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Home Explore Health Grade 7

Health Grade 7

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-11-20 02:25:52

Description: Health Grade 7


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I follow nutritional guidelines to keep me healthy. How many did you check? If you have five checks, it means you are reallyfollowing good nutrition habits. If you did not check some of the items, you needto review your habits and practices related to nutrition. Your health may sufferlater if you continue to have poor food choices and poor eating habits.Nutritional Needs of Adolescents The growth spurt during adolescence creates increased demand forenergy and nutrients. As an adolescent, your total nutrient needs are higher atthis stage than at any other stage in your lifecycle. It only shows that nutrition andphysical growth are essentially related; optimal nutrition is a requisite forachieving your full growth potential. Due to your rapid growth and development at his stage, you have agreater need for certain nutrients, such as calcium, iron, protein, and energyfoods. For bone development, you need extra calcium. It is likewise needed forthe regulation of vital body functions, such as blood clotting, heart musclecontraction and relaxation, transmission of nerve impulse, and activation of someenzymes. Eating a balanced diet helps in building bone mass that will lessenyour chance of developing osteoporosis in later life. Remember, more than 90percent of bone density develops by the time you reach 18 years old.Adolescents, ages 10-18 have calcium requirements of 1000 milligrams per day.You can get calcium from dairy products, leafy vegetables, canned fish with softedible bones, and tofu. It is important to include any of these foods in your dailydiet. Teenage boys and girls have high demands of iron due to growth spurt.The onset of menstruation among girls also increases the need for iron. Boys13–15 years of age need 20 milligrams while girls need 21 milligrams daily. Doyou know that iron from meat is better absorbed by the body than iron from plant 50

sources? You can improve the absorption of iron from plants by eating fruits ordrinking fruit juices that contain vitamin C. Iron is important for proper functioningof cells and for resistance to infection. Due to your accelerated growth and development, you need body-building food. Boys, ages 13-15, need 71 grams of protein daily while girls need63 grams daily. Body-building food is protein-rich necessary for the growth anddevelopment of your body, specially your bones and muscles. Throughout yourlife your body replaces damaged or worn-out cells by making new ones. Protein-rich food helps the body repair itself. Protein also helps the body make enzymes,antibodies and hormones. Protein also supplies the body with energy even if it isnot your body’s main energy source. Protein provides four calories per gram andexcess protein in the body is converted to body fat. Animal products, such asmeat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, soybeans are good sources of completeprotein. Remember, consume only the required amount of protein your bodyneeds daily. An increase in the physical activities of adolescents requires more energyfood. Energy-giving food or carbohydrates are the starches and sugars foundprimarily in bread, cereals, and in fruits and vegetables. In general, boys needmore energy than girls due to the physical activities most of them engage in.Boys at the age of 13-14 need 2800 kilocalories for boys weighing 50 kilos while2250 kilocalories are needed for girls weighing 49 kilos. . 51

Your body uses energy from carbohydrates to perform every task you do.All carbohydrates are converted by your body to glucose, a simple sugar that isyour body’s main source of energy. If your body does not consume glucose rightaway, it is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. When you need moreenergy, the glycogen is converted back to glucose. In cases when you take morecarbohydrates than your body can consume, it is stored as body fats. Stored fatsin the body may result to being overweight or being obese. Obesity must beavoided because this is a major risk factor to several chronic diseases, such asheart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. You need fiber or roughage, indigestible complex carbohydrates found inthe tough parts of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Fiber helps move wastethrough the digestive system. It prevents constipation and other intestinalproblems, and reduces your risk of heart diseases. Some types of fiber helpcontrol diabetes by reducing blood glucose levels. To stay healthy, you have toeat 20-35 grams of fibers daily. Remember that there is a strong relationship between what you eat andyour health, not only today but in the future as well. Proper nutrition also helps 52

prevent diet-related chronic diseases in the future, such as cardiovasculardisease, cancer, and osteoporosis. It is important for you to select a well-balanced diet always. Teenagers involved in active sports As active adolescents you need more energy food. A person doing highlevel activities requires more energy. If you are very active, you need to eat avariety of food. Eat only in amounts that your body needs or that matches yourgrowth and activity level. You usually engage in physical activities like sports. During theseactivities wherein you perspire a lot, you lose some sodium. Usually the salt inyour diet replaces the salt lost. Excessive perspiration during strenuous physicalactivities removes the potassium, sodium, and calcium from your body. You canreplace these by eating foods, such as vegetables, cereals, meat, dried fruits,and milk. 53

Exercise can also increase your body’s need for thiamine, riboflavin, andniacin. You need these vitamins for the release and use of energy when you areexercising or doing activities. You can get these from foods, such as meat, fish,beans, milk, cheese, poultry and eggs. Teenagers or athletes who engage in vigorous physical activities shouldtake into consideration certain dietary precautions to ensure good health.  Drink enough water. Drink an extra 568 ml of water 2 hours before the activity and 85.2 - 170.4 ml every 10-20 minutes during the actual vigorous activity. Avoid drinks with high sugar content to avoid delay in stomach emptying.  Eat foods rich in iron. Athletes should also eat citrus fruits. Citrus fruits help facilitate body’s absorption of the iron in cereals, vegetables, and other non- meat sources. These foods help prevent potential iron- deficiency anemia.  Eat foods rich in calcium. Female athletes, for example, can be prone to osteoporosis (weakening of the bones as a result of loss of calcium). They must be particularly careful to eat foods rich in calcium to get the recommended dietary allowance of calcium. Your daily diet should be selected carefully. The nutritional guidelines foradolescents will make it easy for you to choose a balanced diet. You needdifferent nutrients to be sure that your body functions properly. You also needbody-building foods due to your accelerated growth and development. Youractive life also requires more energy foods.Activity 4: Can You Help? 54

Directions: Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow. Like all teenagers, Jose is an active teenager. He is a member of theschool varsity team. He is about to compete for championship in the divisionlevel. His team practices daily. . During practice, he perspires heavily and needsto drink water very often. After his morning practice, he usually feels hungryduring lunch time. 1. Suggest a menu for his lunch that will give Jose the nutrients he needs as an active teenager. 2. Suggest foods to replace the potassium, sodium, and calcium lost due to too much sweating. You can influence others to develop a healthy eating habit throughdifferent strategies. Help promote healthier eating among your family members,friends, and schoolmates through your advocacy materials.Assignment:Activity 5: Let’s Advocate Healthy Eating!Directions: Prepare an advocacy material like a poster/slogan/poem/song/rap tosend amessage about eating the required amount of vegetables, fruits and milk daily.Create a group for the presentation of your advocacy materials to the class orhave an exhibit of all your output. Your presentation will be assessed based on the following criteria:  Clarity of the message 55

 Correctness of information  Message impact Sum Up Complete the following unfinished statements: 1. I discovered that my eating habit is ___________________________. 2. I am aware that ___________________________________________. 3. As an adolescent, I need to eat _______________________________. 4. I will encourage my family and friends to eat___________________. 5. From now on I will ________________________________________.Enrichment Activity Directions: Read more about nutritional guidelines for adolescents in aHealth or nutrition book recently published. You can also visit the followingwebsites: Nutritional guidelines for Filipinos 56

