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English Grade 4

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xix K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CODE BOOK LEGEND All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. D Sample: EN4G-If-2.5 ELEGEND PFirst Entry SAMPLE DOMAIN/ COMPONENT CODE Alphabet Knowledge AK EGrade LevelLearning Area and English Book and Print Knowledge BPK Strand/ Subject or Grade 4 Fluency F Grammar G Specialization Listening Comprehension LC DUppercase Letter/s Oral Language OL EN4 Phonics and Word Recognition PWR Phonological Awareness PA CRoman NumeralDomain/Content/ Grammar G Reading Comprehension RC Component/ Topic - Spelling S *Zero if no specific quarter I Study Strategies SS Quarter First Quarter Viewing Comprehension VC Lowercase Letter/sWeek f Vocabulary Development V *Put a hyphen (-) in between Week six - WC Competency Oletters to indicate more than a Compose clear and 2.5 specific week coherent sentences using PYArabic Number appropriate grammatical structures Writing and Composition K to 12 English Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 14 of 14

ENGLISH GRADE IV Quarter 3-Pretest TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS Learning DEPED COPYItem Placement No. of Items Competencies/ Objectives 1,3 2 2,4 2Note significant details. 5,6 2(explicit) 7,8 2Note significant details. 9 1(implied) 10 1Use context clues to find 11,12 2meaning of unfamiliar 1words. 13 1 14 1Identify sequence of 15 1events. 16 1 17 1Use appropriate word 18 5signals to show the 19,20,21,22,23 1sequence of events. 24 1 25Identify the kind of adverbused. (manner)Distinguish reality fromfantasy.Point out cause and effectrelationship.Identify the meaning ofcontent specific words.Identify different meanings.(connotations)Use correct order ofadjectives.Determine the kind ofadverb used. (time)Make generalizations.Locate information fromglossaries.Locate meaning of wordsfrom the dictionary.Use a thesaurus to findsynonyms and antonyms ofwords. 206 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Locate information from an 26,27, 28,29,30,31 6index. 32 1 33 1Identify the kind ofsentence for a specific 34,35 2purpose. (request) 36,37,38 3 1Identify the kind of 39sentence for a specific 1purpose. (asking 40permission)Determine the degree ofadjective used in context.Interpret charts.Determine the graphicpresentation that isappropriate for a specificpurpose. TOTALDEPED COPY 207 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY QUARTER 3 PRE-ASSESSMENT I. Directions: Read the short selections carefully then answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of your answer. Rosa’s Flower Garden Rosa has a beautiful garden. She was able to grow many flowers in it. The flowers are of different kinds and colors. She has red, white and yellow roses. There are gumamelas, santan, sunflower and daisies, too. Many of them are fragrant. No wonder, butterflies and bees hover around her garden, with their wings glistening against the sunshine. Indeed, Rosa’s garden is an attractive spot to behold. _____1. Who owns a flower garden? a. Rosa b. butterfly c. bee _____2. She grows different flowers in her garden. Which of these is not found there? a. rose b. ilang-ilang c. santan _____3. What two adjectives are used in the text to describe Rosa’s garden? a. beautiful and wide b. beautiful and boring c. beautiful and attractive _____4. Why do butterflies and bees love to hover around Rosa’s garden? a. because of the many ornamental plants in it b. because of the lovely flowers in it c. because Rosa does not drive them away _____5. What does the word “hover” in sentence 7 mean? a. dive b. fly c. swim _____6. Which word in the same sentence does not give a clue to its meaning? a. butterfly b. wings c. garden 208 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY The Little Red Hen (Adapted)     The little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chickens, when she found a grain of wheat. “Who will plant this wheat?” she said. “Not I,” said the Goose “Not I,” said the Duck. “I will, then,” said the little Red Hen, and she planted the grain of wheat. When the wheat was ripe she said, “Who will take this wheat to the mill?” “Not I,” said the Goose. “Not I,” said the Duck. “I will, then,” said the little Red Hen, and she took the wheat to the mill. Next, she brought the flour home she said, “Who will make some bread with this flour?” “Not I,” said the Goose. “Not I,” said the Duck. “I will, then,” said the little Red Hen. Then, the bread was baked, she said, “Who will eat this bread?” “I will,” said the Goose “I will,” said the Duck Instantly, the little Red Hen said, “No, you won’t. I shall eat it myself.  Cluck! cluck!”  And she called her chickens to help her. _____7. Which event happened first? a. The little Red Hen brought the ripe wheat to the mill. b. The little Red Hen found a grain of wheat. c. The little Red Hen baked the bread. d. The little Red Hen ate the bread with her chickens. _____8. Which event happened last? Choose from the choices in item 7. _____9. Next, she brought the flour home. Which of the underlined A BC words is a time connector? ____10. What kind of adverb is the word “instantly”? a. time b. place c. manner ____11. Which of the following sentences states a fantasy? a. The little Red Hen found a grain of wheat in the farmyard. b. The little Red Hen baked the bread. c. The little Red Hen walked around the farmyard with her chickens. ____12. Which of the following statements is a reality? a. The goose volunteered to plant the wheat. b. The duck said he would bring the ripe wheat to the mill. c. The little Red Hen cares for her chickens. 209 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

____13. The little Red Hen did not allow the goose and the duck to eat the bread. What is not a possible cause for this? a. because they did not help the little Red Hen b. because they are lazy c. because they might not thank the hen for that Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk, Or what not, Which may be the chosen spot. No toad spy you, Hovering bird of prey pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly.DEPED COPY____14. The word “stalk” in line 4 means_____. a. follow b. hunt c. stem____15. What does the second to the last line connote? a. The caterpillar rests in a cocoon for a while. b. The caterpillar suddenly falls from the leaf. c. The caterpillar dies after spinning.____16. Which sentence about the poem follows the correct order of adjectives? a. The poem is about brown furry one caterpillar. b. The poem is about one furry brown caterpillar. c. The poem is about one brown furry caterpillar.____17. Before becoming a butterfly, it used to be a caterpillar. What kind of an adverb is the underlined word? a. place b. time c. manner____18. If you are to complete the graphic organizer below, what will you write atthe center? brown furry __________ walks or crawls spins and diesA. butterfly B. spider C. caterpillar 210 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

