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Home Explore October 2021 Link

October 2021 Link

Published by alansayer, 2021-09-20 21:28:56

Description: October 2021 Link


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Who do I contact? Priest Rev Matt 01228 Parish Office in Charge Martinson 599562 01228 Holy Trinity, 538983 St Barnabas, or & St Luke’s [email protected] Local Lay Maria [email protected] Parish Minister Holmes Facebook (Outreach & Pages: Mission) Authorised Gemma [email protected] TP4C Lay Minister McManus Church page (Safeguarding) (Pastoral) & PCC Secretary Church Jannette Yvonne TP4CLittle Wardens King Swainson Fishes (Holy Trinity) (Safeguarding) [email protected] Lead) [email protected] Church Mal & Peter 01228 foodbank@ Wardens Brown 380541 tp4c (St Luke’s) (answerphone) [email protected] Church Angela & John 01228 TP4C Men’s Wardens Hewitt 536574 meet up (St Barnabas) Worship Mrs Ruby Maria TP4C Leaders Morlin Holmes MessyChurch Haley Richard Geoff Stewart TP4C Brown Martinson PrayerSupport (Safeguarding) alison Link Magazine Alison & Elec- Sayer toralRoll 2

What’s going on? Sundays; “Face to face” Services will be at St Barnabas at 10am and at St Luke’s at 6pm (as well as live on Facebook , youtube or phone.) We are now able to sing and respond while wearing masks! Baptisms will be held at 1pm Café Church will be held on 1st Sunday of the month at St Barnabas and 3rd Sunday of the month at St Luke’s. (Continental-style breakfast until Christmas! ) Holy Communion will be at St Barnabas on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month and on the last Sunday of the month at St Luke’s. There are children’s areas at the front and back of both churches. Prayer groups: Mondays at St Barnabas ,Wednesdays at St Luke’s and Fridays online at 9am Check on the TP4C group facebook page for the zoom code or phone number Wednesday morning Holy Communion at 10am Alternate Wednesdays at St Barnabas and St Luke’s led by the Reader and Lay Ministry team. 6th/20th October at St Luke’s: 13th/27th October at St Barnabas: You can also check or contact Matt or Maria either by email or by phone to find out what’s going on or if you have any questions or need prayer or assistance of any kind. (***Matt’s day off is Friday***) Donations are always very welcome Don’t forget to Gift Aid if you pay tax as we can reclaim an extra 25% We now also have Contactless machines for both churches 01228 599562 for Matt or 01228 538983 for the Office Vestry Hour: Mondays 6-7pm to arrange Baptisms, Weddings or for General requests. 1st /3rd Monday of the month at St Luke’s (4th & 18th October) 2nd/4th Monday of the month at St Barnabas (11th & 25th October) (NOT 5th Mondays or Bank Holidays) Information can also be checked on or in- [email protected] And on Youtube: 3

I used this image and quote in a recent Morning Prayer session that I was leading. These are words from Winnie the Pooh – “I’ll always be with you” and they reminded me that they can be related to our relationship with God. Think of the words “God is with you.” These words are mentioned continually throughout the Bible from Genesis to the Gospels and beyond. We are left in no uncertain terms that wherever we are, however we are feeling, God is with us. Even when we feel alone, He is with us and will never forsake us. Imagine how the shepherds felt when they heard the name “Immanuel” meaning “God is with us.” We are also told that when Jesus ascends into heaven and we can no longer physically be with us, we will be empowered by the Holy Spirit and will dwell within us and stay with us forever. What a beautiful reminder that God does not abandon us to travel through life on our own. Instead, the Holy Spirit guides and comforts us in everything we do. Jannette 4

Men’s Breakfast is on the first Saturday of the month. Meet at the Royal Scot on Langrigg Road at 10am for a good breakfast and a good craic. On Saturday 2nd October, Dr Andrew Brittlebank (Consultant Psychiatrist & Associate Medical Director, Cumbria & Northumberland) will be leading a Men’s Health Breakfast. 18th October : St Luke the Evangelist – linking the sacred and the profane To St Luke, a Gentile, we owe the beautifully written Gospel of Luke, and the Book of Acts. He was a Greek physician, a disciple of St Paul, a companion on some of his missionary journeys, and an inspired writer. Luke’s gospel focuses on the compassion of Christ. His gospel contains some of the most moving parables, such as the Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son. This, with his emphasis on poverty, prayer and purity of heart, make up much of his appeal to the Gentles, for whom he wrote. Women figure more prominently in Luke’s gospel than any other: look out for the extended story of the Virgin Birth, and stories of Mary, Elizabeth, and the woman who was a sinner. In Acts, Luke is remarkably good as linking sacred and profane history, as sub- sequent archaeology has shown. A principal theme of his Acts is how the early Christians moved away from Jerusalem into the pagan world, and especially on to Rome. Luke is the patron saint of doctors, surgeons and artists (due to his picturesque style of writing). His symbol is an ox, sometimes explained by reference to the sacrifice in the Temple at the beginning of his Gospel. In England 28 ancient churches were dedicated to him. 5