LESSON 2: THE FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID FOR A HEALTHY LIFETeen Ages 7-12Lesson Targets: Follow the Food Guide Pyramid for adolescents Discuss the importance of following the nutritional guidelines appropriate for Filipino adolescentsSomething to Ponder On The Food Guide Pyramid will guide you on how many servings from eachfood group is recommended daily. There are six food groups in the Food GuidePyramid. The serving requirements of each individual depend on age, sex, size,and activity level. Each day, we need to eat at least the lowest serving from eachof the food groups. This is to meet the daily requirements of vitamins, minerals,protein, fiber, and carbohydrates of an individual. We all need to eat a balanced diet every day. This includes servings offoods from different food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. This guide suggeststhat we consume--  food from the fats, oil and sweet group sparingly.  at least 1 glass a day of food from the milk and milk products group.  2 and ½ servings daily of food from the meat, poultry, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group.  1 egg a day (for teenagers).  3 servings of food from the vegetable group daily (for teenagers).  3 servings of fruits daily.  the greatest number of servings, which is 6-8 servings, of bread, cereal, rice, root crops and noodles. For you to grow and develop to the fullest and to improve yournutritional status, it is important to follow healthy eating guidelines suchas: 57

 Eat a variety of foods daily.  Maintain a healthy weight.  Eat foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.  To lower the risk of heart diseases, avoid too much cholesterol in your diet.  Consume milk, milk products and other calcium-rich foods, such as small fish & dark green leafy vegetables daily.  Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, root crops, and grain products.  Use sugar in moderation. o Eating too much sweet foods contributes to tooth decay.  Eat clean and safe food, cook food in edible/cooking oil.  Use iodized salt but avoid excessive intake of salty foods. Too much salt in the diet may increase the risk of having high blood pressure. Remember, healthy eating will reduce your risk of suffering from fataldiseases, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Healthy eating isimportant for proper growth and development. It can also prevent healthproblems, such as obesity, dental caries, iron deficiency, and osteoporosis.Women are prone to osteoporosis, so teenage girls should eat enough foods richin calcium. This will help build strong bones to protect them from osteoporosislater in life. Eating a wide variety of foods in moderation daily is a good practice.Following the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutritional guidelines for Filipinos willmake it easier for anyone to have a balanced, healthful diet daily.How Many Servings Do You Need as an Adolescent? A serving is the size of food after it is cooked. Do you know that three ounces of cookedmeat is about the size of a deck of cards? The serving sizes below will guide you in measuring the amount of foodand liquid you take daily.  1-1/2 cups (12 ounces) of liquid is the size of a soda-pop can. 58

 1 cup (8 ounces) of food is the size of a large handful.  1/2 cup (4 ounces) of food is about half of a large handful.  1 ounce of cheese is about the size of a 1 inch cube.  2 tablespoons (Tbsp) is about 2 times the size of the tip of your thumb (from the last crease).  1 tablespoon (Tbsp) is about the size of the tip of your thumb (from the last crease).  1 teaspoon (tsp) is about the size of the tip of your little finger (from the last crease).Daily Servings for a Teen’s Diet The table below is a food guide for adolescents. Adolescents can achievetheir energy and nutrient requirements by eating a variety of foods daily. Thisguide may be used to ensure variety in foods eaten.Food group Serving size Number of serving s dailyBreads /  1 muffin 5 to 10Starches:  2 slices bread serving  1/2 cup cooked cereal, pasta, potatoes, or s rice  1 ounce or 3/4 cup dry cereal  4 pcs. pan de sal  1 small size root crop  1 pack instant noodlesFruits  1/2 cup canned fruit or fruit juice 2 to 3  1 piece fresh fruit, such as an apple, orange, serving s banana  15 to 20 grapes  1-1/2 cups fresh melonMeat /  1/2 cup cottage cheese 3 to 5  3/4 to 1 cup cooked dried beans or servingMeat legumes s  1 eggSubstitute  1 ounce low-fat or regular cheese  2 to 3 ounces meat, fish, or poultrys  2 to 3 Tbsps. peanut butter  1/2 cup nutsMilk or  1 cup low-fat milk or yogurt 4 to 5Yogurt  one ounce of cheese serving 59

 1/2 cup of cottage cheese sVegetables  1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw 2 to 3Fats vegetable serving s  2 cups salad greens  1 cup vegetable or tomato juice 2 to 4 serving  10 peanuts s  2 Tbsps. cream cheese, avocado, or low calorie salad dressing  1 tsp oil, margarine, mayonnaise, or butter  1 Tbsp salad dressingSweets  1/8 of a pie 1 to 3and  1/2 cup ice cream servingDesserts  3-inch pastry s per  1/2 cup pudding, weekWater and  2 small cookies.Beverages 6-8 Too much sweets and dessert can glasses aggravate skin problems, like (240 ml pimples. each)Do you include food from the different food in your daily meal?Do the next activity to check if you are eating the right food.Activity 1: Am I Eating the Right Food?Direction: List all the foods and drinks you usually eat the whole day. List themin the space below. Check the column of food group where each food belongs.List of Fats, Milk and Meat, Vegetable Fruit Bread,foods oil,& milk poultry, cereal, products dry group group rice, and sweets group beans, rice 60

eggs, products,and nuts and rootgroup crops groupBased on your list, answer the following questions: 1. What do you observe about your food intake? 2. Which food group do you have most in your list? 3. Which food group do you have less in your list? 4. Why did you choose those foods? 5. Do you take the needed serving each day?What do you plan to do about your eating habits? You usually eat at the school canteen and you see your classmates andother students select the food they want for snacks or lunch. The next activity will require you to be observant while inside the schoolcanteen. Are there healthier options available to students other than what theynormally choose? Visit your school canteen and do the activity.Activity 2: A Visit to the CanteenDirections: Visit your school canteen and observe the students taking their lunch 61

or snacks. List the foods being served to the students in the school canteen.Check from the Food Guide Pyramid the group where the foods you listedbelong.Answer the following questions:  To what food groups do most of the foods belong?  Does the canteen serve nutritious food?  Do they serve less nutritious foods such as chips, carbonated beverages and “artificial” fruit juices?  Are the foods appropriate to students’ dietary needs?  What foods do students mostly buy?  Are they choosy in selecting their lunch/snacks?  Do students eat hurriedly?Write your observations/recommendations by finishing the following:Our school canteen_____________________________________________Most of the students eat__________________________________________I suggest that our school canteen__________________________________I recommend that students_______________________________________ After learning about the Food Guide Pyramid, can you prepare a healthymenu for your breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner? Be sure to follow thenutritional guidelines you have learned and include food from the different foodgroups in the Food Guide Pyramid. Activity 3: A Healthy Meal for MeDirections: Prepare a healthy menu for your breakfast, lunch, snacks, anddinner. Follow the Food Guide Pyramid for teens in preparing your meals. Besure to include foods from all the food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. Do the next activity and show your understanding by makingsense/meaning out of the words/phrases given below. 62