laptop - smaller than a desktop computermainframe - a very big and expensive computermicrocomputer - most common type of computerminicomputer - smaller than a mainframe computer mobile device - a very small computer that can fit in your pockettablet - a mobile computer that works using a touch screenDEPED COPY_____19. What does the given page show? a. index b. glossary c. thesaurus_____20. What is a glossary? a. list of difficult words used in the book and their meanings b. list of topics arranged alphabetically c. list of synonyms and antonyms_____21. Based on the given page, what does mainframe mean? a. a very big and expensive computer b. most common type of computer c. a mobile computer with touch screen_____22. How are the words in the glossary page arranged? a. according to their order in the book b. alphabetically c. according to importance_____23. If the word “smartphone” is to appear on this page, where should it be placed? a. after microcomputer b. after tablet c. before tablet_____24. Like the glossary, the _____also gives the meanings of alphabetically arranged words together with their correct pronunciation. It has guide words on top of every page. a. index b. map c. dictionary_____25. It is a list of words with their synonyms and antonyms. a. dictionary b. index c. thesaurus_____26. This is also an alphabetical listing but of topics discussed in the book. The pages of the topics are also indicated. a. dictionary b. index c. timeline 211 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Browsers,182 MS PowerPoint, 160 Formatting Tools, 134 Programming, 239Internet, 172 Rectangles and Squares, 86Microsoft Word, 122 Social Networking, 196_____27. What is shown above? a. glossary b. index c. dictionary_____28. What topic is found on page 239? a. Browsers b. Internet c. ProgrammingDEPED COPY_____29. Which topic comes before Microsoft Word? a. Internet b. Browsers c. MS PowerPoint_____30. Which of the following topics is not found in the book? a. MS Word b. MS Excel c. MS PowerPoint_____31. Based on the given page, what do you think is the book about? a. environment b. computer c. social studiesMother: Ana, I’m going to the market. Please get me one big basket.Ana: Will this be okay, Mother?Mother: Well, this one is big but I want a bigger basket since I need to buy our one-week supply of groceries, too. (Ana gave Mother another basket.) Wow! This is perfect. I think this is our biggest basket; enough to hold the supplies I’ll buy for the family.Ana: Can I to come with you, Mother? I can help you carry the goodies. Mother: How sweet of you, dear. But I’ll be fine. Your Kuya is driving me to the market. _____32. Which of the sentences states a request? a. Please get me a big basket. b. Can I come with you, Mother? c. How sweet of you, dear. _____33. Which one is asking permission? a. Please get me a big basket. b. Can I come with you, Mother? c. How sweet of you, dear. 212 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY _____34. Well, this one is big but I want a bigger basket. The adjective “bigger” is in the ______degree of comparison. a. positive b. comparative c. superlative _____35. Which of the following is in the superlative degree? a. big b. bigger c. biggest ­ _____36. The above pie shows the items bought by mother in the market and their amount. Which food stuff has the biggest amount? a. vegetable b. pork & beef c. fish _____37. Which three did Mother buy in equal amounts? a. vegetable, pork, fish b. chicken, fish, pork & beef c. canned goods, chicken, vegetable _____38. What can you infer from this chart? a. Mother prefers poultry products to beef and pork. b. Mother serves her family more vegetables than meat. c. Mother doesn’t buy canned goods. _____39. In what other form can these data be possibly presented? a. map b. graph c. timeline _____40. It is Mother’s first time to go to the market. Which tool will help her reach the place? a. map b. graph c. timeline 213 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYQuarter 3Theme: Special People, Places, and Days (Heroes and their Heroism)Week 1 - Heroes are Around Us I. Objectives for the Week A. Expressive Objective Admire the selflessness and bravery of the character in the poem B. Instructional Objectives Oral Language Talk about famous events Fluency Read aloud a poem with proper expression Composing Write a paragraph describing a person, animal, place, thing or event Grammar Identify and use adjectives that describe a person, animal, place, thing or event Vocabulary and Concept Development Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues Listening Comprehension Distinguish reality from fantasy Reading Comprehension Note significant details in the poem Attitude towards literacy, literature and language Show love for reading by listening attentively during poem reading and making comments or reactions Study Skill Use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms of words II. Subject Matter A. Topics Poem : Kabang, A True Hero by Lilibeth A. Magtang Story : Fetch by Becky Bravo Adjectives Synonyms and Antonyms Reality vs. Fantasy Using a Thesaurus Value Focus: Selflessness 214 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

B. Materials • Pictures, • chart, • thesaurus, • real objects (ball, pebble, picture of elephant, flower) C. References Online Resources, Lampara Books, “Fetch” by Becky BravoIII. ProcedureDay 1I. Objectives 1. Admire the selflessness and bravery of the character in the poem 2. Listen attentively to a poem 3. Read aloud a poem with proper expression 4. Guess the meaning of unfamilliar words through context clues. C. Pre-Listening 1. Vocabulary Development Find a synonym for the underlined word. Choose your answers from the words in the box.DEPED COPYbrave impressed destroyed nose courageous1. The fearless soldiers are ready to defend their country against the enemies. They are not afraid to fight with the enemies.2. The lion’s snout is similar to that of the dog’s. 3. The strong typhoon wrecked some houses. The men were busy repairing their houses after the typhoon. 4. When the clown moved his stick, a rabbit appeared. The kids were awed by the clown’s magic trick. 5. Our ancient heroes were bold enough to fight for our freedom. 2. Motivation Ask: What is your dog’s name? What does your dog love to do? Where does it love to stay? 215 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 3. Motive Question We are about to read a poem about a dog named Kabang. As I read the poem, find out: • What did Kabang love to do? • Where did she love to stay? D. While Listening (Refer to Read and Learn LM) Read the poem to the pupils, observing proper phrasing and expression. Reread it to the pupils and have them follow along. Group the class into four and assign each a stanza to read.Day 2I. Objectives Note significant details in a poem listened to A. Post Listening Refer to LM, Read and Learn Say: Listen as I read to you again the poem that we learned yesterday. Read the poem by group. Cooperative Group Activities: Group 1 Draw the scene in the first stanza, showing the things which Kabang saw around. Group 2 Read stanza 2. Dramatize the scene where Kabang greeted the two girls, who both smiled at her sweetly in return. The others will act as jeepney, bus, motorcycle. One will act as the screeching vehicle. Group 3 Draw Kabang after the accident. Your drawing should show the bruises on Kabang’s face and the lost snout. Write a sentence or two under your drawing. 216 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

