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Published by stephanie williams, 2020-11-01 17:09:58

Description: LKPD_VII


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MBELING Mari BELajar INGgris Bahasa Inggris KD 3.7 dan 4.7 Kelas Descriptive Text VII Semester 2

Pembuka UNIT 7 DESCRIPTIVE TEXT Salam sehat dan semangat untuk kalian! Pernahkah kalian membaca atau melihat teks deskripsi di perpustakaan, atau dalam buku misalnya? Atau bahkan pernahkah kalian menulis sebuah teks deskripsi? Teks deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Descriptive Text. Tahukah kalian bagaimana cara menulisnya dalam Bahasa Inggris? Kalian akan mempelajarinya pada unit ini. Setelah mempelajari unit ini, kalian diharapkan dapat menunjukkan rasa peduli, dan bangga melalui descriptive text, membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari berbagai descriptive texts, dan menyusun teks deskripsi untuk berbagai situasi yang berbeda. Salam, MBELING Mari BELajar INGgris 1

Tujuan Pembelajaran TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pertemuan I 1) Melalui kegiatan mengamati video, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi nama-nama hewan dalam bahasa Inggris dan menirukan cara pengucapannya. 2) Melalui kegiatan mengisi teka-teki silang, siswa dapat menuliskan nama-nama hewan dengan benar. 3) Melalui kegiatan mengamati video, siswa dapat memahami penggunaan kata sifat. 4) Melalui kegiatan mengamati video, siswa dapat menuliskan kata sifat beserta artinya. 5) Melalui kegiatan membaca percakapan pendek, siswa dapat megidentifikasi sifat-sifat hewan dengan menggarisbawahi kata sifat hewan. 6) Melalui kegiatan melengkapi kalimat rumpang, siswa dapat menentukan kata sifat yang tepat berdasarkan gambar. 7) Melalui kegiatan membaca dan mengamati video, siswa dapat berpikir kritis dan berkomunikasi dengan baik. 8) Melalui kegiatan membaca dan mengamati video, siswa dapat berliterasi dengan baik. Pertemuan II 1) Melalui kegiatan membaca sebuah teks pendek tentang deskripsi orang, peserta didik dapat: - Menentukan tujuan penulisan teks - Menyebutkan jenis pekerjaan tokoh dalam teks - Menyebutkan kegiatan tokoh dalam teks - Menyebutkan ciri fisik tokoh dalam teks - Menyebutkan karakteristik tokoh dalam teks 2) Melalui kegiatan membaca penjelasan tentang ciri teks deskriptif, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi struktur generik teks deskriptif 3) Melalui kegiatan membaca 2 teks deskriptif, peserta didik dapat 2

Tujuan Pembelajaran 4) mengelompokkan karakteristik fisik/psikis/personal dari masing-masing orang/tokoh 5) membandingkan karakteristik fisik/psikis/personal dari masing-masing orang/tokoh 6) Melalui kegiatan mengamati video, peserta didik dapat memahami penggunaan kata sifat. 7) Melalui kegiatan mengamati video, peserta didik dapat menuliskan kata sifat beserta artinya. 8) Melalui kegiatan membaca penjelasan tentang grammatical feature pada teks desktiptif, peserta didik dapat melengkapi kalimat dengan menerapkan aturan Simple Present Tense yang tepat 9) Peserta didik dapat menulis kembali kata acak menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai tata bahasa Pertemuan III 1) Melalui kegiatan membaca peserta didik dapat mengetahui karakteristik , fungsi benda dan bangunan 2) Melalui kegiatan mengamati gambar, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik dan fungsi benda dan bangunan 3) Setelah mempelajari tata bahasa peserta didik mampu menulis kalimat yang benar sesuai tata bahasa kalimat deklaratif positif dan negatif dan interogatif (yes/No question, wh-question) dalam simple present tense 4) Berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan peserta didik dapat melengkapi kalimat mendeskripsikan benda atau bangunan dengan benar 5) Berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan peserta didik dapat mendeskripsikan benda dan atau bangunan 6) Melalui kegiatan menulis deskriptif benda peserta didik dapat menunjukkan kreatifitas dan berkomunikasi dengan baik 7) Melalui kegiatan menulis deskripsi benda atau bangunan peserta didik dapat berliterasi dengan baik 3

