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Home Explore English Grade 7

English Grade 7

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-11-20 00:46:59

Description: English Grade 7


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Task 9. Identifying Kernels Get a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word, kernel. Listen as yourteacher discuss the nature of kernel sentences. Keep in mind the definition below. A kernel sentence is a simple sentence that presents only one piece ofinformation. This means that a kernel does not have any unnecessary information. It ispositive or affirmative, that is, it does not contain any negation marker such as thewords no or not. Kernel sentences or kernels are also in the active form. This meansthat the subject of such sentences is the doer of the presented action.Exercise 9.1 Read the text below. Identify whether the numbered sentences are kernels bywriting K (kernel) and NK (not kernel) for every item. Transform those you have marked‗NK‘ into kernel sentences. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. Supporting Someone Who Is Grieving2 (1) Grief is a natural process that affects people when they experience a loss—ofa relative or friend; human or animal. (2) Grieving people most often need others. (3) Ifyou are trying to be supportive to someone who is grieving, remember the depth of hisemotions. (4) Grieving people cannot be rushed. (5) You can nevertheless ease anotherperson‘s pain.Exercise 9.2 Read the given text. Some sentences here are kernels and some are not. Identifyany five sentences that could be rewritten as kernels. Copy these five sentences on asheet of paper and give their corresponding kernel transformations. You could usecontext clues in giving kernel equivalents. Tips for Helping Someone Who Is Grieving3 Mention the person who has died, and acknowledge your awareness of the loss.Continue to do this as time goes on, not just right after the death. Many people avoidmentioning the person who has died, fearing it will remind the grieving person of his orher pain. Often, people avoid the topic because they feel uncomfortable or helpless, butbehaving as if you don‘t remember or are unaware of your loved one‘s pain often leaveshim or her feeling very alone. Listen to your loved one. A grieving person may need to tell his or her story againand again as part of the grieving process. The most important thing you can offersomeone who is grieving is your ability to listen without judgment.2 A LifeCare® Guide to Helping Others Cope With Grief 693 A LifeCare® Guide to Helping Others Cope With GriefGrade 7 English Learning Package

Remember that grieving is a long process. The person you care about may begrieving for a long time. Several months or more after the death, he or she may actuallybe feeling the loss more acutely, and much of his or her support system will havebacked off. This is when your loved one may need your support the most. Birthdays,holidays, and other events may also evoke strong feelings for your grieving loved one.Exercise 9.3 Form a group. Review the materials you have about coping with loss. Come upwith a 5-7-item list that addresses one of the topics below. Keep your tips clear andsimple by using kernels. Give a 2-3-sentence explanation for every tip. Keep thesesimple too. Teener‘s Guide to : Coping with heartbreaks Coping with the death of a loved one Coping with depressionTask 10. Letter Writing Based on the discussion for this lesson, write a letter inspired by any of thesituations below. Your letter can be based on the outputs you have produced for thepast tasks. Write your letter on a sheet of paper.  Describe the current population of the world or the Philippines to someone in the future or the past. Focus on one point only.  Write to a friend or relative whose family size is very different from yours. Ask all your questions about the dynamics they have at home.  Write a letter to Mr. Libre or Mrs. Libre. What would you want to tell him or her?Task 11. How to Deal What have you learned from the topics presented in this lesson? Copy thestatement below in your notebooks. Complete this statement in relation to what youhave learned about 1) the experience of Mr. and Mrs. Libre, 2) dealing with a loss, and3) controlling populations. Give at least one completed statement for each topic.Grade 7 English Learning Package 70

I realized that ___________ because ______________, so I will _____________ the next time ___________. YOUR FINAL TASK Ways of Dealing Prepare for a choral reading of your output in Exercise 10.3. Choose appropriatebackground music to blend with the reading. Add appropriate introduction andconclusion to your presentation.Rubrics: 30 - content 20 - use of kernel sentences 20 – appropriate use of language 20 - references or application of info taken from texts discussed (use of symbols, use of Figures of speech, etc) 10 - creative delivery of reading 100Grade 7 English Learning Package 71

Lesson 7 Recognizing Beauty YOUR GOALS Our land and culture is beautiful and we are the first ones who shouldrecognize this. The Philippines has been known to mesmerize foreigners with theenthralling beauty of places that some of us do not even notice. This acquaints you withanother aspect that adds to the beauty of our land and culture. For this lesson, you mustaim to: 1. Use predictive and anticipatory devices/tasks to activate prior knowledge about the topic of reading/viewing selection. 2. Use information presented in a creation story to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas. 3. Identify figures of speech that show emphasis (hyperbole and litotes). 4. Formulate meaningful embedded sentences. 5. Infer appropriate responses to listening guide questions. 6. Distinguish between credible and incredible electronic information sources. 7. Present points of view and opinions concerning the message of a selection in creative oral means. 8. Compose and upload a blog entry based on a particular personal topic of interest. YOUR INITIAL TASKSTask 1. Defining ‘Beauty’ Reflect on what makes something or someone beautiful. What makes a placebeautiful? Complete the statements below to clarify your beliefs about this idea. Writeyour answer on a sheet of paper. For me, beauty is ______________________________________. It is presentwhen __________________________________. It is not______________________________________. It‘s always__________________________. Examples of beauty are ____________-__________.Grade 7 English Learning Package 72

Task 2. Meet Your Match Collocates are words that go together. The items of the pair are bound to eachtheir because of association of ideas. A classic example of a pair is black and white.Supply the missing item to complete the collocate pairs below. Write your answers on asheet of paper. __________ and butter rhythm and __________ beauty and __________Task 3. Look it up! Search for the meaning of the following words in a dictionary. Write thedefinitions and construct sentences that use these words. Let your sentences be aboutbeauty. You may use ideas you have generated from previous activities. Write youranswers in your notebooks. 1. serene 6. pave 2. ethereal 7. behest 3. effulgent 8. din 4. crestling 9. Olympia 5. lambent 10. presageYOUR TEXT Moonlight on Manila Bay by Fernando M. Maramag (1912) 1 A light, serene, ethereal glory rests 2 Its beams effulgent on each crestling wave; 3 The silver touches of the moonlight wave 4 The deep bare bosom that the breeze molests; 5 While lingering whispers deepen as the wavy crests 6 Roll with weird rhythm, now gay, now gently grave; 7 And floods of lambent light appear the sea to pave- 8 All cast a spell that heeds not time‘s behests. 9 Not always such the scene; the din of fight 10 Has swelled the murmur of the peaceful air; 11 Here East and West have oft displayed their might; 12 Dark battle clouds have dimmed this scene so fair; 13 Here bold Olympia, one historic night, 14 Presaging freedom, claimed a people‘s care.Grade 7 English Learning Package 73

