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Music Grade 10

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MUSICTeacher's Guide Grade 10

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century Quarter I MUSIC OF THE 20TH CENTURY CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of... 1. The 20th century music styles and characteristic features. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner... 1. Creates musical pieces using a particular style of the 20th century.DEPED COPYLEARNINGCOMPETENCIES The learner... 1. Listens perceptively to selected 20th century music. 2. Describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th century styles. 3. Relates 20th century music to its historical and cultural background. 4. Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers, and audience) of 20th century music. 5. Sings melodic fragments of given Impressionism period pieces. 6. Explores other arts and media that portray 20th century elements through video films or live performances. 7. Creates short electronic and chance music pieces using knowledge of 20th century styles. From the Department of Education curriculum for MUSIC Grade 10 (2014) 1All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide QUARTER I MUSIC OF THE 20TH CENTURY Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 IMPRESSIONISM TO MODERN NATIONALISMI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: 20th Century Musical Styles: Impressionism to Modern NationalismSub-topics: Impressionism Expressionism Neo-Classicism Avant-Garde Modern NationalismDEPED COPYComposers (Debussy,Ravel,Schoenberg,Bartok, Stravinsky, Prokofieff, Poulenc, Stockhausen, Glass, Cage, Bernstein, Varese, and Gershwin) B. Materials: DVD/CD recordings, video clips, or recordings from YouTube/ internet of Impressionistic, Expressionistic, Neo-Classicist, Avant Garde, and Modern Nationalistic music CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players Visual arts pictures of Impressionistic, Expressionistic, and Modern Nationalistic paintings Charts of music scoresC. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM - Pages 3-24II. LESSON PROPER A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY 1. Review: Concepts on previous lessons on Romantic Music.2 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century 2. Motivation a. Display pictures or posters of the paintings of impressionist painter Claude Monet, expressionist Jose Joya, and post-impressionist Van Gogh on the wall or board of the classroom. Let the students go around to view the pictures. b. Display and discuss pictures on action painting by Jackson Pollock. c. On a piece of pad paper, have the students describe each of the pictures in their own words (5 minutes). Collect their works. d. Call some volunteer students to read their descriptions or observations. Connect these to the new lesson. B. DEVELOPMENTALACTIVITY 1. Have the students listen to CD recordings or watch video clips from YouTube on Impressionist, Expressionist, Neo-Classicist, Avant-Garde, and Modern Nationalist music, while looking at the pictures of the paintings. 2. Ask them to analyze the characteristics and styles of each through discussion and sharing of insights.DEPED COPY3. Let them compare the paintings with their counterpart in music, in terms of the elements and characteristics of each. 4. Ask them to share their impressions, experiences, thoughts, and feelings after listening to the music and discussing all these. C. INTEGRATION 1. Integration of Music with Arts, Literature, and History through the use of paintings and music recordings. 2. Role playing - Call on volunteer students to depict the socio-historical context of one of the musical movements studied, Modern Nationalism, which incorporated folk songs and indigenous music. Infusion of values: Belief in the power of the mind and its ability to achieve one’s goals and control situations. 3All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide D. GENERALIZATION The 20th century styles of impressionism and expressionism provided composers with the opportunity to express their thoughts based on outside impressions as well as ideas and expressions based on their inner convictions. Other forms that emanated included neo-classicism, which is a return to the classical form and structure using modern harmonies and techniques of composition; avant garde, which deals with the parameters of sound in space; and Modern Nationalism, which is a combination of nationalist thematic materials with the modern techniques of composition.III. WHAT TO KNOWLet the students answer the following:1. What group of people inspired many of Bartok’s compositions? 2. Which Russian composer created the music for the ballet The Firebird? 3. Who is considered the foremost impressionist?DEPED COPY4. What kind of musical style is attributed to Schoenberg and Stravinsky?5. Who was the target audience of Prokofieff’s Peter and the Wolf?6. Give an example of a musical work of each of the composers below. Write the title in the blanks.Composer Musical WorkDebussy _____________________________________Ravel _____________________________________Schoenberg _____________________________________Stravinsky _____________________________________Bartok _____________________________________Prokofieff _____________________________________Poulenc _____________________________________Gershwin _____________________________________Glass _____________________________________Bernstein _____________________________________4 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th CenturyIV. WHAT TO PROCESSListening Activity: Works of 20th Century Composers1. You will play excerpts of any (one) of the following musical examples:Debussy – Claire de Lune, La Mer, Children’s Corner SuiteRavel – Miroirs, Sonatine, Daphnis et Chloe, Jeux d’Eau, BoleroSchoenberg – Verklarte Nacht, Violin Concerto, Piano Concerto,Bartok Gurrelieder – String Quartet no. 4, Allegro, Mikrokosmos, Barbaro,StravinskyProkofieff Music for StringsGershwin – The Rite of Spring, Petrouchka, The Firebird Suite – Romeo and Juliet (ballet), Piano SonatasBernstein – An American in Paris, Porgy and Bess, Rhapsody inGlassPoulenc Blue, Someone to Watch Over Me – Tonight from West Side Story, Clarinet Sonata – Einstein on the Beach, Satyagraha, Akhnaten – Concerto for Two Pianos, Dialogues des Carmelites 2. Let the students listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognize the distinct musical style of each composer.DEPED COPY3. Let them choosea composition that theylike. Let them writea short reaction paper on it.2. Listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognize the distinct musical style of each composer.4. Based on this activity, let the students write a brief profile of the composer of the pieces played in a bond paper to be submitted the following meeting.V. WHAT TO UNDERSTAND A. Name the Composer, Title of the Music, Musical Style, and Description 1. After the Listening Activity, you will prepare selected excerpts of compositions by Debussy, Ravel, Schoenberg, Bartok, Stravinsky, Prokofieff, Poulenc, Glass, Bernstein, and Gershwin. 2. Divided into four teams, with each team forming a line. 3. As you play a few measures of the first excerpt, let the first student in each line goes to the board and writes the name of the composer. The 5All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide second student will write the title of the music. The third student will write the musical style. Then, the fourth student will write a description of the music in one phrase. 4. The team that writes the correct answers first, scores four (4) points. 5. The same procedure goes on until all the students in the line have had their turn. 6. Assign one student to tally the scores and announce the winners. The team with the highest score is the winner. In case of a tie, the first team to finish is the winner. 7. After proclaiming the winners, the scorer will ask this question: What was the most significant thing that you have learned from this activity? VI. WHAT TO PERFORM A. Performance Activity 1: Video Clips / Watching Live /TV PerformancesDEPED COPYVideoClips 1. Divide the class into four groups by having them count off from 1 to 4. 2. Have the students create and explore other arts (multi-media) that portray 20th century musical styles (impressionism, expressionism, jazz, avant garde) through a 10-minute video clip or MTV using their digital cameras or mobile phones. 3. Let them show and discuss their video works in class. Watching Live / TV Performances 1. Divide the class into groups. Assign groups who will re-enact what they watched. Assign other groups to do the video recording. 