After the Accident This is how Kabang looked after the accident. Her face ___________________________. Her snout ___________________________.Group 4 Pretend that you were one of those saved by Kabang. Write a Thank You letter to her or dramatize what you will tell Kabang.DEPED COPY Thank You Kabang! _________________ ___________________, Thank you for ________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________. Love, _________________ Discussion of the poem, incorporating the presentation of outputs: 1. What did Kabang love to do? 2. Where did Kabang love stay? 3. What did she see?Group 1 Present the drawing that you made. 4. Who did Kabang greet? 5. What did the two girls do when Kabang greeted them? 6. Would you do the same if you were the girls? 7. What happened next?Group 2 Present your dramatization. 8. What happened to Kabang? 9. What do you think did Kabang feel? 10. What do you think did the two girls feel? 11. If you were one of the girls, what would you feel? 12. How do you think Kabang looked after the accident? 217 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYGroup 3 Present your drawing and read the sentences that you wrote. 13. Were the two girls hurt? Why or why not? 14. What do you think would have happened to the girls if Kabang did not bump the motorcycle? 15. Who should they thank for being saved from the accident? Group 4 Present the Thank You letter that you wrote to Kabang. (This may be done as an introductory lesson on composing a thank you letter.) 16. Did Kabang think of herself and of what would happen when she saved the girls? 17. What trait did Kabang show in this situation?(She did not think of herself; she thought of the girls and how they would be saved from the accident.) 18. Think of an incident when you thought of others first before thinking of yourself. Poem Study Refer to LM - Talk About It • How many stanzas does the poem have? • How many lines are in each stanza? • Read the first stanza. What are the rhyming words? • What is the rhyme scheme? • Read the second stanza. What are the rhyming words? • What is the rhyme scheme?Day 3 I. Objective Identify and use the adjective that best describes a person, animal, place, thing or event Write a paragraph describing a person, animal, place, thing or event 1. Teaching/ Modeling Read the following sentences. 1 Kabang is a true hero. 2. The two girls saved. 3. They looked frightened. 218 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Ask: What are the underlined words? What do they do in each sentence?  Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. They tell about the kind, color, or number of a noun or pronoun. 2. Guided Practice Activity 1: Give words that describe the given pictures. Activity 2: • Facilitate a simple guessing game. • Describe a certain object in the classroom. Mention its color, shape or kind. Make sure it is easily seen in the classroom. • Call a volunteer to guess the object that is being described. • The pupil who is able to give the correct answer takes his/her turn in asking classmates. • This goes on until most of the pupils have taken their turns or after the pupils can confidently give describing words or adjectives. Activity 3: Go back to the poem and point out all the adjectives used Write them on the board then let the pupils read them 3. Independent Practice Refer to LM - Find Out and Learn Try and Learn A. Underline the adjective in each sentence. (Refer to LM - Find Out and Learn) B. Which adjective best describes the picture? Underline your answer. (Refer to LM Try and Learn - Exercise 1) C. Copy the correct sentence that will describe the picture. (Refer to LM Try and Learn - Exercise 2) D. Look closely at the picture. Write a three to five sentence paragraph with adjectives to describe anything that you can see in the picture. (Refer to LM - Write About It) Day 4 I. Objectives Distinguish reality from fantasy Note significant details in the story read A. Pre-Reading 1. Unlocking of Difficulties 219 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

 wobble When she stands, my grandmother’s knees wobble. (Act it out then ask the pupils to do the same later.) What does “wobble” mean?shake dance steady  fetch Our grandparents who can hardly move around often call us and ask us to fetch something for them. What does “fetch” mean? buy get throw  amuse When my grandparents are sad, we tell jokes, sing, dance or do something to amuse them. What does “amuse” mean?DEPED COPYmake happy weaken love pleased Yesterday, Lito was sad because his pet was sick. Now that his pet is well, he is pleased. What does “pleased” mean?lonely excited happy banduria My sister plays the banduria. (Use a picture or a real banduria)2. Motivation What good things does your dog do for you?3. Motive Questions Refer to LM, Read and Learn What good things did the pet dog do for the old man?Listen to this story and find out why Fetch is a good pet for the old man.Comprehension Check: 1. Who are the characters in the story? 2. Where did the old man live? 3. Who was with him? 4. What gifts did Fetch bring the old man? 5. Which do you think made the old man very happy? Why? 6. Do stories like this happen in real life? Are there parts of the story that are impossible to happen? What are they? 220 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 4. Teaching / Modeling  An event that actually happens in life is reality.  An event that is impossible to happen is fantasy. It is not real. It is just a product of the imagination. B. Introduction Read the event in this story. Put a check / on the ____ before each sentence that can happen in real life and X if it can’t happen. _____1. The old man live with his dog Fetch. _____2. Fetch got a banduria from a man in the village. _____3. Fetch told the village people one thing that would amuse the old man. _____4. The village people build their houses around the old man’s home. _____5. The old man was very happy when people lived near his house. 5. Guided Practice Write R if the sentence tells what can happen in real life; F if the sentence tells what can’t happen in real life. ______1. Many passengers are waiting for a bus. ______2. A fairy came and let them enter a big room. ______3. Many poor people are being helped by the government. ______4. Many students study hard in order to get good grades. ______5. The ghost let the pupil enter the haunted house. 6. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Try and Learn Directions: Write R if it is Reality and F if it is Fantasy. Day 5 I. Objective Use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms of words A. Oral Language Development Engage the pupils to join a simple contest The contest about giving words that will describe some objects. Objects: ball (round, circle) pebble (small, tiny) picture of an elephant (big, huge) flower (fragrant, sweet) 1. Introduction Many descriptive words have similar meanings. They also have corresponding opposite words. 2. Teaching / Modeling Say: Read the following short sentences. 221 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

1. There are tiny pebbles in the garden.2. An elephant is a big animal.3. The sampaguita flower smells fragrant.This time, replace the underlined words with the following words.1. small2. huge3. sweetWords like: round and circle, small and tiny, big and huge, and fragrantand sweet have the same meaning. These are called synonyms.DEPED COPYNow, try replacing the underlined words with the following.1. big2. small3. foulWhen we use these words, the meaning of the sentence is changed.These words mean the opposite of the underlined words. They arecalled antonyms.Here are more examples of synonyms and antonyms:Synonyms: 1. cold - freezing 2. large - big 3. trash - garbage 4. shout - yell 5. speak - talkAntonyms: 1. young - old 2. day - night 3. near - far 4. dry - wet 5. long - shortA book called a thesaurus supplies the synonyms and antonyms ofwords. (Show one.)Take a look at the sample thesaurus entry.Refer to LM - Learn Some MoreAgain, what pieces of information are shown in the sample thesaurusentry? 222 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY  A thesaurus is a book that gives the synonyms and antonyms of a word.  Aside from synonyms and antonyms, a thesaurus also gives the meaning and part of speech of a word. It also tells what part of speech a word is. 4. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Learn Some More Activity 1: Study this thesaurus entry. On the blank, write your answer to each question. Activity 2: Using a thesaurus, give the synonym and antonym of each underlined word. 5. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Learn Some More Replace the underlined word with a synonym. Be guided by context clues and the use of a thesaurus. On the blank, write the antonym of each word. Get your answer from the box. Week 2 - Let’s Travel I. Objectives for the Week A. Expressive Realize the importance of obeying parents and elders Show appreciation of the remarkable landmarks in the country B. Instructional Oral Language Talk about famous places Fluency Read aloud grade level text accurately and with expression Composing Write sentences that show comparison of adjectives Grammar Identify the words that show the degrees of comparison of adjectives Vocabulary and Concept Development Identify multiple meanings of words 223 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Listening Comprehension Note details in a story heard Reading Comprehension Note significant details in a selection read Attitude towards literacy, literature and language Show interest in reading a travelogue Study Skill Interpret a map II. Subject Matter A. Topics 1. Jose P. Rizal’s Anecdote:“The Moth and the Flame” (adapted) 2. Travelogue: Travel Time 3. Adjectives: Degrees of Comparison 4. Words with Multiple Meanings 5. Paragraph Showing Enumeration 6. Interpreting a Map Value Focus:Obedience, Pride of National Landmarks B. Materials • Pictures of tourist spots chart • mystery box containing objects • maps C. References Scott Lee Chua’s Top 10 Pinoy Travels Manila to Cebu Online resources III. Procedure Day 1 I. Objective Note details from a story heard. A. Pre-Listening Refer to LM, Think and Tell Show the meaning of words through 1. pictures 2. action • hovered • flapped • gasping, panting • hugged 224 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 3. context clues • A speck of light is not enough to brighten our way. (bright ray tinyray big piece) • It was dusk and I was afraid to go out alone in the dark. (early evening noon time morning) • The birthday girl is so curious that she is in a hurry to open her gifts. (disappointed sad interested) 4. Motivation Are you an obedient child? Why do you need to obey your parents? 5. Motive Question In the story “The Moth and the Flame“ did Moymoy obey his mother’s advice?” B. Listening Text Refer to LM - Read and Learn C. Post Listening Refer to LM -Talk About It Day 2 I. Objectives Note significant details Show interest in reading a travelogue Talk about famous places 1. Unlocking of Difficulties Refer to LM, Find Out and Learn and Do and Learn Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the given choices. Be guided by the pictures and context clues. 2. Motivation Display pictures of tourist spots. Have the pupils do a picture walk. Ask: Which of these places have you been to? 3. Motive Question What tourist spots in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao are mentioned in the article? A. Reading the Article, Refer to LM - Read and Learn (The reading of the article may be accompanied by a slide show of the places to be mentioned.) B. Post Reading Activities 225 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

