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Home Explore English Grade 4

English Grade 4

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-11-19 19:59:21

Description: English Grade 4


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DEPED COPY Find Out and Learn Study the following sentences. 1. The five foolish fishermen went to the sea to fish. 2. The girl is right. Underline the subject and circle the predicate in each of the sentences. What is the subject in sentence 1? What is the predicate in sentence 1? How many subjects are in sentence 1? How many predicates are in sentence 1? Remember A simple sentence is composed of one subject and a simple predicate Examples: 1. Tubby is a cat. SP 2. Tubby sleeps on the bed. SP 385 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Read and LearnRead the fable “The Tortoise that Wanted to Fly. ” Afterwards, answerthe questions that follow. The Tortoise that Wanted to Fly Nilda Anayo There was once a tortoise who was never satisfied. He lived on the sweet grass by the forest pool but he felt very bored. One day, he noticed a large eagle flying overhead. He looked very graceful, flying so easily that the tortoise decided he would learn how to fly too. When the eagle came to rest on a rock near the pool, the tortoise got his chance and said, “Oh, handsome eagle, you fly so well. Please teach me how to fly.” The eagle was surprised. “What? Teach you how to fly? You have no wings or feathers!” Again the tortoise pleaded, “Oh please eagle, I’m sure I can learn.” The tortoise continued asking the eagle to teach him how to fly. Finally, the eagle agreed. He picked up the tortoise with his claws and they flew high in the sky. Then he let go off the tortoise and told him to flap his legs and fly. The tortoise flapped his legs as hard as he could, but he fell like a stone towards the ground. Luckily, he fell into a bush. He was badly shaken but he had no serious injuries. 386 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 1. What did the tortoise want to do? 2. Who taught him how to fly? 3. Why can’t he fly? 4. What happened when he fell to the ground? 5. What lesson did he learn? 6. What is a likely ending of the story? Talk about It Work in groups. Read the story. Pick out simple sentences with a simple subject and a simple predicate. Do and Learn Look at the pictures above. Construct a simple sentence for each picture. 387 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Read and LearnRead the poem. Work An AdaptationMy mother is a police officer.My father is a taxi driver.They work and help people in many ways.I’d like to be like them one day.My sister is a zookeeper.My brother is an actor.They work and help people in many ways.I’d like to be like them one day.My grandmother is a teacher.My grandfather is a sailor.They work and help people in many ways.I’d like to be like them one day. - Hitomi SakamotoDEPED COPYPick out the words with the suffixes -er or -or. Write them on thechart. The first one has been done for you.How do the suffixes -er/-or help you get the meaning of a word?Word Root word Suffix Meaning of Meaning of -er the suffix the worddriver drive one who one who drives 388 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Do and LearnA. Write the proper word by adding -er or -or to a root word. The meaning given will help you. The first has been done for you.1. one who writes writer 2. one who paints ___________________3. one who dreams ___________________4. one who trains ___________________5. one who sells ___________________6. one who sends ___________________7. one who encodes ___________________8. one who helps ___________________9. one who leads ___________________10. one who reads ___________________DEPED COPYB. Write the correct word on each blank. Use the suffixes -er/-or. God Almighty is our (create) ________. He made man as the (lead) ______ of all His creatures. If you are a (follow) ______ of God, you will obey His commands. Man is the (keep) ______ of all the things God has made. We must be thankful to God. Are you a (believe) ____ of God?C. Read the paragraph. Add the suffix -er or -or on the space provided. Rosario Elementary School won in the different events in the recently held District Athletic Meet. Their 100 meter-dash run(n) ______ won first place. Their basketball play____ won second place only because the last shoot_____ did not make it. They also won in the baseball and volleyball games. Their tennis player won third place because the competit ______ was so tough to beat. The happiest of them all is the train___ of football because his players made it to the finals. 389 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYWeek 7 - Fun in Summer Think and Tell Study the pictures. What can you say about the pictures? 