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Science Grade 3

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UNIT 2: Living Things and their Environment DRAFTApril 10, 2014 49

Chapter 1: Sense Organs In this Chapter, the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are important parts of our body to be discussed. An organ is a part which does specific work and does different things. Proper ways of caring our sense organs are important. Lesson 1: The Eyes Activity1: “Eyes, See” Objective Identify the parts of the eyes. Materials mirror or magnifying glass ProcedureDRAFT1. Use the mirror to observe your eyes. What are the parts of your eyes that you can see?April 10, 20142. Read about the parts and function of eyes. Parts and Function of our Eyes Our eyes help us to see. It has different parts that work together so we can see things around us. The cornea is like a clear glass that covers the front of the eye. The iris is the colored part of the eye. It lets just the right amount of light to enter the eye. At the center of the iris is the pupil. The pupil is a circular hole where light enters. Next to the pupil is the lens. The lens focuses the image we see onto the retina located at the back of the eye. The retina is like a “screen” where the image of the object seen is focused. The optic nerve connected to the eye sends the message to the brain to tell about the image seen. 50

3. Based on what you read, label the parts of the diagram of the eye. a. b. Fig 1. Front view of the human eye DRAFTc. f. g. d.Aper. il 10, 2h.014 Fig 2. Parts of the human eye Questions 1. Close your eyes. Can you see anything? 2. What are the parts of the eye that you can see if you look at it using a mirror? 3. Have you ever wondered why two eyes are better than one? 51

Activity2: “Eye, Care”ObjectiveIdentify proper ways of caring the eyesMaterialpictures showing proper ways of caring the eyesProcedure1. Look at the pictures below.2. Put a  on the box if it shows a proper way of caring the eyes and put a if it is not. Explain your choice.3. Write your answer on your paper. DRAFTApril 10, 20141. Reading in a dark room 2. Watching very near the television3. Wearing sunglasses 4. Using goggles when on a sunny day swimming 52

Question How do you protect your eyes? Lesson 2: The Ears Activity1 “Ear, Hears” Objective Identify the parts of the ears Material picture of the enlarged ear Procedure 1. Read about the parts and function of our ears. Parts and Function of our Ears Our ears help us to hear sounds. It has different parts that work together so we can hear sounds. The outside of DRAFTthe ear is called the pinna. This is the part that you can see where the girl’s earring is pierced. The pinna collects sound and directs it into the ear canal. The ear canal is like a tube where ear wax is formed. The ear canal directs the sound into the eardrum located at the end. TheApril 10, 2014eardrum is like a thin piece of skin stretched tight like a drum. When sounds reach the eardrum, it shakes or vibrates. There are three small bones connected behind the eardrum. These bones are called hammer, anvil, and s2ti.rruBpa.seWdheonn thwehaetarydoruumrevaibdr,atleasb,etlhethsee tphraerets boofnethse thatdiaargeracmononfetchteeedaor noen yaoftuerrnaonteobthoeork.a.lso vibrate. The cochlea detects the vibration. The cochlea is the snail-like part which is filled with liquid. When the liquid inside the cochlea vibrates, it sends messages to our brain through the auditory nerve to tell us about the sounds we hear. 53

e. f. h.a. d.b. c. g. Question What helps you hear when your teacher or your classmate?DRAFTActivity2: How the different parts of the ear work Objective Identify the parts of the ears and their function MaterialApril 10, 2014picture of the enlarged ear Procedure 1. Read again the parts and functions of the ear in Activity 3. 2. Answer the following questions. a. Which part of the ear collects the sound? b. What happens to the eardrum when the sound reaches it? 54

c. What happens to the three small bones when the eardrum vibrates? d. What happens to the liquid in the cochlea when the three small bones vibrate? 3. Trace the path of the sound after it enters the pinna. Write on the box the part of the ear. pinna Question Do you protect your ear? How? Activity 3: Ear Care Objective DRAFTCommunicate clearly proper ways of caring the ears Material picture of the enlarged earApril 10, 2014Procedure 1. Look at the pictures below. 2. Put a  on the box if it shows a proper way of caring the ears and put a if it is not. Explain your choice. 55

