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Home Explore English Grade 10 Part 1

English Grade 10 Part 1

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-11-20 00:57:32

Description: English Grade 10 Part 1


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“What are you doing, Brother?” the father cried. “Do you, who stood by andwatched while Andromeda was put in chains and did nothing to help her, dare to beindignant because another has snatched the prize? Let the man who rescued herhave the reward he was promised! He has not been chosen in preference to you, butin preference to certain death.” Phineas said not a word. He looked from the King to Perseus, undecided atwhich to aim his weapon, then hurdled it at the hero. The spear stuck in Perseus’couch. Perseus leaped up from the cushions, wrenched out the spear, and hurdled itback at his foe. Had Phineas not taken refuge behind the altar, he would have perished.As it was, one of his followers received the weapon full in his forehead. Then the rioters went wild. Weapons were hurdled, and the feast turned intoa battle. Thick as hail, javelins sped by Perseus’ ears. He set his shoulders against agreat stone column and struck down one man after another. But at last he realized thatvalor could not withstand the numbers against him. Do you think that Perseus’ extraordinary ability is a gift? Why or why not? “If I have any friends here, let them hide their faces!” he shouted. With this he drew Medusa’s head out of the wallet. One of the attackers wasjust preparing to cast his javelin, but before he could cast, he was turned to stone.Another, who was about to thrust his sword through Perseus, stood frozen with it inhis hand. A third was turned to stone even as he uttered a taunt. Two hundred menbecame stony statues before Phineas yielded, crying: “Put away your horrible weapon. Hide it! Grant me only my life and may therest be yours!” “What I can give you, most cowardly Phineas, I will!” Perseus replied. “Youshall be a lasting monument here in the palace of my father-in-law.” The unhappy Phineas tried to turn away his eyes, but even as he did so, hisflesh turned to stone. When at the year’s end, Perseus sailed home with Andromeda, Polydectes’hatred had in no way lessened. The King was furious that his stepson had returned,and refused to believe that he had actually slain Medusa. With scornful truants heupbraided the young man for having come home empty-handed. It was more than Perseus could bear. “I shall prove to you that what I say is true!” he cried, “hide your eyes, all youwho are my friends!” and he showed the Gorgon’s head to cruel Polydectes. That was the last time Perseus ever used the horrible head. He gave it mostwillingly to Athene, who kept it ever after. 41

Now that Polydectes was dead, Danae yearned to go home again and bereconciled with her father. So Perseus made the fisherman Dictys King of island andsailed with his mother and Andromeda to Greece. But it happened that when they came to Argos, King Acrisius was away fromhome. Games were being held in Larissa, and Perseus, hearing of them, decided togo there and take part. And there at the game it was that the oracle which Acrisius hadreceived at Delphi was strangely fulfilled. For when it came to Perseus’ turn to throwthe discus, he threw it so that it swerved to one side. It landed among the spectatorsand killed an old man. That old man was King Acrisius, who had gone to such cruellengths to avoid the fate which the gods had ordained.Task 9 DISSECTING THE TEXT 1. What is the “dreadful oracle” that was delivered to King Acrisius? 2. What adventure does Polydectes suggest that Perseus undertake? 3. List three perilous encounters that Perseus experienced during his adventure. 4. Explain how the oracle given to King Acrisius is fulfilled. 5. What is Polydectes’ true motive in sending Perseus to kill Medusa? 6. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power. Explain how the evil Gorgon’s head is beneficial to Perseus. 7. What heroic characteristics does Perseus have? 8. What help does he get on his quest? 9. How does Perseus’ quest enable him to prove himself a hero?Task 10 VISUALIZING THE TEXTYour teacher will group you into five. Each of the groups will be given a specific taskto work on.Group 1: Create a timeline of events in the story. Why are these significant events?Group 2: Create a Venn diagram that compares the characteristics of Perseus and Medusa. Provide evidence.Group 3: Create a diagram that shows the challenges of Perseus in his quest to acquire the Gorgon’s head. How did you choose them?Group 4: Using the Gorgon’s head as a diagram, point out at least five utterances of Perseus that strike your group the most. Explain why?Group 5: Create a diagram that shows the relationship of all the characters in the myth. Cite the reasons for these relationships.Processing Questions: 1. How did you feel about the activity? 2. What diagram was assigned to you? 3. Did you find diagramming difficult? Why or why not? 4. How do these textual aids help you in understanding the text? 42

Task 11 ACT AND COUNTERACT Examine all the group outputs from the previous task. Note down yourobservations about the outputs of the other groups. Don’t write anything about yourown group’s output.Group Observations1234Processing Questions: 1. What specific characteristics does each diagram have? 2. Are there notable similarities or differences among the diagrams? 3. How would these diagrams help you in understanding the text as a whole?Task 12 MY COAT OF ARMS To be able to kill the Gorgon, Perseus built a line of defenses. Identify whatthese defenses are through the coat of arms diagram on the next page. Explain thevalue of each of those defenses as Perseus faced his challenges. 43

Task 13 MAKES SENSE TO ME Pick out at least ten sentences from the myth “The Gorgon’s Head” that showssensory images. Identify the senses to which these statements appeal. 1. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 44

7. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 10. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Task 14 TRIPLE TREATBelow are paragraphs lifted from “The Gorgon’s Head.”Task A. Circle all the pronouns from the paragraph. That was the last time Perseus ever used the horrible head. (1-2) He gave itmost willingly to Athene, who kept it ever after. (3) Now that Polydectes was dead, Danae yearned to go home again and bereconciled to her father. (4) So Perseus made the fisherman Dictys King of island andsailed with his mother and Andromeda to Greece. (5-6) But it happened that when they came to Argos, King Acrisius was awayfrom home. (7) Games were being held in Larissa, and Perseus, hearing of them,decided to go there and take part. (8) And there at the game it was that the oraclewhich Acrisius had received at Delphi was strangely fulfilled. (9) For when it came toPerseus’ turn to throw the discus, (10-11) he threw it so that it swerved to one side.(12) It landed among the spectators and killed an old man. That old man was KingAcrisius, who had gone to such cruel lengths to avoid the fate which the gods hadordained.Task B. Paraphrase at least five sentences by transforming the circled pronouns intoreflexive or intensive pronouns IF APPLICABLE. Write R on the blank before eachitem if the pronoun is Reflexive or I if intensive.____ 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________Task C. Using the previous examples of reflexive and intensive pronouns, compareand contrast the two kinds of pronouns. 45

Reflexive IntensiveTask 15 A HERO IN MEA hero saves the day. Saving people and saving lives could be in any form possible. Complete the chart below by answering the questions that follow:List down all the acts of heroism done by List down all the little acts of heroism thatPerseus... you did lately…What personal challenges does Perseus What personal challenges have youhave to overcome to fulfill acts of overcome to fulfill acts of heroism?heroism? 46

What realizations about heroism have you made from this comparison? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________YOUR DISCOVERY TASKS Discrimination is the unequal treatment provided to one or more parties on the basis of a mutual accord or some other logical or illogical reason.Task 16 AWARD IN THE WARD Examine the editorial cartoon below and answer the questions that follow. Source: www.nordis.netProcessing Questions: 1. What is the cartoon all about? 2. What kind of discrimination is shown in the cartoon? 3. What would you do if you were in the shoes of the one discriminated against?Task 17 DIFFERENT AND SINGLED OUT In this activity, your teacher will ask you to work in groups. As a group, you willidentify specific scenarios where discrimination is present or evident. Accomplish thechart on the next page. 47

Discrimination Examples How do we build a defense?AgeGenderMarital StatusPhysical AppearanceReligious AffiliationNationalityTask 18 CAPS LOCKEDMany situations would require you to make use of your strengths. Each cap belowrepresents a characteristic you need to use in deciding how to go about the situationdescribed in the task context. Examine the situation and complete the colored capschart that follow. White cap – is the optimistic cap that sees all the positive and bright side of the situation. Black cap – is the pessimist cap and sees nothing but the disadvantages of the situation. Yellow Cap – is the creative cap and sees the creative and out-of-this-world side of the situation. Red Cap – is the emotional cap and expresses feelings about an issue. Blue Cap – is the rational cap and judges situations based on facts and obvious evidence. The local tourism office of your community finally launched your barangay as a tourism spot exclusively inviting foreign clients. However, the office has issued a memorandum that only those who are at least 5’7” in height for girls and 5’9” for boys could seek employment in the tourism office. It also required applicants with competitive English communication skills. 48

