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K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 7 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7EL-Ib-1 MATERIALSGRADE 7- FIRST QUARTER A7EL-Ia-2 The learner... The learner… The learner... A7PL-Ih-1Arts and Crafts of Luzon A7PL-Ih-2(Highlands and Lowlands) 1. art elements and 1. create artworks showing the 1. analyze elements and processes by principles of art in the 1. Attire, Fabrics, and Tapestries synthesizing and characteristic elements of production of one’s arts 2. Crafts and Accessories, and applying prior the arts of Luzon (highlands and crafts inspired by the knowledge and skills arts of Luzon (highlands Body Ornamentation and lowlands) and lowlands) 3. Architectures 2. the salient features 2. exhibit completed artworks 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) of the arts of Luzon 2. identify characteristics of 5. Everyday objects (highlands and for appreciation and arts and crafts in specific lowlands) by showing areas in Luzon (e.g., papierI. Elements of Art the relationship of critiquing mâché [taka] from Paete, 6. Line the elements of art Ifugao wood sculptures 7. Shape and Form and processes among [bul’ul], Cordillera jewelry 8. Value culturally diverse and pottery, tattoo, and 9. Color communities in the Ilocos weaving and pottery 10. Texture country [burnay], etc.) 11. Space 3. the Philippines as 3. reflect on and derive theII.Principles of Art having a rich artistic mood, idea, or message 12. Rhythm, Movement and cultural tradition emanating from selected 13. Balance from precolonial to artifacts and art objects 14. Emphasis present times 15. Harmony, Unity, Variety 4. appreciate the artifacts and 16. Proportion art objects in terms of their uses and their distinct useIII. Process of art elements and 17. Drawing and Painting principles 18. Sculpture and Assemblage 19. Mounting an exhibit: 19.1 Concept 19.2 Content / labels 19.3 Physical layoutK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 50 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7PL-Ih-3 MATERIALS A7PL-Ih-4 OHSP Arts Module 5. incorporate the design, A7PR-Ic-e-1 Q1 form, and spirit of the A7PR-If-2 highland/lowland artifact A7PR-If-3 Page 51 of 93 and object in one’s creation A7PR-Ih-4 6. trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making of a craft or artifact 7. create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc). 8. derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork 9. shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific areas of the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources (e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry, baskets) 10. show the relationship of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) arts and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic influences,K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A7PR-Ig-5 Spanish heritage, and A7EL-IIb-1 Page 52 of 93 A7EL-IIa-2 American legacies in education, business, modernization, and entertainment, as well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and social practices) 11. mount an exhibit using completed Luzon (highlands and lowlands)- inspired arts and crafts in an organized mannerGRADE 7- SECOND QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner…Arts and Crafts of MIMAROPA 1. art elements and create artwork showing the 1. analyze elements and(Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, processes by characteristic elements of the principles of art in theand Palawan) and the Visayas synthesizing and arts of MIMAROPA and the production one’s arts and applying prior Visayas crafts inspired by the arts 1. Attire, Fabrics, and Tapestries knowledge and skills of MIMAROPA and the 2. Crafts and Accessories, and Visayas 2. the salient features of Body Ornamentation the arts of 2. identify characteristics of 3. Architectures MIMAROPA and the arts and crafts in specific 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) Visayan Islands by areas in MIMAROPA and 5. Everyday objects showing the the Visayas, Marinduque relationship of the (Moriones masks),I. Elements of Art elements of art and Palawan (Manunggul Jar), 6. Line processes among Mindoro (Hanunuo- 7. Shape and Form culturally diverse Mangyan writing, 8. Value communities in the basketry, and weaving), 9. Color country Bohol (churches), Cebu (furniture), Iloilo (culinary 10. Texture arts and old houses), 11. SpaceII. Principles of Art 3. the Philippines asK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7PL-IIh-1 MATERIALS 12. Rhythm, Movement A7PL-IIh-2 OHSP Arts Module 13. Balance having a rich artistic Samar (Basey mats), etc. A7PL-IIh-3 Q1 14. Emphasis and cultural tradition 15. Harmony, Unity, Variety from precolonial to 3. reflect on and derive the A7PL-IIh-4 Page 53 of 93 present times mood, idea or message A7PR-IIc-e-1 Proportion emanating from selected artifacts and art objects A7PR-IIf-2III. Process 16. Drawing and Painting 4. appreciate the artifacts 17. Sculpture and Assemblage and art objects in terms of 18. Mounting an exhibit: its utilization and its 18.1 Concept distinct use of art 18.2 Content / labels elements and principles 18.3 Physical layout 5. incorporate the design, form and spirit of artifacts and art objects from MIMAROPA and the Visayas 6. trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork or in the making of a craft or artifact 7. create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc). 8. derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artworkK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7PR-IIf-3 MATERIALS 9. correlate the development A7PR-IIh-4 of crafts in specific areas A7PR-IIg-5 of the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources (e.g., architecture, weaving, pottery, accessories, masks, and culinary arts) 10. show the relationship of MIMAROPA and Visayas arts and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic influences, Spanish heritage, and American legacies in education, business, modernization, and entertainment, as well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and social practices) 11. mount an exhibit using completed MIMAROPA- Visayan-inspired arts and crafts in an organized mannerK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 54 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7EL-IIIb-1 MATERIALSGRADE 7- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… A7EL-IIIa-2 Page 55 of 93Arts and Crafts of Mindanao 1. art elements and 1. create artworks showing the 1. analyze elements and A7PL-IIIh-1 1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries processes by characteristic elements of principles of art in the A7PL-IIIh-2 2. Crafts and Accessories, and Body synthesizing and the arts of Mindanao production one’s arts and Ornamentation applying prior crafts inspired by the arts 3. Architectures knowledge and skills 2. exhibit completed artworks of Mindanao 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) for appreciation and 5. Everyday objects 2. the salient features of critiquing 2. identify characteristics of the arts of Mindanao arts and crafts in specificI. Elements of Art by showing the areas in Mindanao (e.g., 6. Line relationship of the maritime vessel 7. Shape and Form elements of art and [balanghay] from Butuan, 8. Value processes among vinta from Zamboanga; 9. Color culturally diverse Maranao’s malong, 10. Texture communities in the brasswares, okir, 11. Space country panolong, torogan, and sarimanok; Yakan’s fabricII. Principles of Art 3. the Philippines as and face makeup and 12. Rhythm, Movement having a rich artistic body ornamentation; 13. Balance and cultural tradition T’boli’s tinalak and 14. Emphasis from precolonial to accessories; Tawi-tawi’s 15. Harmony, Unity, Variety present times Pangalay dance, etc. 16. Proportion 3. reflect on and derive theIII. Process mood, idea, or message 1. Drawing and Painting emanating from selected 2. Sculpture and Assemblage artifacts and art objects 3. Mounting an exhibit: 3.1 Concept 4. appreciate the artifacts 3.2 Content / labels and art objects in terms of 3.3 Physical layout its utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principlesK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7PL-IIIh-3 MATERIALS A7PL-IIIh-4 OHSP Arts Module 5. incorporate the design, Q1 form, and spirit of artifacts A7PR-IIIc-e-1 and objects from A7PR-IIIf-2 Page 56 of 93 Mindanao to one’s creation A7PR-IIIf-3 A7PR-IIIh-4 6. trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making of a craft or artifact 7. create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc). 8. derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork 9. show the relationship of the development of crafts in specific areas of the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources (e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry) 10. show the relationship of Mindanao’s arts and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history,K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7PR-IIIg-5 MATERIALS A7EL-IVa-1 particularly with Islamic A7EL-IVb-2 Page 57 of 93 influences and indigenous A7EL-IVc-3 (Lumad) practices 11. mount exhibit using completed Mindanao- inspired arts and crafts in an organized mannerGRADE 7- FOURTH QUARTER The kearner… The learner… The learners:Festivals and Theatrical Forms 1. how theatrical 1. create appropriate festival 1. identify the festivals andReligious: elements (sound, attire with accessories theatrical forms celebrated music, gesture, based on authentic festival all over the country 1. Lucban, Quezon – Pahiyas movement ,and costumes throughout the year 2. Obando, Bulacan – Fertility costume) affect the creation and 2. create/improvise 2. research on the history of Dance communication of appropriate sound, music, the festival and theatrical 3. Marinduque- Moriones meaning in Philippine gesture, movements, and composition and its 4. Aklan – Ati-atihan Festivals and costume for a chosen evolution, and describe 5. Cebu – Sinulog Theatrical Forms as theatrical composition how the townspeople 6. Iloilo – Dinagyang influenced by history participate and contribute 7. Santacruzan and culture 3. take part in a chosen to the event festival or in a performanceNonreligious / Regional Festivals 2. theater and in a theatrical play 3. identify the elements and 8. Baguio- Panagbenga performance as a principles of arts as seen in 9. Bacolod – Maskara synthesis of arts and Philippine Festivals 10. Bukidnon – Kaamulan a significant 11. Davao – Kadayawan expression of the celebration of life inRepresentative Philippine various PhilippineTheatrical Forms communities 12. Shadow Puppet Play 13. Dance Drama 14. Moro-moro 15. Sarswela 16. SenakuloI. Elements of Art as Applied to K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A7PL-IVh-1 MATERIALS Philippine Theater and Festivals: 4. defines what makes each Page 58 of 93 17. Sound and Music of the Philippine festivals 18. Gesture, Movement and Dance unique through a visual 19. Costume, Mask, Makeup and presentation Accessories 5. design the visual elements A7PR-IVd-1 20. Spectacle and components of the selected festival or II. Principles of Arts theatrical form through 21. Rhythm, Movement costumes, props, etc. 22. Balance 23. Emphasis 6. analyze the uniqueness of A7PR-IVh-2 24. Harmony, Unity, Variety each group’s performance A7PR-IVe-f-3 25. Proportion of their selected festival or A7PR-IVe-f-4 theatrical form A7PR-IVg-5III. Process 26. Designing for stage, costume, 7. choreograph the and props for a theatrical play movements and gestures or festival reflecting the mood of the 27. Choreographing movement selected Philippine patterns and figures festival/theatrical form 28. Recreating a Philippine festival or staging a theatrical form 8. improvise accompanying sound and rhythm of the Philippine festival/theatrical form 9. perform in a group showcase of the selected Philippine festival/theatrical formK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 8CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A8EL-Ib-1 MATERIALSGRADE 8- FIRST QUARTER The learner… The learners… The learners: A8EL-Ia-2 Page 59 of 93 A8PL-Ih-1ARTS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. art elements and 1. create artworks showing the 1. analyze elements and A8PL-Ih-2Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, processes byCambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, synthesizing