My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam Assalamualaikum,My khutbah today is about loving our parents. Loving our parents applies toeverybody. Each and every one of us was a child at some time, and we willhave our own unique memories of childhood, and we remember theimportant role our mother and father played in it. They fed us, gave usclothes to cover us, a roof over our head, ect. So while they are still alive weowe them our duty of love, care, and respect.Islam ranks our parents so highly, that only obedience to Alláh and HisProphet, come before love and obedience to our parents.The Holy Qur’án says, in Surah Al-Isrá’ [ch 17 v 23-24]:أَ َﺣُﺪ ُﻫَﻤﺎ أَْو ِﻛَﻼ ُﻫَﻤﺎ َﻓَﻼ اْﻟِﻜَﺒ َﺮ َوِﺑﺎْﻟَﻮاِﻟَﺪْﯾ ِﻦ إِ ْﺣ َﺴﺎًﻧﺎۚ إِﱠﻣﺎ َﯾْﺒُﻠَﻐ ﱠﻦ ِﻋﻨَﺪ َك أَﱠﻻ َﺗْﻌُﺒُﺪوا إِﱠﻻ إِﱠﯾﺎُهاﻟﱡﺬ ﱢل ِﻣ َﻦ اﻟﱠﺮ ْﺣَﻤِﺔ َوُﻗﻞ َﺟَﻨﺎ َح ﴾َوا ْﺧِﻔ ْﺾ َﻟُﻬَﻤﺎ٢٣﴿ ﱠﻟُﻬَﻤﺎ َﻗْﻮًﻻ َﻛ ِﺮﯾًﻤﺎ َوَﻻ َﺗْﻨَﻬ ْﺮ ُﻫَﻤﺎ َوُﻗﻞ َوَﻗ َﻀٰﻰ َرﱡﺑ َﻚ٢٤﴿ ﴾ﱠر ﱢب ا ْر َﺣْﻤُﻬَﻤﺎ َﻛَﻤﺎ َرﱠﺑَﯿﺎِﻧﻲ َﺻِﻐﯿ ًﺮا َﺗُﻘﻞ ﱠﻟُﻬَﻤﺎ أُ ﱟفAnd your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and toparents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while]with you, say not to them [so much as], \"uff,\" and do not repel them butspeak to them a noble word.And lower to them the wing of humility out ofmercy and say, \"My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up[when I was] small.\" This means we have to worship him alone and treat our parents withrespect. Even if one or both of your parents attain old age while we are alive.We should not say to them a word of disrespect or even say uff to them.There is a beautiful du’a in this ayat. The du’a is ( say arabic.) This meansMy lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up when I was small.Every time you make du’a say this du’a for them.
Clearly, those who plant good seeds harvest goodness; and those whoplant evil only harvest sorrow. The reward for good deeds can only be good,and the reward for bad deeds can only bring us closer to self-destruction.Brothers and sisters in Islam. Who has the most right to our hearts, to ourlove and respect? Who deserves most, to hear our words of kindness, andappreciation? Our parents, of course. PauseA mother's love for her child is a du'ah, an invocation for the wellbeing of herchild. It is through her love that her child learns to crawl, to walk, to speak, torelate to others in the community. Surely we can offer our mothers and ourfathers, companionship, words of comfort and appreciation! Abu Hurairanarrates that a man once approached our Nabi and asked:\"O Apostle of Allah, who has the most right to my companionship?To this our Nabi replied: \"Your Mother.\"The third time the man asked the same question, and three times our Nabireplied,\"Your Mother\",until the fourth time when our Nabi replied, \"Y our Father\".From this Hadith we can see,that our mother is so important to us. Askyourself can we ever repay the time and effort, the years loving care andattention our mother gave to us? Has she not sacrificed her health and herwealth to rear us to maturity? Did she ever complain when she had to feed, toclean and clothe us? No, she served us with love!Allah reminds us in the Holy Qur'an, Sura Al-Ahqáf, 46:15:\"WE have enjoined on man, kindness to his parents:in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth.The carrying of the child to his weaning is (a period of) thirty months...\"When we were ill, she suffered with us, fearful that some misfortune mightbefall us. In her worry and anxiety she would cry and ask Allah to restore youto good health and grant us a long and successful life. In the same way gooddeed from us, brings joy to her heart, but when we do something wrong, it
fills her heart with disappointment and tears stream down her cheeks. Weshould remember that the key to Jannah lies under our father's feet and thedoor to Jannah is under our mothers feet. So if you are only kind to yourfather then you would get the key. And what is the point of having the keywithout the door? And if your only kind to your mother then you would getthe door without any key. So from this you can see how important our parentsare to us. From now on if your parents please us we should try to please themback. But if they displease us we should not displease them back. Instead weshould try to please them. So no matter what your parents do to bring youeither pleasure or displeasure to you, you should always please them. End
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