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Home Explore 2018 Goodwill Annual Report

2018 Goodwill Annual Report

Published by Jason Stiff, 2020-03-10 10:57:25

Description: 2018 Goodwill Annual Report


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EWe MPOWER people to discover their potential and adapt for the future through the power of work. 2018 IMPACT REPORT

A LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT & CEO AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dear Friends of Goodwill, Thank you for changing a life. Whether you recycled clothes or home goods, made a financial contribution, volunteered, worked or shopped at one of our 14 Goodwill retail stores throughout the region, you made a positive impact on the lives of others. Our Impact Report provides our partners with detailed information about our programs, services and financials in 2018. We would like to take just a moment here to call out a few of the outstanding highlights from the past year. Edward Lada, Jr. Thanks to your support in 2018, Goodwill of Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas: • Achieved a 96% satisfaction rate from those we have served Rick Otis • Assisted nearly 1 million shoppers and more than a half million donors President & CEO, Chairman Letter | 2 • Provided more than 14,000 services to courageous individuals through our Mission, Vision and Values | 3 Programs and Services | 4 innovative programs Service Impact Statistics | 5 • Diverted an estimated 17 million pounds of donated materials from our local landfills Success Stories | 6, 7 Celebrating 125 Years of Service | 8 Without you, none of these achievements are possible. It’s our job to empower YOU to 2018 Financial Statements | 9 maximize the impact you can make in our community. When WE do this, we create the Agency Leadership | 10 “US” that is such a powerful force. It is through this “US” that we are able to uphold Retail Locations | 11 our vision to build sustainable and prosperous communities. It’s how, together, we change lives. While we are proud to share the accomplishments from the past year, there is still much work to do. As we look to the future, we know that we must work together to embrace technology in ethically responsible ways that augment human potential. We must build an ever inclusive, diverse and highly productive workforce. And we must continue to launch recycling programs and divert millions of pounds of waste from landfills while providing affordable, gently used goods to tens of thousands in the community who need it. Goodwill is uniquely positioned in the community to lead these efforts. Together, with your continued support, we are confident that we can meet each and every new goal that we set forth. Your contribution is and always will be a powerful one. We will always be grateful for it. Thank you again for changing a life; our lives as well as the thousands of people Goodwill serves; who are like you, like us. Sincerely, Edward J. Lada, Jr. Rick Otis President and CEO Chairman of the Board 2 | 2018 GOODWILL

MISSION, VISION AND VALUES Mission Goodwill empowers people to discover their potential and adapt for the future through the power of work. Values Together, we build sustainable Lead and prosperous Everyone has value – help them communities. find it and celebrate it. About the Cover Grow View our stories of success in Goodwill’s Mission Moments at Learn constantly and strive continually to better ourselves. Partner Be good citizens, maximize the value of donations, and support sustainability. Innovate Always seek new and better ways to accomplish our mission. One Agency Work collaboratively to build a legacy from which future generations will benefit. IMPACT REPORT | 3

PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Goodwill is a nonprofit organization that serves the Greater Kansas City community and surrounding areas. All of the Goodwill programs and services are available to our clients at no cost and the services are provided directly to the client. We will assist in determining any eligibility requirements and/or referrals if necessary. GoodWORKS Career Resource Participants are referred and services and Goodwill, the Centers connect job seekers in are funded by Missouri Vocational United States’ leading workforce the Greater Kansas City community Rehabilitation, Kansas Rehabilitation development nonprofit, have with individualized job search and Services, Ticket-to-Work, and Missouri launched the Goodwill Digital Career employment related assistance. A Department of Mental Health/Medicaid Accelerator, offering basic computer Goodwill employment specialist is Waiver. classes, such as digital literacy and available by appointment to assist with office software classes. Digital skills job exploration, resume preparation, Goodwill’s Extended Employment classes are offered at varying times & online job listing navigation, online Services provide and support job various Goodwill GoodWORKS Career applications, and the use of job search skills training, case management and Centers & Connecting for Good tools and much more. meaningful employment for individuals across the Kansas City metro area. with significant disadvantages and Goodwill’s Quest Work Experience different abilities based upon the Project Search and Employer is a career planning and employment Missouri Department of Elementary Based Transition Training (EBTT) readiness program. Eligible adults and Secondary Education’s disability provide real-life work experience and age 18 and up have the opportunity criteria. Employees are accompanied training to help youth with significant to explore their career options by a Goodwill Career Coach to their different abilities make successful through classroom training and work jobs at Goodwill stores in Kansas City, transitions from school to work. experience with a local business. Blue Springs, and at the Goodwill Students enroll in this nine-month Mission Support Center. program that provides training and Goodwill’s Employment Services career exploration, innovative offers one-on-one career support Through the Federal AbilityOne adaptations, long-term job coaching, to individuals with barriers to Program, people with disabilities and continuous feedback from employment, including physical enjoy full participation in their teachers, skills trainers, and disadvantages, a mental health community and can market their employers. Goodwill has a 100% diagnosis, substance abuse, criminal skills into other public and private success rate in placing students backgrounds, or developmental sector jobs. Goodwill participates into competitive employment at disabilities. We assist with job in AbilityOne with custodial service the completion of the program. matching, soft skills training, mock contracts at the Richard Bolling This program is funded by Missouri interviews, job development and Federal Building in downtown Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation. negotiation, access to job leads, job City, Missouri and at Fort Leavenworth coaching, and case management. in Kansas. PROGRAM 4 | 2018 GOODWILL

