Copyright © 2016—Lisa MaxAll rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright lawsof the United States of America. This book may not be copied orreprinted for commercial gain or profit. Permission will be grantedupon request.Formatting: Reddovedesign.comCover Design: Hope SethLettheChildrenFly.comPrinted in the United States of America.
Let the Children Fly Conversations with Our Creator This is a journey not a destination or race. I strongly encourage you to not just read this in one sitting and gain head knowledge, but to experience the information in this booklet bit by bit letting Holy Spirit sink this deep into your heart like the vine and the branch. It is through hearing You that we really know You and begin to trust you. Bless my parenting journey and that in all things I do may I lead them back to you, a loving, caring and involved Father. Amen.Think about what life would be like if you went mute and had to try to teach, train, and love your children without words. Seriously, think about how many times a day you use yourwords to guide your children to teach and train them, encourage them,cheer them on and help them. How often do you use your words to tellthem how precious and special they are to you? Now how many timesa day do you let your Father speak to you?For Starters The first thing you have to answer is: Does God want to speak tome? I encourage you to camp out in these verses. Read them slow andstudy them, ponder them, allow the Word of God to speak to you. John 10:27 Isaiah 30:21 John 8:47 John 10:14 Revelations 3:22Jeremiah 33:3 2
ConversationsMy Journey When I was 24, I overdosed and was left in my room for three days.When they first discovered me, an officer declared me DOA (dead onarrival) and went to get the body bag. When the paramedics arrived,they believed they found a faint pulse and rushed me to the hospitalwhere I remained in a coma for three months. I woke to find myself onthe liver transplant list, going through dialysis three times a day, and onthe kidney transplant list. My arm was paralyzed, my lungs didn’t workon their own, and I had significant hearing loss. My first memory ofwaking up was being flat on my back with tubes and machines every-where and my family informed me that my mom had died the monthbefore and that I missed her funeral. Life stunk! I thought I was a believer because I was raised in the Church andknew all of the stories and had a respect for GOD. However, my expe-rience didn’t include a bright light as many report but rather hell in itspurest form. The doctors said I was just hallucinating from the drugsso I refused any form of medication whatsoever, and I told GOD thatHe could have my life and do whatever He desired with it, but His wayshad to work. I wasn’t interested in a life on medications or therapy.Either He was real or He wasn’t. A few days later my expert team ofdoctors came in to tell me that my kidneys had kicked in and then dayslater, to their utter amazement, my liver also was healed, taking me offboth transplant lists. The first thing I ever recall hearing the Father say to me was, Thedeaf can hear. I laughed and then argued, No, they can’t. They are deaf.But I heard that statement many times. I just assumed that all believersheard God speaking the way I did. After all that IS what the Word says -His sheep will know His voice. I vividly recall talking to a family mem-ber one day about hearing God, and while she loved the Lord, she saidshe had never enced Him communicating anything to her personally. 3
Let the Children Fly That blew me away. It opened my eyes to the fact that so few chil-dren knew how to hear Him. I started teaching classes on it and it hasbeen a life mission of mine to help connect young and old to their Fa-ther’s voice.Real Tangible Love I have often heard people say that they believed God loved them inthe He loves the world sense but had never fully understood how muchHe loved THEM until they heard Him speaking to them. (Stop for amoment and reread that last paragraph). Let me give you an example: One day I was having a really hard time and decided to get my eyesoff myself so I asked God what we should do with our day. I heard Himsay to go be a blessing and rake leaves. I jumped into action. Logicalthinking concluded that going to the poorest part of town and blessingthe souls there would be best. I loaded up the van with kids and rakesand waved to my neighbor as we took off in search of the family thatneeded to be blessed. After forty-five minutes of driving around end-lessly looking for a single family that had not yet raked, I was growingfrustrated. What was supposed to help my day ended up making myday even worse. Defeated and somewhat mad, I made the trek backhome. Upon entering our community I heard the words, What? Youdon’t think your rich neighbors need Me? Instantly I knew God gaveme the WHAT (raking), but I ran with it before I asked the WHO orWHERE. Immediately upon parking in the driveway the kids flewopen the van door and ran across the street to the neighbor’s house(yes, the one we waved to on the way out) and raked all of the leaves.But the story doesn’t end there. Days later, I received a letter from thesingle elderly lady with a check saying how she was so overwhelmedby all of the work that needed to be done and was crying out to theLord about her needs as we were driving by waving at her. She finallyhad to leave the house with the yard work undone, and when she came 4