YOUR DISCOVERY TASKS Task 1. Promote Manila Bay Study the lines below. Identify what makes them interesting. Visit the land of a thousand smiles! Witness a moonlight memory for a lifetime. This is NOT your usual walk in the bay. Manila Bay is not the typical moonlight experience. The lines present examples of hyperbole and litotes. A hyperbole is anexaggeration, while a litotes presents an understatement by using the negative markernot. Litotes emphasize an idea through negation. Which among the examples above arehyperboles and litotes? Do the tasks below. Present your output on a sheet of paper. 1. Research on the beauty of Manila Bay by looking at travel guides and other sources. Identify 3-5 places in Manila which possess both beauty and history. You may also use credible Internet sources. Take note of any suspicious, incredible sites. 2. Formulate three catchy and interesting lines that promote the beauty of Manila Bay. Each line should use a different hyperbole. 3. Formulate two lines of litotes that will encourage tourists to visit Manila Bay.Task 2. Identifying Embedded Clauses An embedded clause, as the term suggests, is a clause that is fixed within alarger clause or sentence which is called the matrix clause . The embedded clause isusually found in the beginning or at the end of sentences. Markers commonlyaccompany or introduce embedded clauses. These markers may be that, when, who,where, etc. However, there are instances when a marker does not precede anembedded clause. Such is the case with gerunds (e.g. swimming, eating, etc.). An embedded clause does not have its own meaning, so it has to be attached tothe matrix clause to present a complete meaning. Do you still remember the discussionabout kernels? Basically, an embedded clause presents a piece of information that isbeyond the idea that a kernel presents. Remember that a kernel presents one idea at atime only. Manila Bay presents a magnificent sunset experience that will last a lifetime. The place is often crowded in the early morning and late afternoon when peopletry to get a glimpse of its world-famous sunrise and sunset. Photographers take pictures of people sitting or walking along the bay area.Grade 7 English Learning Package 74

I n the examples above, which is the matrix clause? The embedded clause?Where is the embedded clause found? Is it introduced by a marker?Exercise 2.1Identify the embedded clause in the following sentences. Write your answers on a halfsheet of paper.1. Manila Bay is considered the finest harbor in the far east where the famous \"Battle ofManila Bay\" was fought.2. The Bay is also known as a stopover for the Galleon Trade which lasted for 244years.3. The first Filipinos were Indo-Malaya migrants who established their first settlementsalong the bay and a nearby river (now the Pasig River).4. They named the place ―Maynila‖ or ―may nila‖ which means ―there is nila here‖5. Nila is a water plant that thrived in the area.Exercise 2.2Identify five embedded clauses in the text4 below. Write these on a sheet of paper. The long stretch of national highway, from the US Embassy to a portion justbefore the Coastal Road to Cavite, offers a panoramic view of Manila Bay. It is mostpicturesque in the afternoon when the dying sun emits golden rays and lends goldentones especially to the towering hotels and office buildings nearby. The renovated baywall is now a tourist-class promenade known as Bay Walk Area where stylish benchesare propped up for frolicking and where people roam around for fresh air or jog in earlymornings. Being now a popular sightseeing destination, it is among the top 5 touristspots in Manila-Philippines.4 Philippines Board 75Grade 7 English Learning Package

Exercise 2.3 Read the text below and note some information about Manila Bay. Use thesepieces of information in formulating five sentences with embedded clauses. Write yoursentences on a sheet of paper. Why Manila Bay is a Tourist Attraction5 It is considered one of the best natural harbors in Southeast Asia. With a totalcoastline of 190 km, the bay extends from the province of Bataan to the north and theprovince of Cavite to the south. Scattered along the shores of Bataan and Cavite are anumber of beaches, resorts, foliages and volcanoes. The most popular segment of the bay is that part in Manila where Fort Santiago,the old Spanish fort, still stands. Along the bay is a row of important and historic touristdestinations and commercial areas, which include the walled-city of Intramuros, theCultural Center of the Philippines, Star City, Coconut Palace, the United StatesEmbassy, Manila Yacht Club, the Philippine Senate, and Manila Ocean Park. Recently, a promenade was constructed along the bay beside Roxas Boulevard.Every day, hundreds of tourists and metro Manila residents come here to jog, strollaround, bike, skate, listen to music from live acoustic bands, sample the foods from arow of restaurants and snack areas, or simply watch the breathtaking Manila Baysunset. Along this 2-km walk are coconut trees, foliage, and park benches. Just a decadeago, this part of the bay was unlighted, unpaved, and was a popular hangout spot forthieves, substance-users and pimps. Today, it is well-lighted with a row of hugekaleidoscopic lamp posts. At nights, it is never without sightseers and lovers taking aromantic stroll. Another relatively new attraction along the bay is the SM Mall of Asia(MOA). Further south of Roxas Boulevard and near the coastal road to Cavite standsthe third-largest mall in the world. On its Open Concert Grounds along the bay, MOAhad hosts a number of international events, which include international fireworkscompetitions and concerts by Alicia Keys, David Archuleta and Justin Bieber.Task 3. Listen up Listen as your teacher reads a historical background of Manila Bay. Take downhelpful notes to help you confirm the discussion of the following statements in the readtext. Put a check mark () for an information that is presented by the text, and put across mark () for an information that is not discussed. Review your answers after thesecond reading of the text.5 2012 Manila Hotels 76Grade 7 English Learning Package

The different kinds of settlers in Manila 1. The origin of the name, Manila 2. The cause of the Battle of Manila Bay 3. The different kinds of merchants 4. Different products offered by the Galleon Trade 5. The reasons for establishing Intramuros 6. The reasons for choosing Manila as the seat of power 7. A description of Fort Santiago 8. The year when the Battle of Manila Bay took place 9. The armies involved in the Battle of Manila Bay Note down information that will answer the following guide questions: 1. How did Manila get its name? What does it mean? 2. What was the role of Manila Bay in the Galleon Trade? 3. What is the history behind Manila Bay?Task 4. Hurrah for Manila Bay! You have been learning much about Manila Bay, and you have been writingseveral creative descriptions about it too. Form a group and use the descriptions youhave in composing a ‗hurrah chant‘ that will promote Manila Bay. Play with repetitions,rhymes, and spell-outs (e.g. Give me an M-A-N-I-L-A, go Manila!). Your chant musthave at least 2 stanzas with 4-7 lines each. Practice reciting this chant with theappropriate energy and gestures. You can identify lines that could be chanted as agroup or by selected individuals in the group. Be ready to present your work to theclass.Task 5. Beauty + History Recall insights you have gained in the past discussions. Create a venn diagramthat will present your ideas about the three topics. Consider carefully the overlap thatbetween or among the circles in your diagram. Write your insights about beauty, history,and Manila Bay in the circles that represent them. (The model below is just anexample.) Participate in a discussion led by your teacher.Grade 7 English Learning Package 77

YOUR FINAL TASKBlog for Manila Bring out your research for the home work you did for Discovery Task #1.Choose one from your list of places that possess both history and beauty. Write a 3-paragraph blog entry that features the following about the place that you have chosen: - Vivid description of the place - Clear instructions/descriptions of its location - short historical background - activities to do in the place - Attractions in the place Use embedded sentences and figures of speech in describing the place.Underline them. Remember that your objective is to inform tourists about the beautyand history of the place. Your composition should invite people to visit and enjoy thebeauty of the place. Finally, upload your blog entry. Follow the instructions to be givenby your teacher.Rubrics: 30 Used informative and interesting content that addressed requirements (use of embedded sentences) 30Displayed stylistic and persuasive writing (use of figure of hyperbole and litotes) 20 Coherence and grammar 20 Creativity in use of photos, layout, etc. 100Lesson 8 Those I LoveGrade 7 English Learning Package 78

YOUR GOALSThis lesson shows you that as you continue your journey toward discovering youridentity, it is inevitable that you will end up loving other people. To be a complete humanbeing, one has to experience love and its many mysteries. In this lesson, you must aimto: 1. Enumerate the various meanings of love. 2. Use context clues in order to find the meaning of a word. 3. Differentiate between figurative and academic language. 4. Explain figurative lines in your own words. 5. Describe the many contradictions of love. 6. Predict the subsequent events in a narrative. 7. Write coherent and cohesive sentences and paragraphs. 8. Express your opinion on why there are too many definitions of love. 9. Assign symbols to the people whom you love. YOUR INITIALTASKSTask 1. What Love Is On a one-half sheet of paper crosswise, write down five definitions of love. Theymay be proverbs that you heard, or they may be your own words. Be prepared to shareyour definitions with the rest of the class. As you listen to your classmates sharing their own definitions of love, keep trackof how many of their definitions are similar to the ones that you have written down.Task 2. The Types of Love Listen to short selection to be provided by your teacher. Complete the grid below: TYPE OF LOVE DEFINITION1.2.3. YOUR TEXT 79Grade 7 English Learning Package

