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Home Explore SP17 Issue 3

SP17 Issue 3

Published by smithm25, 2019-05-10 09:46:29

Description: SP17 Issue 3


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The editorially independent student newspaper of Shawnee State University Dr. Sean Dunne receives FREE!TAKEONE Shannon Lawson Service Award What’s inside: JULIE PASTOR, ASSISTANT EDITOR Students An old Inuit saying propounds, Dr. Mark Mirabello to be protest on “Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, interviewed on Gaia campus but rather openings where our loved Television Network ones shine down to let us know they PAGE 10 are happy.” Dr. Shannon Lawson must surely be smiling down at us now, as her legacy continues to shape Nature as and affect Shawnee State University’s Dr. Sean Dunne. Photo by Felicia seen by present and future. Stonerock CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Courtney Sisk New SGA president, PAGE11 opponent share their visions How KYLE FOX, GAME ARTS EDITOR JULIE PASTOR, ASSISTANT EDITOR journalists can fix The Student Government Association (SGA) SSU’s own Dr. Mark Mirabello will be a distinguished journalism recently concluded its election process for guest for an hour-long interview on Open Minds, a its executive board. After a quick campaign television series about the supernatural, which is featured on PAGE 4 period, including large campus banners, color- the Gaia Television Network. Next week, he will be flown printed posters, presentations and well-placed to Denver, Colorado, where, on Th. Feb. 16, he will discuss Abby Brinkman. Snapchat filters, Abby Brinkman emerged with the show’s host, Regina Meredith, his latest 208-page as the presidential victor, claiming another book, The Traveler’s Guide to the Afterlife: Traditions and consecutive year of SGA leadership. Beliefs on Death, Dying, and What Lies Beyond. They will discuss such topics as death, the afterlife, ghosts, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 séance. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

Editor to Editors Follow The Staff Present at Chronicle on International Social Media! ASSISTANT EDITORS SPORTS EDITOR Convention SHAWNEE STATE Julie Pastor Trent Strenger UNIVERSITY CHRONICLE Paige Newman DECK FORNELL,STAFF REPORTER SSUCHRONICLE PHOTO DIRECTOR FACULTY ADVISOR Each spring Sigma Tau Delta @THESSUCHRONICLE Mark Rosmesser Melody Sands puts together an international GRAPHICS DIRECTOR GRAPHICS CONSULTANT convention where scholars join together in expressing ideas, Sean Stewart Matt Cram Mikhail Smith Colby Keller sharing experiences and recognizing ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR achievements. The convention also Smith decided on this nonfiction essay Felicia Stonerock Jessica Leesburg provides opportunities to discover new to show both sides of the convention’s ideas in English and English-related theme of recreation. “The theme of the disciplines, while engaging with convention was recreation, and you had STAFF REPORTERS speakers, presenters, and texts that the option to take that as either rebirth PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR members might not Andrew Walker otherwise encounter, or an activity done Deck Fornell Madison Harley according to the for enjoyment. I Jack McNeal convention’s website felt as though my Peyton Norman SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR/CIRCULATION englishconvention. essay displayed both Reggie Thomas characteristics of the Zeb Cottrill Hailey Hinch theme, as the rebirth is org. This year’s theme shown in how nature PHOTO DIRECTOR GAME ARTS EDITOR for the convention is has reclaimed the area recreation (rebirth), and the activity is Mark Romesser Kyle Fox driving and hiking with and recreation my grandpa through (leisure), to this area,” Smith said. emphasize the aspects Emphasizing of pronunciation and the presence of family Policies and standards for submissions, contextual meaning. history and overall awareness, Smith advertisements, and employment SSU student, and explains what she wants scholars and editor of The Chronicle, Mikhail students to take away from her story. Smith has been chosen to present “I want students to take away the same Submissions of articles, features Display Advertisements for her essay “Six Mile Drive Down lesson that I received from my grandfather. and news: Businesses Pine Creek” at the 2017 Sigma Tau There needs to be an awareness of what is Delta international convention held going on around us. I had no idea this had - Max 750 words. We reserve the right to edit for space, - Contact Faculty Advisor for advertisement options in Louisville, KY., from Mar., 29th happened and the only documentation I can grammar and relevance to our readers (Melody Sands - - 740-351-3349) to Apr., 2nd. Smith’s non-fiction find of the failed plan is where the land was - Allow 3 - 4 business days for reply on submission - We reserve the right to accept or reject advertisements essay illustrates an adventure that purchased through eminent domain and is - For a series submission contact editorial staff based on our criteria for appropriate messages to our she had with her grandfather on an now held in the name of the United States - Photo submissions, send inquiry to editorial staff readers old road she had grown up near, but Government,” Smith said. We welcome Letters to the Editor - Allow 3 - 4 business days for reply on submission did not entirely notice. The road had In some situations we depend not on - Minimum 150 words been purchased through eminent the internet for knowledge, instead we - We reserve the right to edit for clarity, relevance to our Employment at The Chronicle domain in an attempt to correct depend on another person as a source for readers, space and grammar - Allow 3 - 4 business days the water drainage in the area. information. Having an individual become for reply on submission - Contact staff: “My grandpa showed me how the a primary source for certain information Student Classifieds - Include your contact information road had been bought out by the shows that not all pieces of history are - Max 25 words - Desired position government in attempt to create a dam recorded, and in certain cases there is only - $1 charge for every 5 words over limit - Attached samples of your writing, cover letter, photos a single person that can tell of specific - Must adhere to Chronicle standards of decency - Allow 3 - 4 business days for reply on submission details within history. This calls for a raise - Professional and appropriate that would fix the water drainage in in the awareness among individuals and - Allow 3 - 4 business days for reply on submission the area. All of the houses were bought historians to improve the recording of past out on the road except for 3, and events that builds the histories of small they all were demolished. The land communities. was all purchased through eminent Smith is on schedule to give her Letters to the Editor and column policy domain, which left the owners of the presentation on Sat., April 1st, at 8 A.M. in land no choice but to sell for what the Louisville, KY. The Chronicle welcomes Letters to the Editor and civil discourse on issues and ideas important to our government was willing to give them. guest columns. Opinions ex- pressed in letters and democratic soci- ety. If you would like us to consider All in all, we traveled down a six mile columns are entirely the opinions of the writers and your letter for publication, please include your name, road with no traffic, and saw how do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Chronicle street address and phone number. Email letters, etc. or Shawnee State University. The Chronicle reserves to: editorial@ or mail to: The the right to edit letters and columns for clarity, length Chronicle 940 Second St. Portsmouth, OH 45662 and grammar. This public space is provided for a nature had rebuilt itself,” Smith said. 2

