Personal Travel through a Time Machine from the Past to the Present and to the Future: A Journey Untold Laurice L. Tumanda | H12-03 E-LITERARY PORTFOLIO
NONFICT Playgrounds & Recreation PLAY GROUND
NONFICT Playgrounds & Recreation PLAY RE(CREATION) PLAY
NONFICT Playgrounds & Recreation GROUND PLAY(?) GROUND
NONFICT Playgrounds & Recreation PLAY (RE)CREATION END.
NONFICT A Series of Fears I’ve Learned to Face (Or Not) I. FEAR OF HORROR II. FEAR OF BEING UNACCEPTED
NONFICT A Series of Fears I’ve Learned to Face (Or Not) III. FEAR OF FAILURE
NONFICT A Series of Fears I’ve Learned to Face (Or Not)
NONFICT A Series of Fears I’ve Learned to Face (Or Not) IV. FEAR OF THE FUTURE / UNCERTAINTY END. REFERENCE: Vanham, P. (2018). What the Amazon rainforest tells us about globalization. Retrieved from:
NETRENDS A Progressive Future for Whom? (A crowd of people in the bright and urban Osaka, Japan) Nowadays, it is very uncommon to see someone without a phone in their hand or in their pocket. Be it for gaming, for work, or for simply sharing snippets of life, one thing is clear: technology has tremendously changed the way people live and communicate with the world around them. Social media has allowed us to interact with millions of people from all over the world at the touch of a screen; cars and airplanes have taken us farther than our ancestors had ever thought possible, even crossing borders and seas; medical, educational, and military technology has never been so advanced; and the whole world has become so “plugged in” and connected. It makes you wonder how much more advanced we can go in the future. Will robots live among us by then? Will borders still exist? Will cars fly? How many more lives will have been saved by technology, and how many lost? There are so many questions that come to mind when thinking about the endless possibilities of the future, especially at the rate that this current era has been going. However, when I speak of endless possibilities, I don’t only mean technology. I mean the whole world in general: society, the environment, the kind of networks we participate in, the nature of leaders we have, and the type of treatment different people receive. (The view from the window of an airplane flight)
NETRENDS A Progressive Future for Whom? (A young girl selling Sampaguita looking A mong all the possibilities the future may hold, through the window of a car) there is only one that I want; and that is a future (A mother and her children selling where we are free. If you look beyond the four Sampaguita on the street) corners of your screen and into the kind of world we live in, you will realize two important things: (Lipa City traffic) one, you are privileged; and two, you can change that privilege into something more commonplace. I look at the world around me and see many things I want improved: systems, leadership, management. I believe that society can do so much better in supporting the lives of the people (especially the minority), yet it just chooses not to. There are so many people struggling with what we deem as the norm: quality education, proper healthcare, comfortable transportation, etc. There are people who hide who they are in fear of being assaulted or killed. There is poverty. There is discrimination. There is struggle. I believe that simply existing does not warrant the kind of struggles these people face, when there are others who don’t even experience the same things. It’s suffocating, not having the freedom; being shackled by circumstance, and held back by oppressing beliefs. On the outside, always looking in, and never included. Not being able to speak your mind, not being able to truly be yourself, or simply not being able to choose, all of these can be prevented. It is indeed possible to not have these, because there are people who can do just that and more, yet somehow certain people can’t. What I want is a future where we all really connect (not just online, but offline as well), and uplift each other, freely sharing more stories and experiences rather than just Facebook memes.
NETRENDS A Progressive Future for Whom? I t isn’t exactly a mystery why this huge gap exists. In fact, it’s very blatant and in the faces of the people. It’s just that most of them look the other way and turn a blind eye. “Ignorance is bliss,” as the famous saying goes; however, I believe the opposite: ignorance is poison. Ignoring deep-seated wounds in the system will just cause it to fester, like how wounds do in our bodies. Nevertheless, the proper use of information and communication technology, alongside fostering healthy social networks is a sure way to remedy this. The existence of ICT has allowed so many voices to be heard and to reach people beyond borders. A prime example of this would be how social media has brought awareness to the genocide happening in Palestine. However, there are claims that big companies and governments have been actively censoring articles about this, which demonstrates an obvious imbalance of power and the importance of pressure and the human voice. Moreover, the information we see, the nature of content that we consume, and the interactions we have with different types of people, form connections, or networks, that both directly and indirectly change us. Our social networks have the ability to broaden our perspectives and influence our way of thinking, depending on who and what we associate ourselves with. Hence, it is important to involve yourself with people and content that align with your moral and political values; and together, you have the power to create change. As for the future that I want, I will work to achieve this by using my connections and platform. Since people are affected by what they see one way or another, I will make sure that they really are indeed affected, and that they are moved by and are aware of the harsh realities of the disparity among people who are all just trying to survive in this world. Moreover, using the rights that we all have is key to inciting change towards a more truly free and connected future, with leaders who strive for improvement, and a community that is more inclusive and just. All things said, we cannot deny the continual advancement of the world and all its components. However, we must stop to think: for whom is the world advancing, exactly?
For whom is the world advancing, exactly?
INFOMED Promotion of Region IV-A Local Arts This vlog showcases the process of how I created an artwork that promotes the local arts of Region IV-A: CALABARZON. Aside from that, I discussed status of the arts in the region, as well as a few information about the various local arts and my experiences with it. LINK:
Personal Travel through a Time Machine from the Past to the Present and to the Future: A Journey Untold Laurice L. Tumanda | H12-03 END...? E-LITERARY PORTFOLIO MADE WITH CANVA
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