CAPS YOUR RESPONSESWhiteGreenRedBlackYellowBlueTask 19 CREATING A PERSONAL GOAL Building up defenses is like creating a strategies to help you reach yourpersonal goal. Each defense is critical in achieving success. Using the organizer below, create a personal goal for the next five years. What strategies will you develop to reach your personal goals? Explain whyyou chose them.Processing: Go back to our motive question before reading “The Gorgon’s Head.” Now isthe time to answer the question: How do I build the best defenses against challengesto achieve the best quality of life possible for me? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 49

YOUR FINAL TASKTask 20 YOUR BROCHURE You were informed at the beginning of the lesson that you are to create aquality brochure that will feature your own defenses against discrimination. You can now start planning for your brochure. You can make use of internetsources for important information to make your work substantial. Your brochure will be graded using the following rubric: sSource: 50

MY TREASURE “When you build defenses, you are minimizing the risk of encountering future problems. Through these strategies, you learn how to cope with the changing times and how to turn each challenge into something beneficial.”My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________It made me realize that _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I, therefore, commit to___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reference:Imagine. retrieved October 24, 2013 51

Module 1LESSON 3_____________________________________________________________ Capitalizing on Strengths and Recognizing our WeaknessesYOUR JOURNEY None of us is created perfect. All of us are endowed with strengths. At thesame time, we also have weaknesses. Being positive allows us to be better personsas we capitalize on our strengths and as we address our weaknesses to improveourselves. This lesson allows you to discover how to make the most of your strengths andimprove your weaknesses. How far would you go in knowing the real you? What risksare you willing to take to successfully overcome the hurdles of life?YOUR OBJECTIVESIn this lesson you should be able to accomplish the following: • determine how textual aids like advance organizers help in understanding of a text • determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, and non-verbal, used by the speaker to highlight significant points • express insights based on ideas presented in the material viewed • differentiate formal from informal definitions of words • explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular literary selection • formulate a statement of opinion or assertion • describe helpful techniques in effective public speaking • use words and expressions that emphasize a point. Be reminded that your expected output in this lesson is a quality Information Ad (TV, radio, or print) that would campaign on capitalizing strengths and weaknesses.The criteria for assessment are: concept, design, and visuals and copy quality. 52

YOUR INITIAL TASKSTask 1 BOY-GIRL POWER! Joaquin and Cristina are trapped in a magic box. They want to be free! Usingthe chart below, list down the individual strengths that Joaquin and Cristina could useto free themselves from the box.Processing Questions: 1. What qualities of Joaquin have you identified? How about Cristina? 2. In what way could these qualities help them escape from the box? 3. Does the chart help you sort boys’ and girls’ characteristics? Could you think of other organizers that would best fit the purpose? 4. Do you think we could interchange the qualities of Joaquin and Cristina? What would interchanging their qualities imply?Task 2 LET IT GO! Listen to the song entitled “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen. Determine implicitand explicit signals from the lyrics that are used by the composer to highlight significantpoints.Source: Let It Go. Disney’s FROZEN as interpreted by Idina Menzel. Published December 13, 2011. Retrieved March 7, 2014. 53

Processing Questions: 1. What is the song all about? 2. What explicit and implicit signals were used by the singer to highlight significant points? 3. How do these signals add value to the lyrics and overall meaning of the song?Task 3 WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF? Below are materials that symbolize certain levels of your expectations at themoment. Considering the objectives of the lesson, share everything that you knowabout capitalizing on strengths or weaknesses on the stone tablet; all that you are notsure of in the quill; and all that you still want to know in the pencil. __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________YOUR TEXTTask 4 MYSTERY WORDS Knowing the following words will help you as you read Orpheus. Rememberhow these words are defined. 54

1. Inspiration A. something that brings on creative activity B. motivation2. Lyre A. a small stringed musical instrument B. similar to a harp3. Entranced A. to put somebody into trance B. charmed4. Condemned A. to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment B. doomed5. Summoned A. sent for B. called forthProcessing Questions:1. What did you notice in the way these words are defined?2. How do you differentiate definition A from B?3. Which is a better way to define a word?Task 5 FROM PAGE TO PAGE Myths are stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes passed from one generation to another. Many Greek myths have a great deal of influence on our culture. For ages, writers, artists, and musicians have used mythological characters as their inspiration. “Orpheus,” whose story shall be discussed today, is one of the mythological characters around the world. To what extent would you use your strengths to save the person you love? ORPHEUS Alice Low There were nine goddesses called Muses. Born out of Zeus and a Titan namedMnemosyne, each muse presided over a different art or science. Calliope, one of these sisters, was the inspiration of poets and musicians. Shewas the mother of Orpheus (a mortal because his father was one) and gave to her sona remarkable talent for music. Orpheus played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth. Menand women forgot their cares when gathered around him to listen. Wild beasts laydown as they gathered around him as if they were tame, entranced by his soothingnotes. Even rocks and trees followed him, and the rivers changed their direction tohear him play. 55

Orpheus loved a young woman named Eurydice, and when they were married,they looked forward to many years of happiness together. But soon after, Eurydicestepped on a poisonous snake and died. Orpheus roamed the earth, singing sad melodies to try to overcome his grief. But it was no use. He longed for Eurydice so deeply that he decided to follow her to the underworld. He said to himself, “No mortal has ever been there before, but I must try to bring back my beloved Eurydice. I will charm Persephone and Hades with my music and win Eurydice’s release.” He climbed into a cave and through a dark passage that led to the underworld. When he reached the river Styx, he plucked his lyre again, and Cerberus, the fierce three- headed dog who guarded the gates, heard the sweet music and lay still to let him pass. Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he made his way through thegloomy underworld. The ghosts cried when they heard his sad music. Sisyphus, whohad been condemned to roll uphill forever, stopped his fruitless work to listen. Tantalus,who had been sentenced to stand in a pool of receding water, stopped trying to quenchhis thirst. And even the wheel to which Ixion was tied as punishment stopped turningfor one moment. At last Orpheus came to the palace of Hades and Persephone, King and Queenof the underworld. Before they could order him to leave, he began his gentle song,pleading for Eurydice. When stern Hades heard Orpheus’ song, he began to weep. Cold Persephonewas so moved that, for the first time in all her months in the underworld, her heartmelted. What words can be used to describe Orpheus’ gift? “Oh, please, my husband,” she said to Hades, “let Eurydice be reunited withOrpheus.” And Hades replied, “I, too, feel the sadness of Orpheus. I cannot refuse him.” They summoned Eurydice, and the two lovers clasped each other and turnedto leave. 56

“Wait!” said Hades to Orpheus. “Eurydice is yours to take back to earth on onecondition.” “What is that?” asked Orpheus “She must follow you, and you must not look back at her until you are on earthagain.” “I understand,” said Orpheus, “and I am forever grateful.” Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld and made their way through thedark passage that led to the upper world. At last they reached the cave through whichOrpheus had descended. “I can see daylight ahead” called Orpheus to Eurydice. “We are almost ther.”But Eurydice had not heard him, and so she did not answer. Orpheus turned to make sure that she was still following him. He caught onelast glimpse of her arms stretched out to him. And then she disappeared, swallowedby darkness. “Farewell,” he heard her cry as she was carried back to the underworld. If you were Orpheus, would you have looked back to see if Eurydice was following? Why or why not? Orpheus tried to follow her, but this time the gods would not allow it. And so hewandered the earth alone. He sang his sad songs to the trees and longed for the timewhen he, too, would die and be reunited with his beloved Eurydice in the underworld.Processing Questions: 1. What was the greatest strength of Orpheus? What was his weakness? 2. What effect did Orpheus’ music have on people and gods? Cite two examples of this. 3. Why did Orpheus decide to rescue his wife from the underworld? 4. Why did Orpheus look back to see if Eurydice was following him? 5. What reasons might the gods have for allowing Orpheus and Eurydice to be reunited? 6. Explain why the gods gave a condition to Orpheus and to his bride to return to earth. 7. What main characteristic of this text makes it a myth? 8. To whom does Orpheus owe his talent? Why was he able to win the sympathy of the gods? 9. In what situations were the gods willing to help humans? 10. Does the story reveal certain realities about Greeks? What are these? 11. What does the story reveal about the concept of gods in Greek Mythodology? 57