Tujuan Pembelajaran PERAN GURU 1) Menyiapkan bahan ajar, media/alat, dan sumber belajar yang dibutuhkan. 2) Memberikan penjelasan kepada orang tua tentang kegiatan yang akan dilakukan. 3) Memastikan orang tua telah mendapatkan sumber belajar yang dibutuhkan. 4) Memonitor kegiatan belajar siswa di rumah melalui koordinasi dengan orang tua. 5) Memeriksa hasil pekerjaan peserta didik dan membuat umpan balik terhadap pencapaian belajar setiap peserta didik terhadap tujuan pembelajaran. 6) Selalu siap untuk dihubungi orang tua jika mereka mengalami kesulitan saat mendampingi siswa belajar dari rumah. PERAN ORANG TUA 1) Menyiapkan media/alat, bahan dan sumber belajar yang dibutuhkan. 2) Membantu siswa jika mengalami kesulitan selama pembelajaran. 3) Kreatif mencari strategi dan bahan ajar lain untuk membantu anak belajar 4) Menghubungi guru kelas jika ada kegiatan/instruksi yang tidak dipahami siswa. 5) Membantu menyerahkan hasil belajar putra/putri ke guru sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan. 4

What animal is it? PERTEMUAN 1 Let’s Get Ready. Activity 1 Watch and observe the video in this link. Lihat dan amati video pada link berikut. Link: v=1fUq1eTMFDc While watching the video, write down the animals that you found in the video. Sambil menonton video tersebut, tulislah hewan apa saja yang kalian jumpai dalam video itu. 1. ____________________________ 5. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________ Answer the questions. Please record your answer and send it to your WAG. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut untuk berbagi pengalaman tentang hewan favorit kalian. Rekam suara kalian dan kirimkan ke WAG. 1. What is your favourite animal? My favourite animal is …. 2. What is your favourite animal’s name? My favourite animal’s name is … 3. What colour is it? It is … 4. What is his/her favourite food? Her/His favourite food is … 5

What animal is it? Activity 2 Do the crossword puzzle by writing the name of the animals based on the number. Number 6 is done for you. Kerjakan teka-teki silang di bawah ini dengan menuliskan nama hewan berdasarkan nomernya. Nomor 6 sebagai contoh. DOWN ON THE FARM 1 12 14 3 45 13 5 6R O O 7S T E R 8 19 9 10 11 12 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 16 11 3 15 19 18 2 48 7 9 12 6 6

What animal is it? Bird Cow Frog Mouse Sheep Bull Cricket Goat Pig Turkey Cat Donkey Goose Rabbit Chicken Duck Horse Rooster Let’ focus Activity 3 Watch and observe the video in this link. Lihat dan amati video pada link berikut. Link: v=H_dSU_V0tO4&feature=youtu. be Read the explanation below about the use of adjective in describing pets. Bacalah penjelasan berikuti ini tentang penggunaan kata sifat ketika mendeskripsikan binatang peliharaan. 7

What animal is it? Language Focus Kata sifat atau adjective Kata sifat atau adjective adalah kata yang menggambarkan objek, seperti biru, marah, dingin, kering dan keras. Kata sifat atau adjective memberi kita informasi tambahan tentang objek. Dalam video yang sudah kalian lihat, ada banyak kata sifat digunakan seperti pada teks berikut: Kata big, long, friendly, dan clever merupakan kata sifat yang dipakai untuk mendeskripsikan hewan tersebut. It has big ears and a long tail. (Anjingku memiliki telinga yang besar dan sebuah ekor yang panjang) It’s friendly. It likes to play with my friends. (Dia ramah. Dia suka bermain dengan teman-temanku) It’s clever too. (Dia juga pintar) 8