2. Have the students watch live performances of musical concerts, if available in their area, or let them watch live concerts recorded on TV or the internet (YouTube). 3. Let them re-enact in class what they have watched. 6 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century 4. Let the groups assign members to make a 10-minute audio video presentation, while the other members re-enact what they have seen on live concerts and on TV and internet. 5. Have the groups show and discuss their video works in class. B. Performance Activity 2: Singing or Humming Musical Fragments 1. Play several musical excerpts of selected 20th century composers. and briefly discuss the title, composer, and musical style of each. 2. Let the class listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognize the distinct musical style of each composer. 3. Have the students sing or hum some melodic fragments (portion only) of any of the following excerpts of 20th century music, together with the recordings: a. Claude Debussy’s Claire de LuneDEPED COPYb. Leonard Bernstein’s West Side Story c. George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue d. Ravel’s Bolero e. Any work of minimalist composers, Philip Glass or Meredith Monk f. Any work of nationalist composers, Erik Satie or Bela Bartok. 4. Based on the melodic fragments of the excerpts that they sang or hummed, they should be able to aurally identify the different selected works of the composers of the 20th century by naming the title and composer in a random short quiz (5 points). 5. Have the students choose a composition that they like. Ask them to write a brief profile about the composer, and to also give their personal reactions about the music on a one whole sheet of bond paper. 6. Let them submit it in class the next meeting. Evaluation Activity: “Drawing Lots” 1. After the above singing or humming activity, prepare a box containing slips of paper with the names of Debussy, Ravel, Gershwin, Bernstein, Glass, Monk, Satie, and Bartok written on them. 7All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide 2. Divide the class into four groups. Each group will choose four representatives who will be assigned as contestants. 3. Each contestant will draw a composer’s name from the box and must say three sentences about his compositional technique or musical style, his major contribution to modern music, and one work that shows his compositional style. 4. The rest of the groups will evaluate each contestant’s answer by flashing a card or paper marked “CORRECT” or “WRONG.” Each correct answer earns a point. 5. The group with the highest number of points wins the contest. C. Performance Activity 3: Film Showing or Video Watching 1. Have the students research on the 20th century musical play West Side Story written by Leonard Bernstein. 2. Instruct them to watch any video clip of West Side Story on the internet or YouTube.DEPED COPY3. Let them write a reaction paper explaining the following elements of the performance: a. Setting b. Musical compositions c. Role of composer and lyricist d. Role of performers (actors, actresses) e. Role of the audience (students) f. Sound and musical direction g. Script / screenplay h. Props, costumes, lighting 4. Divide the class into groups. Ask them these questions: Did you like what you watched? Why or why not? 5. Have them explain their answers on a one whole sheet of bond paper. Let each group report their answers in class. D. Performance Activity 4: Singing Songs from West Side Story 8 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century 1. The students may opt to do this as an individual or group activity. Groups will be divided into four. 2. Let the students listen to the songs Tonight, Maria, Somewhere, and America from video or recordings of West Side Story. Ask them to draw lots for the song to sing. 3. Have them sing and perform their song in class, with or without accompaniment. They may also sing with the recordings. 4. Let those students who are not performing act as judges for the performance evaluation. 5. Judges will have five placards, score cards, or paper sheets marked: BEST, BETTER, GOOD, FAIR, NEEDS FOLLOW UP. 6. Judges will display a score card after evaluating the performance. 7. One student may be assigned to tabulate the scores after the performance. 8. Select and announce the “Best Performance” award.DEPED COPYE. PerformanceActivity 5: Live Concert or Recording or Music Video Let the students choose the activity that they are interested in. 1. Class Concert – Live Performance a. Group the students into four. The first two groups will do the class concert. b. Have the group leader assign each member to do any of the following: singing, dancing, choreography, musical directing, playing an instrument (either as accompaniment to the song or dance, or a solo performance or as a band). They may use props and costumes, if needed. c. Let the groups perform in class their own original interpretation of the songs from West Side Story. 2. Recording or Music Video: Individual or Group Activity a. Have the remaining two groups choose their members. b. Let them record the performance of their classmates using a cassette recorder, or make a music video using a cellular phone, digital camera, or video camera. 9All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guidec. Have them play the recorded performance or show the music video to their classmates. The groups in the video or recording will choose the “Best Performers.”d. You will also rate the students’ performance based on the criteria below.e. Choose the “Best Video Presentation” based on creativity (50%) and presentation (50%).Evaluation of Performing ActivitiesLet the students answer the following:Rating scale: 5 = Very Good 2 = Poor 4 = Good 1 = Needs Follow-up 3 = FairRate scores are based on your performance quality.1. How well did I perform the songs from West Side Story?DEPED COPYbased on instrumentation, text, and purpose? ____________2 How well can I identify the different musical genres ____________3. How well can I describe the characteristics of eachthrough listening to their melody, harmony, rhythm,text, and mass appeal? ____________4. How well did I participate in the performance of ____________ the different activities?Teacher’s Rating of the Students’ Performance ____________ ____________1. Musicianship (60%) ____________ a. compositional concepts presented b. musical elements ____________ c. technique ____________2. Ensemble coordination (20%)3. Ensemble organization (20%)10 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century VII. EVALUATION Let the students answer the following: 1. What are the styles of 20th century classical music studied in this lesson? 2. Explain briefly how these styles have counterparts in the visual arts, particularly in painting. VIII. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES / ASSIGNMENT A. Let the students answer the following: 1. Which of the styles that you studied do you like best? 2. Explain your answer in essay form. B. Encourage the students to search for the following video on YouTube and to view it for additional inights on 20th century music: Young People’s Concert: What is ImpressionismDEPED COPYbyLeonardBernstein They may also search for Bernstein’s other video lectures on music. 11All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide QUARTER I MUSIC OF THE 20TH CENTURY Sessions 6, 7, and 8 20TH CENTURY MUSICAL STYLES: ELECTRONIC AND CHANCE MUSICI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: 20th Century Musical Styles: Electronic and Chance MusicSub-topics : Electronic Music Chance Music Composers (Cage, Stockhausen, Varese)B. Materials : DVD / CD recordings /video clips/ recordings from YouTube or the internet of Electronic and Chance Music CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops,DEPED COPYnetbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players Pictures, slides, video clips of musical gadgets used especially in Electronic Music Sound makers like stones, rice, radios, horns, and kitchen utensilsC. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM. Pages 25-30II. LESSON PROPER A. PRELIMINARYACTIVITY 1. Review: Let the students go over the concepts they have learned about Impressionism, Expressionism, Modern Nationalism, Neo-Classicism and Avant-Garde Music. 2. Motivation: a. Hold a “Chance Music Experience.” Ask one student to simulate a performance concert sitting in front of the piano, keyboard, singing with a microphone, just holding a guitar, or holding any other musical instrument for 3 minutes without playing these.12 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Centuryb. Discuss the performance and get reactions and observations from the class. What did they think? hear? see? feel? touch? smell?c. Use the experience as a bridge to the topic of the lesson. B. DEVELOPMENTALACTIVITY 1. Let the students listen attentively to CD recordings of Electronic and Chance Music. 