Carats, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws 2012 Carat Sondra L. Few, National PresidentCaratC.Yvonne Holt-Stone, National Parliamentarian Committee Members Carat Evelyn Chatmon Carat Teola Hunter Carat Patricia Satterfield Carat Carolyn Thomas 1
Adopted – July, 1998 Revised- July, 2012CARATS, INC.CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I NAME AND LOCATIONSection 1. The name of this Corporation shall be CARATS, Inc. (‘90) ('02)Section 2. Offices for the transaction of business shall be located in Washington, D. C. and at such place(s) as the Board of Directors may determine. (‘97) ARTICLE II PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to promote social, educational and civic involvement among members. ARTICLE III POWERS AND AUTHORITYSection 1. The legislative body of CARATS, Inc. shall be the National Conclave. ('02)Section 2. The administrative body of this organization shall be the Board of Directors.Section 3. The business of this organization shall be transacted at the National Conclave to be held annually the second Friday, Saturday and Sunday of July. (‘90)Section 4. This organization shall be composed of chapters from various cities within the United States and other territories and countries. ARTICLE IV NATIONAL CONCLAVESection 1. The National Conclave shall consist of directors, official chapter delegates and members in attendance.Section 2. The quorum for the National Conclave shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the directors and delegates from two-thirds (2/3) of the member chapters. 2
Section 3. The National Conclave shall hear referrals and appeals from chapters and members upon recommendation by the Board of Directors, and shall make final adjudication of same; shall elect officers and shall perform all duties necessary for the efficient operation of the organization. ARTICLE V OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORSSection 1. The elected officers of this organization shall be the following and such other officers as from time to time may be necessary: ('02) President Corresponding Secretary First Vice President Financial Secretary Second Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary HistorianSection 2. The Board of Directors of this organization shall consist of the elected and appointed national officers, national committee chairs, and the president or designee of each member chapter. ('02)Section 3. Each chapter president or designee shall have one vote. ARTICLE VI CHAPTERSSection 1. Each chapter shall have and maintain no more than twenty-five (25) women and no fewer than twelve (12). (‘97) ('02)Section 2. Chapters shall select as members those women who meet all requirements of the local chapter.Section 3. Chapters shall formulate their own Constitution and Bylaws provided they do not conflict with the National Constitution and Bylaws. ('02)Section 4. Chapters shall be responsible for their obligations to the Board of Directors and National Conclave in matters pertaining to finance and attendance.Section 5. Member chapters shall sponsor new chapters. ARTICLE VII ESTABLISHING NEW CHAPTERSSection 1. Section 1. A new chapter shall be initiated by a member chapter by letter from an interested social organization.Section 2. Boundaries for acceptance of new chapters shall be determined at the time the city is presented. 3
Section 3. A member chapter seeking admission for an interested group seeking admission, shall first submit the name of the city for approval by the Board of Directors, and upon acceptance, potential chapters shall submit profiles to the sponsoring chapter.Section 4. CARATS, Inc. shall be limited to a maximum of 17 chapters. (‘97) (‘02) ARTICLE VIII AMENDING TIIE CONSTITUTIONSection 1. This Constitution may be amended at a National Conclave of this organization in the following manner: (a). A member or chapter must submit a proposed amendment in writing to the Constitution Committee by February 1st. After careful examination of the proposed amendment, the Constitution Committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval. They shall submit such proposed amendments to each chapter by May 1st for consideration. (b). After the above consideration, the Constitution may be amended at the next National Conclave by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates in attendance. ARTICLE IX EFFECTIVE DATEAmendments to this Constitution shall take effect immediately following adjournment of the NationalConclave at which they are adopted. ARTICLE X PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITYIn all matters not provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws, this organization shall be governed byROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, NEWLY REVISED. ('02)This Constitution was adopted in 1998 in St. Louis, MissouriReprinted with applicable amendments July, 2002, July 2006, July 2007, July 2012 4