What animal is it? Activity 4 Watch the video in activity 3 again. Then, put the adjectives that describe the animals below. Lihatlah lagi video di kegiatan 3. Kemudian, tulislah kata-kata sifat yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan binatang-binatang di bawah ini: You may consult your dictionary to find the meaning of the words. Kalian bisa membuka kamus untuk mencari arti dari kata-kata tersebut. Animals Adjective  big : besar  long : panjang  friendly : ramah  clever : pintar 9

What animal is it? Activity 5 A. Read the dialogue below. Underline the words that describe Peter’s fish. Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. Garis bawahi kata kata yang mendeskripsikan Ikan Peter. The following words may help you. Kata-kata berikut akan membantu kalian. 1. small talk : ngobrol 6. scale : sisik 2. kind : jenis 3. male : jantan 7. fins : sirip 4. female : betina 5. color : warna 8. soft : halus, lembut 9. adorable : mengagumkan 10. funny : lucu 10

What animal is it? Agus and Peter are classmates. They go to their friend’s house to study together. On their way, they have a small talk about Peter’s pet. Agus : “Do you have a pet?” Peter : “Yes, I do.” Agus : “What kinds of pet do you have?” Peter : “I have a fish. It is a Betta fish. You know it with Cupang. Agus : “Is it male or female?” Peter : “It is a male fish.” Agus : “What is his name?” Peter : “His name is Moko.” Agus : “What is the color of your fish?” Peter : “My cat’s scales are blue and the fins are red and soft. He is Agus very adorable.” Peter : “What does he like to do?” : “He likes to eat pellet and swims around the aquarium. He is so Agus Peter active” : “Wow. What a funny fish is!!” : “Yes, thank you.” B. Guess! Which fish does Peter have? Circle your answer. Tebaklah. Manakah ikan Peter? Lingkari jawaban kalian. AB CD 11

What animal is it? Activity 6 Fill the blanks below with suitable words. Lengkapi kalimat rumpang di bawah ini dengan kata-kata yang sesuai. camel wild yellow bite crocodile wild Blue crawls deer tall green dances tall brown eating birds thin brown fly kangaroo brown jumps panda small runs penguin short grey sharks long black and white swim snakes big black and white walks 1. 2. It is Zimba. They are Rio and Mio. It is a strong lion. They are my _________. It is big. The color is brown. They are ___________. It likes eating meat. It roars. Their colors are________. They _______ high to the sky. 3. 4. It is Peggy. It is Koko. 12 It is a cute _________. It is a _____________. It is _____________. It is a _________ animal. Its colors are ____________. The color is ____________. It _______ with music. It _________.

What animal is it? 5. 6. There are two _________. It is Ruru. They are Lala and Lili. Ruru is a _____________. Their bodies are _________. It is _____________. Their color is ____________. Its color is __________. They like to _________. It __________ high. 7. 8. They are Dedi, Pepy and Mimi. It is Po. They are scary ___________. It is my ___________. They are ________ animals. It is ___________. Their color is ____________. The colors are __________. They ________ in the sea. It likes _________ bamboo. 9. 10. It is Mali. It is Dona. It is a ____________. Dona is a _____________. It is _________. It is _____________. The color is __________. Its color is __________. It ________ on the ground. It _______ fast. 13

What animal is it? GRAMMAR CORNER Look at the picture above. We can say “Those are the animals \" If there are more than one, we can say Those If there is only one thing, you should say “this” This is a panda bear “Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.” --- Chinese Proverbs (Beri saya ikan dan saya makan selama satu hari. Ajari saya memancing dan saya makan seumur hidup.) 14

I’m Proud of My Father PERTEMUAN 2 Let’s Get Ready. What picture is this? (Picture taken from Activity 1 Listen and repeat. Simak contoh pengucapan dari guru (dalam ZOOM/Gmeet atau dengan Voice Note) dan tirukan. receive : Desa work : bekerja farmer : Petani prepare : menyiapkan strong : Kuat plow : membajak soil : Tanah plant : tanaman / menanam fertilizer : Pupuk grow : tumbuh field : Sawah water : menyiram regularly : dengan teratur put : menaruh hardworking : Pekerja keras harvest : memanen Activity 2a Listen to the teacher while reading the text below. Dengarkan rekaman bacaan dari guru sambil membaca teks berikut ini dalam hati. Hi, friends. Have you receive the photo I send to you in your WhatsApp? That is a photo of my father. My father is a farmer. He works in the field. He prepares the soil to plant the paddy. He grows paddy, corn, and chilli. He waters the field and puts fertilizer regularly. He harvests the crops. My father is still young. He is a strong man. He is tall. His hair is short and black. 15