Conversationsback she found ten bags full of raked leaves. God is a perfect econo-mist. While one woman needed to take her eyes off her circumstances,another woman needed an extra set of helping hands. We need to askHim the who, what, and where, too! And this requires communication- both talking and listening.Two Truths There are two truths: #1. God always speaks. #2. Your ears workjust fine – there is no spiritual deafness! If you hear that God doesn’twant to talk to YOU or that He doesn’t love you or that you will neverhear anything, know that your ears are working just fine, you are justhearing the wrong kingdom and hearing lies. Where does God say the Holy Spirit dwells? Outside of us, like theOld Testament? No. Occasionally He rests on us and leaves? NO! Hesays the Helper, the Holy Spirit of God, dwells within ME. So wherewould we hear Him speaking? On the dashboard of our van? Up inthe sky? While He may choose to speak to us here, the typical way tohear Holy Spirit is inside of US! And if something is speaking insideof us, chances are at times it’s going to feel or sound as natural as ourown thoughts! Many people reject the voice of God because it comesin too natural of a way. They only seem to give God credit for speakingthrough burning bushes. 5
Let the Children FlyThere are only three possible voices that we hear:God’s voice Our voice The Enemy’s voicesounds like... sounds like... sounds like...pure, aligned with selfish, all about condemnation, scriptures, loving, me, my needs, my pride, worthless,produces good fruit, there is no God.speaks of our value reputation. and His amazing love for us. When you attempt to hear God’s voice you are not allowed to thinkyou made it up! If you ask a question and instantly hear something,do not take credit for that, thinking, Oh, that was just me. If you werewatching a movie last night and asked Him a question and He refer-enced something in the movie, do not think that was just you. Wereyou thinking of the movie when you asked the question? Probably not. What else is God going to use than the things that we already havea grid for understanding? It is His way of saying, I see you. I know whereyou have been and what you do. I know what you watch and what yousay and who you see. I am so much a part of your life that I referencethings that you have experienced because I was there with you. That ispretty awesome if you ask me! I occasionally get asked this question: What do I do if I am actuallylistening to the wrong voice? I don’t want to be deceived. You will knowby the fruit, as with anything else. Satan wants you to doubt your hear-ing and will try to get you to think it was just silly, ole you speaking,but resist that! I honestly believe that one of the reasons my spiritualhearing is so fine-tuned is because I do not waste much time doubtingor debating what I hear. If it is life-giving, I trust it. If it is condemning, 6
ConversationsI throw it out and ask again. This I know – God’s word always bearsgood fruit. If it isn’t of the Lord, it will be revealed in time, but whenyou are practicing you must have faith greater than your doubt. Thereis room to take a risk! It might just be the God of the Universe speakingto YOU! The purpose of the cross wasn’t only forgiveness but a relationshipwith God. God paid a pretty big price to offer us a relationship withHim. Do we not really believe that He wants to speak to us? The RULES to hearing His voice are that there aren’t any rules! Wecan never put God in a box. The moment the Body starts saying themouth of God can only do this or that, He does something out of thebox just to prove us wrong! He can speak any way He chooses and atany time. We must remember though, that He is a perfect gentleman. Hewon’t scream, repeat it 100 times, or corner you to be heard. His job isto speak, but your job is to LISTEN! There is a war to keep us deaf! And yet the irony of this is that thereis no such thing as spiritual deafness. Don’t make this hard and complicated. Do we fret about our com-munication skills when we talk with a friend? No, we know how tolisten. Same applies to Father God – just listen! Just enjoy the process,don’t get discouraged! 7
Let the Children FlyConsider some of the ways God speaks to us:His Word...Scriptures seem to jump off of the page and speak so deeply toyou or your situation. That is His written love letter to you.His Voice...He can gently whisper a word, speak to us clear as a bell (butonly we hear it) or He can speak audibly like He did in the OldTestament. Others get a strong sense about something, which isHis way of leading us.His Pictures...God gives us pictures about our circumstances, hurts, decisionsand even for others. He can give these pictures to us in ourdreams, in a vision (like watching a movie) or mental images.Some people don’t ‘hear’ with words, but with pictures!His Feelings...God can deposit His heart for someone or something into ourheart. Peace is His Presence and He speaks to us by wrapping Hispeace around us, often times despite our circumstances. Othersdon’t ‘hear’ or ‘see’ Him communicating, but can easily feel Hisheart for something.His Creativity...God loves to speak to us through nature, art, dance, music, water,mountains, the sky, etc. 8
