G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITORIAL BOARD Dear reader, greetings to you! Learning when blended with fun becomes an unforgettable experience. As is our school’s wont, life enriching learning ceaselessly happens here but in a jovial environment. During the month that has gone by, the entire school was brimming with excitement as new learning opportunities had already been chalked out for us. Abinay became almost an obsession with all of us for a fortnight and we discovered how this performing art of acting and drama is a self-revelatory experience as there is always a part of an actor that becomes apparent in the character he plays. Drama is an effective and amusing way of learning. There are various genres of drama, for example, Comedy, Tragedy, Fantasy, Mythology, to name a few depicting a plethora of emotions human beings have. It’s not necessary that every play should have a moral message to convey, but every play does have a tale to tell. A play often hasan underlying message, it depends on us how receptive we are and how we implement it in our lives. 1
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Online learning has certainly been a boon, as learning to continue seamlessly without technology is something inconceivable in the present scenario. But using gadgets is a cause of concern too, if not used with proper precautions they can be detrimental to our eyes and ears. So, there was an elephant in the room and most of us were thinking of the impact of hearing devices on our ears and a timely session by Dr. Rakshita Gokula, a highly accomplished audiologist with gold medal from the All-India Institute of Speech and Hearing, addressed the issue and awakened us to the right use of hearing devices and ear hygiene. Another informative week that can’t go unnoticed was the ‘Spectacular India week’ wherein we got a glimpse of the marvels of India be it cultural, architectural, literary or scientific. The extremely valuable weekly sessions that have i nstilled a sense of responsibility in us were Yuwaah-Young warrior workshops which concluded last month. CBSE counts on the youth of the nation as Covid 19 crusaders who are self-driven to set the nation free from the grip of the architectural, literary or scientific. The extremely valuable weekly sessions that have instilled a sense of responsibility in us were Yuwaah-Young warrior workshops which concluded last month. CBSE counts on the youth of the nation as Covid 19 crusaders who are self-driven to set the nation free from the grip of the pandemic by spreading awareness through authentic information. A common thread running through all these activities was awakening of our wisdom such that we make informed choices in our lives. Gaining knowledge is important but becoming wise is far more important. Looking forward to opening of many more new avenues of learning in the coming month too and let prudence prevail always. Happy learning!! Deepali Silswal Grade VIII 2
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 WHAT IS FREEDOM? Freedom means being unphased by the circumstances, situations and the people around you, Being free from your own emotional garbage .Being Free from the jungle of your thoughts that bother you….Being free from fear and anxiety. Anything that stifles you and makes you feel small, being free from that is FREEDOM! SRI RAVI SHANKAR 3
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Wordology Mangata (Swedish) – the reflection of moon in water Ukiyo (Japanese) – living in the moment. Atemporal ( English) free from the limitations of time 4
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Know Your Authors David Davidar ( born 27 September 1958) is an Indian novelist and publisher. His best published work : The House of Blue Mangoes (2002) The Solitude of Emperors (2007) Ithaca (2011) 5
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Inner Essence \"A friend in need is a friend in deed\" This proverb though just a single sentence holds the essence of a true friendship. So, what do you think what friendship is all about? Is it just about making friend or going and having fun with them? No, it is not. Friendship is a bond that connects each other with mind, soul and heart. We may not choose our relations but friendship is the only relation that we choose. From early childhood to college days and thereafter we make number of friends but only true ones stay with each other for a lifetime, We make beautiful memories with our friends, some good and some bad but all are to be cherished throughout our lives. Friends may fight, might not talk to each other for days at a stretch but just one single conversation or a Hello; is enough to bridge the gap of all those days. They may be distanced by seas, sands or even countries but are always connected by hearts. They might not be around for the happy moments but make sure to comfort you during your tough times. Friendship is a bond that cannot be expressed in a single page but is felt by the heart and is unable to express in words. Arjun Sethi Grade X 6