and characteristic elements of principles of art in theLao PDR, Brunei , and Singapore applying prior knowledge and skills the arts of Southeast Asia production of arts and 1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries 2. Crafts and Accessories, and Body 2. the salient features 2. exhibit completed artworks crafts inspired by the of the arts of cultures of Southeast Asia Ornamentation Southeast Asia by 3. Architectures showing the for appreciation and 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) relationship of the 5. Everyday objects elements of art and critiquing 2. identify characteristics of processes amongI. Elements of Art culturally diverse arts and crafts in specific 6. Line communities in the 7. Shape and Form region countries in Southeast 8. Value Asia: Indonesia (batik, 9. Color 3. Southeast Asian Wayang puppetry); 10. Texture countries as having Malaysia (modern batik, 11. Space a rich artistic and wau, and objects made cultural tradition from pewter); ThailandII. Principles of Art from prehistoric to (silk fabrics and Loi 12. Rhythm, Movement present times 13. Balance Kratong Lantern Festival); 14. Emphasis 15. Harmony, Unity, and Variety Cambodia (Angkor Wat 16. Proportion and ancient temples);III. Process Singapore (Merlion), etc. 17. Drawing and Painting 18. Sculpture and Assemblage 3. reflect on and derive the 19. Batik processes 20. Mounting an exhibit: mood, idea, or message from selected artifacts and 20.1 Concept 20.2 Content / labels art objects 4. appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principlesK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING21. Physical layout STANDARDS STANDARDS A8PL-Ih-3 MATERIALS 5. incorporate the design, A8PL-Ih-4 OHSP Arts Module form, and spirit of A8PR-Ic-e-1 Q2 Southeast Asian artifacts and objects in one’s A8PR-If-2 creation A8PR-If-3 6. trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making of a craft or artifact 7. create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g.,batik, silk weaving, etc.) 8. derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork 9. show the relationship of the development of crafts in specific countries in Southeast Asia, according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise and availability of resources (e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry)K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 60 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A8PR-Ih-4 MATERIALS A8PR-Ig-5 10. show the commonalities Page 61 of 93 and differences of the A8EL-IIb-1 culture of the Southeast Asian countries in relation A8EL-IIa-2 to Philippine culture A8PL-IIh-1GRADE 8- SECOND QUARTER The learner… The learner… 11. mount an exhibit usingARTS OF EAST ASIA completed Southeast Asian-inspired arts and crafts in an organized manner The learner…China, Japan, and Korea 1. art elements and 1. create artworks showing 1. analyze elements and 1. Attire, Fabrics, and Tapestries processes by the characteristic elements principles of art in the 2. Crafts and Accessories, and Body synthesizing and of the arts of East Asia production of arts and applying prior crafts inspired by the Ornamentation knowledge and skills 2. exhibit completed artworks cultures of East Asia 3. Architectures for appreciation and 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) 2. the salient features critiquing 2. identify characteristics of 5. Everyday objects of the arts of East arts and crafts in specific Asia by showing the countries in East Asia:I. Elements of Art relationship of the China (Chinese painting 6. Line elements of art and and calligraphy); Japan 7. Shape and Form processes among (origami, woodblock 8. Value culturally diverse printing, theater masks, 9. Color communities in the face painting, and anime10. Texture region and manga); and Korea11. Space (theater masks, drums, 3. East Asian countries and K-pop)II. Principles of Art as having a rich12. Rhythm, Movement artistic and cultural 3. reflect on and derive the13. Balance tradition from mood, idea or message14. Emphasis prehistoric to from selected artifacts and15. Harmony, Unity, Variety present times art objects16. ProportionK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A8PL-IIh-2 MATERIALSProcess A8PL-IIh-3 OHSP Arts Module17. Drawing and Painting 4. appreciate the artifacts A8PL-IIh-4 Q218. Sculpture and Assemblage and art objects in terms of A8PR-IIc-e-119. Printing their utilization and their A8PR-IIf-2 Page 62 of 9320. Mounting an exhibit: distinct use of art elements and principles A8PR-IIf-320.1 Concept 5. incorporate the design,20.2 Content / Labels form, and spirit of East20.3 Physical layout Asian artifacts and objects to one’s creation 6. trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and in the making of a craft 7. create crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., Gong-bi, Ikat, etc.) 8. derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork 9. show the relationship of the development of crafts in specific countries in East Asia according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources (e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry)K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A8PR-IIh-4 MATERIALS A8PR-IIg-5 10. show the commonalities Page 63 of 93 and differences of the A8EL-IIIb-1 cultures of the East Asian countries in relation to A8EL-IIIa-2 Philippine culture A8PL-IIIh-1 11. mount an exhibit using completed East Asian- inspired crafts in an organized mannerGRADE 8- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner…ARTS OF SOUTH, WEST ANDCENTRAL ASIA 1. art elements and 1. create artworks showing 1. analyze elements andExamples: processes by the characteristic elements principles of art in theSouth Asia– India synthesizing and of the arts of South, West, production of arts andWest Asia – Iran, Saudi Arabia, applying prior and Central Asia crafts inspired by theand Turkey knowledge and skills cultures of South Asia,Central Asia – Pakistan, Tibet 2. exhibits completed artworks West Asia, and Central Asia 2. the salient features for appreciation and 1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries of the arts of South, critiquing 2. identify characteristics of 