Conversations What does a loving father do when His child is upset? Begin giv-ing instruction? NO! A loving father would scoop them up and justhold them close to His chest and embrace their tiny bodies. He is com-municating love, protection, safety and security in his embrace. Some-times we want God to tell us this and that and sometimes He just wantsto wrap us in His presence and out of that He leads us where we needto be. This is truly entering the place of rest that so few believers get to.We want to squirm or do instead of just resting while He holds us. Thatis Him communicating with us. When you are ready, ask the question slowly. Then just watch andlisten to see whatever comes to mind. Don’t argue with it, dismiss it,or doubt it. Whatever the topic is, focus on that for a moment. Whatdoes He want you to see about it? When He shows you something andyou aren’t really sure what it means or what to do with it, keep askingmore questions. Hearing God is like finding Easter eggs. He likes to saythings that keep us looking for more. While He could just throw thewhole instructional book at us, instead He chooses relationship withus. Don’t be so quick to get up and walk away! He wants to engage withyou. You aren’t meeting with a busy royal Emperor; you are talkingwith your Daddy! Example: Prayer: “Father, how do you feel about me?” Answer: I see in my mind a girl dancing with a pink tutu (which means nothing to me) Prayer: “Father, what do you want me to know about this dancing girl?” Answer: I hear, “That is how I see you all the time, even when you feel like you have messed up.” 9
Let the Children Fly I had a mentor who really made my spiritual ears come to life. Iremember going to her with my issues and she would always say, Canwe ask Jesus about that? It was an odd concept to me that we could askHim about the ordinary, everyday life stuff. We don’t have to keep Himreserved for just the big spiritual stuff, He wants in on the little thingsthat concern and matter to us, too. Get in the habit of simply askingoften, Jesus, what do YOU think about that? We pray, fast, believe, declare, hope, meditate, quote scriptures, seekmedical help, strive, ask others to pray, do it on our own strength andlean on our own understanding, but have we simply just asked Him?I recently heard that people who hear God’s voice (and seek Him) aresuccessful people. I agree – God is all knowing, all the time and desiresto share His answers with us, but we need to ask and then be quiet fora moment and listen to His response. Proverbs 25:2 It is God’s privilegeto conceal things, and the king’s privilege to discover it.Teaching the Children If we don’t believe His voice is for today, then we are walking indoubt and that alone is an earmuff that blocks our hearing. If we do notbelieve that He wants to speak to us as parents, then we will have a verydifficult time acknowledging when He is speaking to our children. Of-ten times we expect God to come scream in our face and THEN we willbelieve He speaks. While He can do anything, typically it is our faiththat allows us to experience the Kingdom. Let me give you an example: A child learns in Sunday school that Jesus wants to speak to himand he BELIEVES it. He goes to bed that night and asks Jesus to speakto him in his dreams. He wakes up the next morning and runs down-stairs to tell Mom that Jesus took him all over the world and showedhim that he will go beforea King and tell him about Jesus. The momsays, Ha, that is a wild dream all right, but you can’t really go aroundthe world like that, and the child declares, No, Jesus took me. I saw Him 10
Conversationsand He told me I would tell kings about Him. Mom smiles and assuresJunior that kids aren’t allowed to see kings for they are too important.No matter how much Junior insists it was real, Mom teaches him aboutreality! The child walks away partnering with his all-knowing motherand pushes the silly dream aside. These are generally the kids who aremost hardened to the faith down the road because they tried it and feltburned. Guess who the enemy uses the most to put earmuffs on a child?Yep, the parent! Junior Holy Spirit In America we do not trust in a child’s ability to operate a motor vehicleuntil the age of eighteen. We do not believe a young adult can responsiblyconsume alcohol before the age of twenty-one. Yet in the Word, which isloaded with promises and commands, not once are we given an age re-striction. The same Holy Spirit that touched Jesus - resurrecting Him fromDEATH - is the same Spirit that dwells in half-pint, snot-nosed children.The Spirit of GOD ALMIGHTY is the same Spirit that operates in YOURchildren. Go ahead, be undone by that concept because it IS huge! It is to behonored, valued, and