CARATS, INC. BYLAWSSection 1. ARTICLE I The motto of this organization shall be: \"Carats Have Many Facets\".Section 2. The colors of this organization shall be blue and yellow.Section 3. The flower of this organization shall be a yellow rose.Section 4. The official National Emblem shall be a gold chain bracelet with a gold “C” official insignia charm. (’81)Section 5. The design of the charm given by the hosting chapter at the National Conclave shall be up to the hosting chapter (’90). This charm shall be made available by the hosting chapter in accordance with the Policy and Guidelines. (’12)Section 6. The symbol of this organization shall be an engraved silver chalice.Section 7. The insignia of this organization shall be a dimensional abstract gem.Section 1. ARTICLE II DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (a). The meetings of the Board of Directors shall occur in April and on the Friday immediately preceding the National Conclave except in case of emergency. For emergency meetings, see Article II, Section 1 (d). (’90) (’02) (b). The Mid-Year Board Meeting shall be held in the city of the National President or the National Recording Secretary. (’02) (c). The Board of Directors shall also meet at the close of the National Conclave in order that outgoing and newly elected officers may complete business. (d). If an emergency situation requiring action by the Board of Directors should arise, the National President of half (1/2) of the Board shall have the authority to call a meeting of the Board. Notice of such special meeting shall be in writing and sent at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. (’84)Section 2. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be: (a). To hear and act upon all appeals brought before it by members or chapters and determine which shall be referred to the National Conclave for final adjudication. 5
(b). To recommend program(s) to the National Conclave for approval. (c). To recommend to the National Conclave the chartering of new chapters and/or the dissolution of existing chapters. (d). To decide the order of business, the ritual, the agenda, the location and schedule for hostessing National Conclaves; the fixing of registration fees, the selection of auditors and all other details concerning the business of this organization.Section 3. The quorum for conducting business at meetings of the Board of Directors shall consist of a simple majority of the chapter representatives.Section 1. ARTICLE III OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTION The elected National Officers shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Historian. The Sergeant-at-Arms, Parliamentarian, and Chief of Protocol shall be appointed officers. (’01)Section 2. The President and Corresponding Secretary shall be elected from the same chapter and shall be placed on one ballot. (’97)Section 3. (a). The officers of this of this organization shall be elected by secret ballot. In case of a tie, the First Vice President shall cast the deciding vote except when a self- interest occurs. Should self-interest occur, a second secret ballot will be taken including a ballot from the President. (b). The slate of officers shall consist of those names presented by the Nominating Committee and those nominated from the floor of the National Conclave at the time of voting.Section 4. (a). The presidential nominee shall have been a chapter president for at least one term or shall have held a national office and shall have attended at least three National Conclaves. (’80) (b). Nominees for all other offices shall have held a local office for one year or more and shall have attended at least one National Conclave. (c). To be eligible for a national office, a member whose name appears on the slate must be present at the time of voting or have prior permission to be absent granted by the Board of Directors. (d). A nominee must be financial and active with her local chapter and with National to be eligible for national office or serve on a national committee. (’09) 6
Section 5. Term of Office (a). The term of office for national officers shall be two (2) years. No officer will be eligible for the same office for two (2) consecutive terms. The term of office will officially begin with the fiscal year in September. (b). Newly elected officers shall be installed, during the luncheon, at the Conclave at which they are elected. (’90)Section 6. Removal from Office (a). An officer elected by the members may be removed with cause or without cause only by the vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members, but this authority to act as a local officer may be suspended by the National Board for cause. (’84) (b). An action to procure a judgment removing an officer for cause may be brought by the majority of the membership. (’84) (c). Any or all of the officers may be removed for cause by vote of members provided there is a quorum of not less than a majority present at the meeting called for such a purpose. The members must be notified in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the proposed call meeting for removal. (’84) (d). An officer may be removed during the term of office for cause arising from an act in a manner contrary to the interest of the organization or grave dereliction of duty. (’84) ARTICLE IV DUTIES OF OFFICERS It shall be the duty of all National Officers to attend the National Conclave and the meetings of the Board of Directors.Section 1. President (a). The President shall conduct the National Conclave and the Board of Directors’ meetings. (b). She shall send a copy of the proposed agenda to all Board members, one month prior to the National Conclave and the Board of Directors' meetings. (c). She shall appoint the chairmen of all committees necessary to conduct the business of this organization except for those otherwise designated in the Bylaws. (d). She shall appoint the Parliamentarian and the Sergeant-at-Arms. (’90) (e). She shall fill interim vacancies in office by appointment after consultation with the Board of Directors. 7
