Activity 2 “Form the Word”Arrange the letters and identify the word in the box to suit the following word meaning/descriptions.Clue: Each word starts with the colored letter. OI1. Inflammation of one or both testicles RHT I CS2. Failure to release an egg each menstrual cycle TOLN AVI3. Cause of anovulation, a condition in which the blood contains an excess amount of the hormone prolactin. ONUA REPYH PCRA LOIN AMIE4. Tissue interferes with the passage of released eggs to ESIS or through the fallopian tubes. RI ODE MNTO5. Inability of a man to achieve or keep an erection and engage in sexual intercourse EI T NO6. The complete absence of sperm in the semen MC7. A problem of varicose changes in veins PE surrounding the testicles ZAOI8. Inadequate quantity of sperm in the semen OAE to fertilize an egg readily SRPM9. Prevent normanl cooling of the testicles thereby CC I raise the testicular temperature which impairs EVAL sperm production ROE10. The endometrium (lining of the uterus) is not prepared to nourished the fertilized egg. IOSM IRLARefer to the answer key. OGPE VSIS T A CI IROE LAETUL -ESAHP STCFED
Dr. Linda Lim - Varona, an internal medicine specialist, has a column in the Health and HomeMagazine entitled “Dear Doctor”. She answers and gives advice to questions on health related problemssent by readers. If you were Dr. Varona, how would you answer the following questions? What advices orinformations would you give the letter-senders?Activity 3 Dear Doctor Q: I’m 28 years old and have been married for three years. However, until now I still don’t havea baby. My husband and I have not used any contraceptive. My husband, a seaman, has confessed that hehas been infected with STD during one of his journeys. Can this be a reason why we cannot have a child? Q: I’m 30 years old and still single. I am afraid to marry because I am diabetic and also suffer fromthyroid disease. Do you think I can still have a child when I get married? Q. My wife is a career-oriented, loving and beautiful woman. Really I cannot ask for more. Wehave been married for five years and still childless. She has been diagnosed of having a rare kind ofallergy, sort of immunological factor. Her body produces antibodies that kill sperm before it can penetratean egg cell. What can we do to make our marriage complete? What is the problem common to the three letter-senders? What causes their problems? Yes, their problem is related to infertility. Do you know that problems of infertility can beprevented and treated as well? In what ways? Read and understand very well the next lesson.Lesson 2 Infertility – Prevention and Cure The numerous treatments for infertility depend on their causes. Actually, determining the causeand treatment of infertility are both demanding tasks. Fortunately, recent developments in therapy havehelped increase the number of once infertile couples achieve pregnancy. Some causes of infertility can be prevented if reproductive health care is practiced. There aresome causes though, which can not be corrected anymore. However, through advanced medicine and technology various means of insemination or embryotransfer may be possible so that the woman can still become pregnant. Below is a diagram showing the two categories of infertility therapy.
Activity 1 TherapygramAnalyze the diagram below. IINFERTILITY THERAPY THERAPY To RESTORE ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY Women (ART)• Eliminate faulty • Treatment for injection • Medical advances allow couples timing • Administer gonadotropin to have biologic child.• Treatment of releasing hormone - Zygote Intrafallopian Infection • Surgery microsurgical Transferr (ZIFT)• Use of human technique - Gamete Intrafallopian pituitary gonadotropin • Treatment of Transfer (GIFT)• Correction by surgery superovulation therapy - Other ART Techniques - Electro ejaculation• Psychological Men - Aspiration technique Therapy Penile Injection - Intracytoplasmic sperm Vacuum Construction Device injection Answer the following questions. 1. What are the two categories of infertility therapy? 2. Differentiate the two categories. 3. Enumerate the therapy to restore fertility procedures for men. 4. Enumerate the therapy to restore fertility procedures for women. 5. List down the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) proceduresASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY (ART) ART is a modern medical technology which helps the woman of an infertile couple becomespregnant. The ART health care team includes physicians, psychologists, embryologists, laboratorytechnicians, nurses and allied health professionals who work together to help infertile couples.IN-VITRO FERTILIZATION (IVF) IVF is recommended as first line therapy and the most commonly used technique of ART.
The picture below shows how IVF procedure is done from A-E. A. The physician uses a needle to remove eggs from ovary. B. The eggs and sperm from a donor are combined in Petri dish C. If fertilization occurs, the fertilized eggs are retrieved and transferred by a canula. D. The eggs are placed in an incubator. E. The fertilized eggs are transferred to the uterus. Are you amazed at what modern science can do? Research shows that there is no higher risk of genetic abnormalities in the child conceived withART. But the risks involve the medication and procedure used to remove the eggs. These risks includehemorrhage, infection, damage to adjacent organs, over stimulation of ovaries which causes ovarianenlargement and abdominal discomfort. In addition, there is an increased chance of multiple preg-nancy.Activity 2 What’s the Issue? If you were in a debate, which side will you choose - YES or NO - on the issue: Scienceshould continue on researching and promoting ART. Why? Write your explanation in your notebook.Lesson 3 Attitude Towards Infertility Being infertile does not mean that a man is any less masculine or that a woman is any less feminine.Infertility does not make anyone incomplete or defective. It has nothing to do with attractiveness orsexual prowess. Moreover, it should not affect a couple’s relationship negatively. Attitudes toward conception vary greatly. Some people believe that having no child is already outof their control and they just have to accept such reality. This may be their religious or ethical position.On the other hand, some couples lose no hope of having their biologic child. They strongly believe toachieve that end, with no tests to prolong, no complicated therapy to undergo, and no expense, procedure,or hardship to experience.
Activity 1 “Face the Case”In not less than fifty (50) words, express your decision on the matter.“If , during my marrying years, I can not have a child. I will ........”Consider the following: 1. Do you think you are making the right move? 2. Does your action conform with your beliefs? 3. Do you really feel happy with your decision?Activity 2 Ten Commandments on Fertility Below is a list of health practices in relation to fertility and infertility. Which of these practices doyou like to follow?Write the adverbs of your choice for the following “DO’s” Very often Oftentimes Sometimes Seldom Never1. You shall eat healthy foods2. You shall not smoke3. You shall sleep well4. You shall not take alcoholic beverages5. You shall seek treatment for infection early and properly6. You shall consult proper authority on fertility problem7. You shall practice safe sex when the right time comes8. You shall avoid having sex with more than one partner9. You shall avoid stress10. You shall be cautious with your reproductive health at all times. Do you think it is hard to follow the ten commandments? Can you make a commitment andpromise to take care of your reproductive health?Let’s go to the next lesson.
