Body Systems Research By Prakruthi Dwarakanath
What are we going over?? In this flipbook you will learn through a brief slide, how these following systems function, the careers related to them, and diseases that are affect them : 1. Integumentary 2. Musculoskeletal 3. Nervous 4. Special Senses 5. Cardiovascular 6. Respiratory 7. Digestive 8. Urinary 9. Reproductive Are you ready to journey through the human body??? Our first stop…..
Function: Act as a barrier to protect body Integumentary System Vocabulary from the pathogens and bacteria in the air Papule-Solid skin elevation with distinct from getting into the bloodstream. boredersand a diameter of less than 1 cm, pimple Macule-Small,flat disclosed lesion on the Key Terms- skin, freckle derm/o, dermat/o- skin Tinea-Skin infection cause by a fungus kerat/o-hard, horn-shaped Pustule-A small infected skin elevation that contains pus, abscess tissue Verruca-Wart; a local growth of the outer xer/o-dry layer of skin, caused by a virus. xanth/o-yellow Wheals- A smooth, slightly swollen area erythr/o-red that is redder or parel that the pedicu/o-fingernail or toenail surrounding skin; characteristic of hives. onych/o-nail Cicatrix-A scar left by a healed wound myc/o-fungus Fissure-A groove or crack; as in a sore. pil/o-hair;hair follicle Nevus- A highly pigmented lesion of the lip/o-fat skin that is flat or raised; mole Vesicle-A small, raised skin lesion filled rhytid/o-wrinkle with clear fluid; blister albin/o-white Healthcare Careers: Diseases/Disorders- Next Up…. A Malignant Melanoma-Cancerous growth composed of melanocytes; starts off as a Dermatologist-doctor who diagnose and treats irregularly shaped macule, then changes color and texture. system that diseases of the skin Basal Cell Sarcoma- Commonly slow-growing malignant tumor of the basal cell layer gives you of the epidermis. Seldom metastasizes. your shape… Plastic Surgeon-a surgen who performs repairs Psoriasis-a chronic disease marked by itchy erythematous skin with silvery patches. on the body by transfer of tissue. Scabies- a contagious parasitic infection of the skin with intense pruritus.
Key Words- The Musculoskeletal System Vocabulary- my/o-muscle Atrophy-Wasting away or shrinkage of myel/o-spinal cord/bone marrow muscle oste/o-bone Hemiparesis-Weakness or slight cost/o-ribs paralysis on one side of the body crani/o-cranium Hemiplegia-Total Paralysis on one -pexy:surgical fixation/suspension side of the body. chondr/o-cartilage Hypotonia-Loss of muscle tone arthr/o-joint Myolosis-Degeneration or -plegia:paralysis/stroke deterioration of muscle tissue. kinesi/o-movement Chondromalacia-Softening of the cartilage. Function- Communited Fracture-A bone that has been splintered or crushed provides form, support, Lumbago-Pain in the lumbar region stability, and movement to Herniated Disk-Intervertebral disk that the body has slipped or ruptured. Myeloma-Cancer of the plasma cells Healthcare Careers- that originate in the bone marrow. Physical Therapist-a therapist that helps regain strength in muscles for Wasn’t that interesting??? patients who went through surgery to mend a muscle or bone. Next up… it is a very shy system, a bit scared of new people…. it is the…. Chiropractor-a doctor who treats misalignment of the joints
Function-receives Nervous System Vocabulary- information about Astrocytoma-tumor of the gilal tissue the environment Cerebral Contusion-Brusing in the cerebral tissue. around us and Hemiplegia-paralysis of one side of the body generates Paralysis-temporary or permanent loss of voluntary responses to that movement, information Poliomyelitis-Inflammation of the gray matter in the brain, caused by a highly contagious virus. Key Terms: Focal seizure-abnormal electical activity that occurs neur/o-nerve in one or more parts of one brain hemisphere. encephal/o-brain Syncope-temporary loss of consciousness due to myel/o-spinal cord inadequate blood flow to the brain; fainting. ambul/o-to walk Tremor-An involuntary, repetitive trembling of the -esthesia:sensation body or limbs. mening/o-meninges Phobia-Exaggerated fear of a specifc object or psych/o-mind situation that causes anxiety or panic. concuss/o-shaken together Craniotomy-Incision into the skull to gain acess to the brain. Healthcare Careers: Neurologist-doctor of the nervous Now that you know this system helps you system respond to your environment, lets us move Psychiatrist- doctor who treats on to the next exhibit…. The 5 Very mental illnesses. Important Senses… Ladie and gentlemen, give it up for the….