1. Listening to loud music 2. Inserting sharp objects in the earDRAFTApril 10, 2014 Using clean cloth in Having a doctor3. wiping the outer ear 4. check the earsQuestion Have you ever experienced loud sound?Lesson 3: The Nose 56

Activity 1: “NOSY NOSE” Objective Identify the parts of the nose and its function Materials Picture of the nose, hand mirror Procedure 1. Look at your nose using the mirror. Draw your nose below. 2. Look closely at your nose opening. a. What can you see inside your nose? DRAFT3. Read about the parts and functions of the nose. Parts and Function of the Nose Our nose helps us to smell things around us. We use itApril 10, 2014to breathe. The nose is made up of the nostrils, nasal cavity and nerves. The nostrils are the two holes of the nose. Inside the nostrils are hairs that keep dust out of the nose.When you inhale, air enters the nostrils and passes through the nasal passages and into the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is the space behind your nose, in the middle of your face. Its walls are wet, warm, and covered with mucus, a sticky liquid. Mucus traps dusts, dirt or germs which enter the nostrils and were not filtered by the nose hairs. Inside the nasal cavity are nerves that pick up the scents carried by air. The nerves in the nasal cavity send messages to the brain which interprets what we have smelled. 57

Questions 1. What do you call the two-hole opening of your nose?DRAFT2. What is the purpose of the hairs inside the nose?3. Why is it necessary for the nasal cavity walls to becovered with mucus or sticky liquid? Activity2: Nose Care ObjectiveApril 10, 2014Identify proper ways of caring the noseMaterial picture of the noseProcedure1. Look at the pictures below.2. Put a  on the box if it shows a proper way of caring the nose and put a if it is not. Explain your choice. 58

1. Using sharp objects to 2. Covering the nose clean the nose while passing a dusty road DRAFTApril 10, 20143. Blowing the nose hard 4. Using a clean cloth in cleaning the noseGuide Question What are the proper ways of caring you nose?Lesson 4 : The TongueActivity 1: My TongueObjectives 1. Identify the uses of tongue 2. Identify the parts and function of the tongue.Materials 59

picture of the tongue, hand mirrorProcedure 1. Look at your tongue using a mirror. a. What can you see in your tongue? b. What are the things that you can do with your tongue? DRAFT2. Read about the parts and functions of the tongue. Parts and Function of theTongue The tongue is the sense organ that helps us taste allApril 10, 2014things we place inside our mouth. It has taste buds embedded in it. The taste of the food passes through the bumps of the tongue, the taste buds, and nerve endings.The nerves send messages to the brain which interprets the taste of the food. Taste budsTaste buds 60

3. Trace the path of the taste of food after it enters the mouth. Write on the box the part of the tongue where it passes.Food in Brain (tells themouth taste of the food) Question What helps you taste the food? Activity2: Care of the Tongue Objective Identify proper ways of caring the tongue Material DRAFTpictures showing different ways of caring the tongue Procedure 1. Look at the pictures below. 2. Put a  on the box if it shows a proper way of takingApril 10, 2014caring of the tongue and put a if it is not. Explain your choice. Write your answer on your paper. Eating hot food Having a doctor check the tongue when it has sores 61

1. 2.3. Using a tongue scraper 4. Brushing teeth to clean the tongueQuestion DRAFTHave you ever experienced pain on your tongue? What did you do? Lesson 5 : The SkinApril 10, 2014Activity 1: My SkinObjectives 1. Identify the parts of the skin 2. Identify the function of the skinMaterials picture or your skin/Magnifying glassProcedure 62

1. Look at the skin of your arm. Use the magnifying lens to observe it closely. a. What can you see in your skin? b. Do you see tiny hairs and tiny openings? 2. Read about the parts and functions of the skin. Parts and Function of the Skin The skin is the outer covering of our body. It protectsDRAFTthe body from losing too much water, injuries, and infection. It helps maintain body temperature and help us sense our The skin consists of two layers. The epidermis is theApril 10, 2014outer layer of the skin on the surface on which dead skin cells are found. This is the part that we can see and touch. The dermis is the inner layer of the skin which contains blood vessels, nerves, sweat glands, and oil glands. The sweat glands open the surface of the skin through the pore. The oil glands keep the hair and skin soft and moist. 63