2. Crafts and Accessories, and Body West, and Central arts and crafts in specific Asia by showing the countries in South, West, Ornamentation relationship of the and Central Asia: India 3. Architectures elements of art and (rangoli, katak, mendhi, 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) processes among diwali); Saudi Arabia 5. Everyday objects culturally diverse (carpet design); Pakistan communities in the (truck art); and TibetI. Elements of Art region (mandala), etc 6. Line 7. Shape and Form 3. that the South, 3. reflect on and derive the 8. Value West, and Central mood, idea or message 9. Color Asian countries have from selected artifacts and 10. Texture a rich, artistic and art objects 11. Space cultural tradition from prehistoric toII. Principles of Art 12. Rhythm, Movement 13. BalanceK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A8PL-IIIh-2 MATERIALS14. Emphasis A8PL-IIIh-3 OHSP Arts Module15. Harmony, Unity, Variety present times 4. appreciate the artifacts A8PL-IIIh-4 Q216. Proportion and art objects in terms of their utilization and their A8PR-IIIc-e-1 Page 64 of 93 distinct use of art A8PR-IIIf-2 elements and principles A8PR-IIIf-3Process 5. incorporate the design, 17. Drawing and Painting form, and spirit of South, West, and Central Asian 18. Sculpture and Assemblage artifacts and objects to 19. Printing one’s creation 20. Mounting an exhibit: 6. trace the external (foreign) and internal 20.1 Concept (indigenous) influences 20.2 Content / Labels that are reflected in the design of an artwork and 20.3 Physical layout in the making of a craft 7. create arts and crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., Ghonghdis, Marbling Technique, etc.) 8. derive elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork 9. show the relationship of the development of crafts in specific countries in South Asia, West Asia, and Central Asia, according toK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A8PR-IIIh-4 functionality, traditional A8PR-IIIg-5 Page 65 of 93 specialized expertise, and availability of resources A8EL-IVa-1 A8EL-IVb-2 10. show the commonalities A8PL-IVc-1 and differences of the cultures of the South Asian, West Asian, and Central Asian countries in relation to Philippine culture 11. mount an exhibit using completed South-West- Central Asian-inspired crafts in an organized mannerGRADE 8- FOURTH QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner…Festivals and Theatrical Forms of 1. how theatrical 1. create appropriate festival 1. identify selected festivalsAsia elements (sound, attire with accessories and theatrical forms music, gesture, based on authentic festival celebrated all over the 1. Thailand – Lantern Festival movement, and costumes Asian region 2. Japan – Kodo Taiko Drum costume) affect the creation and 2. create/improvise 2. research on the history of Festival communication of appropriate sound, music, the festival and theatricalRepresentative Asian Theatrical meaning in Asian gesture, movements, and forms and its evolution,Forms Festivals and costume for a chosen and describe how the Theatrical Forms as theatrical composition community participates and 3. Kabuki influenced by history contributes to the event 4. Noh and culture take part in a chosen festival 5. Wayang Kulit or in a performance in a 3. identify the elements and 6. Peking Opera 2. theater and theatrical play principles of arts as performance as a manifested in AsianI. Elements of Art as Applied to synthesis of arts and festivals and theatrical Asian Theater and Festivals: 7. Sound & Music 8. Gesture, Movement, and Dance 9. Costume, Mask, Makeup, andK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A8PL-IVh-2 MATERIALS Accessories A8PR-IVd-1 10. Spectacle a significant forms A8PR-IVh-2 Page 66 of 93 expression of the A8PR-IVh-3II. Principles of Art celebration of life in 4. define what make each of A8PR-IVe-f-4 11. Rhythm, Movement various Asian the Asian Festivals and A8PR-IVe-f-5 12. Balance communities Theatrical forms unique A8PR-IVg-6 13. Emphasis through a visual 14. Harmony, Unity, and Variety presentation 15. Proportion 5. design the visual elementsIII. Process and components of the 16. Designing for stage, costume, selected festival or theatrical form through props for a theatrical play or costumes, props, etc. festival 17. Choreographing movement 6. analyze the uniqueness of patterns and figures each group’s performance Recreating an Asian festival or of their selected festival or staging a theatrical form theatrical form 7. show the relationship of the selected Asian festival and the festival in the Philippines in terms of form and reason for holding the celebration 8. choreograph the movements and gestures reflecting the mood of the selected festival/theatrical form of Asia 9. mprovise accompanying sound and rhythm of the selected festival/ theatrical form of Asia 10. perform in a group showcase of the selected festival/theatrical formK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 9 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 9- FIRST QUARTER The learner… A9EL-Ib-1WESTERN AND CLASSICAL ART The learner… The learner.. Page 67 of 93TRADITIONS 1. analyze art elements and A9EL-Ia-2 1. art elements and 1. perform / participate principles in the A9EL-Ia-3 I. Ancient Art processes by competently in a production of work A9PL-Ih-1 1. Prehistoric Art synthesizing and presentation of a creative following the style of a A9PL-Ih-2 applying prior impression western and classical art A9PL-Ih-3 II. Classical Art knowledge and skills (verbal/nonverbal) of a A9PL-Ih-4 2. Egyptian Art particular artistic period 2. identify distinct 3. Greek Art 2. the arts as integral characteristics of arts 4. Roman Art to the development 2. recognize the difference during the different art of organizations, and uniqueness of the art periodsIII. Medieval Art spiritual belief, styles of the different 5. Byzantine historical events, periods (techniques, 3. identify representative 6. Romanesque scientific discoveries, process, elements, and artists from various art 7. Gothic natural disasters/ principles of art) periods occurrences, andIV. Principles of Art other external 4. reflect on and derives the 8. Rhythm, Movement phenomena mood, idea, or