April 2018Al-Furqan School Give Your Child the Gift of the Qur’an Asalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Dates to Remember barakatu, Youth TarbiyyahWe hope you all had a restful March Break. Conference - AprilStudents are re-energized and ready to make 19ththe push for the last few months of school! Wehope and we pray that Allah (SWT) provides Pizza Lunch – Everythem with the steadfastness and motivation to Fridaycomplete their tasks and responsibilities atschool. We are blessed to have such great Other Dates- TBAstudents and supportive parents.Moreover, we have exciting updates at Al-Furqan school. Students are readily involved inschool activities such as bake sales where weraised almost $300 for those suffering in Syria,Art club or Sports Clubs at school.Jazakallahu Khair to all of you for continuing tosupport us at Al-Furqan School.
AL-FURQAN SCHOOL APRIL 2018 Academic ProgramGr. 5 - Sr. NaushabaAfter coming back from a relaxing March Break, Grade 5 presented their ScienceProject on structures. The students created a variety of world famous structures i.e. Baitul Allah, Clock Tower, Burj Khalifa, Taj Mahal, Canadian Parliament Building, CN Tower,Empire State Building, Eifel Tower, Pyramid of Giza, Statue of Liberty etc. All theseprojects manifested students' hard work as well as their innovation. Alhamdulillah, notonly the projects were stunning but the presentations were mind-blowing as well. InMath, Grade 5 completed the unit on measurement. They learnt how to measure mass,time, distance, money, volume, capacity. Students of the MonthCongratulations for your hard work and dedication!Noor Al-Shobaki– Grade 5Abdus-Salalm Hamid – Grade 6
Al-FURQAN SCHOOL APRIL 2018 Gr. 6/7 - Br. ImranDuring the month of March, one interesting activity the students completed was theirnarrative writing pieces after brainstorming, drafting, editing and publishing their finalcopies. The students learned how to construct a story from beginning to end using theelements of writing learned in class. They also designed a book cover as part of theirMedia Literacy education – which teaches students how to appeal to people in orderthat more people would want to read the book! We will Insha’Allah post these greatbooks online for all to read! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did!In Math, we are learning about Perimeter and Area. In Science, Grade 6 is learningabout Space while Grade 7 is learning about Heat. Reading Responses are due once aweek on an assigned date for each student and spelling test continue every Friday.
Al-FURQAN SCHOOL APRIL 2018 Quranic Program Gr. 5A- Sr. SomaiaAlhamdulilah students now have the same memorization schedule. Students arehelping each other since they are all memorizing the same Surahs. Students were ableto memorize three surahs ( Al Muzammil,Al Muddathir and Al Jinn ). In Tajweed,students now know all letters of Qalqala and can apply this rule upon reciting. Westarted learning the different types of Maad (Stretching). In terms of the theoretical partof Tajweed, students learned the virtue of learning Qur’an and how the Qur’an wascompiled . We also studied the Tafseer of the three Surahs. For example, we explainedhow important Qiyam ul-layl- night prayer is in Islam. Students started taking turns inexplaining the verses to their colleagues which helped them concentrate more.Students learned the Duaas for leaving and entering the house. We are trying tomaintain the routine of preparing for the new memorization at home. Students shouldlisten to the new verses and repeat each verse at least 15 times so it will take less timeto memorize in the school. I ask our dear parents to follow up with their kids Insha’Allah.Google Classroom has updates so please visit regularly.
AL-FURQAN SCHOOL APRIL 2018 Gr. 5B – Sr. LailaWe finished memorizing until Surah Azukrf, and we will be finishing the 25th juz by midApril Insha'Allah. Moreover, we finished revising the entirety of Juz Amma (30) and JuzTabarak (29) Juz 28, Juz 27 and Juz 26. In Tajweed ,we revised the rules of NoonSaken and Tanween, Meem Saken, Maad Lazim, Ared lskoon, Munfasil and Mutasil, aswell as, we do Qa’eada Norania for 5-10 minutes everyday. As shown below, studentsare busy working on their Makharij!
AL-FURQAN SCHOOL APRIL 2018Gr. 6/7 - Sr. Heba and Sr. ReemDuring the month of March, we finished memorizing Surat Al-Anbiya. Also, welearned a lot of Islamic rules in Surat Al-Hajj, talking about how to perform Al-Hajjand other rules about the rituals of Hajj. We are learning about the kinds of Maadin Tajweed. In class we are memorizing our new page in 2 Halaqah and we wereable to memorize it successfully in less than 1 hour.This month, the Gr. 7’s finished another juzz’u and memorized Surah Al-An’aam,Alhamdulillah. Throughout the March break the students went over the 17 juzz’ufrom covered in Grade 5 and 6. We are continuing to revise the 23 juzz’u. Wehave completed and continuing to memorize the new surah we started, Surah Al-Maidah. We have started learning Sifaat ( The characteristics of Letters) inTajweed. During Ramadan, we aim to finish Surah An-Nisaa’, Please make duafor us.By Fatimah Misbahuddin - Gr 7
AL-FURQAN SCHOOL APRIL 2018STUDENT NEWSIRISE – Social Emotional IntelligenceOur instructors from the iRISE team facilitated a workshop on being ofService to others for the sake of Allah (swt). This included doing role-playing activities and skits to read and understand other people’semotional states in order to develop empathy for others. Every week, theteachers work with students to engage in introspective activities toinculcate the iRISE values –Service, Hayaa, and having a MuraqabahMindset. All the students complete weekly activities to reinforce theconcepts learned during the workshops.
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