Bonsaiby Edith TiempoAll that I loveI fold over onceAnd once againAnd keep in a boxOr a slit in a hollow postOr in my shoe.All that I love?Why, yes, but for the moment ---And for all time, both.Something that folds and keeps easy,Son‘s note or Dad‘s one gaudy tie,A roto picture of a young queen,A blue Indian shawl, evenA money bill.It‘s utter sublimationA feat, this heart‘s controlMoment to momentTo scale all love downTo a cupped hand‘s size,Till seashells are broken piecesFrom God‘s own bright teeth.And life and love are realThings you can run andBreathless hand overTo the merest child.YOUR DISCOVERY TASKSTask 1. Context CluesChoose the option that best approximates the underlined word in each sentence.1. After being chased by the cat, the mouse finally escaped through a slit in thewall.A. large gap B. narrow opening C. wide space2. When the wind became chilly, the woman pulled the shawl tightly against hershoulders.A. garment B. hat C. dress3. Art‘s depressing short stories were a form of sublimation for his manyfrustrations.A. outrage B. activity C. redirectionGrade 7 English Learning Package 80

4. The woman was told by the doctor to scale down her fat intake as she wasnearing obesity.A. increase B. decrease C. maintain5. When the police was sent in to disperse the protesters, what followed wasutter chaos.A. total B. mutter C. partialTask 2. Locate, Reflect, Evaluate! Each number under the first column is a line from the poem. Paraphrase eachnumber so that it is better understood. The first one has been done for you. LINES PARAPHRASE1. All that I love The persona attempts to reduce the people she loves into terms, words, or objects which she can I fold over once understand. And once again2. All that I love? Why, yes, but for the moment And for all time, both.3. It‘s utter sublimation A feat, this heart‘s control4. Moment to moment To scale all love down To a cupped hand‘s size5. Till seashells are broken pieces From God‘s own bright teeth.6. And life and love are real Things you can run and Breathless hand over To the merest child.Task 4. Watch Out! 81Grade 7 English Learning Package

A. Study each paragraph. Write down the transition words and phrases that will create cohesive paragraphs. Be careful. Each transition word or phrase must only appear once.Paragraph 1:Afterwards Already Immediately MeanwhileThen When they sawher When she was readyOn the morning of Gina‘s birthday, she woke up very early. ________, she took abath and brushed her teeth. _______, she opened her closet and wore her bestdress. ________, she went down to the kitchen to see if her family was havingbreakfast. Her mother was _______ cooking their breakfast. __________, herfather was drinking coffee. Her two brothers were drinking warm milk.__________, they all looked at her and greeted her ―Happy Birthday.‖ Ginasmiled and hugged them one by one. _________, she went to the presents onthe table and she began opening them.Paragraph 2:A few moments later Consequently ImmediatelyIn fact subsequentlyWhen Rebecca reached school, the gate was locked. Due to her rumblingstomach, she ________ began shouting for the guards to let her in. ________, aguard showed up at the gate and told her to go home. Rebecca had, ________,forgotten that today was a Saturday. _________, the canteen was closed andeven going inside the campus would not do her any good. ________, Rebeccabegan walking away from the school, her hunger unabated.B. Circle the letter of the transition word that will best complete each sentence.1. A survey reveals that the new president enjoys massive public support in hisdecision to stop the former president from leaving the country. _________,there are those who are still discomfited by the manner by which the formerpresident was treated.A. However B. Still C. For instance D. And2. The weather patterns in the country have been so far unpredictable.PAGASA, ______, predicts that December will be a dry Christmas foreveryone.A. yet B. in addition C. subsequently D. though3. The two northernmost island groups, ______ Batanes and Babuyan, already receive Taiwanese radio signals.Grade 7 English Learning Package 82

A. in particular B. namely C. for example D. consequently4. The hospital owner announced that the hospital‘s nurses would now have towork twelve hours for six days every week. _______, many nurses resignedin protest.A. So that B. Yet C. Likewise D. As aresult5. The sales of wooden slippers have dropped to nearly zero in the past twoyears. ______, the sales of rubber slippers have reached more than half amillion.A. Above all B. Additionally C. Correspondingly D. In contrast6. The Campus Director explained that in light of the new K Plus 12 curriculum,it would be necessary to retain all incoming freshmen for six years. ______,the current freshmen will be the last batch to graduate under the oldcurriculum.A. Similarly B. Consequently C. Nevertheless D. In otherwords7. Pundits say that the situation in Maguindanao will improve very slowly._______, the problems the rest of Mindanao is experiencing, the outlook isnot that optimistic at all.A. Furthermore B. With reference to C. In contrast D. Incomparison8. The government has announced that all cars older than five years will nowbe declared road hazards starting 2012. ______, car owners who refuse tochange their cars will be saddled with new car taxes.A. In addition B. In the same way C. As well as D.Now9. Individual projects must be handed in by the deadline, ______ they willreceive substantial deductions.A. obviously B. otherwise C. as a result D. on theother hand10. ________ people from all around the world revile Justin, he still manages torake in a lot of money whenever he holds a concert tour.A. Nevertheless B. Even though C. Because D. Also YOUR FINAL TASK 83Grade 7 English Learning Package

The Persons I Love Very much like the poem, list three people whom you love. Once you have yourlist, find an appropriate object or symbol that best approximates your feelings for thatperson. Explain why you chose that symbol. You may go to the library and search outfor the numerous symbols that humans have used to represent those that they love. Asmuch as possible avoid using the heart as it is a universal symbol.THE PERSON I LOVE THE SYMBOL FOR THIS THE EXPLANATION FOR PERSON THE USE OF THE SYMBOLThree things I learned while searching for love symbols are: 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________Grade 7 English Learning Package 84

Lesson 9 When I Struggle YOUR GOALS You are a unique individual. But this uniqueness can sometimes be thesource of many conflicts. We often clash with other people because of our uniqueness.This lesson allows you to examine the reasons why we fight. You must aim to: 1. Discover the reasons why our people participated in several upheavals. 2. Recall and explain the instances when you found yourself in a fight. 3. Decipher the meanings of words by looking for their antonyms. 4. Use word clines in order to show the differences between synonyms. 5. Paraphrase a long poem by turning each stanza into a meaningful sentence. 6. Rewrite paragraphs in order to make them more cohesive. 7. Explain how an individual can generate numerous internal conflicts. 8. List down the main conflicts that your are currently undergoing and mapping out solutions on how to resolve them.YOUR INITIAL TASKSTask 1. The Wars We Have Fought Fill in the chart below. Your teacher may give this to you as homework. If you useany other library source, make sure you cite your sources. Battle/Revolution/War Reasons for Filipino Result1. The Battle of Mactan Participation2. The Revolution of 18963. The Filipino-American War4. World War II5. The EDSA RevolutionGrade 7 English Learning Package 85

Task 2. Why We Fight Recall fights you have had with your parents, classmates, friends, or teachers.Complete the spider map below by listing down the reasons for those fights. Beprepared to share your answers with your classmates. Reasons Why You Fought YOUR TEXT 86If You Want to Know What We Areby Carlos BulosanI1 If you want to know what we are who inhabit forest, mountain, rivershore, who harness beast, living steel, martial music (that classless language of the heart), who celebrate labour, wisdom of the mind, peace of the blood;2 If you want to know what we are who become animate at the rain‘s metallic ring, the stone‘s accumulated strength, who tremble in the wind‘s blossoming (that enervates earth‘s potentialities), who stir just as flowers unfold to the sun;Grade 7 English Learning Package