1. Cooperative Group Activities Group 1 List down the landmarks mentioned in the article. Put them under categories: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao.Luzon Visayas MindanaoDEPED COPY Group 2 Show the location of the landmarks using the Philippine map. Group 3 Role play a scene showing your family’s journey to one of the mentioned places. Group 4 Through a poster, show a scenic or historical place you have been to. Present to the class your experience in this place through your drawing. 2. Discussion 1. What is the article about? 2. What tourist spots are mentioned in the article? Group 1, present your list of these tourist spots. 3. Describe these places as mentioned in the article. 4. Where are these tourist spots located? Group 2, show us the exact location of these tourist spots using your map. 5. Have you been to any of these places? 6. Tell us about your experiences. Group 3, present to us your role play. 7. What other places have you been to which you consider equally beautiful? Group 4, show and tell us about your poster. 8. What did you realize from this article? Refer to LM - Do and Learn Enumerate your answers. From this article, I learned that... I realized that…Day 3 I. Objectives Read aloud grade level text accurately Read words with the consonant blends pl and fl Use adjectives showing the different degrees of comparison 226 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

1. Introduction / Presentation Say: We are going to read words with consonant blends /pl/ and /fl/. Read the following words with emphasis on the initial blends pl fl flag plant flow flute plate flower flip plug plot place Read the following phrases: DEPED COPY• red flag • big plate• smooth flow • small plant• long flute • far placeWords with Consonant Blends2. Teaching / ModelingWhat do we call the underlined words?What does each adjective describe?Look at the three sets of pictures. Read the sentence under each picture.What adjectives are used in each set?Set A: small - smaller - smallestSet B: long - longer - longestSet C: big - bigger - biggestWhat common changes happened to the adjectives in the first column?3. Guided Practice (for fl - and pl -) flows flag Refer to LM - Learn Some More Complete each sentence with a word in the box: flowers flip flute1. The water _____ from the waterfalls to the dam,2. She picked some _____ and placed them in the vase.3. We sing Lupang Hinirang as the Philippine ________ is raised.4. The musicians plays the ______.5. Will you ______ the pages of the book properly?plants plate play places plot 6. The ______ is full of delicious food. 7. I read the _______ of the story. 227 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 8. Will you ________ the electronic piano. 9. I want to visit different ________ in the country. 10. The gardener watered the __________. 4. Independent Practice Underline the adjective then on the blank, write whether it shows positive, comparative or superlative degree. Refer to LM - Try and Learn Complete the table with the needed adjectives. Refer to LM, Do and LearnDay 4 I. Objective Identify multiple meanings of words 1. Introduction Words may have multiple meanings. The meaning attached to the word will depend on how this word is used in meaningful context. 2. Teaching / Modeling Say: Let us examine the sentences: 1. The Heritage Village in Vigan, Ilocos Sur mirrors great history and culture. The word mirrors as used in the sentence means reflects or something that shows. 2. There are mirrors around the palace. The word mirrors in this sentence means a device. Furthermore, the first sentence shows the word mirrors as a verb while the second sentence shows the word as a noun. Here are other examples: 1. People from around the country flock to the Shrine of the Lady of Manaoag in Pangasinan. A flock of birds is seen flying in that direction. The word flock in the first sentence is used as a verb that means to come to. On the other hand, flock in the second sentence means a group. It is used as a noun. 2. Right in the Philippines, there are a number of exciting places that truly serve as important landmarks to all Filipinos and foreign tourists alike. It is your right to have the case investigated. 228 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Facing north, you can find the church on the right side of Galvan St. The first means exact location; the second means privilege; while the third means the opposite of left. 3. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Learn Some More What is the meaning of the underlined word?   4. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Learn Some More What does the highlighted word mean as used in the sentence? Choose and underline your answer in the parenthesis. Day 5 I. Objectives for the Week Interpret a map 1. Introduction Show a map to the pupils. Ask: What is this? What is it used for? 2. Teaching / Modeling Say: Tell us how you get to school from your house. Name things that you see as you go to school. Create a simple map to show the route. Example: Interpret the map by answering questions like: 1. Where are you going? 2. Where is the starting point? 3. Which roads are you going to pass? Give the direction. Are you going straight ahead, turning right or left? 4. Are there buildings and other landmarks along the way? What are they? 229 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Teaching Chart A map is simply a drawing or picture. Using a map can help you find the place you want to go to. There are landmarks and features that will help you get to the place quickly.3. Guided Practice Activity 1: Take the children out of the classroom. Tour them around the campus. As you walk, verbalize the directions. Example: You are going to the canteen. From this point (classroom), walk a few steps straight ahead until you reach the flag pole. Then, turn right to the main building. You are going to pass by two classrooms. The next room is the library. It is bigger than the other rooms in the school. It is full of books.DEPED COPYActivity 2:Post a Philippine map on the wall.Ask volunteers to point to the three main regions: Luzon, Visayas, andMindanao.Then, ask where a certain place is located in the map. Call a group of atleast four pupils for every place.Example:1. Ilocos Norte 6. Tagaytay2. Ilocos Sur 7. Baguio City3. La Union 8. Palawan4. Pangasinan 9. Cebu5. Manila 10. Davao4. Independent Practice Look closely at the map. Do the following: 1. Color the leaves of the trees green. 2. Color all roads brown. 3. Put an X at the starting point, your house. 230 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