Task 6 ELEMENT-ARRAY Study the bulb puzzle below. Supply each part of the puzzle given the plot ofstory OrpheusProcessing Questions: 1. How do the elements help you understand the flow of the story? 2. What is the theme of the story? 3. In what way do the elements contribute to your understanding of the selection’s over-all theme?Task 7 ALICE LOW Read the story Orpheus once again. Determine the tone, mood, technique,and purpose of the author in writing the text.Tone of my story... Mood of my story...Technique of my My purpose in writingstory... is... Alice LowPhoto Source:Summer Sunset Series. Retrieved March 7, 2014 58

YOUR DISCOVERY TASKS Movie Adaptations — This is the transfer of written work, in whole or in part, to a feature film. It is a type of derivative work. The movie “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel, is an example of a film adapted from a novel.Task 8 PIECE OF PI You will be watching the 2012 film adaptation of “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel.While watching, take note of the important details in the movie. Be ready to answer thesucceeding questions.Task 8.1 THIN LINE Create a timeline of events for the movie “Life of Pi.” How did the connected events contribute to the totality of the movie?Processing Questions: 1. In his introductory note Yann Martel says, “This book was born as I was hungry.” What sort of emotional nourishment might “Life of Pi” have given to its author? 2. Pondicherry is described as an anomaly, the former capital of what was once French India. In terms of storytelling, what makes this town an appropriate choice for Pi’s upbringing? 3. Yann Martel recalls that many Pondicherry residents provided him with stories, but he was most intrigued by this tale because Mr. Adirubasamy said it would make him believe in God. Did Pi’s tale alter your beliefs about God? In what way? 4. Early in the novel, we discover that the narrator majored in religious studies and zoology, with particular interests in a sixteenth-century Kabbalist and the admirable three-toed sloth. In subsequent chapters, he explains the ways in which religions and zoos are both steeped in illusion. Discuss 59

some of the other ways in which these two fields find unlikely compatibility. 5. Pi’s full name, Piscine Molitor Patel, was inspired by a Parisian swimming pool that “the gods would have delighted to swim in.” The shortened form refers to the ratio of a circle’s circumference divided by its diameter. What is the significance of Pi’s unusual name? 6. How would the novel’s flavor be different if Pi’s sole surviving animal was the zebra or orange juice? (We assume that if the hyena had been the only surviving animal, Pi would not have lived to tell us his story.) 7. Pi sparks a lively debate when all three of his spiritual advisors try to claim him. At the heart of this confrontation is Pi’s insistence that he cannot accept an exclusively Hindu, Christian, or Muslim faith; he can only be content with all three. What is Pi seeking that can solely be attained by this apparent contradiction? 8. What do you make of Pi’s assertion that we are all “in limbo, without religion, until some figure introduces us to God”? Do you believe that Pi’s piousness was a response to his father’s atheism? 9. Among Yann Martel’s gifts is a rich descriptive palette. Regarding religion, he observes the green elements that represent Islam and the orange tones of Hinduism. What color would Christianity be, according to Pi’s perspective? 10. How do the human beings in your world reflect the animal behavior observed by Pi? What do Pi’s strategies in dealing with Richard Parker teach us about confronting the fearsome creatures in our lives? 11. Besides the loss of his family and possessions, what else did Pi lose when the Tsimtsum sank? What did he gain? 12. Nearly everyone experiences a turning point that represents the transition from youth to adulthood, albeit seldom as traumatic as Pi’s. What event marks your coming of age? 13. How does Mr. Patel’s zoo-keeping abilities compare to his parenting skills? Discuss the scene in which he tries to teach his children a lesson in survival by arranging them to watch a tiger devour a goat. Did this in any way prepare Pi for the most dangerous experience of his life? 14. Pi imagines that his brother would have teasingly called him Noah. How does Pi’s voyage compare to the biblical story of Noah, who was spared from the flood while God washed away the sinners?Task 8.2 A QUOTE ON QUOTE 60

Below are notable quotations from the movie. Get a partner and make adialogue using the quotations. Employ the techniques in effective speaking taught byyour teacher. • “I suppose in the end, the whole world of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” • “Faith is a house with many rooms.” • “Doubt is useful; it keeps faith a living thing. After all, you cannot know the strength of your faith until it is tested.” • “No one has seen that island since, and you’d never read about those trees in any book. And yet, if I hadn’t found those shores I would have died, if I hadn’t discovered that tooth I would have been lost alone forever.” • “Even when God seemed to have abandoned me, He was watching. Even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering, He was watching and when I was beyond all hope saving, He gave me rest and gave me a sign to continue my journey.” • “It happened, it happened. Why should it have to mean anything?” • “For castaways, who must share their lifeboats with large, dangerous carnivores, it is advisable to establish a territory as your own.”Processing Questions: 1. Describe the effective speaking techniques used by your partner for each of the quotations above. 2. How can these techniques help you in persuading your partner?Task 9 MODAL MODES Task 9 below are selected scenes from the movie. Create a sentence usingmodals that express probability. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 61

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________Task 9.1 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Survival after a shipwreck is a challenge. To survive hunger and thirst, youhave to be accurate with all your actions or movements. Imagine you are Pi Patel andyou need to measure things to survive famine and thirst in the Pacific. How would you measure your survival must-haves? Give the units ofmeasurement for each of the products below. Use appropriate modals that express“ability” in writing your answers. 1. water ______________________________________________ 2. vegetables__________________________________________ 3. powdered milk _______________________________________ 4. rice________________________________________________ 5. fish________________________________________________Task 9.2 CLASSIFYING THINGS You will be working in pairs. Remember the animals found in Patel’s zoo. Inhow many different ways can you classify them? Use modals expressing possibility inclassifying them. 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________ 62

Task 9.3 MARKET! MARKET! The Patels are basically business people. In exploring the possibility of sellingthe zoo, the following marketing concepts will help them sell such a property with ease. Establish the relationship of each of the paired marketing concepts below. Usemodals expressing probability in your answers. 1. Packaging and purchasing ____________________________________________________ 2. Packaging and pricing ____________________________________________________ 3. Pricing and shopping behavior ____________________________________________________ 4. Advertising and pricing ____________________________________________________ 5. Advertising and patronizing products ____________________________________________________Task 10 THE CONFRONTATION Imagine Orpheus, Pi Patel, and Queen Elsa sitting together in aconference discussing how they capitalized on their strengths and recognizedtheir weaknesses to overcome their individual challenges. What wouldbe their response? Which of these strategies would you adopt and why? 63

Task 11 A GIFT OF CHANGERemember the gifts of Orpheus, Pi, and Queen Elsa. If you possessed all the gifts theyhave, how would use them in improving/resolving each of the following social issues? Issue Gift to Use Ways to Improve1.Risk Reduction and Disaster Management2.Corruption3.Bullying4.Reproductive Health Issues5.Violence against Women and ChildrenTask 12 A LETTER LATER Write a letter to yourself which you will only open 20 years from now. Highlightin your letter how you were able to capitalize on your strengths and recognize yourweaknesses to become a better person. Use statements expressing opinions or strongassertions in your letter. Your teacher will provide you with further instructions.Task 13 BEST MAGIC EVER Overcoming individual challenges is a difficult task. But it isnot that difficult to require magic and dissolve them at a snap of ourfingers. The best way to address them is to have the willingnessto change. The best magic ever is the recognition of our strengthsand weaknesses. This magic will play an important role in makingone a better person.How would you overcome the following personal conflicts? (Choosewhatever is applicable.) 1. Depression 2. Anger 3. Discrimination 4. Intimidation 5. Health issues 6. Jealousy 64

