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New Round Up 4 Student's Book

Published by Hong Tu Vu, 2021-09-25 03:32:27

Description: New Round Up 4 Student's Book


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• Revision 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. If she ......................... (hurry), 4 If you washed the car, it ............... . she'll be on time for the meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (look) much nicer. 2 If he ........................ (not/stay) up late, he wouldn't have felt so tired. 5 They ........................... (ring) 3 If you .......•..••..•..•.......•• (go) us if they had been in town. to the market, will you get me some fruit? 6 If we work hard, we .................. .. (finish) the project on time. Points: - ) ( 6x2 12 Use the boy's thoughts to write conditionals. 4 I missed the bus. v I left the party late. 1 I don't have enough ~---- open. I'll ask to use their 2 The weather is bad. ~ --.-- I feel cold and wet. • - ( 3 I don't have a mobile. I can't y 6 It's so dark. I feel scared. ~ my parents. --./' 1 ...............................•..........•...........................••..•..••. 2 .............................................................. I: ••••••••••••••••• 3 .......................... I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ••••••••.•••.•••••.••••....•••.••••••••••••.•••••••••.••.•.•••••••••••.•..•••••• 5 6 Points: - ) ( 6x3 18 ~ 198 ~

•Revision 7 Complete the people's wishes, 2 I wish I 3 I wish I \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" .................... .. He didn't see the toy car. She bought new shoes. I I He tripped over it. They hurt her feet. I : He wants to be good at football. t ~:~h. ~I. •: : : : : : : : : : : : ::) 5 1wish my boss ~ W_i~Sh_I.:,.:~=-=~-.:~.: ~' .: __I • '_ ' _' '--.:...:::...::=--=:-...':.- ) It is very hot outside. Ted Silvia's boss always gives her Charles doesn't want to see the forgot his sun hat at home. : so much work. dentist but he has to. Paints: - ) ( 6x3 18 Rewrite the following passage in the passive, 1) Someone broke into the National Museum last night. 2) He broke the window. 3) He stole some valuable paintings and he destroyed a statue. 4) The police have found fingerprints on the walls. 5) They say they will catch the thief soon. ·................................................................................... ·................................................................................... ·................................................................................... ·................................................................................... Paints: - ) ( 5x2 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----l ( Total: -10-0 ) ~ 199 ~

• Revision B (Units 1-16) Choose the correct item. 1 •. • • •• I borrow you book? 8 The hotel .•••.• built in 1885. A Must B Can C Should A is B was C will 2 Mother's day is celebrated •.•••• May. 9 This is my ...... new bicycle. A in B on C at A sisters B sister's C sisters' 3 Tom ...... be at work. He isn't at home. 10 They have been driving •••.•. four hours. A mustn't B must C can A for B since C ago 4 Turn on the lights, •••... ? 11 Why are you always arguing with ••.... ? A will you B can you C are you A other B each other C another 5 I have two brothers. They are •...•• tall. 12 I'll make •...•• a sandwich. A all B neither C both A mine B my C myself 6 Would you mind •••••• the dog out? 13 Would you like ••.••• my holiday photos? A letting B to let C let A seeing B to see C see 7 He comes from Russia, .••..• ? 14 I'll give it to her when she •••... back. A does he B isn't he C doesn't he A comes B will come C had come ( pOints: - ) 14x 1 14 Underline the correct item. Luisa has to / doesn't have to study hard 5 Can / Must I borrow your pen, please? \" if she wants to pass her final exams. 6 You shall / should revise for your test. 2 Jimmy can't / couldn't write when he was 7 Sean was able to / could climb to the top three years old . of the mountain. 3 Will / Shall I open the window? 8 You ought to / might have told him the 4 She can't / didn't need to feed the dog as truth . I had already done it. ( pOints : - ) 8x1 8 Turn from active into passive. 1) Somebody sent Jill flowers. 2) Someone left them outside her house. 3) One of her neighbours saw him. 4) He hadn't signed the card. Points : - ) ( 4x2 8 ~ 200 ~

•Revision B Use the boy's thoughts to write conditionals. I don't have his number. ~- I can 't call him. I didn't save my pocket money. 1_COUldn 't~;b a prejsent. 2 I lost the invitation. I missed his party. \"- ~~ 2 ............................................................................... . • 3 4 ............................................................................... . Points: - ) ( 4x4 16 Complete the people's wishes. ( I wish I ...............) ~ I wish I ..............) ................... .. ................... . Bob can 't go out to play. David missed the bus , Sandra can 't go to the party. He has a temperature. and now he has to walk. , She has to work late. 4 I wish I ..•••........•. I wish my son ••••••..•• , I wish I .•..•..•.•.....• Mei's suitcase is very heavy. Nikos can't work because his , Liz lost her car keys and now She can't lift it. son always plays his music too she can 't drive her car. loud. Points: - ) ( 6x3 18 201 ~