390 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Read and Learn Read and understand the selection. Will You Go to School this Summer? Many schools find that pupils learn better and remember more when they go to school all year long. Does that mean pupils won’t get a vacation? No. It means that pupils will get many short breaks instead of just a long one. What do pupils say about a year-round school? It’s good! - I can remember more of what I learned. - I like having more short breaks. - Summer gets boring, and I miss my friends. It’s bad! - I can’t go to summer activities. - I like to play outside. - I like to play outside and swim in the warm weather. - It’s too hot to be in school in summer. Source: Talk about It Answer the following questions. 1. What are many schools finding out? 2. What does going to school all year long mean? 3. Why do some pupils say a year-round school is good? 4. Why do some pupils say a year-round school is bad? 5. Is going to school in summer good or bad? Why? Why not? 391 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Try and LearnChoose another partner to whom you will read your paragraph.Read and answer the Individual Assessment Test. Name ___________________________ Date __________ INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT SHEET Topic __________________________________________ Respond to each statement below by checking yes or no. How did I do reading this article? I discovered three things in this article. О Yes О No I found two interesting things in this article. О Yes О No I thought of one question I still have about this topic. О Yes О No I liked reading this article. О Yes О No I want to read more about this topic. О Yes О No Additional Fact: _______________________________________________ Additional Opinion: _______________________________________________ 392 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Do and Learn Exercise 1 Read the short story then answer the questions. Charlie’s niece, Jackie, learned in Science class that pieces of moon rock fall from the sky. That is why she keeps a helmet and a shield by her bedside at all times. She also keeps her eyes on the ceiling until she falls asleep. 1. Who is Charlie’s niece? 2. What did Charlie’s niece learn in class? a) pieces of moon rock fall from the sky b) pieces of moon dust fall from the sky 3. What does Jackie keep by her bedside all the time? a) sword and shield b) helmet and shield 4. If you know that a typhoon is coming, what are you going to keep by your bedside? 393 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Exercise 2Look for the words with /ie/ and /ei/ in the story. Write them in thechart.Words with ie Words with eiDEPED COPYExercise 3A. Read and study the diary.Dear Diary, Today is Saturday. It is a sunny day.My family and I will go to the beach. Mybrother and I feel very excited. I love thebeach because my brother and I can playalong the shore. We also enjoy buildingsand castles. We are leaving the houseearly so we can get there while it’s not yettoo hot. I will let you know more about ourday at the beach later.B. Copy the sentences from the diary. Identify each sentence as facts or opinions.Sentences Fact or Opinion 394 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYC. Read the short story then answer the questions. Ronnie’s dream is to be a policeman like his father. His father is the chief of police in their town. When Ronnie grows up and becomes a policeman, he can catch robbers and thieves and put them in jail. 1. What is Ronnie’s dream? 2. Why does he dream to become a policeman? 3. What will he do when he becomes a policeman? 4. What are the ie/ei words in the short story? 5. Can you think of other words with ie or ei sounded as /iy/? Find Out and Learn Read the statements from the selection. A. 1. I can remember more of what I learned. 2. I like having more short breaks. 3. I can’t go to summer activities. B. 1. Ana and Jane can remember more of what they learned. 2. Martin and Joseph like more short breaks. 3. The girls and the boys can’t go to summer activities. 395 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Try and LearnStudy the pictures of activities during summer. Write a simplesentence with a compound subject about them. 1. ______________ are playing. 2. _____________ are flying kites. 3. ______________ and are swimming. 396 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 4. ________________ are riding their bicycles. 5. ________________ are jogging. Remember If a sentence has only one subject, it is called a simple subject. If a sentence has only one predicate, it is called a simple predicate. If there is one simple subject and one simple predicate, it is called a simple sentence. Example: I can remember more of what I learned. If there are two subjects, it is called a compound subject. If there is a compound subject and simple predicate, it is still a simple sentence. Example: Ara and Jane can remember more of what they learned. 397 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Find Out and Learn A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V WX Y Z Z ENCYCLOPEDIAExamine a set of encyclopedia.What information can we find in an encyclopedia?How are different kinds of information presented in anenclyclopedia? Remember An encylopedia is reference work (such as a book, series of books, and CD ROM) that contains information about a particular subject. Do and LearnRead each pair of sentences, then, combine them to form acompound subject in the sentence. Write your new sentence in yournotebook.1. Karla played with dolls. Ginna played with dolls. __________________________________________________2. Their homes are in the Philippines. Their families are in the Philippines. __________________________________________________ 398 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