Lesson 4 Early Marriage: Factors to be Considered Babes, 17, and only in the first year of her Nursing Course, is six months pregnant. She and herboyfriend, also 17, plan to marry after she gives birth. Her boyfriend does not have a job, besides he isalso still a college student. Do you think their marriage will be a happy and a successful one, ten years after? Teenage marriages usually happen in haste. This makes them unprepared to adapt to married life.They are not ready to assume the responsibilities of marriage. Their roles as husband and wife may notyet be very clear to them especially about rearing their own children. They may not have clear prioritiesin life. There are several factors to be considered in determining an individual’s readiness for marriage. These are: - age - parental resentment - health - length of acquaintance - finances - motivation - emotional independenceActivity 1 “Marriages Done in Haste Goes to Waste!” Read the dialogue between Ryan and Babes, newly wed, ages 18 and 17 respectively. Husband - (1) Sweetheart! I will be late. The BERKS will meet me at “The Mars”. You can go to sleep. Don’t bother to wait for me anymore. Wife - (2) Why do you still go to discohouse and come home the next morning? You are a married man now! (3) I’m already seven months pregnant and you allow me to sleep alone! Husband - (4) I’m just having fun with friends. Why do you complain? (5) Mommy is supporting our needs anyway. Wife - (6) When will you try to look for a job? (7) I can feel that your mom resents me. Husband - Don’t worry. She just doesn’t know you well yet. (8) We’ve met only a month before our marriage. Wife - (9) If only I didn’t try to get away from my parents!! (weep alone).Answer the following questions: 1. In statement number 1 and 4 of Ryan, what kind of attitude did he manifest? If he is emotionally matured will he act the same way? 2. In sentence number 2 of Babes, did she show tolerance? Do you think their being 17 years old has something to do with their attitudes?
3. What is the problem of Babes in statement 3? What is she concerned about at the moment? Is her body full and ready to adapt to the demands of giving birth and rearing a baby? 4. When Babes uttered sentence 6, what must be the problem of the couple? Can they assume financial responsibility of supporting themselves and an infant? 5. Is Ryan emotionally independent when he said statement 5? Is he prepared to give outmost loyalty to his spouse? 6. Babe’s statement 7 reveals her feeling. What factor explains such feeling? 7. What factor explains statement 8? Did the couple have enough time to really know each other? 8. What factor explains statement 9? Did Babes have a good reason why she got married? There are indicators that the more mature the couple is at marriage, the greater likelihood themarriage will be stable. They have better chance to survive the test of time in marriage. Do you support this statement? Why?Activity 2 “What If” If Ryan and Babes had a chance to recall their situation before getting into early marriage, howwould they plan their life as husband and wife to make their marriage succeed? 1. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of early marriage. 2. Compare marriage of young couples with that of more mature couples. Whose marriage do you think will be more likely to succeed? Why?Activity 3 “Open – Ended Statement” Complete the statements with your stand, opinion, or beliefs. 1. Before I’ll get married, I will consider...... 2. I believe early marriage can still be successful if.... 3. I will never enter into early marriage because ..... How well did you learn the lesson? If you have questions in mind and want to clarify matters, feel free to approach your teacher anddiscuss your questions with her.
Lesson 5 Marriage at Appropriate Time Marriage refers to the socially recognized and approved union of two individuals of opposite sexwith the expectations of performance and the aim of producing and rearing children. It is a relationship inwhich two people make legal their commitment or a pledge to love and care for each other. A couple is ready for marriage if they - are emotionally mature, - have more social experiences, - have stable income, - can disengage from family attachments, - can accommodate and adjust to new patterns of living, - have clear priorities in life. If you were to be asked, “When is the appropriate time for marriage?” how would you answer thequestion?Activity 1 Rank Order “When is the appropriate time for me to get married?” Rank the following statements according to your point of preference. Rank them 1-5 from highestto lowest. The appropriate time to get married is when I...... have finished studies. am 28 yrs. old have a steady job although not able to finish studies. met the man/woman I love. have clear priorities in life and sense of responsibility. Which of the statements did you rank first? 5th?Keep in mind that.... In selecting a marriage partner, compatibility should be given consideration. To be compatiblemeans to be able to get along well together. There are factors that increase the likelihood of a compatiblemarriage.
Activity 2 “Values Voting” Uncertain disagree Agree Copy the above “values voting” design in your notebook. Make a horizontal mark on any part ofthe line to indicate your stand on the following statements. A couple to be compatible must have... 1. similar values and beliefs 2. clearly defined goals 3. similar intelligence and educational experience 4. families that have similar philosophies 5. ability to communicate to each other 6. physical attraction to each other 7. healthful attitudes about marriage and sex 8. equal sense of commitment to the importance of marriage 9. similar view about having and rearing children 10. similar age. Describe a successful marriage. When do you say it is successful? In what ways? Do you believe these factors can help increase the likelihood of a succesful marriage? Why? Do you belive having a successful marriage can be achieved?Lesson 6 Uplifting the Quality of Life “Life is what we make it”, people say. Success in life depends on how you set your goals and howyou work hard to achieve them. You have to develop life skills which can be useful to you in attainingyour objectives. These are lifeskills in: - developing attitude toward family and home - planning career - developing short and long term goals - making decisions Have you ever imagined who you are, where you are, how you are doing several years from now?
Activity 1 Can This Be Me? Sketch a picture of yourself ten years from now.Write a brief description of yourself in a bubble.Activity 2 “ This is My Life”Copy the Lifeline chart. 1. Write your date of birth on the space provided for. 2. In each stage of your life, write your plans or goals and the expected outcome. 3. Do not forget to write your signature.Lifeline 20 yrs 30 yrs 40 yrs 50 yrs 60 yrs 70 yrs 10 yrs 1. What are your plans and goals for every stage of your life? 2. What are the expected outcomes of your plans? 3. Are you happy with your plans? To dream and to aspire is not bad most specially if it is aimed for a happy and productive life in thefuture. What is important is careful planning to reach your goal. For example, when you plan to get married and become responsible parents, you must have inmind the quality of family life you like to build. Hence it is important to consider with your future partneryour readiness for marriage, the size of the family that you would like to have, the right time when youwill be ready to provide adequately family needs.Let’s summarize! • There are a variety of factors which cause infertility among men and women. • The causes of infertility among men include problems with the testicles, hormone disorders and infections. • Mechanical problems like impotence and premature ejaculation can also cause infertility. • Causes of infertility among women include anovulation, abnormalities of fallopian tube, endometriosis, luteal-phase defects, uterine factors, cervical factor, immunologic factors and pelvic inflammatory diseases.