4. Trace the broken lines using a blue crayon. 5. Put a p in front of the sari-sari store. Answer these questions: 1. How many trees are there in the map? 2. How many houses will you pass from the starting point to the sari-sari store? 3. Which road will bring you to the sari-sari store? 4. Write the sign found in front of the sari-sari store. ________________ 5. What is the name of the sari-sari store?_________________________Week 3 - Who’s Who I. Objectives A. Expressive Realize how self-confidence and talent can work wonders in the fulfillment of one’s dreamsDEPED COPYB. Instructional Oral Language Talk about famous peopleFluency Read aloud grade level text accuratelyComposing Write about a significant event using sequence signalsGrammar Use appropriate word signals to show sequence of eventsVocabulary and Concept Development Get meaning of unfamiliar words through restatementsListening Comprehension Note significant details from a selection heardReading Comprehension Identify sequence of eventsAttitude towards literacy, literature and language Show interest in reading a biographyStudy Skill Use a timeline to show the order of eventsII. Subject Matter 231 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

A. Topics • Biography: “Who is Randy Halasan?” • Time Connectors • Word Meanings From Restatements • Paragraph Showing Time Order • Use of Card Catalog Value Focus: Pride of one’s talent B. References Online resources C. Materials • pictures • real objects • chart DEPED COPYIII. ProcedureDay 1I. Objectives Talk about famous people Note significant details from a selection heard Show interest in listening to a biography A. Oral Language Activity Refer to LM, Think and Tell Say: What do you think of when you see or hear the word famous? Complete the semantic map in your notebook. B. Pre Listening 1. Unlocking of Difficulties Give the meaning of the underlined word through context clues. 1. Vic Sotto and Vice Ganda tell humorous stories. They always make the audience laugh. a. funny b. wise c. lazy 2. Her career as a talk show host is bringing her a lot of money. a. car b. job c. life 3. Minda’s talent is singing. She loves to sing and she can do it very well. a. ability b. work c. habit 4. She is very popular. Almost everybody knows her. a. poor b. well-known c. talented 232 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

5. My classmate Nida topped the test again. Everyone admires her wit.a. health b. intelligence c. laziness2. Motivation Have you watched “The Voice Kids” on TV? What talents do these kids showcase?3. Motive Questions We shall read the biography of Randy Halasan What admirable traits does Randy have? Refer to LM - Read and LearnDEPED COPY4. Post Listening Refer to LM - Talk About It Ask: Where does Randy Halasan teach? How does he travel to school? What does this show of him? Why did he choose to stay in that very far school for years? When was he given the Ramon Magsaysay award? What did he do that made him deserve the award? Describe his sacrfices mentioned in his biography. What do you admire most about Randy Halasan? Try to examine yourself. What qualities do you possess that will make you popular, too? Explain.Day 2 I. Objective Identify sequence of events A. Recall the important details in the biography of Randy Halasan. B. Assign group tasks to the pupils. Group 1: Make a character web to show important details about Randy Halasan. When was he born?Why was he given the Randy Where does he teach?Ramon Magsaysay Award? HalasanHow did he choose to stay in his school? 233 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Group 2:(Give the group an illustration of a timeline.)Highlight the important events in the life of Randy Halasan. Come up with a timelinethat looks like the given model. Use drawings to show every event mentioned inthe timeline.Randy Halasan as Randy on his Randy as a teacher Randy as a Head Randy as hea young boy college graduation Teacher receives the Ramon Magsaysay Award DEPED COPYGroup 3: Role play a round table interview. One member of the group will play the role of Randy Halasan. The others will serve as interviewers. Ask questions about Randy Halasan.Group 4: Do you admire Randy Halasan? I admire Randy Halasan because __________________ ___________________________________________ Activity: In your journal, complete these sentences: I am proud that I am good at_______________________________. I will do my best to become __________________ someday.Day 3I. Objectives Read words with the consonant blend dr Use appropriate word signals to show sequence of events Write about an event using sequence signals Phonics Drill on dr drop drug Read the following words: drag dream drift 234 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Let’s read this short poem. I dream that a star Would drop from above I’ll drag you by the hand We drift then we grab Wish I could see it spark A drug it is for an ailing heart. 1. Introduction / Presentation Say: Many significant events happened in the life of Randy Halasan. Let us try to recall them. Make a list of all responses the pupils will give. Examples: Randy Halasan grew up in a poor family. He studied very hard. He was able to graduate from college. He became a substitute teacher. He became a Head Teacher. He was granted the Ramon Magsaysay Award. 2. Teaching / Modeling Have the pupils read the sentences. Ask: • Which of these events in Randy’s life happened first? second? third? etc. • What was his life like as a small child? At first, Randy lived with his poor family. She could not even afford to have a birthday party. • What do you think did he do to finish college? Then, he did his best to finish college. • What did hey do next? Next, he worked on odd jobs. • What happened after that? After that, he served as a substitute teacher until he became a Head Teacher. (All the responses will be written on the board. Don’t forget to use connectors.) Say: Events do follow a certain sequence. The sequence of events in a story is the order in which things happen. 235 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Ask: What words are used to show the order of events in the life of Randy? (first, then, next, after…) Say: These are called signal words. They signal time order. Teaching Chart The sequence of events in a story is the order in which things happen.Signalwords like first, next, then, after, before, and finally are used to show the orderof events. 3. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Learn Some More Activity A: Give the order of events. Which came first, second, third, and last? DEPED COPY Activity B: Write 1 – 4 before the items to show the sequence of events. Activity C: Write the appropriate time connector to complete each sentence. Activity D: Write the appropriate order of events using signal words. Rewrite the sentences to form a short paragraph.Day 4 I. Objective Use a timeline to show the order of events. 1. Introduction One effective way of organizing events in the order of their occurrence is through the use of timelines. 2. Teaching / Modeling Below is an example of a timeline. It is about the significant events in the life of Randy Halasan as enumerated in the LM. Try to complete the details.2003 2006 2007 2006 2014 He became He became a substitute the Head Teacher 236 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY Teaching Chart A timeline is a visual technique. It is an effective way to show a continuum of events. This study skill: • helps you organize dates, numbers, and other information, • helps you visually remember when events occurred, and • gives you a framework to add more pieces of information as they happen. 3. Guided Practice Say: Bring out your pictures. Arrange them in proper order, according to your age. You may draw any of the following on your cartolina. Paste your pictures on each line. Tell a story about each picture. Does your timeline show important events in your life? What do you realize from the activity? Keep your timeline and add some future significant events as they happen. 4. Independent Practice Make a timeline using the given pictures. Write something about the time line. Refer to LM, Write About It Day 5 I. Objective Give the meaning of unfamiliar words through restatements Say: Tell the class about the things you did at home before coming to school today. 1. Introduction Learning how to use context clues will greatly increase your reading ability. Using context clues well can also increase your vocabulary. First, you need to fully understand how the clues work. 237 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY The easiest context clue to recognize and use is a definition or restate- ment clue. If the writer thinks the reader won’t know a word he is using, he may provide a definition. 2. Teaching / Modeling Try to get the meaning of the underlined words. Refer to LM - Do and Learn The word “or” provides the clue for the given definition or restatement. Here are other examples, taken from the biography of Randy Halasan: 1. He worked part-time so he could complete or finish his college education. 2. He appealed to the local government and other groups for help or aid. What is the meaning of afford? What is the meaning of admiration? Teaching Chart  The meaning you get from a context clue is usually enough to help you understand the sentence. Learning how to use context clues well is a valuable skill to have.  Sometimes, the sentence gives the clue or to show the definition of a word. 3. Guided Practice Group the class into three. Give each group a set of sentences to work on. Each group will find out the meaning of the underlined words through definition or restatement. Each group will present its output. 4. Independent Practice Circle the meaning of each underlined word. Refer to LM, Try and Learn Assignment: Bring ½ cartolina and some pictures: 1. when you were a baby 2. when you were around 2 or 4 years old 3. when you first entered school, and 4. when you were in grade 2 or grade 3 238 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPYWeek 4 - Our Culture, Our Pride I. Expressive Objective Show appreciation and pride for the family customs and traditions II. Instructional Objectives for the Week Oral Language Use expressions appropriate to the grade level Vocabulary Development Identify different meanings of content specific words Reading Comprehension Identify cause and effect relationship Fluency Read grade level texts with accuracy, appropriate speed, and expression Study Strategy Locate meaning of words in the dictionaries Grammar Identify and use the correct order of adjectives Writing Composing Write / Compose clear and coherent sentences using the correct order of adjectives Attitude towards literacy, litrature and lanuage Browse and read books for various purposes such as for learning or for pleasure III. Subject Matter A. Topics • Selection: “Our Family Customs and Traditions” by Mary Jane T. Ganggangan “Eduardo’s Dream” (Adapted from Soaring High with Reading 4 Abiva, Josephine M. Calamlam, • Using expressions appropriate to the grade level • Identifying different meanings of content specific words • Cause and effect relationship • Locating meaning of words from the dictionary • Correct order of adjectives Value Focus: Close family ties, taking pride of our family traditions / customs / family heritage B. Materials • Word Cards poster • charts • pictures dictionary • native delicacies like puto or suman 239 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