SERVICE IMPACT STATISTICS 17,196,056 Pounds of donated material to resell, reuse or recycle 985,585 Shopper transactions 522,402 People donated gently used items 14,835 Services provided to empower our community 2,814 People served by Goodwill 270 Jobs secured 96% Satisfaction rate of people served 14 Retail stores with donation centers AMS AND SERVICES IMPACT REPORT | 5

ALETHIA SUCCESS STORIES: CLIENTS JAYLA PRESTON A hardworking mother, Alethia wanted When Preston first enrolled in Project Some individuals have significant something more — she wanted to Search he was reluctant to meet his barriers that make transitioning provide a better life for her son and to be Goodwill skills trainer. Change and new from school to adult life extremely the best possible role model she could. experiences were difficult for him. challenging. Goodwill’s Project Search Goodwill’s Quest Academy changed her allows young people with different life. Goodwill skills trainers helped her Project Search is a partnership between abilities to forge their own way. Through with her resume, interviewing skills and Goodwill and several organizations, carefully guided internships, students connected her to career opportunities. including North Kansas City School learn how to be employed. Jayla works Today, she’s a cook at the Northland District, Children’s Mercy, Vocational on the janitorial team at Truman Medical Adult Day Center. “I’m proud to be a Rehabilitation Services, Center for Center. Her supervisors say that Jayla part of this team and I’m building for the Human Services and Truman Medical always has a positive attitude and an future,” she states. Center. This high school transition exceptional work ethic. Her co-workers program provides real-life work say that her smile gets them through It’s only fitting that Alethia’s name in experience to help youth with significant the day. Greek means “truth.” She states her self- different abilities make successful confidence and self-worth has steadily transitions from school to adult life. “She’s proud that she works a full–time improved through the job she loves. “I position and is able to do it without get to helps others,” which in turn proves Through patience and perseverance, her parents help,” said Heather Neal, to be a self-fulfilling prophecy of staying Preston succeeded in an internship with Goodwill skills trainer. Keep shining true to herself. the Ronald McDonald House and now bright, Jayla! works in food service at Children’s Mercy Hospital. Heather Neal, Goodwill skills trainer says, “Preston continues to grow and receives high praise from the people he works with.” 6 | 2018 GOODWILL

SUCCESS STORIES: BUSINESS PARTNERS NORTHLAND ADULT DAY LMV AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS TRUMAN MEDICAL CENTER CENTER This vital community organization Partnering with businesses that see Truman Medical Center is an academic provides a skilled service for adults with the potential in people who are often medical institution with a history of disabilities who need light assistance overlooked is critical to our success. For diversity in workplace opportunities with medications, exercise, and social more than two years, LMV has worked and aligns with Goodwill’s mission activities, which are held both on and with Goodwill in an employer-based to competitively employ people with off site. transition training (EBTT) program to different abilities. employ young people with different NADC and Goodwill partner to provide abilities. LMV Automotive Systems is With more than 4,000 employees employment opportunities for individuals a tier 1 supplier to GM and Ford. They serving 65,000 people a year, the center seeking to learn job skills in career fields weld subframes and underbodies for is dedicated to the well being of its such as nursing and cooking. auto manufacturers and provide valuable community. It’s important to TMC that jobs and training to young people that their workforce mirrors their patient “Every day when they go home they are referred by Goodwill. population. Since partnering with feel good about the job they’ve done Goodwill, TMC has provided jobs for 29 because it’s not just a job to make “We have seen these students grow young people with different abilities. money, but it’s a job helping other in a very short time in our stable work people,” says Juanita Lahl, co-owner environment. For our company to be able “Our partnership with Goodwill has and nurse manager. She further states, to reach out and be a community leader allowed us to take advantage of an “This work experience has done and driver to change feels really good,” entirely different student population. wonders for their self-esteem. They can says Chris Hinman, General Manager. We really honor and cherish our see directly how they have contributed relationship with Goodwill and are to society.” interested in continuing to work with them to help build the future workforce in Kansas City,” says Niki Donawa, Chief Community Relations Officer. IMPACT REPORT | 7

CELEBRATING 125 YEARS OF SERVICE In 2019, Goodwill of Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas will be celebrating its 125th anniversary. Thanks to many dedicated individuals, agencies, and organizations, our non-profit organization has been providing services for those in need in and around Greater Kansas City since 1894. Today, Goodwill continues to be a non-profit leader by providing ever-changing resources and services to individuals who face barriers to employment. We believe every person deserves the opportunity to work. Please join us in celebrating this historic anniversary! 8 | 2018 GOODWILL