message 9. Balance from selected artworks 10. Emphasis 11. Harmony, Unity, and Variety 5. determine the use or 12. Proportion function of artworks by evaluating their utilization V. Process: and combination of art 13. Painting and/ or Drawing elements and principles 14. Sculpture and Assemblage 15. Mounting an exhibit: 6. use artworks to derive the 16. Concept traditions/history of an art 17. Content / Labels period 18. Physical layout 7. compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the different art periodsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A9PR-Ic-e-1 MATERIALS A9PR-Ic-e-2 8. create artworks guided by A9PR-Ic-e-3 techniques and styles of Western Classical art A9PR-If-4 traditions A9PR-1f-5 A9PR-Ig-6 9. describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to Western Classical art on the evolution of art forms 10. apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of Western Classical art traditions 11. evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from the Western Classical art traditions 12. show the influences of the Western Classical art traditions to Philippine art form 13. mount an exhibit using completed Western Classical art traditionK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 68 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALSGRADE 9- SECOND QUARTER A9EL-IIb-1ARTS OF THE RENAISSANCE The learner… The learner… The learner… A9EL-IIa-2 Page 69 of 93AND BAROQUE PERIOD A9EL-IIa-3 1. art elements and 1. performs/ participate 1. analyze art elements and A9PL-IIh-1I. Renaissance Art processes by competently in a principles in the A9PL-IIh-2 1. Michelangelo synthesizing and presentation of a creative production of work A9PL-IIh-3 2. Leonardo Da Vinci applying prior impression following a specific art A9PL-IIh-4 3. Raphael knowledge and skills (verbal/nonverbal) of a style 4. Donatello particular artistic period 2. the arts as integral 2. identify distinctII.Baroque Artists to the development 2. recognizes the difference characteristics of arts 5. Carravaggio of organizations, and uniqueness of the art during the Renaissance 6. Rubens spiritual belief, styles of the different and Baroque periods 7. Velasquez historical events, periods (techniques, 8. Rembrandt scientific discoveries, process, elements, and 3. identify representative 9. Bernini natural disasters/ principles of art) artists from Renaissance occurrences, and and Baroque periodsIII. Principles of Art other external 10. Rhythm, Movement phenomena 4. reflect on and derive the 11. Balance mood, idea or message 12. Emphasis from selected artworks 13. Harmony, Unity, and Variety 14. Proportion 5. determine the use or function of artworks byIV. Process: evaluating their utilization 15. Painting and/ or Drawing and combination of art 16. Sculpture and Assemblage elements and principles 17. Mounting an exhibit: 6. use artworks to derive 17.1 Concept the traditions/history of 17.2 Content / Labels an art period 17.3 Physical layout 7. compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the different art periodsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A9PR-IIc-e-1 MATERIALS A9PR-IIc-e-2 8. create artworks guided by techniques and styles of A9PR-IIc-e-3 the Renaissance and the Baroque periods A9PR-IIf-4 A9PR-IIf-5 9. describe the influence of A9PR-IIg-6 iconic artists belonging to the Renaissance and the Baroque periods 10. apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of the Renaissance and the Baroque periods (e.g.,Fresco, Sfumato, etc.) 11. evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from the Renaissance and the Baroque periods 12. show the influences of the Renaissance and Baroque periods on the Philippine art form 13. mount an exhibit using completed Renaissance and the Baroque periodsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 70 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A9EL-IIIb-1GRADE 9- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… A9EL-IIIa-2 Page 71 of 93ARTS OF THE NEOCLASSIC AND A9EL-IIIa-3ROMANTIC PERIOD 1. art elements and 1. perform/participate 1. analyze art elements and A9PL-IIIh-1 processes by competently in a principles in the A9PL-IIIh-2 I. Neoclassic synthesizing and presentation of a creative production of work A9PL-IIIh-3 1. David applying prior impression following a specific art A9PL-IIIh-4 2. Ingres knowledge and (verbal/nonverbal) from style from the Neoclassic 3. Goya skills the Neoclassic and and Romantic periods Romantic periods II. Romantic 2. the arts as integral 2. identify distinct 4. Goya to the development 2. recognize the difference characteristics of arts 5. Delacroix of organizations, and uniqueness of the art during the Neoclassic and 6. Gericault spiritual belief, styles of the different Romantic periods historical events, periods (techniques,III.Principles of Art scientific process, elements, and 3. identify representative 7. Rhythm, Movement discoveries, natural principles of art) artists from the Neoclassic 8. Balance disasters/ and Romantic periods 9. Emphasis occurrences, and 10. Harmony, Unity, and Variety other external 4. reflect on and derive the 11. Proportion phenomena mood, idea, or message from selected artworksIV. Process:12. Painting and/ or Drawing 5. determine the use or13. Sculpture function of artworks by evaluating their utilization14. Mounting an exhibit: and combination of art elements and principles 1.1 Concept 1.2 Content / Labels 6. use artworks to derive the traditions/history of the15. Physical layout Neoclassic and Romantic periods 7. compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the Neoclassic and Romantic periodsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 8. create artworks guided by A9PR-IIIc-e-1 Page 72 of 93 techniques and styles of A9PR-IIIc-e-2 the Neoclassic and Romantic periods (e.g., A9PR-IIIc-e-3 linear style and painterly style) A9PR-IIIf-4 A9PR-IIIf-4 9. describe the influence of A9PR-III-g -7 iconic artists belonging to the Neoclassic and Romantic periods 10. apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of the Neoclassic and Romantic periods 11. evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from the Neoclassic and Romantic periods 12. show the influences of