Touch, pain, pressure and temperature are sensed by the nerve endings in the skin. The nerves send messages to the brain which interprets the message and we feel the objects. a. What covers your body from the top of your head to the sole of your feet? b. What is the outer layer of the skin? c. What is found under the epidermis? d. What does the dermis contain? e. What keeps your hair and skin soft and moist? DRAFTf. What do the sweat glands do? g. Which pick up the sensations of cold, heat, pressure, and pain? h. Which part of the skin carry message to the brain?April 10, 2014Question Observe your body in a mirror. What covers your body from the tip of your head to the sole of your feet? Activity2: Care of the Skin Objective Identify proper ways of caring the skin Material 64

Different pictures of the skin showing the proper ways ofcaring the skinProcedure Look at the pictures below. Put a  on the box if it shows a proper way of taking caring of the skin and put a if it is not. Explain your answer. DRAFT1. Taking a bath everyday 2. Walking with bareApril 10, 2014feet3. Wearing clean clothes 4. Drinking plenty of waterQuestionDo you practice personal hygiene? Chapter 2: Animals 65

This Chapter deals with animals that can be found anywhere. They have body parts and functions. They live in different habitats/places. Some of them grow and develop. Not all animals are useful. Some of them are harmful to humans but can be controlled. There are many ways of caring our animals Lesson 1: Animals in the Environment Activity 1: Name that Animal around you Objective Name animals around you Material pictures or video of animalsDRAFTProcedure A. Animals Around Me 1. Look at each picture below. 2. On your paper, write the name of the followingApril 10, 2014animals. a. b. 66

c. d. c d DRAFT e. f.April 10, 20143. Aside from the animals shown in a – f, what other animals are found in the farm? List them down. B. Animals from Other Countries 1. There are many kinds of animals in the world. The pictures below are some of them. Can you name them? Write your answers on a piece of paper. 67

h i. 10, 2k.014 Question What are other animals can you name around you? Lesson 2: Body Parts of Animal Activity 1: What are the body parts of an Animal Objective Describe the parts of some animals shown in the video Material 68

pictures/video of animals Procedure 1. Look at the picture of the frog. Identify the numbered parts 2. Write your answers on a piece of paper.DRAFT3. Look at the picture of the horse. Identify the numbered parts.April 10, 20144. Write your answers on a piece of paper. 69

5. Look at the picture of the bird. Identify the numbered parts.6. Write your answers on a piece of paper. 7. What common body parts can you find in a frog, a horse and a bird? Write them down on your paper.DRAFTQuestion Were the parts of animals clearly shown in the video? Lesson 3: Classifying Animals according to Body Parts and UseApril 10, 2014Activity1: Body Parts Animals Use to Move Objectives 1. Describe how animals move; 2. Identify the body parts that enable animals to move.MaterialsLive animals (or pictures/video of animals) frog cat or kitten (in a cage) butterfly earthworm fish spider snail chick or duckling 70

Procedure1. Bring some live animals to class or go to the school science garden or pond.2. Observe how the animals move.3. Observe the body part/s that each animal use/s to move from place to place.4. Supply the table below with the correct answers. Do thison a separate paper.Animals How does it What body part does move? it use to movea. frogb. butterflyc. snaild. cat/kittene. spiderDRAFTf. fishg. earthworm h. chick/duckling QuestionApril 10, 2014Why animals have different habitats?Activity 2: Classifying Animals According to How They MoveObjectives 1. Infer how some animals move based on their common body parts; and 2. Group animals according to how they move.MaterialsLive animals (or pictures/video of animals) frog cat or kitten (in a cage) butterfly earthworm 71

fish spidersnail chick or ducklingProcedure1. Look at the animals below.2. On your paper answer the following questions.Butterfly Duck FishDRAFTApril 10, 2014Squid Grasshopper Rabbit Snail HoneybeeCaterpillar3. Group the animals as to how they move. On your paper,answer the following: 72