Making journalism great again Commentary HANNAH ROGERS, STAFF REPORTER Why do we feel as if our journalist are trying to deceive us? the public is not getting the fair unbiased truth, then the only Maybe some are. The Washington Post recently published information that they will get is the untrue, fake news stories According to The American Press Institute, journalism is the an article stating that a flood of fake news was used by that currently fill our web browsers. activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news Russian propaganda experts to misinform the public about I believe that journalists can gain back the trust of the and information to the public. The Society of Professional Hillary Clinton. They claim that these Russian hackers made American people. Now more than ever, journalists are needed Journalism says that, “Ethical journalism should be accurate up stories with the intent to mislead readers. With the recent to inform the people of what is actually going on in the world. and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in issues of journalism still fresh in our minds, the American There need to be more stories on things that are affecting us gathering, reporting and interpreting information.” With the people trust journalists less than ever, especially with a as a society. Journalists need to be certain that they publish recent events of deliberate manipulation of information in the President-elect spewing forth that the media is unfair to him the absolute truth, as it is their job to do so. Congressman media, journalists seem to have strayed from the ethical side and untrustworthy. If there were more stories published about John Lewis famously stated, “Young people and people not so of journalism. Recently the American people saw a rise of the fake articles or more on what Trump actually plans to do young have a moral obligation and a mission and a mandate fake news stories regarding the election. Articles that seemed as our President, then maybe the public would not have been to get in good trouble.” We need journalists to get in good trustworthy, were intentionally written to misinform the so uninformed during this election. So what can journalists do trouble. The public deserves the truth and journalists should public. Also recently, journalists have taken their fair share to regain the trust of the American people? be doing anything in their power to make sure that the public of blame for the results of the election. Many people claim An article entitled “Journalism faces an ‘existential crisis’ is getting this truth. that poor journalism is what led directly to Donald Trump in Trump era” by Christiane Amanpour, stated that, “A great Nevertheless, there is clearly an issue with journalists and winning the election. These recent events of false news and America requires a great and free and safe press. So this above the media in our society right now. However, there are good misinterpretation, have led many Americans to question if all is an appeal to protect journalism itself.” This is very true. journalists who crave the right to give the public good fair facts they can trust their news and the journalists behind it. Having a fair and unbiased media is part of the reason that and stories. We need to listen to them and help promulgate the Is our news trustworthy? Journalism Quarterly reported on a America is the great free country that it is. Amanpour also truth getting out. The American people need to understand the study that was conducted in 1984 for the American Society of highlighted the importance and the need for good journalism difference between fake news stories and stories with credible Newspapers Editors on how much viewers trusted their news today. She says that journalists need to recommit to reporting facts behind them. Overall, we need journalists to question the sources. They found that, for both newspapers and television, the facts without fear or bias. She claimed that if we do not known truth and find the real truth for themselves. fewer than half the participants said that they would not find stand up together for the truth, that divided we will all fall. either type of media credible. They also reported that every This is what journalists of all types need to understand. If year since 1980, less than 20 percent of participants said that they feel confident with the information in newspapers. Finding trust in journalism GRANT VANLIEW, STAFF REPORTER and how they are allowed to speak the truth, however is someone who continues to remain unknown and keeps hurtful this may be at times. “Members of the Society of promises, too. If you continue as a journalist to post news In today’s society almost everyone has a cellphone or Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is that is genuine, hard news and is what the people want to see some sort of way that they access the Internet. The Internet the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. you will gain that trust. When talking to your sources and is becoming bigger and bigger all the time and, through that, Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of making promises you need to honor that code. Honoring the news from all over the world is seen by people every day, information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical Code of Ethics as a journalist is a huge part of being a good especially through social media. People from the Millennial journalist acts with integrity,” says the SPJ Code of Ethics. journalist, because if you honor that then you know what it generation have grown up using some sort of social media, All members of journalism know what it takes to be a is like to be a truthful journalist whom people will read. including Myspace, Facebook and now Twitter. There good journalist, and sometimes digging deep into the dirt The things that I would do as a journalist in the future to has been a lot of news that has gone out to the public on to find the truth of something is what you need to do. It is help prevent the spreading of fake news are the things that I Facebook that has just been straight fake news. People are almost like a detective trying to solve a case; journalists have mentioned above, as well as committing to identifying starting to believe whatever they see on Facebook because do the same things, such as investigating and interviewing fake news and informing people of the sites and people who we are taught that just about everything that we see online people to find the truth. These are all things that good are posting such fake news. Take control as a journalist is essentially true. When fake news like that comes out to journalists try to pick up on so others will read what they and do not let other false journalists take away the good the public, journalists all over the country are going to start have to say, and so that they can be known as a trustworthy name that you have earned. Although newspaper writing to be viewed as liars when it is really not journalists who are source in the future. If a journalist gets caught posting false journalism is starting to decline, your word can be heard at fault. information online or in a newspaper, people will start to all over the world on the Internet and social media. I think What journalists need to do is spread the awareness of believe that they are a fake and will continue to spread the it is extra important if you are going have a social media fake news around the world, having journalists all over the mistrust of journalists to others. page, especially Twitter, to always double-think what you country post on their social media pages about it. The fake Another thing that journalists should do to stop the are going to post and to always post things that cannot be news that has been thrown around can be really shocking spreading of fake news, according to the Code of Ethics is: controversial. All things on the Internet can pretty much be and scary to others, but to prevent things like this from “Be cautions when making promises, but keep the promises seen by just about everyone in the world, and if you are happening again, we need to spread awareness to the public, that you or they make.” This I thought was very important, smart about the things that you are saying to the public, then letting them know what is true and what is not. because it seems to me that all good journalists usually you are setting yourself in the right direction to be a good, Something that journalists take very seriously is the have a source that they go to who is very trustworthy and trustworthy journalist. Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics. What this entails is the freedom of speech for journalists 3