3. Mario read a story. Karl read a story. _________________________________________________4. Families help each other. Friends help each other. _________________________________________________5. Roses are beautiful. Lilies are beautiful. _________________________________________________Find Out and LearnDEPED COPYRead the words in the chart.Words with ie Words with eiachieve hygiene ceiling deceivebelieve pierce conceit perceivebrief priest conceive receiptchief thief deceit receivegriefSometimes it is difficult to remember whether a word is spelled withie or ei.Remember The words on the left column have ie sounded as /iy/. The words on the right column have ei sounded as /iy/ also.There is a very simple rule about this: Use i before e except after c. 399 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYRead the sentences. Look for the word/s that will explain or describethe meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. 1. You will achieve good grades if you get good scores in tests and participation. 2. They support you because they believe you can do it. They know you can make it. 3. Our teacher asked us to give a brief summary of the story. The summary should be short. 4. She was full of grief when her husband died. She feels so sad losing him. 5. The policemen obey their chief. They respect their leader.Read the phrases and sentences with ie and ei words. Phrases: 1. the chief of police 2. to dream and believe 3. health and hygiene 4. a parish priest 5. a ceiling fan 6. an official receipt Sentences: 1. The chief of police caught the thief. 2. Believe that you will achieve your dream. 3. The sermon of the priest is brief. 4. We will receive the lecture on proper hygiene later. 5. The store clerk gave me the receipt for the ceiling fan. 400 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Do and LearnRead the selection. Study the sentences in the boxes. Copy eachsentence in your notebook. Identify each sentence as a fact oropinion. Summer is the Best Season Adapted I like summer most of all. Summer is the warmest time of the year. In summer, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. People can work more and be out for longer. People can do lots of things during summer. Some like going outdoors to enjoy nature. Others like playing outdoorgames. They can go for a ride on a horse or a motor bike. Theycan also go swimming, boating, hiking, or playing frisbee and oth-er ball games. Everybody waits for summer. They plan in advance by havingtheir work done months ahead and saving money for vacation.Some families stay home and have some fun doing summeractivities while others spend their summer in other places on avacation. What is important is that summer is spent with familiesand friends. That’s why summer is the best season of all. Source: COPY Fact or Sentences Opinion1. _____________________________________ _______2. _____________________________________ _______3. _____________________________________ _______4. _____________________________________ _______5. _____________________________________ _______ 401 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Do and LearnThink of activities that you can do during vacation so that yourlearning activities will continue even during summer. Answer thechart in complete sentences. Activities I can do this summer: 1. This summer I can _______________________________. 2. ______________________________________________. 3. ______________________________________________. 4. ______________________________________________. 5. ______________________________________________. Try and LearnUse the encyclopedia to learn more about the following topics. Writethe volume number where you can find the given topic. A-B C-D E-F G-H I-J K-L M-N Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol.7 O-P Q-R S-T U-V W-X Y-Z Vol. 8 Vol. 9 Vol. 10 Vol. 11 Vol. 12 Vol. 13 1. Automobiles Volume __________ 2. Solar System Volume __________ 3. Volcanoes Volume __________ 402 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

