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Home Explore BBC GF Easy Cook

BBC GF Easy Cook

Published by Callamilk, 2021-08-13 07:22:22

Description: BBC GF Easy Cook Magazine


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The UK’s leading voice on cooking trends. Providing inspiration to the nation’s food lovers for 25 years

UK’s no 1 3M top 10 top rated selling food watchers iPad in the Google Play magazine Food & Drinks Food & Drink chart UK’s biggest chart - apps Honey & mustard ham hock pie with flaky cheese pastry l Tomato & chorizo risotto l Lobster rolls l Cauliflower crust pizza l Black & white brownies l Banana tarte Tatin l Baked pumpkin fondue l Salted caramel pear puffs l Treacle apple tart l Coconut & lime fish l Pomegranate chicken with almond couscous l Glazed sesame salmon l Hot apple pie punch l Freaky finger red velvet cake l Beef rendang & turmeric rice l Pork vindaloo l for Android food website Hot mocha puddings l Apple & celeriac mash l Venison meatball & wild mushroom stroganoff l Rosy quince & cranberry jelly l Nutty Florentine bars l Squidgy pumpkin & ginger loaf l Garlicky wild mushrooms & egg on toast l Sweetly spiced rabbit pilaf l BIRTHDAY ISSUE 2014 £3.99 107 recipes you’ll TEDWTRU love to cook BIRTHDAY 2014 SPECIAL 25TH BIRTHDAY ISSUE • BRAND-NEW LOOK INSIDE • INSPIRATION FOR ALL YOUR COOKING Celebrate with us! 1.3M It’s our 25th birthdayYou’llVlLoaunvislelacoipoaururtysccslaapkseo,scnyregacetaeYdkPfeoerYroSfuerucbpitretfhrod-rasymablyloByoaotkhuerOmsffpeweriincnniaegrluEoeddcbcKuaimtstbieoerrncsream 2M readers Mobile app downloads ST OUR RECIPESWEVERY Inside ONE TRIPLE TES A MONTH OF FABULOUS FOOD ON THE TABLE IN 20 MINUTES Midweek meals for busy families SATISFYING SEASONAL DISHES New ways with venison, pumpkins, mushrooms, apples PLUS YEssential kitchen gadgetsYFood lovers’ New YorkYDelicious suppers with healthy grains THE BEST FOR 25 YEARS and still just right for the way you cook now l Italian meatballs with orzo l Moroccan-spiced cottage pies l Smoked haddock gratin l Spiced duck & date tagine l Chicken schnitzel with coleslaw l Chocolate-dipped cardamom fudge l Malaysian mess 1M+ visitors 850,000 Tablet app downloads 7.5M unique users 172K 1.6M 4.7K 175K 3.3K 114K 10 MILLION BBC Good Food total unduplicated reach

A word from Reader Quotes the Editor “I enjoy every issue of good food “Good Food magazine, I subscribe and really look has been the forward to the issue arriving” first choice for home cooks for 25 years. “Always look forward to No wonder we’re trusted receiving my Good Food by more readers than any mag in the post” other food title to deliver recipes you really want to “I enjoy reading cookery books and Honey & mustard ham hock pie with flaky cheese pastry l Tomato & chorizo risotto l Lobster rolls l Cauliflower crust pizza l Black & white brownies l Banana tarte Tatin l Baked pumpkin fondue l Salted caramel pear puffs l Treacle apple tart l Coconut & lime fish l Pomegranate chicken with almond couscous l Glazed sesame salmon l Hot apple pie punch l Freaky finger red velvet cake l Beef rendang & turmeric rice l Pork vindaloo l cook: modern, seasonal, magazines for pleasure and the simple, and special – all Good Food magazine certainly Hot mocha puddings l Apple & celeriac mash l Venison meatball & wild mushroom stroganoff l Rosy quince & cranberry jelly l Nutty Florentine bars l Squidgy pumpkin & ginger loaf l Garlicky wild mushrooms & egg on toast l Sweetly spiced rabbit pilaf l BIRTHDAY ISSUE 2014 £3.99 107 recipes you’ll tested in our Test Kitchen, fit the bill, Thank you” TEDWTRU love to cook so they always work for you at home. It’s this well-honed Awards BIRTHDAY 2014 SPECIAL 25TH BIRTHDAY ISSUE • BRAND-NEW LOOK INSIDE • INSPIRATION FOR ALL YOUR COOKING Celebrate with us! combination of practical, must-cook content and Food and Drink It’s our 25th birthdayYou’llVlLoaunvislelacoipoaururtysccslaapkseo,scnyregacetaeYdkPfeoerYroSfuerucbpitretfhrod-rasymablyloByoaotkhuerOmsffpeweriincnniaegrluEoeddcbcKuaimtstbieoerrncsream gorgeous photography that Magazine of the Year adds up to an inspirational DMA 2013 Digtial Magazine ST OUR RECIPESWEVERY Inside recipe for success – month awards after month.” ONE TRIPLE TES A MONTH OF FABULOUS FOOD Editor of the Year: Gillian Gillian Carter is Editor of Carter - DMA 2013 Digtial ON THE TABLE IN 20 MINUTES Midweek meals for busy families BBC Good Food magazine MAgazine awards SATISFYING SEASONAL DISHES New ways with venison, pumpkins, mushrooms, apples Digital Magazine of the Year PLUS YEssential kitchen gadgetsYFood lovers’ New YorkYDelicious suppers with healthy grains PPA Digital Publishing 2013 THE BEST FOR 25 YEARS and still just right for the way you cook now l Italian meatballs with orzo l Moroccan-spiced cottage pies l Smoked haddock gratin l Spiced duck & date tagine l Chicken schnitzel with coleslaw l Chocolate-dipped cardamom fudge l Malaysian mess