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 The Precious Freedom Freedom is the choice to live your life how your heart desires till you don’t harm anyone else .This means that freedom can apply to different parts of life. It is as precious as life but its true value is not appreciated by people unless it is either threatened or lost. Many people have fought for freedom of our country but we still are not free. Nowadays people are not permitted to do as they please. It is the Government that decides what is allowable within the societies. It tries to control the freedom of an individual by imposing unnecessary rules and laws. Individuals do not have freedom to make their own choices. We should not forget that many people have given their lives so that we may live free. Once lost, freedom is extremely difficult to get back. If we don’t realise how precious our freedom is, and speak out against anyone trying to take it, we will lose it. We should also acknowledge that being free means breaking the shackles of caste, religions, gender biased issues and poverty. Let us Guard and protect our freedom so that so that everyone can enjoy it now and in the future and also keep in mind that the Freedom always comes with a price and to maintain the STATUS QUO we must fulfil our duties and take care of responsibilities. Aryan Barthwal Grade X 7
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Friendship “True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but not from heart” There is nothing more valuable than a friend who is there with you during the ups and downs of your life. An intimate friend understands your pain, your emotions, your thoughts, likes and dislikes. It’s not necessary to have a flesh and blood relation to be close to each other, what’s needed is a pure connection of heart and soul. A friend is the one who motivates you, encourages you, supports you to achieve your goals, and builds your confidence. A true friend is the greatest support- system during our adverse times. He may scold you if you go on the wrong path, but he will never desert you if you are in a tight spot as he isn’t a fair-weather friend. Life is dull without friends, if there is no one with whom you can share your thoughts or emotions, then it is obvious that something vital is missing in your life. Reliability and trust are the most important virtues in every relation, be it with your friends, your mother, father or your family, without that no relation can last long. Especially in friendship, if your friend doesn't trust you, or you don’t trust your friends then the bond between your friend may not be forever. Never hide a secret from that friend whom you trust the most, this might have an impact of disbelief and a sign of weakening of the bond of friendship. Always tell them the truth, it doesn’t matter how bitter it is because the truth is never as painful as detecting a lie. Finally, I would like to say that if you want to earn a true friend you need to be one first. Garima Singh Grade IX 8
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 My Sister My Buddy Can there be a more trustworthy friend than your own sibling? Certainly not! I feel blessed to have found a great friend in my sister. Though we quarrel a lot which usually ends up in apologies from both the ends and it strengthens our bond even more. I can share anything I want with her without any hesitation and she always understands the problems I face. Whenever I need help for things like my homework or my projects, which I find difficult to understand or any other issues, she is always there to help me out and I am able to understand it easily. At times I think my sister is quite annoying or boring but at the same time she is the one who entertains me and also allays my worries. Whenever we fight, she is the one who resolves the conflict and she is one of the best things God has given to me. Akshar Khann Grade IX 9
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 My Perspective BEING A SINGLE CHILD IN THE FAMILY There are several advantages and disadvantages of being a single child or the only child in the family. I am a single child in my family and live with my parents and nobody else. I have often felt lonely without any sibling or cousin and I am left with no other option but to converse and share with my parents only. No doubt I get undivided love and attention from my parents but there is nobody except my parents to share my feelings and to play with. Though I am the only one for my parents to shower their love and affection on and I know very well that whatever my parents are earning and saving, is solely for me but I don’t have to splurge or waste it on any futile things or activities, rather have to utilize it for my mental, physical and social growth. My parents often teach me to become self-reliant so that I can build self-confidence within me and overcome my inhibitions. 10
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Living in such an atmosphere I feel I have matured before coming of age and I think my childlike nature is lost somewhere. At times a lot of expectations by the elders from their children puts them under stress, probably, they want to live through their kids. Being a single child, I think isn’t easy, one does need a companion in the form of a sibling to share one’s feelings and unburden one’s heart. Paarth Joshi Grade IX 11