Sum Up Do either one of these:  Using a graphic organizer, connect/web the following concepts in a way that they make sense  Write a paragraph using the words/phrases below to summarize the lesson. o Food groups o Balanced diet o Good nutrition o Healthy eating o Food Guide Pyramid o Proper growth and development of adolescentsAssignment:Food Facts and FallaciesDirections: Answer the following statements by telling whether the statement isa FALLACY or a FACT. 1. “Fat free” is “calorie free.” 2. You need meat for protein. 3. Eating fish makes you smarter. 4. Cholesterol free means ‘fat free.’ 5. Extra virgin olive oil is the best oil. 6. Sugar is not good for people with diabetes. 7. Reducing salt intake can reduce blood pressure. 8. An obese individual should be given a poor diet. 9. If you eat a diet high in fat, you will store more body fat. 10. Carbohydrates-rich foods are not good to eat after 4PM as they promote weight gain. Do you want to find the truth about those statements? Read the articleabout Food Myths and Facts in this website- teacher will also discuss the truth about these. Be ready with a Nutrition Fact or Fallacy question for your classmatesTo learn more about the Food Guide Pyramid, you can visit this website –http://www.the-food-guide-pyramidEnrichment ActivityA Healthful Diet Show your understanding and creativity through this activity. Group by six. Choose foods from the Food Guide Pyramid. Show what kinds of food you need every 63

day and the number of servings you need from each food group.(40 points) 1. Cut out pictures of different kinds of food. Show the correct number of servings you need from each food group. For example, cut outsix to eleven pictures of foods from the bread, cereals, rice, root crops, andnoodles group.(30 points) 2. Draw a big paper plate on construction paper. Paste the cut-outfoods on the plate.(20 points) 3. Write one way your body uses food from each food group.(10 points) 4. Use correct grammar.(100 points) 5. Total points 64

LESSON 3: DO YOU EAT RIGHT?Lesson Targets:1. Discuss the nutritional problems among adolescents  Analyze the current nutritional status of Filipino adolescents  Describe the signs and symptoms, prevention, and control of malnutrition (underweight and overweight) and micro-nutrient deficiencies  Explain the characteristics, signs and symptoms, prevention and control of eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, compulsive eating disorders)Something to Ponder OnCurrent Nutritional Status of Filipino Adolescents The results of the 6th National Nutrition Survey for Filipino adolescents showthe nutritional status of adolescents from ages 11-19. Let us analyze the results.Survey shows that:  among adolescents, 11-12 years old: o 49 in every 100 have normal weight for their height o 26 in every 100 are underweight o 4 in every 100 are overweight  among adolescents, 13-19 years old: o 68 in every 100 have normal weight for their height o 12 in every 100 are underweight If you wilol an3aliynzeevtehreyr1e0s0ulat roef othviesrswuervigehyt, there are more adolescents who  more males 11-12 and 13-19 years are underweight than females  more 11-12-year old males are overweight than females while more females age 13-19 years are overweight than males of the same age  the prevalence of underweight adolescents increased between 1993 and 1998 but declined in 2003 There are more underweight adolescents ages 11-12 than those who are13-19 years old. The 7th National Nutrition Survey results show the following:  The prevalence of underweight among pre-adolescence/adolescents, 11-19 years old had significantly increased by 1.0 percentage point between 2005 and 2008. 65

 Overweight adolescents on the other hand had decreased significantly by 0.2 percentage point from 4.8 % in 2005 and 4.6% in 2008.What do you think are the reasons? The next activity will help you see the reasons.Activity 1: How Are My Eating Habits and Practices? Directions: Check your habits/practices related to eating. Check (/) thosethat only relate to your habits/practices and cross (x) those that don’t. 1 I prefer fast foods and street foods. 2. I eat anything for my meals/lunch. 3. I am not careful in the selection of foods I eat. 4. I don’t have enough money to buy nutritious meals. 5 I eat my meals hurriedly to catch up with my classes. 6. I skip breakfast and have poor meals due to lack of time to eat. 7. I’m afraid of eating certain foods because these might cause pimples. 8. I just buy food available in school canteens even if I do not like them. 9. I am afraid of eating too much so I often skip breakfast. 10. I am not fond of milk; I prefer softdrinks.  What can you say about the results of your answers to this activity?  Do they reveal something positive or negative about your eating habits and practices?  Ask some of your classmates if they have similar answers. Some of your answers are the reasons why some adolescents are notproperly nourished. Do you know which ones? Based on the same survey, these are the reasons why adolescents areundernourished. Poor eating practices/habits Poor food choices and intakes often influenced by peers and the media Becoming conscious of the kinds and amounts of food they eat (i.e. females tend to eat less because of fear of becoming fat) School canteens and cafeterias serving less nutritious foods (i.e. chips, carbonated beverages and artificial fruit juices) Not fond of drinking milk,which is a good source of nutrients Low intake of iron and vitamin C-rich foods resulting in iron deficiency 66

Here are some reminders for eating right:  Always consider the Food Guide Pyramid  Decide on the serving you need  Follow good eating habits  Make healthy food choices  Be careful about the fat stored in food  Drink enough water daily Sometimes you just eat anything available on the table, but sometimes youbecome too choosy. Do you realize the effects if you don’t eat food that your bodyneeds? The next activity will help you evaluate your eating habits.Activity 2: Let’s Do an Eating Habit SurveyDirection: Answer each question honestly. 1. Do you drink milk? 2. Do you like vegetables? 3. Do you eat while watching TV? 4. What foods do you avoid eating? 5. What foods do you like the most? 6. How many meals a day do you eat? 7. Do you eat when you are stressed? 8. Which meal do you skip most often? 9. How often in a day do you take snacks? 10. How often do you eat at fast foods/restaurants?Analyze your answers to these questions and plan how you can improve youreating habits. Addressing the Problem of Malnutrition At present, do we have a program to address the problems of malnutrition in the country? Do we have government programs/projects that can help resolve the problem? The Philippine Food Fortification Act of 2000 seeks to address the micronutrient deficiencies in the country. Republic Act 8976 mandates the fortification of rice, flour, refined sugar, and cooking oil. It urges manufacturers of processed food to fortify their products under the ‘Sangkap Pinoy program. Fortification of staple foods is one of the 67

Agovernmentagencyproviding feeding program in the schoolmost cost-effective ways of addressing malnutrition. It will supplement theinsufficient diet of the common people. Rice has been fortified with iron, zinc,and beta-carotene varieties. This bio-fortification gives us 50-80 percent moreiron and zinc in the rice. In the school, are you aware of a feeding program? This isundertaken by the Home Economics Department to feed students identifiedto be undernourished. Nutrition concepts are taught in Technology andLivelihood Education. Some agencies and non-government organizations(NGO) also help in addressing the malnutrition problem in the country:  The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in coordination with the Department of Education is also conducting feeding programs for public schools in the country.  The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) also helps in government campaignS by disseminating nutrition information and technology to the public.  The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) is also doing its share by featuring healthy and nutritious recipes for Filipino families to enjoy. These recipes advocate Filipinos to live a healthy lifestyle. 68

