The ORCA1000 is a flexible intermediate bulk container (FIBC) designed for handling liquid ingredients. It is the most environmentally friendly FIBC on the market while still being functional and cost effective. It is 100% Polypropylene (PP) with a capacity of 1000L, can be stacked two-high and offers multiple options for filling, lifting and discharging. It can be folded flat when empty, enabling storage of 16 bins per standard pallet and 640 bins in a 40ft container. The patented design mitigates flex cracking and other effects of elastic collisions, guaranteeing a safe and efficient movement of your products. The weight and geometry of the ORCA1000 make it the ideal packaging solution for a cost effective and environmentally responsible supply chain. For more information of this and our other products, visit www.maia-global.com or contact one of our representatives all around the world.OfficesDepotsAppointed sales & technical agents 2
ORCA1000 accessories ORCA1000 componentsSquare-it LidFill-it SkirtStack-it Side platesHeat-it Corner platesDrain-it Inner body V-shape Outer bodyThe ORCA1000 consists of preinstalled The Stack-it is an essential accessoryand maintenance free components. for stacking (up to two high) in unevenThese components provide the strength surfaces and during transport.and versatility, without the assemblyeffort of conventional flexible IBCs. To The Heat-it gradually elevates theenhance the cost effectiveness of its temperature of the IBC’s contents for aIBCs, Maia Global have a wide range of more efficient discharge. Widely usedORCA1000 accessories: for high viscosity contents.The Square-it ensures the ORCA1000 The Drain-it is our third dischargeretains its square shape during the set-up possibility. It allows to entirely dischargeand the filling processes. the contents of the ORCA1000 without additional handling.The Fill-it keeps (hands-free) the fillingpipe in the most efficient position duringthe filling process. 3 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
15 x1 x16 x16 x162637 PE bags and / or liners not included4 x1 86
1526Ensure the liner is correctly positionedduring filling3 1000 l 7 Attach a tamper seal to each side4 10
8 Attach a tamper seal to each side 11 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Set-up for conveyor use OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
15 x16 x16 1140 x 1140 x162 The ORCA1000 may be used with a closed deck pallet or an open deck pallet combined with cardboard.3 6 x14 x1 7 14
Filling on conveyors OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
1526Ensure the liner is correctly positioned 7during filling3 1000 l Attach a tamper seal to each side4 18
8 After the filling process on conveyors, the ORCA1000 does not require a pallet.9 Attach a tamper seal to each side 19 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Handling & StorageNo Stack-it Stack-it Nesting racks OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
No Stack-it15 30 cm26 Do not stack without a pallet3748 Do not stack more than two high 22
When storing the ORCA1000without Stack-it, the units canbe stacked two high in staticconditions.A pallet and a cardboard areneeded for stacking. 23 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Stack-it1 x22 When storing the ORCA1000 with Stack-it, the units can3 be stacked two high in both static and dynamic conditions. A pallet and cardboard are needed for stacking. Stack-it, must be used when the ORCA1000 is stacked on uneven surfaces and / or stacking two high in dynamic conditions. 24
48 30 cm59 Do not stack without a pallet6 107 11 Do not stack more than two high 25 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Nesting racks 213 26
When storing the ORCA1000using Nesting racks, the unitscan be stacked five high.A pallet and a cardboard areneeded for stacking. 27 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Loading / Unloading (20’ & 40’ containers)No dynamic Dynamicstacking stacking OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Recommendations Loading / Unloading (20’ & 40’ containers)In the Loading/Unloading guidelines, a 20’ container is used. The sameprocedure applies for a 40’ container.Remember that this guideline must be complemented by the nationaland international regulations to determine the maximum weight anddimensions of the cargo. For more information visit www.maia-global.comThe following recommendations and safety measures must be taken forboth stacking and no stacking during transport. Important: As well as during filling and stacking procedures, when carrying the unit from the lugs, it should be (minimum) 30cm away from the floor. It must be lowered straight down only on the desired location and not be dragged or lowered gradually towards such location. Dragging the unit may damage the bottom layers housing its content. 30
Maia Global strongly recommend toalways load an even number of unitsinto the container.In situation where the floor is heavilydamaged with possible splinter issues,place cardboard under each unit. 31 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
No dynamic stacking1 Tools needed: 5 broom wedge XL (x2) wooden bar hand saw measuring tape26Ensure the floor is clean and has no 7sharp objects, if not possible seerecommendations in page 31.3Cut the wooden bar to the width of the 8 Fix the two wedgecontainer. XL to the side walls at 50cm from the4 container floor. The wedge XL must be in contact with the ORCA1000. 32
9 Make sure that the The ORCA1000s mitigate flex wooden bar seats cracking furthermore when tightly in the wedge in contact with other units. XL. A secure fit will be able to support the units during When possible, position the transport. units close to each other. Other items such as air pillows or belts are not required but may enhance10 the safety of the ORCA1000s.11 For non-stackable circumstances 10 ORCA1000 in a 20’ 20 ORCA1000 in a 40’ 33 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Dynamic stacking in a 20’ container1 Tools needed: 5 broom wedge XL (x4) wooden bar (x2) hand saw measuringtape Insert stack-it poles to bottom units plywood (x5) and strap top units to a pallet.26Ensure the floor is clean and has no 7sharp objects, if not possible seerecommendations in page 31.3Cut two wooden bars to the width of Put plywood between each bottomthe container. and top units.4 8 34
9 1210 Fix 2 wedge XL to the 13 side walls at 50cm and 2 at 165 cm from the container floor. The wedges must be in contact with the ORCA1000.11 Make sure that 22 ORCA1000 in a 40’ the wooden bars P l y w o o d between units seat tightly in the wedges. A secure S t r a p p e d top units fit will be support the units during S t a c k - i t in lower units transport. B r a c i n g the container 35 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
Dynamic stacking in a 40’ container1 Tools needed: 5 broom wedge XL (x6) wooden bar (x3) hand saw measuringtape Insert stack-it poles to bottom units plywood (x1) and strap top units to a pallet.26Ensure the floor is clean and has no 7sharp objects, if not possible seerecommendations in page 31.3Cut two wooden bars to the width of Repeat until loading 8 ORCA1000the container. close to each other.4 8 After loading 8 units, Fix 2 wedge XL and a wooden bar to the side walls at 165 cm from the container’s floor. 36
9 12After loading 10 units, put plywood Repeat step 8 at 50 cm from theon top of the last units. container’s floor.10 13Load the top units and repeat step 8 22 ORCA1000 in a 40’in front of these units. P l y w o o d between units S t r a p p e d top units11 S t a c k - i t in lower units B r a c i n g the containerLoad the other 10 units close to eachother. 37 OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
UK: +44 (0) 2072256400NL: +31 (0) 107891190US: +1 [email protected] OUR PLANET | YOUR PROFIT
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