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Random Thoughts Dear Readers Welcome to my thoughts, I know not much going around….but as they say- ‘The smallest of things can have the biggest of impacts’ Just like Covid-19...you know, that one virus that has made us live inside at home and left us disputed in our minds; having a constant fear of the future and also a frustration of the present. Many have been feeling broken, not physically but mentally , with nothing in their lives making sense and along with that the constant stream of ungrateful and straight up bad news. But even at this time there was a group which was not affected at all...well not in a substantially bad way- The INTERNET. Now you must be thinking about that cable wire that transmits data around the globe but no I’m talking about the INTERNET, the very thing that produces all those memes you see popping in your WhatsApp group, the songs you hear when you are sad, or that one dude who teaches you the second chapter of chemistry on YouTube when you don’t pay attention at class! yup you got it now...well done you. Well you see these people are what interest me the most. I mean Internet is run by people! These People like us who have real time lives, their own jobs then how come these guys don’t feel affected? Well you see when you enter the world of internet you're not yourself anymore it's like a new reality, a reset button to life or if i dare say, a totally 12
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 new life in a world where you are not judged by the people on your physical features but rather on your opinions and your ability to bring about a change. It is a society run not by someone for the people but rather by the people for themselves. The internet also has a wide variety of cultures not like our day to day real life cultures but rather the product of the combination of our original ones. The gamers have their own community, the artists in their own, places like YouTube, reddit are all the ‘cultures’ of the internet...all interdependent on each other to survive and evolve. All I wonder is this...why can't we adopt this in the real world where it is truly needed. The internet is now like a dream version of ourselves, a dream we could achieve but every day we move one step back from it. DEVANSH DEVLIYAL GRADE - X 13
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 SPLENDIFEROUS ZEPHYRS OSCAR We walked through the garden one last time; knowing we would never return to this house again, I waved goodbye to each flower bed, the apple tree that I had climbed innumerable times as a child. I wanted to scream, but all I could do was nothing. Every step I headed towards the gate reminded me of all the beautiful memories I had woven with my parents in that house. My beloved Apple tree, who had observed me growing so big, is now going eternally distant from me. All the plants, trees in my backyard had witnessed all the misdeeds and melancholy we had endured. My sister, Emily, taking me far away from the house, is herself in dismay, knowing that she can't help revive all the memories we had spent together sitting under the apple tree playing and dancing together. That house was the only remnant left of my parents, which I am losing now, feeling gravely helpless, my soul kenned that the sin accused by my callous acquaintances is not less than a conviction. The lust for wealth, lavish life, comfort led them to fall to such levels which no one can think of ! I had never assumed this from someone to whom my family and I were committed for long. For then, Emily and I were the only supporters of each other. She took me to 14
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 her residence held in blues. I had temporarily moved to her place wherein my dog, Oscar, was impatiently waiting for me; it was the only genuine love got after a long time since my parent's demise. Sitting down on the carpet alongside him, I could recollect all the memories and all the incidents which propelled me out of my ancestral house. The genuine indentures weren't with me to prove that I have inherited that property from my parents. At that time, even the situation built up was quite disagreeable, that all the formalities weren't able to take place. Consequently, the documents were lost. Suddenly I stepped out of a deep ponder. I found Oscar nowhere; I got in dutch. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it. Soon from the window, I saw him running away from the house. I chased him unknowingly that the direction he was scampering was towards my ancestral residence. He just leaped off the small gate, and without any hindrance, I jumped in too. Oscar went inside recklessly and grasped some indentures from my ruthless uncle and came out sprinting towards me, with a jerk, left it over my feet; I recognized those agreements, I got taken aback by the fact that I found them. My eyes got filmy, and my heart couldn't believe it, that moment was like \"I won the war\" I patted on him, and soon those vicious faces appeared out of the house. I called my sister, and with her help, we turned that house mine again. Oscar was the real Oscar for me. Nandini Chauhan Grade X 15