highly respected! Children do not get a Junior HolySpirit. It is the same size as your pastor’s, Mother Teresa’s, John the Baptist’s,and the Apostle Paul’s. Let the Children Fly has four Board of Directors - my four children.Whenever there is a decision to be made, an invitation to accept, or newidea needed, I gather the children and we ask the CEO of the Ministry(God) what His desire is. He has so much to say to us! When you are working with a child to hear God’s voice, do not say, Didyou get anything? as that casts doubt that perhaps they didn’t. We need to beasking with confidence, What did you hear? When my kids were starting out, one would get something so fast, andI assumed it was just him making it up. I would have him ask again andagain. One day Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me that he was hearing 11
Let the Children Flypurely. Children hear without filters and the fear of man; and they are voidof a religious spirit or awareness of social etiquette. Their ears are pure, andwe need to protect them. They have the ability to hear quick and fast. Weneed to trust what they are hearing. The other thing the Spirit taught me was that if I were going to teachmy children to hear Father God, I had to guard against positioning myselfas the middle man. This can be a hard place for a mama to rest in, but I donot want to create a dependency upon me whenever my kids hear HolySpirit whispering to them. If what they are hearing seems fishy or self-motivated, do NOT callthat out as it could squelch their listening ears. Treat it like practicing theirABC’s. A lack of perfection doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try it again nor doyou make them feel bad for missing the letter M. It means that they mustkeep practicing. If it wasn’t the Lord, I promise you that He will organizethe circumstances to reveal that in a teachable moment. The only time I getto test if the word they say is from God is if it truly is out of line with scrip-ture. Tread with grace as they are using their spiritual muscles and seek notto shut them down. Do children hear from the enemy? Sure. Who of us didn’t have encoun-ters with paralyzing fear, nightmares, or reoccurring horrible thoughts as achild? First, the more the children are connected to GOD’S voice, the easierit will be for them to spot the enemy’s voice. Second, what does the Wordsay to do when we are faced with the enemy? Resist it, and it will flee. Sameapplies to children. I never taught my kids when they were small the words:devil, demon, evil, hell, etc. I simply said that God has an enemy who worksagainst Him. Because the enemy is fear-based, I didn’t want my childrento be educated about him. I focused on the goodness of God, so when theenemy came, there was such a drastic difference that they could spot it. Theolder they got the more I increased their understanding as it related to theirworld. 12
Conversations What would this generation look like if they were equipped with toolsto stand firmly when the enemy comes? What if, at the age of six (andyounger), they were TAUGHT and TRAINED by YOU to use tools need-ed to ward off the hurts that often become adult-sized wounds, the lies thatdistort God’s goodness and love, and the offenses that become bitterness,hated, and anger towards others.Mind vs. Spirit All the wisdom in the world doesn’t change a person’s heart. When Ispeak wisdom it goes from my mind to your mind. But when Holy Spiritspeaks it goes into your spirit and that is where the real transformation oc-curs. One word from Jesus can change more than a 12-week course! This iswhy it is crucial that we are often bringing our children to the Lord’s pres-ence to ask Him what HE thinks. This is creating an encounter for our chil-dren. Instead of wisdom alone guiding them, they are learning they have arelationship with the Living God who wants to help them in all situations. Ibelieve this is a reason why teens lose interest in Church. It isn’t somethingthey have truly experienced for themselves.That's a Lie! When I hear a child speak a lie about themselves (I am not smartenough, I am slow, I can never figure this out, etc.), I will simply go back tothe line drawn and tell them that they are partnering with something fromGod’s enemy. Do they want to choose to continue to partner with that (theydo have a free will) or do they want to throw that one out? I told them theycould simply kick out or throw out whatever wasn’t of God. My son, whowas only four at the time, literally went to the front door and motioned likehe was kicking something out before slamming the door. Yeah, like that! I encourage you to teach it as I have done with my own children butby adding, subtracting and editing according to your own creativity and 13