YOUR FINAL TASK Remember that at the end of the quarter, you are to compose a short persuasivetext using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices. In this particular module, youwill create an Information Ad Campaign. The succeeding tasks will walk you throughthe process of making the Info Ad Campaign.Task 14 AD TYPECAST Recall as many TV commercials as you can. Then, analyze the commercialsusing the following questions: 1. Who plays with action toys? 2. Who stars in the kitchen, the laundry, or the market? 3. Who seems to be given more active, dynamic role?Processing Questions: 1. Which ad is the most sexist? Least sexist? 2. What implication does it make on capitalizing one’s strengths and weaknesses? 3. How would the analysis of advertisement help you in crafting your own information ad campaign?Task 15 ASK A PROFESSIONAL Speak to the school nurse/doctor/dentist about some advertising claims.Sample questions could be: Is generic medicine better than the branded one? Arethere toothpaste brands that make teeth whiter?Processing Questions: 1. What do these claims reveal about advertising? 2. How would this information help you in crafting your own information ad campaign?Task 16 PAST FORWARD Make a research about a person or group of people whose advocacies are tomake people self-reliant. Be sure to include responses to the following questions: • What was this person’s or group’s advocacy? • What were some of the efforts they used to achieve social justice? • Were these efforts successful? Why or why not? • How was this success measured? • Are they still pursuing these ideals? If not, has someone else or another organization taken over to pursue their work? 65

Task 17 THANKS FOR THE AD!Draw inspiration from Task 14. Make your own Information Ad (TV, radio, or print) thatwould campaign on capitalizing on strengths and recognizing your weaknesses. Therubric shall be used for evaluating your work. Acceptable/UnacceptabbleConcept Concept surprises and delights the audience. Yes/No Concept is predictable or obvious. Concept is aligned with the creative brief (i.e., Information in the creative brief (targetDesign & fits the target market, product, positioning) market, product, etc.) does not appearVisuals to have been taken into consideration in developing the concept. Audience mayCopy not understand the concept, or concept seems unrelated to the product.Risk-taking &response to Design and choice of visual components Yes/No Brand logo may be missing, obscured, orfeedback (including type) all support and convey the altered. Viewer may be confused about concept. Principles of design (balance, the message due to unclear hierarchy, contrast, dominance, etc.) are all used to or inappropriate choices of visuals, color, convey a clear message to the audience. All type, or other elements. three ads in the series are clearly different, yet visually unified. Words are imaginative, well-crafted and Yes/No Tone may be inappropriate to audience. tailored to the product. Each word is Copy may sound like it is trying to sell necessary. Headline, subhead, and body something or trying to explain the visuals. copy all work together to convey a message Copy may be too verbose, or too cryptic that complements the visuals. to convey the message. Copy may try to convey too many ideas at once. Proofreading errors, awkward wording, incorrect uses of idiomatic, language interfere with the impact of the ods. Author clearly and judiciously incorporates Yes/No Minimal evidence that writer considered feedback into drafts. Substantial feedback in revisions, or minimal risk- development of project from week to taking. Adjstments and revisions may week shows evidence of risk-taking, while be mechanical (“I did exactly what the maintaining an awareness of the assignment teacher told me to do.”) parameters.MY TREASURE In order to capitalize on your strength, you first have to know them and your purpose for using them. Recognizing your weaknesses will give more meaning to your strengths. If you can transform your weaknesses into strengths and opportunities, you can never go wrong.My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________It made me realize that ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I, therefore, commit to_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 66

Module 1LESSON 4______________________________________________________________ Dealing with Personal ChallengesYOUR JOURNEY How do you deal with personal challenges? Most likely at this point, you havealready acquired the positive attitude of facing challenges no matter how difficult theymay seem. Problems, trials, disappointments, frustrations, or threats as challengesare normal in our day-to-day experiences. Dealing with these personal challenges matters and your intention should befocused on achieving your goal through using positive ways. This is exactly the coreof this lesson as you’ll demonstrate your understanding of how to deal with personalchallenges along side the essential literary concepts and language communicationskills. Doubtlessly, that will add a lot to make a better YOU!YOUR OBJECTIVESFor this lesson, you are expected to: • draw generalizations and conclusions based on the material viewed compare new insights with previous learnings • make generalizations • give meanings of words through using dictionary and / or context clues • explain how tone and mood contribute to the theme of the myth • use special words / expressions that emphasize points • use factual and opinion-based statements as supports in persuasive writing • employ examples as supports in public speaking • select, organize, and produce visuals and graphics to complement and extend the meaning of a photo essay • compose a short persuasive text expressing one’s stand on an issue Be reminded that your expected output is to present an impressive photo essay emphasizing how you can deal with personal challenges. The photo essay will be rated based on the following criteria: visuals / graphics, text representations / captions, organization, and impact. 67

YOUR INITIAL TASKSTask 1 PICTURE PERFECT “ It’s our ability to deal with the challenges and not their absence that gives us true glory, comfort, and happiness in life.” - Anonymous • As you look closely at the drawing, try answering these questions. Whose face flashed at the back of your mind? How do you feel as you look at it? What are its aspects / details that relate to, or show the importance of dealing with personal challenges in life? • Now, read the quotation and relate it to the message in the pictures. • Form groups of five, and talk about what the picture and the quote have in common.Task 2 A PUZZLING TRIAL • Think about a puzzling problem, a trial, or a challenge you have experienced. • Find a partner, and take turns in explaining what happened. • Tell what you like / dislike about it. • Use these guide questions: How did you feel about it? How did you deal with it? What are the things about it that you’d like to change / improve? What’s your next move? • Share your experiences with others.Task 3 THREE CONTROLS • Form triads, and list at least three questions about personal challenges that you hope to answer in this lesson. • Take turns in sharing these questions, and find out what they have in common. • Check them against this essential question: How do I deal with personal challenges? 68

Task 4 SETTING EXPECTATIONS • Using the essential question as a focal point, reflect. Try to answer this question: What do I expect or hope to learn? • Write your targets on what you expect or hope to learn in this lesson. What I expect or hope to learn ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________You are now ready for the next phase of the lesson.YOUR TEXT When you think of myths, you can’t help but remember they highlight significanttruths about human experiences you can rely on for you to understand yourself better.Remember that they start from the examples of human desires, intuitions, and motivesthat make them as reliable, self-tested guides for people who are following their destinyand searching for meaning in life. With these valuable ideas in mind, read “Arachne,” a myth from Ancient Greece,translated by Olivia Coolidge. Find out how human desires, intuitions, and motiveslead to dealing with personal challenges. ARACHNE Translated by Olivia Coolidge Arachne was a maiden who became famous throughout Greece, thoughshe was neither well-born nor beautiful and came from no great city. She lived in anobscure little village, and her father was a humble dyer of wool. In this he was veryskillful, producing many varied shades, while above all he was famous for the clear,bright scarlet which is made from shellfish, and which was the most glorious of all thecolors used in ancient Greece. Even more skillful than her father was Arachne. It washer task to spin the fleecy wool into a fine, soft thread and to weave it into cloth onthe high, standing loom within the cottage. Arachne was small and pale from muchworking. Her eyes were light and her hair was a dusty brown, yet she was quick andgraceful, and her fingers, roughened as they were, went so fast that it was hard to 69