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 The Rise of the Mannequins It was a bright sunny day and I was off to the mall with my family. We planned to shop some clothes and shoes. We decided to go to a Mall. So we hunted from one shop to another . After half an hour of window shopping, we finally entered a shop and my mother asked me to try some clothes on. I headed towards the changing room and tried the dress. As I was returning ,I figured that I had lost my way to the main counter. I took out my phone so that I could call my mother but to add to my woes, I found that all the signals were lost. I headed towards the reception but I don't know why I found no one there. I was terrified but then I noticed a mannequin looking just as same as me. I froze at that moment. My heart and body went cold. Cold and chilled air froze my soul . I closed my eyes and moved ahead but then I noticed there was not only one mannequin looking like me but there were many, so many that I couldn’t even count. My eyes were filled with tears . I was in such a shock that I couldn’t even move . I somehow gathered my courage , took a deep breath and started walking around. Suddenly I felt someone is moving behind my back , I turned and to my utter disbelief, I saw a mannequin 16
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 behind me again. I started panting . What is happening? I closed my eyes and started running . I could hear the footsteps of someone following me. I had no doubt that the mannequin was following me ! The lights went off! I was frightened terribly. I turned on my phone’s flashlight and I could feel that all Mannequins were moving towards me except the one which fell in front of my phone’s flash light. I was about to lose my mind but miraculously the electricity came back . I was relieved because I thought now no mannequin would move but I was wrong. All the mannequins started walking towards me in a creepy manner. I shouted frantically as they started chasing me but all I could do was to run as fast as I could. So I opened my eyes to run and I woke up! I found myself in my bed with my mom staring at my face anxiously. It was a bright sunny morning and I lay safely in the vicinity of Sweet home thinking about the dream I had!! VARCHASV NEGI GRADE - X 17
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 ECHOES FROM THE SOUL Siblings I wish I could hold on to everything, I wish that I could just have another minute. It scares me to think that we’ll grow up, And take our roads to glow up. People might not say it enough, But siblings are our best bud Like a bag of memories, One day We were the biggest rivalries, But time taught us to not be enemies. While we’ll be playing different melodies, And life puts you at the edge of a knife, I promise you’ll be just fine. Just like every year we promised to protect each-other, I hope we grow up and not forget I hope I know what your going through, But even when we grow up, I wouldn’t trust you to tie my shoes without stealing the laces. DHANI BAHUGUNA. (Grade - X) 18
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Friend! In this journey of life You might find some nights, When you find it hard to thrive You might find some days, When you find it hard to solve the life full of maze In the dazzling blaze of fire I’ll be the cold hand you will require To make sure you don’t stand alone In this world full of people Who try to take your shine away And Put you in the dark space I’ll make sure to be the flashlight To guide you home every night. My dear friend, you are a family The lovely creature of this garden I’ll promise to hold you when its gloomy and dark But promise, you’ll hold me too My dear friend this is all I desire. DHANI BAHUGUNA. Grade - X 19
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 My Experience with Art Art is one of the best ways to express yourself, by letting your imagination run wild. Art has a lot of forms, the ones I'll be talking about are drawing and painting. Drawing is something really simple 15yet complicated. It is just scribbling your thoughts on a piece of paper and giving your imagination a shape; when you think about something you may not be able to depict your emotions in such a manner that they'll be comprehensible to the spectator who is looking at it, but to me expressing myself through drawing gives creative satisfaction. Personally, I love drawing because it helps me experience a lot of emotions (depending on what I am drawing or the drawing I am looking at) but at the same time it also keeps me calm and gives me peace. The most beautiful thing about drawing is that it can convey so many thoughts and emotions that even countless words wouldn’t suffice to describe, as the saying goes ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ I would like to conclude by giving a piece of advice that when you draw you should not think you are not good enough or what others might think, just draw when you have an impulse to express creatively and your drawing is perfect if it connects you to your inner-self and satisfies you. Eesha Paliwal Grade- IX 20
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Reporter's Column A Rendezvous with Dr. Rakshita On Tuesday, 3rd August , We had a rendezvous with our special guest Dr. Rakshita who is an audiologist, one of the core members of the Shikshankur family. She is a gold medalist from the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing and has worked with children with speech impairment and hearing loss. She holds a masters in audiology from the University of Southampton in the UK and went on to receive her Ph.D. in audiology from Sydney, Australia. We had a great session with our special guest. The session began with Dr. Rakshita, introducing herself and her profession. She started with her presentation and Informed us that Audiology was developed after World War ll when a lot of people lost their hearing due to the War. She explained different parts of the ears- The Outer Ear, The Middle Ear, and The Inner Ear. Next, was a very intriguing topic, The Eardrum. She started to explain the functions of the Eardrum and how delicate it is. She also told us how Eardrum can get damaged and why not to use cotton buds. The next topic was the bones of the middle ear, she explained how tiny the bones are and their function too. A brief explanation about Cochlea with How High and Low Pitch Sound is Processed was also given. Further, she demonstrated how microscopic the hair cells of our ear are! 21
