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Home Explore Health Grade 10

Health Grade 10

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-12-14 02:17:06

Description: Health Grade 10


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IV. Procedure Background Information: You may use the Department of Health online portal to access a full copy of each policy. You may also refer to online references found at the end of this guide. You may also visit the municipal / barangay hall to access a copy of the laws and policies.Part I: WHAT TO KNOW No. of Sessions: 4In the WHAT TO KNOW phase, students will answeractivities which will assess their prior knowledge andcorrect misconceptions. At the end of the phase, they will beassessed again to check their knowledge about the conceptsand information learned.DEPED COPYNote: For differentiated instruction, a number of activities areprovided. They may also serve as make-up activities duringclass interruptions due to inclement weather, holidays, andthe like.Day 2: Consumer Health1. (Motivation) Direct the students to Activity 1 on LM pp. 234-235. Ask the students if they still remember the same kind of letter. Let the students answer the questions. Initiate sharing afterwards.2. Ask the students to form groups with five (5) members each. Use Activity 2 on LM p. 236. Ask each group to discuss their answers. Initiate brief sharing afterwards.3. Ask the students: What law ensures the protection of our consumer rights?4. Direct students to review Time to Read on LM p. 236. Give the students ten (10) minutes to read. Ask: a. What are the objectives of the Consumer Act? b. What are its provisions? c. What is TAMA? d. What are its provisions? e. Recall concepts learned in the previous quarter to connect with TAMA.5. (Differentiated Activity) Use Activity 3 in LM p. 237 for slow-learners and the Let’s Recall for fast-learners. Initiate checking afterwards.6. End the lesson by calling on volunteers to sum up the essence of the Consumer Act and TAMA. Day 3: Reproductive Health 1. (Motivation) Write the word “premarital sex” on the board. Ask: a. What is premarital sex? b. What are your views about it? c. What are the possible dangers of doing it? 236 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

d. How do we avoid the dangers brought about by it? e. Aside from premarital sex, what are other reproductive health issues concern you? f. How does our government address these issues?2. Introduce the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law to the students. Ask their ideas about it.3. Use Activity 4 on LM p. 238 to discuss the said law.Answer Key Pillar 1: Informed Choice Pillar 2: Respect for Life Pillar 3: Birth Control Pillar 4: Responsible ParenthoodDEPED COPY4. Ask the students to pair up and discuss the questions on Let’s Reflect on LM p. 239.5. Initiate sharing of output of each pair.6. Provide instructions for group reporting next meeting. Use Read At Home on LM p. 240.Group 1: What are HIV and AIDS?Group 2: How can HIV and AIDS be transmitted?Group 3: What are the signs and symptoms of HIV and AIDS?Group 4: What is the situation of HIV and AIDS in the Philippines?Day 4: AIDS and Substance Use and Abuse1. Instruct each group to report on the assigned topic. Elaborate and discuss after each group finishes reporting.2. (Optional) If there is still time, let students answer Activity 5 on LM p. 240.3. Ask, “How does the government respond to the HIV and AIDS situation?”4. Introduce the Philippines AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998. Discuss using the content on LM p.240.5. Use Activity 6 on LM p. 241. Ask: a. Who are the people who are usually infected with HIV? b. How does unprotected sex affect transmission of HIV? c. Why do people engage in premarital sex?6. List down the common responses of students on the diagram on Activity 7.7. Research on and discuss the influence of narcotic substances as a window to unprotected sex. Introduce gateway drugs. Use content on LM p. 242.8. Use Activity 8 on LM p. 243 to enrich student knowledge on gateway drugs.9. Ask the students, “What law concerns gateway drugs such as alcohol and tobacco?”10. Discuss the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 and Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003. Use content on LM p. 243.11. Give instructions for homework on Activity 9 on LM p. 244. 237 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYDay 5: Social Health 1. (Motivation) Instruct the students to sit with their circle of friends. 2. Ask: a. What does friendship mean to you? b. What are the good things that you get from your friends? c. What are the good things that you are willing to do with your friends? d. When does friendship become harmful? Give examples. 3. Explain peer pressure as introduction to policies relating to social health. 4. Discuss each policy using the content LM p. 245. Points for discussion: a. Anti-Cybercrime Act • What are examples of criminal offenses that may be committed online? • How often do you witness cybercrime? • Why do some people ignore cybercrime? • How could you avoid being a victim of cybercrime? • How is cybercrime related to cyberbullying? b. Anti-Child Pornography Act • Why do we have victims of child pornography? • How can we eliminate child (and in general) pornography? c. Anti-Hazing Law • What is hazing? • What have you heard about fraternities and sororities? • What are some famous cases of hazing in the country? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of belonging to a fraternity/sorority? • How can we avoid hazing? d. National Blood Services Act • What are some helpful and healthy activities your friends may do? (Discuss blood donation) • Who among your family members have donated blood? Where? • What are the things to be considered before donating blood? • How does the government go about blood donation? 5. Ask students to get a strip of paper. Instruct them to write on the paper a friendship task that they would promise to do with a fellow. 6. End the lesson by instructing the students to go around and give the strip of paper to a chosen friend. Day 6: Safety in the Environment 1. (Motivation) Ask students to form groups of 4-6 members each. Instruct students to plan for a “pose” (tableau style) that depicts the living environment and the environment surrounding the school. 2. Give five (5) minutes for planning. Call each group to present their pose. Ask each group: 238 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

• What is your pose about? • Describe the community. Is it a healthy one? • What makes a healthy community/environment?3. After the last group, ask the students: a. Does the community/environment affect our health? b. In what way?4. Direct the students on the concept of pollution. Discuss with them the different kinds of pollution being observed in their community. Ask the students: How does the government respond to pollution?5. Introduce the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act. Use content on LM p. 2476. Ask students: Aside from pollution, what other factors in the environment affect your health?7. Share with the class that road accidents are third biggest killers among Filipinos. Call volunteers to share how they commute or walk going to school, and how they are ensured of road safety.8. Use content on LM p. 248 to discuss Seat Belts Use Act and Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law.9. Recall the policies discussed during the whole WHAT TO KNOW. Use Activity 12 on LM p. 248 for homework. Provide details on the privilege speeches. (Include researched penalties of the selected policy.)DEPED COPYWHAT TO PROCESS No. of Session: 1In the WHAT TO PROCESS phase, students will answer andperform activities which will help them process and improvetheir understanding. At the end of the phase, students willbe assessed again to check their processing skills about theconcepts and information learned.Note: For differentiated instruction, a number of activities areprovided. These may also serve as make-up activities duringclass interruptions due to inclement weather, holidays, andthe like.Day 7: Impact of Policies to Society1. Divide the class into groups with four (4) members each.2. Use Activity 13 (Jigsaw) on p. 249 for discussion. Provide instructions3. Initiate reporting and sharing of output.4. Use Activity 14 on LM p. 249 for homework 239 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Part III: WHAT TO REFLECT AND UNDERSTAND No. of Sessions: 3In the WHAT TO REFLECT AND UNDERSTAND phase, youwill do activities which will assess your deeper knowledge andunderstanding of the topics learned. At the end of the phase, youwill be assessed again to check your reflection and understandingabout the concepts and information learned.Note: For differentiated instruction, a number of activities areprovided. These may also serve as make-up activities duringclass interruptions due to inclement weather, holidays, and thelike.DEPED COPYDay 8: Applying Policies in Situations1. (Motivation) Inform students that they will be student lawyers for the day. Ask the students to share what they think about the work of a lawyer.2. Use Activity 15 on LM p. 250 for discussion. Call volunteers to share their responses to each situation.3. After the discussion, use Activity 16 on LM p. 252 for enrichment. Collect papers afterwards for checking.4. End the session by using Activity 17 on LM p. 252. Ask students to research on how the government responds to their written concerns and issues.5. Use Activity 18 on LM p. 253 for homework.Day 9:Research1. (Motivation) Ask the students to share about what they have researched on other policies concerning their issues.2. Discuss and explain the research paper to be done for Transfer activity.3. Use Health Correspondents on LM p. 253.4. Allot the remaining time for group planning.Day 10: Research and Post test1. Continue the drafting of the research paper. Check on the progress of each group.2. See p. 254 on LM for post test.3. Collect the papers for checking. 240 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYSUMMARY Every individual is faced with various health issues and concerns. These may be brought about by problems in the person’s physical health, threats in safety, concerns about managing finances, conflicts with other people, social relationship, and a lot more. In this light, the government addresses these through creation of policies that cover various concerns. It is our duty as citizens to abide by and promulgate these laws. The first step is getting to know these laws. Awareness is a very important factor. If people are knowledgeable of these policies, they would be able to know their rights. In turn, these may be practiced as they live. Another important factor is advocacy, which is the transfer of one’s awareness to another. With advocacy, more people will be aware, and more importantly be protected by their rights. 