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Home Explore I AM ORANGE: Tell Me What You Want Behind the Seen

I AM ORANGE: Tell Me What You Want Behind the Seen

Published by chengta227, 2018-09-04 10:44:28

Description: I AM ORANGE: Tell Me What You Want Behind the Seen


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30 April 2016 14 July 2016 p. 1517 May - Filming day in karaoke bar, but Junio cancels9 May - Filming at Junio’s house with full film crew3 Jun - David asks Junio again about store permit14 Jun - Junio’s wife texts David using Junio’s number,saying that that he is sick and asks for help20 Jun - Junio texts David that he has recovered from his illness22 Jun - Junio gets cash from the gallery staff28 Jun - Junio gets a strange message from lawyer friend

Act 4p. 152

30 Apr 2016, Sat 22:06 D: You in Malate? 22:14J: Yes David, where are you? 23:00J: David this is my smart #09204601384, pls call me. p. 153

1 May 2016, Sun 1:54J: David. 2:54 D: Soooooorry!! I fall asleep!! D: Just Trying to call you but you can’t receive it 15:10J: Hello David. Yesterday I went to gallery u stay. According tothe guard u are not there? D: I stay in the gallery. He is the new one, so maybe he doesn’t know me! I also don’t know him! Haha... How is the moving? Are you coming to Malate tonight?J: Yes David I go to Malate later. What time we meet? D: Maybe 9 or 10pm?J: OK, see u in Malate. 19:39J: David, where are u? I go to art gallery. D: Later! I‘m having dinner outside. Let’s meet at 8:30?J: Ok David. We meet at gallery. 20:32 D: Are you here? I go down.J: I’m on the way to go there. D: Ok, let me know when you are down stairs.J: I just arrived now in gallery.p. 154

David meets Junio outsidethe gallery to hand him themoney to help him pay forhis rent. They also discussthe film shoot scheduled inthe next few days. p. 155

3 May 2016, Tue 22:18 D: Hi, Junio! How are you? I think we might shoot in your house this week! But I am still waiting for Joara mamasan’s reply to see which day is better to shoot her interview. Is this Saturday or Sunday ok for you? 23:23 D: Are you in Malate?p. 156

4 May 2016, Wed 21:04 D: Good evening! Will you be in Malate tonight?J: David, sorry late reply. I plan to go Malate tomorrow. I’mvery busy today David. Sorry l have so many paper works.When do u plan to take shoot in one of ktv club in Malate? 21:42D: No worries. Just do your work. Mocha is still waiting for mama san’sreply! If she not yet replys, can you also ask her when you are in Malatetomorrow? We hope to do it on Saturday or Sunday. And is that ok if we do your interview in your house again in the same day? 21:49J: Ok David just let u know my schedule for that date.And tomorrow l will talk to the mama san. D: Thanks Junio! 22:03J: No problem David. l promise u l will help u until u finishthe film. 22:59J: David can I request a favor? D: What’s that? 23:10J: On Sunday will celebrate my b’day with friends. And we’replanning swimming overnight. Can u join with us? And weresharing all expenses. If u don’t mind can u share? p. 157

D: Where to stay overnight? In the beach side? I’m still waiting for mama san’s answer! I hope she can do Saturday! I don’t mind to share with everyone if I join for sure. 23:14J: Don’t worry David. I will be the one to settle the mama san. D: Thanks. Where are you planning to go swimming? 23:17J: We’re searching a near place, and I want you to meet myfriends. They also give sharing the expenses to make every-body happy. D: So we can do your interview in the same day with mama san. 23:22J: By the way David, what time on Saturday shoot in mama sanplace? D: It depends on her. To see when is better for her and the owner. 23:24J: Ok david. Wait I contact the mama san now. D: Thanks and we talk tomorrow.p. 158

5 May 2016, Thu 13:30J: David good afternoon. I already contact mama san andshe told she will contact me later to inform me what time onSaturday we will can shoot. D: Thank you so much Junio! :) I will meet Mocha later and let her know. 14:22J: David did u read my message? 15:52 D: I did. But Mocha just texts me mama san says Sunday?! 18:29J: Really? p. 159