I’m Proud of My Father He has dark skin because he works all day under the sun. My father wakes up very early. He goes to the field in the morning and back home late in the afternoon. He is a hardworking and diligent person. I am proud of my father. I love him very much. Activity 2b Answer the following question orally. Send your answer to your teacher. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut secara lisan. Jika kalian menggunakan WhatsApp, kirimkan jawaban kalian kepada Guru dengan Voice Note. 1. What is the writer’s father’s job? 2. What are farmer’s activities in the field? 3. What is the writer’s father’s like? 4. From the text we know that the farmer is a … man. 5. The text is written to describe the writer’s …. Let’s focus/Let’s study Activity 3 Read the text and study the boxes in the right. Bacalah teks di bawah ini dan pelajari struktur generiknya. Asep Sunandar Sunarya is a famous puppeteer in Wayang Golek. Wayang Golek is a traditional wooden puppet show from West Java province. Asep became a puppeteer while he was a teenager. Asep Sunandar Sunarya is very talented. He performs Wayang Golek perfectly. He moves the wooden puppet on the mini stage. He makes the puppet spin the body, the head, and the hands. Asep can change his voice according to the character of the puppet. Asep Sunandar Sunarya is not young anymore. He is handsome. He has fair skin. He wears glasses and has dimple on his chin. He has round face. He always wears a blangkon – a traditional headgear for male. He has big body, and likes to smile. 16

I’m Proud of My Father Language Focus Descriptive text is a text which describes a particular person, place, or item. Teks Deskriptif adalah teks yang menggambarkan seseorang, tempat, atau benda tertentu. It consists of - Identification: Identifies the person, place, or item to be described. - Description: describes parts, qualities, and characteristics Teks deskriptif terdiri atas: - Identifikasi: menentukan orang/tempat/benda yang akan dideskripsikan - Deskripsi: menggambarkan secara jelas bagian-bagian, karakter fisik / sifatnya Activity 4 Match the paragraphs into the correct classification Tentukan klasifikasi paragraf di sebelah kanan dengan menarik garis.  I am proud of my aunt, Miss Anita. She works as a lecturer at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. She is busy but she always has time for her children.  She is in forties. She is slim and has straight long black hair and fair complexion. She wears glasses. She usually wears nice dress and flat shoes when teaching. She looks beautiful and elegant. 17

I’m Proud of My Father  My aunt is a diligent worker. She always wakes up early and prepares everything for her work. She is always on time. At night, she seldom watches television. She accompanies her children in studying. Activity 5 Study the following texts carefully. Put the words into their groups by writing the word in the box. Cermati teks-teks berikut dengan seksama. Kelompokkan kata dengan menuliskannya ke dalam kotak. My Great Doctor My Favorite Teacher I have three uncles. But I like My favorite teacher is my my first uncle best. He always takes father. His name is Mr. Roger. He care of me. He never forgets to teaches Mathematics. His lesson is check my condition. difficult. But he makes it interesting. My uncle is Rudi. He is a doctor. My father is very patient. He He is friendly and nice to me. He is never gets angry to his students. He also cheerful. He always looks after is also wise. He always looks at me when I get sick. something carefully. That is why I adore him very much. The following words may help you. Kata-kata berikut akan membantu kalian. Like : Menyukai Teach : Mengajar : Sulit Care : Peduli Difficult 18

Friendly : Ramah Interesting I’m Proud of My Father Look after : Merawat Look at Sick : Sakit Adore : Menarik : Melihat : Mengagumi MY GREAT DOCTOR My uncle is a ACTIVITY ADJECTIVE _______________ 1. ___________ 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ 19

I’m Proud of My Father MY FAVORITE TEACHER My father is a ACTIVITY ADJECTIVE _______________ 1. ___________ 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ 20