Movements made by several animalsWalk Jump/ Swim Fly Crawl Hopa. What body part does the animal use to move from place to place? Animals Body Part/s Used Rabbit ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________DRAFTFish Snail Honeybee Questions 1. Describe how animals move? 2. How do they differ from other animals?April 10, 2014Lesson 4: Body Parts of Animals that they Use in Getting FoodsObjective Infer the body parts used by animals for eating /gettingfood.Material video of animalsProcedure 1. Look at the picture of some animals below. On your paper, write your answers on how they get/eat food. 73

frog grasshopper DRAFTApril 10, 2014chicken doga. What body part of the animals does it use in getting or eating its food? Animals Body Part/s Used Frog ________________ Dog ________________ Grasshopper ________________ Chicken ________________ 74

2. Get a picture of the mouth parts of the four animals from your teacher. 3. Observe the mouth parts carefully. a. Can a chicken eat the corn if its mouth is shaped like the mouth of a dog? _________________________________ b. Can a frog catch a fly if it has a beak like that of the chicken? ___________________________________________ c. How do animals differ in the way they get or eat their food? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Question DRAFTHow do animals get /eat their food Activity 1: Classifying Animals According to What They Eat ObjectivesApril 10, 20141. Infer what animals eat based on their mouth parts and body parts. 2. Classify animals according to what they eat. Material picture of different animals eating food Procedure 1. Identify the kind of food that each animal eats. Write also the body part/s that they use in getting and eating their food. 75

Goat eats Pig eats ___________________. _____________________.Body part used in getting Body part used in getting and eating food: ________________ and eating food: ________________DRAFT Cat eats ____________________. Body part used in getting and eating food: Duck eats __________________. Body part used in gettingApril 10, 2014andeatingfood:________________ _________________ Cow eats ________ Horse eats __________.Body part used in getting Body part used in getting and eating food: ________________ and eating food: ________________ 76

2. Group each animal as plant-eaters, meat-eaters, or variety- eaters by writing the names of the animal under the proper column. Animals and the food they eat Animals and the Food they Eat Plant eater Meat Eater Plant & Meat Eater a. What other animals that are plant eaters do you know? b. What other animals that are meat eaters do you know? c. What other animals that are plant & meat eaters do you know? QuestionDRAFTWhat do you call animals that plant eaters, meat eaters or both? Activity 2: Classifying Animals According to Their BodyApril 10, 2014Coverings Objectives 1. Describe the body covering of animals 2. Group animals according to their body coverings. Materials colored pictures of: dog, cat, frog, duck, and lizard 77

Procedure1. Look at the pictures below. On your paper describe the body covering of the animals.a. Dog b. Cat c. Bird DRAFTd. Crab e. Duck f. Shrimp 2. Get a piece of paper. Divide it into two parts and groupApril 10, 2014the animals according to their body covering. Write thebody covering on the left column, and the animals withsimilar body covering on the right column as shown onthe table below. Animals with similar body covering Body Covering Animal 78

a. What other animal has a similar body covering to a dog? _______________ b. What other animal has a similar body covering to a duck? _______________ c. What other animal has a similar body covering to DRAFTa shrimp? ________________ d. How does a body covering help animals? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ QuestionApril 10, 2014Why do animals have body covering? Activity 3: Classifying Animals According to their Habitat Objectives 1. Relate the animals’ body covering to where they live. 2. Group animals according to where they live. Material Pictures of animals 79

Procedure1. Look at the animals below. Whale TurDRAFTApril 10, 2014 Group the animals as to where they live. Writeyour answers in your Activity notebook following the formatof table below. Places where animals liveAnimals Animals that live in water Animalsthat live Freshwater Saltwater that liveon land both on land and in water 80

QuestionWhy do animals live in different places?Lesson 5: Importance of Animals to HumansActivity 1: Useful AnimalsObjectives 1. Explain why animals are important to people 2. Group animals according to what people get from them or how they can extend help to people.Materials pictures of useful animalsProcedureDRAFTcarabao1. With the help of the internet and books, what are the usesof the following animals to people? horse frog goatcow mudfish sheep tilapia 2. Classify the animals listed above according to the things that people get from them. Some animals may beApril 10, 2014classified under more than one group. Do this in your Science activity notebook. Classification of animals based on their usefulness topeople Source of Skin for Used for PlowingSource of Food Bags, Shoes and the Field and other things Carrying Loads 81