Neoclassic and Romantic periods on Philippine art forms 13. mount exhibit using completed artworks with Neoclassic and Romantic periods characteristicsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A9EL-IVa-1GRADE 9- FOURTH QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… A9EL-IVb-2 Page 73 of 93 A9EL-IVc-3WESTERN CLASSICAL PLAYS 1. how theatrical 1. create appropriate theater 1. identify selected theatrical A9PL-IVc-1AND OPERAS elements (sound, play/opera costume and forms from different art A9PR-IVd-1Greek: music, gesture, accessories and improvise periods A9PR-IVh-2Oedipus Rex, Medea movement, and appropriate sound, music, A9PR-IVh-6Renaissance: costume) affect the gesture, movements, and 2. research on the history ofShakespeare Plays creation and costume for a chosen the theatrical forms andRomantic: communication of theatrical composition their evolutionCarmen meaning in Western Classical plays and 2. take part in a performance 3. identify the elements and I. Elements of Art as Applied to opera as influenced of a selected piece from principles of arts as Western Classical Theater by history and Western Classical plays manifested in Western and Opera: culture and opera Classical plays and opera 1. Sound & Music 2. theater and 4. define what makes selected 2. Gesture, Movement and Dance performance as a western classical plays and 3. Costume, Mask, Make-up, and synthesis of arts operas unique through visual representation Accessories Spectacle 5. design the visual elementsII. Elements of Art as Applied to and components of the Western Classical Theater selected Western classical and Opera: theater play and opera through costumes, props, 4. Sound & Music etc. 5. Gesture, Movement and Dance 6. Costume, Mask, Make-up, and 6. analyze the uniqueness of each group’s performance Accessories of its selected Western 7. Spectacle classical theater play and operaIII. Principles of Art 8. Rhythm, Movement 9. Balance 10. Emphasis 11. Harmony, Unity, and Variety 12. ProportionIV. Process 7. show the influences of the 13. Designing for stage, costume, selected Western Classical K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS and props of a selected A9PR-IVe-f-3 theatrical play or opera play or opera on Philippine A9PR-IVe-f-314. Choreographing movement theatrical performance in A9PR-IVg-5 patterns and figures terms of form and content15. Recreating a Western classical of story theater play and opera 8. choreograph the movements and gestures needed in the effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical plays and opera 9. improvise accompanying sound and rhythm needed in the effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical plays and operas 10. perform in a group showcase of the selected piece from Western Classical plays and operasK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 74 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 10 CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS The learner… MATERIALSGRADE 10- FIRST QUARTER The learner… A10EL-Ib-1MODERN ART The learner… A10EL-Ia-2 Page 75 of 93 A10EL-Ia-3a. Impressionism 1. art elements and 1. performs/ participate 1. analyze art elements and A10PL-Ih-1b. Expressionism processes by competently in a principles in the A10PL-Ih-2c. Cubism synthesizing and presentation of a creative production of work A10PL-Ih-3d. Dadaism applying prior impression following a specific art A10PL-Ih-4e. Surrealism knowledge and skills (verbal/nonverbal) from style from the various artf. Abstract Realism the various art movements movementsg. Pop Art 2. the arts as integralh. Op Art to the development 2. recognize the difference 2. identify distincti. Performance Art of organizations, and uniqueness of the art characteristics of arts fromj. Happenings and Mob spiritual belief, styles of the various art the various art movements historical events, movements (techniques,I. Principles of Art scientific discoveries, process, elements, and 3. identify representative 1. Rhythm, Movement natural disasters/ principles of art) artists and Filipino 2. Balance occurrences and counterparts from the 3. Emphasis other external various art movements 4. Harmony, Unity, and Variety phenomenon 5. Proportion 4. reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or messageII. Process: from selected artworks 6. Painting and/ or Drawing 7. Sculpture and Assemblage 5. determine the role or 8. Mounting an exhibit: function of artworks by 8.1 Concept evaluating their utilization 8.2 Content / Labels and combination of art 8.3 Physical layout elements and principles 6. use artworks to derive the traditions/history of the various art movements 7. compare the characteristics of artworksK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A10PR-Ic-e-1 MATERIALS A10PR-Ic-e-2 produced in the various Page 76 of 93 art movements A10PR-Ic-e-3 8. create artworks guided by A10PR-If-4 A10PR-I-f-5 techniques and styles of A10PR-I-g-6 the various art movements (e.g., Impasto, Encaustic, etc.) 9. describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to the various art movements 10. apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of the various art movements (e.g., the use of industrial materials or found objects, Silkscreen Printing, etc.) 11. evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from the various art movements 12. show the influences of Modern Art movements on Philippine art forms 13. mount exhibit using completed artworks influenced by Modern Art movementsK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A10EL-IIb-1 MATERIALSGRADE 10- SECOND QUARTERTECHNOLOGY-BASED ART The learner… The learner… 1. The learner… A10EL-IIa-2 Page 77 of 93 A10EL-IIa-3I. Computer/Digital Arts 1. new technologies 1. create a tech-based 2. identify art elements in A10PL-IIh-1 1. Cellular Phones (photos and artwork (video clips and the technology-based A10PL-IIh-2 videos) that allow new printed media such as production arts A10PL-IIh-3 2. Computer-generated Images expressions in arts posters, menus, brochures 3. Digital Photography (DLSR and etc.) relating to a selected 3. identify distinct Point-and-Shoot) using art elements topic from the different characteristics of arts 4. Video Games and processes learning