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Home Explore Mother Tongue Grade 3

Mother Tongue Grade 3

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-12-09 21:32:05

Description: Mother Tongue Grade 3


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I Am Me I was born in a very cold day of December 1992. Once, I heard my mother toldsomeone that she almost gave up her life when she gave birth to me. I have two younger sisters who love me sincerely. I am very lucky to have a motherwho sensitively provides my needs. She is always there the moment I need her. She teachesme many things. She patiently teaches me how to take care of myself. She carefully trainsme how to set the table. She even teaches me simple cooking. Most of all she alwaysreminds me to deal with others respectfully and lovingly. I don’t like toys. Instead, Iinterestingly read books of any level. My mother said, of us three siblings, I learned thequickest. I learned how to read even before I went school. I can read faster than myclassmates. I write most legibly in the class. I love to stay at home. I seldom mingle withothers. I love music. I can read musical notes better than my father even if I was eight yearsold that time. Isn’t it great? I am weird according to my father but my mother confidentlybelieves I am a talented boy. I am really different. In fact, I was enrolled in SPED class in Grades I and II. I am gladI am now in grade three regular class. I like to sit in the classes of higher grades. There I canask questions more intelligently than others. At first they happily answered but later they feltbored. I am different they say. My mother is the only person who can get into my world. 5. Discussion of the text: e. Directions: Answer the motive questions: Why is the person in the autobiography thought of as weird? f. Answering other questions:  Why does he consider himself a lucky person?  What does his mother teach him?  Who calls him weird? Why do you think so?  Do you believe he is a talented boy? Why?  Do you think it’s fair for him to be enrolled in a SPED class? Give your reasons. 6. Skill development: ( Drawing out conclusions) Based on the selection you listened to, why do you think the boy prefers to stay at home? Think of activities he would prefer to do. Why were you able to come up to such ideas? Explain to the class that they are making conclusions. Drawing conclusions refers to information that is implied or inferred. This means that the information is never clearly stated. Inference is just a big word that means a conclusion or judgment. If you infer that something has happened, you do not see, hear, feel, smell, or taste the actual event. But from what you know, it makes sense to think that it has happened. To draw out conclusion is to infer based on what you hear or read. Writers often tell you more than they say directly. They give you hints or clues that help you \"read between the lines.\"

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