• Revision B Fill in: why, where, who, whose, Wh/~·c:h~o~r~w~h~e~n.:._ _- - - - - - - - - We're having a wonderful time here in Florida. Although the day was very hot 1) ............ we arrived, now it's cooler. The hotel 2) ............ we are staying is lovely, and the staff 3) •••....••••. work here are very helpful. The beach, 4) •••••.•••••• is right in front of our hotel, is beautiful and the water is so warm! I think that's the reason 5) • • • •• • • •• •.• so many people choose to stay at this hotel. We've also met a nice boy 6) ••.••••••••• parents own a yacht and tomorrow they're taking us sailing! That's all our news. See you soon. Love, Paints: - ) Alex and La la ( 6x2 12 Write what the people said using Reported Speech. Will you be open I will a~ ~oon a~ I '------1 ...a:=~ tomorrow? help Mr~ Boyle with her ~---;:i=:====~ • I've fini~hed ~hopping, ~o we can leave. Mrs Grady asked the shopkeeper ...•.....•...............................•...••.... 2 The shopkeeper told his assistant .....•............................................. 3 The shop assistant said ..••....•••.....................\"................••.•......• 4 Mrs Boyle asked the shop assistant .........•....•...•....•••...••••.....•..••..•.•. 5 Mrs Kent told Tom ............................................................... . 6 Tom asked his mother .•........•.•......•••.•...••..••........................... 7 Mrs Smith said ....•.•..........•...•.••..........••...•.............••........... 8 Mr Smith said .............................................•...................... Paints: - ) ( 8x3 24 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--i ( Total: -10-0 ) ~ 202 ~

Revision 9 (Units 1-1B) • Choose the correct item. 1 I was hungry, ....•. I made a sandwich. 7 Dad ...... dinner right now. A because B so C so that A makes B make C is making 2 That ring is gold. ...... one is silver. 8 I was hungry, so I made •.•... a sandwich. A Another BOther C The other A myself B my C me 3 This jacket is the ...... in the shop. 9 She can't read ...•.. write. A more expensive B most expensive A and B o r e but C expensive 10 She works in a bank, ...... ? 4 It rarely ...... in the desert. A does she B isn't she A is raining Brain C rains C doesn't she 5 It's ...... warmer today than yesterday. 11 \"I'm not going to work tomorrow. \" A much B very C more am I. I've taken the day off. \" • 6 They have lived in Brussels ...... 2001 . A So B Neither C None A for B since C ago Points: - ) ( 11x1 11 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. A: Mum, where's Ramon? 3 A: Why have you bought eggs? B: He .................... (study) in his B: I ..................... (make) a cake. room right now. 4 A: Are the Millers still at home? 2 A: Do you have anything planned for the B: Yes, they .................... (leave) weekend? for Milan in an hour. B: Yes, this time tomorrow we ........... . 5 A: Have you seen Cecile? ............ (sail) in Lake Tahoe. B: She ........................ (go) to the supermarket. Points: - ) ( 5x2 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form. • A: I want 1) .................. (buy) • A: Do you have any plans for the summer? Youssef a birthday present. B: Well, David suggested 5) ............. . B: Well, I know Youssef likes 2) .......••.. (go) to Greece for two weeks. (listen) to rock music. You could • A: What did your dad say? 3) .................. (buy) him a CD. B: He agreed 6) .................. (let) • A: Can you come out to play? me go camping this weekend. B: Sorry, I'm busy 4) ................... : • A: I can 't decide where 7) .•.............. I (clean) my room. (have) my birthday party this year. B: Why not have it at Abigail 's restaurant? ( ~~~ts: - 7- ) ~ 203 ~

• Revision 9 Turn from active into passive. 1) Someone started a fire in the National Park yesterday. 2) Luckily, someone called the fire brigade. 3) The police have arrested a man. 4) The police are still questioning him. Points: - ) ( 4x3 12 Underline the correct item. 4 If I want / wanted to get fit, I would join a gym. Unless she passes / doesn't pass her exams, she won't get into university. 5 If you heat butter, it melts / melted. 2 If I were you, I would read / will read the 6 If she had told me the truth , I would have instructions first. 3 If Markus had gone to bed early, he wouldn't forgiven / would forgive her. have been / wouldn't be late for school. Points: - ) ( 6x1 6 Write what Brad wishes. 4 I don't have enough 1 .................................... . 4 •••••.•••.•....••.•..•.••..••••.••••• 2 ..............•...................... 5 .................................... . 3 .................................... . 6 .................................... . Points: - ) ( 6x2 12 ~ 204 ~