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 She also compared a healthy Ear with an Ear exposed to Noise. She described how we can take care of our ears (Figure). Another very striking topic was The Decibel Scale; its levels were discussed on the basis of a report by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The session finally came to an end. After an extremely engaging session, the children and teachers were invited to resolve their queries related to ear health and care. The children's inquisitiveness and curiosity to have a better understanding of the process of hearing and ear care was heartening to see. All of us learned a lot from her. I found her a very Charismatic, Learned, and Influential person. Vansh Grade X 22
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 “EARS, HEARING AND TAKING CARE OF THE SAME IN THE CURRENT TIME”: An enlightening session with Dr. Rakshita Gokula 3rd of August, 2021 was a splendid day for Grade 7th , 8th and 9th as we had a special session about ears and hearing with a very special guest hosting it, Dr. Rakshita Gokula. Dr. Rakshita Gokula is a Gold Medallist from the All-India Speech and Hearing and has worked with children with speech impairment and hearing loss. In the session we learned a lot about the inner structure of the ear which consists of- Pinna, ear canal, ear drum, middle ear, inner ear ( in that sequence). Then we were shown a chart which informed us for how long we can hear a particular intensity of sound for ex. 85dB for 8hrs, 100dB for 15 mins etc. We were acquainted with the precautions to be taken to keep our ears safe and prevent hearing loss, in which one of the most important ones was not to put anything very tiny inside the ear. Then we saw a comparison between the audio output gadgets which are – earphones, headphones and loudspeakers. And the conclusion was, try to avoid earphones as it can be very damaging to our ears, headphones are better than earphones as they are farther away from the eardrum and prevent outside dust to store in the form of wax, Loudspeakers are the best audio output devices if you listen to it at a moderate volume as it is very far away from ear drum and obviously doesn’t cause any infection. At the end of the session, we had a question round, in which a lot of questions were put to our eminent host. She was flooded with queries as the session was truly interesting and the children were curious to know more about the topic. This session was very demystifying and informative which is surely going to help everyone in the current times and future as well. Everyone enjoyed the session to the hilt and the good news was revealed at the end that now Dr. Rakshita Gokula is a core member of the Shikshankur family. Yashraj Gupta Grade - IX 23
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Acting: Living the Character “One of the things about acting is it allows you to live other people’s lives without paying the price.” -Robert de Niro Acting is a performing art which enables us to see the world through someone else’s eyes. It’s different from imitating or behaving like someone, when you merely say the dialogues which are devoid of emotions, you are superficially pretending to be the character you’ve to portray, but when you incorporate the traits and eccentricities of that character in your live performance, then you are acting in its truest sense. Abhinay is a vital part of society. It serves as a doorway to experience what otherwise we would never know about, like what being a soldier in World War II would have felt like or what does a common man struggling to make both ends meet go through. 24
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Abhinay can take us from a battle to a world filled with magic. It can be used to show the evils existing in society to the common folk. There can be as many themes as are the numerous aspects of human life. The first fortnight of August was dedicated to abhinay, children and teachers from our class presented beautiful acts till the rousing conclusion of the event. We explored various aspects of abhinay such as monologue, soliloquy, mimicry, melodrama and other genres of drama. Some of us wore different outfits to better suit the character we were portraying. Acting is a beautiful way not only to express yourself but to discover yourself as well. Amritaansh Grade IX 25