2. Ask them to define/describe each of the two musical styles introduced in the recordings they listened to. 3. Discuss the history, characteristics, and operations of the two kinds of musical styles. 4. Have the students experiment with sounds on materials they had brought to class to create Chance Music. Divide the class into four or five groups, each with a written plan of what to accomplish. 5. Perform this experiment with a live concert of the two musical styles in the classroom. 6. Use new electronic equipment (if available) to listen to different sounds from the instruments (Example: synthesizer, cassette tape recorder, DVD player, karaoke, and others that you may think of).DEPED COPYC. INTEGRATION 1. Integrate the use of electronic equipment, if available, and other materials that can produce sound as well as the use of modern technology gadgets in Music with lessons in Physics, Vocational Education, and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). 2. Show a picture of an action painting by Jackson Pollock and compare it with chance music. Infusion of values: Appreciation of the beauty of nature and the realization of their contribution to the environment. D. GENERALIZATION The modern musical tradition experimented with new sounds in classical music through such styles as Electronic Music and Chance Music. Through this experimentation, the novelty of sounds emanating from sources other than the traditional musical instruments played a major role in the compositions being created. 13All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s GuideIII. WHAT TO KNOWHave the students answer thed following:1. Who was the French composer known as the “Father of Electronic Music?2. What are some of the new musical approaches of Cage?3. What is meant by musique concrete used by Stockhausen?4. Give an example of a musical work by Varese, Stockhausen, and Cage. Write your answers on the blanks below.Composer Musical WorkVarese ___________________________Stockhausen ___________________________Cage ___________________________ IV. WHAT TO PROCESSDEPED COPYListening Activity: Works of 20th Century Composers1. Play excerpts of any (one) of the following musical examples:Cage – 4’33\"; Metamorphosis, for piano; Five Songs, for contralto soloist and piano; Music for Wind Instruments, for wind quintetStockhausen – Etude, Electronic STUDIES I and II, Gesang der Junglinge, Kontakte, Momente, HymnenVarese – Hyperprism for wind and percussion, Octandre for seven wind instruments and double bass, Intégrales for wind and percussion, Ionisation for 13 percussion players2. Have the students listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognize the distinct musical style of each composer.3. Let them choose a composition that they like, and then write a short reaction paper on the composition and the profile of the composer.14 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century 4. Have them submit this on one whole sheet of bond paper during the next meeting. At random, choose students to read their reactions in class. V. WHAT TO UNDERSTAND Name the Composer, Title of the Music, Musical Style, and Description 1. After the Listening Activity, prepare selected excerpts of compositions by Stockhausen, Cage, and Varese. 2. Divide the class into four teams, with each team forming a line. 3. As you play a few measures of the first excerpt, have the first student in each line goes to the board and writes the name of the composer. The second student will write the title of the music. The third student will write the musical style. Then, the fourth student will write a description of the music in one phrase. 4. The team that writes the correct answers first, scores four (4) points. 5. The same procedure goes on until all the students in the line have had theirDEPED COPYturn. 6. Assign one student to be the scorer. The team with the highest score is the winner. In case of a tie, the first team to finish is the winner. 7. The scorer will announce the winners and then ask them this question: What was the most significant thing that you have learned from this activity? VI. WHAT TO PERFORM A. Activity 1: Experimentation with the Sounds of 20th Century Music Systems Let the students do the following activity: 1. Chance Music – Put small items inside a bag. Include coins, pens, pins, small bells, and other articles with percussive sounds. Pour the bag’s contents on a hard surface. Then, using a cellphone or other available device, record the sounds that are produced. 15All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide Put the items back in the bag. Then unload the same, while once again recording the sounds being produced. Note the changes between the two sets of sounds recorded. 2. Electronic Music – Create short electronic music pieces using your knowledge of 20th century musical styles. B. Performance Activity 2: Original Chance and Electronic Music Have the students do the following: Rate scores are based on the elements of music such as rhythm, melodic appeal, harmony and texture, tempo and dynamics, timbre, and overall musical structure BEST, BETTER, GOOD, FAIR, NEEDS FOLLOW UP. . 1. The class will be divided into four groups. 2. Each group will create an original five-minute performance of ChanceDEPED COPYMusic and Electronic Music (if available) to be performed in class. 3. Those who are not performing will act as judges for the performance evaluation. 4. Judges will have five placards, score cards, or paper sheets marked: BEST, BETTER, GOOD, FAIR, NEEDS FOLLOW UP. They will display these score card after evaluating each performance. 5. One student may be assigned to tabulate the scores after the performance. 6. Announce the “Best Performance” award. 7. Have the students answer this question: What was the role of the audience in the performance of Chance Music? Explain your answers. C. Performance Activity 3: Group Activity Video Clips 1. Divide the class into four groups by counting off from 1 to 4. 16 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century2. Let each group create and explore other arts (multi- media) that portray 20th century musical styles (Chance and Electronic Music) through a 10-minute video or MTV using their digital cameras or mobile phones.3. They may use the internet as reference for their video clips.4. Let them show and discuss their video works in class. Watching Live / TV Performances 1. Ask the students to watch live performances of musical concerts on Chance and Electronic Music, if available in their area; or to watch live concerts recorded on TV or the internet. 2. Let the group leaders choose two or three of their members as videographers for each group. Have them record and make a 10-minute audio video presentation, while the other group members re-enact what they have seen on live concerts and on TV. 3. Have them show and discuss their video works in class. 4. Choose the “Best Video Award” using the criteria: Creativity (50%)DEPED COPYand Presentation (50%).Evaluation Activity: “Drawing Lots”1. After the different performing activities, prepare a box containing slips of paper with the names of Cage, Stockhausen, and Varese.2. Divide the class into four groups. Let each group choose four representatives who will be assigned as contestants.3. Let each contestant draw out a composer’s name from the box and say three sentences about his compositional technique or musical style, his major contribution to modern music, and one work that shows his compositional style.4. Let the rest of the groups evaluate each contestant’s answer by flashing a card or paper marked “CORRECT” or “WRONG.” Each correct answer earns a point.5. The group with the highest number of points wins the contest. 17All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s GuideEvaluation of Performing ActivitiesHave the students rate themselves based on their performance quality.Rating scale: 5 = Very Good 2 = Poor 4 = Good 1 = Needs Follow-up 3 = Fair1. How well did I perform chance and electronic music? ____________2 How well can I identify the different musical genresbased on instrumentation, text, and purpose? ___________3. How well can I describe the characteristics of eachthrough listening to their melody, harmony, rhythm,text, and mass appeal? ____________4. How well did I participate in the performance of ____________ the different activities?DEPED COPYTeacher’s Rating of the Students’Performance 1. Musicianship (60%)a. compositional concepts presented ____________b. musical elements ____________c. technique ____________2. Ensemble coordination (20%) ____________3. Ensemble organization (20%) ____________VIII. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY / ASSIGNMENT Have the students view this video which is available on the BBC and YouTube websites: BBC’s The Story of Music: Age of Rebellion and The Popular Age by Howard Goodall18 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music Quarter II AFRO-LATIN AMERICAN AND POPULAR MUSIC CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of... 1. Characteristic features of Afro-Latin American music and Popular music. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner... 1. Performs vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin American music and selections of Popular music. LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learner... 1. Observes dance styles, instruments, and rhythms of Afro LatinDEPED COPYAmerican and popular music through video, movies and live performances. 2. Describes the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American and popular music. 3. Listens perceptively to Afro-Latin American and popular music. 4. Dances to different selected styles of Afro-Latin American and popular music. 5. Analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and popular music. 6. Sings selections of Afro-Latin American and popular music in appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression. 7. Explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources suitable to chosen vocal and instrumental selections. 8. Improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to selected songs. 9. Choreographs a chosen dance music. 10. Evaluates music and music performances using knowledge of musical elements and style. From the Department of Education curriculum for MUSIC Grade 10 (2014) 19All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide QUARTER II AFRO-LATIN AMERICAN AND POPULAR MUSIC Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 AFRICAN MUSIC AND LATIN AMERICAN MUSICI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: African Music and Latin American MusicSub-topics: African Music 1. Historical and cultural background 2. Musical instruments 3. Rhythms: Maracatu 4. Vocal forms: Blues, soul, spiritual, call and response Latin American Music 1. Historical and cultural background 2. Musical instruments 3. Vocal and dance forms: Cumbia, tango, cha-cha, rumba, bossanova, reggae, foxtrot, paso dobleDEPED COPYB. Materials: DVD/CD recordings, video clips, and internet recordings of African and Latin American Music CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players Photographs of Africa and Latin American culture and art, and African and Latin American musical instrumentsC. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM pages 38 - 64II. LESSON PROPER A. PRELIMINARYACTIVITY 1. Review: Concepts of Music of the 20th Century 2. Motivation a. Show video/film clips or any recording from YouTube of excerpts of African and Latin American Music.20 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music Example: Lion King forAfrican Music; Rio for LatinAmerican Music b. Play selected recordings of African and Latin American music. Examples: folk songs, instrumental music. c. Let the students listen to the music or watch the vido clips. On a piece of pad paper, let them describe the music that they listened to or watched in their own words. (5 minutes). d. Call some volunteer students to read their descriptions or observations. Connect these to the new lesson. B. DEVELOPMENTALACTIVITY 1. Ask the students to listen to CD/DVD recordings or watch MTVs from YouTube of African and Latin American music. 2. Have them analyze the characteristics and styles of each through discussion and sharing of insights. 3. Group Discussion: Let the students compare their insights with their classmates in terms of the elements and characteristics of each. 4. Have them share impressions, experiences, thoughts, and feelings afterDEPED COPYlistening to the music and discussing all these. C. INTEGRATION Integration of Music with Arts, Literature, and History through the use of music recordings and video clips. Infusion of values: Belief in the power of the mind and its ability to achieve one’s goals and creativity. D. GENERALIZATION Music has always been an important part in the daily life of the African, whether for work, religion, ceremonies, or even communication. Singing, dancing, hand clapping and the beating of drums are essential to manyAfrican ceremonies, including those for birth, death, initiation, marriage, and funerals. Music and dance are also important to religious expression and political events in Africa. 21All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide The music of Latin America is the product of three major influences – Indigenous, Spanish-Portuguese, and African. Sometimes called Latin music, it includes the countries that have had a colonial history from Spain and Portugal. III. WHAT TO KNOW 1. What are the classifications of African music? 2. What are the characteristics of each classification of African music? 3. Name some African musical instruments under the following categories: a. idiophones b. chordophones c. membranophones d. aerophones 4. Describe how African musical instruments are sourced from the environment. Give examples. 5. What are the different vocal and dance forms of Latin American music?DEPED COPY6. What are the characteristics of each vocal and dance form of LatinAmerican music? 7. Which type of music was popularized by Bob Marley? 8. Which type of music was popularized by Antonio Carlos Jobim? 9. Who is known as the “Philippines’ Queen of Bossa Nova”? IV. WHAT TO PROCESS Class Activity 1. Play one recording of African and Latin American music. 2. Have the students participate in a class discussion on the distinctive features and qualities of each musical genre and style. 22 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular MusicV. WHAT TO UNDERSTAND Activity 1: Making Improvised African and Latin American Instruments Individual or Group Activity 1. Ask the students to make improvised African and Latin American musical instruments using dried vegetables, animal hide, wood, strips of roofing metal, tin cans, bamboo, and other materials from the environment. 2. Have them create a rhythmic or harmonic accompaniment for any African and Latin American songs that they know using these improvised African and Latin American instruments. Let them use the internet for reference. 3. Have them answer: “How did you relate in making improvised African and Latin American musical instruments found in the environment?” Activity 2: Choreography to Express the Music Individual or Group Activity 1. Have the students conceptualize a choreography to show some dance steps set to African and Latin American music.DEPED COPY2. Let them answer: “How does it feel to conceptualize the dance movements in each music category?”VI. WHAT TO PERFORM Group Activities 1. Class Singing Concert – live performance a. Divide the class into four groups. Ask each group to draw lots to sing a song from one of the following musical genres: For African Music - Kumbaya, Waka Waka, or Mbube For Latin-American music - One Note Samba; We are One (Ole Ola) the official song of the 2014 FIFAWorld Cup held in Brazil, written and co-produced by Pitbull and featuring Jennifer Lopez and Brazilian star Claudia Leitte. Let them research the lyrics and music. b. Let the students decide among their group members which of them will sing, plan the choreography or movements to accompany the song, play 23All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide a musical instrument, and record the group’s performance on video. c. Ask the students learn their assigned song, using the lyrics on the following pages. d. Have them practice it, with the choreography and accompaniment. Then, let them perform in class. 2. Dance Interaction a. As they performs in class, have the performers invite the other class members to join them in the dance movements or choreography that they have prepared. They can do a “flash mob” style of dancing. b. Have the group leaders do an impromptu selection of the “Best Dance Performance” among their classmates. 