• Recent developments in therapy have increased the number of once infertile couples who can achieve pregnancy.• There are two categories of infertility therapy: Therapy to Restore and Assisted Reproductive Technology• Therapy to restore provides infertility therapy to both men and women.• Medical advances allow couples to have biologic child.• IVF is recommended as first line therapy and the most commonly used technique of ART.• Research shows there is no higher risks of genetic abnormalities in child conceived with ART.• The medication and the procedure used to remove the eggs in ART involve risks.• Attitude toward conception vary greatly.• There are factors to be considered in determining an individual’s readiness for marriage.• There are factors that increase the likelihood of a compatible marriage. POST TEST1. Research shows there is no risk of genetic abnormalities in the child conceived with AssistedReproductive Technology (ART)a. true c. not certainb. false d. not known2. The complete absence of sperm in the semen.a. anemia c. azoospermiab. obligospermia d. hyperprolactinemia3. Failure to release an egg each menstrual cycle.a. superovulation c. anovulationb. ovulation d. gonadotropin4. A problem of varicose changes in vein surrounding the testicles.a. luteal-phase defects c. varicositiesb. vasectomy d. varicocele5. Attitudes towards conception vary greatly.a. undecided c. agreeb. uncertain d. disagree6. Sperm allergic women produce antibodies that kill sperm before sperm penetrates an egg.a. uterine factor c. pelvic inflammatory diseaseb. cervical factor d. immunologic factor7. The most commonly used technique of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) a. Gamete intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) c. In-Vitro-Fertilization (IVF) b. Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) d. Intracytoplasmic Injection
8. Cause of infertility among men.a. orchitis c. diabetesb. cervical factor d. endometriosis9. The risks of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) involve the medication and procedure used to remove the eggs. Which of the following is not considered as a risk?a. abdominal discomfortb. increased chances of multiple pregnancyc. overstimulation of ovariesd. damage to adjacent organs10. Which is not a therapy for impotence?a. psychological therapy c. penile injectionb. treatment of superovulation therapy d. vacuum constriction device
Pre-Test Key to Correction 1. a 6. d 2. c 7. c 3. b 8. a 4. a 9. a 5. c 10. b 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. cLesson 1Activity 2 “ Form the Word” 1. orchitis 2. anovulation 3. hyperprolactiemia 4. endometriosis 5. impotence 6. azoospermia 7. varicocele 8. oligospermia 9. varicosities 10. luteal – phase defectsLesson 2Activity 2 Let’s Analyze 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. EPost Test 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. c
HEALTH EDUCATION III MODULE 6 Health Skills Never Spill! What this module is all about Non-communicable diseases are non-infectious, non transferable nor can easily be transmitted. Thesediseases may be caused by the lifestyle of the individual including improper nutrition and stress management.Heredity is also a factor in the development of these diseases. Some environmental factors like chemical andchange of season also contribute to the onset of these diseases. Non-communicable diseases should not be taken for granted because they may disable individualsfrom being useful citizens. They can be life threatening or worst may lead to death. Nevertheless, non-communicable diseases are not hopeless cases. They can be prevented and treated if diagnosed early. This module will help you understand the causes, prevention and treatment of common non-communicablediseases. The usefulness of herbal plants as alternative medicine and the regulatory laws for the maintenance ofcommunity health are also discussed in the module. What you are expected to learn from this module At the end of the module, you shall have: 1. analyzed the causes, prevention and treatment of some non-communicanle diseases. 2. identified the use of alternative medicine particualrly the herbal plants in treatment of common diseases. 3. identified the significance of regulatory laws and health services in the maintenance of community health.
How to learn from this module This module is specially designed to help you learn the lessons on non-communicable diseases, the useof alternative medicine, and the regulatory laws and ordinances enacted to protect community health. To guideyou on how to learn from this module, read and understand very well the following instructions: 1. Prepare and set your mind on this module before you begin. 2. Observe honesty in doing all the activities from pre-test to the post-test. 3. Try to give your best in doing the activities. 4. Do not allow anybody to do the activities for you. However you may ask assistance from your teacher for clarification of certain issues/problems. 5. Do not turn the page if unfinished, or never leave an unacccomplished page. 6. Have a special notebeook for your notes and answers. 7. Have fun in doing the activities 8. Take good care of this module. Let’s try to find out what you already know about the lesson. Do not be afraid to take the pre-test. Itis just a pre-assessment of what you already know. Turn the page and answer the pre-test confidently! PRETESTChoose the best answer. Write the letters only.1. What is the condition in which fatty deposits accumulated in and render the lining of the arterywalls?a. Atheromas b. Plaques c. Arteriosclerosis d. Atherosclerosis2. What instrument is used to measure blood pressure?a. Thermometer b. Sphygmomanometer c. Barometer d. Anemometer3. Which of the following is uncontrollable risk factor?a. Smoking b. Obesity c. Heredity d. Lifestyle4. Which one is not a warning sign of cancer? c. wheezing a. Sore that does not heal d. obvious change in waist or mole b. unusual bleeding or discharge5. What disease is characterized by increased thirst and frequent urination?a. Asthma b. Diabetes c. Heart Diseases d. Cancer6. Which of the following can promote cancer?a. too much exposure to sun c. non smokingb. no alcohol intake d. watching diet high in fats or nitrate-cured
7. What is the most common procedure of preparing herbal medicine?a. decoction b. frying c. steaming d. broiling8. Which of the following is not a treatment for cancer?a. Chemo therapy c. radiation therapyb. immuno therapy d. chelation therapy9. What medicinal plant is used for mild hypertension?a. ampalaya leaves c. garlic clovesb. guava leaves d. oregano10. Which agency gives free health services in every barangay?a. Department Health c. Philippine National Red Crossb. Health Centers d. Department of Social Welfare and DevelopmentYou may look at the key to corrections.Lesson 1 Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels Are you aware that the heart weighs only about a pound but manages to pump about 2000 gallons ofblood a day through the circulatory system? The blood provides the tissue cells with the oxygen and nutrientsthey need. If circulation of the blood is interrupted for more than a few minutes, sudden death may occur. The heart works constantly every minute of our life. Because of this there is a wide range of potentialproblems and disorders. The most common are coronary heart diseases and hypertension. Analyze the diagram carefully.After analyzing the diagram, study the discussion. Take note of the termsyou will encounter and understand their meaning.
HEART ATHEROSCLEROSISCORONARY RISK FACTORS HIGH BLOOD HEART PRESSURE CONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED DISEASES RISK FACTORS RISK FACTORS (HYPERTENSION) ANGINA CONGESTIVE PULMONARY HEART COMPLICATIONSPECTORIS HEART EDEMA ATTACK FAILURE HEART STROKE KIDNEY ATTACK DISEASES ATHEROSCLEROSIS- the condition in which fatty deposists accumulate in and under the lining of the artery wall. ATHEROMAS or PLAQUES- larger accumulation of fat and calcium deposists. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS- hardening of the arteries. narrowing of the arterial lining results to lack of oxygen supplies through the blood in the different organ of the body.
Controlled Risk Factors- Uncontrolled Risk Factors-factors which you can do factors which you cannotsomething about change _______________________ • Smoking • • Age • Diabetes • Gender • Obesity • HeredityHIGH BLOOD PRESSURE• High blood (HYPERTENSION) pressure Cholesterol and dietary fatsHIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (HYPERTENSION)The blood is travelling through the arteries at a pressure thatis too high for good health; have no symptoms; has beentermed “SILENT KILLER”. High blood pressureSPHSYPHGMYMOOMMANAONOMMETEETRER (cuff andacpcerelesrsauterse gthaeugper)ocess of atAhtheetyrophsieccalaertlronsiomsrumscadlleebplroifvroiodnmg -used to measure the blood prssure. oxygen. pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. CAUSEThe primary characteristics of high blood pressure is an increase in resistance to blood flowwhen the diameter of the arterioles becomes smaller, your heart has to work harder and thepressure increases. HEART ATTACK COMPLICATIONS KIDNEY DISEASESHigh blood pressure High blood pressure can lead to Increase in blood pressureaccelerates the process of damage in the various parts in can lead to gradual failureatherolclorosis depriving the body. of the kidney to removethe heart muscles of impurities in the blood.oxygen. STROKE Stroke happens when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures (cerebral hemorrhages) or a clot or fragment of atherosclerotic plaques blocks blood flow to parts of the brain (cerebral thrombosis).