Let the Children Flyfamily. Before I start, I have to remind you that you have 18 years with yourchildren to influence them to hear their Father’s voice. Please do not inyour utter excitement teach it to them and then get frustrated if they donot rattle off a full book report worth of things they heard the Lord say. Ifyour child’s ears aren’t immediately hearing perfectly you have two choices– keep going or quit! You have to resolve that equipping them to hear Hisvoice is a core value for your family and you will keep at it until it is a familylifestyle for all. I had the advantage of being a homeschool teacher and teaching mykids about our body - the hands, eyes, and nose, as well as goodies insideus like the brain, tonsils, and spleen. My kids never argued or doubted thatwe have lungs just because they have never seen one. They just believe withease. I would suggest starting by pointing that out to your child. God gaveus hands to touch and legs to walk. We have lungs to breathe and a brainto think. But inside our brains God gave us each a chalkboard (or white-board). He put that in there for HIS use. Be creative with this. Children lovevisuals and hands-on learning. The more you make the teaching FUN, themore they will want to be a part of it. Host a family meeting and have ev-eryone involved role playing, laughing, and connecting. Review the list we covered on all the ways God communicates on page7. When children are taught that God speaks to them through nature, trustme, they spot it often. The heart-shaped leaf, or the wildlife He plants intheir path to enjoy, or the fun cloud shapes - God loves communicatingwith those who have a child-like faith! On a chalkboard/whiteboard (or piece of paper) write words likeLOVE, draw a butterfly, draw a heart, a warrior, a princess, their favoritetoy and explain that Jesus speaks to us with words but also by drawing pic-tures on our chalkboard! All we have to do is watch and listen. 14
Conversations“I Can See You\" Game Have them close their eyes and ask them if they can picture theirbed. What about what they had for dinner last night? How aboutGrandma, can they picture her? Have them open their eyes and ex-plain to them that they weren’t in their room or with Grandma, butthey could see on their chalkboard. That is where and how God speaksto us. Again, using these spiritual muscles takes practice. You are investing in THE most priceless gift for your child. Do notbe quick to give up or give in on your privilege to teach, equip, and trainyour child’s ear to connect to their Father .Easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Resolve and believe that God wants to speak. 2. Teach the children how to hear in times of peace. 3. Practice, Practice, Practice. If Papa is really the head of your household, then you should be giving Him so many opportunities to speak into your lives. What do you do when a child doesn’t want to hear? YOU ask HolySpirit to show you the root and what is the key that their heart needsfrom you. Most of the time, if a child isn’t hearing it is either because A).They feel an expectation to please you and aren’t sure how to do it. B).They have NO grid for what you are wanting from them. C). They arepartnering with fear or anger against God. Holy Spirit knows – ask Him! Their fruit shouldn’t even be on your radar right now – Your goal isto simply do your own 1,2,3’s over and over until they begin to do it ontheir own. If you do this once or twice and conclude, They don’t get it, 15
Let the Children FlyThey don’t want to hear, They just say NO, then YOU aren’t done equip-ping them yet. Instead of focusing on what they are/aren’t hearing justfocus on YOUR role in teaching, equipping, encouraging and practicing.Fun ways for the kids to practice hearing: I STRONGLY encourage you to use your practice time to empoweryour kids, giving them a voice. It is better to build their foundationwith fun and confidence instead of trying to first hear Jesus over a heartsplinter. You should be practicing hearing God on the good days. Also,practicing as a family is helpful because it gives everyone a chance tolearn from each other and takes the pressure off being the only one. Ifa child states they don’t hear anything I simply ask them to listen againand we come back to them after everyone else has shared. -When you are sending out a birthday card, have the kids ask God what He wants to say to that person, and have the kids draw them a picture (you can caption it based on what they heard). -When you have extra time on your hands, have the kids ask God what you should do with your time. -When you can’t find something, have the kids ask Jesus to show them a picture of where it is. -When they are upset about something, have the kids ask God to show them what is bothering them. -When you come up against something “different,” ask Papa what He wants them to do about it. -When you see a homeless man, have the kids ask God what He wants you to know about that person. -When they are behaving poorly, have them ask God to show them what they did wrong (instead of YOU telling them). The ideas are endless! You can’t practice strengthening their ears enough. 16