The plague of fake news diminishes press freedom PEYTON NORMAN, REPORTER statutes, it is illegal to retaliate against an employee for the public. Those who publish fake news stories have no refusing to partake in an act that the employee deems to be intent of serving the public. They merely serve their wallet. Social media has created new trends since its beginnings, illegal. Akre, along with her husband who was also fired Journalists must point out to the publishers of these false but a recent occurrence has journalists treading water. Fake by Fox, launched a lawsuit against Fox in April of 1998. stories to educate the public on who is and is not credible. News has spread outlandish claims and false facts that After attempts by Fox to have the case dismissed, a Florida The fourth principle is to be accountable and transparent. journalists must debunk. Journalists are bound by a strict state court jury determined that “Fox acted intentionally Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one’s code of ethics set by The Society of Professional Journalists. and deliberately to falsify or distort the Plaintiffs’ news work and explaining one’s decisions to the public. This The society has four principles in which a journalist must reporting on rBGH.” The jury also found that Akre and principle is something both journalists and fake news author always adhere to. Wilson’s termination was due to lack. The news is all but transparent due to The first of four principles is “seek truth and report it”. Commentaryher threat to report the corruption the spin of their stories, which creates both Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists a lack of true transparency to the facts and should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting, to the F.C.C. The court awarded and interpreting information. Akre and her husband nearly a stigma of a biased in reporting. Arthur Schopenhauer a German philosopher best half a million dollars for the miss conduct that Fox put the Journalists must maintain credibility by reporting only described journalists as “Journalists are like dogs, whenever two through. Regrettably the decision was over turned in the facts and nothing else. Columnist Charley Reese anything moves they begin to bark.” Many would assume February 2003 by an appeals court, due to an argument that described credibility as “like virginity can only be lost once falsifying a news story would be illegal, this however is not three judges rejected on six different occasions. This ruling and never recovered.” Removing personal bias from stories the case. Jane Akre and Steven Wilson, hired journalists for set a new legal standard that the F.C.C.’s distortion policies and creating a story solely based on facts will restore some WTVT in Tampa, Florida, which is owned by Fox News, are merely guidelines rather than law and can be ignored. trust from the public in the news. Preventing a political were forced to drop a story uncovered regarding Monsanto, This court case created the new legal precedent where a stigma from being constructed about your work is a very an agriculture company. The company covered up the side media organization or writer can falsify news. Legal action important factor in retaining credibility with your audience. effects to humans of the hormone known as rBGH which is not a means in order to stop the epidemic of fake news. Addressing and challenging both the fake stories and their is used to increase milk production in cows. The hormone The second principle states that ethical journalism treats authors will cause writers of such stories to second guess was found to cause cancer in a study performed by Health sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public creating the story. Networking with those within the social Canada, and Monsanto falsified their facts to get their as human beings deserving of respect. The issue with the media companies will allow for the company to be informed product to market in America. The company warned the authors of the false news stories is their lack of respect of the false story on their product. news station of the ramifications if the story aired. Akre and towards their subject. These authors are spreading an Citizens must stay informed and question everything her husband refused to allow the story to die, and were then ideology that has become very prominent within America published on print, radio waves, televised, or shared on fired for no justifiable cause. recently: hatred. Journalists must always respect their social media. If the story is not confirmed by three other Wilson recalled in an interview what Dave Boylan, subject and only allow the subjects actions to create either news outlet the likelihood of false information is almost general manager, said to her, “we paid $3 billion dollars for the positive or negative view. assured. We as citizens must remember to research, rather these TV stations. We’ll tell you what the news is. The news The third principle is to act independently. The highest than trusting in the research done by journalists. is what we say it is!”. In a reply to Wilson’s interview Boylan and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve denied the statement. Under the Florida whistleblower “What do journalists need to do to regain the trust and confidence of the American public?” ERIC CARTER, STAFF REPORTER last couple decades, things have gone down. To regain the distinguish the actual news from the false reality. The only trust, journalists must report actual facts about their beat way to differentiate is by verifying the source and making Journalism is an art many attempt to master, and there are instead of false reports and take the time to investigate the sure they have credibility. If not, the story is more than those who make a mockery of it. Journalism has advanced events and attack the target head on. Laziness has taken likely false, or the details are loose. over the last few decades as media evolves. Television over this generation with easy ways to report through social To be a journalist, you must put work into investigating stations, radio and social media are the new brand of media. Regaining the trust starts there and must continue and writing. Dig for the truth and truth alone, or you will journalism. With all these outlets, it has created the idea through hard work and dedication. never reach the top. The nation must steer away from the that anyone and everyone is a professional. It has become Social media dictates our lives. Everything we do involves news channels that only offer poppy cock news. There is the norm to listen to opinions rather than facts. media but online media is the new main stream news source. more to news than celebrity chatter. Eventually, the world With the loss of credibility, Americans all over see the news Podcasts, live video chats, blogs, news feed updates, it is of news will change and when the time comes and the new as comical. The common news channel portrays news with our primary source of news. generation of journalists take over, hopefully we shall see false idols and idiotic situations rather than stories that People will believe anything you tell them. Online trolls more prominent news.. matter. Anchors are even steeping to the lowest of lows by take advantage of this and will generate their own news to lying about the stories they cover to keep audiences tuning create a buzz for their own personal enjoyment. It is hard to in with interest rather than reporting the truth. Journalism has always had its up and downs, but over the 4