ANGINA CONGESTIVE PULMONARY HEART PECTORIS HEART EDEMA FAILURE Signs and FAILURE Signs and Signs and Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms• Pain usually Signs and • Severe shortness • Increased centered beneath Symptoms of breath prolonged chest the breast bone • Swelling • Restlessness and pain and spreads (edema) in the anxiety, feeling • Pain beyond the through the ankles; if bed of suffocating chest to the left throat, jaw or ridden, swelling • Pink, frothy shoulder and one arm in lower portion sputum arm, back and• Sensation of of back • Sweating even jaw. heaviness or • Breathlessness • Pallor • Fainting episode tightness • Weakness and • Nausea, fatigue - Occurs when vomiting and• Attacks brought high pressure in sweating on by exercise or - Serious condition the veins of the • Unstable angina emotional stress in which the heart lungs forced out loses its pumping large amount of - Occurs when the• Direct result of efficiency. This fluid into the air blood supply to a insufficient decreases blood sacs of the lungs portion of the heart blood reaching flow to tissues and muscles the heart muscle; organs throughout - Caused by incompletely or warning sign of the body. extensive heart nearly completely coronary artery attack, aortic valve shuts off. disease; the Treatment disease or exposure result of 1. Get plenty of to the high altitude Treatment atherosclerosis Do not delay rest but maintain Treatment seeking medicalTreatment mobility. 1. Receive attention1. Try to stop the 2. Restrict the amount of salt oxygen activity that consumption. through precipitates the 3. Avoid mechanical attack. alcoholic ventilation2. Stop smoking. beverages 2. Proper3. Lose extra pound 4. Maintain medication with if overweight. weight proper4. Lower appropriate to consultation cholesterol by the height diet and 5. Proper exercise. medications with5. Seek medical proper attention. consultation 6. Occasionally, surgery may be facilitated Now, are you ready to find out how much you understand the lesson? Do the next activities and findout yourself.
Activity 1 “Hidden Letter” Fill-up the blanks with correct letters to identify the word/s described below. The boxes will formthe word/s related to the lesson. 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1. The condition in which fatty deposits accumulate in the lining of the arterial wall.2. A clot or fragment of atherosclerotic plaques blocks blood flow to part of the brain.3. Used to measure blood pressure.4. Happens when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures5. Blood vessel6. Factors which you can do something about7. A behavior or condition that places you at greater risk of having a disease than if you were not exposed8. Hardening of the artery9. The silent killer10. Larger accumulation of fat deposits11.Another term for atheromas12. Factors which you cannot changeActivity 2 “Salamat Dok” Dr. Havier is in front of a panel of students who wantto be informed about heart diseases. He is a heart specialist. Ifyou were Dr. Havier, how would you answer the followingquestions. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. What is atherosclerosis? Is it dangerous? Why? 2. What is meant by risk factors? Can they be controlled? If not, why? 3. Why does blood pressure rise?Can high blood pressure lead to complications? 4. How do you know if you are suffering from the following diseases of blood vessels: a. Angina pectoris b. Congestive heart failure c. Pulmonary edema d. Heart attackLesson 2 ASTHMA, DIABETES, CANCER In lesson one, you have learned the common examples of diseases of the heart. It is equally importantto understand asthma, diabetes and cancer because although they are not contagious, they may be life-threatening too. Early diagnosis and proper attitude are two essential factors in treating these diseases. Thesefactors can help save life. If you know the signs and symptoms of these diseases, you can help save life too!ASTHMA The cause of asthma is often unknown. It is usually an inherited condition. Asthma is the leading causeof a chronic illness. It is also a common cause of absenteeism among school children who suffer from thiscondition. Asthma can be aggravated by the following: - respiratory infections - exercise - cold air/excessive heat - stress - exposure to pollen, mold spores, animal dander or house-dust mites
Signs and Symptoms 1. wheezing 2. difficultyinbreathing 3. painless tightness in the chest 4. coughing Emergency Symptoms 1. extreme difficulty in breathing 2. bluish lips and nails 3. severe breathlessness 4. increased pulse rate 5. sweating 6. severe coughing Treatment 1. Re examine activity levels and lifestyle 2. Modify strenous activity 3. Be alert to symptoms 4. Try to avoid indoor and outdoor allergies and irritants. 5. Cooperate with your physician 6. Use proper medications to control asthmaDIABETES When the body cells are unable to use the glucose in the blood stream because of lack of insulinactivity ( absence of enough hormone or resistance to the hormone), diabetes is developed. Signs and Symptoms - increased thirst - increased urination - weight loss - fatigue, nausea, vomiting - vaginitis, skin infections, blurred vision, frequent bladder infections Treatment - appropriate diet and weight control plan - a sensible approach to physical activity - use proper medication, approach physician for proper consulatation
CANCER Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. There are more than onehundred different types of cancer. People believed that cancer is an incurable disease but statistics showedthat it can be treated when it is diagnosed early.Seven Warning Signs1. Change in bowel or bladder habits2. Sore that does not heal3. Unusual bleeding or discharge4. Thickening or lump in a breast or elsewhere in the body5. Indigestion or swallowing difficulty6. Obvious change in a wart or mole7. Nagging cough or hoarsenessPrevention1. stop smoking2. limit exposure to sun3. limit alcohol intake4. weigh carefully the benefits and risks of estrogen replacement therapy5. avoid exposure to x-ray radiation6. avoid exposure to nickel, chromate, asbestos, vinyl chloride and other industrial agents7. watch diets high in fats or salt-cured, smoked or nitrate-curedTreatment- Surgery- Radiation Therapy- Chemo Therapy- Immuno TherapyActivity 1 “Wazz-Up!” Find out five words related to common non-communicable diseases and tell something abouteach word. Write your answers in your notebook. You can find them horizontally, vertically, upward anddownward. AL L E R G E N S Y S R O MAL I V I R T HQS T UXHOE H OP C A N C E R B G MD W X R O F M Y R AAMAC S L AN U Z D I AB E T E S S
Activity 2 “Doctor’s Corner” Play the role of a doctor. How would you answer the questions regarding the patient’s conditionbelow? Write your answers in your notebook. a. Mrs. Chavit’s son, after strenuous activity, experienced difficulty in breathing accompanied by coughing with wheezing sound. He also felt tightness in the chest. 1. What could have happened to Mrs. Chavit’s son? 2. What triggered his condition? 3. How can he be treated? b. Mrs. Tizon is remarkably losing weight. She experiences increased thirst and urination. She feels very tired. Occasionally she suffers from nausea and vomiting 1. What can be her condition? 2. What treatment would you advise her? c. Mrs. Crisol is in middle age, almost in menopausal stage. She considered estrogen replacement therapy. After months of therapy, she had unusual bleeding or discharge. 1. What could possibly happened to her? 2. What are the warning signs of other cases similar to her? 3. Can she still be treated? How? 4. Can her disease be prevented? How?Lesson 3 MEDICINAL PLANTS Are you aware that there are a lot of drugs, basically from plant extracts, that are used to curediseases? Careful studies and researches lead to the discovery of a lot of wonder drugs which arecommercially approved and used by consumers. The Philippines is rich in medicinal plants . These plants can be found in the backyard or homegarden! Medicinal plants can be good alternatives for costly drugs. However, it is important to be careful inthe preparation of these medicinal plants for safety and more effective results. Let’s identify some medicinal plants commonly found in our community and discover the healingpower of these herbal plants. ¾ Lagundi – for cough, asthma, fever and skin infections ¾ Oregano – for cough ¾ Sambong – for fever, asthma, edema, and to treat kidney stones ¾ Guava – for asthma, diabetes, diarrhea and for wounds ¾ Ampalaya – for hemorrhoid, diabetes and wounds ¾ Sabila orAloe Vera – to grow hair, treating burns, skin ulcer and wounds ¾ Garlic Cloves – for mild hypertension