(f). She shall be in charge of installation ceremonies of new chapters or shall delegate a national officer to act in her absence. (g). She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. (h). She shall be cosigner of all checks with the Treasurer and/or Financial Secretary. (i). At the end of her tenure as National President, she shall automatically become part of the President's Advisory Council, hereby established, an honorary, non- voting category that is designed to (1) recognize the service to the organization made by Past Presidents and (2) assist/advise the new President at her discretion. She, along with other President’s Advisory Council Members, will adhere to regular membership rights and responsibilities at the end of her presidential term.Section 2. First Vice President (a). The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in case of illness, death or resignation until officers are duly elected for the next term. (b). She shall assist the President with any duties as requested. (c). She shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. (d). She shall serve as Chairman of the National Program Committee. (’84)Section 3. Second Vice President (a). The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the First Vice President in case of i1lness, death or resignation until officers are du1y elected for the next term. (b). She shall serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee and shall keep all records of chapter applications. (c). She shall report the committee activities to the Board of Directors by May 1st yearly. (d). She shall assist the President and the First Vice President with any duties as requested. (e). She shall maintain a current roster of all members and local officers; in addition, she shall maintain a current roster of those members eligible for National Office. (f). She shall mail to each chapter, by January 15th, a list of those members who are eligible for each National Office. 8
(g). She shall keep a record of Conclave attendance and notify chapters of members who have not attended a Conclave in two (2) years with the reminder that if the member does not attend the third year and has not been excused, her membership will be suspended. (’97) (’05) (’09)Section 4. Recording Secretary (a). The Recording Secretary shall take the minutes at Board of Directors' meetings and the National Conclave. (b). She shall call the roll at the Board of Directors' meetings and the National Conclave, (c). She shall be responsible for reproducing the minutes for all meetings and shall send these minutes to all chapters by September 2nd. (d). She shall be the Keeper of the Seal.Section 5. Corresponding Secretary (a). She shall prepare and send out all correspondence upon direction of the President. (b). She shall keep all chapter Presidents informed of any changes in local membership and/or officers.Section 6. Financial Secretary (a). The Financial Secretary shall keep a written account of all monies paid into the organization and notify chapters regarding financial delinquencies. (b). She shall cosign checks with the Treasurer and/or the President. (c). She shall submit a written report to the Board of Directors and the National Conclave. (d). She shall serve as a member of the Budget Committee.Section 7. Treasurer (a). The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Financial Secretary and shall deposit same in a bank in the name of the organization. (b). She shall cosign checks with the Financial Secretary and/or the President. (c). She shall submit a written report of all financial transactions to the Board of Directors and the National Conclave. (d). She shall serve as a member of the Budget Committee. 9
Section 8. Historian (a). The Historian shall receive and keep an accurate record, history and all past minutes and information relative to its chapters including rosters of officers, activities, programs, photographs and souvenirs. (b). She shall be the Keeper of the Silver Chalice. (c). She shall serve as a member of the Constitution Committee. Section 9. Parliamentarian (a). The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President. (b). She shall interpret the Constitution and Bylaws and advise the President and the body upon request. (’02) (c). She shall serve as Chairman of the Constitution Committee. (d). In all situations not covered in the Constitution and/or Bylaws, she shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. (’02)Section 10. Sergeant-at-Arms (a). The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be appointed by the President. (b). The Sergeant-at-Arms shall guarantee the conduct of orderly business at both the Board of Directors’ meetings and the National Conclave. (c). She may request any member creating a disturbance to leave the meeting or for the meeting to be temporarily adjourned to reconvene at the presiding officer's request.Section 11. Chief of Protocol (’01) (a). The Chief of Protocol shall be appointed by the President. (b). The Chief of Protocol shall assist the President in the planning and logistics of Board Meetings and subsequent hospitality. (c). She shall insure that protocol is followed at Conclave and in matters of national protocol. She shall serve as a resource to chapters. 10