Malnutrition should be attended to immediately. Do you know that if this will not be checked earlY among adolescents, it will lead to serious problems? Some of these problems are:  Slow growth and development  Poor school performance  Sluggishness and fatigue  Poor nutrition in adulthood  Delay in the onset of secondary sex characteristics The Case of Micronutrient Deficiencies Micronutrient deficiencies are diseases caused by deficiency of vitamins orminerals in the diet. The most common micronutrient deficiencies not only in ourcountry but also in the whole world are Vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anaemiaand iodine deficiency disorders. Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) primarily affects children but the effects last alifetime. It causes night blindness and, and later on, permanent blindness(xerophthalmia). The child suffering from VAD does not reach optimum physicalgrowth and is prone to infections, that contributes to the high rates of sickness anddeath among young children. VAD can be prevented by regular consumption ofvitamin A-rich foods, such as animal products, and orange and yellow fruits andvegetables, dark green leafy vegetables, and palm oil. Anaemia and iron deficiency Anemia is a condition in which the red blood cellcount or hemoglobin is less than normal. It affects mostly adolescent girls women ofchild-bearing age and pre-school children. Anemia results in retarded physicalgrowth, low resistance to infections and slow development of learning abilities. Inadults it causes fatigue and reduced work capacity and may cause reproductiveimpairment. Foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and red meat arerich in iron, as are iron-fortified food products. Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) results from lack of iodine in the diet. Iodine is needed for theproduction of thyroid hormone. The body does not make iodine, so you should get iodine in your diet.Iodine rich foods are—Breads Iodized table saltCheese Saltwater fishCow’s milk SeaweedEggs ShellfishFrozen yogurt Soy milkIce cream Soy sauce Iodine deficiency can lead to enlargement of the thyroid or goiter, hypothyroidism and tomental retardation in infants and children whose mothers lacked iodine when they were pregnant. 69

IDD is the most common cause of preventable mental retardation. In severe cases it canlead to deaf-mutism, cretinism and other serious disorders, as well as reproductive impairment,which results in miscarriage, stillbirth and birth defects.Activity 3: Internet Detectives 1. Group the class into three, with a group researching on a common micronutrient deficiency. 2. Have each group prepare a presentation about their assignment, including preparation of teaching aid for the class to better understand their presentation, and 3 questions to ask the class after the round-robin presentations. 3. On the day of the presentation, only three members of the group will present and the classroom will be divided into 3 areas, one per micronutrient deficiency. The groups will go through the different areas round-robin style and listen to the presentation of the group member assigned to the area. The group presenters will take turns presenting to enable them to go through all the areas also. 4. At the end of the presentation each group will take turns asking their questions.Activity 4: Reflect and Change! Directions: Listed below are nutritional habits. Reflect on your nutritionalhabits and check the appropriate column where you think your daily habits fall. Behonest in answering this activity.A- Always S- Sometimes N- neverNutritional Habits ASNI eat a variety of foods every day.I buy only nutritious snack food items.I always try to make time for a good meal.I eat together with my family during meals.I pack breakfast to be eaten when I reach school.I bring packed nutritious and safe foods when eating out.I eat nutritious foods at home and even outside our home.I know the negative consequences of fad diets to my health.I sleep early so that I will wake up early and have enough time toprepare for school and eat breakfast.I choose foods wisely, making good use of salads, fruits andvegetables and whole grains when eating out. 70

Evaluate your answer.  How many A’s do you have?  How many S’s and N’s do you have?  How will you describe your nutritional habits? Teenagers need to eat nutritious mealsEating Disorders Adolescent girls tend to eat less because of their fear of becoming fat. Theybecome choosy with the foods they eat, preferring snack foods to full meals. Someare too conscious about their weight and their efforts to lose weight get out of control.Due to their desire to lose weight, they develop eating disorders. They get carriedaway with losing weight and becoming thin. An eating disorder is an extreme, unsafeeating behavior that can cause serious illness or that may even result in death. Theexact cause is unknown. Some may have serious underlying mental and emotionalproblems that need professional treatment. They develop eating disorders that if nottreated earlier can lead to serious health problems. It might also lead to death. Teenagers who have eating disorders usually have a family history of weightproblems, depression, or substance abuse. In this case they need professional help. 71

Some common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eatingdisorder. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by self-imposedstarvation leading to excessive weight loss. It is an extreme fear of becoming stoutand a distorted view of their body size and shape. It is a psychological disorder withphysical and emotional consequences. Those experiencing this eating disorder seethemselves as fat even if they are not. Their fear of being overweight is too strong.Outside pressures, high expectations, the need to achieve or the need to be popular,and the need to be accepted are characteristics of people who tend to develop thisdisorder. If not treated earlier, those with anorexia nervosa become malnourished.The condition may also become severe enough to cause death. Some warning signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa:  Dry skin  Fainting  Brittle hair  Dehydration  Loss of body fat  Irregular heartbeat  Loss of menstruation  Wasting away of muscle tissue Some behaviors that can also be observed from those with anorexianervosa include the following:  They exercise excessively.  They wear bulky or loose clothing.  They make excuses during meal time .  They may shift the food around on their plate just to pretend they are eating. Bulimia is a disorder in which the clearing of digestive tract follows cyclesof overeating. People with this disorder are too concerned with weight. They will eatlarge quantity of food in a short period of time. After eating, they will take laxatives torid the body of the food to avoid gaining weight. They may induce vomiting, abuselaxatives or diuretics, and go on dieting, or do excessive exercises. These practicesare harmful and will damage the body. The following are the effects of bulimia:  Damage the heart due to starvation  Damage the kidney due to laxative abuse  Vomiting and laxative abuse can lead to dehydration and serious malnutrition  Overeating can cause the stomach to enlarge and vomiting can cause the stomach to rapture  Damage the tooth enamel and injure the mouth and throat because of stomach acids coming out due to frequent vomitingSome warning signs and symptoms of bulimia nervosa: 72