Key Terms- The Special Senses Vocabulary- irid/o-iris -cusis-hearing problem Function- detect environmental stimuli Diabetic Retinopathy-Complication of -opia-defects in vision and transduce their energy into electrical diabetes that can result in loss of vision ot/o-ear impulses. Chalazion-A small,hard cystic mass on tympan/o-tymphanic membrane the eyelid caused by a blocked oil gland. opthalm/o-eye Myopia-nearsightednes metry-measure Strabismus-Misalignment of the eyes caused by weakened eye muscles, Healthcare careers- crossed eyes Opthalomologist- A person who Astigmatism-Defective curvature of the specializes in eye and vision cornea that produces blurred vision. care. Presbyopia-farsightedness Audiologist-a person who Cholesteatoma-Cyst in the middle ear specializes in hearing and consisting of earwax and skin cells. balance care. Otitis Media-Inflammation of the middle ear. Otosclerosis-Hardening of the bony tissue of the middle ear Vertigo-Sensation of spinning caused by an inner ear disorder or condition. You have learned about the 5 senses themselves… now let us look at the Queen Mother of them all, let’s hear it for the….
Key Terms- The Cardiovascular System Vocabulary- cardi/o-heart Myocardial Infarction-medical term for heart attack angi/o-blood vessel Function-circulate oxygenated blood throughout the body, Aneurysm- Localized balloon-like swelling of an artery. hem/o-blood remove metabolic wastes from the body. Bradycardia-Slow heart rate Tachycardia- fast heart rate hemat/o-blood Arteriosclerosis-Condition of thickening,hardening and loss of brady-slow elasticity in the arterial walls. Atherosclerosis-condition of tachy-fast plaque buildup in the arterial walls. thromb/o-blood clot Cardiac Tamponade-excess fluid accumulation in the pericardium. emia-pertaining to blood Cingestive Heart Failure-Disease leuk/o-white erythr/o-red arteri/o-artery Healthcare Careers- resulting from loss of blood flow to the heart. Cardiac surgeon-performs Arrhythmia-Condition of an surgery on the heart irregular heartbeat. Endocarditis-Inflammation of the inner layer of the heart muscle. Cardiologist-A doctor who Now that you know your where you heart specializes in disorders and truly is….we shall navigate the human body diseases related to the heart. terrain and stop at the place where this all starts…. A big drumroll please… the….
Function: Cleans waste gases, such as carbon Respiratory System Vocabulary- dioxide, from your blood, helps with breathing. Apnea-temporary interruption of breathing Key Terms: bronch/o- bronchi Hyperventilation- condition in which breathing is cyan/o-blue laryng/o-larynx faster and deeper than normal. -oxia:oxygen oxy-:oxygen Rales-crackling sound heard in the lungs during pleur/o-pleura auscultation, while the patient is inhaling. pneum/o-lungs Stridor-Harsh high pitched sound during respiration; pulmon/o-lungs usually an airway obstruction. thorac/o-chest Asthma-Sudden periodic attacks of dyspnea trache/o-trachea accompanies by wheexing. Bronchitis-inflammation of the mucous membranes Healthcare careers- of the bronchial tubes Pulmonologist-Doctor for diseases related to the lung Bronchogenic Carcinoma-A malignant tumor that Respiratory therapist-doctor to help with breathing issues originates in the bronchi. Bronchospasm-sudden involuntary contraction in the bronchi. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- characterized by reduced ability of the lungs to perform function of ventilation. Croup- a childhood disease characterized by high pitch breathing, and a “barking” cough. Hold in the O2 everyone!!! This next system could get a bit juicy… you might have to stare those revolting brussel sprout right in its wrinkly face again… give it up for the….
