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TranZed Group PDF Master

Published by champo, 2020-05-27 14:15:24

Description: TranZed Group PDF Master


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APPRENTICESHIP REVOLUTION! YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO TO COLLEGE TO JOIN A TOP PROFESSION What is THE MODERN APPRENTICE? cost effective customized, supervised, and paid on-the-job training wages graduated in step with skills gained during training related classroom instruction (on or off site) to reinforce technical skills learned in the workplace formalized mentoring and coaching nationally recognized industry credentials or specialized technical certification earned for demonstrating the achievement of workplace competencies affordable credit leading to an associate or bachelor’s degree, recognizing past work history and learning HARRIS POLL THE MAGIC SAUCE – Outcomes That Matter 92% of US adults with •Improves companies’ overall performance an opinion about 80% •P rovides a competitive advantage in the marketplace apprenticeships •B rings value through the much-enhanced productivity of apprentices view them favorably •R educes turnover and increases employee loyalty, significantly reducing Americans believe more training and recruitment costs people should consider •E nables workers to better integrate into their business’s culture and earn-while-you-learn develop greater leadership potential apprenticeship programs •B uilds a bench of highly qualified workers and future managers with 70% demonstrated skills, experience, and strong work ethic Americans wish they 90% •Diversifies their workforce knew more about •Improves employee engagement, problem-solving skills, and flexibilityin such opportunities performing a variety of tasks, while reducing the need for supervision of people with direct or indirect apprenticeship experience feel it had a positive effect on their career 40% 60% 75% 92% of US Employers can't are disappointed by the lack of of 3,000 recently surveyed said the skills shortage was negatively find employees with much preparation for entry-level jobs employers across all sectors impacting productivity, staff turnover, and needed skills and beyond reported a skills shortage employee satisfaction, citing a lack of available training and development as a main reason Headquarters: 6802, McClean Blvd, Baltimore, Maryland, 21234 | PA Office: Pubforge, 24 E King Street #42, Lancaster, PA. 17602 Mail: Call: 443-653-2121 | |

THE FACT OF THE MATTER Apprenticeships not only offer people the • E mployers and students are looking for alternatives to the debt benefit of earning a wage plagued 4-year school approach for learning and skills. while learning new skills or vocations, they are • T he government is questioning the level and quality of completions going to become an and success within the 4-year school environment and its impact on essential element of the workforce. recruiting, retention, and employee development • Year after year more Americans find themselves underemployed. programs in the future. • E mployers are looking for “skills on demand” that lead to recognized —Richard Wahlquist credentials that still carry college credit. President and CEO of American Staffing Association • L ifelong learning is becoming more and more important as a career development and workforce development skill. • In some cases, we see 70% of job postings that ask for a bachelor’s degree even though only 16% of people employed in the sector currently have one, leading to continuously unfilled openings. (Skills shortage or degree inflation?) • J obs without people. People without jobs. Employers are very much attuned to the existing mismatch between the skills employers need and the skills workers have. At the same time, prospective workers are embracing the college-isn’t-for-everyone movement and looking for affordable alternatives to higher education. THE GOOD NEWS: This skills gap equals unprecedented opportunity • F actors including globalization, economic reform, and technological change are transforming the workplace and the types of jobs that will be offered in the future. Astute employers realize it’s critical to haveaccess to a well- positioned pipeline of workers with 21st-century skills. • L ocal and state governments are investing in programs and policies to expand career pathways. • E mployers across the US have an opportunity to rethink onboarding strategies and talent development. One such opportunity is the Modern Apprenticeship. • W hile the US economy is experiencing a golden age, with record expansion, record low unemployment, tightening labor markets, and record profit share and stock market prices, it is hampered by an urgent need for skilled labor. The US Department of Labor estimates millions of vacancies exist in the American job market today. • Business leaders tell us, “We simply can’t find enough people who can do the job.” • T he reasons are partly structural, partly locational, and partly cyclical. But the main reason is a lack of skills. Headquarters: 6802, McClean Blvd, Baltimore, Maryland, 21234 | PA Office: Pubforge, 24 E King Street #42, Lancaster, PA. 17602 Mail: Call: 443-653-2121 | |

