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Home Explore English Grade 8

English Grade 8

Published by คงเดช จันโทภาส006, 2021-09-28 07:04:56

Description: Unit 1 My Favorite Pets


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คำ�ชี้แจง หนงั สอื เรยี น รายวชิ าพ้นื ฐาน ภาษาองั กฤษ ชั้นมธั ยมศกึ ษาปีท่ี 2 หนังสือเรียน รายวิชาพ้ืนฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ Maximize Student’s Book 2 ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 2 กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ ภาษาต่างประเทศ ตามหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาข้ันพื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551 เล่มนี้ จัดพมิ พโ์ ดยสำ�นักพิมพ์ บรษิ ัท พัฒนาคุณภาพวชิ าการ (พว.) จำ�กดั ผเู้ รยี บเรียง Mr. Christopher B. Allen ผตู้ รวจ 1. อาจารย์ณฐมน กรี ติโชติกลู 2. อาจารย์จิรนุช ขาวเมอื งนอ้ ย 3. Dr. Declan M. J. Barlow บรรณาธกิ าร อาจารยอ์ ภญิ ญา ชัยกลุ หนังสือเล่มนี้ประกันคุณภาพโดยผู้ผลิต และจะต้องส่งให้สำ�นักวิชาการและมาตรฐานการศึกษา สำ�นักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน ตรวจประเมินคุณภาพทางวิชาการ เพ่ือออกใบอนุญาตให้ใช้ใน สถานศึกษาแทนใบประกันคุณภาพของสำ�นักพิมพ์ กรณีที่พบข้อบกพร่องหรือข้อผิดพลาด กรุณาแจ้งให้ สำ�นักพิมพ์ทราบเพ่ือดำ�เนินการตามที่ระบุในใบประกันคุณภาพส่ือฯ (ปกหลัง) พร้อมทั้งแจ้งให้สำ�นักวิชาการ และมาตรฐานการศกึ ษาทราบดว้ ย เพื่อใช้เปน็ ขอ้ มลู ประกอบการพจิ ารณาอนญุ าตใหใ้ ช้หนงั สอื ในสถานศกึ ษาต่อไป ส�ำ นกั วิชาการและมาตรฐานการศึกษา ตามหลกั สูตรแกนกลางการศกึ ษาขนั้ พื้นฐาน พทุ ธศักราช 2551 Student’s ส�ำ นกั งานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาขัน้ พนื้ ฐาน กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรูภ้ าษาต่างประเทศ book ผเู้ รียบเรียง 2 Red Frame Learning Co., Ltd. Mr. Christopher B. Allen 5391 Bragg St., San Diego, California, USA 92122 ผู้ตรวจ ©Red Frame Learning 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, อาจารย์ณฐมน กีรติโชตกิ ูล by photostat, microfilm, retrieval system, or any other means, without prior อาจารยจ์ ริ นชุ ขาวเมอื งนอ้ ย written permission of the publisher. Dr. Declan M. J. Barlow Author: Christopher B. Allen บรรณาธกิ าร First published 2018 อาจารย์อภญิ ญา ชัยกุล 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 บริษัท พัฒนาคุณภาพวิชาการ (พว.) จำากัด ISBN: 978-616-05-3836-2 Printed in Thailand by Rung Silp Printing Co., Ltd.

Maximize scope and sequence CONTENTS 2English Unit 1 My Favorite Pets p.4 Unit 2 Getting up in p.12 Unit 3 Community Jobs p.20 Unit 7 Going Places p.60 Unit 8 In My Home p.68 Unit 9 Electrical Devices p.76 the Morning Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary pets jobs transportation electrical devices emotions getting up facilities in town objects in the house morning routines Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar past simple (to be) - affirmative and could (permission, requests, subject and object pronouns negative possessive pronouns past continuous possibility) verbs of degree (love / like / hate) present continuous vs present simple time phrases / dates conjunctions past continuous vs past simple must / have to (past simple) V-ing time expressions past simple (to be) - questions prepositions of place too and enough can, could, will be able to (ability) Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading main ideas specific details main ideas and specific ideas main ideas specific details main ideas, specific ideas and extracting information specific details contextualization Listening contextualization Listening making inferences Listening Listening specific ideas Listening main ideas and specific ideas Listening summarizing extracting information Speaking specific details specific ideas Speaking listening for language Speaking exchanging information Speaking Speaking asking questions Speaking asking questions Writing asking questions exchanging information Writing describing a picture telling about your home making a poster writing related sentences Writing Writing paragraphs describing events writing emails writing a short story writing and editing a draft Review Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 p.28-31 Review Unit 7, Unit 8 and Unit 9 p.84-87 Unit 4 Everyday Actions p.32 Unit 5 Our City p.40 Unit 6 Movies p.48 Unit 10 Are You Healthy? p.88 Unit 11 Buying Things p.96 Unit 12 Our World p.104 Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary Topic / vocabulary free time activities points of interest in a city appearances and movies emergencies and health shopping and buying things land formations common action verbs places in town emotions, movie types Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar indefinite pronouns going to (future) articles past simple (regular verbs) past simple (questions) comparative adjectives adverbs of manner present continuous (future) should (advice) past time expressions prepositions of movement (short adjectives) adjectives vs adverbs going to vs present continuous past simple (irregular verbs) superlatives Reading Reading comparatives vs superlatives Reading Reading Reading reading to summarize main ideas and researching online Reading specific details contextualization specific ideas making inferences Speaking Speaking specific ideas and researching Speaking Listening online Listening making suggestions asking questions asking questions listening to order giving directions Listening giving information listening to order Writing Speaking Writing specific details Writing Speaking researching and writing a paragraph story telling writing a paragraph Speaking writing emails exchanging information making an infographic giving a presentation Writing asking questions writing a short story Writing writing short paragraphs Review Unit 4, Unit 5 and Unit 6 p.56-59 Review Unit 10, Unit 11 and Unit 12 p.114-117