C. Reference English for You And Me–Language Textbook Grade Four Benita N. Miranda Spectacles 4- Melinda D.C. Jadrin, Fun in English 4 Language/ Reading- Justine Balajadia, et.alIV. Learning ActivitiesDay 1 I. Objectives Use expressions appropriate to grade level Identify different meanings of content words A. Oral Language Sharing story / news about family. Show pictures of family activities like going to church together, having picnics, family reunions.DEPED COPYSay: What do you do together with your family?B. Pre-Listening Activities 1. Unlocking of Difficulties (excited, native delicacies, family reunion,streamer) Say: The Grade IV class of Mrs.Delizo will have a field trip to Baluarte on Saturday. The pupils are all happy and excited. Excited means _________. a. very noisy b. very eager c.very worriedShow a real sample of a streamer. Say: This is a streamer. What does it tell? Where do you usually see streamers? Show a plate of bibingka, suman,and puto.  Say: These are some of our native delicacies. They are our local foods. Can you name other native delicacies?  Say: We will have our family reunion in December. We will be meeting our cousins and other relatives. Family reunion means occasion when many members of a ___________family______________. a. gather together b. spend their vacation c. leave to work somewhere else. Have the pupils do activity in LM - Think and Tell2. Motivation Question Say: Today,we are going to read the story, “Our Family Customs and Traditions” Let us find out the different customs and traditions the Ortega family observes.3. Motive Question Say: What did the family do to prepare for the coming of visitors? 240 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

C. During Listening Refer to LM, Read and Learn Refer to LM, Talk About ItDay 2I. Objective Use indirect speech to clarify the speaker’s ideas A. Post listening Activities 1. Preliminary Activities Say: What do you usually do to prepare for the coming of a visitor? 2. Re- reading of the story by the teacher /pupils 3. Cooperative Group Activities Divide the class into four groups. Let the groups do the following activities. (Prepare activity cards for the activities.) Group 1: Make a streamer to welcome the Johnson family.DEPED COPY Group 2: Dramatize the scene ‘The arrival of the Balikbayans’ Group 3: Write a “Thank You” letter for the pasalubong given to you. Group 4: Draw the happy faces of the Ortega and Johnson families and compose a song or yell about families. Discussion of the story: 1. Why did the Ortega family get up early? 2. What did the family do to prepare for the coming of their visitors? 3. What did Father mean when he said “Each one of you should do your assigned work?” 4. What did the Ortega family do to welcome their visitors? 5. Do you think they were happy to see each other? Why? Why not? 6. Pretend that you are a member of the Ortega family. Show your streamer to welcome your visitors. Say: Group 1, show your poster. 1. Who kissed the hands of Aunt Rose? 241 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

2. Why did they do that? 3. Why did Aunt Rose say that pagmamano is a sign of respect given to elders? 4. Do you do the same to your elders? Why? Why not? Say: Group 2, present your dramatization. 1. What did the Johnson family bring home for the Ortega family? 2. Pretend that you are Mark and Ana. Write a Thank you letter for the pasalubong given to you. Say: Group 3, show and read your Thank you letter. 1. What did the relatives of the Ortega and Johnson families cele- brate? 2. Why were they happy? 3. What did Andrew and Kenneth say about Filipino families? 4. Do you think Andrew and Kenneth enjoyed their stay in the Phil- ippines? Why? How did they feel? 5. Why did Andrew and Kenneth say that “It’s more fun to stay in the Philippines”? 6. If you were Andrew and Kenneth, would you like to stay in the Philippines? Why? 7. Pretend you are Andrew and Kenneth. Draw the happy faces of the Ortega and Johnson families. Compose a yell or song about the families. Say: Group 4, show us your presentation. 1. What kind of families are the Ortegas and the Johnsons? 2. Do you think they show close family ties? Why? 3. How will you keep your family ties close? DEPED COPYDay 3Grammar: Identify and use adjectives in a series A. Oral Language Let the pupils recite the poem (whole class, groups, individual) MY FAMILY This is mother, kind and dear, This is father standing near, This is brother, see how tall, This is sister not so tall, This is baby, sweet and small. Say: Who are the members of your family? 242 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY What can you say about mother? How about brother? sister? baby? How do you show your love for your family? 1. Presentation / Introduction Say: Can you still remember the story “Our Family Customs and Traditions”? What were the presents the Ortega family received from the Johnson family? (Write their answers on the board.) Possible answers: A beautiful doll was given to Ana. Mark had ten small,green toy cars. Father got three new,blue polo shirts. Mother received two red, leather bags. 2. Teaching / Modeling Say: Let’s read the sentences taken from the the story. (Refer to the above sentences) Ask: What kind of doll was given to Ana? – a beautiful doll Describe the toy cars Mark received? – ten ,small,green ,toy cars Describe the poloshirts father got? – three,new, blue polo shirts What kind of bag did mother receive? – two, red, leather bags Ask: What are the underlined words? How many adjectives are there in each sentence? What do you notice about the adjectives? How are they arranged? Teaching Chart  Adjectives tell about the number, kind, and color of a person, animal, or thing. When several adjectives are used in one sentence, the order of adjectives is as follows: number, kind or quality, and color. 3. Guided Practice Activity 1 “Show and Tell” Refer to LM - Find Out and Learn A Say: Get anything from your bag or in the room and describe the object. Use several adjectives. Describe its number or quantity, kind or quality, or color. Example: pencil How many pencils do you have? two What kind of pencils are they? sharp What colors are your pencils? Yellow I have two, sharp, yellow pencils. 243 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Activity 2 Pick out a picture from the box. Say how many objects are there, kind or quality and color of the picture. Refer to LM - Find Out and Learn “Arrange Us Please!” Arrange the adjectives in the correct order. Refer to LM, Try and Learn Underline the adjectives used in each sentence. Refer to LM, Try and Learn 4. Independent Practice DEPED COPY Activity 1 Arrange the adjectives inside the parentheses in correct order. Refer to LM, Do and Learn Activity 2 Choose at least five nouns from the list. Describe each of the following using the correct order of adjectives. Write a sentence about it. Refer to LM, Learn Some More 5. Writing Activity Write a paragraph describing a person, animal, or thing. Use 2 or 3 adjectives which are properly arranged. Read the paragraph you wrote. Refer to LM, Write About ItDay 4I. Objectives Identify the cause and effect relationship Read grade level texts with appropriate speed and expression A. Oral Language Say: Do you have a dream for your family? Explain what it is. I have a dream for my family. I want my family to _________. 1. Presentation / Introduction a) Reading of phrases. Present the following phrases in word cards. Say: These are phrases taken from the story. Let’s read them. a jar of basi kept thinking of the future a large sum of money has many sons and daughters very popular and rich broke into hundred pieces laughed with him 244 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