Faith Like Potatoes Saturday 2nd October at St Barnabas Church at 6pm This is the chance to come and hear how God changed a man’s life and worked a miracle in his and his family’s life. Come and join us and bring your own popcorn and drinks. Doors open 5:30pm Carlisle City of Lights Thursday 14th –Saturday 16th October Tickets and information from: Carlisle Tourist Information Centre 01228 598596 6

11th October James the Deacon James the Deacon is the saint for any lay person who has stepped in to lead their church when the clergy are far away. In fact, an historian has called James the Deacon ‘the one heroic figure’ in the Roman mission to Northumbria. No wonder – in a time of political chaos, with the king murdered and even the bishop fleeing for safety, James the Deacon stood firm. It had begun when Pope Gregory the Great sent Paulinus, Bishop of York, to take Roman Christianity to Northumbria. James the Deacon, almost certainly an Italian, was among those who went with Paulinus. The mission began well, and Edwin the king of Northumbria was converted. Roman Christianity in Northumbria took root and began to grow. But then in 633 Edwin fell in battle with Penda, the ruthless pagan king of Mercia. A pagan backlash began. The queen and her son fled for Kent, with the bishop Paulinus going south with them. All that was left of Roman Christianity in Northumbria was James, now a solitary deacon. But James was made of stern stuff, and despite the danger from Penda, James stayed on at a village near Catterick, often risking his life as he cared for the Christians, and continued to preach the gospel. His success was discovered when the Northumbrian mission returned five to ten years later, and found an active Christian community still in Northumbria. James had been a faithful servant. After Penda died, and Christian rule was re-established in Northumbria, James turned to teaching music, especially Gregorian Chant, to the fledgling churches in the region. Bede praised him for his honour and integrity. James was present at the Synod of Whitby in 664, which met to discuss the differences between the Celtic Northumbrian Church of the North, and the Roman Church of the South. When James died sometime after 671, he was deeply mourned by the ordinary Christians of Northumbria, both Celtic and Roman. He had never deserted them. 7

Tp4c Foodbank Thank you to everyone for the Harvest donations, they are much appreciated. Now is the time to start putting away something for Christmas so that our foodbank partners will be able to receive a hamper. Anything you can think of to go in a Christmas hamper will be gratefully received. We have now also started a “Drop off, drop in” from about 9am on Thursdays so that help and advice can be available over a cuppa and a piece of toast! I can’t see the screen! It has been great to have lovely sunny days, but the projectors at St Barnabas find sunshine difficult to deal with and we need a couple of new/second hand projectors so that we can continue to see the services on the screen. Projectors cost around £350-£400 second hand. If you would like to contribute towards a couple of new projec- tors, please put your contribution in an envelope marked PROJECTOR and pop it on the plate on a Sunday or speak to Matt or Yvonne about other methods of donating. Parish Prayer Loop: Maria Holmes : Speak to her! ([email protected]) Alison Sayer: [email protected] Rev Matt & Haley Martinson: [email protected] or 599562 Geoff Brown from St Luke’s & Margaret Brown from St Luke’s All requests are confidential and can be for anyone about anything. We also have a prayer support page on facebook 8