Objectives 67 1 My Favorite Pets Vocabulary: pets, emotions 10 9 Grammar: subject and object pronouns; verbs 8 13 of degree (love/like/hate) V-ing; too and enough 11 would/can/will be able to (ability) Reading: main ideas, specific ideas and contextualization Listening: specific details Speaking: asking questions 4 2 5 4 Group the table with the pet words. Listen to the sentences to check your answers. Vocabulary has wings has legs has fur can climb 1 Match the words with the pictures on page 4-5. dog rat guinea pig parrot canary rabbit fish cat hamster snake turtle 2 Match the words from the box with their opposite pictures below. Listen and check 5 Listen to the dialogs. Check the phrases 6 Work in pairs. Practice the dialog. you hear in each conversation. your answers. quiet / fast / weak / sad / big / Ray : Do you like mice? Dialog 1 Dialog 2 (snakes) Jen : Yes, I do. dog (No, I don’t.) cat What pets do you like? slow strong happy little loud bird Ray : I like parrots. rat (guinea pigs) 3 Complete the sentences about yourself. Use the pet words above. turtle I like . I don’t like . fish I have . I want a . Unit 1 My Favorite Pets 5 4 Unit 1 My Favorite Pets

Reading 4 Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns. 1 Read the text. Does her dog like her cat? 1. She’s our new neighbor. Do you know her ? 2. are going to visit Mike. Will you come with us? Vet : What is wrong with your dog? 3. Your bags are heavy. I’ll carry . Nick : He cries a lot. I like hugging him. But he hides. 4. Listen, boys, can be quiet, please? Vet : Lift him up and carry him over here. Do you play with him? 5. Mr. Smith isn’t ill. I saw this morning. Nick : Yes, I like playing with him and my cat. climb lift fight 6. Where are my glasses? I can’t find . Vet : Does your cat like him? Nick : No! My cat scratches him and 7. Dogs are very intelligent. can understand people. fights with him. My cat also climbs trees to get away from him. 8. Miley needs the book. Give to now, please. Vet : I see! 9. I don’t understand this. Please explain to . 10. Hello? It’s . We’re back. scratch cry 5 Underline the subject pronouns and circle the object pronouns. 1. I know him. 5. Can you see me? 2. It is my birthday. 6. Give it to us. 3. She likes them. 7. You don’t understand her. hugging carry 4. Where is he? 8. We’re with you. Grammar Subject and object pronouns 6 Read the text and look at the nouns in bold. Write the pronoun for each noun. 2 Presentation: Study the grammar. My name’s Jack. I am 15 years old and I live 1. It in Tokyo. 1. Tokyo is a big city in Japan and 2. Singular Plural Singular Plural I love 2. Tokyo. I’ve got a brother called Alan. 3. 3. Alan is also 15 years old. That’s because 4. (before verbs, as subjects) (after verbs, as objects) 4. Alan and I are twins. Actually, 5. Alan is 5. ten minutes older than 6. I! Alan and I go to 6. I We me us the same school, but I don’t see 7. Alan in 7. You You you you class because the teachers put 8. Alan and I 8. He They him them in different classes. My best friends are Nick 9. She her and Joshua. I see 9. Nick and Joshua every It it weekend, because we play basketball together. She washes my dog. Jasmine is my dog. I like her.  Use object pronouns after prepositions (e.g. to, in, at, around). John lives next to them. Look at me! The story is about her. 3 Practice: Choose the correct pronoun. Speaking 1. Our dog lives with we / us. 6. Can we / us go to the park. 7 Do you like these things / people? Use pronouns in your answers. 2. They / Them weren’t at school today. 7. Paul and Jake didn’t wait for they / them. 3. I / me am reading a book about snakes. 8. Where does he / him climb? 1. maths I li ke i t. 4. jazz 4. I’d like to meet he / him. 9. The cat sat down next to I / me. 2. swimming I do n’t lik e i t. 5. basketball 5. This rabbit belongs to she / her. 10. I think she / her is funny. 3. red shoes 6. your neighbors 6 Unit 1 My Favorite Pets Unit 1 My Favorite Pets 7

