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Home Explore Integumentary System Research

Integumentary System Research

Published by Prakruthi Dwarakanath, 2020-09-20 15:38:11

Description: Integumentary System Research


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Function: Act as a barrier to protect body Integumentary System Research Vocabulary from the pathogens and bacteria in the air Papule-Solid skin elevation with distinct from getting into the bloodstream. boredersand a diameter of less than 1 cm, pimple Key Terms- Macule-Small,flat disclosed lesion on derm/o, dermat/o- skin the skin, freckle kerat/o-hard, horn-shaped Tinea-Skin infection cause by a fungus tissue Pustule-A small infected skin elevation xer/o-dry that contains pus, abscess xanth/o-yellow Verruca-Wart; a local growth of the erythr/o-red outer layer of skin, caused by a virus. pedicu/o-fingernail or toenail Wheals- A smooth, slightly swollen area onych/o-nail that is redder or parel that the myc/o-fungus surrounding skin; characteristic of pil/o-hair;hair follicle hives. lip/o-fat Cicatrix-A scar left by a healed wound rhytid/o-wrinkle Fissure-A groove or crack; as in a sore. albin/o-white Nevus- A highly pigmented lesion of the skin that is flat or raised; mole Vesicle-A small, raised skin lesion filled with clear fluid; blister Healthcare Careers: Diseases/Disorders- Malignant Melanoma-Cancerous growth composed of melanocytes; starts off as a Dermatologist-doctor who diagnose and treats irregularly shaped macule, then changes color and texture. diseases of the skin Basal Cell Sarcoma- Commonly slow-growing malignant tumor of the basal cell layer of the epidermis. Seldom metastasizes. Plastic Surgeon-a surgen who performs Psoriasis-a chronic disease marked by itchy erythematous skin with silvery repairs on the body by transfer of tissue. patches. Scabies- a contagious parasitic infection of the skin with intense pruritus.

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