3. Music Video Award a. During the class performance, let the assigned group member(s) to recordDEPED COPYtheir group’s performance usingamobile phone,tablet, orvideocamera. b. Have them simulate a “Music Video Award” event by joining the other groups in presenting their respective videos in class. c. Ask the class members choose the “Best Song Performance” based on how well the group presented their assigned music genre. KUM BAY YA Kum Bay Ya is a spiritual song that was first recorded in the 1920s. It became a popular standard campfire song in Girl or Boy Scouting and during summer camps. The song is originally a simple petition to God to come and help those in need. This inspiring hymn is heard in many countries of Central Africa. It has great personal meaning and the singer often creates his own words as he works or pray. The words “Kum Bay Ya” mean “come by here” or “stay nearby.” 24 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music KUMBAYA Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya; Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya; Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya O Lord, kum bay ya. Someone’s laughing, my Lord, kum bay ya Someone’s laughing, my Lord, kum bay ya Someone’s laughing, my Lord, kum bay ya O Lord, kum bay ya. Someone’s crying, my Lord, kum bay ya Someone’s crying, my Lord, kum bay ya Someone’s crying, my Lord, kum bay ya O Lord, kum bay ya. Someone’s praying, Lord, kum bay yaDEPED COPYSomeone’s praying, Lord, kum bay ya Someone’s praying, Lord, kum bay ya O Lord, kum bay ya. Someone’s singing, my Lord, kum bay ya Someone’s singing, my Lord, kum bay ya Someone’s singing, my Lord, kum bay ya O Lord, kum bay ya. WAKA WAKA (This Time forAfrica) FIFA World Cup 2010 Official Anthem \"Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)\" or in Spanish, \"WakaWaka (Esto es África)\" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriterShakira. It feautures South African band, Freshlyground, andpairs an African Colombian rhythm with a Soca-inspired beat.Its lyrics encourage one to aim for one’s goals, like a soldier ona battlefield. The song was used as the official song of the 2010FIFA World Cup held in South Africa. 25All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide WAKA WAKAYou're a good soldier You know it's seriousChoosing your battles We're getting closerPick yourself up This isn’t overAnd dust yourself off The pressure is onAnd back in the saddle You feel itYou're on the frontline But you've got it allEveryone's watching Believe it ONE NOTE SAMBA Samba de Uma Nota Só (\"One-Note Samba\") is a song com- posed by Antonio Carlos Jobim, with Portuguese lyrics by New- ton Mendonça and English lyrics by Jobim. The song title refers to the main melody line, which at first consists of a long series of notes of a single tone.DEPED COPYThis is justa little samba Built upon a single note Other notes are bound to follow But the root is still that note Now this new note is the consequence Of the one we've just been through As I'm bound to be The unavoidable consequence of you There's so many people Who can talk and talk, and talk And just say nothing Or nearly nothing I have used up all the scale I know and at the end I've come to nothing I mean nothing 26 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music So I come back to my first note As I come back to you I will pour into that one note All the love I feel for you Any one who wants the whole show Re mi fa so la ci do He will find himself with no show Better play the note you know So I come back to my first note I must come back to you I will pour into that one note All the love I feel for you Any one who wants the whole show Re mi fa so la ci do He will find himself with no showDEPED COPYBetter play the note you knowEvaluation of Performing ActivitiesRating scale: 2 = Poor 5 = Very Good 1 = Needs Follow-up 4 = Good 3 = FairAsk the students to answer the following:Rate scores are based on the groups’ performance quality.1. How well did our group perform our assigned music?a. African music _______________b. Latin American music _______________2 How well can I identify the different musical genresbased on instrumentation, melody, rhythm, text,timbre, harmony, and purpose? _______________ 27All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide _______________ _______________ 3. How well can I describe the characteristics of each genre as I listened to the melody, _______________ harmony, rhythm, and lyrics? _______________ 4. How well did our group perform the different dance moves for our assigned song? 5. How well can I (individually) sing the following musical genres? a. African music b. Latin American musicTeacher’s Rating of the Performance1. Musicianship (60%) _______________ (musical elements, technique)2. Presentation impact and showmanship (20%) _______________DEPED COPYVII. EVALUATION3. Ensemble coordination and organization (20%) _______________Have the students choose a new favorite musical genre. On a one fourth (1/4)sheet of pad paper, have them describe the character and classification of Africanand Latin American music and tell which is their favorite, and why.VIII. ENRICHMENT / ASSIGNMENT 1. Mini Concert: Divide the class into two groups. Assign African music to one group, and Latin American music to the other group. Have them prepare for a mini concert of their assigned genre in the next meeting. 2. Research Work: Ask them to research or read on jazz, popular music, and OPM and write their personal impression about each genre. Let them submit it next meeting. 3. Video Analysis: Ask the students to watch the animated movies Lion King by Disney and Rio by Blue Sky Studios on the internet. Have them write a reaction paper regarding the musical forms and styles incorporated in these movies.28 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music QUARTER IIAFRO-LATIN AMERICAN AND POPULAR MUSIC Sessions 6, 7, and 8 JAZZ, POPULAR MUSIC, AND ORIGINAL PILIPINO MUSICI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: Jazz Popular Music Original Pilipino Music (OPM)Sub-topics: Jazz – ragtime, big band, bebop, jazz rock Popular Music – ballad, standard, rock and roll, alternative music, disco Original Pilipino Music (OPM) B. Materials: DVD/CD recordings / video clips / recordings from YouTubeDEPED COPYof Jazz Music, Popular Music, and OPM CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players Pictures of Jazz, Popular Music, and OPM singers, composers, lyricistsC. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM pages 65 - 87II. LESSON PROPER A. PRELIMINARYACTIVITY 1. Review: a. Define and describe Afrian and Latin American music. b. Give examples of musical instruments of Africa and Latin America. 2. Motivation: a. Show video/film clips/MTVs or any recording from YouTube of Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, One Direction, The Vamps, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, K pop, J pop, Freddie Aguilar, Francis Magalona, and Eraserheads. 29All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide Or present in class video clips from the animated movie The Princess and The Frog and let the students listen to the background music which is jazz. b. Elicit responses through individual recitations or plain imitation of a short song melody. B. DEVELOPMENTALACTIVITY 1. Let the students listen to DVD/CD recordings or watch MTVs from YouTube of pop, rock, jazz, folk, country and western, rock and roll, hiphop, rap, and classical music. 2. Have them analyze/discuss the characteristics of each genre through comparison of their similarities and differenes. 3. Discuss the different aspects of the history of each musical genre in relation to Social Studies, and describe how each one is influenced by modern culture, society, and technology. 4. Let the students identify aurally the different genres of today’s music.DEPED COPY5. Call on volunteers to perform two or three of these genres in class. C. INTEGRATION 1. The lesson on Musical Genres of the 20th Century, dealing with folk and alternative music, as well as the modern idioms of jazz, popular music, and rock, may be integrated with Social Studies in reference to today’s society, culture, and technology. 2. Role Playing - Call on volunteer students to depict the socio-historical context of jazz and popular music, specifically rock and roll. Infusion of values: Ability to adapt to different situations in life and open- mindedness to new ideas. D. GENERALIZATION The emergence of 20th century musical genres is a reflection of modern life, balancing the traditional norms of society with the advances in science 30 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music and technology. Other than the genres that evolved from the traditionally classical styles, the new musical forms that developed included Country and Western, Jazz, Rock and Roll, Rock, and Alternative Music. III. WHAT TO KNOW Ask the students to answer the following: 1. How did the different forms of popular music reflect life in the 20th century? 2. Differentiate the characteristics of Philippine pop, rock, and rap music. 