3 If you want to know what we are who grow 87 powerful and deathless in countless counterparts, each part pregnant with hope, each hope supreme, each supremacy classless, each classlessness nourished by unlimited splendor of comradeship;4 We are multitudes the world over, millions everywhere; in violent factories, sordid tenements, crowded cities; in skies and seas and rivers, in lands everywhere; our number increase as the wide world revolves and increases arrogance, hunger disease and death.5 We are the men and women reading books, searching in the pages of history for the lost word, the key to the mystery of living peace, imperishable joy; we are factory hands field hands mill hand everywhere, molding creating building structures, forging ahead,6 Reaching for the future, nourished in the heart; we are doctors scientists chemists discovering, eliminating disease and hunger and antagonisms; we are soldiers navy-men citizens guarding the imperishable will of man to live in grandeur,7 We are the living dream of dead men everywhere, the unquenchable truth that class-memories create to stagger the infamous world with prophecies of unlimited happiness - a deathless humanity; we are the living and the dead men everywhere….II8 If you want to know what we are, observe the bloody club smashing heads, the bayonet penetrating hallowed breasts, giving no mercy; watch the bullet crashing upon armorless citizens; look at the tear-gas choking the weakened lung.9 If you want to know what we are, see the lynch trees blossoming, the hysterical mob rioting; remember the prisoner beaten by detectives to confess a crime he did not commit because he was honest, and who stood alone before a rabid jury of ten men,10 And who was sentenced to hang by a judge whose bourgeois arrogance betrayed the office he claimed his own; name the marked man, the violator of secrets; observe the banker, the gangster, the mobsters who kill and go free;Grade 7 English Learning Package

11 We are the sufferers who suffer for natural love of man for man, who commemorate the humanities of every man; we are the toilers who toil to make the starved earth a place of abundance who transform abundance into deathless fragrance.12 We are the desires of anonymous men everywhere, who impregnate the wide earth‘s lustrous wealth with a gleaming fluorescence; we are the new thoughts and the new foundations, the new verdure of the mind; we are the new hope new joy life everywhere.13 We are the vision and the star, the quietus of pain; we are the terminals of inquisition, the hiatuses of a new crusade; we are the subterranean subways of suffering; we are the will of dignities; we are the living testament of a flowering race. If you want to know what we are – WE ARE THE REVOLUTION!YOUR DISCOVERY TASKSTask 1. Opposites Attract Encircle the letter of the option that is most opposite to the underlined word in thesentence.1. The corrupt governor accumulated a lot of luxury cars during his stay in office.A. collected B. dispersed C. coagulated2. The constant air bombardment of the capital was the military‘s way of enervatingthe opposition.A. strengthening B. weakening C. coddling3. The comradeship that develops between soldiers is one that extends beyond thebattlefield.A. hostility B. romance C. amity4. Leona‘s face showed her disgust as she entered the sordid sausage factory.A. squalid B. pleasant C. depressing5. Carlo went down on his knees and declared his imperishable love to Carlita.A. sectional B. immortal C. temporalGrade 7 English Learning Package 88

6. The day after the fire, the police released Lee‘s picture to the public. Lee, who was wanted for arson, was now considered infamous. A. notorious B. famous C. unknown7. The children descended into hysterical laughter when the clown began to perform his tricks. A. feverish B. composed C. unrelenting8. Angela‘s lustrous hair was the reason for her newfound celebrity. A. dull B. gleaming C. limpTask 2. Using Clines Arrange the following words based on the degrees of their meanings.SET A: war, conflict, argument, battle, skirmish, hostilitiesSET B: revolt, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, uprisingSET C: heroism, martyrdom, patriotism, nationalismTask 3. Locate, Reflect, Evaluate! This activity is a continuation of the paraphrasing lessons you had in the previouslesson. This time, you must paraphrase a longer piece. Complete the table below byparaphrasing each stanza of the poem. Use only a single sentence for each stanza.Work with a partner for this task. The first stanza has been done for you.STANZA PARAPHRASE 1 The persona seems to be telling the listener that to know what we are, one must look at the men and women who come from the rural areas of the 2 country as they best represent our roots.34567Grade 7 English Learning Package 89

8910111213Task 4. Watch Out! Study the paragraphs below. On a one-half sheet of paper crosswise, rewrite each paragraph in order to make it more cohesive. A. Forty kilometers south of Peshawar, deep inside Pakistan‘s tribal belt, lies the village of Darra Adam Khel. It‘s an area few foreigners will ever visit. They are surreptitiously waging the U.S.-led war on terror or trying to elude it. Anyone else who manages to pass through the roadblocks to enter Darra, it‘s the perfect place to release pent-up stress. The village has one industry of note: ordnance. Darra is the arms factory of the tribal areas. It pumps out everything from pistols to anti-aircraft weaponry. Wander into any of the mom-and-pop workshops. Choose your weapon. Haggle over the price of bullets or shells. Troll out with your equipment into the bush. Being rather nice to look at, the surrounding rocks and trees make for excellent target practice. You‘ve finished debarking a tree with an AK-47. You can head back to civilization a better, calmer person for this cathartic experience. Think of it as a harmless outlet for the warrior that lurks within you. (Adapted from Discharging Firearms- Darra Adam Khel, Pakistan by Jaimie Miyazaki from Time Magazine: The Best of Asia, July 4, 2005) B. After five hours of uphill struggle on the second day of the classic Himalayan trek from Paro, site of Bhutan‘s international airport, to Thimphu, the country‘s capital, your muscles will burn. The blood will pound in your ears. Your breathing will approximate that of someone withGrade 7 English Learning Package 90

advanced emphysema. When your guide urges you on, trust him. It is atabout this stage that you reach the 3,810-m-high ridge above LakeJimilangtso. The setting sun bathes the mountains in an unearthly rose,and Venus is visible against a violet sky. The sheer beauty of it strikes youdumb. On the other side of the pass, on the banks of the lake, a bonfireflickers as porters set up your camp. Within the hour, you will be wrappingyour hands around a steaming mug of sweetened Bhutanese rum. Youwill be savoring your chef‘s startlingly fine creations. Sauteed chanterellemushrooms with tender shoots of fiddlehead ferns gathered en route. Emadatshi (the national dish of potatoes, chilies and cheese). All you have todo as night falls is eat your fill. Crawl into your tent (which your portershave already set up for you). Zip the door shut. The next day may holdmore trekking hell. As your head hits the pillow, there is no doubt in yourmind: to be under the canvas in Bhutan is to discover the meaning of anexhausted, elated bliss. (Adapted from Bhutan by Aryn Baker from Time Magazine: The Best of Asia, July 4, 2005)YOUR FINAL TASKThe Things I Must Fight For Just because we have the capability to fight, it doesn‘t mean that we should goaround looking for trouble. There are always things worth fighting for. They are calledcauses. Try interviewing people, asking them which three things are worth the goodfight. Once you have enough, list down the top five causes. Provide an explanation forwhy you need to fight for them.CAUSES WHY I MUST FIGHT FOR THEMGrade 7 English Learning Package 91