6 May 2016, Fri 20:52J: David, mama san is rest day today. D: But yesterday, you told me she is ok to do the shooting tmr, no? I have to arrange/decide everything today. And after her interview, we will go your house to do your interview. 20:58J: I told her tomorrow will we shoot and she say ok. And shetell her boss. Now I try to contact her. But the cellphone isoff. D: Ok. So it’s better to go at 6pm before the business starts, right?J: Ok David. 22:50 D: Hey Junio, so we meet at 6pm tmr in Malate ok? D: Thanks! See you tmr! :)p. 160

7 May 2016, Sat 16:29 D: Hi Junio. See you at 6pm in gallery then we go karaoke shop together! 17:36 D: Let me know when you are here! :)J: Sorry David, can we settle on May 9? Until now I’m busyin my office work sorry. And mama san not yet contact me. 17:47 D: Omg! You should let me know earlier. Because we already settle and rent all the equipments, and photographers are coming from QC! I will look for mama san later. And will you be free later tonight for shooting? Because I think they are on the way!!!! 17:49 D: Can we talk on phone for a bit?J: Sorry David can u call me again? 17:56 D: Ok, Mocha is going to call you now. Now I try to go to the shop to find mama san first. Let me know when you finish work. We will be in Joara! See you later! Thanks Junio. p. 161

Because Junio could not givea definite answer and wasnot sure if he could make it tothe shoot, I decide to contactthe mama-san directly andmake the necessary arrange-ments myself. We are ableto shoot in Joara as plannedand we get all the footage weneed for the film. Everythinggoes well, considering we donot have our main contactaround to help us.p. 162

p. 163

Mocha: Who among you wasthe first one to meet David?Mama-san 1: It was MamaBella, because of Junio.Mama Bella: It was me. It’smy second time to meet him.Mocha: What do you think isDavid’s ethnicity?Mama Bella: Japanese.p. 164

Mocha: In exchange for us-ing your bar as a shoot loca-tion for our short film, wewill shoot a 2-minute ad-vertisement for your club.Is that okay? Do you thinkthat’s fair?Mama-sans: So it means wehave a give-and-take rela-tionship? Well, we can’t de-cide because we are not theclub owner. For the ad, youcan shoot some song-and-dance performances. But weneed to rehearse first. It hasto be entertaining.Interview excerpt from “Tell Me What You Want: Joara” (2017) p. 165

8 May 2016, Sun 1:13 D: HI Junio, we just finished the shooting in the bar. It went well! How are you? What’s your plan tmr? Still go swimming? And Monday evening are you ok for the shooting at home? David 9:21J: Good morning David. Sorry I was not able to come yester-day. Due of I’m very busy yesterday. I hope u understand mysituation. D: Good morning Junio! Yes I know you were busy. What’s your birthday plan? I already save the time for that. 15:38J: Good afternoon David. What time u will go in my place? D: Try to leave Mabini at 4pm.J: Ok David. See u. D: On my way. See you soon birthday boy.J: Thank u. Take care.p. 166

9 May 2016, Mon 13:12 D: Good afternoon, Junio! I and the shooting team will be there around 6pm! See you later tonight. 13:48J: Yes very happy yesterday. And around 1:30. All my friendcoming. Really all are dancing. D: Super cute people!!!! Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. I had a nice time with all your friends, they are really taking care of me. 17:03 D: Hey, we are on the way to your home from Mabini! See you later! p. 167

p. 168

After several unsuccesfulscheduling arrangements,we are finally able to doJunio’s interview in hishome. p. 169

12 May 2016, ThuJ: David how are u? 9:07 10:21 D: I’m good! Came back to Taipei safely!p. 170

19 May 2016, Thu 17:18J: Hello David, how are u? 18:19 D: I’m good! How are you? I’m super busy these days. 18:23J: l changed already house David. Thats why I’m tired toothis past few days. 22:59 D: How is the new house? Nice? p. 171

20 May 2016, Fri 12:01J: Yes David bigger than the previous house. D: Sounds nice! 12:08J: Yes, also I have big space in my house I can put 10motorbikes.p. 172