How do we prepare these herbal plants? Most common procedure in preparing these herbal plants is through “decoction”. It is the process ofextracting the healing elements of plant parts through boiling. The extracted juice can be drunk hot or cold. Another procedure is by chopping the plants and applying it to the affected area commonly referred toas poultice.Activity 1 “MIX AND MATCH”Arrange the letters in column A to form the word and match with its use in column B.AB1. AUVAG a. cough2. APLAYAMA b. fever3. GLANDIU c. to grow hair4. GRACIL SLECOV d. diarrhea5. GROANEO e. diabetes f. mild hypertensionActivity 2 “EUREKA” Write big and important ideas/concepts you have learned from the lesson on medicinal plantsLesson 4 Regulatory Laws for Community Health and Health Services from Professional Agencies The government established regulatory laws to protect peoples’ health. Proper implementation ofthese laws and ordinances and the cooperation of the people in the community will surely result to betterquality life, the ultimate goal of health. Are you aware of the existing ordinances promulgated and being implemented in your community?Let’s study them!Existing Ordinances/Laws1. Republic Act No. 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. Some of the prohibitions of the act are the following:• Littering, throwing or dumping in public places such as roads, canals, esteros, or parks and establishments;• Open burning of solid waste;• Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated or unsorted waste;• Squatting in open dumps and landfills;• Open dumping, burying of biodegradable and non-biodegradable in flood-prone areas;• Unauthorized removal of recyclable materials intended for collection by authorized persons.
2. Republic Act No. 9275, otherwise known as The Philippine Clean Water Act enacted on March 22, 2004. Some of the prohibited acts under R.A.9275 are the following: • Discharging or depositing any water pollutant to the water body or such which will impede natural flow in the water body; • Discharging, injecting or allowing to enter into the soil anything that would pollute groundwater; • Disposal of potentially infectious medical waste into sea by vessels; • Unauthorized transport or dumping into waters of sewage or solid waste; • Transport, dumping or discharge of prohibited chemicals, substances or pollutants listed under Toxic Chemicals, Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act (R.A. No. 6969)3. Republic Act No. 8749, otherwise known as The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. Its prohibitions include the following: • Plying on the road of smoke belching vehicles; • Use of leaded gasoline; • Smoking inside a public building; enclosed public places including public vehicle and other means of transportation; in any closed area outside of one’s private residence, private place or work; or any duly enclosed designated. It is also worth knowing that there are professional agencies, which extend professional health services tothe community. These professional agencies and health services are as follows: • Department of Health – its primary concern is to promote and protect peoples’ health • Health Center – gives free health services in every barangay • Philippine Mental Health Association – helps promote mental health • Philippine Tuberculosis Society – helps patients with tuberculosis • Philippine Cancer Society – helps patients with cancer • Department of Environment and Natural Resources – protects, sustains, enhances the environment and manages the wise use of our natural resources Medical Professionals • Pediatrician – specialized in treating diseases of the children • Geriatrician – specialized in treating diseases of the elderly • Obstetrician – specialist for pregnant women • Opthalmologist – specialized in medical and surgical care of the eyes • Neurologist – specialist for brain diseases • Oncologist – specialized in the treatment of cancers and malignancies • Cardiologist – specialist for heart diseases
Activity 1 “CALL A FRIEND”Match the agencies in column Awith their services in column B. Write your answers in your notebook.Column A Column B1. Department of Health a. helps patients with cancer2. Health Centers b. helps promote mental health3. Philippine Mental Health Association c. helps patients with tuberculosis4. Philippine Cancer Society d. promote and protect peoples health5. Philippine Tuberculosis Society e. gives free health services in every barangay f. helps promote dental careActivity 2 “WHO AM I?” Identify the medical professionals described in the statement. Choose from the list below. Write youranswers in your notebook.1. I am a specialist in heart diseases2. My specialization is in medical and surgical care of the eyes3. I am a specialist for pregnant women4. I specialized in treating childrens diseases5. Treating diseases of elderly is my specialization Pediatrician Geriatrician Obstetrician Ophthalmologist Neurologist CardiologistActivity 3 “The Law Breakers” Read the following situations. Can you identify the ordinances violated? Write your answers in yournotebook. 1. Mr. De Vera’s mega taxi emitted dark and heavy smoke from its exhaust pipe. 2. Richard strolled in the park together with his girlfriend with cup of popcorn and softdrinks. They left their garbage on the ground. 3. Mr. Asuncion smokes cigarette while riding in a passenger jeep. 4. Don urinated in a public place in Marikina 5. Mang Damian threw his garbage in nearby river bank. List down 5 other situations showing violations of health ordinances commited by some people in yourcommunity
Lets summarize : • Non-communicable diseases are non transferable, non contagious but equally life threatening diseases • The blood provides the tissue cells with the oxygen and nutrients they need • If circulation of the blood is interrupted it may result to sudden death • The most common problems of the heart are coronary heart disease and hypertension • Risk factor is a condition that places a person at greater risk of having a disease • Controlled risk factors are factors which you can do something about • Uncontrolled risk factors are those which you can not change • Asthma is inherited • Diabetes is the result of lack of insulin activity • Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells • Medicinal plants can be a good alternative for costly drugs • Most common procedure in preparing herbal plants is through decoction • There are regulatory laws for community health • People can enjoy health services from professional agencies POST TESTChoose the best answer. Write the letters only.1. It is an uncontrolled risk factora. Obesity c. smokingb. Heredity d. lifestyle2. The condition in which fatty deposits accumulate in and under the lining of the artery wallsa. atherosclerosis c. atheromasb. plaques d. arteriosclerosis3. An instrument used to measure blood pressurea. anemometer c. thermometerb. barometer d. sphygmomanometer4. Activity which can promote cancer a. non-smoking b. no alcohol intake c. too much exposure to sun d. watching nitrate-cured diet
5. All are warning signs of cancer, except one a. sore that does not heal b. wheezing c. unusual bleeding or discharge d. obvious change in wart or mole6. A disease characterized by increased thirst and frequent urinationa. asthma c. heart-diseasesb. diabetes d. cancer7. All are treatment for cancer except onea. chemo therapy c. radiation therapyb. immuno therapy d. chelation therapy8. Agency which gives free health services in every barangay a. Department of Health b. Health Center c. Philippine National Red Cross d. Department of Social Welfare and Development9. Medicinal plant for mild hypertension a. ampalaya leaves b. guava leaves c. garlic cloves d. oregano10. Most common procedure of preparing herbal medicine a. decoction b. frying c. steaming d. broiling