What journalists can do to win back the Commentary trust of the American public JULIE PASTOR, ASSISTANT EDITOR about Donald Trump, say, perhaps, that he regularly gave According to the Franklin Center, “It is our belief that several million to a children’s charity, and the journalist the role of journalism in a democracy is to: report on those Journalism is often called “the fourth estate,” meaning that failed to report it, that would be biased. I think both sides in power through what we call watchdog journalism; report it is informally known as the fourth branch of government. were guilty of doing that in the recent election. Both sides on the public’s needs, impressions, and wants; provide Our government was built on a strong mistrust of human wanted to demonize their opponent. reassurance and even panic prevention by shedding light on nature, and has built into it a system of checks and balances As Tim Harrower writes in his book, Inside Reporting: a critical events.” This is true, but we must also be watchdogs that helps to ensure that no one person or branch of Practical Guide to the Craft of Journalism, “Reporters have for ourselves and each other, making sure we always write government should become too powerful. The executive, a duty to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the the truth, whether or not it makes the other side look good, legislative and judicial branches each play a vital role in our truth. Deviate from that—by rigging the facts to advance or our side look bad. You have to set yourself aside when government and limit the powers of the other branches. As an agenda—and you risk losing the trust of both readers you report, set your antipathies and sympathies aside, and the fourth estate, journalism exists because, as the Society and editors.” In that same book, Harrower quotes Michael simply write facts. of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics’ Preamble states, Gartner, who says: “If you have an agenda, you should not We must also be diligent, as the public, not to believe “…public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and be in the newspaper business…. if you want to change the everything salacious that we read, because there is a lot the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism strives to world, become a teacher or a politician or a sociologist or of fake news out there. One man, Eric Tucker, posted on ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair a mom. Do not be a reporter.” I would argue that it is Twitter that some bus-loads of paid protestors were being and thorough.” People need to know what their leaders impossible to be a journalist and not have a leaning or bias, sent to a Trump rally and it went viral, according to “How are doing and why, and journalism informs the public of and that instead, they must fight that natural tendency by Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study” on newyorktimes. these truths. refusing to give in to it and by reporting things as truthfully, com by Sapna Maheshwari. The allegations proved to However, who will keep a watch of the watchdog? If detachedly, and completely as possible. be false but the damage was already done. We need to government is based on a mistrust of human nature and As Marty Baron said in his acceptance speech of the be careful when we use Twitter and Facebook and social journalism is unofficially part of that government, who will Hitchens prize, “…the Truth is not meant to be hidden. media, because as Maheshwari says, we live in “…an put checks and balances on journalism to make sure that It is not meant to be suppressed. It is not meant to be ever-connected world where speed often takes precedence the complete and unbiased truth is reported at all times? ignored. It is not meant to be disguised. It is not meant to over truth.” We need to take care in what we read and be Reporters must rely on their own integrity, recognize their be manipulated. It is not meant to be falsified. Otherwise, skeptical, both as readers and writers, both of what we read natural tendency toward bias and fight it, and work hard to wrongdoing will persist.” Marty Baron was editor of The and what we write, to make certain it is always the truth, report the truth, even when that does not please them or suit Boston Globe when his team uncovered the story of how whether it suits us personally or not. their own agenda. the Catholic Church had allowed thousands of children to James Madison rightly said, “If men were angels, no be molested by priests by covering up and not de-frocking government would be necessary.” I think the same thing is the priests. They received a lot of backlash from the true of journalism. Journalists are human and will naturally Church but they persisted in telling the truth despite what it form opinions, sympathies and antipathies. For example, could cost them, personally or corporately as a newspaper. if a journalist personally supported Hillary Clinton in the recent election, but found out something really positive XXX: Rise of the pitiful fail Movie Review SEAN STEWART, GRAPHICS EDITOR action scenes. with Hollywood these days. No ideas outside of rebooting While still keeping in mind that it is a Hollywood movie, either an older film or pulling from random books. Poor During January’s “$4 Movie Night”, members of the Return of Xander Cage delivers on its claim to bring effort in writing, and no realism what so ever. Nothing Shawnee State student body lined up around the cold, chilly audiences to a whole new level of high octane action and worth being excited for but explosions and big name perimeter of the Portsmouth Cinema to have their chance film magic, but that is not a good thing, as that new level celebrities. Movie companies must not learn to rely on this to see a selection of Hollywood blockbusters. Multiple is lower than I have ever experienced before. It’s shear dangerously dishonorable method of filmmaking. For it films made the list of showings, among the top picks were non-compliance with reality and the laws of physics is will eventually haunt them as movie goers will soon, like Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Split and the regrettable baffling. The film seems to make up its own rules, though me find cry out and demean films for such mediocrity. and monstrous flick I had the unfortunate displeasure of interestingly breaks them anyway nonetheless, while xXx: Return of Xander Cage, 3/10… watching, xXx: Return of Xander Cage. cheaply trying to make you forget its discrepancies with Strongly one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. The flat one liners and awkward sexual humor. My friends and I plot can be passed off as less than average. The actors in were aggravated to the point where we considered stepping this film should have shame, giving a subpar performance, out of the theater. even throwing in flat and cringeworthy humor to top it This movie is a clear representative of everything wrong off. Though what drove my temper with this film was its unnecessarily over the top and completely nonsensical 5