b) Vocabulary DevelopmentSay: Here are some words we will be meeting in the story. (future, gain,popular, motion)1) future – Ana wants to become a teacher in the future.Future means ___________.a.yesterday b. today the to days to come2) gain – Eduardo bought the jar of basi for Php 150. Hesold it for Php 250. He gained Php 100 from the sale.Gainmeans b.profit c.friendsDEPED COPY3) popular – President Benigno C. Aquino III is a verypopular person. Everybody knows him as the President ofthe Philippines. Popular means ___________.a. well known b.unknown c. friendly4) motion- (use gesture) Eduardo threw back his head with a proud motion.c) Fluency Activities Say:Today we are going to read the story “Eduardo’s Dream” We will find out what Eduardo’s dream is and see if he was able to fulfill that dream. The whole class reads the story with the teacher’s guidance. The pupils take turns reading the story aloud. Refer to LM, Read and Learn Discussion questions: Refer to LM - Talk About It 1. What was Eduardo’s dream? 2. How did Eduardo intend to become rich? 3. What were the things he would buy? 4. What happened while he was thinking about his plans? Why? 5. What important lesson did the mayor give Eduardo? 6. Do you think Eduardo’s dream would come true? Why or why not?Skill focus: Cause-Effect Relationship 1. Teaching / Modeling Present some sentences taken from the story. Say: “These are sentences taken from the story. Let us read and analyze them. Identify the cause and the effect.” 245 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

1. When Eduardo threw back his head, the jar of basi fell . Ask: Why did the jar of basi fall ? What happened to the jar of basi?Cause Effect(Why did it happen?) (What happened?)DEPED COPY 2. Eduardo cried because the jar of basi broke into pieces. What is the cause? What is the effect? 3. Eduardo was able to buy a pig because the mayor gave him money. What is the cause? What is the effect? Teaching Chart  The cause is an action or an event that makes something happen.  An effect is something that happens as a result of the action. Cause is the reason and the effect is the result of an event. A cause-effect relationship describes something that happens and why it happens... Do activity in LM - Think and Tell 2. Guided Practice Activity 1 Look at each pair pictures. Say something about them. Identify the cause and the effect. Refer to LM, Find Out and Learn Activity 2 Tell whether the underlined group of words is a cause or an effect. Put a check mark in the correct box. 246 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

1. Andrew got perfect score in the test because he studied his lessonsvery well. Cause Effect2. Mother prepared much food because there was a visitor. Cause Effect3. The children must eat nutritious foods everyday so that they will become strong and healthy. Cause Effect4. Father came home very tired because he worked the whole day inDEPED COPYthe farm. Cause Effect5. Rita got up very early in order to catch the first trip of the train toBicol. Cause Effect 3. Independent Practice Activity 1 Match the given effects to their causes. Refer to LM, Try and Learn Activity 2 Refer to LM - Do and Learn A. Arrange the adjectives inside the parentheses in correct order. 1. Mother gave Ana (beautiful yellow a) dress on her birthday. 2. I ate ( sweet red ten) strawberries last night. 3. There are (brown seven big) cows on the farm. 4. Father bought (sweet green a dozen) apples for the children. 5. Andrew has (fat white six) rats as his pet. Complete the following sentences by writing the cause for the given effect. Choose from the list of sentences in the box. the fog is very thick they received a gift from their teacher she is kind and helpful to everyone the children clean it everyday the super typhoon hit the place 247 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

DEPED COPY 1. The school ground is clean because _______________________. 2. Christine has many friends because _______________________. 3. The children are happy because _________________________. 4. Legaspi City experienced landslides and floods because _________________________. 5. Mr. Marquez drives his car slowly because _______________________. Activity 3 Refer to LM - Learn Some More Combine each pair of sentences into one showing cause-effect relationship. Use the words so that, in order to, or because Example: We must eat nutritious food everyday. We will be healthy. Answer: We must eat nutritious food everyday in order to be healthy. 1. Plants need sun. They use sunlight in making their food. __________________________________________________ 2. Andrew got high scores in the test. He reviewed his lessons well. __________________________________________________ 3. Plants must be watered everyday. They will not wither. __________________________________________________ 4. Jan got very, very tired. He practiced swimming all day. __________________________________________________Day 5 I. Objective Locate information from dictionaries 1. Presentation / Introduction Present a dialog. Say: Let’s read the dialog. We will find out how Jan helped his sister with her assignment. Refer to LM, Read and Learn Discussions: Refer to LM - Talk About It 1. Why is Christine asking for help? 2. What helps you find the meaning of words? 248 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