STEVE WOZNIAK’S WOZ U AND TRANZED APPRENTICESHIPS JOIN FORCES TO DEVELOP WORLD-CLASS APPRENTICESHIPS! HOW IT WORKS- ! - CONSULT - - Determine: - - -  your staffing pain points -  p ossible Return on Investment - - INTEGRATE with apprenticeship - D- E- VELOP Improve employee retention  baseline skills requirements - Apprentices are fully exposed - - Apprentices train using Woz U to your organizational culture for apprentice hires professional-grade, relevant RECRUIT curriculum customized to your Save time and money organization Meet organizational needs with talent vetted for skills and attitude On-the-job skills are improved while learning how things are done in your organization Initially pay lower salaries with increases as skills develop When Woz Uʼs Education-as-a-Service platform, is paired with Getting a technical TranZedʼs World Class \"Modern Apprenticeship” approach, education is the best you get an ecosystem of customized related instruction investment you can make. based on industry demands. Most of the Woz U modules start Period. Nowadays, there’s “from scratch,” which means even individuals without previous all this new technology industry knowledge can become career-ready in a short period that we can use to solve of time. Content for Web, Software and Mobile Development, the world's problems and along with Cyber Security and Data Science is updated on a not enough people to do it. bi-weekly basis to ensure YOUR Apprentices are trained to address the rapidly changing needs of the technology labor co-founder of Woz U. market. Learn how you can develop world-class apprenticeships, contact Paul Champion: 443.653.2121 Denise Sullivan: 480.977.8404

REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR RECRUITMENT TRY APPRENTICESHIPS ON FOR SIZE Grow Your Own Talent Reduce Staff Turnover Get the Skills Your Company Needs to Succeed Apprentices are your employees. They work, collaborate, and learn within your business bringing diversity and fresh thought. The only difference—they spend a percentage of their time in off the job training. You tailor your apprentice’s training to fit your business needs using Woz U customized market-driven tech curriculum. Pick from over 2000 hours of training content designed for those at all skill levels to succeed. Program verticals include Data Science, Cyber Security, Software Development, and more! Book an Open 4 Apprenticeship consultation to see how apprenticeships can revolutionize your business. Organization Needs 1 Discover the ROI apprenticeship brings. What talent is needed? Review Job Description 2 Prioritize the knowledge, skills, and behaviors required Baseline Requirements 3 on day one versus what can be trained. Identify key tasks apprentice will complete. Recruit 4 Agree initial skills requirements and expected skills development over time. TranZed will screen and shortlist applicants for you to interview. Contact Paul Champion (443-653-2121) to book an Open 4 Apprenticeship consultation and revolutionize your talent recruitment and development with apprenticeships.

It’s time to support veterans & their families to Upskill Themselves, conquer their Education Goals and zero in on their Next Career Move. It’s time for the TranZed / HiUp online learning platform. Because veterans and eligible spouses continue to receive priority of service for all funded job training programs, TranZed Apprenticeships and its partner HiUp are increasingly being asked to support veterans and their families by local Workforce Boards (WFB). Workforce Professionals across the USA have been telling us that they need to do something different. Currently, programs are repetitive, costly and not really suited or flexible enough to meet the lifestyles of military servicemen and women, veterans and their families. TranZed and HiUp have decided to lead this change by releasing a new Veterans Learning Portal (VLP), that is tailored to individual WFB, based on the local skills needs. What is Veterans Learning Portal (VLP)? The VLP is an online learning and resource portal for current servicemen and women, veterans and their families. It provides a wide range of online and guided learning modules and workshops that will enhance the current knowledge, skills and behaviors that they have. It links them to national resources and local news, controlled and provided by their local WFB. The portal will also assist veterans, their families, and employers in accomplishing their employment goals. Each portal will be locally branded with a variety of workshop bundles focusing on Corporate and Soft Skills