 Bulimic people have open sores in the mouth due to frequent vomiting.  Their throats are often red,  They have tooth decay due to constant exposure to acids in their vomit. Bulimia can be treated by undergoing psychological and nutritionalcounseling as well as intensive medical treatment. Anorexia and bulimia are commonamong adolescent girls and young women. There are also a few cases of boyssuffering from this disorder. Anorexic and bulimic people have difficulty feeling goodabout their bodies no matter how good they may look. Seek medical helpimmediately if any of these disorders affect you. When bulimia is a problem, the following intervention will help you:  Avoid skipping meals.  Eat more high –fiber food.  Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.  Drink 8-10 glasses of water and do 30-minute exercises daily.  Avoid finger foods and select meals that require eating at the table.  Eat regularly-timed meals consisting of a variety of foods in enough quantity. Binge eating disorder is characterized by compulsive eating. People whoindulge in compulsive eating consume a large amount of food at one time but theydo not eliminate it. Binge disorder may be an indicator that the person uses food tocope with depression or strong emotions. Binge eating is different from normal appetite increases or overeatingduring holidays. Those with a binge eating problem eat large amounts of food on aregular basis. They eat quickly or most often do something while eating, like playingcomputer games, watching TV, reading books, doing homework, and others. Theydon’t stop eating even if they are already full. This results in being overweight oreven obese because of so many calories they have taken, which is more than whatthe body can use. Try the following strategies to stop binge eating:  Cope with stress. Find alternative ways to handle stress and other feelings without food. You can do exercises, meditation, or simple breathing exercises.  Take three regular meals and choose healthy snacks. Do not skip meals as this often leads to binge eating later in the day. Take your breakfast, then have a balanced lunch and dinner on scheduled mealtime. If you will take a snack in between, be sure to choose healthy snacks.  Stay away from temptation. Do not store junk food and other unhealthy snacks in your refrigerator or cabinet. 73

 Stop dieting. Depriving yourself of food will just trigger food craving and you will have the urge to overeat. What you can do is to focus on eating nutritious foods in moderation. Avoid being uncomfortably full.  Avoid dullness/boredom. Try to do something worthwhile instead of snacking. You can read, do gardening, paint, bike, walk, and other hobbies.  Do some exercises. Exercise this will not only help you lose weight but will reduce stress as well. It gives a natural mood-boosting effect that will help you stop that emotional eating practice.  Have enough sleep. Instead of eating when you are tired, it is better to take a nap or sleep earlier to boost your energy.  Know your body. You must know when you are physically hungry. If you have just eaten and feel like eating again, just ignore it. It is just emotional hunger.  Note the food you eat. Recording the food you eat, the time, quantity, and the feeling while eating will help you see the pattern. Do you overeat when you feel stressed, upset, hurt or angry? You will see the connection between your mood and binge eating.  Get help. Build a solid support network such as with your family, friends, or join a support group. You can also seek medical help. Remember, you can avoid binge eating by developing a healthier relationshipwith food. It must be a relationship based on your nutritional needs and not on youremotional needs. You must eat for your health and nutrition. Having a balanced mealplan and choosing healthy foods can help you avoid binge eating. Watch your eating behavior. There are some behaviors that may indicate thatyou are at risk for developing an eating disorder. Do the next activity to check youreating behavior.Activity 5: Check Your Eating BehaviorDirections: Check the number if the behavior relates to you and cross (x) if itdoesn’t . 1. I eat secretly inside my room. 2. I feel out of control when eating. 3. I usually eat much food hurriedly. 4. When I see food I eat even if I am full. 5. I feel ashamed and disgusted after eating. 6. I hide and stock food to eat later in secret. 7. I feel relieved from stress or tension when eating. 74

8. I never feel satisfied, no matter how much I eat. 9. I eat normally with others but over-eat when alone. 10. I eat continuously throughout the day, with no planned mealtimes.Answer the following questions:  How many did you check?  If you have checked all or most of the items above, reflect on your eating behavior. You might need to change your eating practice.Health Problems Brought About by Obesity Due to Binge Eating If not treated, binge eating disorder usually leads to obesity. Several healthproblems may occur when you are obese, such as:  Stroke  Osteoarthritis  Type 2 diabetes  Heart disease  High cholesterol  Gallbladder problem  High blood pressure  Joint and muscle pain  Risk of having a certain type of cancer Remember, all eating disorders need immediate attention since these areserious health problem. Discuss the problem with a responsible adult who can help.Better yet, consult a health professional.Activity 6: My Eating StyleDirection: Write YES if the eating style relates to you and NO if it doesn’t. 1. I eat only when I feel hungry. 2. I eat more when I feel depressed. 3. I eat more then I vomit after eating. 4. I eat more when I am bored. 5. I eat then take laxatives to rid my stomach of food. Answer the following questions after the activity.  How do you find your eating practice?  What do you plan to do with what you discovered about your eating practice?  Do you think you have healthful eating practices? Why? Now that you are familiar with the different eating disorders, can youdifferentiate one from the other? Do the next activity. 75

Activity 7: What’s This Disorder?Direction: Read the situation and then answer the questions that follow. Josie is a freshman student who wants to be popular and attractive toeveryone. She is not happy with her weight, so she tries to diet. However hard shetries, she fails. Angry at herself, she eats everything she sees. After eating she goesto the bathroom to induce vomiting.What eating disorder does Josie have?What can you suggest to Josie to overcome this problem?What are the dangers if this problem is not corrected?Sum Up You must have gained many important insights in the lesson. 1. Think of your most important learning in this lesson. 2. Now try to symbolize your most important learning either by drawing it or by showing something/an object to symbolize it. 3. Share your object in class and tell what important learning it stands for. 76

LEARNING MODULE FOR HEALTH 7MODULE 2: EATING RIGHT FOR A HEALTHY LIFE Some foods that you eat daily may not always be the right food that yourbody needs. To choose healthy foods, you need to know more than just howfoods look. As you explore this topic you will know correct information that willhelp and guide you in choosing the right food you need for a healthy life.PretestA. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. How can you eat a variety of foods? A. Eat at a fast food restaurant every day. B. Eat food from some of the food groups. C. Eat a variety of foods from each food group every day. D. Eat only one type of food from each food group every day. 2. Which dietary guideline will you use in choosing healthful snacks? A. Eat salty snacks. B. Eat sweet snacks. C. Eat your favorite snacks. D. Eat grains and fruits for snacks. 77

3. Which snack is NOT healthful? A. Milk B. Fruit juice C. Soft drinks D. Fresh fruits4. Which is a healthful snack? A. Potato chips and soft drinks B. Halo-halo with Ice cream and biscuit C. Hot dog sandwich and bottled fruit juice D. Chicken sandwich with lettuce and fruit juice5. Which of the following has the highest fat content? A. Baked potato B. Hamburger and fries C. Plain vegetable salad D. Fruits and vegetables6. What is NOT a food group in the Food Guide Pyramid? A Milk and milk products B. Coffee, tea and cola drinks C. Meat, poultry, dried beans, eggs, and nuts D. Bread, cereal, rice, root crops and noodles7. What is one serving of foods from the meat, poultry, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group? A. 1 Slice of bread B. 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables C. 2 tablespoons peanut butter D. 2 ounces of processed cheese8. Which is NOT a nutrient? A. Bread B. Mineral C. Protein D. Vitamins9. Which is an energy food? A. Guava B. Milk C. Rice D. Spinach10. Which food is from the top part of the Food Group Pyramid? A. Banana B. Cassava C. Eggs D. Margarine 78