Question What are other uses of animals aside from food, transport, and raw material for shoes and bags?Activity 2: Harmful Animals to HumansObjective Identify animals that can harm people Material DRAFTpictures of harmful animals Procedure 1. From what you learned from reading, watching television, or from your family members: a. What animals can make people sick?April 10, 2014b. What kind of sickness is this? 2. Write your answers to questions a and b in your Science activity notebook following the format of Table 1below.Animals that can harm peopleAnimals that can make Sickness people sick 82

Question What should you do to avoid harmful animals? Lesson 5: Proper Ways of handling Animals Activity 1: Caring for Pets Objective Communicate to care for pets. Materials video clips about caring for pets Procedure 1. Do you have a pet at home? What animal is it? _____________________ 2. Look for classmates who have the same pet as yours andDRAFTform a group. 3. In your group, discuss how you care for your pet. List down 4 things that you do to care for the animal in your Science activity notebook.April 10, 2014a. ___________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________ 4. Listen to a zookeeper, veterinarian, or anyone who looks after animals as he/she explains the proper ways of handling animals. You can also view the video clips about caring for animals. 5. List them down in your Science activity notebook 83

Ask the “animal expert” if your group is giving the propercare for the animal. Ask them why these things areimportant. Write your answers on the table below.Name of Ways in caring your Reason pet pet DRAFT 2. Write a short letter to your friend about your pet and how you take care of it. If you do not have a pet at home,April 10, 2014think of the animal you want to have as a pet. Question Why should you observe safety measures while caring your pet? Chapter 3: Plants This Chapter deals with plants. We are surrounded by plants as living things. They have important parts such as roots, leaves, stems, fruits, and flowers. We will observe plants in the environment, naming, and knowing their uses to other living things. There are many ways of caring our plants which will be discussed also in this Chapter. 84

Lesson 1: Naming Plants and Parts Activity 1: Plants Around You Objectives 1. Identify some plants in the garden 2. Describe the parts of a plant Materials plants in the garden Procedure Part A. Tomato Plant (example only, add two more plants in the garden) 1. Look at the tomato plant below.DRAFT2. Name the parts of the tomato plant as numbered.April 10, 20112 4 3Part B. Parts of tomato plant 4 85

3. Look at the plants in the school garden. a. Do all the plants in the garden have all the plant parts that the tomato plant has?4. Choose three kinds of plants in the garden. Write thenames of the plants in Table 1.5. Observe the different parts of each plant.6. Copy the table below on a separate sheet and check inthe column below of plant part present. Parts Observed in Three Kinds of Plants Name of theRoots Stems Leaves Flowers Fruits plant  DRAFTExample:MayanaApril1. 10, 2014 2. 3.7. Do all three plants in Table have all the plant parts?8. Can you name plants on your way to school? 86

Lesson 2: Same plant parts, different plantsActivity 1: “No two plants are alike or similar”Objective Compare the plant parts of different plantsMaterials plants in the gardenProcedure1. Choose two different kinds of plants in the school garden. They should be mature plants.2. Observe the stem of each plant.3. Copy the table below on a separate sheet of paper andDRAFTrecord your observations.April 10, 2014Stems of Two Kinds of Plants STEM Grow straight up or Soft (can be bent)Name of the trail along the or hard (cannot beplant ground or climb bent; woody) fences and other plant 87

4. Observe the shape, color, and edges of the leaves. Draw the shape of one leaf in the table below. Color the leaf according to the colors you observed.Leaves of Two Kinds of PlantsName of the plant Leaf5. Observe the flower (if there is any) of the plants.6. Record your observation in the table below. DRAFTFlowers of Two Kinds of Plant Flower Does it Does it grow in grow singly? groups/cluster?Color Name of theApril 10, 2014plant a. Based from your observations, what can you say about parts of different plants?Question Why do we need to observe the different parts of the plants? 88