21:16J: David my plan is another business like supplier of softdrinks and beer. Because I have a big space can stock manycases of soft drinks and beer in my house no need to rentspace David. 21:55 D: The space looks big! Haha... and photos are cute. 22:28J: Yes, the space is big. Good for business right? p. 173

28 May 2016, Sat 1:01J: How are u David? D: Good! had an opening today! How is your new house? 1:24J: The new house is good.. What do u open today? D: An art exhibition in the museum. Also I will go Manila in July for the last film shooting.J: Ah I see. What exhibit? D: I show a live performance. 1:28J: Your performance of? D: Haha... not me. I work with actors. But maybe I should perform in our film.J: What kind of performance? D: I can do drag and sing - that would be funny. And you should dance in the film. 1:31J: Nice to hear that. I want to watch that. And I’m going todance. Variety show with comedy. D: Can you do that? That will be really fantastic. What kind of comedy?J: Yes I can do comedy while wearing baby diaper and dancewith my backup dancer. 1:34 D: haha.... That will be famtastic with baby talking.p. 174

J: And dancing with bra and panty. 1:37 D: We should plan it and put that part in the film. And you might become famous.J: And dancing like a hobby people. I and my backup willperform true dancing with comedy. That time u watch mehow to dance. p. 175

3 Jun 2016, FriJ: How are u David? 22:35 D: Good, you? How is the permit? 22:39J: As of now still not yet get. But according to the person incharge in permit. It’s ok to put the name. Because alreadywaiting to release the permit. Don’t have enough money tomake name board David. 22:41 D: Ok, I will think about it. Do you have the design?J: Yes David. Imagine the design but problem is not enoughmoney to do that design and name board. It’s cool designDavid. D: Ok, how much do you think it costs? 22:51J: I think it cost 6,000 peso include your picture in nameboard. Thats only my estimation David. D: Do you think it need my photo on it? 22:55 D: I also wanna find a Malate painting. 22:58J: U find Malate painting? For? David. D: For the shooting, and maybe can hang it inside of shop. I just need a small one.J: About the painter. I introduce u. He is a painter in Malate.p. 176

D: That will be nice! So he paints landscape?J: Yes david. D: Can you find something he painted before? I wanna have a look of it. 23:00J: That’s professional painter David from long time ago.He can paint like true picture of u, and good in landscape. D: Cool. 23:03J: Ok David if u want send me a sample picture u want to painthim. D: No - I just want something he painted before. That will be great if you can pass by his shop just take some photos for me. 23:04J: Ok David I will take photo in his shop. Will send to u. D: Thanks, and also some photos of your new home!J: Ok I will take picture of our home now. D: Say hi to the family! 23:09J: p. 177

23:12 D: It’s much bigger then the pervious one!J: Did u see our new home David? Yes, this is our solo garageDavid. D: Is it far from where you lived before? and from the shop?J: Not to far from house before. And no worry about the owner.We can take bicycle to go to our shop David. 23:24J: Btw about name board maker. I’m thingking to talk to beready. What do u think David? D: Who will design it?J: I give the design and he is the one to arrange the design. 23:27 D: It will be nice!J: But I think need to pay first before he arrange and makethat name board David. 23:30 D: Oh! I can pay him when I am there in July.J: Ok David. July what date? 23:34 D: Not sure yet! I think might be the first week of July! Will let you know soon and we can arrange shootings.J: Ok David.p. 178

13 May 2016, MonJ: How are u David? 0:06 D: I’m good! I was thinking about you. 0:11J: Why think about me? U miss me? haha... D: Kind of. Do you miss me?J: I miss u too. What are u doing now? D: Going to sleep. Too tired today.J: No work today? 0:13 D: I did, you? How is the weather down there? 0:14J: Tired? The weather sometimes good sometimes bad. D: Rains a lot?J: Yes in the evening. D: I see. Do you still go Malate often? How are the boys? 0:19J: David, I’m thinking another business. Beverage dealer. p. 179