Lectionary Readings for October Year B Sunday 26th September Esther 7: 1 - 6,9,10 & 9: 20-22 Mark 9: 38-50 17th Sunday after Trinity Psalm 124 (Proper 21) James 5: 13-20 Wednesday 29th September Genesis 28: 10-17 or John 1: 47-51 St Michael & All Angels Revelation 12: 7-12 (Michaelmas) Psalm 103: 19-22 Hebrews 1: 5-14 Sunday 3rd October Job 1: 1, 2: 1-10 Mark 10: 2-16 18th Sunday after Trinity Psalm 26 (Proper 22) Hebrews 1: 1-4 & 2: 5-12 Sunday 10th October Job 23: 1-9,16-17 Mark 10: 17-31 19th Sunday after Trinity Psalm 22: 1-15 Mark 10: 35-45 (Proper 23) Hebrews 4: 12-16 Luke 10: 1-9 Sunday 17th October Job 38: 1-7, [34-41] John 10: 22-29 20th Sunday after Trinity Psalm 104: 1-10, 26, 35c John 5: 36-47 (Proper 24) Hebrews 5: 1-10 Mark 12: 28-34 Monday 18th October Isaiah 35: 3-6 or John 11: 32-44 St Luke Acts 16: 6-12a Mark 1: 14-20 Psalm 147: 1-7 Sunday 24th October 2Timothy 4: 5-17 Last Sunday after Trinity Genesis 28: 11-18 or Dedication Sunday Revelation 21: 9-14 Bible Sunday Psalm 122 1Peter2: 1-10 Sunday 31st October Isaiah 55: 1-11 4th Sunday before Advent Psalm 19: 7-14 2Timothy 3: 14-4: 5 (Clocks go back) Ruth 1: 1-18 Psalm 146 All Saints’ Day Hebrews 9: 11-14 Sunday 7th November Wisdom of Solomon 3: 1-9 or 3rd Sunday before Advent Isaiah 25: 6-9 Psalm 24: 1-6 Revelation 21: 1-6a Jonah 3: 1 - 5, 10 Psalm 62: 5-12 Hebrews 9: 24-28 9


Across: 1 ‘Those who were standing near Paul said, “You — to insult God’s high priest?”’ (Acts 23:4) (4) 3 They were assigned to guard the tree of life (Genesis 3:24) (8) 9 ‘Elkanah son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the — of — , the son of Zuph, an Ephraim- ite’ (1 Samuel 1:1) (3,4) 10 Surrender (Joshua 24:23) (5) 11 Where American livestock can be reared (5) 12 Listen (anag.) (6) 14 Alternative name for Kiriath Jearim (2 Samuel 6:2) (6,2,5) 17 He founded Westminster Abbey, — the Confessor (6) 19 Hebrew word for the place of the dead (5) 22 Allies of Persia in the fifth century BC (Esther 1:3) (5) 23 Where John Wesley was forced to preach a lot (4,3) 24 Rebellion against God; abandonment of religious belief (8) 25 Note (anag.) (4) Down 1 Give an account of (Mark 4:30) (8) 2 ‘I — — the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free’ (Psalm 119:32) (3,2) 4 ‘He took the ephod, the other — — and the carved image’ (Judges 18:20) (9,4) 5 ‘You are a chosen people, a — priesthood’ (1 Peter 2:9) (5) 6 The meek, the merciful and the mourners are all this (Matthew 5:4–5, 7) (7) 7 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (1,1,1,1) 8 He was the son of Nun (Deuteronomy 34:9) (6) 13 ‘Let the little — come to me’ (Matthew 19:14) (8) 15 ‘About three thousand were — — their number that day’ (Acts 2:41) (5,2) 16 In John’s vision, the wall of the new Jerusalem was made of this (Revelation 21:18) (6) 18 ‘Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly — a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ’ (Philippians 3:20) (5) 20 ‘Glorify the Lord with me: let us — his name together’ (Psalm 34:3) (5) 21 Young Men’s Christian Association (1,1,1,1) Answers on page 17 The Bible version used in our crosswords is the NIV. Crosswords reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). Acknowledgements go to for many of the articles, prayers, puzzles & cartoons in this magazine. 11

All Hallows Eve – or Holy Evening 31st October Modern Halloween celebrations have their roots in pre-Christian times. In those long-ago days, on the last night of October, the Druid priests celebrated the Festival of Samhain, or ‘Summer’s End’. They lit great bonfires and performed magic rites to ward off the dark supernatural powers of oncoming winter. Today, Christians turn to prayer instead of charms to overcome the powers of darkness. And the deeper, true meaning of All Hallows’ Eve, should not be forgotten. As Christians, we all draw closer to Christ when we remember and give thanks for our loved ones and for others who have gone before us through the gates of death. All Magic Deeper Answers on Hallows Dark True page 17 Halloween Supernatural Eve Druid Powers Closer Priests Winter Christ Festival Christians Thanks Samhain Prayer Loved Bonfires Charms Death Gone 12