follow their flickering movements. So soft and even was her thread, so fine her cloth,so gorgeous her embroidery, that soon her products were known all over Greece. Noone had ever seen the like of them before. At last Arachne’s fame became so great that people used to come from far andwide to watch her working. Even the graceful nymphs would steal in from stream orforest and peep shyly through the dark doorway, watching in wonder the white armsof Arachne as she stood at the loom and threw the shuttle from hand to hand betweenthe hanging threads, or drew out the long wool, fine as a hair, from the distaff as shesat spinning. “Surely Athene herself must have taught her,” people would murmur toone another. “Who else could know the secret of such marvelous skill?” Arachne was used to being wondered at, and she was immensely proud ofthe skill that had brought so many to look on her. Praise was all she lived for, and itdispleased her greatly that people should think anyone, even a goddess, could teachher anything. Therefore when she heard them murmur, she would stop her work andturn round indignantly to say, “With my own ten fingers I gained this skill, and by hardpractice from early morning till night. I never had time to stand looking as you peopledo while another maiden worked. Nor if I had, would I give Athene credit because thegirl was more skillful than I. As for Athene’s weaving, how could there be finer clothor more beautiful embroidery than mine? If Athene herself were to come down andcompete with me, she could do no better than I.” One day when Arachne turned round with such words, an old woman answeredher, a gray old woman, bent and very poor, who stood leaning on a staff and peering atArachne amid the crowd of onlookers. “Reckless girl,” she said, “how dare you claim tobe equal to the immortal gods themselves? I am an old woman and have seen much.Take my advice and ask pardon of Athene for your words. Rest content with your fameof being the best spinner and weaver that mortal eyes have ever beheld.” “Stupid old woman,” said Arachne indignantly. “Who gave you a right to speakin this way to me? It is easy to see that you were never good for anything in your day,or you would not come here in poverty and rags to gaze at my skill. If Athene resentsmy words, let her answer them herself. I have challenged her to a contest, but she, ofcourse, would not come. It is easy for the gods to avoid matching their skill with that ofmen.” At these words the old woman threw down her staff and stood erect. Thewondering onlookers saw her grow tall and fair and stand clad in long robes of dazzlingwhite. They were terribly afraid as they realized that they stood in the presence ofAthene. Arachne herself flushed red for a moment, for she had never really believedthat the goddess would hear her. Before the group that was gathered there she wouldnot give in; so pressing her pale lips together in obstinacy and pride, she led thegoddess to one of the great looms and set herself before the other. Without a wordboth began to thread the long woolen strands that hang from the rollers, and betweenwhich the shuttle moves back and forth. Many skeins lay heaped beside them touse, bleached white, and gold, and scarlet, and other shades, varied as the rainbow.Arachne had never thought of giving credit for her success to her father’s skill in dyeingthough in actual truth the colors were as remarkable as the cloth itself. 70

Soon there was no sound in the room but the breathing of the onlookers, thewhirring of the shuttles, and the creaking of the wooden frames as each pressed thethread up into place or tightened the pegs by which the whole was held straight. Theexcited crowd in the doorway began to see that the skill of both in truth was very nearlyequal, but that, however the cloth might turn out, the goddess was the quicker of thetwo. A pattern of many pictures was growing on her loom. There was border of twinedbranches of the olive, Athene’s favorite tree, while in the middle, figures began toappear. As they looked at the glowing colors, the spectators realized that Athene wasweaving into her pattern a last warning to Arachne. The central figure was the goddessherself competing with Poseidon for possession of the city of Athens; but in the fourcorners were mortals who had tried to strive with gods and pictures of awful fate thathad overtaken them. The goddess ended a little before Arachne and stood back fromher marvelous work to see what the maiden was doing. Never before had Arachne been matched against anyone whose skill wasequal, or even nearly equal to her own. As she stole glances from time to time atAthene and saw the goddess working swiftly, calmly, and always a little faster thanherself she became angry instead of frightened, and an evil thought came into herhead. Thus, as Athene stepped back a pace to watch Arachne finishing her work, shesaw that the maiden had taken for her design a pattern of scenes which showed evil orunworthy actions of the gods, how they had deceived far maidens, resorted to trickery,and appeared on earth from time to time in the form of poor and humble people. Whenthe goddess saw this insult glowing in bright colors on Arachne’s loom, she did not waitwhile the cloth was judged, but stepped forward, her gray eyes blazing with anger, andtore Arachne’s work across. Then she struck Arachne across the face. Arachne stoodthere a moment, struggling with anger, fear, and pride. “I will not live under this insult,”she cried, and seizing a rope from the wall, she made a noose and would have hangedherself. The goddess touched the rope and touched the maiden. “Live on, wicked girl,”she said. “Live on a spin, both of you and your descendants. When men look at you,they may remember that it is not wise to strive with Athene.” At that the body of Arachneshriveled up, and her legs grew tiny, spindly, and distorted. There, before the eyes ofthe spectators hung a little dusty brown spider on a slender thread. All spiders descend from Arachne, and as the Greeks watched them spinningtheir thread wonderfully fine, they remembered the contest with Athene and thoughtthat it was not right for even the best of men to claim equality with the gods.Task 5 SMALL GROUP DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITIES (SGDA) - THE GOLDEN DOOR • Form four groups, and work on your assigned task. • Remember to share your ideas, thoughts, and experiences with the class.Group 1 Word FinderFind difficult/unfamiliar words in the selection, and look up the meaning of each throughthe use of a dictionary or context clues. 71

Group 2 Image MakersDiscuss the answers to these questions: 1. What caused Arachne’s fears and failures? 2. How did Arachne try to fight her fear and carry out the conditions of the challenge? 3. How does she feel about her weaving skill? 4. What prevailing mood is conveyed in “Arachne”? Find words/phrases in the selection that convey that mood clearly. 5. What tone is used in the selection? Cite paragraph/s that support your contention? 6. Describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total effect of the story.Group 3 JustifiersDiscuss the answers to these questions: 1. What is the nature of the conflict in Arachne? 2. What does Arachne do that makes it difficult for her to solve her problem? 3. What happens to her as she lives through her experience? 4. What character trait is clearly shown by Arachne? 5. What are some details in the story that will prove that Arachne’s pride is the reason for her downfall? 6. What is your opinion on the characteristics of the following based on their words and actions, especially in dealing with challenges? a. Arachne b. the old woman (Athene)Group 4 Theme Builders Discuss your answers to these questions: 1. Is the use of poetic justice (a happy ending where a virtue is rewarded and the vice/wrong doing is punished) as a literary device effective in “Arachne”? Explain. 2. Had Arachne changed her attitude, do you think the old woman would have punished her? Explain. 3. Does the story help you understand the value of dealing with challenges? Explain. 4. What generalization or statement about human experience (theme) does the story make? 5. Ponder on the title “Arachne.” In what way does it relate to the theme (general truth or observation about human experience/message) of the selection? 6. Is it used as a symbol to clarify the theme? Explain. 72

Task 6 LANGUAGE WATCHA. Which Is WhichClassify the words inside the box, and tell which of them is a conjunction,parenthetical expression, adverb/conjunctive adverb.exactly apparently howeverstillon the contrary to illustrate most importantlyin my opinionprovided that in most cases in like manneras long asprovided that to reiterate supposing on the condition that differently as such such thatB. Giving Emphasis Read the following sentences from “Arachne,” and think about the italicized words / phrases: 1. “I have challenged her to a contest, but she, of course, will not come.” 2. They were terribly afraid as they realized that they stood in the presence of Athene. 3. “Surely, Athene herself must have taught her.” 4. “Therefore, when she heard them murmur, she would stop her work and turn around indignantly.” 5. Arachne was immensely proud of her skill. • Work in small groups of five (5), and answer the following questions. 1. What do the italicized words / phrases have in common? 2. Do they help in giving emphasis to the action? Prove your point. • List other examples of these special expressions that signal emphasis. • Revisit the box entries in Task 6A. • Check the words / expressions in your list against these special words and expressions (that emphasize points) inside the box.C. Blissful • Pair up and take turns in answering these questions: 1. Are you confident about your ability to deal with trials and obstacles to your personal goals? 2. How do you overcome your fear when dealing with a difficult challenge? 3. Have you discovered or realized something or felt blissful after you dealt with the challenge? 73