ARTICLE V STANDING COMMITTEESThe Standing Committees of the organization shall be: Program, Membership, Budget and Finance,Amenities, Constitution, and Public Relations and such other committees as deemed necessary to carryon the work of the organization.Section 1. Program Committee (a). The Program Committee shall consist of the First Vice President as Chairman who shall appoint four additional members, one of whom shall be a member of the hostess chapter for the next National Conclave. (’84) (b). The National First Vice President and her committee will survey all chapters to get a consensus annually or biannually of the chapters' recommendations for a National Program. (‘84) (c). The Committee shall present the information obtained to the members of the Board of Directors at its annual meeting. (’84) (d). The Committee shall, then, prepare these recommendations for a membership vote at the July Conclave. (’84) (e). The Committee shall be responsible for implementing the yearly program as approved by the National body at Conclave for the ensuing year. (’84)Section 2. Membership Committee (a). The Membership Committee shall consist of the Second Vice President as Chairman, the Corresponding Secretary and three other members appointed by the chair to insure balance in chapter representation. (b). The Committee shall be responsible for all communication between a sponsoring chapter and a new chapter concerning installation procedures. (c). The Committee shall provide any necessary forms regarding installation. (d). The Committee shall advise a prospective chapter, in writing, of all expectations and procedures for installation after approval for membership in the organization is granted. (e). The Committee shall notify the sponsoring chapter of all items necessary for installation. (f). The Committee shall notify, in writing, the Historian to have the Silver Chalice engraved with the name of the new chapter and year of installation and to have the Chalice available at the installation. (g). The Committee shall report to the President, in writing, when all duties are fulfilled. 11
(h). The Committee shall secure a disc for the outgoing National President.Section 3. Budget and Finance Committee (a). The Budget and Finance Committee shall consist of a Chairman, appointed by the President, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer and two (2) other members to be appointed by the Chairman. (b). The Committee shall draw up and supervise the operation of the annual budget and be responsible for the auditing of all accounts not otherwise provided for. (c). The Committee shall establish a yearly budget to include allotments for each officer and standing committee. (d). The Committee shall, upon request, make budget and finance recommendations to local chapters.Section 4. Constitution Committee (a). The Constitution Committee shall consist of the Parliamentarian as Chairman, the Historian and at least three (3) other members from different chapters appointed by the President based on recommendations from local chapter Presidents. (b). The Committee shall receive all proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws by February 1st, shall carefully examine them and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval. (’97) (’02)Section 5. Nominating Committee (a). The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) persons from different chapters who will be elected from the floor at the National Conclave. The one receiving the highest number of votes will be the Chair. (’09) (b). The Committee shall develop a written form to be known as “Candidate’s Profile”. (c). The Committee shall mail the \"Candidate's Profile\" with all necessary directions to reach each chapter not later than March 1st. (d). The Committee shall receive from each chapter not more than one nominee per office along with the \"Candidate's Profile\", no later than May 1st. (e). The Committee shall compile the listings from each chapter but will not eliminate nor add any names. (f). The Committee shall send the completed list of nominees along with each \"Candidate's Profile\" to reach each chapter not later than June 1st. 12
(g). The Committee shall prepare the ballots for voting at the National Conclave. (h). The Committee Chairperson shall conduct the election, and ballots shall be cast by chapter delegates at the National Conclave.Section 6. Public Relations Committee (a). The Public Relations Committee shall consist of a Chairman, to be appointed by the President, and the Publicity Chairman of each local chapter. (b). The Committee shall keep the media informed of noteworthy achievements of the organization and that of its members. (c). The Committee shall be responsible for coordinating, preparing, and distributing an annual publication.Section 7. Amenities Committee (a). The Amenities Committee shall consist of a chairman appointed by the President and each chapter's Amenities Chairman. (b). The Committee shall perform its duties as specified in the CARATS, Inc. Policy Guidelines. (’02) (’11) (c). The National Amenities Chairperson shall perform duties specified in CARATS, Inc. Policy and Guidelines. (’11) ARTICLE VI MEMBERS Members of the organization shall be women selected by their local chapter. They may be classified as Active Members, General Members, Carat Emeritus, Life Members and Inactive Members. (‘90) Section 1. Active Member (a). An Active Member must be a member of a local chapter. She must meet all financial and attendance requirements and other obligations for the current year. Each Active Member is entitled to all national privileges. Each member shall be required to attend at least one National Conclave within a three (3) year period to maintain active membership unless excused. (’97) (’05) (’11). (b). In the event that membership is suspended due to a lack of National Conclave attendance, as stated in Article VI, Section 1(a), the suspended member can be reinstated by submitting a letter requesting reinstatement that is signed by the suspended member, her local chapter president and secretary. In addition, she shall pay a reinstatement fee equal to the registration fee of the National Conclave at which the member was suspended. (’05) 13