241 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYReferences Print materials: Donatelle, R. (2206). Access to Health. (9th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc. Galvez-Tan, J. Z., et al. (2009). The Health Curriculum in Philippine Basic Education. (Volume 2: A resource book on Health for teachers). Pasay: UNESCO, National Commission of the Philippines. Meeks, L., et al. (2005). Comprehensive school health education: Totally awesome strategies for teaching health ®. (4th ed). McGraw-Hill. New York. Payne, W. (2005). Understanding your health. (8th ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill. Online materials: Tobacco%20Regulation%20Act.pdf!.pdf 242 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYUnit 3: Health Trends, Issues, and Concerns (Global level) 243 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARDThe learner demonstrates awareness of The learner demonstrates competenceglobal health initiatives. in applying knowledge of global health to local and national context.I. Overview: People around the world are constantly influenced, and affected or under threatof global health issues, concerns and trends. Men and women’s health and continuousexistence have always been challenged by health issues, concerns and trends. Healthissues, concerns and trends range from lack of or unfair health care systems, impactof poverty and inequality to people’s health, child malnutrition, communicable andnon-communicable diseases and the rise in HIV/AIDS infection around the worldparticularly in developing countries. The lead global health agency which looks for solutions to global health problemsis the World Health Organization (WHO). The advent of the 21st century brought manydevelopments and technological advancements. But along with it, peoples of differentraces and cultural boundaries are also faced with global health problems that need tobe addressed and looked into carefully. This teacher’s guide will help you facilitate learning through varied andeducational activities. The use of indigenous and readily available materials within thecommunity is highly encouraged. Some activities may be integrated with informationand communication technologies (ICT) like computers, projectors and other mediadevices available in school in order to facilitate fast and informative learning processes. The learners will be pre-assessed to check their prior knowledge, skills andattitude about the topic. From the pre-assessment activities, discussions and formativeactivities will help assess their new and current knowledge, skills and attitude. At theend of the quarter, learners will be assessed again through a performance or productoutput and summative test. Differentiated and contextualized instructions are alsoprovided for special groups of learners in order to cope with the topics.Good luck and Mabuhay!DEPED COPY 244 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

II. Learning Competencies: After facilitating the topics, the learners are expected to: 1. discuss the significance of global health initiatives; 2. describe how global health initiatives positively impact people’s health in various countries; 3. analyze issues in the implementation of global health initiatives; and 4. recommend ways of adopting global health initiatives to local or national contextIII. PRE-TEST No. of Session: 1The result of the pre-test will not be recorded but will check yourlearners’ present knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudeabout global health issues, concerns and trends.DEPED COPY MALAR I AInstruct the learners to WATERS A FET Y SESA E S I Danswer Activity A: Word H T L A E H ‘S N E M O WHunt in LM p. 259. Below M E N T A L H E A L T Hare the answers. Facilitate Ethe discussion afterwards. A UAsk learners to shareabout what they know E N V I R O N MEN T Gabout these health issues, S D N O I T I RTU Nconcerns and trends. E T O B ACCO DAsk the following: 1. What are the current health issues and concerns in your community or locality? Share them in class. 2. How will the world be if health issues and concerns are not properly addressed by peoples around the world? 3. If you are a health worker in your community, what health issues and concerns do you think should be addressed immediately? Why?Let the learners read and answer Activity B: Self-Check in LM p. 260. Key to corrections: 1. d. World Health Organization (WHO) 2. a. Africa 3. d. Respiratory diseases 4. b. Sub-Saharan Africa 5. b. Heart disease 245 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Part I: WHAT TO KNOW No. of Sessions: 2 In the WHAT TO KNOW phase, the learners will answer activities which will assess their prior knowledge. At the end of the phase, they will be assessed again to check their knowledge about the concepts and information learned.Let the learners do Activity 1: Brainstorming in LM p. 261. Ask: What are the biggest health issues and concerns that people aroundthe world face today? List them on the board. Typical answers from learners will be:poverty, poor nutrition, lack of