• Prove your point by citing examples. • Use special expressions to emphasize your point and to clarify your stand. D. Comfort Zone • Think about this question: Do you believe that sticking to your comfort zone instead of taking risks when you face a challenge is a better decision all the time? • For five minutes, think and jot down the reasons why you say so. Include examples to prove your point. • Use special expressions to emphasize your point and to clarify your stand. At this stage, you should have several ideas on why you need to deal withchallenges positively. Eventually, you are ready to prove your understanding of how todeal positively with personal challenges and this can be realized by getting involved inreal-life tasks.YOUR DISCOVERY TASKSTask 7 SMALL GROUP DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITIES (SGDA) BEYOND TEXT- REAL-LIFE EXTENSION • Form four groups and draw lots for a task to work on. • Share your ideas, thoughts, and experiences with the class. Group 1 Thematic Funny Home Videos • Recall examples of funny movies or videos you have watched or viewed. • Relate “Arachne” to the movies or videos. • Discuss how these movies and selection influence your views on life’s challenging events and circumstances. • Report back to class and share your thoughts with other groups. Group 2 The Best Advice • Retain your groupings and list problems that young people like you encounter in dealing with challenges. • Pose as guidance counsellors, and think of the advice you would give students on how to manage the problems. • Write a short script to illustrate your conversation with your advisees. • Use a dialog format and include stage direction. • Enact the script.Choose one member to play the role of a guidance counsellor and the rest as troubled young people. 74

Group 3 Power Play • Identify a controversial issue (subject in the news or in personal life) that is related to a personal challenge that you and your groupmates feel strongly about. • Discuss how this can be dealt with. • Talk about how people might argue against your ideas or how you would defend your point of view. • Share and consolidate your ideas.Group 4 Fact + Opinion = The Best Way to Deal with Challenges • Imagine you are living in a world where there are lots of challenges that you’re constantly learning to cope with. • Write a reflective journal about the challenges you are facing now and clarify the effects. • Present them with factual recounts of incidents to support your ideas. • Explain what challenges you will expect to find and will try to resolve successfully. • Share and consolidate your ideas.You have finished the enabling activities/tasks at this point. Think about how you canapply or demonstrate your understanding of these ideas and concepts, literary, andlanguage communication skills. What will you do next? Here’s your challenge!YOUR FINAL TASK Obviously, you are now ready for the major task for this lesson. With yourclassmates, you will create an impressive photo essay. Remember, you haveeverything you need to come up with a very impressive photo essay where you’ll usegraphics or visuals and text representation / captions. This is another concept thatuses comic book format to present information in new ways to make learning fun. Foryou to make it as the best, you must follow some steps. Here are some ideas for the production of your photo essay. Study the tipsbefore you plunge into it. Keep these points in mind as you go through the process ofcreating your photo essay.Task 8 FOR A VIP (VERY IMPRESSIVE PHOTO) ESSAYForm small groups of five (5) and do the following tasks. A. Connect and Decide • Think about the five top strategies you would do when dealing with personal challenges. • Make a ranked list of these ideas, and the reasons for your ranking. • Discuss the choices and decide on the top three. 75

• Choose one literary selection (from those you have explored in class) that interests the majority of the group members. Which is most liked? Which do you feel a close connection with? Which do you want to read more and enjoy reading in public? • Decide which selection is the best for the core or main idea of your photo essay. • Make a stand on which of the ways of dealing with these challenges you will use as your photo essay’s main or controlling idea. • Choose a surprising incident, interesting question, or character from your chosen literary selections. • Use this for your introduction. B. Scout for Remarkable/Influential Figures • From the literary selections you have explored in class, choose at least three characters (e.g., in mythology, classics, or oral tradition) who have made a great impression on you about resolving personal conflicts or who have influenced your outlook in life. • Rank them according to your preference. • Do a character inventory of the qualities, attitude, or traits of your chosen characters. • Highlight three (3) outstanding or dominant traits of these characters that helped them resolve personal conflict. • Consider what they have in common and how they differ. • Use these to support your ideas.C. Unlimited • Take a closer look at these samples of photo essay (to be provided by your teacher) and find out how each establishes the tone, mood, and theme of the essay through visuals and text. • Since visuals are keys to the meaning of your work, collect photos, pictures (from magazines, newspapers, print ads, commercial ads, journals, etc.), drawings, video segment (if possible), or illustrations that show and relate to the theme or the message of your chosen literary selections. • Display these pictures, drawings, illustrations, or video segments. Use the visuals / graphics to highlight the incidents and examples which are used as support and evidences for impact. Remember to explain the significance of each illustration or drawing. The text should be serious and straightforward. Your opinion (personal feelings or beliefs) about the characters and the incidents must support the drawing or illustration. • Organize these visuals and text according to your preference, and establish the connection between and among your visuals, texts, and main idea. Do not forget to show how the visuals and text convey your main idea, then use them to prove your stand about how one can deal with personal challenges. • Summarize the ideas you have presented, restate your position or stand, 76

and invite your audience to deal with personal challenges positively. Provide a catchy and meaningful title of your photo essay.• Edit, refine, and polish your work.• Use the following rubric as your guide. Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 TOTALCreativity (presents original or unique style to makeit interesting)Visual Graphics (uses sound, color, content of photosand graphics that represent the argument and conveypersuasive messages)Text Representation Captions (uses words andphrases that call up strong feeling; uses logical andemotional appeal; examples, statistics to prove one’sstand; has convincing tone)Organization (has logically organized arguments,facts, and reasons around a particular point)Impact (convinces the audience to accept the ideasand moves them to action)TotalLegend: Rating – Description 5 - Excellent 4 - Very Impressive 3 - Impressive 2 - Needs Revision 1 - Inadequate • Be open to comments and suggestions. 77

MY TREASUREThis is just the right time for you to think back, reflect, and focus on the essentialpoints of the lesson that you enjoyed, found helpful, and would like to work on further.Keep a record of all of these.Then, add your answers to the following questions: 1. What part of the lesson did you find most difficult/most challenging? 2. Write at least three possible ways/steps you can adopt to overcome this difficulty. 3. Which skills do you hope to strengthen in the next lesson/s? • Write your responses in your journal. My Journal 78

Module 1LESSON 5______________________________________________________________ Winning over Individual ChallengesYOUR JOURNEY Just like the heroes in classic myths and tales, you want to achieve your goal.In doing so, you can’t avoid meeting challenges or tests which you must surpass orhurdle. Have you ever found yourself facing a problem which seemed to have nosolution? That’s a challenge, of course! One thing is certain; you were able to learnfrom it. Did you learn the lesson the hard way? Sometimes you feel that the stakes you have to pay are too high, but what mattersmost is, win or lose, you’ve got to face these challenges head on. You can changethe course of your life for the best. At this point, you know that these challenges affectyour decisions in life, therefore you need to have control over the decision you make.How important is winning over your challenges? In what ways can winning over thesechallenges prepare you for a more fulfilling life?YOUR OBJECTIVESFor this lesson, you are expected to: • compare new insights to previous learning • show appreciation for songs highlighting how to win over challenges • draw conclusions based on the material viewed • use formal and informal definition to clarify the meaning of words • compose a persuasive text expressing one’s stand on an issue • use modals indicating obligation and necessity • analyze how characterization contribute to the effective development of the theme • stress the importance of winning over challenges • employ speaking techniques in panel discussion Be reminded that your expected output is to participate in a short but meaningful panel discussion on winning over personal challenges. It will be based on the following criteria: focus, clarity of ideas, persuasive techniques used, response to questions asked, and language convention. 79

YOUR INITIAL TASKSTask 1 CONNECT TO THE CAPForm groups of five. • For three minutes, think back and list down the personal challenges you’ve experienced or encountered in your readings. • Check them against the entries in the box. Challenges Affecting Me • Having internal conflict (grappling/struggling against my opposing feelings, beliefs, needs and desires, envy, anxiety, fears, oversensitivity to criticism; idealized image or what I prefer to be or feel ought to be) • Comparing self to someone more powerful • Deciding where true integrity and loyalty lies • Accepting adult responsibilities • Overcoming great odds • Being caught off guard • Being treated unfairly • Becoming a victim of prejudice • Feeling inadequate/insecure/incapacitated (physical, mental, and emotional attributes) • Being overwhelmed by a difficult task • Choose a specific example that interests your group, and talk about it. Answer the following questions: Why is it bad for you? How does it affect your life? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Which challenge would you like to happen or not to happen again? • Consider the positive attitudes listed in the following figure. • Decide which of these positive attitudes are important for young people like you to win over a difficult challenge. • Share your thoughts with the rest of the class. 80