I’m Proud of My Father Activity 6 After you do some activities above, write a sentence based on the words you have put in each box. Setelah kalian melakukan banyak aktifitas di atas, tulislah sebuah kalimat berdasarkan kata yang telah kalian kelompokkan dalam setiap kotaknya. For example: 1. My uncle is a doctor. Sebagai contoh: JOB Doctor ADJECTIVE 1. You are great. Great ACTIVITY 1. She forgets the book. Forget 21

I’m Proud of My Father Grammar Corner “To Be” merupakan kata kerja bantu untuk menghubungkan antara subject dan object. “To Be” ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan kondisi yang tidak berubah, misalnya nama, sifat, jenis pekerjaan, hobi dan lain sebagainya. “To Be” mempunyai banyak jenis. Namun, dalam mendeskripsikan seseorang, “To Be” yang dipakai dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense berupa is (He, she, dan it), am (I), dan are (You, they, dan we). Now it’s YOUR TURN. Sekarang giliran kalian untuk membuat kalimat. JOB 1. …………………………………………………… ADJECTIVE 2. ………………………………………………………………………… 3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ACTIVITY 4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

I’m Proud of My Father Activity 7 Read the explanation below carefully to understand the grammatical feature of Descriptive Text. Baca penjelasan di bawah ini dengan cermat untuk memahami unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif. SIMPLE USED FOR: PRESENT Digunakan untuk: TENSE - Describing someone Mendeskripsikan seseorang - Talk about facts Membicarakan fakta - Habitual action Kegiatan rutin S + V1 –s/es + O Subject Verbs 1 Object I (saya) like Pizza. You (kamu) like They (mereka) like We (kita) like He (dia laki-laki) likes She (dia perempuan) likes It (dia benda) likes 23

I’m Proud of My Father EXPLANATION Penjelasan Kata kerja yang digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense merupakan kata kerja bentuk pertama/V1. Kata kerja bentuk pertama/V1 mempunyai ciri khas berupa: - Tidak mengalami penambahan imbuhan akhir/awal untuk subyek: I, You, They, We, dan subyek yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu (Ana and Bintang, You and I, My friends, The cats, dan lain sebagainya). - Mengalami penambahan akhiran –s ataupun –es untuk subyek: He, She, It, dan orang ketiga atau subyek yang berjumlah hanya satu (Ana, Bintang, a dog, a piece of cake, dan lain sebagainya).  untuk kata kerja berakhiran –es digunakan saat kata kerja yang akan ditambah berakhiran huruf desis seperti –x, -ss, -ch, -sh, dan –o. Contoh: Discuss  discusses Wash  washes Go  goes Watch  watches Fix  fixes Selain kata kerja berakhiran huruf desis, untuk imbuhan hanya menggunakan akhiran –s seperti biasa. For example: Sebagai contoh: Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris. I study English. 24

I’m Proud of My Father Clara mencuci piring. Clara washes the dishes. Kita pergi berkemah di hutan. We camp in the wood. Activity 8 Circle the correct verb to fill the sentence completely. Lingkari kata kerja yang benar untuk mengisi kalimat secara lengkap. 1. Polisi melindungi warga. The policeman protect/protects citizen. 2. Dia bekerja di kantor. He work/works in the office. 25

I’m Proud of My Father 3. Mereka menari tarian hiphop. They dance/dances hip-hop dance. 4. Petugas pemadam kebakaran membantu orang dalam situasi darurat. The firefighter help/helps people in emergency situation. 5. Para perawat merawat pasien yang sakit. The nurses take/takes care of sick people. Activity 9 Arrange the jumbled word individually below to make a meaningful sentence. Susunlah kata-kata acak di bawah ini secara individu menjadi kalimat yang bermakna. 1. a beautiful - I - mother - have 1 23 4 Answer: 2. works - as - She - a housewife 1 23 4 Answer: 26

I’m Proud of My Father 3. She - everyday - the house - cleans 12 34 Answer: 4. always - for me - She - cooks - breakfast 1 2 34 5 Answer: 5. the best - is - She - in the world - mother 1 23 4 5 Answer: 27