areas using during in the 21st century 5. Digital Painting and Imaging available technologies, in terms of: Videos – TV & Film e.g., food and fashion 3.1. production 3.2. functionality range ofII. Principles of Art audience reach 6. Rhythm, Movement 7. Balance 4. identify artworks produced 8. Emphasis by technology from other 9. Harmony, Unity, and Variety countries and their Proportion adaptation by Philippine artistsIII.Process: 10. computer manipulation 5. realize that technology is 11. light setting an effective and vibrant 12. digital enhancements tool for empowering a 13. printing person to express his/her 14. digital circulation ideas, goals, and advocacies, which elicits immediate action 6. determine the role or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization and combination of art elements and principles 7. use artworks to derive the traditions/history of a community (e.g.,K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS A10PL-IIh-4 landscapes, images of A10PR-IIc-e-1 Page 78 of 93 people at work and play, A10PR-IIc-e-2 portrait studies, etc.) A10PR-IIb-e-3 8. compare the characteristics of artworks A10PR-IIf-4 in the 21st century A10PR-II-g-5 9. create artworks that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by 21st-century techniques 10. describe the influence of technology in the 21st century on the evolution of various forms of art 11. apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of 21st- century art (e.g., the use of graphic software like Photoshop, InDesign, etc.) 12. evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria appropriate for the style or form 13. mount an exhibit of completed technology- based artworksK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A10EL-IIIb-1 MATERIALSGRADE 10- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner... A10EL-IIIa-2 Page 79 of 93MEDIA-BASED ARTS AND A10PL-IIIh-1DESIGN IN THE PHILIPPINES 1. art elements and create artworks using 1. identify art elements in A10PL-IIIh-2 processes by the various media-based A10PL-IIIh-3 I. Photography synthesizing and available media and natural arts in the Philippines A10PR-IIIc-e-1 1. George Tapan applying prior resources on local topics, A10PR-IIIc-e-2 2. John Chua knowledge and skills 2. identify representative issues, and concerns such as artists as well as distinct II. Film 2. new technologies environmental advocacies characteristics of media- 3. Brillante Mendoza that allow new based arts and design in 4. Maryo J. de los Reyes expressions in the ecotourism, and economic the Philippines 5. Laurice Guillen arts and livelihood projects 3. realize that Filipino III. Animation ingenuity is distinct, 6. Animation Council of the exceptional, and on a par Philippines with global standards 7. Philippine Animation Studio Inc. 4. determine the role or function of artworks by IV. Print Media evaluating their utilization 8. Advertisements and combination of art 9. Comic books elements and principles V. Digital Media 5. use artworks to derive the 10. Webpage Design traditions/history of a 11. Game Development community VI. Innovations in Product & 6. create artworks that can Industrial Design be assembled with local materials 12. Kenneth Cobonpue, Monique Lhuillier, Josie Natori, Lulu 7. describe the Tan Gan, Ditas Sandico-Ong, characteristics of media- Rajo Laurel, Aze Ong based arts and design in the PhilippinesVII. Principles of ArtK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A10PR-IIIc-e-3 MATERIALS 13. Rhythm, Movement 14. Balance 8. apply different media A10PR-IIIf-4 Page 80 of 93 15. Emphasis A10PR-IIIg-5 16. Harmony, Unity, and Variety techniques and processes to communicate ideas, Proportion experiences, and storiesVIII. Process: (the use of software to 17. painting 18. drawing enhance/animate images 19. constructing 20. assembling like Flash, Movie Maker, 21. printing Dreamweaver, etc.) 22. carving 9. evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria appropriate for the style or form of media-based arts and design 10. mount a media-based exhibit of completed artworks GRADE 10- THIRD QUARTER The learner… The learner… The learner… A10EL-IVb-4 ORIGINAL PERFORMANCE WITH THE USE OF MEDIA 1. how theatrical 1. create appropriate 1. explains how an idea or A10EL-IVa-2 elements (sound, costumes, props, set theme is communicated in A10EL-IVc-3 I. Philippine Theater Groups music, gesture, accessories, costumes a selected performance 1. PETA movement, and improvised lighting and through the integration of 2. Repertory Philippines costume) affect the other décor for Philippine musical sounds, songs, 3. Trumpets creation and plays dialogue and dance 4. Tanghalang Pilipino communication of 5. New Voice Company meaning in a theater 2. create/improvise 2. analyzes examples of 6. Atlantis Productions play/performance appropriate sound, music, plays based on theatrical incorporated with gesture, and movements forms, and elements of art II. Local Performing Groups media for a chosen theatrical as applied to performance compositionIII. Roles in a production 2. theater and 3. illustrate how the different 7. director performance as a 3. participate in an original elements are used to 8. actorK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS A10PL-IVh-1 MATERIALS 9. choreographer A10PR-IVe-110. stage manager synthesis of arts performance inspired by communicate the meaning A10PR-IVh-2 Page 81 of 9311. light designer12. set designer local Philippine stories, A10PR-IVh-3 myths, and events relevant 4. define the uniqueness of A10PR-IVd-4 to current issues A10PR-IVf-g-5 each original performance A10PR-IVf-g-6IV. Elements of Art as Applied to 5. design with a group the an Original Performance: visual components of a 13. Sound & Music school play (stage design, 14. Gesture, Movement, and costume, props, etc.) Dance 15. Costume, Mask, Makeup, and 6. assume the role of a Accessories character as an 16. Spectacle actor/performance, or production staff (director, V. Principles of Art choreography, light 17. Rhythm, Movement designer, stage manager) 18. Balance 19. Emphasis 7. analyze the uniqueness of 20. Harmony, Unity, and Variety the group that was given 21. Proportion recognition for its performance and explainVI. Process what component 