11. Which is NOT healthful to do? A. Eat vegetables and fruits daily. B. Limit the intake of sugar and salt. C. Increase consumption of fatty foods. D. Eat breakfast high in fiber like oatmeal.12. Why do adolescents require more energy and nutrients? A. They need to achieve full growth potential. B. They engage in more active physical activities. C. Their bodies are preparing for pubertal changes. D. Their bodies are undergoing several physical changes.13. It is unhealthful to eat foods high in fats and sugar because these are major risk factors in developing _______. A. skin diseases, such as tinea flava and ringworm. B. respiratory diseases, such as tuberculosis and flu. C. chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. D. sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS and gonorrhea.14. To stay at a healthful weight, one should choose a healthful diet with______. A. high calories from sweets B. fibers from fruits and vegetables C. fats and salt from processed food D. caffeine from cola drinks and coffee15. Eat plenty of grains, vegetables, and fruits because these provide important vitamins and_____. A. fiber B. lots of fat C. lots of calcium D. complete nutrient16-17. Choose from these answers: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 416. How many glasses of milk do adolescents need daily?17. How many eggs a day do growing adolescents need?18-20. Choose from these answers: A. Vegetable group B. Fats, oils and sweets group C. Milk and milk products group D. Bread, cereal, rice, root crops and noodles group E. Meat, poultry, dried beans, eggs, and nuts group 79

18. What food group is at the top of the Food Guide Pyramid? 19. Which food group should we consume sparingly? 20. Which food group receives the greatest number of servings—6 to8?II. Directions: Answer YES or NO to describe your eating habit. 1. I prefer to eat alone. ____ 2. I monitor my weight every day. ____ 3. I like eating while doing something. ____ 4. I go on a crash diet to control my weight. ____ 5. I take laxatives to help control my weight. ____ 6. I am afraid of gaining weight or becoming fat. ____ 7. I exercise for long periods of time to lose weight. ____ 8. I induce vomiting after eating a large amount of food. ____ 9. I like to know the amount of calories or grams of fat in the food I eat. ____ 10. I eat large amounts of food alone and avoid eating meals with my family. ____Directions: Categorize the different food products according to the Food GuidePyramid. 1 . rice 2 . eggs 3. cakes 4. spaghetti 5. margarine 6. glass of milk 7. peanuts, meat 8. gabi, kamote, ubi 9. banana, guava, atis 10. petchay, squash, kamote tops 80

LESSON 3 MODULE TESTI. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.1. Eating disorders are uncommon among adolescent girls.2. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by compulsive eating.3. A bulimic person has dry skin, brittle hair and lost body fat.4. Bulimic persons are too much concerned with their weight.5. Eating a variety of foods once a week is a good nutritional habit.6. The fear of being overweight is too strong among anorexic people.7. Malnutrition among adolescents is due to poor food choices and poor foodintakes.8. Children and lactating mothers are not affected by micronutrientdeficiencies.9. Malnutrition among adolescents slows down their growth anddevelopment.10. People who indulge in compulsive eating consume a small amount of foodat one time, then purge.II. Multiple choice: Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. What is the food group at the top of the Food Guide Pyramid? A. Vegetable group B. Fats, oils, and sweets C. Bread, cereal, rice and root crop group D. Meat, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs, and nuts group 2. Which does not belong to the food from the top part of the Food GuidePyramid? A. Candy B. Guava C. Lollipop D. Margarine3. How can you eat a variety of foods? 81

A. Eat at fast food restaurants every day. B Eat food from some of the food groups every day. C Eat one type of food from each food group every day. D. Eat a variety of foods from each food group every day.4. Which is NOT a cause of malnutrition among adolescents? A. Poor eating practices/habits B They are fond of drinking milk. C. Poor food choices and intakes C. Some school canteens serve less nutritious foods5. What mineral from the body is lost by excessive perspiration during strenuous physical activities? A. Calcium. B. Potassium C. Water D. Zinc6. During growth spurt of adolescents they should consume more_____ A water and juices. B. energy and nutrients C. vitamins and minerals D. minerals and proteins7. You should eat plenty of grains, vegetables, and fruits because _____ A they keep you slim. B they give you much fats. C. they provide you with fiber. D. they give you much calcium8. Poultry is _____ A. raw fish B. meat from cow. C. cooked vegetables D. meat from chicken 82

9. To avoid osteoporosis among female athletes, they should eat foodsrich in _____ A. calcium B. potassium C. sodium D. zinc 10. The fear of being overweight is very strong among _____ A. Anemic people. B. Anorexic people. C. Compulsive eaters D. People with iodine deficiencyIII. Directions: Categorize the different food products according to food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. 1. Rice 2 . Eggs 3. Cakes 4. Spaghetti 5. Margarine 6. Glass of milk 7. Peanuts and meat 8. Gabi, kamote, ubi 9. Banana, guava, atis 10. Petchay, squash, kamote tops 83

FINAL CHECK-UPA. Directions: Choose the dimension of health which each activity develops most. Write the letter of your answer.A. Physical B. Mental C. Emotional D. Social E. Moral-spiritual1. Jogging around the park2. Eating a balanced diet regularly3. Going out with family and friends4. Valuing truth and respect for others5. Reading books and doing puzzle gamesB. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.1. If you want to develop your social health, you can ____A. read books C. play computer gamesB. surf the internet D. join school clubs/organizations2. To help enhance your emotional health, express your emotions___ A. openly B. positively C. in whatever way D. to a chosen person3. One way to improve your mental health is through___A. sports C. volunteer workB. reading books D. religious activities4. To be physically healthy, __ A. attend parties B. go out with friends C. eat a balanced diet D. play computer games5. How can you demonstrate moral-spiritual health?A. Tell the truth. C. Observe good groomingB. Assert your right D. Open your line of communicationC. Directions: Identify the different changes during adolescence by writing P for physical, M for mental, S for social, E for emotional, and MS for moral-spiritual.1. Voice of boys becomes deeper.2. Adolescent boys become more aggressive.3. Adolescents are more sensitive at this stage. 84

4. There is rapid increase in height during puberty 5. Adolescents are already capable of thinking deeply. 6. Adolescents can focus on multi-tasks at the same time. 7. Adolescents can identify negotiable and non-negotiable rules. 8. Adolescents consider approval of friends more than their parents. 9. Adolescents enjoy being with friends, so they stay longer with them. 10. Adolescents are now trying to find out what to believe in and what to doubt.D. Directions: Put a check (/) if you agree with the practice or habit and (x) if you do not. I will... ____1. monitor my weight... ____2. do my best in school. ____3. monitor my posture for any change. ____4. do my share of responsibilities at home. ____5. smile at people whether I know them or not. ____6. visit my doctor once a year even if I am not sick. ____7. submit to a scoliosis screening test in my school. ____8. submit to a screening test to know my health status. ____9. tell my health problems to my parents/health personnel. ___10. take advantage of the health services in our barangay health clinic.E. Direction: Explain how the activity/practice affects different health dimensions. 1 Staying late at night. 2. Not eating breakfast 3. Not studying very well. 4. Living in dirty surroundings. 5. Quarrelling with brother/sisterF. Directions: Write coping skills or specific solutions appropriate to address the following problems related to your growth and development. 1. Bad breath 2. Tooth decay 3. Moody feelings. 4. Body odor due to sweating 5. Bad posture due to growth spurt 85