What Is This Module About? While we are a nation of many subcultures, there are dominant traits, practicesand beliefs that are common to all people. This is what we refer to as the culture ofthe Philippines. Are you a true Filipino? Why do you think so? Are you proud of your culture? What makes you proud of it? Do you love your country, the Philippines? Why? In this module, you will learn about the desirable traits of a true Filipino. It willhelp you answer questions about your role and duties as a citizen of this country. Itwill also enable you to practice and strengthen the values that you should have as aFilipino. This module highlights the desirable traits of Filipinos. It will give you anopportunity to demonstrate and practice the desirable traits you will learn in thismodule. This module is divided into three lessons: Lesson 1 – We Are Filipinos Lesson 2 – The Mark of a True Filipino Lesson 3 – Filipino in Thought, Word and Deed What Will You Learn From This Module? After studying this module, you should be able to: ♦ show pride in the Filipino culture; ♦ show respect and appreciation for the Philippine flag, national anthem, national language and other national symbols of the Philippines; ♦ discuss desirable Filipino traits and values; ♦ show appreciation for desirable Filipino traditions; and ♦ give your own opinion based on a story/song/play read or heard. 1

Let’s See What You Already Know Before studying this module, answer the questions below to determine how muchyou already know about the topic. Put a check mark (4) opposite each statement that shows a good Filipino traitand an X-mark (8) before each statement that does not._____ 1. A true Filipino stands at attention whenever he/she hears the Philippine National Anthem._____ 2. Filipino is encouraged in the elementary, secondary and college levels as a medium of instruction._____ 3. Traditionally, many Filipinos pause to say a prayer at angelus time._____ 4. In a village that practices bayanihan, Filipinos help each other in constructing the village church._____ 5. Kissing the hands or pagmamano is currently considered out of fashion._____ 6. OPM or Original Pilipino Music must make up half the airtime of local musical radio programs._____ 7. A true Filipino believes that a favor granted has to be repaid._____ 8. Filipino grooms-to-be traditionally visit the parents of their fiancées to perform a pre-betrothal ceremony called pamamanhikan._____ 9. Giving donations to a bereaved family is a foreign tradition that was not adopted by Filipinos._____10. Pakikisama—or the ability to get along with others to avoid conflict—is not being demonstrated by Filipinos anymore. Well, how was it? Was it difficult? Compare your answers with those in theAnswer Key on page 30. If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that you already knowmuch about the topic. You may still study the module to review what you alreadyknow. Who knows, you might learn some new things as well. If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This means that this module is for you. Itwill help you understand good Filipino traits that you can practice in your daily life. Ifyou study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all the items in the testand a lot more! Are you ready?You may now go to the next page to begin Lesson 1. 2

LESSON 1 We Are Filipinos What are the desirable traits of a Filipino? What values are native to our Filipinoculture. In this lesson, you will learn different Filipino values such as those that promoteharmonious and peaceful relationships, close family ties, respect for elders and trustin a Supreme Being. After studying this lesson, you should be able to: ♦ identify and provide examples of the desirable traits of a Filipino; and ♦ show pride in the Filipino culture. Let’s Study and Analyze Ricardo holds on to desirable Filipino values and pratices both as an individualand as a member of the community. You are going to find out what these traits are andhow Ricardo practices them in his daily life. Try to match the desirable Filipino traits in the box below with the actions andbehavior of Ricardo. Write the letter of your answer in the blank before each number.a. Trust in God f. Bayanihan (Cooperation)b. Hospitality g. Pakikisamac. Respect for Elders (ability to get along with others)d. Utang na loob h. Close Family Ties (Debt of gratitude) i. Patience/Optimisme. Resourcefulness/ j. Respect for Womanhood Creativity____1. Ricardo kisses the hands of his parents, grandparents and older relatives. He listens and gives importance to their advice and helps them in any way he can. He plans to take care of his parents when they grow old.____2. Ricardo loves to be with his family at all times. He goes to church with them, joins them for regular get-togethers, and celebrates holidays with them as much as he can. He would love to live with his family even as he gets older. 3

____3. Ricardo’s belief in God is very strong. He does not complain much because he knows that God will take care of everything. He keeps and venerates religious symbols in his house. ____4. Ricardo is always there to help his neighbors and other members of his community. He joined and supported the People Power 2 uprising at Edsa in January 2001. Aside from participating in national projects, he is always available whenever his barangay needs his help and support in implementing its projects. ____5. Ricardo sees things through until the end. He always has hope and looks at the brighter side of things. He does not get discouraged when confronted with problems. In fact, no matter how miserable his life is, he moves on, knowing that in the end, the sun will shine again. He remains calm even if he has a hard time commuting, or when he deals with everyday problems like pollution, traffic, lack of water and electricity, bad roads and poor telephone services. ____6. When someone does Ricardo a favor or helps him in his hour of need, he feels that he needs to return a favor to that person. He would not feel comfortable if he does not repay that person in any way that he can. ____7. You will always see cheerfulness in Ricardo’s face wherever he goes. He tries to maintain harmonious and peaceful relationships with everyone, even if he sees the faults of his enemies, friends, or family. For him, not being friendly and cooperative with others would bring negative results. ____8. Ricardo loves to entertain guests, friends and even strangers. He is very warm-hearted and generous in receiving visitors at home, in the office, or wherever he meets people. ____9. Ricardo is very good at inventing new things. He makes decorations out of old newspapers and used soft drink cans. He saves used paper and empty bottles for future use. ___10. Ricardo respects his mother and this respect is extended to his sisters, female friends, and colleagues. He opens doors, gives up his seat, and carries bags for women. He also assists them when boarding or alighting from vehicles. How did you find the exercise? Compare your answers with the Answer Key onpages 30–31. 4

Let’s Try This Give an example of each desirable trait you just learned in the exercise. Applythat example at home, at work or in the community. How did you feel afterdemonstrating each desirable Filipino trait? Write down your observations anddiscuss them with your co-learners and Instructional Manager. Let’s Read Play the tape with the song “Tayo’y Mga Pinoy.” As you listen to the tape,silently read the lyrics and try to determine the message of the song. Heber Bartolome (original version) Chorus 1 Tayo’y mga Pinoy Tayo’y hindi Kano ‘Wag kang mahihiya kung Ang ilong mo ay pango. Dito sa Silangan, ako’y isinilang Kung saan nagmumula Ang sikat ng araw Ako ay may sariling Kulay kayumaggi. Ngunit di ko maipakitang Tunay sa sarili. Kung ating hahanapin ay Matatagpuan. Tayo ay may kakanyahang Dapat hangaan. Subali’t nasaan ang Sikat ng araw? Ba’t tayo ay humahanga doon Sa Kanluran? Bakit manggagaya Mayroon naman tayo. Repeat Chorus 1 5

Dito sa Silangan, Tayo’y isinilang Kung saan nagmumula ang Sikat ng araw Subali’t nasaan ang sikat ng araw Ba’t tayo ay humahanga doon sa Kanluran? Repeat Chorus 1 Chorus 2 Mayro’ng isang aso, daig pa ang ulol Sya’y ngumingiyaw Hindi tumatahol Katulad ng iba Pa-Inglis-Inglis pa Na kung pakikinggan, Mali-mali naman ‘Wag na lang. Repeat Chorus 2 except the last line ‘Wag na, oy oy Oy, ika’y Pinoy Oy, oy, ika’y Pinoy.” Let’s Talk About This Did you like the song? Did you understand its message? Try answering thefollowing questions: 1. What is the message of the song? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. Are you ashamed of being a Filipino? Explain your answer. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6