Key to CorrectionsPRE-TEST 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. BLesson I Disease of the Heart and Blood Vessels Activity I Hidden Ladder 1. ATHEROSCLEROSIS 2. CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS 3. SPHYGMOMANOMETER 4. CEREBRAL HEMMORHAGE 5. CORONARYARTERY 6. CONTROLLED 7. RISK FACTOR 8. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 9. HYPERTENSION 10. ATHEROMAS 11. PLAQUES 12. UNCONTROLLED Activity 2 Salamat Doctor 1. Atherosclerosis is the condition in which fatty deposits accumulated in and under the lining of the artery wall. Yes, narrowing of the arterial lining results to lack of oxygen supplies through the blood in the different organs of of the body. 2. A risk factor is a condition that places you at greater risk having a disease if you were not exposed. They can be controlled. They cannot be controld because of the factors which cannot be changed like age, gender, and heredity. 3. High blood pressure arises because of stress, high cholesterol level, diseases/infection, etc. Yes. 4. Signs and symptoms a. Angina pectoris - pain beneath the breast bone and spreads through the throat, jaw; sensation of heaviness or tightness b. Congestive heart failure - swelling in the ankles, breathlessness, weakness, and fatigue c. Pulmonary endema - severe shortness of breath, restlessness, and anxiety d. Heart attack - prolonged chest pain, fainting episode, nausea, vomiting and sweating
Lesson 2 Asthma, Diabetes, Cancer Activity 1 “Wazz -Up”ALLERGENSGLUCOSECANCERDIABETESSURGERYASTHMA Activity 2 Doctor’s Cornera. 1. He may be suffering from asthma 2. exercise 3. - consult the physician and cooperate with him - use proper medications prescribed by the physician to control asthma - engage in moderate activity - avoid indoor and outdor allergens and irritantsb. 1. She may be suffering from diabetes 2. Advise her to eat appropriate diet, control her weight, exercise moderately, use proper medication prescribed by the physician, always consult the physician.c. 1. Mrs. Crisol may be suffering from cancer. 2. The other warning signs of other cases similar to the condition of Mrs. Crisol are: change in bowel movement, sore that doesn’t heal, lump in the breast or elsewhere in the body, difficulty in swallowing, indigestion, obvious change in a wart or mole, nagging cough or hoarseness of voice. 3. Yes. She should consult an oncologist, cancer specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment. 4. Yes, By consulting the physician at once when she experienced the unusual bleeding/discharged. Cancer can be prevented when detected and treated at the early stage.Lesson 3 Medicinal Plants Activity 1 “Mix and Match” 1. guava 2. ampalaya 3. lagundi 4. garlic cloves 5. oregano Activity 2 “Eureka” Medicinal plants can be good alternatives for costly drugs.
Lesson 4 Regulatory Laws for Community Health and Health Services from Professional Agencies Activity 1 “Call A Friend” 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. C Activity 2 “Who Am I?” 1. cardiologist 2. opthalmologist 3. obstetrician 4. pediatrician 5. geriatrician Activity 3 “The Law Breaker” 1. Phil. CleanAir Act of 1999 -Anti-Smoke Belching Vehicle 2. Ecological Solid Waste ManagementAct of 2000 -Anti Littering 3. The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 - Anti-smoking while in public vehicles 4. Republic Act No. 9275 or The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 5. Republic Act No. 9275 POST TEST 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
HEALTH EDUCATION III MODULE 7 Don’t Conform, Be Transformed! What this Module is all about You have personal decisions to make about alcohol. Will you or will you not drink alcohol?Will you ride in an automobile driven by someone who is drunk? What will you do if a family member ora close friend abuses alcohol Think about the many situations or incidences why people drink alcoholic beverages. Imagine thescenarios during drinking sessions. What are the visible effects of drinking on the body? Think about theproblems created by drinking alcoholic beverages. Aren’t they alarming? The information in this module will help you answer all the above questions. This will also guide youto make responsible decisions and choose a lifestyle free from the use of alcohol. What you are expected to learn from this Module After studying this module you shall have: 1. identified the different kinds and uses of alcohol, 2. analyzed the following: 2.1 reasons for using alcohol 2.2 effects and false beliefs about using alcohol, 3. engaged in different alternative activities that will help prevent alcohol abuse, 4. made the right decision when and when not to use alcohol.
How to learn from this Module Peers may exert pressure to encourage or prevent friends from using/drinking alcohol and alcoholicbeverages. The activities in this module will help and guide you in choosing a lifestyle that is alcoholfree. Before you proceed reading this module, please observe the following reminders: 1. answer the pre-test before going over the materials to find out what you already know; 2. be honest in answering the activities and the test; 3. review the lessons which you think you failed to understand; 4. ask help from your teachers if you need some help; 5. answer all the activities prepared in this module; 6. record your answer and notes taken from the lessons in your notebook; 7. answer the questions in the post test to find out how much you have learned.If you’re ready you may begin now! PRETESTLet’s see what you already know.I. Multiple Choice.Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer and write it in your notebook.1. Whisky, beer, gin and lambanog are classified as ___.a. soft drinks c. juice drinksb. alcoholic beverages d. distilled drinks2. What is the type of alcohol found in beverages?a. methyl c. rubbingb. ethyl d. distilled3. The following except one encourage people to drink alcohol beverages. a. Curiosity and Peer pressure b. TV and Print Advertisement c. Experimentation d. Affordable habit4. What do you call the feeling of nausea, headache, tiredness and thirst that follow after drinking?a. Blackout c. Alcoholismb. Hang over d. Intoxication
5. Which of the following statements is not true. When alcohol is absorbed in the blood and carried to thebrain, a. muscle coordination is impaired like walking, running and driving. b. the person becomes confused and sense of touch, smell and vision is lost. c. the person becomes mentally disturbed. d. the person becomes more energetic.I. True or False.A. Direction: Write true if the statement is correct. Change the word or group of words if the statement is wrong to make it correct. 1. Alcoholic beverages are formed by the process of fermentation. 2. Alcohol affects the person’s mental, social, physical and economic health. 3. Alcohol consumption increases urination. 4. Drinking alcohol increases the chances of accidents and injuries. 5. Saying “no” to alcohol drinking is a responsible decision that gives respect to yourself and others.B. Reason Out!Direction: Write Yes or No for each Does question. Explain your answer with a statement. Does drinking alcoholic beverages..... 6. promote health? 7. protect safety? 8. follow laws? 9. show respect for self and others? 10.follow parents’ advise?Lesson 1 Alcohol: Kinds and Uses Alcohol is a psycho active drug that can cause dangerous changes in the body. It is a depressant, akind of drug that slows down the activities of the mind and body. There are two types of alcohol: Ethyl alcohol which is found in beverages and Methyl alcohol foundin paint and thinner. Methyl alcohol is unsafe to drink. It is poisonous. When ethyl and methyl alcohol aremixed, they form denatured alcohol. It is a poisonous substance that is used for industrial purposes. Beer, wine and liquor are drinks that contain alcohol. They are called alcoholic beverages.