7Learner’s Material (Quarters 3 and 4) Department of Education Republic of the Philippines i

LEARNING MODULE for HEALTH 7 Module 3: Shielding the Body from Communicable Disease Invaders Note to the Illustrator: Please localize the drawing. Show a typical Filipino male and female adolescent. Cover the whole shield with the pictures of washing hand and cleaning the surroundings so that the shield can be distinguishable In general, diseases can be either communicable or non-communicable.Communicable diseases are due to an infectious process and can be transmittedfrom one person to another. As such, prevention and control of communicablediseases is a public health concern. Communicable diseases, such as bronchopneumonia in children andtuberculosis are one of the major health issues in our country. Although there havebeen improvements in the prevention and control of these diseases in the last 10 –20 years, it remains to be a concern. Its negative effect can be felt at home, inschool, and in the community. Families with sick members face financial andemotional problems. In schools, absenteeism due to infections affect studentlearning. Community people become at risk when epidemics happen, interruptingwork and other productive activities. In order to free ourselves from the emotionalpain and financial problems brought by diseases, we need to protect ourselvesthrough good personal and environmental health practices. Are you now ready to shield yourself against communicable diseases? Let’sget started! As a starting point, it’s a good idea to check what you already know aboutcommunicable diseases. This is a diagnostic exercise, so don’t worry if there areitems which you can’t answer.Pre-testA. Find the Secret Message Direction: Complete each statement by writing the missing word. Clues are provided inside the box. 1. What viral infections are characterized by rough growths, usually in the hands but can appear in any part of the body? ______________ 2. What is a disease-causing microorganism called? ______________ 3. What is the smallest microorganism that causes infection, such as 1

chickenpox, measles, and mumps?_____________4. What is a susceptible individual who can harbor the disease called? ____________5. What proper daily health practice is an effective way to avoid infections? ____________6. What skin infection caused by bacteria is common during adolescence?____________7. Bacteria, fungi, and parasitic worms are examples of disease. ____________8. What kind of transmission is the transfer of disease through physical contact?____________9. How do microorganisms, like fungal infections enter the body? ____________ Write your answers here for the secret message. 1. W __ __ __ __ 2. P __ __ __ __ __ __ N 3. __ I __ __ __ 4. __ O __ __ 5. H __ __ __ __ N __ 6. __ __ __ E 7. A __ __ __ __ S 8. __ __ __ __ C __ 9. S __ __ __10. The secret message is a very practical way to prevent the spread of diseases: _______________ _______________B. Odd Word OutDirection: Analyze the series of words in each item and cross out the word that does NOT belong to the group.1. mosquito virus bacterium worm fumigation2. disinfection quarantine sterilization common cold regular exercise3. acne warts tinea environmental sanitation4. hand washing cough etiquette smoking5. therapy immunization proper nutrition 2

C. Paired WordsDirection: Analyze the relationship of the first set of words to help you supply themissing word/s. Study the following example:Round worm: helminth:: yeast: ___________ Answer: fungusExplanation: If a roundworm is an example of a helminth (parasitic worm); then yeastis an example of a fungus.1. Tuberculosis: bacterium:: Dengue Fever: ________________2. poverty: economic factor:: superstitions: ________________3. hand washing: gastrointestinal diseases:: cough etiquette: ________________1. limit movement of a suspected carrier: quarantine:: separate a sick person:________________5. life’s most important resource: health:: problem in body structure or function:________________D. Multiple ChoiceDirection: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. Which is a communicable disease?A. Cancer B. Scurvy C. Diabetes D. Tuberculosis2. What are contagious diseases due to?A. Mosquito bitesB. Contaminated foodC. Contact with an infected personD. Inhalation of droplets from an infected person3. What does the poisonous gas belief state as the cause of disease?A. Microorganisms in the body.B. Problem in specific parts of the body.C. Bad vapor in the atmosphere during bad weather.D. Interaction among the agent, the host, and the environment.4. Aliya woke up with a slight fever. She remembered that she visited a friend in the hospital a few days ago. What stage of an infection is Aliya experiencing?A. Incubation stage C.Clinical stageB. Prodromal stage D. Convalescence stage 3

5. How can you protect yourself from communicable skin diseases?A. Apply lotion every day.B. Avoid going to crowded places.C. Avoid exposure to the harmful rays of the sun.D. Do not share personal care items, such as towels.6. Which is a secondary level of disease prevention?A. Vaccination C. RehabilitationB. Early diagnosis D. Environmental sanitation7. What is the only source of infection according to the germ theory of disease?A. Microbe C. MagicB. Bad spirit D. Polluted agent8. Which statement best summarizes the modern concept of health? A. Health is proper hygiene. B. Health is being disease-free. C. Health is a state of well-being. D. Health is a resource to have quality life.9. According to the agent-host-environment belief, what factors interact to cause an infection? A. Object, food, and water B. Air, vehicle, and microbes C. Germ, person or animal, and surroundings D. Germ, reservoir, and manner of transmission10. Why do we need to correct myths and misconceptions about diseases? A. We don’t want to be labeled as backward or not educated. B Following myths and misconceptions can endanger our health... C. We need to change our beliefs to keep pace with the changing times. D. Our medical practitioners will get mad if we don’t follow their advice. 4

Lesson 1: Health-- More Than Being Disease-FreeLesson Targets  Discuss the concept of health and disease  Accept personal responsibility for one’s health  Practice ways to attain holistic healthSomething to Ponder On In the first Module, you were introduced to the concept of holistic health. Youlearned that health has several dimensions that are interrelated. Before we discuss health and disease in detail, let us first build on what youknow about these two concepts. Reflect, Write, and Share Think of everything you know about health and disease. Write down words or phrases that you associate with these two terms. Then discuss your answers with a partner.Health Disease 5