3. How do you understand the line: “Mayro’ng isang aso, daig pa ang ulol. Siya’y ngumingiyaw, hindi tumatahol.” (There is a dog, crazier than a crazy dog. He meows instead of barking). _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. What traits and attitudes portrayed in the song do you feel apply to you? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. If, by chance, you are brown-skinned and flat-nosed, would you be ashamed? Why or why not? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on page 31. Let’s Learn You should always be proud of being a Filipino. You should not be ashamed ofyour culture because God has given you talents, skills and physical characteristics thatare uniquely Filipino, which you should always cherish and be proud of. Here are some of the most-well known desirable Filipino traits. This is a trait that most Filipinos and our neighbors in Asia practice. We kiss the hands of our elders and we offer them our seat. We take care of our parents and grandparents as they grow older and try to be with them as much as we can. It is unthinkable to allow a parent or a relative to go unattended in his or her old age.Respect for Elders 7

We love being with our family at all times. We go to church together, we have regular family get- togethers and we celebrate holidays together. Unlike other cultures, we love to live with our families even as we get older because we cannot stand living away from them.Close Family Ties We always believe in a Supreme Being that protects, judges and rules over us. We always believe that God is always there to help us at all times. We do not complain much because we know that God will take care of everything. Trust in God This trait means togetherness and mutual help orBayanihan or Cooperation being available to help others, especially our neighbors and countrymen. It also means peace and a feeling of “oneness” or cooperative spirit which motivates people to work together for a good purpose. Filipinos see things through until the end. We are optimistic, we always have hope and look at the brighter side of things. No matter how difficult our life is, we move on, knowing that in the end, the sun would shine again. We take everything calmly and easily due to our being patient.Patience, Optimism and Creativity 8

This means that we feel that we are indebted to anyone who did us a favor or helped us in an hour of need. It is for this reason that we want to do good to help them as a sign of our gratitude.Utang na Loob or Debt of gratitude Having harmonious interpersonal relationships helps us understand the faults of our friends and family just to maintain peace.Pakikisama or Getting along with others We are very friendly and generous in receiving and entertaining guests or even strangers. Hospitality We Filipinos are able to make use of what we have. This shows our resourcefulness. We are alsoResourcefulness/ creative in the sense that we are skillful and cleverCreativity in inventing new things. Filipinos, in general, respect their mother, and this is extended to other women.Respect for Women 9

Let’s See What You Have Learned Study the following situations. What desirable Filipino trait should you show ineach situation? How would you show it? Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. A friend of your mother’s paid a visit to your family. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. Your neighbor is fixing the roof of his house. You noticed that he is having a difficult time. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3. You just got home. You found your parents in the living room. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. Your friend lent you money when you ran out of cash one time. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. You have a problem. It seems difficult to solve. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 31. Well, how did you do? Did you get all the right answers? If you did, very good! Ifnot, just review the lesson again and try to understand it better. Let’s Remember In this lesson, you learned about the following desirable Filipino traits: ♦ Filipinos are known for trusting in God and putting faith in Him. ♦ Family traits include close family ties, respect for elders and respect for women. ♦ Filipinos are also known for their hospitality, the spirit of bayanihan, pakikisama and utang na loob. ♦ Filipinos are resourceful, creative, patient and optimistic. These traits help the Filipino in his daily life. 10

LESSON 2 The Mark of a True Filipino How should you sing the Philippine National Anthem? What are the differentPhilippine national symbols? What makes us uniquely Filipino? These questions willbe answered in this lesson. After studying this lesson, you should be able to: ♦ identify the different Philippine national symbols; ♦ demonstrate the proper way of showing respect for the Philippine National Anthem; ♦ show understanding and respect for Philippine national symbols; and ♦ demonstrate love for our culture and national identity. Let’s Read The Mark of a True Filipino I was once asked by a foreigner To describe my beloved country Hark, listen very carefully To my true and faithful description. If by chance I have seen Unfurled and flying, high above the air The most beautiful flag of red, white and blue Symbol of my country, we give honor. Once our national anthem is played And by chance I hear its music drifting in the wind Place your right hand over your breast While its lively music is being played. Our national costumes, Barong tagalog and “Baro at Saya” And our national flower, the Sampaguita Our folk songs, our national tree—Narra And the Philippine Eagle All these are our national symbols. 11

Should anybody make fun Of the color of your skin Be proud, don’t be ashamed Hold your head high, it is God-given Our heroes never feared To shed their blood and give their life For freedom most revered They’re our pride, let us not forget them. Anonymous Let’s Try This Did you like the poem? Did you understand it? If you did, try answering thefollowing questions: 1. Do you stand at attention and place your right hand over your breast when you hear or sing the Philippine National Anthem? _________________________________________________________ 2. What other Philippine national symbols do you know that are not mentioned in the poem? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3. Mention as many national heroes that the author refers to in the last stanza of the poem as you can. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. How can you be a hero in your own way with your friends? Your neighbors? Your colleagues at work? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 12

5. Why is it important to know your culture? Why is it important to love your culture? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Now you can compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 32. Let’s Learn How do you sing the “Lupang Hinirang,” the Philippine National Anthem? You should show respect to the Philippine National Anthem by standing atattention and placing your right hand on the left side of your chest when singing it.You should look at the National flag with sincerity and respect. The Philippine flag is only one of the many Philippine national symbols. You haveread in the poem about other symbols. Our national costumes are the barong-Tagalogand the Baro’t Saya. Our national flower is the Sampaguita. The Narra is ournational tree. The Philippine eagle is the symbol of Filipino strength. You can also be a hero like Dr. Jose Rizal. You can do this simply by helping yourfamily, friends and neighbors and not expecting anything in return. The Philippine culture is very rich. You should learn more about it so that you canapply and strengthen the Filipino traits that are desirable. This will help you become abetter person and a true Filipino. Let’s See What You Have Learned A. Identify the Philippine national symbols being described in each statement. Write your answer in the blank before each number. _______________ 1. Philippine national anthem _______________ 2. National hero _______________ 3. Philippine costume for men _______________ 4. National tree _______________ 5. National flower 13

B. Answer these questions: 1. How should you sing the Philippine National Anthem? _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 2. Why do you need to learn more about your culture? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 32. Well, how was it? Did you get all the correct answers? If you did, very good! Ifnot, review the parts of this lesson that were not clear to you. Let’s Remember What you have learned are the desirable traits of a true Filipino. They simplyshow the way we Filipinos are. Don’t forget that: ♦ you should learn to respect the Philippine National Anthem by standing at attention and placing your right hand on the left side of your chest; ♦ you should be aware of the Philippine national symbols, so that when you meet new friends from other countries, you can proudly share these with them; ♦ you can be a hero to your friends, neighbors and colleagues by helping them when they have problems and not expecting to be repaid; and ♦ you should learn more about your culture so that you can apply and reinforce the desirable Filipino traits. In turn, you can be a better person and member of the community. Just remember to retain and reinforce these desirable Filipino traits and don’tforget to pass them on! 14

LESSON 3 Filipino in Thought, Word and Deed Which Filipino traits are truly desirable? How and when are these shown? Howcan we show that we are indeed Filipinos? In this lesson, you will find out how desirable Filipino traits can be shown incertain situations. After studying this lesson, you should be able to: ♦ identify Filipino characteristics, values, practices and traditions; and ♦ form your own opinion on how to show loyalty to your country.Let’s Listen to This Get your cassette tape and listen to the dialogue. If a cassette player is notavailable, you can just read the dialogue that follows.Characters:Domeng – a 48 year old balikbayan from the United StatesJoseph – a teenage son of DomengConcha – the 70-year old mother of DomengHonesto – the 75-year old father of DomengRey – a neighbor and good friend of DomengArvin – a teenage adopted son of Honesto and ConchaNarrator At the AirportScene 1 :Concha : Arvin, how come the plane has not arrived yet? It’s already an hour late, I’m getting worried. Something might have happenedArvin : to them.Concha : Nana Concha. Please calm yourself. Haven’t you heard theArvin : announcement? The plane from San Francisco has just arrived.Concha : Really, Arvin? That’s true! Nana Concha!. Thank God! 15