3. How are the words arranged in a dictionary?4. What words in the dictionary help us locate the words on a page faster?5. What information does one get from a dictionary? 2. Teaching / Modeling Show a dictionary. Have the pupils observe and tell what are written in it. Say: “This is a dictionary. What can be found in a dictionary?” Present a sample page of a dictionary.cartilage corecartilage (kär’ti lij) n. firm elastic, flexible substance of a translucent whitecolor,consisting of connective tissues and forming parts of a skeletonDEPED COPYcrater (krā’tərs) n. the area found around the surface of the mooncloud (klowd) n. masses of water particles that form over the earth;anything that darkens or threatens condensation (kon’den sā shon) n. the changed form of a gas to liquid core (kōr) n. 1.the layer of the earth under the mantle. 2. The center of the innermost part of a thing 3.the fibrous or membrenous central part of a fruit, containing the seed. Questions: 1. What is the first entry word on this page? 2. How many definitions are there in the word cloud? 3. What is the definition of condensation? 4. What word means “the center or innermost part of a thing”? 5. What is the last entry word on this page? Teaching Chart A dictionary is made up of entry words listed in alphabetical order. Each entry states how a word is pronounced and what the word means. Since words are arranged alphabetically, locating words is easy. Two guidewords are printed at the top of each dictionary page. Guidewords help us find words on that page faster. The guidewords are printed at the top of each dictionary page. while the guide word on the right is the last and on the page. 3. Independent Practice Study the sample page of a dictionary and answer the questions. Refer to LM, Try and Learn 249 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Activity 1 Write the meaning of the italicized word in each sentence. Use the dictionary. Refer to LM, Learn Some More Activity 2 Say: Read the poem “Dictionary”. List at least three words from the poem that you think are difficult. Opposite the words, write their meanings and use them in sentences.Week 5I. Expressive Objectives Realize the health benefits that one can get from eating vegetables Show appreciation of native cuisine in the different regionsDEPED COPYII. Instructional Objectives for the Week Oral Language Use expressions appropriate to the grade level Reading Comprehension Identify various text-types according to structure Study Strategies Locate information from glossaries Grammar Identify and use adverbs of place Writing / Composing Write / Compose clear and coherent sentences using adverbs of place Attitude Browse and read books for various purposes such as for learning or for pleasureIII. Subject Matter 1. Selection : “Pinakbet” Recipe Dialog : “A Day in the Market” By: Mary Jane T. Ganggangan 2. References 3. Materials: word cards, pictures, chart of the recipe, real eggplant, okra, bittermelon 4. Types of texts- Procedural, Informational 5. Adverbs of place 6. Skill: Locating information from Glossary IV. Learning ActivitiesDay 1I. Objectives Use expressions appropriate to the grade level Show appreciation of native cuisine in the different regions 250 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

A. Oral LanguageHave pupils talk about their favorite viand.My favorite viand is__________ because it is ________.B. Pre-Listening Activities1. Unlocking of Difficulties Pinakbet, an Ilocano dish, is stewed vegetables. The usual vegetablesincluded in the dish are eggplant, bitter melon, okra and tomatoes. Thedish is seasoned with bagoong isda or fermented fish paste.• Cuisine means a style of _______________.a. dressing b. cooking c. eatingDEPED COPY• Dish is the ____________ serveda. food b. wine c.water• Stew means to ________________slowly.a. fry b. roast c. boil• Saute the garlic,onions and tomatoes in a pan.Saute means ________ lightly and quickly.a. fry b. boil c . bakeEggplant, ampalaya, okra, and tomatoes are some of the ingredientsin preparing the recipe for Pinakbet. • Ingredients mean_________________.a. component of a mixture b. materials c. directions• Recipe means ___________________ for cooking somethinga. directions b. plan c. materials2. Motivation Question Say: What dish can you cook? How do you cook it?3. Motive Question Say: Today,we are going to read about a vegetable recipe from the Northern Philippines particularly in Ilocos Region. Find out: How is pinakbet cooked or prepared?C. During Listening Present the recipe for cooking pinakbet written on a chart. Do the first reading of the recipe for modeling, followed by the pupils. Refer to LM, Read and Learn 251 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

D. Post Listening Activities Discussion: Refer to LM, Talk About It Infusion of Values: Say: What health benefits can you get from eating vegetables? Do you feel proud of the different native cuisines in your region? Why? Why not? Writing: Write two to three sentences in your journal to answer the questions.Day 2I. ObjectiveDEPED COPY Give one’s reaction to an event Learning Activities: A. Postreading Activities 1. Recall the recipe in cooking pinakbet. Say: “What are the ingredients in cooking pinakbet? How do you cook it? B. Engagement Activities Group 1 Draw the ingredients needed and the utensils used in cooking pinakbet. Group 2 List the steps or procedures in cooking pinakbet. Group 3 Make an advertisement of the dish pinakbet. Group 4 Create a song / poem / jingle about pinakbet. Group 5 Write a “Thank You” letter to your mother who cooks the dish pinakbet for you. Discussion of the recipe, incorporating the presentation of outputs. 1. What is the recipe about? 2. What region does this recipe come from? 3. What are the ingredients and materials needed in cooking pinakbet? Say: Group I, present your list of ingredients and materials. 4. What is the first step in cooking pinakbet? 5. How do you arrange the vegetables in the pan? 252 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

6. How long will you simmer the vegetables? Say: Group II, show the steps/procedures in cooking pinakbet? 7. Do you think pinakbet is a good Filipino dish? Why or why not? How will you advertise it? Say: Group III, present your advertisement in promoting the dish Pinakbet. 8. What health benefits do we get from eating vegetables? Say: Group IV, present your song/poem/jingle that you have composed. 9. What will you say to the Ilocano people for introducing the dish pinakbet? Say: Group V, present your Thank You letter. 10. Do you think pinakbet is a dish that you can be proud of? Why?DEPED COPY Why not? Writing In your journal, write about a vegetable dish that is often served in your home. Give the ingredients needed and how it is cooked.Day 3 I. Objective Identify various text-types according to structure (procedural, informational, narrative) 1. Presentation / Introduction Say: Let us take a look at the recipe of pinakbet written on a chart. Have the pupils read. Refer to LM, Talk About It Talk about the recipe. 2. Teaching / Modeling Say: Let us study the recipe presented on the chart. a. What is the purpose for writing the text? b. What does the text show? c. How are we going to prepare a recipe? d. What do you notice about the format of the text? Teaching Chart There are different types of texts:  Texts that tell information about a topic are called informational texts. Examples are news articles, travelogues, feature article, content area materials like Mathematics, Science, etc.  Some texts tell the procedure, directions or steps on how to do a process. These are called procedural texts. Examples: recipe, steps in solving word problems, dance steps, etc.  Texts that show a list are called texts that enumerate. 253 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

3. Guided Practice Show different types of texts written on a chart. Say: Let us read and analyze the following texts. Identify the kind of text shown. Refer to LM, Try and Learn What type of text is this selection? Text that enumerates4. Independent Practice Activity 1 Read each selection and identify the text-type shown.DEPED COPY A. How to cook Carbonara 1. Fry some pieces of bacon in a pan until crisp. Add garlic and cook until lightly brown. 2. Lower heat and pour in Nestle All Purpose Cream. Add the cheese. 3. Thin out with water and stir to combine. 4. Toss cooked spaghetti into the sauce until well coated. 5. Serve immediately. B. What type of text is given here? Procedural Text Birds build their own nests. They use their bills to build them. They use grass. They use roots, too. They use soft things in their nest. C. What type of text is presented in this selection? Texts that enumerates. 38 Session Road, Baguio City October 25, 2015 Dear Mrs. Cruz, I am sorry I cannot come to school today because I have a toothache. Please excuse me. I will try to come tomorrow. Thank you so much. Your pupil, April What type of text is presented in this selection? Informational Text 254 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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