(c). Following reinstatement, the member’s National Conclave attendance requirement will be in accordance with that as stated in Article VI, Section 1 (a). (’05) (d). Should a member fail to meet National Conclave attendance for a second time, her membership in CARATS, Inc. shall be terminated. (’05)Section 2. General Members (a). A General Member is an active member of a local chapter who moves to a locality where there is no chapter and who wishes to maintain her membership with the organization nationally. She must, then, meet her financial obligations with the national Financial Secretary by remitting her per capita through her former local chapter. (’08) (b). The former local chapter of the General Member may establish policies and procedures regarding communication, attendance at meetings and social events, and affiliation at Conclaves. (’08) (c). If, at a later date, the member should move to a city where a chapter exists, she must, then, transfer to that chapter and assume an Active Member status with full chapter responsibilities.Section 3. Carat Emeritus Carat Emeritus is a category to be used at the discretion of the local chapter. It relates to a person who has been an Active Member but, due to circumstances acceptable to the local chapter, can no longer be active. This is not a category to be used for members requesting a leave of absence. (’90)Section 4. Life Member (a). Life membership in the organization will be limited to Past National Presidents and such other members the Board of Directors wishes to honor because of their outstanding service in the organization. (b). A Life Member shall receive all national courtesies accorded an Active Member. She shall not be required to assume chapter obligations, and, therefore, will have no voting privileges in the chapter and cannot hold office. She shall not be required to pay per capita tax. (c). If a Life Member wishes to remain an Active Member, she must meet all financial and attendance obligations of the local chapter.Section 5. Inactive Member (a). A member may become inactive in her local chapter by securing permission in writing from the chapter to take a leave of absence for a specified time, not to exceed two (2) years. (’09) 14
(b). While an Inactive Member, such member on leave has no financial obligation, either locally or nationally, and is not entitled to attend or participate in any organizational activities, locally or nationally. (c). Should the member on leave (Inactive Member) reactivate her membership before the end of the fiscal year (August 31st), national and local dues must be remitted before the reactivated member can participate in CARAT activities for that fiscal year. During her leave of absence, she shall be included in the membership quota of the local chapter. (’84) (’05)Section 6. Transfer of Membership (a). Active Members in good standing may be transferred to chapters of the organization in other cities where a chapter is located, regardless of quota restrictions. (b). Any member in good standing with her chapter, upon moving into the geographic jurisdiction of another chapter, may, upon application, become a member of the latter chapter, provided her originating chapter approves in writing, the proposed transfer. Transfer shall be by letter from the secretary of the local chapter to the National Corresponding Secretary who will advise the chapter in the city where the transferee is moving of their new transfer. New members acquired in this manner shall not count against the membership limitation of the chapter. (’84) (c). Members moving to another city after February 1st of any year will be allowed one year within which to complete requirements of membership.Section 7. Dismissal A member may be dismissed from the organization by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the total membership for any act or acts which, in the opinion of the membership, would tend to degrade or embarrass the organization. (’84). ARTICLE VII CHAPTERSSection 1. Chapters shall draw up Bylaws within sixty (60) days after installation. (’02) (’12)Section 2. Chapter Responsibilities (a). Chapters are responsible for the good business conduct of their members. (b). If a local chapter fails to assume, on its own, responsibilities for the behavior of its members, the Board of Directors shall make the final decision. The local chapter is obligated to abide by the Board's decision. (c). Chapters and individuals shall not circulate business correspondence unless first cleared with the National President and the Board of Directors. 15