Task 2 OUTLOOK TURN UP • Form a triad, and study the drawing. • Use picture clues and see how it relates to your idea about winning over challenges. • Discuss your answers to the following questions: Does the drawing portray a man of action? Explain. What can you tell about the person’s personality from the drawing? Which details in the drawing show how to overcome over individual challenges? • List down questions about winning over personal challenges that you still have to ask and answer. • Check them against this essential question: Considering today’s context, what can we possibly do to win over challenges? • Give tentative answers to the essential question.Task 3 TUNE IN • Listen to “Roar” by Katy Perry, and find out what it says about challenges. • List down words and expressions that relate to ways we deal with challenges. • Discuss with your partner what the message of the song is all about.Task 4 LOOKING FORWARD • Using the essential question as a focal point, list down what you believe is necessary to learn about how to win over individual challenges. Use the space below for your entries. My Targets You are now ready for the next phase of the lesson. 81

YOUR TEXTTask 5 SMALL GROUP DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITIES (SGDA) UNDERSTANDING THE TEXTRead “How Odin Lost His Eye” as retold by Catherine F. Sellew. HOW ODIN LOST HIS EYE Retold by Catherine F. Sellew Once the world was still very young. Odin sat on his throne in the most beautifulpalace in Asgard. His throne was so high that he could see over all three parts of theworld from where he sat. On his head he wore a helmet shaped like an eagle. Onhis shoulder perched two black ravens called Memory and Thought. And at his feetcrouched two snarling wolves. The great king gazed thoughtfully down on the earth below him. He had madethe green land that stretched out before his eyes. With the help of the other gods hehad made men and women who lived on that earth. And he felt truly like the All- fatherhe was called. The fair elves had promised they would help his children of the earth. The elveswere tiny people who lived between heaven and earth. They were so small that theyflit about doing their work unseen. Odin knew that they were the artists who paintedthe flowers and made the beds for the streams. They took care of all the bees andbutterflies. And it was the elves that brought the gentle rain and sun shine to the earth. Even the ugly dwarfs, who lived in the heart of the mountains, agreed to help.They forged iron and metals, made tools and weapons. They dug gold and silver, andbeautiful jewels out of the earth. Sometimes they even cut the grain and ground theflour for the farmers on the earth. All seem to be going well. Odin found it hard to think of evil times. But he knewthat the frost giants were only waiting for the chance to bring trouble to his children.They were the ones who brought cold and ice to the world and shook the earth inanger. They hated Odin and all the works of the gods. And from high on his throne Odin looked down beyond the earth deep into thegloomy land of his enemies. He saw dark figures of huge men moving about. Theylooked like evil shadows. He, the king of gods, needs to have more wisdom. It was notenough just to see his enemies. He ought to know more about them. So, Odin wrapped his tall figure in a blue cloak. Down from his throne, heclimbed. Down the broad rainbow bridge, he strode and across the green earth till hecame to one of the roots of the great evergreen tree. There, close by the tree, was awell full of clear water. Its surface was so still it was like a mirror. In it one could seepictures of things that had happened and things that were going to happen. 82

But beside the well sat an old man. His face was lined with the troubles of theworld. His name was Mimir, which means “memory.” No one, not even the great Odin,could see the pictures in the well unless he first drank some of its water. Only Mimircould give the magic drink. “Aged Mimir,” Odin said to the old man, “You who hold the knowledge of the pastand the future in your magic waters, let me have but one sip. Then, I can know enoughto protect the men and women of the earth from the hate of the giants.” Mimir looked kindly at Odin, but he did not smile. Athough he spoke softly, hisvoice was so deep it reminded Odin of the distant roar of the ocean. “The price of one drink from this well is not cheap,” Mimir said. “And once youhave drunk and gazed into the mirror of life, you may wish you had not. For sorrowand death as well as joy are pictured there so you should think again before you askto drink.” But once the king of the gods had made up his mind, nothing could change it.He was not afraid to look upon sorrow and death. “What is your price aged Mimir?” Odin asked. “You are great and good, Odin,” answered Mimir. “You have worked hard tomake the world. Only those who know hard work may drink from my well. However,that is not enough. What have you given up that is very dear to you? What have yousacrificed? The price of a drink must be a great sacrifice. Are you still willing to paythe price?” What could the king of the gods sacrifice? What was most dear to him? Odinthought of his handsome son, Balder, whom he loved most in the world. To give uphis son would be like giving up life and all that was wonderful around him. Odin stoodsilent before Mimir. Indeed that would be a high price! Then, Mimir spoke again. He had read Odin’s thoughts. “No, I am not asking for your dear son. The fates say his life must be short, buthe has time yet to live and bring happiness to the gods and the world. I ask for one ofyour eyes.” Odin put his hands up to his bright blue eyes. Those two eyes had gazed acrossthe world from his high throne in the shining city of the gods. His eyes had taught himwhat was good and beautiful. What was evil and ugly? But those eyes had also seenhis children, the men and women of the earth, struggling against the hate of the giants.One eye was a small sacrifice to win knowledge of how to help them. And withoutanother thought, Odin plucked out one of his blue eyes and handed it to Mimir. Then, Mimir smiled and gave Odin a horn full of the waters of his well. 83

“Drink deeply, brave king, so you may see all that you wish in the mirror of life.” Odin lifted the horn to his lips and drank. Then, he knelt by the edge of the welland watched the pictures passing across its still and silent surface. When he stoodup again, he sighed, for it was as Mimir had said. He had seen sorrow and death aswell as joy. It was only the glorious promise at the end that gave him courage to go on. So Odin, the great king of the gods, became one-eyed. If you can find Mimir’swell, you will see Odin’s blue eye resting at the bottom. It is there to remind men andwomen of the great sacrifice he made for them.• Form small groups of six, and work on your assigned task.• Remember to share your ideas, thoughts, and experiences with the class.Group 1 Vocabulary Hunt • Look for difficult words found in the selection “How Odin Lost His Eyes.” • Use a dictionary to find their denotative meaning, and then share how you understand each word (connotative meaning). • Describe each word to other groups by using words and gestures. • Ask members of other groups to identify the word you’re describing. • Repeat the process until the last difficult word is clear to all.Group 2 The Power of C2 (Conflict and Character)• Discuss the answer to the following questions. 1. What internal conflict has Odin experienced as he faced Mimir? Look for phrases and sentences that express his duty to his family particularly to his son) and duty to his people.Write this conflict in the chart below.Conflict in “How Odin Lost His Eye”Duty to his family (son) Duty to his people• Focus on character change and use the dialogue or the character’s experiences with the supporting character/s to support your answers. 1. Do you consider Odin as a hero? Why or why not? 2. Does he only think of himself or other people? Why does he think that way? 3. Consider Odin’s desire. Does it serve as an opportunity to prove he can face the challenges? 4. How did the character succeed over his challenges? What did he learn from the experience? 5. Was there a change in his actions, thoughts, feelings, and attitude, or did he remain the same till the end? 84

Group 3 Lasting Virtue 1. What do Odin’s actions and traits reveal about human nature? 2. What behavior (admired or condemned by gods) has been illustrated or featured in “How Odin Lost His Eye”? 3. Are the virtues highlighted still observed these days? Prove your point. 4. Which of the characters do you like best? Did he promote an enduring virtue that can be applicable even today? In what way? 5. Do you think Odin’s attitude would be helpful to win over our personal challenges? Explain. 6. From which of the characters do you think you learn the most valuable lesson? Why? 7. Which of the characters consistently portrayed a positive attitude of winning over challenges? 8. How did the last part surprise you? Explain.Group 4 Thinking It Through 1. What details from the story made a powerful or lasting impression on you about winning over challenges? Explain how they can make you a better person. 2. What lessons did you learn about overcoming challenges? 3. How does “How Odin Lost His Eyes” help you understand your world? Will your life change from what you learned? How? 4. Explain how your perception has changed and what you plan to do from now on. 5. Which of the following ways will you adopt to win over your challenges? Why? Having strong Determination Doing Hard work Defending your beliefs Jumping over limitations Making personal adjustments Using struggles as opportunities Standing up your ground for your beliefs Using temporary solution Being strong bear up the coldsGroup 5 Theme Connection • Point out which of the ways above are easy, difficult, or not very important choices to make in order to win over a difficult challenge. • Explain why it is important to read and discuss myths, tales, legends, or other stories. • How will you convince or persuade others to agree with you that it is important to read and discuss traditional literatures? Explain why it is important to practice and to uphold these ways. 85