Arvin : Nana Concha! Mang Rey! Let’s move over there so we can seeConcha : them immediately.Arvin :Concha : I think that’s better. With my poor eyesight, I may not be able toRey : recognize Domeng and his son Joseph from afar.Arvin :Concha : Nana Concha, about how many years has Uncle Domeng beenRey : away from the Philippines?Arvin : Oh, he was still young then. He was about twenty years old.Rey :Concha : That’s right, Arvin. We’re of the same age and I’m 48 years oldArvin : now.Concha :Arvin : You’re 48 years old now, Mang Rey? In that case, UncleConcha : Domeng has been away for 28 years now.Rey :Concha : You’re right, Arvin.Arvin : Arvin, look! Look at that lady! She has plenty of luggage, sheConcha : can hardly carry all of them. She’s not the only one who’s like that, Mang Rey. Look at the others. I bet, most of their luggage are for pasalubong. Isn’t Nanay Concha like them? Every time she travels, she always brings pasalubong. Ah, yes. Even when she’s just from the market, she still brings pasalubong. So, what’s wrong with that? That’s being a Filipino. We’re fond of giving something as pasalubong. You’re right. Almost every balikbayan I see has plenty of baggages. That’s because, most of us Filipinos are thoughtful and generous. Will Uncle Domeng have plenty of baggages, too? Rey, Rey! Look! Isn’t that Domeng who’s just come out of the door? That’s him! And he saw us, too! Domeng! Domeng, my son! Nanay Concha, with 28 years being in America, do you think Uncle Domeng has changed his nickname to.. maybe “Dom” or “Domy”? It doesn’t really matter whether he has changed his nickname or not. To me, he is still my Domeng! 16

Rey : I’ll leave you for a while. I’ll have to make the car ready. The parking lot is quite far from here, so, when Domeng is ready, weConcha : can immediately leave.Domeng :Concha : That would be better, Rey.Domeng :Concha : Nay! Nay!Domeng :Concha : Domeng, my son!Domeng : (Domeng, kissing his mother’s hand)Concha : God bless you, my son.Joseph :Concha : Where’s Tatay?Joseph :Arvin : Oh, his arthritis acted up again, so he opted to wait for you atConcha : home.Arvin :Domeng : By the way, Nay, this is Joseph, your grandson. Joseph, this is your Lola.Arvin : Oh, he’s so handsome!Joseph :Arvin : (Kissing Lola’s hand)Joseph : God Bless you, Joseph. And, Joseph, this is Arvin, your cousin.Domeng : How are you, Kuya Arvin? Ah…I’m fine, Joseph. Domeng, this is Arvin, your nephew. (Kisses the hand of Domeng) I thought for a while, you’re not with Nanay. How come you’re keeping a distance? I’m sorry, Uncle. I was a bit apprehensive in getting close to you, because I’m not that good in talking English. Why did you ever think of that, Kuya Arvin? You see, some of our cousins who also came from America only spoke in English. And I felt awkward talking to them. Don’t worry, Kuya Arvin, I’m used to speaking Filipino. Back home, we always talk in Filipino except when we have visitors. Daddy and Mommy want us to speak in Filipino even if we’re not born in the Philippines. That’s true. I haven’t forgotten what Nanay taught us. That we should not forget our own language and we should be proud of it. And that’s one measure of being a true Filipino. 17

Arvin : I admire you for that, Uncle Domeng. You’re not like the others who teach their children to speak in English, just to give theConcha : impression of being ‘class’.Arvin :Concha : I’m proud of you, Domeng. Despite your having been away fromRey : our country for so long, you have not forgotten being a Filipino.Domeng :Rey : Here comes our ride, Uncle Domeng.Domeng :Rey : Arvin, please help them put their luggage inside the car.Concha :Joseph : I’ll open the baggage compartment.Concha :Domeng : I know you…. Ah, Rey? Yes, its you, Rey!Concha : I thought you have forgotten about me.Joseph : That’s not possible, Rey. Except for a few white hairs, you haveConcha : not changed at all.Rey : Oh, well. Let’s talk more about it later, Domeng. Let’s attend toDomeng : your luggage first, so we can leave. You know, Joseph, Rey and your father were “age mates” and good friends. They were like brothers. Aha! Then Tito Rey must know a lot of Daddy’s secrets. Tell me about you and Dad when we get home, ha, Tito Rey. It seems like you brought a lot of pasalubong. Aside from your suitcases, you brought some balikbayan boxes as well. That’s not even enough, Nay. We didn’t have much time to shop, so I’m thinking of buying some more items from the Duty Free Shops here. I’ve heard, there are a lot of items to choose from and they’re a lot cheaper, too. That’s true, Domeng. They’ve lowered the prices even for imported items. And you know what, Lola. You can even choose the item you want Daddy to give you as pasalubong. You can get what you really wanted and need most. Oh, thank you so much! What is nice about your shopping here, either in the Duty Free Shops or any of the malls here, is that you’re able to help boost the economy of our country. Have you heard in America about our economic crisis? Ah, yes! Even if I’m already in America, I’ve always made it a point to listen regularly for news about our country. I will never forget who I am and from where I came from. 18

Narrator : You’ve just heard scene 1 of our drama. Before you listen to the next scene, please stop the tape for a while, and answer the questions that follow: Let’s Think About This Did you like the play? Did you understand it? Try answering the followingquestions. 1. What Filipino values, practices and traditions were demonstrated by the characters in the play? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. What can you say about Domeng, who remained loyal to the language of the country of his birth? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3. Were Domeng and Joseph right in deciding to buy their pasalubong from the Duty Free Shops here? Why? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on pages 32–33. 19

Let’s Listen to This Let’s continue listening to the rest of the tape. (Again, you may just read thedialogue if you don’t have a cassette player around.)Scene 2 : At the house of Honesto and ConchaConcha : Here we are home at last! Let’s all come in.Domeng : (Upon seeing his father.. ) Let me kiss your hand, Father. How are you?Honesto : I’m fine. It’s just that lately my knees have been aching because of arthritis.Domeng : Father, I’d like you to meet Joseph. Joseph, this is your grandfather.Joseph : Let me kiss your hand, Lolo. You know, Lolo, you don’t look that old! It seems that you and Daddy are of the same age.Honesto : Really? You really surprise me! Aside from knowing how to speak Filipino, you’re also good at flattery.Domeng : Joseph is right, Father. You don’t look old. You may even have more hair than I have. What’s your secret?Honesto : Oh, stop it! Come on, let’s all get inside and have something to drink! Arvin, can you please help them with their luggage?Arvin : Yes, Tata Honesto, I’ll be glad to.Joseph : Thank you, Kuya Arvin.Arvin : Don’t mention it.Honesto : I’m all praises for my grandson, Domeng. He knows how to speak our language, and he’s also courteous, even if he grew up in America.Domeng : Tay, do you still remember what Inay has always taught me? That I should not forget our national language. That is why, we always speak Filipino when we’re at home in America. And of course, my wife and I have not forgotten some of our good Filipino traits. One of these is being respectful to the elders and to other people. We have not also forgotten how to be thoughtful and helpful. I have not forgotten what you and Inay have taught us since we were children. We have imparted all of these to my son, as well.Honesto : I’m proud of you, my son. You are a true Filipino. 20