(d). Each chapter shall be responsible for its debts and obligations and in no case shall this organization be responsible for the debts or obligations of any chapter. No chapter may bind the organization either directly or indirectly for any undertaking, debt, contract or obligation. (e). Each chapter must send a delegate or an alternate to every National Conclave and meeting of the Board of Directors. Failure to do so shall result in an automatic fine of three hundred dollars ($300) payable to the National Financial Secretary within 90 days of said meeting. (’97) (f). Chapters wishing to resign from this organization must submit the resignation in writing, signed by two-thirds (2/3) of its active membership to the National Corresponding Secretary. Such resignation cannot be acted upon until the next meeting of the Board of Directors. (g). Chapters must receive names of prospective members in March and install them by May 31st . (’90)Section 3. If local problems are stalemated, chapters may petition the Board of Directors for assistance and guidance.Section 4. The Secretary of each chapter shall keep a correspondence file together with all records. Books of account shall be open at any time for inspection, audit and verification by an auditor appointed by the Board of Directors.Section 5. Each chapter shall annually furnish to the National Corresponding Secretary and (a). the Membership Chairperson, a complete roster of the names and addresses of its members by October 15th. (b). Each chapter shall promptly notify the National Secretary of the names of resigning members and shall furnish a completed \"Application for Membership\" for all new members. (c). Each chapter shall furnish copies of their Bylaws to the National President and the Historian. (’02) (’12)Section 6. Each chapter shall pay an annual per capita tax of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) per member. This tax is due and payable, annually, to the National Financial Secretary on or before October 15th. (’90) (’05)Section 7. Each chapter shall pay an annual Community Project Fund contribution of not less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) on or before October 15th . (’01)Section 8. Fundraisers are not allowed for any purpose in CARATS, Inc. (’90)Section 9. The hosting chapter shall provide arrangements for transfer services (airport, hotel) for the arrival and departure during an official visit of the National President. 16
ARTICLE VIII ESTABLISHING NEW CHAPTERSSection 1. New chapters considered for membership shall be cohesively organized groups having been in existence for not less than two (2) years and whose standards meet the purposes of CARATS, Inc., as outlined in the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. (’02)Section 2. A new chapter shall be sponsored by a member chapter.Section 3. An interested organization seeking admission shall first submit the name of their city to the Board of Directors, for approval. Member chapters shall seek written permission from the Board of Directors to sponsor a new chapter. Upon the decision of the Board, the National Corresponding Secretary shall notify all chapters of its decision and the reasons for that decision.Section 4. Representatives from the National Membership Committee shall visit the applicant group before approval. All chapters of CARATS, Inc. will exercise the option to send a representative to visit the applicant group at the same time as the 2nd National Vice President (expenses incurred by each chapter). (’02)Section 5. Chapters shall submit, in writing, to the governing body, their assenting or dissenting opinions regarding the applicant group.Section 6. The Board of Directors shall consider the opinions of all chapters and submit its recommendation regarding establishment of this group as a new chapter to the National Conclave.Section 7. Upon positive recommendation for establishment of an applicant group as a new chapter, the Membership Chairman shall request the prospective chapter to submit for approval, a specific date for its installation to be held in the months of October or April. (’78)Section 8. In the event of acceptance of a new site by the chapters of CARATS, Inc., the National President shall direct the National Corresponding Secretary to notify the applicant group of their status. (’02) ARTICLE IX NATIONAL BUDGET AND OBLIGATIONSSection 1. All expenses (transportation, lodging) for the National President and Recording Secretary shall be paid in full for National meetings (Conclave, Mid-Year Board Meeting and one call meeting). The National President's Conclave registration shall be waived. (’97)Section 2. All elected and appointed officers shall pay their own expenses with the following exceptions: the President and Recording Secretary, who will receive full reimbursement for lodging and transportation. The Parliamentarian and Treasurer will receive an amount as established in the current budget. (’98)Section 3. National public relations expenses shall be borne by the organization. 17
Section 4. Expenses incurred in printing and distributing minutes of the organization shall be paid.Section 5. Expenses incurred in regard to the National Newsletter from the office of the National President shall be paid. (’02)Section 1. ARTICLE X FEES AND FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS The fiscal year of this organization shall be from September 1st to August 31st. (’02)Section 2. Each chapter shall pay an annual per capita tax for each active member of the (a). chapter. This tax shall be not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) per member and is due and payable annually to the National Financial Secretary by October 15th. (’90) (’05) (b). Each chapter shall contribute annually to the Community Fund not less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) payable by October 15th. (’01) (c). The amount collected in (b) above shall be awarded to