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 “Acting is not about being someone different. It's finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.\" - Meryl Streep The Katha , Kahani and Abhinay week which commenced from 2nd august and lasted till 7th August was indeed a roller coaster for most of us. A plethora of emotions permeated our souls as we were bedazzled to see each and every one coming up daily with a distinct form of abhinay like mime, monoact, role play etc. There was a sense of profound euphoria that suffused our hearts as on a daily basis we entertained others and were also entertained by them. I would like to extend a very heartfelt thanks to all the teachers for pouring in tremendous efforts in making all the sessions jubilant. I showcased storytelling ,did roleplay of some eminent personalities in different fields like Maya Angelou, Mahadevi verma , Ada Lovelace, Sarojini Naidu and was also a part of group skit. Each and every one who was a part of this process helped me create so many happy and elated memories which I can cherish and nostalgically reminisce forever, ever and ever. It was an overwhelming experience as all of us got copious chances to emblazon our talents. Malishka Sethi Grade X 26
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Olympics and India The spirit of sports is in India from a long ago .The excitement of some special games like cricket, hockey, and football can be seen in every third person. Sports like kabaddi, kho-kho, and badminton have special places in people’s heart and the games like wrestling, are being played from centuries. If we talk about Olympics we all know that the 5 rings symbolize the 5 continents depicting the meaning of globalization and the unity of the world. This year, the Olympics are held in Tokyo. India has shown its best performance in these Olympics. Till now our country has bagged 1 gold,2 silver and 5 bronze. In these Olympics many people like Ravi Kumar, Deleep Singh, and Simranjeet Singh got recognition. As compared to last times India performed very well. It’s also a historic moment for India as Neeraj Chopra becomes the first Indian to win a gold medal in athletics and second Indian after Abhinav Bindra who clinched India’s first individual gold medal at 2008 Olympics. As I write about this glorious moment, Chopra is ready to bring home the gold medal from the Tokyo Olympics, the first ever gold medal in athletics. 27
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 This winning symbolizes the growth of India in sports other than the national craze for Cricket like boxing, wrestling, badminton, weight lifting, javeline . Hockey too is rising back to the height of its previous fame. The future seems to be bright. All the Indians are ecstatic in jubilation of Neeraj Chopra's and other winners’ medals as well as the spirit of the players of India who could not win the medal but won our hearts with their grit and determination. We hope that India will perform better in the France Olympics, 2023 and make all of us prouder. Jail Hind! Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together Yagya Khali Grade X 28
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Spectacular INDIA The diversity of India is its hallmark; a large country with a humongous population is a home to myriad cultures, monuments and flora and fauna. India presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural patterns. Being a vast country, it brings out many amazing and mysterious things that the citizens of India may not be aware of. The spectacular India week was about these extraordinary facts related to India. The Independence Day celebration was a little different this year; it was celebrated as Spectacular India week which was more about knowing our nation. To begin with, the very first day we got to know about “The 5 Mysterious Temples in India” that have some enigmatic facts pertaining to their structures which would be surprising even to a devout worshiper. On the second day, facts like “Invention of 0 AND Decimal(.)” And “The Magnetic Hill-LADAKH” were shared. On the third day, we were introduced to a book, which is considered a classic of India, called “Discovery of India “written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and a television serial named “Bharat Ek Khoj” based on it which was televised around two decades ago. More facts like “The highest CRICKET STADIUM of the world is in India” was an incredible thing to know. 29
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 The next day, we tried to explore virtually “Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary” situated in Karnataka and learnt about a few of the rare species of its flora and fauna. On this day some of the students came up with facts like “India’s Languages” and an engaging discussion ensued. On the last day, we were apprised of the establishment and achievements of ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation) and our hearts swelled with pride to know that ISRO would probably be the next Space Superpower. This year the celebration of Independence Day was a little low key but we got to know about the lesser-known facts about our nation and it has filled us with awe and admiration for this extraordinary land called India. CHAKSHEY NAKRA Grade IX 30
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 KALAKRITI Bhawit’s symbolic message of peace and justice, which go hand in hand. Vedanshi Tomar Grade X 31
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Nandini Chauhan Grade X 32
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Young warriors conclave 33
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 34
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 35