I’m sure you wrote interesting information about health and disease from yourprevious learning and experience. As you read and understand the content of thislesson, try to compare new concepts with your prior knowledge about health anddisease. Health as a concept is continuously changing as people see it differently. In thepast, it was regarded as simply a condition of being free from disease. Then, it becameequated with proper hygiene. Today, we know that to be healthy is not only to be freefrom disease. As our most important resource, it also includes living a quality of life thatmaximizes our potential and develops our sense of well-being. Health is both a personal and social responsibility. It is the product of thecollective decisions that we make about our lifestyle in general. The food that we eat, thenumber of hours of sleep we get, the time we allot for rest and recreation, the way wemanage stress and the type of physical activities that we do, all impact our health andthe health of people around us. On the other hand, disease is just one manifestation of ill-health. It is apathological condition that disrupts the normal functioning of the body. Unlike illness,which is subjective because it is based on the patient’s experience, disease is objective,characterized by an abnormality in the structure or function of body organs. However,one can have a disease and not be ill. And one can be ill even without disease. This Module will focus on communicable diseases. In general, diseases can beclassified as communicable or non-communicable. Communicable diseases are causedby pathogens or disease-causing organisms and can be transmitted from one person toanother or from animals to people. Examples include common cold, influenza, cholera,dengue fever, tuberculosis and warts. When the body is invaded by a pathogen, theinvasion is called an infection. On the other hand, non-communicable disease cannotbe transmitted from one person to another. These are also known as lifestyle-relateddiseases because danger or risk factors include obesity, smoking, lack of physicalactivity and exercise, and high-cholesterol, high salt diet. Cardiovascular diseases,cancer, chronic lung diseases and diabetes are the most significant non-communicablediseases in our country because they are the leading causes of death among Filipinos. Before we go to the nature of communicable diseases, it is important tounderstand first the relationship between health and disease. Let us study the followingdiagram: 6 The diagram shows that holistic health encompasses emotional, environmental,moral-spiritual, physical, social, and mental dimensions. Health and disease can be seen as a continuum. As one goes up, optimumwellness is reached. On the other hand, a movement downward indicates progressiveillness and premature death once the lowest point is reached. Since life consists ofchanging events and conditions, a person’s health fluctuates along the continuum. Theidea is to always move towards health and wellness. Thus, even if one has a disease,one can move towards wellness. Assess your health at present. Where are you in the continuum? How do youimprove your position to attain optimum wellness? Health is more than the absence of disease because being disease-free is onlyone aspect of physical health. The modern view considers health as the major tool orresource in attaining quality life. To be considered healthy, one needs to balance thevarious health dimensions. This can be done by consistently demonstrating health-promoting behaviours in each health dimension. Study the following pictures: Health is more than the absence of disease because being disease-free is onlyone characteristic of health. So, the modern view considers health as the major tool orresource in attaining quality life. In order to be considered healthy, one needs to strike abalance among the various health dimensions. This can be done by consistentlydemonstrating health-enhancing behaviours in each of the health dimension. Study thefollowing pictures: 7

The Components of Health Components of Holistic HealthWere you able to identify the health dimension being shown in the pictures? Compareyour interpretation with the following:  The picture on the upper left shows someone playing volleyball, an activity that can improve one’s’ physical health.  The picture on the lower left shows an Igorot woman flashing a bright smile. She exhibits good emotional health.  At the center are two pictures which show the interrelationship between moral- spiritual and environmental health. Our personal relationship with a Supreme Being and our harmonious relationship with nature are both key components in attaining holistic health  On the upper right, we can see a group of teenagers happily conversing. They are enhancing their social health.  The lower right picture shows women engaging in an activity to harness their mental health. These activities are just examples of the many things you can do to attain holistichealth. The challenge for you is how to integrate healthy practices into your lifestyle andmake them a habit. Value your health by taking good care of it. It will mean practicing 8

discipline and consistency on your part, but it will be worth it. Now, let’s do an activitythat will encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle. My Health Pledge I accept personal responsibility for my own health and I will show my commitment by practicing the following activities to attain holistic health1. ____________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________4. ____________________________________________________5. ____________________________________________________Signed: ______________ Date: _________________Witnesses: _____________ _________________Sum Up Let’s sum up the key points in this lesson: H- ealth is more than the absence of disease. E – nhancing behaviors should be consistently practiced to safeguard health. A- ttainment of good health is both a personal and social responsibility. L – ifestyle diseases are caused by unhealthful practices. T – ype of activities that we do affect our health. H- olistic health is the key to quality life. 9

Lesson 2: Bad Air, Germs, or Combined Factors? Supernatural BeliefPoisonous gas DISEASE Germ Belief Agent-Host -Environment BeliefLesson Target  Analyze the major beliefs about the cause of diseaseSomething to Ponder On In order to fully understand the nature of health, we need tounderstand the nature of disease. People in various times of history havebeen curious about the cause of disease. They tried to explain it as either asupernatural or a natural event. Did you know that until the 1850s, people’s fear of disease was worsened by ignorance? 10

The Causes of Disease Beliefs on the cause(s) of diseases have undergone changes through time.The Supernatural Belief During the ancient times, people thought that disease was brought about bysorcery, witchcraft, fate, or spirit aggression (God’s punishment or devil’s work). Thesesupernatural beliefs explained that disease was caused by a supernatural being (a godor a dead ancestor), or a person with special powers (a witch or a sorcerer). The belief in the supernatural cause was evident during the “Black Death” orbubonic plague of the 14th century. The bubonic plague bacillus that came close towiping out the global population was believed to be God’s punishment for people’s sins.The Poisonous Gas Belief Another major belief during the 1800s is the poisonous air belief of diseasecausation. According to this view, disease, such as malaria, was transmitted bypoisonous gases from rotting plants or bad vapour that came from swamps (the wordmalaria comes from mala aria meaning “bad air”).The Germ Belief Before the turn of the 20th century, the germ belief about the cause of infectiousdisease became very popular... This belief holds that microscopic organisms areresponsible for infectious diseases. Although revolutionary, this belief is quite limitingbecause it only considers a single cause of disease.The Agent-Host-Environment Belief Since many people believed that the one-cause idea of the germ belief was notenough to explain the actual cause of diseases, the Agent—Host--Environment beliefwas formed. It explains disease as a product of the complex interaction among threefactors: agent, host, and environment. This is known as the classic agent—host—environment triangle. It helps us understand the nature of communicable diseases. Itanswers the “who?” (host), “what?” (agent) and “where?” (environment) of disease. 11

The Classic Agent—Host--Environment Triangle The host is an organism, usually a person or an animal, affected by the disease;the environment is the condition outside the host that allows disease to be transmitted;and the agent is the organism that causes the disease. In the case of agents, although microorganisms have an important part in thedisease process, we should remember that many of them are harmless and some mayeven be beneficial. There is now a growing awareness that the environment is not only a place forthe host-agent interaction. Rather, it is an important factor in the disease process. Infact, to become an infection, the organism that causes the disease must be able todamage the host, has a susceptible host, and has a favorable environment. To prevent and control communicable diseases, we must be able to upset or cutthe connection among the agent, the host, and the environment. So, understanding theagent--host-environment triangle is very important. K-Q-V ChartComplete the following chart based on the lesson and be prepared to share youranswer with your seatmate. The first row has been done for you:Belief Key Point Question/s Value or ImportanceSupernatural Disease is caused Is there proof that This belief can by spirits, magic, supports this enhance one’s faith or sorcery. belief? in a supernatural being and How can this belief encourages a hinder people’s person to do good quest for scientific so as not to suffer ways to explain the from disease. cause of disease?Why is the knowledge of the beliefs on the cause of diseases important? 12

The Agent—Host—Environment triangle is one model that explains the cause ofdisease. Based on this belief, the connection among the agent, host, and environmentmust be cut in order to prevent disease. Among the four beliefs, which do you support? Do you have your own belief onthe cause of disease? What is it? Write your personal opinion. This is My Belief ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 13

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