14 Jun 2016, Tue 18:33J: David, how are you? I am Junio’s wife. David we need yourhelp. Junio have strong fever and he wants to go to hospitalto take examine. Junio is very not feeling well. But our moneyis not enough to take laboratory examine. According to doctorjunio need to examine general examine. Because doctor didn’tknow how suddenly Junio have strong fever. And the doctorthink Junio have urinal infection but not yet sure becauseneed to examine generally. ASAP. Hope David can u help us.Thank u. 18:36 D: Hi, He was fine yesterday? I am outside now. Talk later. 18:40J: No, David he didn’t tell to me yesterday. That start yester-day he is not feeling well. And in the midnight he tell to me hechilling and strong fever. Thats is why shock. Please help usDavid. He tell to me his body has no energy. 18:42 D: But how to help right now? Did you go to the hospital? 18:45J: Yes I and Junio went to hospital. But Junio told me go backhome because his afraid of bill in hospital. That’s is why I ask-ing u help us David. 18:48J: Please help us David.p. 180

19:43 D: How much you think need? And I’m outside, not at home now… 19:58J: David in your country, do have money sender like LBC orWESTERN UNION? That’s the only way can send money faster.And think need to prepare 10,000 peso. Because we don’tknow if Junio need to confine in the hospital and the gen-eral examine and laboratory are expensive. And also need toprepare for buying medicine. And now I have 3,000 peso. Weneed 7,000 peso to be prepare David. If tomorrow morning It’sok can u help us David. Thank u. 21:28 D: We don’t have LBC or other bank can transfer money faster. I need to go bank tmr and it will take 3 days. Mocha is not in Manila at the moment, so it’s a bit difficult. 21:38J: If atm bank more faster, I can borrow from my sisters bankaccount. Will send to you the bank account and after that Iwill bring Junio to the hospital because he is chilling rightnow. 21:40 D: I can’t do atm from here. Our banks are not connected, not that convenient like Japan and Philippines. Is there no one you can borrow money first then pay back later? From here, it takes 3 days to transfer. How about asking his friends first? Where is he now? At home? 21:44J: David what kinds of bank there in your country? I already p. 181

give message to his brother. But not yet answer. D: Yes, ask his brother first, China trust bank and Taiwan post office. Both you definatly don’t have in Manila. 21:47J: Junio is here at home. Can’t move his body because ofstrong fever. Mocha what kinds of bank? D: I don’t know and she is in Europe right now. 21:52J: This is the best way to send money thru bank David. Canu ask China trust bank if can send to other bank? Like BPIBANK and then tommorow I will ask also bank if can be. Reallythank u for your understanding and concern to us David. 22:08J: David, I ask my sister and she told me. The China trust bankcan send in other bank like BPI bank. D: I will check tomorrow. There is really no one can help first now if Junio is sick? l’m worried about him. Is he ok?p. 182

15 Jun 2016, Wed 12:22 D: How is Junio today?J: Junio right now not feeling well. I told him to go to hospital.But he doesn’t want to go because not enough money. Toldhim David will help us. And he cry. He told me thank u verymuch to u. David did u ask bank? Because already confirm theChina trust bank can transfer to other bank here in Philip-pines. Like BPI bank. 13:16 D: It will take 3 days to transfer to there. Taiwan one is not connected with any bank outside of the countries. How about his brother? Can he help him right now? 13:22J: I try to convince his brother. And I told him I will lendJunio’s motorbike to him. For borrowing money. And then Itold him after 3 to 4 days. I will return his money. As of nowno reply to message. 14:04D: Can you let me know Junio is fine? And just call his brother because he is really sick! Please just take a photo of him to let me know he is ok. 14:44J: David Junio’s brother is not good attitude. That is whyJunio don’t ask help to his brother. Right now Junio’s brotheralready answer and he told me. Ok he get junio motorbike butmake sure 3 to 4 days. I will return his money. And I answer is p. 183

ok I will return his money. 14:46 D: Thanks god, so he can go to hospital to check first.J: 14:48 D: Poor guy. Still in fever?J: Yes, David. He strong fever. In the midnight around 2 to 3am junio is very chilling. 14:53 D: Bring him to hospital now.J: Yes David. I wait his brother and I will bring Junio in thehospital. 14:58 D: Ok! Let me know when he is safely in hospital!J: Ok David. Thank u.p. 184