4. Buddhism Volume __________5. Democracy Volume __________Do and LearnChoose the correct topic for each item then write the volume numberin the box.DEPED COPYA-B C-D E-F G-H I-J K-L M-NVol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol.7 O-P Q-R S-T U-V W-X Y-ZVol. 8 Vol. 9 Vol. 10 Vol. 11 Vol. 12 Vol. 131. I want to learn more about the formation of the stars. A. constellation B. universe C. Earth2. I want to learn more about roses, chrysanthemums, and daisies. A. flowers B. vegetables C. trees 403 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY1. I want to learn more about the leaders of nations. A. saints B. presidents C. Asia 4. I want to learn more about energy from the sun. A. water vapor B. solar energy C. galaxy 5. I want to learn more about Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and the Earth. A. planets B. meteors C. satellites Remember  The prefix de- means “to do the opposite of the action” or “to do a completely different action.”  The prefix dis- means “not to” or “do not.” 404 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Find Out and LearnStudy the following display decode disallowdeny disco deflate disowndear distance deplane disbanddebut discuss derail disengageDEPED COPYB. The words in the second box have prefixes while the words in the first box do not have prefixes. Let us identify the prefixes and the root words. Word Prefix Root Word __________ __________decode __________ __________deflate __________ __________deplane __________ __________deraildisallow __________ __________disown __________ __________disband __________ __________disengage __________ __________ 405 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Try and LearnAdd dis- to the root words. Write each new word and its meaning.Use the meaning of the root word to help you.1. believe (accept as true)New Word _________________________________DEPED COPYMeaning _________________________________2. respect (give regard)New Word _________________________________Meaning _________________________________3. similar (same)New Word _________________________________Meaning _________________________________4. appear (to be seen)New Word _________________________________Meaning _________________________________5. continue (to go on)New Word _________________________________Meaning _________________________________ 406 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Do and LearnChoose the word from the box that best completes each sentence.deform debone dethrone declog defrost1. The plumber will ____________________ the sink because it is overflowing with water.2. We need to ____________________ the freezer when the ice becomes one-inch thick.3. Mother asks the fish vendor to ____________________ the milk fish.4. The oppressed people want to ____________________ the corrupt king.5. Too much heat and pressure will ____________________ the clay pot.DEPED COPY 407 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Week 8 - Fun with Friends Read and Learn The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig Eugene TrivizasCharacters: Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Narrator 3 Narrator 4 Narrator 5 Narrator 6 Mother Wolf 1 Wolf 2 Wolf 3 Pig Kangaroo Beaver Flamingo DEPED COPYNarrator 1 : The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad PigNarrator 2 : by Eugene Trivizas.Narrator 3 : Once upon a time, there were three cuddly little wolves. They had soft fur and fluffy tails. They lived with their mother. The first was black, the second was gray, and the third was white. One day, the mother called the three little wolves around her and said...Mother : My children, it is time for you to go out into the world. Go and build a house for yourselves.Wolf 1, 2 & 3 : But beware of the big bad pig!Narrator 4 :Narrator 5 : Don’t worry, Mother, we will watch out for him. Said the three little wolves, and they set off.Wolf 1, 2 & 3 : Soon they met a kangaroo who was pushing a wheelbarrow full of red and yellow bricks. Please, will you give us some of your bricks? 408 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYKangaroo :Certainly.Narrator 6 :Narrator 1 : Said the kangaroo and she gave them lots ofNarrator 2 : red and yellow bricks.Narrator 3 : So the three little wolves built themselves aPig : house of bricks.Wolf 1, 2, & 3:Narrator 4 : The very next day, the big bad pig camePig : prowling down the road. He saw the house of bricks that the little wolves had built. The three little wolves were playing croquet. This is a game played by knocking wooden balls through melt windows with mallets or short handled hammers. They were playing in the garden. When they saw the big bad pig coming, they ran inside the house and locked the door. The pig knocked on the door and grunted... Little wolves, little wolves, let me come in! No, no, no. By the hair on our chinny-chin- chins, we will not let you in. Not for all the tea leaves in our china teapot! Said the three little wolves. Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and blow your house down!Narrator 5 : Said the pig. So he huffed and he puffed andNarrator 6 : he puffed and he huffed. But the house didn’t fall down. But the pig wasn’t called big and bad for nothing. He went and fetched his sledgehammer, and he knocked the house down. 409 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Narrator 1 : The three little wolves managed to escape before the bricks crumbled. They were veryWolf 1, 2, & 3: frightened indeed.Narrator 2 : We shall have to build a stronger house.Wolf 1, 2, & 3: They said. Just then they saw a beaver thatNarrator 3DEPED COPY:was mixing concrete in a concrete mixer.Beaver :Narrator 4 : Please, will you give us some of your concrete?Narrator 5 : Asked the three little wolves.Narrator 6 : Certainly!Narrator 1 :Pig : Said the beaver, and he gave them bucketsWolf 1, 2, & 3: and buckets full of messy concrete. So the three little wolves built themselves a house ofNarrator 2 : concrete. No sooner had they finished than the big bad pig come prowling down the road. He saw the house of concrete that the little wolves had built. They were playing battledore and shuttlecock, a game from which badminton originated, in the garden. When they saw the big bad pig coming, they ran inside their house and shut the door. The pig rang the bell and said... Little frightened wolves, let me come in! No, no, no. Said the three little wolves. 410 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYWolf 1, 2, & 3:By the hair on our chinny-chin-chins, we will not let you in. Not for all the tea leaves in ourPig : china teapot!Narrator 3 :Narrator 4 : Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow yourNarrator 5 : house down!Narrator 6 : Said the pig.Wolf 1, 2, & 3: So he huffed and he puffed and he puffed and he huffed, but the house didn’t fall down.Narrator 5 : But the pig wasn’t called big and bad forWolf 1, 2, & 3: nothing. He went and fetched his pneumaticNarrator 6 : drill and smashed the house down.Flamingo :Narrator 1 : The three little wolves managed to escape, but their chinny-chin-chins were trembling and trembling and trembling. Something must be wrong with our building materials. We have to try something different. But what? They said. At that moment they saw a flamingo coming along pushing a wheelbarrow full of flowers. Please, will you give us some flowers? Asked the three little wolves. With pleasure. Said the flamingo, and he gave them lots of flowers. So the three little wolves built themselves a house of flowers. 411 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Narrator 2 : DEPED COPYOne wall was of marigolds, one of daffodils, one of pink roses, and one ofNarrator 3 : cherry blossoms. The ceiling was made of sunflowers, and the floor was a carpet ofNarrator 4 : daisies. They had water lilies in their bathtubPig : and buttercups in their refrigerator. It was aWolf 1, 2, & 3: rather fragile house and itNarrator 5 : swayed in the wind, but it was very beautiful.Wolf 1, 2, & 3: Next day the big bad pig came prowling downPig : the road. He saw the house of flowers that theNarrator 6 : three little wolves had built.Narrator 1 : He rang the bluebell at the door and said... Little frightened wolves with the trembling chins, let me come in! No, no, no! Said the three little wolves. By the hair in our chinny-chin-chins, we will not let you in. Not for all the tea leaves in our china teapot! Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down! Said the pig. But as he took a deep breath. Ready to huff and puff, he smelled the soft scent of the flowers. It was wonderful. And because the scent was so lovely, the took another breath and then another. Instead of huffing and puffing, he began to sniff. 412 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Narrator 2 : He sniffed deeper and deeper until he was quite filled with the fragrant scent. His heartNarrator 3 : grew tender, and he realized how horrible heNarrator 4 : had been. Right then he decided to become aNarrator 5 : big good pig. He started to sing and to danceNarrator 6 : the tarantella. At first the three little wolves were a bit worried. It might be a trick. But soon they realized that the pig had truly changed. They came running out of the house. They started playing games with him. First they played pig-pog and then piggy-in- the-middle. When they were all tired, they invited him into the house. They offered him tea, strawberries, and wolf berries, and asked him to stay with them as long as he wanted. The pig accepted, and they lived happily together ever after. Source: www.timelessteacherstuff.comDEPED COPY1. What did the Mother Wolf tell the three little wolves to do?2. How did the three little wolves build their first house? Second house? Third house?3. Who helped them build their houses?4. Why did they have to build their second and third houses?5. Why did the big bad pig did not destroy the third house?6. How did the big bad pig become good?7. What trait did the three little wolves show? 413 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Try and LearnRead and identify the facts and opinions in the paragraph. Once upon a time, there were three cuddly little wolves. They had soft fur and fluffy tails. They lived with their mother. The first was black, the second was gray, and the third was white.DEPED COPYSentence Fact or Opinion1. ________________________________ _________2. ________________________________ _________3. ________________________________ _________4. ________________________________ _________5. ________________________________ _________ 414 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Find Out and Learn Read the problems of the big bad pig. Write the pig’s solution for each. Problem 1 The big bad pig could not blow down the house of concrete. Problem 2 The big bad pig could not blow down the house of bricks. First, identify the problem. Next, find ways to solve the problem. Then, choose the best solution to the problem. Solution for Problem #1: The pig _____________________________________ and ______________________________________________. Solution for Problem #2: The pig _____________________________________ and ______________________________________________. 415 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Remember A problem is something that is difficult to deal with:something that is a source of trouble or worry. A solution is something that is used or done to deal withand end a problem: something that solves a problem.DEPED COPYTry and LearnWrite on chart the problems encountered by the three little wolvesand the solutions they made. The three little wolves must build a houseThe three little wolves asked the kangaroo to give them red and yellow bricks and built their first house. The big bad pig destroyed their first house. The three little wolves asked the beaver to give them concrete and built their second house. The big bad pig destroyed their second house. The three little wolves asked the flamingo to give them flowers and built their third house.Problem-Solution ChartProblem Solution 416 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

RememberIf there are two predicates in a sentence, it is called a compoundpredicate. Simple Predicate + Simple Predicate = Compound PredicateIf a sentence has a simple subject and a compound predicate,it is still a simple sentence. Simple Subject + Compound Predicate = Simple SentenceDEPED COPYLearn Some MoreWrite a Letter of Advice to the three little wolves or to the big badpig using simple sentences with compound predicates. Letter of Advice _________________Dear ____________________, I am writing because I want give some advice. _______________________________________________ Your new friend, __________________ 417 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Find Out and LearnRead and answer the survey questionnaire. Test takers need to get plenty of rest. How many hours of do you usually sleep at night? Do you think that’s enough rest? _____ Why? Why not? Test takers need to eat a nutritious breakfast. Do you usually eat breakfast? If so, what do you eat? Do you think this is a good breakfast for you to eat? _____ Why? Why not? Test takers need to wear comfortable clothes. What do you usually wear to school? Are you comfortable in the clothes you wear to school? _____ Why? Why not? Test takers need to arrive in school on time. What time do you usually get to school? Are you ever late for school? Why do you think it’s important to be in school on time? 418 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Remember The Test Taking Tips are preparations you should do before a test. Here are other strategies that you may use in taking tests. 1. Find out what types of questions are being asked. 2. Read the directions carefully. Make sure you understand them. 3. Answer easy questions first. Do not take too long answering difficult questions. You may go back to them after you answer all the easy questions. 4. For multiple-choice items, read all the choices first before you choose the best/correct answer. Do and Learn A. Read the questions about how to take a test. Shade the circle beside the correct answer. Test Taking 1. What is the first thing you should do before taking a test? Ο Answer all the questions you are sure you know. О Read the directions carefully. 2. What should you do before answering multiple-choice questions? О Read all the answer choices. О Spend time on questions you are not sure of. 419 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY3. When should you answer multiple-choice questions you are not sure of? Ο when you begin the test Ο after you answer all the multiple-choice questions you know 4. Why should you look over the test before you begin? Ο to find out what kind of questions are on the test Ο to figure out how long it will take you to take the testB. Read each set of statements. Two are correct in each set. Put a check () before the correct statements. 1. _____ It is not important to prepare for a test. _____ Study in a quiet, comfortable place. _____ It is important to learn how to take a test. 2. _____ You should read the directions carefully. _____ You should know how to mark your answers. _____ Always circle the correct answer. 3. _____ Be sure you understand the directions. _____ Never ask your teacher for help with directions. _____ If directions are unclear, ask your teacher for help. 4. _____ Answer all the questions you are sure of first . _____ Answer difficult items Last. _____ Don’t answer any questions you’re not sure of. 420 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