Things Around Me PERTEMUAN 3 Let’s get ready Activity 1 Read and find the meanings of these words in the dictionary. Baca dan cari makna kata-kata berikut ini di kamus. Big : …………………………………………………. Small : …………………………………………………. Medium : …………………………………………………. Soft : …………………………………………………. Hard : …………………………………………………. Heavy : …………………………………………………. Light : …………………………………………………. Rough : …………………………………………………. Smooth : …………………………………………………. Hard : …………………………………………………. Soft : …………………………………………………. Activity 2 Read the words below and find the meaning from the picture. Bacalah kata-kata berikut ini dan temukan maknanya berdasarkan gambar 28

Things Around Me 1. Shapes 1. Triangle : .... Bentuk 2. Circle : .... 2. Colour Warna 3. Rectangle : .... 4. Heart : .... 5. Square : .... 6. Oval : .... 7. Star : .... 8. Diamond : .... 9. Octagon : .... 1. Red : .... 2. Blue : .... 3. Green : .... 4. Yellow : .... 5. Orange : .... 6. Pink : .... 7. Brown : .... 8. Black : .... 9. White : .... 10. Purple : .... 11. Grey : .... 29

3. Material Things Around Me Bahan 1. Metal : ... 2. Glass : ... 3. Plastic : ... 4. Fabric : ... 5. Concrete: ... 6. Wood : ... 7. Ceramic : ... 8. Rubber : ... Activity 3 Look at the pictures below. Circle the words that best decribe each object. Perhatikan gambar-gambar di bawah ini. Lingkari kata sifat yang paling tepat untuk maing-masing benda soft – hard - long new – old - young oval – square - circle 30

Things Around Me salty – sweet - yummy old – ugly - cool big – thin - thick Activity 4 Function a. to put water, drink Match the things and their function. Pasangkan benda dengan fungsinya. Things/building 1. a chair 2. a broom b. to buy papers, pencils, 3. a fan ballpoints, and others c. to buy drugs 31

4. a bag Things Around Me d. to plant flower and 5. a pensil/pen 6. a glass plants 7. a stationary 8. a drugstore e. to get books to read 9. garden 10. a library f. to sit on g. to clean/sweep the floor h. to make the room fresh, cold i. to save our school stationaries inside j. instruments to write on the book 32

Things Around Me Activity 5 Guess what these objects are. Tebak benda apakah yang ada di bawah ini. a. I am often square and sometimes people cut me in half. I often have delicious things on me like cheese and tomato. I can be brown or white. I am ... b. I am usually in a bag. I am long and thin. I use for writing or drawing. I am ... c. I am a thing in the livingroom. I uses electricity. I am round. I can make you cool when it is hot. I am ... d. I am oval. I am in the kitchen. I am nutritious. I can be omelette or other kinds of food. I am ... e. I am square. I am also thin. I am in medium size. I use elctricity. I am modern. People type documents or browsing in the internet using me. I am ... 33

Things Around Me Activity 6 Look at the picture and choose the suitable features of the picture, then write down in the sentence. No 1 is as example. perhatikan gambar-gambar di bawah ini, pilihlah ciri-ciri fisik yg paling tepat kemudian tulis dalam bentuk kalimat. Nomor satu sebagai contoh. Example: 1. Rani’s bag a. Size : Medium/big It’s size is medium. b. Colour : Brown/black It’s colour is brown. c. Material :leather/ fabric It is made of leather. d. Model :simple/ unique It’s model is simple. e. Function : to carry/to store It is used for carrying goods 34

Things Around Me 2. My school’s gong a. Shape : circle/rectangle It is .... b. Colour : grey/silver It’s colour is ... c. Material : gold/copper It is made of .... d. Size : small/big It’s size is .... e. Functions : to play/to hit on gamelan It is used for .... 3. Pinisi Tower in Makasar State University a. Size : big/small It’s size is .... b. Style : unique/simple It’s style is .... c. Height : tall/short It is .... d. Material : wood/bricks It is made of .... e. Function : to have a lecture/picnic It is used to …. 35