18:03J: David already went to hospital. And the doctor told meJunio have urinal infection. And doctor want to confine Junioin hospital for 1 week for observation and give medical assis-tance to his sick. And Junio ask doctor if can be stay in housefor rest. And the doctor answer is it’s ok but need to buymany medicines like antibiotics and etc. for one week. Andafter 1 week if Junio not feeling well I and Junio will go backto hospital or confining and need to examine again generalexamine. Right now I buy medicine for Junio. And all medi-cine prescribe by doctor are expensive. And Junio told me ifhe stay in hospital it’s more expensive than buying medicineoutside. And Junio told me really thank u so much. You are myloving family. 21:13D: Take a good rest and everything will be fine. Hope he will get better soon. He is a lucky man that have such a nice wife like you is taking care of him! 21:16J: Thank you David. 21:35J: Junio is a simple person and very kind David. But he havestrong power in Malate place. Right? 21:40J: Junio told me. No one can touch while u are in Malate.Because he is the one give punishment to a person touchingu or get damage to u. p. 185

p. 186

Junio’s wife texts David that he is sick and needs help to buymedicine. She sends him these of photos of Junio in the clinic.David wants to help but he is also a bit suspicious. p. 187

16 Jun 2016, Thu 14:56J: Good afternoon David. Right now Junio’s chilling is alreadydone. And he feel fever but not high temperature. He toldme he suffer strong headache right now. And I already givemedicine for headache. And now he sleeping and take a rest.Hopefully Junio fast recovery from his sick. And I pray. 15:21D: I pray too! He is lucky to have you around! Hope he will get better soon! 15:29J: Thank u David and u are the person can lean on in anyproblems. And a person helpful. I remember Junio told me. Uare part of our family. Yes, that’s true. Hope u accept us to bepart of your family.p. 188

18 Jun 2016, Sat 0:15J: David, how are you? Until now Junio is not feeling. But notlike before. David can I ask u? About the money I barrow toJunio’s brother. Because his brother reminds me about thatmoney. Sorry I’m worrying because I don’t have money to payhis brother. And I don’t know how can I answer his messageSorry for reminding u. D: How much money you borrow from him for the hospital? 0:30J: In hospital I spent 5,500 peso for general examine. AndJunio medicine it cost 2,584.5 peso. His medicine is until 1week he take. And total of 8,084.5 David. And I barrow moneyfrom his brother is 7,000 peso David. 0:34 D: So how much do you need me to help? 7000? I can’t help for all amount of money, because l am not in a good condition at the moment. 0:42J: That’s the problem. Junio told me before don’t ever ask helpto his brother because his brother is not good attitude. Howmuch can u help us Dvid. And I don’t know how can I make7,000 to pay his brother. That’s Junio’s worrying before. 0:58 D: I think I can help for 5,000. 1:06J: Thanks David I’m very appreciate your help. And David when p. 189

u plan to send money. Need to answer junio’s brother mes-sage. Because I promise to his brother last time. After 3 To 4days David. 1:17 D: I can transfer on Monday as today is Saturday. Just give me your account which can transfer. 7:02J: 5476-1298-79 BPI family savings bank. This is the accountnumber. Thank u David. Can answer now Junio’s brother.p. 190

20 Jun 2016, Mon 10:38J: Hello David, how are you? This is Junio. By the way David,thank you for helping me. I’m ok now unlike last day. And mywife told me u help and concern to me when I’m very sick.Thank u David.D: Hi Junio! it’s nice to hear you feel better! l was super worried about you. 10:45J: Yes, I know David u worrying. That’s why I’m fighting to mysick to make me feel better. Thank u very much David. Foryour concern and kindness to me. 10:50D: I got the bank account information from your wife, but I also need the Swift code. 10:55J: Ok wait. I ask about that swift code. David swift code orarea code? Are u going to bank now? D: Swift code. I will go today to transfer money. 11:09J: Ok I’ll ask for sure. 11:31 D: Ok, got it.J: BOPIIHMM, the swift code give from the bank.J: Thank u David. 14:59D: Hi Junio, can you pick up the money on Wednesday at Makati? p. 191