Drop off, drop in from 9am -10am at St Luke’s on Tuesday mornings. Drop the older ones off at school then drop in for tea, coffee, toast and a chat and soft play before Little Fish- es at 10am.TERM TIME ONLY AND at St Barnabas Church, Raffles Tuesday 1.30-2.30pm 13


We have Cubs and Scouts at St Barnabas for boys and girls from 8 years+ Meeting in Term-time only St Barnabas Cubs and Scouts on Mondays Cubs at Holy Trinity Contact: Peter Martin 07718 237722 Holy Trinity Cubs and Scouts GSL: Mark Hampton 07538 571546 contact Mike for Cubs or Mark for Scouts Beaver Colony Contact Ben or Joanne Girls may join the Rainbows or the Brownies who meet at St Barnabas Church on Wednesdays Meeting in Term-time only Rainbows 5pm to 6pm Brownies 6-7.30pm Contact: Suzie Giles for Rainbows on 544118 or for Brownies Ellis Page (mobile) 07729 046 765 or (Home) 01228 544 877. Messy Tea@4C: We haven’t forgotten about Messy Church, but there are still some Covid issues to sort out about having tea, so instead of “messing” about with the format, we have decided to suspend Messy Tea until we can do it properly. Festival of Light Saturday 30th October From 5pm-7pm At St Luke’s Wear something white or bright! 15


ANSWERS Crossword Answers: ACROSS: 1 1 dare; 3 cherubim; 9 son Tohu; 10 yield; 11 ranch; 12 enlist; 14 Baalah of Judah; 17 Edward; 19 Sheol; 22 media; 23 open air; 24 apostasy; 25 Eton DOWN :1 describe; 2 run in; 4 household gods; 5 royal; 6 blessed; 7 MIDI; 8 Joshua; 13 children; 15 added to; 16 Jasper; 18 await; 20 exalt; 21 YMCA 17

By the Revd Peter Crumpler, a Church of England priest in St Albans, Herts, and a former communications director for the C of E. Meeting the needs of older people These days there seems to be a day for everything, including the United Nations’ ‘International day for Older Persons’, which is observed on 1st October. So perhaps October is a good month to think about meeting the needs of older people in church. Many churches employ children’s workers or youth leaders – but how many have appointed people to minister specifically to the older people in their congregation and beyond? In St Albans, north of London, two Methodist churches have joined together to recruit an ‘Anna Chaplain’ to help meet the needs of seniors in local church congregations and beyond. The new role is part of a growing network of Anna Chaplains, named after the widow, Anna, who appears in Luke’s gospel as a good role model of a faithful older person. The development comes as charities that work with older people have published research which how badly the pandemic has impacted those aged 60 and above, and raised questions about how well they will ‘bounce back’ after Covid-19. Age UK has called on the Government to give the NHS and social care services extra resources to help older people make the best possible recovery. With coronavirus now hopefully in retreat in the UK, the charity has also appealed to the wider public to keep supporting the older people in their lives. It said: “The impact of the pandemic on the health and wellbeing of some older people in early 2021 is so demonstrably severe that it raises big questions over whether they will be able to ‘bounce back’.” Against this background, Maggie Dodd, the first Anna Chaplain in Hertford- shire, explained: “Our vision is that older people are cherished and supported within their church communities, and also beyond, in the wider community. “Often you have people who used to attend church, and they’ve become a little more frail and not able to attend or they’ve moved to a care home or sheltered housing, and they just lose touch with what’s going on. They’re not able to take themselves to church anymore.” The work of Anna Chaplains includes ministry in care homes and other settings where older people live or gather. At this time of year, some churches organise ‘holiday at home’ projects and activities for seniors in their area. Anna Chaplains are a ministry of Christian charity, BRF (Bible Reading Fellowship) who have a vision “to see an Anna Chaplain in every small and medium-sized community in the country, and for the Anna Chaplain name to become synonymous with spiritual care for older people.” 18