22. Designing for stage, costume, contributed to its selection and props of a selected theatrical play 8. contribute to the 23. Choreographing movement conceptualization of an patterns and figures original performance 9. choreograph the movements and gestures needed in the effective delivery of an original performance with the use of media 10. improvise accompanying sound and rhythm needed in the effective delivery of an original performance with the use of different mediaK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMAbstract GLOSSARY art that exaggerates, is simplified or distortedAbstract art Uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition, which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.Actual Texture The existing surface quality of an object as communicated primarily the sense of touchAesthetics The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and value of artAnalogous Colors next to each other on the color wheel that have a common hueAnime Japanese movie and television animationArt Appreciation the understanding and enjoyment or work concerned with the individual’s solution of emotional reaction.Art Criticism Process organized approach to the observation and evaluation of a work of art using description, analysis, interpretation and judgmentAsymmetrical Balance two sides of a composition are different, but have the same visual weight. Also called Informal BalanceBackground the part of a work of art that appears to be in the back, farthest away from the viewer and closest to the horizon lineBalance principle of design that deals with arranging visual elements so that a composition has equal visual weight on each side of an imaginary middle lineBalanghay A maritime vessel of the early FilipinosBatik a fabric printed by an Indonesian method of hand-printing textiles by coating with wax the parts not to be dyedCenter of Interest the focal point or area of emphasisCeramics sculpture or pottery made from clayCityscape a picture of the outside, with the city or buildings being the most important partK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 82 of 93

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GLOSSARYColor element of art derived from reflected light. Color has three properties: hue, value and intensityColor Schemes purposely selected group of colors chosen for their unique relationship to one another. Types of color schemes include: monochromatic, analogous, complementary, triad, split- complementaryColor Wheel a predetermined arrangement of the primary, secondary and intermediate colors on a circular wheel used to define color relationshipsComplementary Colors any two colors opposite each other on the color wheel. Ex. Red-green, blue-orange, yellow-violetComposition the arrangement of the elements and/or objects in an artwork. The way principles of art are used to organize elementsContrast a principle of design that refers to a difference between elements in an artworkCool Colors colors around blue on the color wheel: green, blue, violetCrayon resist a wax crayon technique in making a design or art composition made by applying dark water colors especially black over a wax crayon sketch or drawing.Creative creative means making something new. Creative means the power to create. Creatively means one’s power to produce a work of thought or imagination.Creative Drawing is an expression of essential form character, mainly objective in a more tangible and practical process.Creative Expression a visual interpretation of an idea or imagination, emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically expressed.Creative Painting is a painting with or without a subject, done through the spirit of adventure, a subjective process in free emotional freedom and power to express color and its harmonic relationship.Crosshatching shading technique which uses layering of repeated, parallel lines in different directions to create the appearance of volume.Curved line is the result of the gradual change in the direction of lineDepth distance between foreground, middleground and backgroundDesign a visual plan, organization or arrangements of elements in a work of art. This is an orderly arrangement, a plan or a layout, or theK to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 83 of 93

Diagonal K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMDioramaDiscarded Materials GLOSSARYDiwali organization of the elements of art, or producing a new form as an expression of man.Dots and Dashes Lines that slant This is a three-dimensional picture of a scene done with miniature objects and with background with actual perspective.Drawing are throw-away materials that can still be made useful Hindu “Festival of Lights”Drawing and Painting a painting wherein the primary colors are used in the dots and dashes, the harmonious color effects or contrast taking place in the eyes.Elements of Art it is the art of expressing or representing one’s emotion, feeling, or idea into a concrete visual shape by the use of lines, values, orEmphasis color. It is means of describing a pictured concept, imagination or representation by means of the use of lines as expressed by a pencil,Emphasis charcoal, wax crayon, or other mediums.Etching a drawing is a sketch to conceive an idea into a composition and then finally painted with a medium most suited to give the finished product of art a distinct personality.Ethnic design the language of art of the basic elements used when producing works of art: Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Color, Value, SpaceExpression the principle of design that stresses one element or area of a work of art to make it attract the viewer’s attentionFestival drawing of attention to important areas or objects in a work of artFinger Puppets intaglio technique in which acid is used to incise lines in a metal plate. Includes aquatint, soft grounds and hard ground art designs by indigenous people or ethnic groups an art in which the emphasis is on the inner emotions, sensations, or idea rather than an actual appearances. an annual celebration or festivity puppets that are worn on the fingers.K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 84 of 93

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