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 Teacher's Column My experiments with truth (Not Bapu's) The Season of marriage is always joyful and exciting. Everyone tries to show off their best visage, clothes Aand jewellery ( but I doubt anyone notices !) Everything is bright and colorful. It is a time when no one can leave the temptation of showing one's best. DARING TO BE DIFFERENT!! The same urge crept inside my otherwise naive mind on the wedding day of a relative and I decided to follow my impulse. ( although I knew my impulses always lead to disaster!) At first I thought of saving money and asking my daughter to do the honors as I saw her practicing on her face. But when I saw her face turning to a white board with patches of red on cheeks, lips and eyes ( the only missing thing was a round red nose!) I decided to unfollow that thrifty wish completely . I tried my best to dissuade her from doing that to her face but to no avail. She was adamant that she looked beautiful with that red and white Painting!(Confidence can be scary at times) So I finally succumbed to her wish and excused myself somehow. I called a makeup artist instead (They are no more called as beauticians!! My new gen kids warned me not to use that unholy word !) The eagerly awaited moment of change!! The makeup artist arrived with a big bag of various products. To me, she was like Picasso rising from the grave to paint a masterpiece holding his 36
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 colour pallets with different shades of paint! I was amazed to see her Pandora’s box with so many creams, powders and other things( I know the things are called something but for me makeup product includes cream, foundation and lipsticks only! ) But here,a whole new world of wonder opened in front of me, She worked with thorough professionalism, like a painter working on her masterpiece and I considered myself as her muse. I was in awe of her hand movements and had no doubts that I would be transformed into a beautiful lady! She completed in an hour . I don’t remember how many layers she put on me but my face felt quite heavy. During the whole party I felt like a queen and thought that everyone was looking AT ME ONLY. THE MOMENT OF FINAL VERDICT!! During the dinner time, while sitting amongst friends and family, I heard a familiar voice calling my name and commenting “ You are looking completely different.” Wow!! Unexpected remark from the hubby and feelings of elation, exhilaration, ecstasy all muffled up together in my naïve mind. He continued , “ I couldn’t recognize you. You look like a Chinese! “and crash!! I came down with roars of laughter piercing my ears! I tried to roll, twist ,turn, flap ,flutter my eyes at him in all directions to an extent that my eyes were about to pop out of the sockets but who can stop a man's tongue when he is sitting amidst his sisters and brothers and mommy? His comments encouraged other men too and suddenly there was a downpour of comments with roars of laughter at everyone who dared to look different! Someone‘s face had India's map on it ( thanks to the Indian summers!) While someone’s face was black and white!!! Lessons learnt Try ,try and try again but make sure that you do not sit at same table with your truth loving family!!!! 37
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 EUNOIA I ‘ll be the shoulder if you want to cry , I’ll lend you my hand whenever you sigh ! I’ll gladly be your shade if you are weary, I’ll be someone who holds you when you are teary, But more than that my friend, I want to be the smile on your pretty,pretty face, I want to be the hand that claps in appraise, I want to be your strength that never lets you fail, I want to be the breeze that calms your soul. So look for me my friend When you are down and deary For I’ll always be there To make you cheery . Ms. Renu Juyal 38
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 As food to body so is Mindfulness to the soul !! Mindfulness creates complete awareness and we are watchful about our own actions .It slows down to really notice what we're doing. When we are mindful we are not rushing or multitasking and taking our time. We're focusing in a relaxed ,calm and easy way. In Mindfulness we meditate on being intensely aware of what we're sensing and feeling in the moment, without being judgmental. Practicing mindfulness includes breathing techniques, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body ,soul, mind and help reduce our anxiety. Study suggests that mindfulness awareness and lessons on techniques to calm oneself — can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase our ability to stay engaged, help children to stay on track academically and avoid behavioral problems. Mindfulness meditation teaches our brain to be better at concentrating because each time we notice that our mind wanders off from whatever we're focusing on, we intentionally bring our attention back to the object of our attention.That's the power of Mindfulness. It means: The skill that sustains livelihood and which is praised by all should be fostered and protected for your own development. Be happy and Be Mindful always !! Vasundhara 39
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 40
G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 G9&10 Vol II Ed. 04 Shikshankur The Global School Tue August 31, 2021 CREDITS Edit-Credit: DEEPALI SILSWAL Technopreneur: Adarsh Singh Teachers: Ms. Renu Juyal, Ms. Sonia Monga, Ms. Vani Dua, Ms. Dipali Upreti, Ms. Deepika Joshi 41
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