New SGA president, opponent share their visions for student governance, involvement CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 moment, Scott stated that there are certain concepts of being puts on because of the effort of its clubs and organizations. a university with which SSU struggles. One example of this The Bear Necessities pantry has also been a beneficial Both Brinkman and her opponent, Jesse Scott, who is SSU’s minimal projection of future class offerings. “Other resource for students. intends to remain involved in the organization, shared schools let students schedule much further in advance,” Graduation and retention was Brinkman’s biggest their thoughts on the future of Shawnee State and SGA’s Scott states. This allows them to get a better idea of when concern with the University. Further investments to the involvement with campus. they will be graduating. It is difficult to know if a student is school should be made to increase retention and enrollment. “I hope for Shawnee to continue being forward- on the right track when they are not sure what classes will Concerns were also expressed over scholarships; many thinking and sustainable,” Scott expressed, regarding the be offered a year or so from now. Scott also shined a light are being offered, but a lot go untaken due to a lack of administrative action of the University. Scott emphasized on the importance of furthering retention rates, but is aware knowledge or participation. Lastly, she agreed with the importance of scholarships and financial aid for that new programs such as the Bridge Program are doing Scott that student organizations need to be given greater Shawnee State students. “Finances are a tough thing,” just that. importance on campus and should be pushed further. Scott continued. He encouraged the University to get more Abby Brinkman, SGA’s president-elect for the next Despite the outcome of the election, SGA appears to involved with local businesses as far as offering more academic year, relayed her thoughts on similar topics. A be in good hands with many students eager to perpetuate scholarship opportunities. Another goal Scott shared was few ideas Brinkman hopes to accomplish the following its actions. Looking back on the past year, the Student for Shawnee to become more marketable, specifically to year include: letter-grade reports for midterms, a smoke- Government Association has pulled off quite a few changes high school students, in order to increase enrollment. free campus, new renovations to the gym and workout for the betterment of student life. Some of these include: Scott reflected on what he believes Shawnee does very centers, and additional commercial discounts for students. the altering of to-go meals, relocation of the spirit rock, well. “Faculty-to-student interaction is great.” He said it is Brinkman congratulated the University on its increase in student club funding to $200, a Shawnee State very common for SSU staff to be available to help students involvement with the needs of its students, stating that, Snapchat filter, more use of Blackboard with professors, whether during office hours or after class. Faculty members “[The SSU administration] makes changes as soon as brand new furniture in the University Center, a new parking are very open to meeting one-on-one with students, which possible.” Recruitment within clubs and organizations map for campus, and a new 24-hour study space for students is not as common on larger campuses. Student relations are has also benefitted student life, as well as the retention of that is expected to debut this April. also very positive in Scott’s eyes, and while he believes that students who actively become a part of campus culture. processes and rules for clubs and organizations could be Brinkman is pleased with the amount of events the college improved, the college does a good job at representing them. As for aspects that are not so great for Shawnee at the Dental hygiene clinic hosts “Give Kids a Smile” REGGIE THOMAS STAFF REPORTER at the clinic. This included areas to be educated on proper oral hygiene, have Shawnee State’s Dental Hygiene their teeth cleaned, and a station for program participated in the 15th playing board games. Dental Hygiene annual Give Kids a Smile program. students played games like Twister This event was funded by the and Candyland. This year they were Southern Ohio Dental Society, and able to see over 100 children from it allows underserved children to schools throughout the Portsmouth receive free oral health services in a and surrounding area. fun environment. SSU students set up stations for the children to visit while Shawnee students set up games for children. Photo by Felicia Stonerock. 6