Domeng : Thank you, Father! I have tried my best to keep my promise to be a true Filipino always.Joseph : Excuse me, Lolo! Daddy, can we now open our luggage andDomeng : distribute our pasalubong to them? I’m already excited!Joseph :Honesto : Oh, yes! Go ahead, son.Joseph :Concha : Lolo, please accept our pasalubong for you.Joseph : Thank you, Joseph.Concha : Please open it!Domeng : Well, what are we waiting for? Come, everybody! Let’s all eatHonesto : first.Concha :Honesto : Lola, here’s our pasalubong for you!Joseph : Oh, thank you, Joseph. Thank you very much. I thought we would still be going to the Duty Free Shop to buy yourArvin : pasalubong for me. But here, you already have a pasalubongJoseph : for me.Arvin : Yes, Inay. We’re still going to the Duty Free Shop, thisJoseph : afternoon. We’ll still buy additional pasalubong for you.Arvin : And, whatever for? This is already enough, my son.Concha : And this is very beautiful! Now, I have a new sweater, Honesto! This is enough for me, too, Domeng. This is just right for the cold weather. We are happy, Lolo and Lola, that you like what we have brought for you. And for you, Kuya Arvin, this is for you. Thank you, Joseph for remembering me. Of course! How can we not remember you, Kuya? Lola and Lolo are always mentioning your name in their letters and in their telephone calls. Really? What are they saying about me? That you’re obedient and industrious, like me. Ha! Ha! Ha! Open your pasalubong now, Kuya. I hope you’ll like it! Wow! A new shirt and pants! Thank you, Joseph. Thank you, Uncle Domeng. Okay. Maybe we’ll just continue with our conversation over dinner. 21

Domeng : Inay, where’s Rey? Has he gone home?Concha :Domeng : No, he’s just around. And he has a surprise for you!Joseph : A surprise? Lending us his vehicle and driving for us are more than enough.(Rey suddenly comes in with a tray of food.)Rey :Joseph : There’s Tito Rey. He’s coming. Tito Rey, this is ourRey : pasalubong for you.Domeng : Thank you, Joseph.Rey : Mmmm…. The food you’re bringing smells good.Domeng :Rey : Of course, I prepared this especially for you and your Dad.Domeng : Mmmm… broiled tilapia and squid. Wow, these are myRey : favorites, Rey!Domeng : I still cannot forget what your favorites are, pal! Hey, what’s thisDomeng : you brought for me? An imported shirt! Why, you should have bought me a local one instead! Not that I don’t like what you gaveHonesto : me but … You know, Philippine-made products are comparableConcha : to imported ones.Joseph : Really? Yes! I even hear some balikbayans say that products they buy in other countries are marked, “Made in the Philippines.” Well, then. We don’t have to go to the Duty Free Shop in that case. (Whispering) And Rey, here’s something for you…. (at the same time giving Rey some money.) What’s this? No! I cannot accept this! Come on, pal. This really comes with your pasalubong. By the way, thank you for lending us your car and driving for us, too.(Upon Domeng’s insistence, Rey accepted the money.) Rey, don’t be offended. I know that debt of gratitude cannot be repaid with money. You can use it to bring your kids to the movie. What are you whispering about over there? Come on, let’s all pray before we eat. I have a suggestion, Joseph, can you say the grace before meals? Yes. Lola. Bless us O Lord… 22

Let’s Talk About This Did you like the rest of the play? Try answering the following questions. 1. What Filipino traits were portrayed by the characters? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. Which ones would you like to emulate or reinforce? How are you going to do this? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3. Do you agree with Domeng that a debt of gratitude cannot be repaid with money? Please explain your answer. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ If you are done with your answers, compare them with those found in the AnswerKey on page 33. Let’s Remember We should be proud of our desirable Filipino traits. They bring about harmoniousrelationships between neighbors, as well as desirable and peaceful relationshipsamong individuals and the community in general. 23

Let’s Read Do you truly love your country? Here is a short essay about how to be a trueFilipino. Read it carefully. I Am a Filipino I am a Filipino. I am a poet and a dreamer. In good times and in bad, I persevere with open arms and an open heart. I constantly pray for peace and I am willing to risk my life for freedom and justice. I would like to shout to the world “I am the hope of our fatherland.” These words should come from my heart — a heart of a Filipino who truly loves his country. My love for my country is not proven through mere words but through my actions as well. Some of our national heroes have written poems and essays also entitled “I am a Filipino.” They have contributed to our country’s progress at one point in time. Jose Rizal’s fight for justice would never be forgotten even after he was killed by the Spaniards. Apolinario Mabini’s literary piece made him “The Great Paralytic.” Ramon Magsaysay was motivated by Mabini to serve his countrymen well. Our fate depends not only on the leaders of our country but also on our countrymen. Each one of us has a role to play in helping our country. I am a true Filipino. What does this mean to our youth? What does this mean to you? Let’s Try This Did you like the essay? Did you understand it? Try answering the followingquestions. 1. What is the essay about? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. What did the writer mean by putting words into action based on the poems and essays written by our national heroes in the past? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 24

3. How can you prove your love for your country in times of war? In times of peace? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________4. Make believe that you are one of the following: a. teacher b. policeman c. doctor d. businessman How can you show that you are a true Filipino in terms of solving community and national problems? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________5. Identify organizations in your community that help in maintaining cleanliness in the environment, peace and order, etc. Have you joined any of these organizations? Do you intend to join any of these organizations? Why? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________6. Analyze the current political situation of our country. What insights have you gained? Among the desirable Filipino traits you have learned, which should be reinforced by a good Filipino leader? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 25

7. Read the “Panatang Makabayan”. It is about how and why you should love and be proud of your country—the Philippines. Copy it on a small piece of paper and keep it in your wallet, purse or bag. Remember to study and understand it, and, most importantly, apply what it means. You may substitute the word paaralan on line 7 with the words for the community, work place or institution you belong to. Share it with your friends, neighbors and colleagues. Ang Panatang Makabayan Iniibig ko ang Pilipinas. Ito ang aking lupang sinilangan; Ito ang tahanan ng aking lahi; Ako’y kanyang kinukupkop at tinutulungan; Upang maging malakas, maligaya at kapakipakinabang. Bilang ganti, diringgin ko ang payo ng aking mga magulang; Susundin ko ang mga tuntunin ng aking paaralan; Tutuparin ko ang mga tungkulin ng isang mamamayang makabayan at masunurin sa batas; Paglilingkuran ko ang aking bayan nang walang pag-iimbot at ng buong katapatan Sisikapin kong maging tunay na Pilipino sa isip, sa salita at sa gawa.Compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on pages 33–34.Let’s See What You Have LearnedA. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your answer from the list of words below.Actions Thought SpeakingDeed Pasalubong Panatang Makabayan1. Giving ________________ is a sign of a Filipino’s genorosity and thoughtfulness.2. The ________________ teaches us how and why one should love and be proud of one’s country.3. Love for country is not proven through mere words, but through ________________ as well.4. You can show your loyalty to your country by _____________.5–6.A true Filipino is a Filipino in ________________, word and ________________. 26

B. As an NFE A&E learner, how can you show that you are a true Filipino – in thought, word and deed? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages 34–35. Let’s Remember You will often hear and read about our many desirable traits as a people. It is notenough that you know about these traits. It is important that you practice these traits— in your every thought, word and deed. One of the traits that you should always practice is the love and respect for ourelders, because their wisdom and experience can guide us in our everyday lives. Another equally important trait that you should foster and develop is loyalty toour country. You can show this by speaking our national language, giving importanceto our heroes, national symbols and our national anthem, and by doing your part inhelping our country grow and develop. 27

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