Alcoholic beverages are formed by theprocess called fermentation. This processoccurs when yeast cells act on sugar inthe presence of water producing a chemicalchange. The yeast combines the carbon,hydrogen and oxygen of sugar and waterinto ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.Wines are made from the fermentationof grapes and other fruits. Others are madefrom the fermentation of grains as barley,corn and rye.Activity 1 Magic Square Below are 9 definitions in Column A and 9 terms in column B. Find the letter of the definition inColumn A which best matches the numbered term in column B. Then place the number from Column Bin the correct box in the magic square. You will know you are right when each column going across,down and diagonally adds up to 15. A BCDE FGH I Column A Column BA. A psycho active and depressant drug 1. Ethyl AlcoholB. Alcohol found in beverages 2. DepressantC. Made from fermentation of grapes 3. FermentationD. Occurs when yeast cells act on sugar in 4. Denatured Alcohol 5. Yeast in the presence of H2O producing 6. Wine chemical change
E. Combines the carbon, hydrogen and 7. Alcoholic Beverages oxygen of sugar and water into ethyl 8. Alcohol alcohol and CO2. 9. Methyl AlcoholF. Beer, wine liquor are drinks that contain alcohol.G. It is formed when ethyl and methyl alcohol are mixed and used for industrial purposes.H. Found in paint and thinnerI. Drugs that slow down the activities of the mind and bodyLesson 2 Why People Drink Alcoholic Beverages and Others Don’t Most people do not drink alcohol. However, there are those who use it as medicine andsome for cooking to add flavor to food. It is also used in worship services. Drinking alcohol is commonduring birthdays or fiesta celebrations and on other occasions. Alcohol when taken in small amount doesnot change an adult’s behavior nor cause serious problems. But if drinking is to much and to often, it canlead the person to alcoholism. This a disease that causes harmful body changes as well as in personalityand behavior. When drinkers become physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol, they arecalled alcoholics. In some cases, these people did not plan to become addicted to alcohol. They justexperienced undergoing progressive stages in drinking behavior that led them to the habit of drinking.Activity 1 Tell me Why With the help of the illustrations identify the reasons why people drink alcoholic beverages.A. Does this taste good?” B. Common group. Don’t be chicken! Let’s try it.
C.“walang katapat”. Ang inumin D. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy ng tunay na lalaki” Birthday, to you....” sa’yo ang pulutan.E. “ Who’s gonna beat me!” Hik!
Activity 2 What is Joel’s problem? Read carefully the situation below.Analyze Joel’s problem.Answer the questions that follow. Joel is a shy, 14 year old boy. He wants to make friends and be with Pepito’s barkada. Pepito told him he is most welcomed to the group. One time, he was invited to the group’s drinking spree at 10 a.m. He was persuaded to join them saying, “Everybody’s doing it,” just like those in TV commercial. Joel got confused! He wanted to go but he thought he would be missing his Science class if he joins them. He remembered too his mother’s advise to go home early. 1. What was Joel’s problem? a. b. 2. What are the reasons why Pepito persuaded Joel to drink with them? a. b. c. 3. What could be Joel’s reason for refusing to drink alcoholic beverages? a. b. Why do most people choose not to drink alcohol? Surprise! Joel chose not to drink alcohol or any other kinds of drugs. Below are listed some of his I love and rersepeacst mony s commonly given also by most people. Study and analyze each of these reasons.Alcohol wpailrleanftsfe. cItdon’t wantmy them. “Drinking alcoholic” NO TO I can be prone to beverages is against ALCOHOL! accident due to the law. I’m a minor violent behavior. PROMISE!I don’t like to be Drinking might causeaddicted to alcohol. health problems. I’m too young for that.What could be your own reasons for not using or drinking alcoholic beverages?Write them down in your notebook?
Activity 3 I Believe!Directions: Place a check mark (4) on items which you have believe can be useful in stopping or preventingalcohol use. 1. I believe drinking is bad for my health. 2. I don’t want to get hooked on drinking. 3. I don’t think it looks good when people drink. 4. I believe drinking will affect my athletic skills. 5. I don’t want to get sick from drinking. 6. I think drinking won’t solve problems. 7. It costs to much to drink alcohol. 8. I don’t like the taste of alcohol. 9. I don’t drink alcoholic beverages because I want to set good example to others. 10. I can have more friends when I don’t drink. 11. I don’t drink because it’s against the law. 12. I don’t drink because I love my parents. Choose one item and explain it briefly in your notebook.Lesson 3 Effects of Alcohol on the Body Alcohol is directly and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.A small amount is absorbed throughthe tongue, then it goes to the stomach and small intestine. From there, the blood carries the alcohol to thebrain. Remember, the brain is the master control organ of the body. This means that when alcohol reachesthe brain it can affect the whole body. The person might see, talk, feel, think and move differently from theusual ways. Have you seen a person who is drunk? Did you notice the effects of alcohol on his body?Activity 1 “ Spot the Signs” Identify the effects of alcohol on the body with the help of the illustrations that follow:
Problems Related to Drinking Alcohol When drunk, a person becomes dangerous to himself and to others. People who drink a lot ofalcohol harm themselves in many ways. They lessen the control over their actions, hence, they becomeclumsy. Their vision as well as making decisions are poor. As a result, serious accidents can happen andpeople can get hurt. This is why there are laws against drinking and driving.Any activity that requires aperson to think or act quickly is not safe if the person has been using alcohol. Yes, alcohol affects the body in several ways. The more alcohol a person drinks, the moredifficulties he or she will have in performing physical tasks.Activity 2 What? So What? Now what? Look at the chart below. Read carefully and analyze the content of the three columns. What? – identifies the effects of alcohol on the body So What? - defines the consequent side effects of alcohol in the body Now what? – tells about the results of drinking too much.