education, diseases, drugs, pollution, and climatechange. Introduce the Millennium Development Goals to the class. Say: In 2000, 189 world leaders heeded the call of the United Nations (UN)in New York, U.S.A. to discuss and work together to alleviate the effects of extremepoverty around the world. The outcome of this meeting led to the establishment of theEight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The 8 goals are indicators to measureprograms and projects which will eradicate extreme poverty and other health issuesand concerns connected with each other. Ask the learners to read about Global Health and the Millennium DevelopmentGoals Tell the learners to do Activity 2: What If…? in LM p. 265. Answers may vary.Accept all answers but do not forget to process everything. Sample answers are givenon the next page: DEPED COPYGoal Millennium Development Goal What if this goal What if thisNo. is achieved? goal is not Eradicate extreme poverty and achieved? 1 hunger There will be no malnutrition and Malnutrition poverty. More and poverty will children will be affect lifelong able to attend and learning and finish schooling and will have a help in making the lasting effect economy better. on nation’s economy. GGuide the learners in doing Activity 3: The Philippine Scenario in LM p.265. Learners’ answers may vary. 246 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Ask: 1. Do you think the Philippines achieved these eight goals? How are the achievements reflected in your community? Cite examples. 2. List which goals are highly achievable and which is not. Explain and share your report afterwards. Ask the learners to read about Global Health Initiatives. Facilitate Activity 4:Issues, Concerns and Trends (ICT) in LM p. 266.Learners’ answers may vary. Sample answers will be: Drug Use and AbuseDEPED COPYTuberculosis Rise in HIV/AIDS cases Malaria and other GLOBAL HEALTH Non-communicable vector-borne ISSUES, CONCERNS disease diseases AND TRENDS CommunicableAlcohol and Tobacco diseases UseImmunization and Climate Change Vaccines Mental Health Tell the learners to read the different Global Health Initiatives. • The Global Fight Against Communicable Diseases o Roll Back Malaria o Stop TB o Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization o The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria • Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and Alcohol Use o WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control o Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol o Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases • Global Initiative for Mental Health o Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 Instruct the learners to continue reading about the different Global Health Initiatives. 247 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY These are additional reading resources that the learners can browse onusing information and communication technology (computer and internet):Reading Resources WHO framework convention on tobacco control (2014). Retrieved March 2, 2014 from Development of a global mental health action plan 2013-2020 (2014). Retrieved March 2, 2014 from mhgap/consultation_global_mh_action_plan_2013_2020/en/ Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013-2020 (2014). Retrieved March 2, 2014 from Mental health action plan 2013-2020 (2013). Retrieved March 3, 2014 from pdf?ua=1 Taylor, A.L. and Bettcher, D.W (2000). WHO framework convention on tobacco control: a global ‘‘good’’ for public health. Retrieved March 3, 2014 from Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol (2010). Retrieved March 5, 2014 from 2008-2013 Action plan for the global strategy for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. (2008). Retrieved March 5, 2014 from pdf?ua=1 The stop tb strategy (2006). Retrieved March 8, 2014 from http://whqlibdoc. The rollback malaria strategy for improving access to treatment through home management of malaria (2005). Retrieved March 8, 2014 from http:// 248 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Ask the learners to do Activity 5: Present and Future in LM p. 269. Learners’ answersmay vary. Sample answers are:Present Global Health Issues Future and ConcernsCommunicable diseases are Communicable Vaccinations and otherstill claiming lives especially Diseases preventive and controlthose of children. Some of programs againstthe communicable diseases communicable diseaseswhich threaten human lives will help eradicate dengue,are dengue, malaria, HIV/ malaria and other diseases.AIDS and other emerging HIV/AIDS rate of infectionand re-emerging diseases will also be greatly ebola and influenza. More lives will be saved due to world health actions and initiatives.DEPED COPY Instruct the learners to answer Activity 6: Questions to Ponder in LM p. 269.Facilitate the buzz session. Throw Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions tothe class to encourage deeper learning and understanding. Learners’ answers mayvary. Accept and process all answers.Suggested questions are: 1. How is the Philippine government addressing different local and national health issues and concerns like HIV/AIDS cases and tobacco and alcohol related diseases? 2. The government alone will not be able to find solutions to various health issues. Who do you think are the stakeholders or partners of the government in addressing health problems? How can they help curb various health problems? 