the recipient of the annual Community Fund as identified by the CARAT Conclave host chapter. (’05)Section 3. Each member shall pay regular dues and assessments to her local chapter. The per capita tax, which shall be included in these dues, shall not be sent to the Financial Secretary until financial obligations to the chapter have been met in accordance with chapter Bylaws.Section 4. The installation fee for new chapters shall not be less than one hundred fifty dollarsSection 5. ($150.00) per person. (’97) All dues and assessments, which are due and payable annually by October 15th, are subject to a fine if not paid by that date. The fine shall be 10% monthly of the delinquent amount until paid. (’05)Section 6. Each member attending the National Conclave shall at the time of registration, pay a fee, not refundable after June 30th. Members must be financial with their local chapter to register. The National Conclave registration fee for the current National President shall be waived. (’97)Section 7. All members of this organization must be registered to participate in any activity of the National Conclave. Each Carat member shall also register her attending spouse or guest for the Conclave. (’08)Section 8. The registration fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) In the event this fee is not adequate, the hostess chapter can appeal to the Board of Directors for an increase by February 1st, two (2) years prior to hosting Conclave. The hostess chapter must abide by the decision of the Board. (’98) (’03) 18
Section 9. A fifty dollar ($50.00) fee shall be applied to each attending spouse or guest. This fee shall be payable at the time of registration. (’08) ARTICLE XI PENALTIES AND RESTORATIONS -WITHDRAWAL OF CHAPTER PRIVILEGESThe Board of Directors shall administer penalties, withdrawal of chapter privileges and restorations.Such notifications shall be in writing and signed by the National President and the NationalCorresponding Secretary.Section 1. A chapter found guilty of violating any of the Bylaws of this organization shall be subject to withdrawal of chapter privileges. Withdrawal of chapter privileges includes inability to have representation at the National Conclave and inability to participate in meetings of the Board of Directors. Chapters are in violation of the Bylaws of the organization when failing to: (’02) (a). Pay per capita tax and Community Project Fund contributions by October 15th and/or pay 10% fine with same if not paid by that date. (’05) (b). Secure approval of the National President and Board of Directors for circulation of business correspondence. (c). Send a delegate or alternate to the National Conclave and meetings of the Board of Directors.Section 2. Any individual member found guilty of violating any of the Bylaws of this organization shall be subject to withdrawal of individual privileges. Withdrawal of individual privileges includes meetings, hold office, participate in or attend social affairs of the chapter, or in any way represent the chapter of the organization.Section 3. Individual privileges shall be withdrawn for the following violations: (a). Circulation of business correspondence without prior clearance with the National President and Board of Directors. (b). Failure to meet the financial obligations of the local chapter and of the National body.Section 4. Chapters or members subject to withdrawal of chapter or individual privileges shall be restored to good standing: (a). When cause of penalty is removed. (b). When financial obligations have been met. (c). By a two thirds (2/3) vote of the chapter for an individual or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors for a chapter.Section 5. The member chapter shall be notified in writing of restoration to good standing. 19
ARTICLE XII AMENDING THE BYLAWS (’80)Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at a National Conclave of this organization in the following manner: (’02) (a). A member or chapter must submit a proposed amendment in writing to the National Parliamentarian by February 1st. After careful examination of the proposed amendment, the Constitution Committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval. They shall submit such proposed amendments to each chapter by May 1st for consideration. (’90) If a committee has a recommendation or an action related to the committee's responsibilities which would require a Bylaw change, the committee can present said Bylaw change at the April Board meeting. Upon receipt of said recommendation, the Board shall act at the April Board Meeting. (’97) (’02) (b). After the above consideration, the Bylaws may be amended at the next National Conclave by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates in attendance. (’02) ARTICLE XIII EFFECTIVE DATE (’80) Amendments to these Bylaws shall take effect immediately following adjournment of the National Conclave at which they are adopted. (’02) Bylaws shall be printed and distributed every four years if amendments have been made since the last printing. (’02) ARTICLE XIV PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY (’80) In all matters not provided in the Constitution and Bylaws, this organization shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. (’02) This document was adopted by the Conclave in July, 1998 in St. Louis, Missouri Reprinted with applicable amendments in July 2002, July 2006, July 2007, July 2008, July 2009, July 2012 20
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