The Student Government Association serves the students and makes changes Monday Meditations in the Library based on student opinion for the betterment of the student life here at Shawnee MADISON HARLEY, PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR introductory lecture, which usually discusses how to State University. SGA meets every Tuesday at 4 pm. in the UC ballroom, meditate. Then, the group will sit in the floor or in chairs, anyone is welcome to join. To contact SGA, please email us at SGA@ As college students, we all understand the need to relax while listening to a ten-minute guided meditation video. and destress from time to time. Junior psychology major, Upon the completion of this guided meditation, the club Savannah Nelson, along with Psychology Professor, then discusses their experiences with the meditation. The SGA is proud to announce the results for executive board elections for the Dr. Brian Richards, have felt the impact of meditation. entire meeting lasts approximately twenty minutes. “Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and improve The mindfulness club meets every Monday at 12:25 in the 2017-2018 school year: concentration, and we think that students at SSU could Library, room 108. All students and faculty are welcome to President- Abby Brinkman really benefit from that. I know I have!” said Nelson. attend the meetings, and the club really enjoys welcoming Vice President- Mykalley Detty Initially, the mindfulness club was first started by Richards, new people into their meditations. Meetings will continue who attended mindfulness club meetings while in college, to happen every Monday for the remainder of the semester, Secretary- Eric Acra and he wanted to start a similar club at Shawnee. Richards including during finals week. Treasurer- Mark ACra then approached Nelson, as well as another student, Brady If you would like more information regarding the Club Coordinator- Sara Campbell. Collins. However, once Collins graduated last semester, mindfulness club, please contact Savannah Nelson or Dr. SGA also would like to announce the addition of the microwave in the Nelson and Richards continued the club together. Brian Richards, or feel free to join the club on Mondays. student activities office inside our Bear Necessity pantry. This is open for use Each meeting of the mindfulness club is conducted to all students, please just head to UC 221. similarly. The group opens up with a three-minute Diversity & Leadership Symposium on Feb. 25 DECK FORNELL, STAFF REPORTER and working with one another, strengthening leadership qualities and Shawnee’s second-annual Diversity examining in-depth areas of cultural and Leadership Symposium began as diversity. These strategies have the a byproduct of an assignment during goal to enhance areas involving self- Justin McMillan’s graduate program awareness, multicultural competency, at Central Michigan University. The and leadership skills. Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Check in begins at 11 a.m. in the AHANA, and GSSA are hosting the UC Ballroom. Food will be served 2017 symposium. Following the to those attending the symposium. success of last year, SSU’s Diversity This event is open to all students, and Leadership Symposium returns staff, faculty, and administration of on Feb. 25th, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. SSU. The Diversity and Leadership in the UC Ballroom. Symposium is an excellent The free symposium uses critical opportunity to learn new methods of thinking exercises that focus on building your cultural understanding building leadership skills through and focusing your leadership abilities. teamwork, embracing diversity Contact Justin McMillan at 740-351- among campus life, and learning from 3553 or our various diversities and cultural differences. This workshop driven event will cover topics that include embracing diversity in yourself and in the world, the importance of teamwork 7