3. How can educating the youth help develop social and health-conscious individuals who are aware of the various global health threats and concerns? Have the learners conduct Activity 7: Health Initiatives of Our Neighbors inLM p. 270. An example of the activity is as follows Region Country and Its National Health InitiativesSoutheast Asia Philippines – TB-DOTS, Yosi-Kadiri, maternal and child health care, malaria and dengue control, gender equality, environmental health, health education and information campaign, HIV/AIDS prevention and control, emergency and disaster preparedness plans, milk code and breastfeeding act of 1992, immunization and vaccination programs to eradicate diseases 249 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Region Country and Its National Health InitiativesSouth and East Asia Communicable disease (malaria, HIV/AIDS, Avian Influenza) control and prevention, Non-communicable disease (mental health, tobacco control, and injuries) control and prevention, population health (maternal and child health, gender equality, adolescent reproductive health, migrants health), environmental health, health service delivery (emergency preparedness, health promotion, immunization) Polio eradication program, communicable disease control and prevention, non-communicable disease control and prevention, gender, women and child equality and violence prevention,Middle East & CentralDEPED COPYAsiaEurope Health and the climate change, healthy cities project, disease control and prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, non-communicable disease control and prevention, maternal and child health care, environmental health, immunization programNorth America Production of safer food, safer injection facilities to eradicate HIV/AIDS, prevention and control of obesity-South America associated diseases, education which promotes healthy lifestyles, gender equalityAfricaPacific Islands & Control and prevention of food and water-borneAustralia diseases, HIV/AIDS prevention and control, control and prevention of communicable diseases, maternal and child health care, prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases, family planning, improved water and food sanitation, health and climate change, emergency preparedness program, Maternal, neonatal and child health care; HIV counseling and testing; TB control and care; chronic non-communicable diseases; child immunization and growth monitoring; school health and violence and injury prevention Chronic non-communicable disease preventive health care, primary health care, maternity and child health care, food safety, environmental health, improvement of water supply and sanitation, malaria control, population control, mental health, health literacy 250 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Let the learners do Activity 8: The Hold Back in LM p. 270. Learners’ answers mayvary. Sample answers are found below: LOCAL REASONS NATIONAL REASONS• Old health traditions and beliefs • Political differences and conflicts o Resorting to herbal cure • Cultural differences o Belief in spirits causing • Funding the health problem • Lack of available resources • Lack of health facilities• Hesitations on visiting health centers• Financial constraintsDEPED COPY Have the learners do the activities under the Beyond the Classroom. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Assess the knowledge your learners have gained in the What to Know phase. Record the results under Knowledge.Read these statements. Write the letter of choice on the answer sheet/ notebook. 1. Diverse health issues, concerns and trends which call for all nations to address and act on to promote and protect health of individuals and groups across boundaries. a. global health b. health c. public health d. health education2. These are goals set by the United Nations for its member-nations to be fulfilledon an agreed span of time to be evaluated and counter-checked under worldstandards.a. K-12 Development Goals b. Millennium Development Goalsc. United Nations Development Goals d. World Health Goals3. What Millennium Development Goals greatly protect and care for women and children’s health? a. MDG No. 1 and 2 b. MDG No. 3, 4 and 5 c. MDG No. 7 and 8 d. MDG No. 1, 6 and 7 251 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

4. The primary international body responsible for developing leadership in health, setting norms and standards and providing health support among nations around the world. a. United Nations b. International Red Cross c. World Bank d. World Health Organization5. A global health effort to control, prevent and eradicate the spreading of mosquito-borne infections through development, preventive measures, and effective treatment. a. Destroy Mosquitoes Program b. Roll Back Dengue c. Roll Back Malaria d. Stop Dengue and MalariaDEPED COPY6. A nationwide effort of the Department of Health to prevent and control the spread of tuberculosis (TB). a. Tuberculosis – Dangerous Occupational Therapy Short Course Strategy b. Tuberculosis – Directly Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy c. Tuberculosis – Direct Occupational Treatment System d. Tuberculosis – Department of Tropical Treatment Service7. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations aims to strengthenchildren’s immunization programs especially in developing countries. Which ofthe following vaccines is NOT part of the program?a. HIV vaccine b. hepatitis vaccinec. influenza vaccine d. pneumonia vaccine8. Which of these emerging communicable diseases greatly threaten developing nations around the world especially in Africa? a. HIV/AIDS b. influenza c. malaria d. tuberculosis9. Which of the following is NOT a provision of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control? a. decrease in age limit to use tobacco products b. increase in price and tax measures of tobacco products c. new packaging and labeling of tobacco products d. protection of the public from the dangers of tobacco smoke 252 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