Things Around Me 4. “Fahombo” stone a. Size : Big/small It’s size is .... b. Material : stones/wood It is made of .... c. Texture : hard/smooth It’s texture is .... d. Shape : trapezoid/rhombus It’s shape is .... e. Function : to train/show the strength It is used for .... 5. Alan’s clock a. Shapes :triangle/circle ............................. b. Material : wood/plastics ............................. c. Texture : soft/rough .............................. d. Style : classic/modern .............................. e. Function : to show/plan the time ............................... 36

Things Around Me Grammar Corner Read the following explanation. Bacalah dan pahami tata bahasa berikut ini Tata bahasa : Simple present tense Simple present tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang merupakan rutinitas atau merupakan kebenaran umum. Dalam hal ini termasuk untuk menulis descriptive text. 37

Things Around Me Activity 6a Read the following example and answer the questions. Baca contoh teks di bawah ini dan jawablah beberapa pertanyaan. My Favourite Mug I have a favourite mug. My mother gave it to me on my birthday last month. It is a white mug with my name written on it. And under my name is written the date of my birthday. It has a handle so I can use it to drink hot milk safely. I use it everyday. Whatever I drink, I will use it. I really like my mug. I do not let other people using it. Questions a. What is the text about? b. The mug was a gift from the writer’s ... c. Why does the writer drink hot milk safely? d. When does the writer use the mug? Activity 6b. Based on the picture, complete the following description. Berdasarkan gambar, lengkapi teks deskriptif beikut ini. This is my ... (1). It is Barbie. It is my birthday’s... (2) when I was 8 years old. It was 6 years ago but Barbie still looks very ... (3) and neat. I keep it in my ... (4) . It always besides me at 38

Things Around Me night. I usually hold it when I sleep. I clean it every two months. It has ... (5) golden hair and round blue ... (6). I like my Barbie doll very much. I1.have a ... (1) and beautiful garden in front of my ... (2). There are many beautiful ... (3) in my garden like roses, jasmines, orchids and lilies. My mother likes roses very much. My garden has few types of plants like rambutan and mango ... (4) It looks so colorful. My es/gallery/9c5216f54aa4- father and I usually ... (5) them every afternoon. My family like to have tea time near the garden. Activity 7 How do you describe this things? Choose one of the pictures below. Describe them and submit your work on Google Classroom. Deskripsikan benda berikut ini, pilih satu benda saja. Deskripsikan dan kirim jawaban ke Google classroom 1. My Rose 39

Things Around Me 2. My favorite toy 3. My house 40

Competence Test COMPETENCE TEST A. CHOOSE A, B, C, OR D FOR THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. Look at the animal below. This is a………..It has black and white color. A. zebra B. kangaroo C. cow D. panda 2. It is a strong animal. It helps people carry heavy things. It is a …. A. pig B. goat C. horse D. sheep 3. Camels live on the …. A. forest B. desert C. savanna D. sea 4. Hamster is a … animal. A. wild B. dangerous C. domesticated D. cattle 41

Competence Test 5. Lion likes to eat meat. It is … A. Carnivore B. Herbivore C. Omnivore D. Poisonous The text is for questions no 6 to 10. I want to tell you about my lovely pet. I call him Pompom because he is a Pomerania breed dog. He is a small dog, only 3 Kg weigh. Pompom’s fur is brownish yellow. He has four legs. His eyes are black. He has a white short tail. He has cute paws. I got Pompom from a pet shop when he's one month old. Now he's 2 years old. Pompom likes to eat sausage so I rarely give him dog food. He also likes to drink milk. He is very cute. He always waits for me at the front door. He looks excited when I come. He will run and jump to me. We build him a house, but he likes to sleep on the chair instead. I love my pet very much. 6. Pompom is a …. A. cat B. dog C. rabbit D. hamster 7. What is Pompom’s color? A. Brownish white B. Brownish yelow C. Brown and black D. Brown and white 8. How old is Pompom now? A. A month old B. Two months old C. A year old 42