I know it’s a bit far but l have a difficulty to transfer money from Taipei. The transfer fee is expensive from Taipei. 15:03J: Ok David, where in Makati and who is person? I meet? 15:07 D: l will check and let you know. How do you feel now? No fever and cough? 15:59J: I have fever but not long sometimes no sometimes have.And my cough not yet good.p. 192

21 Jun 2016, Tue 14:05J: Hello David. Can I know where in Makati I go to pick up themoney tomorrow? 17:12D: Hi Junio, you can get the money from Alfredo at the Drawing Room gallery. I will check the time soon. 17:15 D: The gallery is in Makati and the guy is my friend. He says about the afternoon.J: David, can u give the full address in Makati? D: Bldg. C Karrivin Plaza2316 Chino Roces Avenue Extension Brgy Magallanes, Makati City 1231 Philippines 17:18J: David, what time tomorrow? D: I’m waiting for his reply and leting you know soon.J: Thanks David. 17:20 D: Do you feel better now?J: Yes David, better than yesterday. p. 193

22 Jun 2016, Wed 10:40J: Hello David. What time can I pick up money in Makati. Toyour friend? 12:41D: You can go around 3-5pm and get the money from Gemma boydon. My friend can’t be there because of the earthquake. 2016-6-22 12:46J: Same address David? Ok I will go there around 3pm. Thanku David. D: Yes, same place.J: Ok David, thank u very much. And always take care. 15:29 D: Got money already? 16:01J: David I got the money already. Thank u very much David. 18:46 D: Good!J: Thanks David!p. 194

23 Jun 2016, Thu 10:08 D: Hope you feel better today! 10:15J: As of now have cough and need to take a rest, thank youvery much again David. 10:23 D: I was worried. 10:32J: Thanks David u worried about me. I’m thankful becauseI have a family like u. How are u now? p. 195

26 Jun 2016, Sun 1:08J: How are u David? 11:39 D: I’m ok, preparing for some works for tmr. 14:27J: David, what date on July u are here in Phillipines? 14:38 D: Maybe July 15.J: Ah ok. Jacob’s bday is on July 6. And I thought u are here inPhillipines. 15:51D: Oh no, I won’t be there. I will let you know the date l am going and maybe we can arrange a shooting. Hope the weather will be fine.p. 196

28 Jun 2016, Tue 10:24J: Hello David. 10:30 D: Good morning.J: David do u have friend lawyer? got 1 message he/she textyou are his/her friend? D: Not in the Philippines. 10:35J: I think so. She/he is Filipino. And she/he told me that u arehis/her friend? I’m curious why she/he not tell his/her name.And why she/he knows my number. D: I dont think that’s possible. They know my name?J: This is the exact message I got from her/his. “Junio notrespond I’m a lawyer friend of Cheng Ta” 10:37 D: Omg... it sounds super strange.J: Yes also me I’m strange. Why she/he knows u and my nameand my number. D: True. I don’t know any one there. Don’t reply the messge, it’s weird. 10:39J: Really I’m strange David. She/he know your real nameDavid. D: It sounds scary. Can you show me the screen capture or take a photo for me?J: I think someone want to broke our friendship. p. 197

10:45 D: I need to check.J: Do u know that number?J: Ok David just let me know. 10:50 D: But no worries. Just don’t reply. That will be fine!J: Yes I’m not worrying. U know me well. Only I’m giving uthat info. 10:53 D: And in July! The last shooting of the film! Well prepared? 10:56J: Hahahaha... I already contact my past dance group. And Itold to them to perform dance for the shoot. And they answerit’s depend the budget. D: We have no budget now.... poor now. 10:58J: Hehehehehe.... D: The shooting budget is low. It’s the reason we just have a small crew. Let’s think about the other way to make the film happen. 10:59J: Ok David. What is the other way? D: Haha... I have to finish the script first. Dancing part we can hold on for a second. Really no money now. :pJ: Ok David.p. 198

Junio sends David a photoof a strange message he re-ceived from an unknownnumber, telling him that heis a lawyer friend of David. p. 199

p. 200

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