How should we read the Bible? (Bible Sunday is 24th October) There are three things to bear in mind when you pick up your Bible: First, approach it expectantly. The Bible is not just another book – it is the Word of God, given to us by God to help us and instruct us. The Psalmist declared, ‘Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path’ (Psalm 119:105). Therefore, as you open your Bible, pray that the Holy Spirit (who inspired the writers of the Bible) will illumine its meaning to you. Read it carefully, not just hurrying through it as you would a novel. Secondly, read your Bible systematically. Aim to read about three chapters a day: begin at Genesis and work through the Old Testament. Begin in Matthew and work through the New Testament; begin in Psalms and work through Psalms and Proverbs. Simply continue these three cycles, and it will ensure that your diet of Bible reading each day will be varied and include a bit of everything! Finally, read your Bible obediently. Be ready to obey the truth that God has for you in its pages. God gave the Bible to us ‘for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16), and the Bible can change our lives as we read it and obey its teachings every day. 19

New research reveals significant contribution by cathedrals to local economies A new report has highlighted the hugely positive economic and social impact England’s cathedrals have on their cities. In 2019, England’s 42 Anglican cathedrals contributed £235m to their local economies. They provided 6,065 jobs, full time equivalent jobs and volunteering posts for 15,400 people who gave 906,000 hours of their time. They welcomed more than 14.6 million visits, 308,000 by schoolchildren for educational events, and 9.5m from tourists. In the same year, cathedrals hosted a rich programme of arts, music, heritage and culture – amounting to 9,580 events equivalent to two every three days – as well as providing the venues for film shoots such as The Crown, Doctor Who and Avengers: Endgame. The cathedrals have also run foodbanks, supported groups for the more vulnerable, the unemployed, and the homeless. They have helped outreach activities in schools, residential homes and hospitals, lunch clubs, parent and toddler groups, as well as community cafes. Also, over two-thirds of cathedrals are part of the A Rocha Eco Church programme, helping the Church of England achieve its carbon reduction targets by 2030. To the Son Most gracious Son, may your teaching dispel the darkness of ignorance in our mind, and may your commands be beacons of light showing us the path to peace. And as we walk on that path, may we find your footprints on the ground, that we may place our own feet where you have trodden. We believe that you will strengthen our limbs when they grow weary, and raise our spirits when they become heavy, because nothing gives you greater pleasure than watching us follow the way of salvation. We pray that you will always be our friend and our guide, and so bring us to your Father’s heavenly kingdom. A Prayer of Erasmus, 1469–1536 - most renowned scholar of his age. 20

4th October St. Francis - and the Life of Simplicity Just about the only thing most people know about Francis of Assisi is that he talked to the birds (see below) Church-goers also know the popular hymn based on his famous prayer, ‘Make me a channel of your Peace’, which was sung at the funeral of Princess Diana. However, Italy’s patron saint, whose feast day is this month (the 4th) was a more complex, and some would say controversial character. His life spanned the end of the twelfth and beginning of the thirteenth centuries. He was born into a very wealthy family, but after what he called his ‘conversion’ standing before a crucifix. He renounced all his possessions. In fact, he stripped himself of his of his wealthy garments in a public square in his home-town, Assisi. For the rest of his life he and his followers, including his feminine counterpart. St Claire longed, prayed and worked for a life of simplicity – a lifestyle without luxury or privileges. For the Franciscan brothers and the Poor Claires. This meant no private possessions at all. Francis saw that many poor people without these things, actually seemed to live happier and more fulfilling lives than the ambitious rich. He spoke of a simple life not shaped by money or power but by love and mutual concern. As his hymn says, ‘it is in giving of ourselves that we receive’. Of course, poverty; in our modern western world is seldom a matter of blissful simplicity, as present-day Franciscans recognise. For too many it is a matter of poor diet, over-crowded rooms, rough sleeping and unemployment. The call of today’s followers of Francis and Claire is that those who are better-off should ‘live more simply, so that others can simply live’. Christians follow a Master who said that he came with ‘good news for the poor’. They believe that many of us today can be that good news. Francis’ close rapport with the animal creation is also well known. The story of his preaching to the birds has always been a favourite scene from his life. He also tamed the wolf of Gubbio. This affinity emphasises his consideration for, and sense of identity with, all elements of the physical universe, as seen in his Canticle of the Sun. This makes him an apt patron of nature conservation. The 20th century witnessed a widespread revival of interest in Francis. Sadly, some films and books caricatured him as only a sentimental nature-lover or a hippie drop out from society. This ignores the real sternness of his character, and his all-pervasive love of God and identification with Christ’s sufferings, which alone make sense of his life. Two ancient, and many modern English churches are dedicated to him. 21