Competence Test D. Two years old 9. Why does the writer seldom give his pet dog’s food? A. Because his pet likes to eat fruit. B. Because his pet doesn’t like milk. C. Because his pet likes to eat sausage. D. Because his pet likes milk. 10. “He looks excited when I come”. The underlined word can be replaced by …. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. shy 11. Complete the sentence with the correct to be. Afika … smart. A. am B. is C. are D. are not 12. Complete the sentence with the correct verb. I have a best friend named Afika. She … next to me in class. A. sit B. sits C. sat D. seat 43

Competence Test The text is for questions no 13 to 15. My Father My favorite person is my father. His name is Mr. Roger. He teaches Mathematics. His lesson is difficult. But, he makes it interesting. My father always wears batik shirt and dark trousers at his workplace. He always puts his glasses on every time. He is tall and handsome. He has moustache. My father has a dimple in his cheek. My father is very patient. He never gets angry to his students. He makes everything clear to us. He always explains the material slowly. After that, he gives is questions to check our understanding. We are always active in math class. He is also wise. He always looks at something carefully. That is why I adore him very much. 13. The writer’s father is a … A. principal B. headmaster C. teacher D. janitor 14. From the text we know that the writer and his friend … the math lesson. A. enjoys B. dislikes C. hates D. rejects 15. The writer writes the story because he wants to … A. describe his father B. meet his father C. leave his father D. entertain his father 44

Competence Test The text is for questions no 16 to 20. My sister is a K-Drama lover. When I was in Junior High School, One of her favorite drama is 49 days. In this drama, there is a very my mother bought me an acoustic guitar. important necklace called \"The tears\". It was my first guitar. I learned some Ever since the drama became famous, basic guitar chord with it. It a lot of online shop start to sell the accompanied me since I was a beginner replica of the necklace, and my sister who know nothing about guitar, until I bought one of it. It is her favorite managed to improve my skill to a better necklace. level. Even though I have another guitar right now, but this one is still my The chain of my sister's favorite. favorite necklace is made of copper and the color is silver. The length of The guitar is mainly made of the chain is about 25 centimeters. mahogany wood. It is a steel-string type There is no other decoration on it but of acoustic guitar. Three different a transparent pendant with the shape colour were used to cover the major of a drop of tear hanging on the chain. parts of the guitar. The colour of the The necklace is very simple but very front side is peach with wooden fiber elegant pattern which intentionally designed to be clearly visible with our eye. The colour of the back side is black, and the colour of the edges is dark brown. The neck of the guitar was painted in black, but the headstock is dark brown. 16. From the two textses above we know that the writers talk about ... A. Favourite Accesories B. Mahogany guitar C. Favourite things D. Tear necklace 17. Who is the owner of the guitar and the necklace? A. The writer’s sister and the writer B. The writer and the writer’s sister C. The writer’s mother and the writer D. The writer’s sister and the mother’s writer 45

Competence Test 18. From the text we know that .... A. The guitar is birthday present B. The necklace is made of silver C. The owner of necklace is Korean D. The writer has more than one guitar 19. “I was a beginner who know nothing about guitar, until I managed to improve my skill to a better level.” The underlined word has the closest meaning with .... A. Make better B. Make over C. Take down D. Train on 20.“It was my first guitar” The underlined word refers to .... A. Guitar cords B. Mother’s guitar C. The unique guitar D. An acoustic guitar Complete the text with correct words. This is my brother Arman. He is a nurse. He works in a general (21) … . He goes to work in shifts. Sometimes he (22) … the doctors in the Emergency Room. When visiting the patient in their rooms, he always brings (23) … . Arman likes to help others. He always shares his food to his friends.He is (24) … . 21. The correct word is A. bank B. factory C. hospital D. school 46

Competence Test 22.The correct word is A. helps B. kicks C. orders D. counts 23.The correct word is A. helmet B. stethoscopes C. injection D. whistle 24.The correct word is A. generous B. dangerous C. precious D. famous 25.Arrang the following words. has My rabbit two ears long 12 345 The correct arrangement is A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 B. 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 1 C. 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 4 D. 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2 47

Competence Test B. LOOK AT THE PICTURES. WRITE A SIMPLE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ABOUT THE PICTURE 1. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 48

Competence Test 2. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49

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