Function-digest food and break down into Digestive System Vocabulary- nutrients for cells. Anorexia Nervosa-Condition involving self-deprivation of food and pathological Key Terms- weight loss. chloecyst/o-gall bladder Bulimia Nervosa-Gorging with food and enter/o-intestine purging. col/o,colon/o-large intestine Cholecystitis-Inflammation of the gall hepat/o-liver bladder. gastr/o-stomach Cholelithiasis-condition of stones in the gall or/o-mouth bladder. -pepsia:digestion Chron’s Disease-Chronic disease that chol/e-bile;gall causes inflammation of the digestive tract. proct/o-rectum Enteritis-Inflammation of the intestines Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease- Healthcare Careers- Backward flow of stomach acids into the Gastroenterologist-doctor to esophagus diagnose and treat diseases related Hepatitis-Inflammation of the liver, caused to the stomach and intestines. by a virus. Intestinal Obstruction-partial or complete Heaptologist-doctor to diagnose stoppage of digested food in the intestinal and treat diseases related to the tract. liver. Pancreatitis-inflammation of the pancreas Whew!! That was a lot of complicated parts!! Anyone in need of a bathroom break?? Well… tis system might be causing that issue… On to the….
Function- fliter blood and create urine as a waste Urinary System Vocabulary by-product. Hematuria- Blood in the urine Key Terms- Dysuria- Painful urination -cele: hernia Glycouria-Condition in which carbohydrates or -lysis: destruction (of cells) sugars are excreted in the urine. cyst/o- bladder Diabetes-Condition characterized by excessive nephr/o- kidney amounts of urine. ren/o- kidney Glomerulonephritis- Inflammation of the -uria:pertaining to the urine glomeruli in the kidney -pexy:surgical fixation Nephrosclerosis- Disease in which the arteriole -ectasis: dilation walls in the kidneys become narrowed and pyel/o- renal pelvis thickened. Phenylketonuria- Inherited disorder that causes Healthcare careers- increased levels of phenylaline. Urologic Oncologist- doctors for Polycystic Kidney Disease- Disease of Cysts in cancers of the urinary or genital the kidney, leading to an enlargement and system. impaired function of the kidney. Pyelonephritis- Inflammation of the lining of the Urologist- doctors who perfom surgey WAIT!!! We saw what was in us… But renal pelvis and the functional tissue of the on diseases related to the urinary kidney. where did WE come from?? Renal Cell Carcinoma- Cancerous tumor of the system. kidney that occurs during adulthood. Well ladies and gentlemen… the next stop will answer you question about life… literally. A round of applause for the...
Function-to produce and transport the Reproductive System Research Vocabulary- Breast Cancer-malignant tumor of the egg and sperm cells, and nurture the mammary gland developing offspring. Cervical Dysplasia-consition of abnormal cell changes at the surface of the cervix Key terms- Infertility-the inabilityor diminished ability to cervic/o-cervix produce offspring. salping/o-fallopian or eustachian tubes Menometrorrhagia-Irregular or excessive ov/o-egg bleeding during menstruation, or between orchid/o-testicles menstrual periods. oophor/o-ovary Pelvic Inflammatory Disease-Inflammation men/o-menses;menstruation of the female reproductive organs resulting mamm/o-breast from infection gynec/o-woman Premenstrual System-A group of colp/o-vagina symptoms that occur several days prior to prostat/o-prostrate the onset of menstruation Pyosalpinx-Condition in which the fallopian Healthcare Careers- tubes are filled with pus. Vaginitis-Inflammation of the vagina Gynecologist-doctor for the female Candidiasis-Inflammation of the skin or reproductive system mucous membrane caused by a species yeast. Andrologist-doctor for the male And that ladies and gentlemen completes the Cystocele-Hernia of the bladder that reproductive system. trip through the body. For those of you who protudes through the vaginal wall. contemplate why we are here… This should have given you a very good answer. Anyway… my encaphalon is in dire need of coffee. Thank you for traversing the human body with me!!
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