Dr. Sean Dunne receives Shannon Lawson Service Award CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Lawson, who passed away of liver cancer in 2016, was service to SSU and the Natural Sciences Dunne serves as faculty known for her service to the community and the University. local community. The four representative to advisor for the Sociology She served as Director of the Teaching and Learning Center, candidates for 2017 for EPCC, serves as Club, which has performed and helped facilitate the Celebration of Scholarship, the the first annual Shannon a member and numerous service projects Faculty Festival of Achievement, and the Honor’s Program. Lawson Service Award are: moderator of in the community under his She served on several University committees, was involved Dr. Michael Barnhart, Dr. the Celebration guidance. This includes the with grant writing, the Women’s Center, and People To Sean Dunne, Dr. Kimberly of Scholarship “Before I Die” wall on 2nd People in Rwanda. She also coordinated the Pleasant Inman and Dr. Crystal Committee, St. and the construction of Green Baptist Church food pantry and Crop Walk. She Sherman. This year’s and has been a six “Free Little Libraries,” was beloved by many people at SSU and continues to be receipient is Dr. Sean Dunne. Pre-Med Day which contain free books greatly missed. In recognition of her legacy, an award has Dr. Michael Barnhart, Associate Professor in the presenter for the and can be found all over been newly created by the Teaching and Learning Center Department of Fine, Digital and Performing Arts, has been Department of Natural Sciences. Inman Portsmouth City. Advisory Board to be granted to a full-time, tenure track teaching SSU since 2003. Some of the courses he has taught has hosted numerous regional high school “It’s great just to see a culture University faculty member who has shown exemplary include: Music Theory, Music History, Women in Music, anatomy class visits to the SSU Cadaver of reading and book-sharing,” Recording Studio, Electronic Music, Lab, was a judge in December 2016 for says Dunne. “It’s also good Sound Design, Private Composition the Valley Local Middle School Science to remind people we are a lesson, and Songwriting. He has served Fair, and was a College Credit Plus Mentor University town.” Currently, the as Vice President of the University last year. Last June, Inman hosted the Sociology Club is working on Faculty Senate since 2010. He founded Scioto Residential Services, Adults with “Baby boxes,” which are filled the Center for Creative Audio in 2009, Developmental Disabilities visit to the SSU with baby supplies (including a helped build and develop the Bachelor Anatomy Lab. She has worked summer small mattress) and can be itself of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre, which outreach with the STEM Academy here in used as a crib. These are sent will be graduating its first class of Portsmouth and in Feb. 2016 was a host to to Finland to give to parents in performers this year, and developed a West Portsmouth High School sophomore need. Ohio will be launching this minor in Sound Design. Barnhart has science students, introducing them to program state-wide in March. It served on myriad committees, including college majors in science. Inman says she is clear that Dunne enjoys what the Ohio Faculty Council, Ohio Board volunteers because she wants to help make he does. “You’ve got to mix of Regents, and the Educational Policies science more accessible to the community. having fun with doing things and Curriculum Committee. He has She wants to help the community that are meaningful. If you can been a board Member and Volunteer understand difficult scientific ideas and combine those two, it is hard to at Portsmouth STEM Academy since issues that are relevant to them, so that they regret anything,” says Dunne. 2014. He recently performed at the can apply it to everyday life. “I just think Barnhart, Dunne, Inman Madrigal Dinner, a fundraiser for the it is a way… to know the world around and Sherman are each worthy student music theater scholarship, you…. I want them to feel empowered to candidates and have shown in which he played percussion and ask questions.” Inman states that she also exemplary service to SSU recorder. Barnhart is well-known for wants to make college and science less and the community. Each of his service with children in the schools intimidating to students, especially first them are reflecting the light of in our community. Of his service and generation students, “College shouldn’t be love and service that Lawson of what inspires him, Barnhart says, a scary place….It’s one of the things I try demonstrated in her life’s legacy. “My commitment to the University is to impress upon visitors.” The recipient of the Shannon probably central…” Tellingly, while Dr. Crystal Sherman declined to be Lawson Service Award will be discussing the Lawson award and this interviewed because of time restraints. featured in the next issue of your article, he requests, “If you make it [my Award recipient Dr. Sean Dunne is an SSU Chronicle! section of the article] about the students, Associate Professor of Sociology and “I slept and dreamt that life that makes me perfectly happy.” has taught at SSU since 2013. Courses was joy. Dr. Kimberly Inman is Assistant he has taught include: Introduction to I awoke and saw that life was Professor of Biology and has been Sociology, Introduction to Criminal service. teaching at SSU since 2011. Courses Justice, Criminology, Contemporary I acted and behold, service was she has taught include: Anatomy and Minority Relations, Gender Socialization, joy.” Physiology I and II, Principles of Social Institutions, Thinking LeBron - Rabindranath Tagore Anatomy, Advance Human Anatomy, James, and Senior Seminar. Dunne serves Pathophysiology, General Biology in the Faculty Senate, is chairperson of Director - Brian Glenn I, Special Topics in Biology, and the Distinguished Lecture Series, serves Developmental Biology. Inman won as coordinator of the Sociology Program, the Shawnee State Bear Hug Award in and assists in running the Department of 2016. She serves as the Department of Social Sciences Facebook page and a Twitter account for the Sociology major. 8

Dr. Mark Mirabello to be interviewed on Gaia Television Network CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The Crimes of Jehovah, and The Handbook for Rebels and by a fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Wehner, who called me to Outlaws. the front of the class and lent me a book to read. It was ​ Gaia is the Earth goddess in Greek mythology; Gaia Mirabello is professor of History at Shawnee, and a book on dinosaurs. It was a real book that grown-ups Television Network explores topics involving this ancient has served as Visiting Professor of History at Nizhny would read. I carried it around and slept with it until the religion and the supernatural. Open Minds is a television Novgorod University in Russia. He has taught at SSU cover was worn off…. I’ve been into books ever since.” series in which, according to its website www.gaia. since the founding of the University in 1987. “I saw this His favorite thing about teaching occurs during class: com, “Host Regina Meredith conducts interviews with [taking a position at the newly-founded University] as an “When I’m actually lecturing, I like to look out and thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries opportunity to really build something,” he states, “This has see the lights in their eyes.” To his mind, his greatest and tireless researchers, providing crucial information to been a great experience for me!” Mirabello has taught a accomplishment is having written books that will outlast awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, wide variety of history courses during his tenure at SSU, him. “Academically, my books [are what I am most proud understanding and ultimately, transformation.” The including: Terrorism and Crime, Alternative Religion and of] because they will keep my thoughts alive after I’m network has held interest for eight seasons and 249 episodes Cults, Banned Books, History of Death and the Afterlife, gone. I can continue to teach after I’m dead.” and, as Mirabello states, “It seems to have a considerable Medieval and Renaissance Europe, and Nazi Germany and Mirabello’s books are available on Amazon, Barnes and audience.” Fascist Europe. Noble, Book Depository and Books*a*Million. You can As one such “thought-provoking luminary,” Mirabello Mirabello earned his doctorate from the University learn more about his stellar career at www.markmirabello. is no stranger to fame and publicity. According to his of Glasgow in Scotland. He states that he pretty much com. His forthcoming interview on Open Minds will be website, “Mirabello has appeared on the History Channel, followed a more traditional route in his study of history available to view on Netflix and to purchase on Amazon at discussing ‘deadly cults’ in the series called Ancient Aliens until close to the end of his graduate work. It was then that an undetermined future date. (and in America’s Book of Secrets), and he has appeared he became interested in less traditional, more paranormal with Professor Noam Chomsky in M.A. Littler’s maverick and alternative subjects. film for freedom, the Kingdom of Survival.” He has Telling the story of when he first became enamored of also appeared on radio programs and podcasts, and has reading, Mirabello muses: “My own career was influenced published many books, some of which include: the Pulitzer- nominated The Cannibal Within, The Odin Brotherhood, HEY BEARS! Looking for a safe, easy, & affordable way to travel to & from SSU? GoBus & Access Scioto County Transit Portsmouth GoBus has 42 stop have teamed up to do just that! locations across Ohio Find out more by calling Cincinnati 114 Miles GoBus tickets start at 740-353-5626, ext 203 just $5 one-way* Athens 85 Miles Columbus 95 Miles The Scioto Connector is only $3 one-way! *Plus tax & fees GoBus: 888.95.GoBus / Access Scioto: 740.353.5626 9