Courses Included: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Corporate Skills Soft Skills Gdpr Staff Awareness Individual Development Planning Fire Safety Board Meeting & Presentation Skills Cyber Security Awareness Interview Skills Ethics in Business Dignity in the Workplace Anti Money Laundering Influencing People Skills Anti Bribery And Corruption Emotional Intelligence Change Management How To Conduct Effective Meetings First Aid Awareness Attendance Management Business Writing Delegation Skills Negotiating Skills Stress Management for Employees Report Writing Communication Skills Taking Minutes of Meetings Time & Priority Management Project Management Benefits of The Veterans Learning Portal (VLP) TranZed and HiUp want to ensure that VLP is easily available to as many Veterans and their families as possible, by partnering with local WFB to develop tailored portals that meet the needs of the region. The VLP is free at source and on-demand for veterans to access by ensuring the cost of this platform is not prohibitive for WFB. The platform is being offered to local WFB on a subscription basis at $1,000 per month or $10,000 in one payment per year with unlimited use by veterans and their families. TranZed and HiUp will work with local WFB to review the content every 6 months to make sure that the workshops are suitable to meet local needs. If changes need to be made, then the WFB will be able to choose other workshops within the TranZed / HiUp catalogue and have those added to their platform or discuss any new workshops that need to be developed to meet the demand (additional costs apply for new workshop development). Having this new and “inclusive” approach to enabling local WFB, to support their local veterans and families by delivering dedicated high-quality learning and news which will be a catalyst for new skills and jobs. Features of The Veterans Learning Portal (VLP) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Learn on go Duration < 60 minutes Easy to use platform Certification High quality interactive ......................... 24*7 support video courses Contact Alan O’ Sullivan Paul Champion 0867 807 296 +1(443)-653-2121

TranZed Apprentices Computer Computer Database Support Networks Administration Entry Help Desk IT Cable Data Center Technician Technician Support Computer Network Technician Data Analyst Support Field Service Technician Database Technician Administrator Network IT Sales Administrator Sage Salesforce IT Manager Systems Administrator Data Manager Senior IT Systems Cloud Manager Administrator Systems Analyst Network Engineer

ship Occupations Information Software and Digital & Social n Security Web Media Developers Network Software Tester Digital Administrator Software Marketing Technician Assistant Systems Administrator Programmer Digital Software Marketing SOC analyst Engineer Technologist Intrusion Social Media Analyst Mobile Dev Executive Incident response Web Developer Applications Cyber Developer Operations Software Manager Developer

TranZed Apprentices Health Care Teaching Su Home Health Aide Therapeutic behav Certified Nursing Assistant (classroom Sup Medical Assistant Certified recovery Peer Advocate Incumbent Worker Training

ship Occupations upport Data Science Mobile Developer Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Internet of Things vioral Aide Business / Financial Services pport) Teaching Assistant

Supporting and scaling your skills development with con dence Apprentic Workforce P Platf Hiding the wiring of the Apprenticeship Revolution

Time Saving Scalability Automation ceship and Performance form For: Employers Sponsors Workforce Agencies State Apprentices Mentors Managers

Engage Open 4 Apprenticeship Toolkit ROI Calculation Helpline Organization Needs Analysis Talent Planning Technical Skills Mapping Apprentice Support Job Review Recruitment Free Consultation Input Establish Employer Rec Sponsorship Engagement Moble A Program VIdeo R Development Full Pro Funding Search Wide D Grant Writing Pre Test Toolkits /Resources Geogra Research cultura Curriculam Development Marketing One time Single entry Contact Paul Champion +1(443)-653-2121 ChampionP@tranzed

Deliver LMS E-Portfolio E-Learning VR Broadcast Conference Blended Individual Compliance Learning & Data Planning Comply & Report t Links to outside Time Sheets Output Resources Reviews On the Job Learning cruit Learning Related Instructions App Delivery DOL/Grant Forms Wage Tracking Resume Progress Signatures o le Proior Experience and learning Distribution Completion Certi cation ting Agreements aphy and al Fit Alan O'sullivan 7743680307

“ Skills and competencies are the currency of the 21st ”century. Fusin

ng education and employment through work-based learning

The unprecedented pace of transformation in the world of wo people. To unlock these opportunities, urgent action is neede learning to accelerate the acquisition of skills and compete create a more inclusive and equitable future for all segments keep pace with the changes in the world of work. Join us. Kathleen Elsig Paul Cham

ork is creating unforeseen opportunities for business and for ed to fuse education and employment through work-based encies by youth and lifelong learners. If we succeed, we will of the workforce and a talent pipeline for business that can To find out more, contact g Head of Strategic Partnerships and Development & visit our website mpion (443) 653 2121