3. What role did media like radio, television, and recordings play in the development of these different musical genres? 4. Describe the “Manila Sound” in Philippine pop music. 5. Name some well-known OPM performers. IV. WHAT TO PROCESSDEPED COPYClassActivity: Listening 1. Play one recording of each of the following: Jazz, Popular Music (standards, rock and roll, disco), and OPM (ballad, Pinoy rock, Pinoy rap). Instruct the class to listen carefully to each recording. 2. Have the students participate in a class discussion on the distinctive features and qualities of each musical genre and style. V. WHAT TO UNDERSTAND Activity: Choreography to Express the Music Individual or Group Activity 1. Ask the students to conceptualize a choreography to show some dance steps set to Jazz, Popular (Pop) Music, and OPM. 2. After this activity, ask the students: “How does it feel to conceptualize the dance movements in each music category?” 31All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide VI. WHAT TO PERFORM Group Activities 1. Class Singing Concert – live performance a. Divide the class into four groups. b. Each group will be asked to draw lots to sing a song from one of the following musical genres: For Jazz - choose from Someone to Watch Over Me by Ella Fritzgerald (lyrics provided on the next page) or All That Jazz from the movie Chicago For Pop and OPM - choose your own song c. Have the students decide among their group members who will do the following: - sing - plan the choreography or movements to accompany the song - play a musical instrumentDEPED COPY- record the group’s performance on video. d. They will then learn their assigned song, using the lyrics provided or researched on the internet. Let them practice it, with the choreography and accompaniment. 2. Dance Interaction a. As they perform in class, ask the performers to invite the other class members to join them in the dance movements or choreography that they have prepared. They can do a “flash mob” style of dancing. b. Assign the group leaders to do an impromptu selection of the “Best Dance Performance” among their classmates. 3. Music Video Award a. During the class performance, ask the assigned group member(s) to record their group’s performance using a mobile phone, tablet, or video camera. 32 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music b. Tell them to simulate a “Music Video Award” event by joining the other groups in presenting their respective videos in class. c. Ask the class members to choose the “Best Song Performance” based on how well the group presented their assigned music genre. Someone To Watch Over Me There's a saying old, says that love is blind Still we're often told, \"Seek and ye shall find\" So I'm going to seek a certain lad I've had in mind Looking everywhere, haven't found him yet He's the big affair I cannot forget Only man I ever think of with regret I'd like to add his initial to my monogram Tell me, where is the shepherd for this lost lamb?DEPED COPYThere's a somebody I'm longin' to see I hope that he, turns out to be Someone who'll watch over me I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood I know I could, always be good To one who'll watch over me Although he may not be the man some Girls think of as handsome To my heart he carries the key Won't you tell him please to put on some speed Follow my lead, oh, how I need Someone to watch over me Won't you tell him please to put on some speed Follow my lead, oh, how I need Someone to watch over me Someone to watch over me 33All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s GuideEvaluation of Performing ActivitiesRating scale: 2 = Poor 5 = Very Good 1 = Needs Follow-up 4 = Good 3 = FairRate scores are based on the groups’ performance quality.1. How well did our group perform our assigned music?a. Jazz _______________b. Popular Music _______________c. OPM _______________2. How well can I identify the different musical genresbased on instrumentation, melody, rhythm, text,timbre, harmony, and purpose? _______________3. How well can I describe the characteristics ofeach genre as I listened to the melody,DEPED COPYdance moves for our assigned song?harmony, rhythm, and lyrics? _______________4. How well did our group perform the different _______________5. How well can I (individually) sing the followingmusical genres?a. African Music _______________b. Latin American Music _______________Teacher’s Rating of the Performance1. Musicianship (60%) _______________ (musical elements, technique)2. Presentation impact and showmanship (20%) _______________3. Ensemble coordination and organization (20%) _______________34 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music VII. EVALUATION Make the students choose a new favorite musical genre. On a one fourth (1/4) sheet of pad paper, have them describe the character and classification of this genre and tell why it is their favorite. VIII. ENRICHMENT / ASSIGNMENT A. Research Work 1. Divide the class into three groups. Assign one musical genre to each group: jazz, popular music, and OPM. 2. Have the students research further on their assigned genre and the well- known musicians who composed/performed in this style. 3. Ask the students to briefly describe the life and works of their favorite artists in this genre. 4. Let them submit their resarch work in the next meeting. Ask 5 students to read their work in class. B. Video Analysis 1. Ask the students to watch the Disney animated movie The Princess andDEPED COPYTheFrog ontheinternet. 2. Have them write a reaction paper regarding the musical forms and styles incorporated in the movie. 35All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide Quarter III CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE MUSIC CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of... 1. Characteristic features of contemporary music. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner... 1. Sings contemporary songs. LEARNING COMPETENCIESDEPED COPYThelearner... 1. Listens perceptively to excerpts of major contemporary works. 2. Describes characteristics of traditional and new music. 3. Gives a brief biography of selected contemporary Philippine composers. 4. Sings selections of contemporary music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression. 5. Explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources. 6. Improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to selected songs. 7. Creates a musical on the life of a selected contemporary Philippine composer. 8. Evaluates music and music performances using knowledge of musical elements and style. From the Department of Education curriculum for MUSIC Grade 10 (2014) 36 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter III: Contemporary Philippine Music Quarter III CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE MUSIC Sessions 1,2, and 3 TRADITIONAL COMPOSERSI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: 20th Century Filipino Composers: Traditional Composers Sub Topics: Francisco Buencamino Francisco Santiago Nicanor Abelardo Antonio Molina Hilarion Rubio Col. Antonino Buenaventura Rodolfo Cornejo Felipe Padilla de Leon Sr.DEPED COPYLucioSanPedro Rosendo Santos Jr. Alfredo Buenaventura Ryan CayabyabB. Materials: Pictures/slides of composers Charts with bullet-highlights of the composers’ lives and works Musical scores of some of the composers’ well-known compositions DVD/CD recordings of sample works CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 playersC. Reference: Music Grade 10 Learner’s Materials Pages 89-109 37All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide II. LESSON PROPER A. PRELIMINARYACTIVITY 1. Review: Recall concepts from the past lesson. 2. Motivation: As the class listens to the recordings, display on the board pictures of each of the composers. Choose recordings from past lessons to serve as a bridge to the new lesson. Display the chart or list of composers from the last lesson. B. DEVELOPMENTALACTIVITY Have the students do the following: 1. Let the students listen to and watch presentations of the lives, musical achievements, and works of Francisco Buencamino Sr., Francisco Santiago, NicanorAbelardo, Antonio Molina, Hilarion Rubio, Col. Antonino Buenaventura, Rodolfo Cornejo, Felipe Padilla de Leon Sr., Lucio San Pedro, Rosendo Santos Jr., Alfredo Buenaventura, and Ryan Cayabyab. 