2018 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1,042,000 4,119,000 16,947,000 2,130,000 Expenses 3,020,000 ■ Retail ■ Federal and Community Contracts ■ Workforce Development Services ■ Support Services ■ Miscellaneous Total: $27,258,000 1,823,000 487,000 20,321,000 4,627,000 Revenue ■ Retail ■ Federal and Community Contracts ■ Support Services ■ Operational Reserve | Capital Replacement Total: $27,258,000 IMPACT REPORT | 9

AGENCY LEADERSHIP Our Board of Directors support and act as ambassadors for Goodwill’s mission. It’s through their blend of expertise and diversity that the Board of Directors makes an important contribution in guiding our non-profit to help people in need reach their full potential through the power of work. Board of Directors Manny Abarca IV Leadership Staff Jameson Auten Rick Otis | Chair Bruce Hart Edward Lada, Jr Steve Hamilton | Vice-Chair Lisa Schubert Hickok | President and Chief Executive Officer Jerry Baber | Treasurer Carlanda McKinney Jodi Schade | Secretary Andrew Place Laura Ritterbush Kelly Schemenauer | Vice President of Mission Carolyn Vertovec Beth Ward and Workforce Development Timothy M. Degnan | Emeritus Jay Ketterling | Chief Financial Officer Trent Wunstel | Vice President of Data Analytics and Strategy Luke Meyers | Vice President of Retail Operations 10 | 2018 GOODWILL

COVERAGE MAP AND RETAIL LOCATIONS Atchison Worth Mercer Putnam Gentry Grundy Sullivan Nodaway DeKalb Harrison Daviess Linn KANSAS Holt KANSAS CITY METRO Andrew Marshall Nemaha Brown Doniphan St. Joseph Leavenworth Clay Liberty Ray Leavenworth Caldwell Livingston Platte Buchanan Clinton Atchison Chariton Bonner Springs Kansas City Pottawatomie Jackson Platte Carroll Wyandotte Kansas City Riley Clay Kansas City Leavenworth Ray Manhattan Leavenworth Jackson Jefferson Shawnee Wyandotte Saline Howard Shawnee Mission Cooper Geary Topeka Kansas City Lafayette Leawood Blue Springs Johnson Lee’s Summit Wabaunsee Johnson Jackson Lawrence Olathe Douglas Morris Johnson Pettis Overland Park Osage Cass Franklin Miami MISSOURI Cass Morgan Miami Coffey Henry Anderson Linn Benton Bates St Clair Camden  Headquarters  Store & Donation Center Greenwood Woodson Allen Bourbon Hickory  Attended Donation Center  Territory: Missouri Wilson Vernon Cedar Dallas Laclede Barton Dade  Territory: Kansas Neosho Crawford Lawrence Polk Elk Chautauqua Montgomery Labette Cherokee Webster Greene Store #101 Store #118 Store #206 Store #220 Donation Center Outlet Store / ROC Blue Springs Bonner Springs Overland Park Mission 1800 N. Corrington 926 S. Highway 7 525 S. 129th Street 7241 West 135th Street 5435 Johnson Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64120 Blue Springs, Missouri 64014 Bonner Springs, Kansas 66012 Overland Park, Kansas 66223 Mission, Kansas 66205 (816) 743-7660 (816) 229-2782 (913) 441-5701 (913) 402-7226 (913) 748-7760 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 6 pm (Mon – Fri) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 9 am - 7pm (Sat) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) Store #103 Store #123 Store #211 Store #222 North Oak Liberty Topeka Manhattan Donation Center 4824 North Oak Trafficway 9740 N. Cedar Avenue 5515 SW 21st Street 421 E. Poyntz Avenue Leawood Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Kansas City, Missouri 64157 Topeka, Kansas 66604 Manhattan, Kansas 66502 12910 State Line Road (816) 453-9950 (816) 883-2790 (785) 228-9774 (785) 320-7850 Leawood, Kansas 66209 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) (913) 748-7760 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 9 am - 6 pm (Mon – Fri) 9 am - 7pm (Sat) Store #108 Store #204 Store #212 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) Lee’s Summit Shawnee Olathe 440 SW Ward Road 10611 Shawnee Mission Pkwy 16630 West 135th Street Headquarters Lee’s Summit, Missouri 64081 Shawnee, Kansas 66203 Olathe, Kansas 66062 Kansas City (816) 554-6227 (913) 962-7500 (913) 782-5714 800 E. 18th Street 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) Kansas City, Missouri 64108 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) (816) 842-7425 Lobby Hours: Store #110 Store #205 Store #214 8 am - 4 pm (Mon-Fri) St. Joseph Lawrence Leavenworth 3615 Faraon 2200 West 31st Street 104 S. Broadway St. Joseph, Missouri 64506 Lawrence, Kansas 66047 Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 (816) 232-0197 (785) 331-3908 (913) 782-5714 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 9 am - 9 pm (Mon - Sat) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) 11 am - 6 pm (Sun) IMPACT REPORT | 11

800 E. 18th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 Commission on Accreditation Goodwill maintains the highest level of CARF accreditation in our workforce of Rehabilitation Facilities development unit. Our workforce development staff is trained to offer services (CARF) and referrals tailored to an individual’s needs. By being CARF accredited, we demonstrate our commitment to continually improving our services.