C. Write a paragraph about your experiences in taking a test. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________DEPED COPYFind Out and LearnRead the words with suffixes -ly and -y.orderly properly sunny rainysweetly clearly foggy stormyquickly loudly windy cloudyquietly slowly chilly smoggykindly smoothly misty breezy Remember The root words in the first box are adjectives. By adding -ly, the adjectives become adverbs ( these indicate how an action happened or is done). The root words in the second box are nouns. By adding -y, the nouns becomes adjectives (these indicate having or like something). 421 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Try and LearnChoose from the box the correct word to complete the sentences.sunny rainy windy quietly loudlyDEPED COPY1.Bring your umbrella because it will be a __________ day.2. It is more fun to fly a kite on a __________ day.3. It’s a perfect day to go to the beach on a __________ day.4. My brother and I play __________ because our baby sister is sleeping.5. We were awakened in the middle of the night by a dog barking ___________. 422 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Do and Learn Answer the questions using words with -ly. Example: What can you do quickly? I can comb my hair quickly. 1. What can you do easily? ______________________________________________ 2. What can you do patiently? ______________________________________________ 3. What can you do loudly? ______________________________________________ 4. What can you do slowly? ______________________________________________ 5. What can you do clearly? ______________________________________________ 423 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYWeek 9 - Fun at Play Read and LearnRead the selection about the bicycle. Bicycle, a Wonderful Machine Lorna B. Castillo, Bicycles Today Do you have a bicycle? How does it look like? How will you describe a bicycle? The bicycles today that we see are light, safe, and fast. One can exercise using them. Young and old people enjoy riding bicycles. Bicycles Before But do you know that bicycles a long, long time ago were different? They were heavy and slow. They were dangerous to ride. They were made of wood. Their wheels were made of wood, too. One should push the bicycle forward so it cold run. Later on, inventors added foot pedals. Then a front wheel was added, it was much larger than the back wheel. As years passed, other inventors improved the bicycle as we see it now. Today, it is safe and comfortable to ride. Cyclists all over the world enjoy it. Let’s thank the inventors who did all these changes. It is a wonderful machine used for transportation and for exercise. 424 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Safe Bike Ride Bike riding is a lot of fun. But sometimes accidents happen. What must we do to avoid this? How can we safely ride a bicycle? Wear bike helmets to have a safe ride. Always wear this even if you are going for a short ride. Your bike helmet should fit you properly. Ask your Dad and Mom to get one that fits your head. A bike helmet has straps. These should always be fastened. There are other safety rules that your Dad and Mom can help you follow. • Make sure your seat, handlebars, and wheel fit tightly. • Check the chain of the bicycle. Oil it regularly. • Check the brakes to be sure they are working well. • Check also the tires. Check if these have enough air. Are you ready to ride a bike now? Source: Vision 2 Integrated Reading and Language for Communication Arts in English, Sunshine Interlinks, Publishing House, Inc. 2012 Talk about It 1. How are the bicycles today different from before? 2. What changes did the inventors do to the bicycles before? 3. Why is the bicycle a wonderful machine? 4. How can we be safe in riding the bicycle? 425 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Find Out and LearnRead the sentences. Identify whether they are facts or opinions.Before Fact or Opinion1. Bicycles were heavy and slow. __________2. They were dangerous to ride. __________3. They were made of wood. __________4. Their wheels were made of wood, too. __________5. One should push the bicycle forward __________ so it could run.TodayDEPED COPY1. The bicycles are light, safe, and fast. __________2. One can exercise using them. __________3. Young and old people enjoy riding bicycles. __________4. They are safe and comfortable to ride. __________5. They are wonderful for transportation __________ and for exercise. Try and LearnIdentify the facts and opinions from the following paragraph. Puppets as Actors Susan Jan (an excerpt) Puppets can bring great joy not only to kids, but also to adults, all over the world. Puppets were first introduced to the world of entertainment thousands of years ago. It originated from Greece as the Greeks then were known to be fond of theatrical presentations. Though they enjoyed theater, they found supporting the actors financially rather expensive, so that they turned to the use of puppets in plays. 