit of the British Army after the end of the war. It was TAIPING divided into sections for Christian, Muslim, WMEAMRORIAL Buddhist and Hindu servicemen. In the 1950s, the site was redesigned by CWGC architect Colin St Clair Oakes, who served with the British forces in Burma during the war. Wooden grave markers were replaced with headstones, while the Cross of Sacrifice and Stone of Remembrance were installed. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission operates in 23,000 locations 85 The Commonwealth War Graves across 154 countries and commemorates Commission (CWGC) Taiping War 1.7 million members of Commonwealth Cemetery is a picturesque cemetery forces who died in both World Wars. In carved out of the jungle at the foot of the Malaysia, the CWGC commemorates Taiping Hills. Visitors are welcome to visit nearly 7,300 Commonwealth servicemen the tranquil site, and spend some time of both World Wars, including at CWGC reading posts on the military gravestones. Labuan War Cemetery in eastern Malaysia Visitors are also encouraged to reflect and and the Cheras Road Cemetery in Kuala recollect sacrifices made by those who Lumpur. died on the battlefield to defend Malaysia. The CWGC Taiping War Cemetery is More than 860 Commonwealth servicemen open at all times and staff are on site from the Second World War are buried from Monday to Friday from 08:00am to here, of which over 530 remain unidentified. Many died during the Japanese invasion of Malaya (now Malaysia) in late 1941
SIGHTSEEING | Sights & Attractions 5:00pm. Taiping is a town in Perak State, England. The most popular attraction is in the north-west of Penisular Malaysia, at Taiping Lake Ride & Cruise, where you and can be reached by motorway from and your friends can take a Paddleboat Penang or from Ipoh. The CWGC Taiping adventure to explore the many corners War Cemetery is 2km North East of Taiping of the lake. For families seeking a more town, past the Taiping Lake Garden along relaxing time, sign up for the Solar Boat waterfall road. It is locally known as Tanah Lake Cruise to experience Lake Garden’s Perkuburan Perang Taiping. stunning scenery from the boat. The Solar Boat travels to Bourgenvilla Point, Silver Find out more about the Commonwealth Jubilee Jetty, South Lake and many more. War Graves Commission at the website Bicycles are also available for rent. or via twitter (@cwgc), facebook, instagram or youtube. Download TYPE OF RIDES the free War Graves App to help plan your For big groups, do book early to avoid trip to the site, or use to find war graves disappointment and even grab a special near to your location. Available from the rate! Plus, check out their convenience App Store and Google Play. store with souvenirs and food galore as well as an art centre offering novices a 86 stab at Malaysian crafts making. TAIPING RIDE & CRUISE ADDRESS Explore the famous Taiping Lake Gardens, Jalan Taman Tasik, 34000, Taiping, Perak. a beautiful wonder perfect for a scenic walk and an unforgettable lake adventure. VISITING HOURS Located an hour drive down south from Monday - Thursday 10am-7.30pm, Penang, or three hours’ drive up north Friday - Sunday 9am-7.30pm from Kuala Lumpur, the 94-hectare lake is considered one of Perak’s most charming PHONE NO. nature views. Taiping Lake Gardens was +605 808 2355 or +6012 523 2204 formerly a tin mine until 1880, when it was transformed into a lake with a natural WEBSITE view that resembles the Lake District of EMAIL [email protected]
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