10. Under the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, which of the following is a shared risk factor for developing chronic non-communicable diseases? a. physical inactivity b. unhealthy eating habits c. tobacco and alcohol use d. all of the abovePart II: WHAT TO PROCESS No. of Sessions: 4In the WHAT TO PROCESS phase, your learners will answerand perform activities which will help them process andimprove their understanding. At the end of the phase, they willbe assessed again to check their processing skills about theconcepts and information learned.DEPED COPY Guide the learners in doing Activity 9: Speedy Solutions in LM p. 273. Instruct the learners to imagine they are members of a local organizationwhich wants to sponsor one of the UNDP’s projects to help achieve the millenniumdevelopment goals (MDGs).Say: 1. Form a group of 6 members. 2. Pick a Quick Win project. Choose a creative title for the project. 3. Determine with the group which millennium development goal(s) does the project targets. 4. Come up with the group’s slogan that captures the energy and importance of the chosen project. 5. Follow the format. Facilitate Activity 10: Interpreting Graphs in LM p. 274. Say: Study and use the figures to answer questions 1-9. Write your answers inyour notebook or activity sheet. Show Figure 1. 253 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Figure 1: Dengue Cases in the Philippines (Year 2010 – 2014) 1. What are the estimates of dengue cases for each year? 2. What is the trend of dengue infection f rom year 2010 to 2014? 3. Why did the number of dengue cases drop in a span of 5 years? Enumerate several efforts which helped in the control and reduction of dengue infections.Figure 2: Global Estimates of HIV/AIDS Infection and Death due to AIDS 2001 – 2012 1. Describe the trend of global infection and deaths due to HIV/AIDS from 2001 to 2012. 2. Compare the global estimates of HIV/ AIDS infection and death to the Philippine National Aids Council’s data in the country Check COPYTable 1: Estimated Number of Maternal Deaths for Year 1990, 2005 and 2010 Region Maternal Deaths by Year 1990 2005 2010Developed Countries 1 300 960 2 200Caucasus and Central Asia 2 800 1 800 750Africa 221 000 276 000 164 800Asia 329 000 241 000 134 800Latin America and the Caribbean 21 000 15 000 8 800Oceania 1 000 890 510 3. Predict the estimates by 2020. Why do you think the estimates are like this? What global health trends have made this possible? Have the learners do the following: 1. Construct a graph of the numbers in table 1. You can use a line, bar graph or pie chart. 2. Interpret the data. 3. Share your interpretation in class and submit for evaluation. Use the rubric to improve on the output.Differentiated Learning: • Learners may interview community health center personnel about the different health programs they implement, their current status, and the benefits people gain. • Learners may produce portfolios of the different health initiatives within the barangay, municipal and national level. They should include reflective sheets of what they have learned about the different health initiatives. 254 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

• Learners who are good in story writing and visual creativity may partner up and create comics of the benefits of the different health initiatives. TEST YOUR PROCESSING SKILLS The teacher will assess the students’ processing skills. The scores will be recorded under Process.Tell the students to: Choose 5 from these health initiatives. In 3- 5 sentences, explain or reflect onthe importance of these health initiatives. Include quick win projects for each program.DEPED COPY Health Initiatives Importance Quick Win Targeted Project MDGsThe National TuberculosisProgram and TB-DOTS.Smoking Cessation Program ofthe Department of Health.Disaster Preparedness andEmergency Response.Vector-Borne Diseases (TB,AIDS, Malaria, Dengue)Prevention ProgramHealthy Lifestyle ProgramGarantisadong Pambata (GP)ProgramMaternal and Child CareExpanded Program forImmunization 255 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYPart III: WHAT TO REFLECT AND UNDERSTAND No. of Sessions: 2 In the WHAT TO REFLECT AND UNDERSTAND phase, your learners will do activities which will assess their deeper knowledge and understanding of the topics learned. At the end of the phase, they will be assessed again to check their reflection and understanding about the concepts and information learned. Have the learners do Activity 11: Related Articles in LM p. 277. Post these guide questions: 1. Are the health issues, concerns and trends you gathered really important to be addressed by international and national government? Why? 2. Rate the top 10 health issues, concerns and trends with 1 as the highest priority. Explain how did you come up with those ratings. 