426 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY They soon discovered that puppets were just as able as actors to elicit positive response from the audience. So, they continued to patronize the use of puppets in stage shows and presentations. Soon stage puppet shows became many people’s favorite pastime. Source: life.aspx Facts: Opinions: Read and Learn A. Read and study each sentence. Safety Tips in Bike Riding 1. You should wear a bike helmet and it should fit you properly. 2. A bike helmet has straps and they should always be fastened. 3. The chain must be oiled and the brakes must be checked regularly. How many thoughts make up each sentence? What word/words connect these thoughts? 427 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Remember A compound sentence consists of two simple sentences. They are connected by the conjunctions: and - used to connect similar ideas or - used to show choices but - used to show opposite ideas Try and LearnPut the two sentences together to form a compound sentence. Useconjunctions: and, but, or. 1. The boy ate chips. The girl ate cakes. 2. We drew stars. We drew hearts. 3. Can you run? Can you jump? 4. Pam likes dogs. Leslie likes cats. 5. Max can read. Dennis can write. 428 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Do and Learn Here are two pictures of an old bicycle and a bicycle made in the present. Write three compound sentences comparing the two bicycles. 1. ______________________________________________. 2. ______________________________________________. 3. ______________________________________________. Read and Learn B. Read the selection. Sock Puppets Written by Liza Webber You can make a puppet. It is easy to do. Get some old socks. You will need markers and cotton balls. You will also need string and glue. Put a sock on your hand. The toe of the sock is the face. Glue cotton balls to the outside to make a lamb. Use markers to draw a face. You can make people, too. You can even make yourself. Put a few cotton balls inside. Wrap a string around it and tie a knot. This will make the neck. Draw your face and some clothes. Once you have people and animals, you can put on a puppet show. Source: 429 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Remember Process means a way of doing something Steps show the order in which you complete the process. Following the steps in a process is important because it helps us complete the task. Signal words like first, next, then, lastly, and finally are useed to inroduces steps in a process.DEPED COPYDo and LearnBelow is a list of things you can do or some that follow stepsChoose one and list down the steps in doing it. A. How to Cook Scrambled Egg B. How to Make a Paper Plane C. How to Solve Math Problems D. How to Make Pastillas‘ Find Out and LearnA. Read the words with -able and -ible.allowable bendableclimbable collectibleenjoyable comfortablefixable irresistiblelovable noticeableplayable sensiblesingable questionablevaluable workable 430 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

B. Choose from the box above the word that tells about: 1. something that can be sung 2. something that is of value 3. something that can be fixed 4. something that may be collected 5. something that can be allowed Remember The suffixes -able and -ible are added to the end of some words to mean “capable of,” “can be,” or “able to be.” Examples: Lovable means able to be loved. Something breakable can be broken.DEPED COPYTry and LearnChoose the words from the box to complete the sentences in theparagraph.bendable enjoyable playableclimbable lovable sensible Homer loved playing the piano. It was __________ for him.But he couldn’t take his piano with him. It wouldn’t fit throughthe doors, and it wasn’t __________. Now, Homer was a nice,__________ boy. But he wasn’t very smart or __________. Hetried to make a piano out of rubber! He forgot that a rubber pianojust isn’t __________! But it is soft. Homer slept on his pianoevery night and dreamed of beautiful music. 431 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Do and LearnFind the -able or -ible word in each sentence and write it on theblank. Choose a root word from the box and write it next to the -ableor -ible word formed from it. The first one is done for you.comfort notice question sense work1. The old man was not comfortable wearing his new leather shoes.DEPED COPY___c_o_m_f_o_r_t_ab_l_e_____ __c_o_m__fo_r_t______________2. He thought his plan to have a big celebration was workable.3. Her reason for joining the program is questionable.4. It was sensible of the class president to tell the teacher what happened.5. She thought the stain was not noticeable on her blue skirt. 432 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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