2. Have them watch the following video clips on YouTube:DEPED COPYa. Larawan and Mayon Fantasy byFrancisco Buencamino performed by Cecille Licad, international concert pianist b. Nocturne by Nicanor Abelardo performed by Raul Sunico, international concert pianist c. Serenata by Nicanor Abelardo performed by Renato Lucas, cello and Raul Sunico, pianist d. Anak Dalita by Francisco Santiago e. Sa Ugoy ng Duyan by Lucio San Pedro performed by Lea Salonga f. Kumukutikutitap and Kay Ganda ng ating Musika by Ryan Cayabyab 3. Let them express their a) personal reactions or feelings; and b) analysis of the musical elements present about these composers’ works through group discussion. Report the outcome of the group discussion in class. C. INTEGRATION The lesson on 20th Century Filipino Composers may be integrated with Philippine History for a better understanding of the musical styles and their sources of influence. 38 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter III: Contemporary Philippine Music Infusion of values: Appreciation of our nationalist composers as major exponents of our cultural heritage.D. GENERALIZATION Filipino composers of the 20th century contributed their share in introducing innovative sounds different from the traditional folk song and kundiman melodies that we have been accustomed to. Some espoused the impressionistic style, while others combined ethnic sounds and musical elements with Western techniques in their compositions.III. WHAT TO KNOW1. Discuss the lives and musical contributions of the following 20th centuryFilipino composers:a. Francisco Buencamino Sr. g. Rodolfo Cornejob. Francisco Santiago h. Felipe Padilla de Leon Sr.c. Nicanor Abelardo i. Lucio San Pedrod. Antonio Molina j. Rosendo Santos Jr.e. Hilarion Rubio k. Alfredo Buenaventuraf. Col. Antonino Buenaventura l. Ryan CayabyabDEPED COPY2. Point out the characteristics of the musical style of the above-mentionedFilipino composers.Composer Characteristics of the Musical Style________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________ 39All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s GuideIV. WHAT TO PROCESSA. Listening Activity1. Play excerpts of recordings of any one composition by the following Filipino song composers:Antonio Molina - Hatinggabi, Misa Antoniana, Grand Festival Mass, Ang Batingaw, Kundiman- Kundangan; String Quartet, Kung sa Iyong Gunita, Pandangguhan, Amihan, Awit ni Maria Clara, Larawan Nitong PilipinaLucio San Pedro - Sa Ugoy ng Duyan, Suite Pastorale, Lahing KayumanggiRyan Cayabyab - Misa, Four Poems for Soprano and Piano, Te Deum, Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika, Limang Dipang Tao, Da Coconut Nut, Alikabok, Spoliarium, Kumukuti-kutitapCol. AntoninoBuenaventura - Minuet, Mindanao Sketches, Divertimento forDEPED COPYAlfredo Piano and Orchestra, Variations and Fugue, and Greetings, Pandanggo sa Ilaw, Princesa ng Kumintang, Pandanggo ni NenengBuenaventura - Maria Makiling (1961), Diego Silang(1966), Prinsesa Urduha (1969); Ang Ating Watawat (1965), Pasko ng Barangay (1964); Dakilang Lahi (1971), Gomburza (1981), and Rizal, the Great Malayan Antagonist (1990)Rodolfo Cornejo - A la Juventud Filipina, Bailes de Ayer, Caprice on a Folksong, Cello Sonata, Ibong Adarna, Kandingan, Malakas at Maganda Overture, Okaka, Oriental Fantasy, Ibong Adarna, Piano Concerto Nos. 1,2,3, Ruby, Song of the MinersHilarion Rubio - Bulaklaken, Dance of the Nymphs Rondo, Florente at Laura, Halik, Danza, Ang Konsyerto (ballet), Ang Magsasaka, Bukang Liwayway, Concertino in C (Marimba and piano), Filipinas Kong Mahal, Hatulan Mo Ako, Ginintuang Araw, In a Tropcal Sea, Filipino Youth, Nela, Light, Narra, Mutya ng Silangan40 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter III: Contemporary Philippine Music Rosendo Santos Jr. - Melinda’s Masquerade Nicanor Abelardo - Nasaan Ka Irog?, Bituing Marikit, Mutya ng Pasig, Paskong Anong Saya, Cavatina, Kundiman ng Luha, Magbalik Ka Hirang Francisco Santiago - Kundiman (Anak Dalita), Himutok, Pakiusap, Madaling Araw, Sakali Man, Pilipinas Kong Mahal, Ano Kaya ang Kapalaran? Felipe de Leon Sr. - Bulaklak Alitaptap, Bagong Lipunan, Payapang Daigdig, Pasko na Naman, Noche Buena, Kay Tamis ng Buhay, Sapagkat Mahal Kita Francisco Buencamino - Harana, Pandanggo ni Neneng, Collar de Sampaguita, Dulces las Horas, Mayon (Fantasia de Concierto), My Soul’s Lament, Larawan, Mazurka, Boholana, Mi Bandera, Princesa ng Kumintang, Maligayang Bati, Ang Bukang Liwayway, Ang Bagong Balitaw, Himig ng Nayon, Damdamin (Romance), Pizzicato Caprice 2. Let the students listen carefully to each excerpt and recognize theDEPED COPYdifferent musical styles of the composers. 3. Have them analyze the music by taking note of the elements of music present: rhythm, melody, tempo, dynamics, texture, harmony, form, and timbre. 4. Let them choose a composition that they like, and then write a short reaction paper on it in relation to the musical elements. B. Evaluation of Listening Activity Name the Composer, Title of the Music, Musical Style, and Description 1. After the above Listening Activity, prepare selected excerpts of compositions by Lucio San Pedro, Col. Antonino Buenaventura, Alfredo Buenaventura, Antonio Molina, Rodolfo Cornejo, Francisco Buencamino, Hilarion Rubio, Rosendo Santos Jr., Francisco Santiago, Nicanor Abelardo, Felipe Padilla de Leon Sr., and Ryan Cayabyab. 2. Divide the class into four teams, with each team forming a line. 41All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide 3. As you play a few measures of the first musical excerpt, the first student in each line goes to the board and writes the name of the composer. The second student will write the title of the music. The third student will write the musical style. Then, the fourth student will write a description of the music in one phrase. 4. The team that writes the correct answers first, scores four (4) points. 5. The same procedure goes on until all the students in the line have had their turn. 6. Assign one student as the scorer. The team with the highest score is the winner. In case of a tie, the first team to finish is the winner. 7. The scorer will announce the winners and then ask them this question: What was the most significant thing that you have learned from this activity? V. WHAT TO UNDERSTAND Activity for Solo, Duet, Trio, Quartet, Quintet 1. Have the students compose a simple song, for which they will create bothDEPED COPYthelyricsandthemusic. 2. They may adapt a certain melody from the compositions of the song composers that they like, and then write new lyrics to fit the music. 3. They may also include an accompaniment using a guitar, flute, recorder, keyboard, drums, tambourine, maracas, or even improvised musical instruments from the environment. 4. Have the students sing their original songs or adaptations in class, either a capella (without accompaniment) or with accompaniment. 5. Ask them this question: What motivated you to compose or adapt the music of that particular song? VI. WHAT TO PERFORM A. Singing Activity Individual or in groups: Let the students sing any of the compositions of Lucio San Pedro, Col. Antonino Buenaventura, Alfredo Buenaventura, Antonio Molina, Rodolfo Cornejo, Francisco Buencamino Sr., Hilarion Rubio, Rosendo Santos Jr., Nicanor Abelardo, Francisco Santiago, Felipe Padilla de Leon, and Ryan Cayabyab. 42 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter III: Contemporary Philippine MusicIf individual activity, let the students choose one composition that they willperform. If group activity, let them do the following procedure:1. Divide the class into four groups.2. Let the students choose any traditional composer, and research further on his compositions, if needed.3. After researching, have them select one composition that they like best or they are familiar with. Or they may opt to learn a new song.4. Let them choose their group’s musical director.5. To learn and practice their chosen song, the students may bring to class “minus one” music on a CD, mobile phone, or USB.6. They may add instrumental accompaniment using a guitar, flute, recorder, maracas, tambourine, keyboard, or a combination of any of these. 7. They may also improvise simple vocal or instrumental accompaniment, by exploring ways of creating sounds from a variety of sources or from the environment.DEPED COPY8. Let them sing the song in class with their groupmates interpreting the music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, timbre, dynamics, melody, texture, harmony, and expression.9. After all the performances, choose the “Best Singing Group” based on:- musicianship (musical elements) 60%- presentation impact and showmanship 20%- ensemble coordination and organization 20%10. Have all the students evaluate by rating each other’s performance and their own performance.Evaluation of Singing ActivityHave the students rate the individuals/groups based on performance quality:Rating Scale: 5 - Very Good 2 - Poor 4 - Good 1 - Needs Follow up 3 - Fair 43All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s GuideRating the other performers (if individual activity):1. How well did the performers express the messageof the songs? __________2. How well did the performers pronouncethe lyrics of the songs? __________3. How well did the performers sing based onmusical elements and style:a. pitch __________b. rhythm __________c. style __________d. expression __________e. dynamics __________f. melody __________g. timbre __________h. texture __________i. harmony __________Rating the group members (if group activity): 1. How well did the group members express the message of the songs? 