Conversations When we started hearing, some kids got it really fast, others tooklonger. At times, I felt pressured or believed the lie that they weren’tgetting it; but just like reading, once it clicked they took off. Is it really atool we want to risk backing off of just because it might be taking thema little longer? Also, for my son I kept saying, What did you HEAR?And he would say nothing. Finally, I realized that something was goingon and asked God to show me what it was. I realized that he wasn’thearing anything but seeing pictures. Once I changed my verbiage to,What did you get? , he instantly started hearing. Do not worry or getcaught up on the process, but be encouraged to keep sowing into it.When a parent laments that their two-year-old isn’t getting it, I smileand encourage them to keep sowing into it because when they are threethey are going to be further than most 30- year-olds! If your child truly is not interested in participating I question twothings. #1. Have you spent enough time actually teaching it to them?Kids who feel like Mom/Dad expect something from them (hearingJesus) but do not understand what you mean will shut down out offear of disappointing you. #2. Are you making it FUN? The Kingdomis righteousness, peace and JOY and if it isn’t FUN then you are mostlikely partnering with a religious spirit of expectation or performance.Relax. Teach. Practice. Have FUN! The other thing I want to share is that some people are concernedthat if we are constantly saying, Let’s ask Jesus it will actually push thechild away from God, not towards Him. Here is the difference betweena religious spirit and a relationship. When kids talk to their earthly fa-ther, they are blessed because the interaction is alive and real and de-posits goodies in their heart. When religion and scriptures are used tocontrol, they resist. But when they ask Jesus and HEAR Him replying,it builds relationship. That is a good thing and one that will last! I havenever found that my kids do not want to listen (after they were taughthow) and they have never - not once - disobeyed or argued with some-thing Jesus spoke to them. 17
Let the Children Fly Test out your teaching - the best way to see if kids are grasping whatis being taught is to give them a test. I would often ask the kids whenthey were toddlers, Where does Jesus live? and they would point to theirhearts. If a child is communicating with you, they are older enough todo this. Simply start asking THEM question, So, how does Jesus speak tous? or Miss Sarah said she has never heard from Jesus before. What wouldyou say to her? or How would you teach someone to hear God’s voice?My kids LOVED doing this - I would call a family meeting and pick atopic, in this case, hearing God’s voice. I would then remind them howpowerful they are and tell everyone they had five minutes to go to theirrooms, close the door and practice teaching someone to hear. Theywould rush to their rooms and then we would have a vari ety show ofsorts and each child would take the stage and teach the rest of this. Thisis LOADED in learning life skills (public speaking, being articulate,speaking loudly, owning a message, etc.). All this to say, having the kidsbe the teachers will reveal to you what YOU need to continue teaching.If they do not know, then keep teaching in creative ways. Build uponwhatever they already know. Fun, fun, fun.A Father's Protection I will close with a powerful testimony. A while back my youngestdaughter spent the weekend with some friends of ours. The momentshe walked in the door, I could tell something was really wrong. Shetold me that she needed to tell me something, and through the abun-dance of tears the story unfolded. She said that earlier that day, theywent to another family’s house, and the adults were inside while all thechildren played outside. Someone completely exposed themselves toher and was aggressive with what she needed to do. I told her that Ineeded for her to be full of courage and tell me everything that hap-pened so that I could help her. Through her gasps of air she began totell me about it. Mom, my heart was really scared, and I didn’t know 18
Conversationswhat to do. You weren’t there for me, and Mrs. so-and-so wasn’t there.Mom, I was all alone. I want to stop my story to point something outto you. Before any trauma had occurred, the enemy was telling her shewas powerless and alone. Such a, bold-faced LIE. All she had to do wasyell, and all the parents inside would have come running. The enemyis such a liar! Back to the story. I asked her what she did, and she con-tinued, Well, since no one was there for me, I asked Jesus what I shoulddo, and I saw Him really serious, almost mad, and He was pointing hisindex finger, shaking it saying, “This is inappropriate.” I asked her whatshe did and she said she put her finger in the air like Jesus did and toldthe person it was inappropriate. She went from a powerless victim to rising up like a lioness as sheimitated what she saw her Father saying, and the person ran away. Shehad no mental capacity to find scriptures in that situation at her age.She needed a relationship, an encounter, and quick instructions at acrucial moment from a protective Father. Religion didn’t save my childthat day - JESUS did! Stop for a moment and just sit and let Holy Spirit do whatever Hewants to do in your heart after reading that testimony. What is He say-ing to you right now? 19
Read the Text Version
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