What? So what? Now What?1. Drinking alcohol loses * Increase chances of * Disabilitythe physical control of the * Deathbody like walking, running, injury or accidentsdriving. * Frequent urination Personal health is2. Alcohol increases * Disrupts water balance affected urine production * Feeling of thirst always * produce bad odor Cirrhosis3. Alcohol is directly Heart attackabsorbed into the blood Affects the liver, heart; Heart strokestream from the stomach can cause gastritis,and intestine pancreatitis, anxiety and * Slurred speech * Accidents4. Approximately 30 malnutritionseconds after a drink, blood * loss of capacity tocarries alcohol to the brain * Loss of ability to think, work speak5. Alcohol causes hangover * Decrease muscle 6. Frequent alcohol drinking coordination causes blackout * Reduce ability to think Can cause * Nausea * Tiredness * Head ache * Extreme thirst Can not remember what has happenedActivity 3 “What? So What?” Make the right match. Identify the possible effects of alcohol on the body and consequences on thehealth of the individual. Write the letter before each number in your notebook.“ WHAT? “ “ SO WHAT? “1. Hang over a. Mood swing, stress, mental disorder2. Growth and development b. Loss of memory, senses3. Exercise and Fitness c. Family arguments, miscommunications, violence4. Consumer d. Destroy brain cells, affects senses, lowers body5. Personal health temperature6. Disease and Disorder e. Interferes with coordination in walking ,running,7. Mental Health and driving.8. Safety and Protection f. Causes cirrhosis of liver, stroke, heart deseases9. Job, security and insurance g. Offensive odors, increase perspiration and10. Family and Social Health urination h. nausea, tiredness, thirst, headache
h. increases accidents like drowning, falls, fires, traffic injury. i. Expensive habit, habit forming j. Absenteeism, unemploymentLesson 4 Building Decision –Making and Relationship Skills Without Alcohol A special part of being a person is making decisions. Your decisions are very important. This will affectyour safety, your health, and how you will act toward other people. Learning how to make decisions wisely isone of the most important things you will ever learn. Headlines! The Top Story! The News! Read these news bulletin. Do you know of any other alcohol-related incidence that happened in your community? Write some instances that happened, including the effects they brought to their families and community.
Responsible Decisions Below is a dialogue between Mrs. Abad and her student as they discuss the effects of alcohol and the importance of decision making whether to drink or not. “What is alcohol free lifestyle mam?” Its a lifestyle when So its dangerous and people don’t use harmful to drink? Illegal? harmful and illegal drugs like alcohol. Why do many drink alcohol and its even advertised? You mean to say, when you avoid the use of Yes that’s true. So it’s a alcohol and refuse to matter of choice. A drink you are making a decision to make. If you responsible choice? choose a drug free lifestyle you protect yourself and How will I know if others too. my decision is Very Good, you get responsible and wise? the idea, making a“ you will work better wise decision is veryand feel better if you important.choose an alcohol freelifestyle.” Take note. Use the following questions to evaluate the possible consequences of each decision you will make.Ask yourself. Will my decision result in action that will.... 1. promote health? 2. protect safety? 3. follow laws? 4. show respect for self and others? 5. follow the guidelines of parents and other responsible adults? 6. demonstrate good character?
Activity 1 Don’t conform, Be transformed! Help Allan and Rafael decide. Read the situations and answer the questions that follow. A. Allan is an outstanding baseball player in their barangay. During their victory party, his friends pressed him “to try” drinking gin. They assured him he would like it because of its good taste. Besides, everybody is doing it. His friends even promised him no one would know that he drinks. Should he conform to peer pressure? 1. What are the negative peer pressure statements used by his barkada to influence him to drink? a. b. c. 2. Why should Allan say “no”? Remember the six guide questions. a. b. c. d. e. f. B. Rafael has a family problem. His father lost his job and his mother is sick with tuberculosis. He wants to forget his problem. Is drinking a solution to forget his problem? Why? Why not?Activity 2 Be transformed! Participate in Drug Free Activities. Drug free activities can help relieve boredom so that you will not be tempted to get involved in drinkingalcohol. There are activities which you do alone by yourself and there are those which provide opportunities todo them with friends. Can you identify some of these activities which you can participate in?Are you someonewho is involved in the following activities? Put a check (4) mark for each activity you love to do. • Sports activities like basketball, volleyball, etc. • Recreational activities like swimming, chess, indoor games. • Creative arts like painting, dancing, singing • Playing musical instruments • Book lovers club, • Community outreach projects and activities • Visit, take care and share time with patients of hospitals, daycare, home for the aged, and orphanages. • Workshops on writing, arts, crafts. • New skills like cooking, baking, sewing • Enroll in vocational technology class like agriculture, automotive, refrigeration, etc.
Drug-free activities can help relieve boredomLet’s Summarize: The following are concepts you must have learned after studying the module. • Ethyl alcohol is a depressant drug found in alcoholic beverages. • Drinking alcohol may influence goal achievement, problem solving, peer relationships and criminal behavior. • Drinking alcohol decreases performance, lowers body temperature, causes disease and hangovers, blackouts and death. • Economic costs of drinking alcohol may result from injuries, accidents, work and school absenteeism, family disruption and diseases. • It is easier to say no to drinking alcohol when you choose friends who do not drink. • Don’t conform to the pressure of peers nor adults. Be transformed by making wise decisions. Now answer the post test on the next page.
POST TESTLet’s see what you have learned.Direction: Read each statement carefully and fill the blanks with the correct answers. 1. Whisky, beer and wine are called ________ _________. 2. Alcohol is a ________ drug. 3. __________ is the type of alcohol found in beverages. 4. Alcohol is absorbed directly in the ________. 5. Alcohol decreases the muscle coordination that increases chances of _______. 6. The feeling of nausea, thirst and headache that follow drinking is called ________. 7. _______ is an incurable disease that affects a person’s total health. 8. _______ and _______ encourage some teenagers to drink. 9. A lifestyle where people don’t use drugs like alcohol is ________. 10. Lets internalize.Awise and responsible decision results in actions that 11. promote _______. 12. protect _______. 13. follow _______. 14. show ________ for self and others. 15. follow ________ of parents and adults. 16. demonstrate ________.
Key toAnswersPretest: II.A. B. Cause disease I. 1. True 6. No Cause Accident/Injury 2. True 7. No Disobey Laws 1. b 3. True 8. No Disregard self and others 2. b 4. True 9. No Disobey Parents and Authority 3. d 5. True 10. No 4. b 5. dLesson 1Activity 1 Magic Square A. Alcohol B. EthylAlcohol C. Wine D. Fermentation E. Yeast F. Alcoholic Beverages G. DenaturedAlcohol H. MethylAlcohol I. DepressantLesson 2Activity 1 “ Tell me Why” A. Curiosity B. Peer pressure C. TVAdvertisement D. Celebration, like Birthday E. Dependence/AddictionActivity 2 What is Joel’s Problem? 1. a. Coping with Shyness b. Confused whether to follow rules/or not. 2. a. Everybody’s doing it. b. It is advertised c. Peer pressure 3. a. He will miss his science class b. He will disobey his mother’s advice
Lesson 3 What? So What?Activity 3 6. f 1. h 7. a 2. d 8. i 3. e 9. k 4. j 10. c 5. gActivity 1 Don’t Conform, Be Transformed! A. 1. a. “Everybody’s doing it” b. No one will know that he drinks c. “Try it” he’ll like it2. a. It will not promote health b. “ “ “ protect safety c. “ “ ‘ follow rules/laws d. “ “ ‘ show respect for self e. “ “ “ follow his parents rules f. “ “ “ show good characterB. Not a solution to the problem. It will worsen his problemPost Test:1. alcoholic beverages2. Depressant3. Ethanol4. Blood stream5. Hangover6. Hangover7. Alcoholism8. Curiosity/Experimentation9. Drug/alcohol free10. Health11. Safety12. Rules/Laws13. Respect14. Guidelines15. Good character
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