2. How well did the group members sing?DEPED COPY3. How well did the group members participate? __________ __________ __________ B. Creating and Performing Activities: Musical 1. Divide the class into four groups. Each group will choose a traditional composer who was discussed in class, and research further on his life and works. 2. Have the students create a contemporary musical on the life of their chosen composer. Encourage them to incorporate some of his compositions (melodic fragments) in the musical’s story line. 3. For the creation of the musical, have the students improvise simple vocal or instrumental accompaniments (example: guitar, keyboard, percussion) for the songs that they have chosen. 4. Let them also explore ways of creating sounds as accompaniment on a variety of sources or from the environment. 5. Each group will then perform their original musical in class.44 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter III: Contemporary Philippine Music6. Choose the “Best Group Musical Performance” based on:- musicianship (musical elements) 50%- audience impact and showmanship 20%- ensemble coordination and organization 20%- stage discipline or deportment 10%Evaluation of Creating and Performing Activities: MusicalHave the students rate the individuals/groups based on performance quality:Rating Scale: 5 - Very Good 2 - Poor 4 - Good 1 - Needs Follow up 3 - FairRating the other performers/groups:1. How well did the performers express themessage of the musical? __________2. How well did they perform in the musical based on the following: COPY__________ __________DEPEDa. voicequality __________ b. expression __________ c. stage presence d. audience impacte. mastery of the musical __________g. musical elements (rhythm, melody, dynamics) __________h. technique __________i. showmanship __________Rating your own group members:1. How well did your group members express themessage of the musical? __________2. How well did your group members perform? __________3. How well did your group members coordinate witheach other during the performance in the ensemble? __________4. How well did your group organize yourselves inthe ensemble? __________Rating myself:1. How well did I express the message of the musical? __________2. How well did I perform with my group? __________3. How well did I coordinate with the other membersduring the performance in the ensemble? __________4. How well did I cooperate in the ensemble? __________ 45All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s Guide Quarter III CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE MUSIC Sessions 4 and 5 NEW MUSIC COMPOSERSI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: 20th Century Filipino Composers: New Music Composers Sub Topics: Jose Maceda Lucrecia Kasilag Ramon Santos Fr. Manuel Maramba, OSB Jerry Dadap Francisco Feliciano Josefino “Chino” Toledo Jonas Baes B. Materials: Pictures/slides of composersDEPED COPYCharts with bullet-highlights of the composers’ lives and works Musical scores of some of the composers’ well-known compositions DVD/CD recordings of sample works CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 playersC. Reference: Music Grade 10 Learner’s Materials Pages 119-124II. LESSON PROPER A. PRELIMINARYACTIVITY 1. Review: Recall concepts from the past lesson.46 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter III: Contemporary Philippine Music2. Motivation: Choose recordings from past lessons to serve as a bridge to the new lesson. Display the chart of composers begun in the last lesson. As the class listens to selected excerpts of the recordings, display on the board pictures of each of the composers. B. DEVELOPMENTALACTIVITY 1. Have the students watch and listen to presentations of the lives, musical achievements, and works of Jose Maceda, Lucrecia Kasilag, Ramon Santos, Fr. Manuel Maramba, OSB, Jerry Dadap, Francisco Feliciano, Josefino “Chino” Toledo, and Jonas Baes. 2. Let them watch the following musical examples on YouTube: a. Udlot-udlot by Jose Maceda performed at Senri Expo Park, Japan b. Huntahang Gitara composed and conducted by Josefino Toledo c. Banwa by Jonas Baes d. Lullaby by Lucrecia Kasilag, National Artist for Music e. Pamugun by Francisco Feliciano, National Artist for Music f. Alay sa Inang Bayan by Jerry Dadap 3. Ask the students to express their personal reactions or feelings aboutDEPED COPYthese composers’ works through group discussion and analysis. Have them report the outcome of the group discussion in class.C. INTEGRATION The lesson on 20th Century Filipino Composers may be integrated with Philippine History for a better understanding of the styles and their sources of influence. Infusion of values: Appreciation of our nationalist composers as major exponents of our cultural heritage.D. GENERALIZATION Filipino composers of the 20th century contributed their share in introducing innovative sounds different from the traditional folk song and kundiman melodies that we have been accustomed to. Some espoused the impressionistic style, while others combined ethnic sounds and musical elements with Western techniques in their compositions. 47All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

MUSIC Teacher’s GuideIII. WHAT TO KNOWLet the students answer the following:1. Research on and describe the characteristics of New Music.2. Discuss the lives and works of the following 20th century Filipino composers and performers:a. Jose Maceda e. Jerry Dadapb. Lucrecia Kasilag f. Francisco Felicianoc. Ramon Santos g. Josefino “Chino” Toledod. Fr. Manuel Maramba, OSB h. Jonas Baes3. Point out the characteristics of the musical styles of the above-mentioned Filipino composers.Composer Characteristics of the Musical Style ________________ ________________________________________ ________________ ________________________________________DEPED COPY________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________IV. WHAT TO PROCESS A. Listening Activity 1. Play excerpts of recordings of any one composition by the following Filipino New Music composers:48 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

Quarter III: Contemporary Philippine Music a. Jose Maceda - Ugma-Ugma; Agungan; Pagsamba; Ugnayan; Udlot Udlot b. Lucrecia Kasilag - Toccata for Percucssion and Winds; The Legend of the Sarimanok; Divertissement and Concertante; Dularawan c. Josefino “Chino” Toledo - 2nd Og-og; Abe; Ako ang Daigdig; Alitaptap; Aliw-iw; Awiting Bayan; Barasyon; Asia; Kah-non; Humigit Kumulang; Lima; Mi-sa; Missa de gallo; Oyog-Oyog; Musika para sa; Pasyon at Buhay; Pompyang; Pintigan; Pilipino Komiks; Sigaw; Tatluhan; Auit, Ub-og; Ug-nay; Tula-li d. Francisco Feliciano - Sikhay sa Kabila ng Paalam; Ashen Wings; La Loba Negra; Prelude and Toccata ; Fragments; Yerma; The life of wartime Filipino hero, Jose Abad Santos; Transfiguration; Missa Mysterium; Pokpok Alimpako; Salimbayan; Umiinog, Walang Tinag; Pamugún; Restless e. Jerry Dadap - The Passionate and the Wild; Mangamuyo I); Mangamuyo II; The Redemption; Five Little Fingers; Tubig ngDEPED COPYBuhay; Dakilang Pagpapatawad;Andres Bonifacio,Ang Dakilang Anak Pawis; Ang Pag-ibig ng Diyos; Balitaw Nos. 1-7; Lam-ang Epic; Lorenzo Ruiz; Chorale Symphonic Ode Nos. 1 and 2; Aniway at Tomaneg; Song Cycle, Nos. 1-4; Choral Cycle Nos. 1-3; Diyos Ama ay Purihin f. Fr. Manuel Maramba, OSB - Aba!, Sto. Niño; La Naval; Lord Takayama Ukon; Awakening; Seven Mansions; Papal Mass for World Youth Day, 1995; Mass in Honor of St. Lorenzo Ruiz; Mass in Honor of the Sto. Niño; cantatas St. Lorenzo Ruiz, St. Benedict, and St. Scholastica; Three Psalms—A hymn in honor of St. Lorenzo Ruiz, and the official hymn of the 1996 National Eucharistic Congress; Ang Sarswela sa San Salvador; Pugad Lawin; The Virgin of Naval; Transfiguration g. Ramon Santos - Ding Ding nga Diyawa; Nabasag na Banga at Iba’t iba pang Pinag-ugpong-ugpong na Pananalita sa Wikang Pilipino (para sa labing anim na tinig); L’BAD h. Jonas Baes - WALA (Nothingness); DALUY (flow); IBO- IBON (Birdwoman); SALAYSAY; PATANGIS-BUWAYA; PANTAWAG; BASBASAN (Blessing) 49All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

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