3. What do you think are reasons these health initiatives are difficult to implement worldwide? Explain. 4. If you are to implement a health initiative in your community, which would you initiate and why? How would you organize and finance the program? Discuss. Encourage the learners to do Activity 12: Poem Writing in LM p. 277. Prepare the class for Activity 13: Community Health Programs and Strategies in LM p. 278. Presentation can be in the following forms: - Skit - News reporting - Puppet show - LCD/LED presentation Ask the learners to choose a partner and do Activity 14: Paired-reflection in LM p. 278. Remind the learners to reflect on the answers. Post the guide questions: Guide Questions: 1. The three most important things I learned about the LINDP are a. ______________________________ b. ______________________________ c. ______________________________ 2. How will these experiences help me in the future? 3. How can health initiatives improve global health? Discuss. 256 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING Assess your learners’ understanding on the concepts and information learned. This will be recorded under Reflect and Understand. Differentiated Instruction: Test your learners based on their preferred “learning styles”. In the assessment, some of them may be more inclined in writing and communication skills, visual- spatial, kinesthetic or musical ability. Each of the activity below suits one learning style mentioned: • For learners who are good in writing and communication skills: Group the class into five teams. Ask each team to have a detailed report of the different health initiatives of different barangays or community and the Department of Health. The following are the tasks of each team: ¨ Group 1 – Barangay 1 ¨ Group 2 – Barangay 2 ¨ Group 3 – Barangay 3 ¨ Group 4 – Barangay 4 ¨ Group 5 – Department of Health Do not forget to mention to submit a presentable written report after the presentation. • For the Visually-Inclined learners: Ask the learners to paint a local health initiative mentioned in one of the reports. Use any coloring materials they are at ease with. They can either use a sketch paper, Oslo paper or 1/8 illustration board. • For the Kinesthetically-Inclined learners: The learners can choose one or two health initiatives and create a dance, drama or a combination of the two. Limit their performance from 4-5 minutes. They can use canned music or live music. • For the Musically-Inclined Learners: Have the learners create or compose music about the health initiatives. They can use indigenous musical instruments and have it recorded or played live in class. 257 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Part IV: WHAT TO TRANSFER No. of Sessions: 2In the WHAT TO TRANSFER phase, your learners will apply what they have learned through creating a performance or producing aproduct. At the end of the phase, they will be assessed again tocheck their knowledge, skills and attitudes learned.DEPED COPY Inform the learners that they can choose from one of these performances orproducts. • Learners who are good in writing can do Activity 15: Dear Mr. President in LM p. 279. • Learners who are good in writing and declamation can do Activity 16: WHO Convention in LM p. 279. • Learners who are good in photography and use of visual media can do Activity 17: Infotography in LM p. 280. • Learners who are good in dancing and music can do Activity 18: Interpretative Dance in LM p. 280. • Learners who are good in acting and media arts can do Activity 19: Health Infomercial in LM p. 280. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ATTITUDES Instruct the learners to answer this in LM p.280 on a whole sheet of paper.Modified True or False: Tell whether these statements are true or not. Write the wordTRUE if the statement is true and if false, change the underlined word(s) to make thestatement correct. Abbreviations of answers are not allowed.TRUE 1. The World Health Organization is the main international body which promotes international leadership in health, setting norms and standards and sets policies for global health awareness and campaign.Department of Health 2. In the Philippines, the lead executive department of the government which ensures every Filipino’s access to public health through quality and efficient health care programs and services is the Department of Public Works and Highways.TRUE 3. All of the eight millennium development goals are essential in the fulfillment of healthy and sustainable growth and development of every Filipino.TRUE 4. Many nations have common programs and services which help to prevent and or control the spread of emerging communicable diseases like malaria, dengue, filariasis and HIV/AIDS.Essay: In 50 – 75 words, discuss the various global health initiatives and explain theirgeneral importance, benefits and impact to public and personal health. Cite examplesfrom the national and local community levels. Use the rubric in the appendices to ratethe learners. (16 points) 258 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.