Shawnee students rally in protest of U.S. government actions Protesters gather to stand against the actions of high powers in the U.S. government. Protesters voice their opinions in front of Massie Hall. Photos by Felicia Stonerock Anxious? Depressed? SSU Counseling and Health Services Center is ALWAYS here for you!! JULIE PASTOR, ASSISTANT EDITOR face. We think we’ve got it all covered. Whether it’s a roommate has now surpassed depression as the most common mental health conflict, or just dealing with stress or anxiety, and anything in diagnosis among college students, though depression, too, is on the Anxiety levels on campus are elevated for many college between, we have a group for that,” Settle affirms confidently. rise. More than half of students visiting campus clinics cite anxiety as students. The pressures of homework, studying, work, social Some of the workshops that the Counseling and and family problems, the political climate, and selecting Health Services Center offers are: Be Your Own Best a health concern, according to a recent study of more the right career path can seem daunting to many people. Friend, which addresses self-esteem, Living Social, than 100,000 students nationwide by the Center for With midterms coming up, stress levels are mounting even which addresses relationship and social issues, Campus Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State.” If you count more. Fortunately, if any of it becomes too overwhelming Life, which orients students to college life, Success yourself among that number, please avail yourself of for students, the Counseling and Health Services Center at Not Excess, which guides and supports students the SSU Counseling and Health Services Center. It is SSU has many services to offer in order to alleviate anxiety with substance abuse issues, Grit, which teaches located in the UC Room 205, and the office is open and depression, help students with social problems, self- assertiveness, Beating Depression (which requires pre- Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may call esteem issues, substance abuse, relationship issues and screening) and many others. There are several groups 740-351-3608 to either join a group or be screened more. available for anxiety-related issues alone. for counseling. (After office hours, on weekends, According to Anna Settle, M.Ed. and Licensed “What we see the most of clinically here is anxiety,” and during breaks, emergency crisis consultation is Professional Counselor here at SSU, losing one full-time Settle asserts. “It is the most common diagnosis.” ALWAYS available by calling the CRISIS HOTLINE staff member and two interns has initiated some structural Groups that are available for anxiety or stress are at 740-354-1010 or 800-448-2273.) changes in the Counseling and Health Services Center. Anxiety 101, (which requires pre-screening,) Stress To further explore the Center’s groups on their Although the Center still offers individual counseling, this Less, which emphasizes prevention, Relaxation Station, which website: find the Shawnee website, click the heading type of counseling has a pre-screening process. For the rest teaches relaxation techniques, and Beating Stress, which empower “About,” then click “University Offices,” then “Campus Counseling of the student body, the Center has designed workshop-type people to overcome and cope with stress. Services.” Look for the link for “Workshops.” Click on the links groups on various topics to help address students’ needs. According to a New York Times article by Jan Hoffman entitled, to various individual workshops for further information, including a These workshops meet once a week in four-week cycles, “Anxious Students Strain College Mental Health Centers”: “Anxiety calendar of group schedules, to find a class that is right for you. Get then begin again, cycling throughout the school year. “We help today and feel better! designed groups to cover all common issues that students 10

Nature as seen by Courtney Sisk 11

Men’s basketball Shawnee Bears Basketball next chapter and Senior Night REGGIE THOMAS, STAFF REPORTER After 15 years of being the head coach of that my time is limited and I, too, will be a senior the Shawnee State Men’s Basketball Team, Jeff one day. It awoke in me a powerful sense of Hamilton has decided to step down, as he plans urgency to magnify my work ethic tenfold and to on focusing more on his job as athletic director. make the best of the time I have left to play the Assistant Coach, Delano Thomas has been named game I love. We still have some basketball left the next head coach for next season. As a player this season and we will continue to work hard to on the men’s team, my teammates and I will strive for greatness. truly miss Coach Hamilton, as well as our three With the changing of our head coach, there seniors Aaron Watts, Ryan Duncan and Jake “Big might be small changes next season, but the Country” Daniels. Senior night last Thursday was expectation for excellence is the same. Our an emotional night, since it was their last night coaches demand the very best from us and they to compete on the Bears court. Coach Hamilton deserve it. Coach Hamilton has continued to was handed a plaque with our team photo for this hold us to high expectations, and Coach Thomas season. is expected to do the same next year. He played He spoke to us in the locker room afterwards here at Shawnee from 2002-2004 and is a former and thanked the seniors for everything they have overseas basketball player. He has returned to his done, and spoke wisdom to them of the great alma mater and plans to use all of his skills and potential they have in their future lives after knowledge gained from all over the world to take college. As a sophomore, hearing those words of the men’s program to new heights. endearment and prosperity helped me understand Photos by Jessica Leesburg SSU Bear Frederick Moore shooting a basket. Shania Massie sweeps past her opponent. 12