Revision 9 • Choose a reporting verb and turn the following into reported speech. offered promised explained warned \"I won't tell anyone your secret,\" Tony said 3 \"Shall I help you with your homework?\" he to Mei. said to her. Tony .................•.............. He ................................ . 2 \"I was late because I missed the bus,\" he 4 \"Don't touch the cooker, \" Dad said to me. said to his boss. Dad .......•.................... . ...• Rico ..•...................•......•.. Paints: - ) ( 4x3 12 Fill in: a, an or the where necessary. Last summer we went to 1) . ... .. New York. We stayed at 2) Ritz-Carlton Hotel. From our hotel room window we could see 3) .......... Statue of ·berty. S e is ....... . amazing sight. While we were there, we visited 5) .. . . . . . . .. Empire State Buildi g and 6) ........ . Museum of Modern Art.We also took 7) ..••...... walk through 8) .......... Central Parle e Yo is one of 9) .......... most fascinating cities I've ever been to. Fill in: through, next to (x2), in, on or under. Paints: - ) ( 9x1 9 This is Sam's kitchen. He is standing 1) ..•••••••• the cooker because he is cooking something. There are eggs 2) ....••••.. the frying pan. There is a clock 3) .......... the wall. 4) .......... the clock there is a shelf with some cookery books on it. Sam's cat is coming in 5) ...•••••.. the window. Max, Sam's dog, is sitting 6) ....•.•.•. the chair, waiting for his breakfast. Paints: - ) ( 6x2 12 Fill in: at, in or on. ......... the weekend 4 ......... night 7 ...•.•... a week 2 ••.•.•.•• November 5 ......... May 5th 8 ......... noon 3 ......... Sunday 6 ......... 2004 9 ......... Friday evening Paints: - ) ( 9x1 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---t ( Total: -10-0 ) ~ 205 ~

• Word List bill emergency A any more blender cheque cuisine emphasis anyway blow chess curly emphatic ability apologise blowout chest cycle empty above appear boil choice energy abroad apply for bone chop D enrol absence appointment bored circus ring enter Academy Award appropriate boring city daily entertaining accidentally architect boss clause damaged environment accordingly area both client dangerous equivalent accustomed argument bother clothing deckchair escape acrobat arrange bowl cloud decorate especially across arrangement branch clown decoration essay act out arrest break down coach deep event Active Voice Art break into coconut definitely ever activity article bride colourful delicious everyone add artist bridge column deliver everywhere addition aspirin brilliant comedian dentist evidence address assistant broccoli comedy deny evil adjective astronaut broom comfortable derivative examine admit at brush comics desert exciting adverb at once bully command design exercise advertisement at present bungee jumping committe dessert exhausted advice at the moment burglar company destination exhibit advise attach burglary comparative diamond exhibition aerobics attend bury competition difference expect affirmative attention bus stop complain dig up experiment afford attract business complete digital camera expert African auxiliary verb butcher completely dinosaur explain against available by I compose direct explanation agent avoid direct speech explore ago awful C concert director explorer agree axe conclude disappear expression agreement cabinet condition discover alarm clock B calculator conditionals dishwasher F album calendar confess to dislike Algebra background cameraman confirmation display fabulous alike backstage campfire confusing do the shopping fairy alive badminton campus congratulations do up fall over allow bake cancel consonant documentary falls along ballet capital construction down famous Alps bamboo caramel contact lenses driving licence fan already band carefully contest drop fancy alright bank carelessly contrast drummer fancy dress although bark carpet control dry fascinating always bass cartoons cool duration favour amaze be located cashier cost during fax amazing be used to cashier's desk costume feed ambulance beach cause cotton E feel among beat cave countable ferry angrily beauty ceiling countryside eagle fierce ankle bee celebrate course earn fingerprints anniversary beg celebrity court earring fire alarm announcement behave central heating cousin easily fireworks annoy believe charge with cover east fit annoyance belong charity crash into economical fix annoyed below chase credit card effect fixed answer the door beside cheetah cricket either flamenco antique between Chemistry criticism electric flat bike cross elegant email ~ 206 ~