Lesson 3: Functions of the different Parts of the Plant Activity 1: Different plant parts have different works Objective Infer the function of different plant parts Material picture of a banana plant or live plant Procedure 1. Look at the banana plant in the garden, backyard of your school or at the picture 2. On your paper, answer the following questions: DRAFT leavesApril 10, 2014 fruit flower trunk root 89

a. What part of the banana plant holds it firmly to the ground? b. What part of the banana plant makes it stand upright? c. What part of the banana plant makes its food? d. What part of the banana plant develops into a fruit? e. What part of the banana plant absorbs the water and nutrients from the soil? f. What part of the banana plant carries the water and minerals from the roots to the other parts? Lesson 4: Uses of Plants Activity 1: “The Wonderful Plants “ Objectives 1. Identify things that come from or are made from DRAFTplants 2. Identify the different uses of plants Materials real objects or pictures of plants plate, mango, eggs,April 10, 2014metal, coconut, paper, wood chair, cotton salt Procedure 1. Put a check mark [] on your paper if the object came from or was made from plants. Put a cross mark [X] when it did not come from or was not made from plants.1. plate 2. mango 3. eggs 90

4. metal 5. coconut 6. paper potpot oil DRAFT7. wood chair8. cotton 9. saltFrom your answers in step 1, write two uses of plants on yourpaper. 1. 2.April 10, 2014Question Do you have things at home made of plantsLesson 5: Harmful PlantsActivity 1: Harmful plantsObjectives 1. Identify plants that are harmful. 2. Infer that some plants can be both useful and harmful. 91

Materials pictures of harmful and not harmful plantsProcedure1. Interview your parents, other people at home, or neighbors.a. What are some of the plants that are harmful? Why are they harmful?b. Are there plants that are harmful and useful at the same time?2. Copy the tables below on your paper and write your answers in them.DRAFTT Harmful PlantsName of the plant Plant Part Why is it harmful?April 10, 2014Plants that are Both Useful and HarmfulName of the Plant part Why is it Why is it plant useful? harmful?QuestionDo you know of any plant which is useful and harmful? 92

Lesson 6: Proper Ways of Caring Plants Activity 1: “We care plants” Objectives 1. Infer how to care for plants 2. Cite ways of caring for plants Material Video clip of proper ways of caring plants Procedure 1. Look closely at each picture. a. What is the girl doing DRAFTwith the plant? b. Is that a good thing toApril 10, 2014do with plants? Explain.c. What are the two boys doing with the plant?d. Is this a good thing to do to plants? Explain. 93

e. What is the girl doing with the plant? f. Is this a good thing to do to plants? Explain. g. What is the boy doing with the plant? h. Is this a good thing to do to DRAFTplants? Explain. i. What are the two boysApril 10, 2014doing with the plant? j. Is this a good thing to do to plants? ExplainQuestionHow do you care plants at home or in school? 94

Lesson 6: Characteristics of living and nonliving thingsActivity 1: The living and nonliving thingsObjectives 1. Identify characteristics of living and nonliving things. 2. Identify the difference between living and nonliving things. 3. Classify things as to living or nonliving.Materials pictures of living thingsProcedure1. Look at the pictures.2. Tell their characteristics by answering the question ineach column with YES or NO. 3. On your paper, write your answers. DRAFTCharacteristics of living thingsObjects Does it Does it Does it Does it DoesApril 10, 2014grow? repro- move duce?by itself? breathe? it need food? 95

Rock DRAFTApril 10, 2014  What are the characteristics of living things?  What are the characteristics of non living things? 3. Group the objects in number 2 in the table below. 96

Do this on your paper Nonliving things Living Things DRAFT QuestionApril 10, 2014What are the differences between living and nonliving things? Lesson 2: Comparing Living Things from Non Living Activity 2 “Are you a living or a non-living thing?” Objective Compare living thing from non living. Material Pictures or real different living and nonliving things 97

Procedure 1. Look at the pictures. 2. Put a check (/) mark on your paper if it is living and cross (x) if it is nonliving. 2. Write your answers on your paper. DRAFTApril 10, 2014  What are living things?  What are non living things? Question Do you see around you things which are living and non living? 98

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