Grammar Verbs of degree (love/like/hate) V-ing Speaking 5 In pairs, ask and answer these questions. 1 Presentation: Study the grammar. 6 Tell the class about your friend. Megan Likes Doesn’t like Maria likes watching TV. I listen to music, play football paint, cook She’s got two brothers. play the guitar, sing do homework  Verbs after love, like, or hate use the –ing form. Do you like taking Yes, I do. Megan likes listening to music and playing football. She doesn’t like painting or cooking. a shower? No, I don’t. I like playing the guitar and singing. I don’t like doing my homework. Do you like chatting online? 2 Practice: Write questions and answers with these words. 1. the dog / have a bath. 5. the children / go to the mall. Tips Too and enough Note the difference between (like) very and too. (like) Does the dog like having a bath? (Yes, like) 1. Use too before an adjective or an adverb. (No, hate) No, he/she hates it. 6. my snake / eat mice. The dog is too big. It’s very loud. (like) NOT The dog is too much big. 2. the children / watch TV. (Yes, loves) He’s driving too fast! It’s too loud. (like) 7. your father / clean the car. NOT He’s driving too much fast! I can’t study. (Yes, love) (like) 3. Tom / do his homework. (No, not like) 2. Use too much before a singular (uncountable) noun. (like) 8. Sam / eat meat. Use too many before a plural (countable) noun. (No, not like) (like) There’s too much water in the aquarium. 4. the baby / take medicine. (Yes, like) This pet store has too many cats. (like) (No, hate) 3. Use enough before a noun. We have enough money. Listening 7 Add too or enough in the correct places in these sentences. 1. There’s not enough salt. 4. I can’t go in. I’m big. 3 Listen and write the verbs you hear. 2. There are many pets. 5. Do you have money? 1. I hate that key ring. 4. We volleyball. 3. He doesn’t work fast. 6. There’s never time for everything. 5. They math. 2. He video games. 6. She those jeans. Listening 8 Listen and answer the questions. Tick the boxes. 3. My dad coffee. Which picture is Aibo? 4 Listen to the conversations. Circle the correct verb. Where is Aibo from? 1. Anna’s cat likes / doesn’t like climbing trees. 2. Melissa loves / doesn’t love carrying her turtle. 3. Jeff’s dad doesn’t like / hates Vin’s hamster. 4. Marjorie likes / loves hugging pets. 5. Claire doesn’t like / hates fighting. 8 Unit 1 My Favorite Pets Unit 1 My Favorite Pets 9

Project Pets Reading 3 Complete some of these questions about fruit beetles, Burmese pythons or Aibos. 1 Read. Which would you like: a giant African fruit beetle or a Burmese python? Questions Answers UnusualPets I have a pet beetle. He is a giant African fruit beetle. He is 1. When ? shiny green with yellow stripes. He also has antlers. He is 2. What ? about five centimeters long. He lives in a large aquarium. 3. When ? I give him fruit to eat. His favorite food is bananas. He likes 4. Where ? 5. Why ? 6. How ? warm weather so it can’t get too cold in his aquarium. His 4 In pairs, answer your partner’s questions. Write the answers in exercise 3. Reference : aquarium is always about 27 degrees. He climbs on rocks and 5 Write your own questions about pets. 89/1/?r=1&l=ri&fst=0 twigs in his aquarium. My pet is a Burmese python. His name is Monty and he is four years 1. When ? old. He is light yellow. He is two meters long. His tongue is very 2. What ? strange. It looks like a fork. I give him mice to eat. But he only 3. When ? eats once a week. He likes warm weather. He sleeps near 4. Where ? the window. He has an aquarium, but he likes to come out 5. Why ? of it and stay in my room. My mom won’t let me take him 6. How ? outside. It is not warm enough for him. My sister doesn’t like 6 Ask six classmates to answer them. Record their responses. him very much. He scares her. 7 Display their responses in a poster. See the example below. stay to live in 25% inside strange unusual antlers aquarium mice 2 Complete the statements about Pronunciation Listen. Tick weather tongue the sound you hear. fork bananas the pets. Write The fruit beetle or twig The Burmese python. 75% outside stripes 1. is four years old. dog n ng 10 Unit 1 My Favorite Pets 2. comes from Africa. cat 1✔ 3. sleeps by windows. bird Unit 1 My Favorite Pets 11 4. loves bananas. fish 2 5. can’t go outside. turtle 3 6. climbs on rocks. 4 5 6

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