“There is no sincerer love Brand Pillars than the love of food” Trusted Recipes George Bernard Shaw Created by our expert team, and triple-tested in the gf kitchen Health Practical ideas to help you and your family to cook and eat well Food Travel Inspiring you to discover fascinating food destinations Cooking With Children Helping the next generation learn essential life skills Local Exploring the best artisan food and drink where you live

MAGAZINE MOBILE & TRUSTING DOWNLOAD 1,283,000 Readership 15&0LO,Y0A0L 0 88% Don’t read another 10,989 subscribers More than all of paid-for food title Digital Editions Purchased the food titles 238,491Circulation 845,677 combined 96% Actively Purchased 57% Subscriptions Total App downloads BBC GoodFood 43% Circulation market share is the NRS Jan - Dec ‘13 (Total Core Market) ABC Jul - Dec ‘13 U.K’s best- Google analytics 3 month average selling food 53 minutes magazine! Av time spend reading SOCIAL MEDIA 186K Twitter Followers 223K Facebook Likes WEBSITE 7.5M Unique UK Users 32.9M Impressions

Demographics Up-market audience and empty nesters. Passionate about the food they buy and eat; quality and provenance are paramount. They enjoy their home, entertaining in it and love every aspect of cooking / food. PRINT WEBSITE VALUABLE Consumer 27% 73% 40% 60% Average weekly spend on Male Female Male Female groceries £80 (+16% more than the main shopper) Food 43 AVERAGE AGE 44 AVERAGE AGE is at the heart of their home and entertaining 962,250 ABC1 65% ABC1 Their kitchen is the hub of their 75% ABC1 35% ABs % home, more than twice as likely to agree that their 44% ABs % 25-54 key age demographic kitchen is the most important room in the house 68% £34,282 (Index 206) Married/living as a couple Average Family Income QUALITY SEEKER £36,540 More likely to agree it’s worth paying extra for quality Average Family Income goods (Index 113) 88%Solus Readership: On average Good Food readers spend 57 mins reading each Dootfhnoeoordtprtaeitiadlde-faonr y issue & use 6 recipes 75% prefer to prepare meals from scratch (Index 145) Source: TGI Clickstream 2014 Q1

A word from the Editor “BBC Easy Cook is designed to appeal to everyone who wants to get good, healthy food on the table every night – as quickly as possible and with minimum fuss.” Sarah Giles is Editor of BBC Easy Cook magazine

AUDIENCE Mass market ethical consumer’ mass market, health conscious mums with strong ethical beliefs who are brand ambassadors BBC Easy Cook has 59% ABC1 35% are parents outperformed the market p-o-p reporting 29% AB 20% 80% a +9.1% increase 45 Average age p-o-p, with a combined £24,269 Male Female circulation of 45,282 Average family income 71% SOCIAL MEDIA are primary readers 1,143 MOBILE & DOWNLOAD Twitter followers 1,162 6,655 Digital editions purchased Facebook likes 147,386 TV COOKS Total app downloads wTtoaihatulfhellrteoovnewnmaeateernsrwytedydhabiTerfdneleVaegBcsvrirBtcspoeiCoueddtoo’sriesekattnsrhs,ytast MAGAZINE 235,000 Readership 39,911K Circulation 1,662 Digital Editions 46 min spent reading Engaged readership 63% do not read any other paid-for food title Solus readership 61% are primary readers Source: NRS Jan - Dec ‘13; ABC Jul-Dec ‘13; NRS Jan - Dec ‘13

6 ANNUAL, SEASONALLY THEMED EDITIONS 22,210 Circulation VeBgaektainrigan 94% Actively purchased OHEneaeat-litPnhogyts 10% Subscriptions 4% Circulation market share Source: ABC Jul-Dec ‘13

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