Nigel Beeton writes: Psalm 119, at 179 verses is not only the longest chapter of any kind in the Bible, and is longer than the books of Ruth, James, and Philippians! There is a story of a condemned prisoner who exercised his right to have a Psalm recited prior to his execution, chose Psalm 119, and received his pardon before the end of the Psalm! Almost every single verse mentions God’s Word, His Law, His Statutes, or His Ordinances. That’s how important it is to be familiar with the Word of God. Many of us neglect it at our peril, but many Christians spend longer in a day watching commercials than they do reading God’s Word… This poem is based on only one stanza, Nun, which begins at verse 105, and is one of the most familiar passages: Thy Word Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my way. Thy Word is right, and I will keep Thy Law from day to day. Thy Word will revive my weary soul Afflicted it was, and astray. Lift me O Lord, and make me whole By Thy side, O Lord, I will stay. Although the wicked lay a snare Thy ordinance makes me bold; Within Thy tenderness and care No devil can get a hold. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my way. Thy Word is right, and I will keep Thy Law from day to day. (Bible Sunday is on October 24th) BH 22

ST BARNABAS WITH HOLY TRINITY MOTHERS UNION Well, we have waited for 17 long months to meet again. Not everyone was able to come but 15 of us enjoyed a lovely afternoon. Mrs Ruby Morlin led our service of communion and we were very pleased that she was able to do so; thank you Ruby, for your inspirational interpretation of our theme for 2021 which is “Rebuilding Hope and Confidence. Thank you to everyone who made the afternoon so special. Our next meeting is on Thursday 14th October in St Barnabas church at 2pm. Mrs Margaret Hughes will bring a selection of Mothers Union Xmas and other greeting cards etc for us to purchase. Also it would be great if you could begin collecting items to fill shoeboxes to send to Operation Christmas Child. I will be able to bring some pre printed box- es and leaflets to this meeting. Love and God Bless…Margaret Here are some other dates for your diary: October 13th AGM, Council and Sharing Day at Shap. October 20th – 22nd The retreat at Rydal Hall with Penny Driver as the leader. Full details in the MU magazine. November 6th(Saturday) Provincial End of Triennium Service in Liverpool. Coach travel will be arranged if appropriate. November 13th (Saturday) Diocesan End of Triennium Service in Carlisle Cathedral. Autumn Prayer Dear Loving, Father God, As the season changes and we enjoy the beautiful colours of autumn, there are other changes which we don’t enjoy. Changes we cannot control; changes and suffering in the world, beyond our comprehension; changes to our work routines, or health, or circumstances; changes which cause us anxiety and uncertainty. When everything seems to be falling around us like the autumn leaves, help us, Lord, to remember that you stand firm. You are our rock. You never change. You are always faithful, always with us, as we move into each new day and each new season. Thank you for loving us so much that you gave us Jesus, so that by putting our trust in Him, we can know the security of your love, for ever! In His name, we thank you, Sovereign Lord. Amen, By Daphne Kitching EDIN 23


WALKER’S FUNERAL DIRECTORS * 24 hour Complete Service * Private Chapel of Rest * Memorial Consultants * Woodland Burials * Pre-paid Funeral Plans 80 Wigton Road, Carlisle, CA2 7AY Tel: 01228 515650 25

SEAN CRILLEY Independent Family Funeral Directors 78 Brook Street, Carlisle ‘A Local Firm Proudly Serving Local Families’ For 24 Hour Personal Attention Call Sean on (01228) 544905 Private Chapels of Rest - Pre-Paid Funeral Plans - Memorial Consultants Email; [email protected] AQUADRy CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SPECIALISTS FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTES CALL 01228 810141 07867505206 26

Michael G. Maddison Independent Funeral Director 57-61 Newtown Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 7JB Tel: 01228 317577 Mob: 07796102996 Offering a 24 hour Caring and Dignified Service Chapels of Rest, Pre-payment Funeral Plans & Memorials 27

CONTACT DETAILS Are you new to the Parish or would like some further information about the different Parish activities? Please tick the information you require on the list below, send this form to the address given and the right person will contact you soon. Send your Parish Office request to: c/o St Barnabas Church Brookside, Carlisle, CA2 7JU Phone: 01228 538983 [email protected] Name Address Postcode Telephone Email Baptism/Confirmation Bible Study Courses (Alpha, Footsteps, Called to Serve) Family Church activities Pastoral Visiting Prayer/ Healing Ministry Youth Organisations Link Magazine Parish Activities and Events Anything else? (Please note request in space provided)

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