Group 6 Winning Appeal • Recall how the myths, legends, tales, and other stories you have encountered in class appeal to you. • Analyze which of the following persuasive techniques in myth is employed in “How Odin Lost His Eyes,” and in your chosen myth. 1. Her appeal – the character is the only one who can do the job. 2. Basic humanity appeal – the character is really a good person who is not afraid to do something or he is the only one who has a good solution to the problem. 3. Promise appeal – the character is offered some kind of reward for doing something. • Explain which techniques are still used in today’s persuasive writing and speaking.Task 6 LANGUAGE LINE A. Sense of Value • Read the following sentences from “How Odin Lost His Eye.” 1. “Odin, the king of the gods, need to have more wisdom.” 2. “He ought to know more about his enemies.” 3. “The price of a drink must be a great sacrifice.” 4. “You should think again before you ask to drink.” • Form a triad, and answer the following questions. 1. What do the italicized words have in common? 2. How are they positioned in the sentences? 3. Which of them indicates a sense of obligation? a. a necessity? b. a prohibition, disapproval of something that was done in the past? 4. How do we call these expressions? 5. How do they help in communicating messages? B. Saving Grace Pair up and take turns in answering these questions. 1. Why do you need to sacrifice something to help the people you love? 2. Why must you struggle against the forces of evil or why is it necessary to win over challenges? 3. Whom must you turn to or consult in order to win over your challenges? 4. How does he/she help you win over challenges? 5. What must be taken into consideration for you to turn challenges to opportunities? 6. How must you proceed in winning over challenges? 86

C. Rewarding • Write at least five desirable traits or habits you need to develop, and five undesirable traits or habits you ought to weed out. • Write a short paragraph persuading others on the importance of developing these desirable attitudes and weeding out the undesirable habits to win over challenges. Use this title: Habits and Traits to Develop or to Weed Out in Order to Win over Challenges. Clarify your stand and use words that appeal to reason or emotion. Remember to use the appropriate modals. Remember the following points. Modals are auxiliary verbs performing specific functions like: • Must – expresses obligation • Need to – indicates necessity • Should and ought to – express sense of obligation to do or to become something • Shouldn’t or should not have or ought not – indicate prohibition, or disapproval of something that was done in the past At this stage, you should have several ideas on the value of dealing withchallenges positively. Eventually, you are ready to prove your understanding of winningover personal challenges and this can be realized through getting involved in real-lifetasks.YOUR DISCOVERY TASKSTask 7 • Form six groups, and work on your assigned task. • Remember to share your ideas, thoughts, and experiences with the class.Group 1 Striking Lines • Re read “How Odin Lost His Eye,” and choose memorable lines. • Explain how these lines can help you win over your challenges in life. • Be open to comments and suggestions.Group 2 Follow Up • Think of another story, television program, movie, or real-life experience which portrayed a lesson about winning over challenges. • Explain how it is similar to “How Odin Lost His Eye.” • Be open to comments and suggestions. 87

Group 3 The Gift • Imagine that your best friend or your loved one will celebrate his/her birthday. • Think of a gift you can give him/her in the form of an advice on how to win over a challenge. • Revisit the box entries in Ways to Win over Challenges, (Task 5 Group 4) and choose one or two which you believe would be appropriate for your friend’s or relative’s need. • Design a gift box following the illustration and the instructions. • Be open to comments and suggestions.Group 4 The Power of a Song • Think of a simple tune (rap song) or a folk song ( sung to highlight the important experience of common people. It is a part of folk traditions of most countries). • Share any folk song you know that highlights the value of winning over challenges. • Does it persuade you to win over challenges? • How does it give inspiration to people? Sing it before the class. • Be open to comments and suggestions.Group 5 What Always Worked • Find ads/commercials that use fair or unfair persuasive techniques. • Present them to the class. • Point out parts/elements of the ads/commercial that use fair or unfair persuasive techniques. • Explain the effect of these persuasive techniques. • Be open to comments and suggestions.Group 6 Thoughts for Today • Write whatever is in your wildest imagination about the following: kind of challenge you don’t want to meet or do when you leave this room the challenge you (more than anything else in the world) prefer to meet, when you walk out of this room 88

• Give reasons to support your responses. • Remember to use modals in sharing ideas, thoughts, and experiences about winning over individual challenges. • Be open to comments and suggestions. You’ve finished the enabling activities/tasks at this point. Think about how youcan apply or demonstrate your understanding of these ideas, concepts, literary andlanguage communication skills. What will you do next? Here’s your challenge!YOUR FINAL TASKTask 8 LIFE SKILLS CONNECTION• Read the following excerpt from “The Koran” as translated by N.J. Dawood.• Find out what it says about challenges in life as well as our attitudes toward them. COMFORT from The Koran translated by N.J. DawoodIn the name of Allahthe Compassionate, the MercifulHave we not lifted up your heart and relieved youof the burden which weighed down your back?Have we not given you high renown?Every hardship is followed by ease.Every hardship is followed by ease.When your task is ended, resume your toll, and seek yourLord with all your fervor. --- Sura 94• Think back of literary characters who serve as models of moral values that are shared, preserved, and survived.• Answer the following questions: 1. What does the verse say to those experiencing challenges? 2. How does one face hardship? 3. What is the verse trying to persuade you to think or do in response to the challenges in life? 4. What kind of appeal (emotion or reason) does the writer seem to favor? 5. Does the author convince you to accept his position? Why? 6. Which part is specially convincing? Explain.• Give examples of catchy hook (words that strongly appeal to emotion) used in the excerpt, and talk about how they persuade you to win over challenges. 89

Task 9 Giving Your Best This time you will participate actively in a panel discussion. Remember to use theskills you’ve learned for you to give your best.Here are some ideas for your panel discussion. Do the following: • Form a panel of 5 to 6 members (1 chairman and 5 panelists or discussants) The chairman serves as the facilitator who sees to it that the discussion proceeds smoothly; as an initiator who starts the discussion through a question or asks one in the group to start the discussion; or a clarifier who makes clear any vague responses during the exchange. The summarizer is the one who gives the summary during the discussion or at the end of the discussion. • Prepare for a panel discussion by choosing the best way to win over challenges. What is the best way to adopt in order to win over challenges? Do you think this will help you in persuading others? • Develop set of questions to be asked during the discussion. Decide which question your group will tackle, how you’ll assign the questions among the group members, and how long should each panel discuss and talk. Conduct research (if possible), and take notes of the possible answers to the questions. Focus on its impact, effects, and solutions. • Elect a leader and assign roles to the chairman and the panelists or the discussants, the moderator then establish rules for the panel. • Plan on the points to be covered during the discussion by preparing an outline. • Revisit the features of and the required format for a panel discussion: Have opening remarks by a chairperson to set the purpose. Introduce the issue in the form of a question, a statement, or a situation and supply some background. Introduce the speakers or panel members (pose as experts on the subject being discussed). Present the panel members’ different points of view on the aspects of the issue. Have informal exchange of comments, additional details, and rebuttals to reinforce meaning of the issue. Allow the audience to ask questions and to give comments. • Remember to apply the following conventions and strategies in group speaking. Sharing points or information from observations and interview. (if possible) Adding extra details to what others shared (use graphs or charts) Asking questions and clarifications of a designated discussant or speaker Challenging a statement Giving an opinion Supporting personal opinion with evidence Respecting all opinions and consider them justified. • End the discussion by summarizing the panels’ views and have an evaluation of the participants’ performance. 90

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