Word List flat tyre handle invent I no past flavour hard-working invite no e pasta flight hardly iPod : look forward to path float hate ironing : loud 0 pati ent floppy haunted irregular : lovely pavement fly headache irritation obey pen friend follow headline issue : loyal object penicillin following headmaster it's no use : luckily object to pepper for healthy it's worth : luggage : obligation perfectly foreign heart : lunchtime I obliged perform forget heat J obvious permanent formal heater I occasion permission formula helmet jam ocean pet shop freeze : hiking trip jogging : luxurious off petrol frequency : hip hop join offer frightened : hire juggler I often consumption from ... to : hockey jumper old-fashioned photocopy fry : hoover junk food M Olym pic phrase frying pan : hope just funfair : hospital just now machine 0 furniture magaz in e further I K manage further/farther map I housewarming marshmallow G how long material how long ago Mathematics gallery how many mayor gardener how much mean gardening how often medal gate however general huge koala -es once place gently hurry onto plan Geometry hut L message opera planet gerund hypothesis mind operation plant get away laboratory mobile phone opinion plastic ghost ice-skating ladder monthly opposite platform giant panda imagine lamppost mop orchestra playful give up immediately language motorbike order playground go off improvement laptop mountain range organise pleasure government in last move out of plenty graduate in front of lately mow outer space I plumber grandson in time law muscle outskirts pocket money greengrocer include lawn musician over pointy greetings incomplete lawyer oversleep polite groom indoors lazily N owl politician ground infinitive leader own pollution grow up information leading role name polonium guard ingredient leak national p I pool guide book inside lean naughty gym install leather near Pacific poor instead leopard nearby paella popular H instruction let nearest painting porter instrument lie neatly palace positive habit intelligent lift necessity palm tree possession habitual intention light bulb negative paper possessive hairdresser international light fittings neighbour I paperclip possessive case hall interrupt lightning neither : parcel possibility hammer interview limited never : park ranger post hamster into lined with New Year pour handkerchief intonation list next I prayers litter next to prediction local nightclothes : part prefer lock noisy : part-time preposition long hours none : partner look for nor normally I• : passive voice : passport ~ 207 ~

• Word List sports centre : tidy present recommend scientist W present sb with rectangular Scottish square : timetable wake up President reflexive scuba diving stadium : toffee wallet pretend refuse sculpture statement : tomorrow wand I previous regret seat stative verbs : tonight want price regularly second-hand statue : tool war prince relative section steal : top princess relaxed seem steam warn I watch out : torch principal relaxing seldom sting : tour water print relieved sell stone : tourist weather prize remember separately strangely : towards weatherman probability repair sequence struck I : towel weighlifting probably repeated : several times subject I tower weight produce report : shake substance traditional welcome producer I reported speech : share suburb traffic light well programme request : shark successful trainer west progress respect I sheep suffer transfer wet prohibition result shine suggest treasure whale project revolve shiny suggestion treat what promise reward shopping centre suit tree house what time promote ribbon shout at suitcase trip over wheel pronoun ride shower sunbathe trouble when proper noun rise shy sunny trumpet where properly risk sick sunshade try which pullover riverboat sightseeing superlative try out whisper pumpkin roar sign suppose tunnel who punish roaring silk surf the Net turkey whom puppy roast silver surprise turn down whose purpose rob simultaneous sushi turn off why purse robber since swing twice wide put on rock sink system twins wife put up rocking chair situation twist puzzle roller coaster size T two-storey wild will roof skateboard I tacos type • Q rooster skating tag U win round skeleton take care of windsurfing question windy queue row I skydiving takeaway uncountable wing quiz rude slightest talented I under wire quotation marks rugby slip talk understand wish run away slope tap uniform wonder R run out of smell taste United Kingdom wooden race snowstorm tasty unknown rare 5 so unless woollen team work out radio transmitter sadly so far technician unpack world radium safe solar tell one from until rain cats and dogs sailing sometimes another up Y raincoat salary songwriting temperature upset yacht raise salt soon I temporary usually yesterday rarely sand sort out yet rather than sauce sound tent V yoghurt reach save south terrifying valuable text message realise say so souvenir then vegetable reason scared space there's no pOint vegetarian receive scarf speed (in) view recent scary spicy think voice recently Science sponge cake threat volunteer reception Science Fair sponsor through vowel ~ 208

....;:.I.I.LIW.I.:. u ' : .. \" u.:.u. , , u.:;;,.-:..L.LIJo.:;Ui,\";\"I exercises activities sections **A* *2 +* ** ** * ** ISBN 978- 1-4082-3497-6 9 34976 >

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