FOREWORD Thank you very much for your continuous support and submission for 2015 Kaizen contest. We received total 31 ideas from you. All Submitted Kaizen idea from your NSC seems to be idea which can improve workshop’s issue or concern and customer handling. We thought that you are making effort to improve CS and productivity day to day operation in NSC. From submitted idea, we summarized winner ideas to this book to share best kaizen idea with NSC. We hope that you will implement some of best Kaizen idea at your NSC to improve CS and productivity.3
Kaizen title: Customer Experience Excellence Enhancement through End to End Service Process AutomationNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Team photo ARABIAN AUTOMOBILES CO LLC DEIRA Team proposal ( 3 persons)Kaizen applicable situation: Maintenance Proposer name (Representative person): PDI Repair Body & Paint 1. Mr. K M Swamy Diagnosis Car wash/clean 2. Mr. Arif ShaikKaizen Concept 3. Mr. Jerin JohnsonTo enrich customer experience thru shorter service lead time and on time delivery byenhancing productivity thru process automation, process standardization & stabilizationFeaturesImplementation of \"SERVICE AUTOMATION\" to realize high productivity in operation through reduced service lead time and improved customer satisfaction. Following are thefeatures:1. Automation of Maintenance Reminder System (MRS) & Appointment System for express service to ensure \"HEIJUNKA\"- Levelling of workshop loading by synchronising the activities throughout the service process2. Implementation of \"Customer Wait & Take Program\" (35 cars /day)3. Elimination of 8 processes (from 23 to 15) through Automation, \"JIDOKA\" - Automation with a human touch4. Tablet Solution for Service Advisors to reduce the Vehicle Receiving TAT5. Introduction of Maintenance Reminder System for Express Service Customer to ensure Workshop Load Levelling.6. Specialised Express Service Trolley introduced to reduce the Repair TAT.7. Pre-pulling of Express Service parts to reduce the Overall TAT.Kaizen content summary (how improved):1. Enhance Customer Experience through Shorter Service Lead time & On-Time Delivery facilitating \"Customer Wait & Take program\"2. Optimum Resource Utilization (Elimination of MUDA) 2a. Productivity Enhancement through Process Automation, Standardization and Stabilization 2b. Service Capacity enhancement to meet Business Growth3B.eRfoerdeuKctaiioznenin: Parking Expenditure1. High service lead time for preventive maintenance services2. High vehicle inflow during morning hours & Saturdays resulting in \"Uneven workshop loading\"3. Low CSI for on-time delivery attribute4. High expenditure for parking of vehicles5. Productivity loss due to uneven workshop loading & waste movement of vehicles and staff including TechniciansAfter Kaizen:Implementation of \"SERVICE AUTOMATION\" to realize high productivity in operation through reduced service lead time and improved customer satisfaction.Following are the results:1. Automation of Maintenance Reminder System (MRS) & Appointment System for express service to ensure \"HEIJUNKA\"- Levelling of workshop loading by synchronizing theactivities throughout the service process2. Implementation of \"Customer Wait & Take Program\" (35 cars /day)3. Reduction of 79% in Overall PMS Lead time from 5.5 hours to 1.15 hours (Average for all Periodic Maintenance type)4. Enhance service capacity by improving bay productivity from 4 PMS/bay to 25 PMS/bay and technician productivity from 4 cars/day to 12.5 cars/day5. Elimination of 8 processes (from 23 to 15) through Automation, \"JIDOKA\" - Automation with a human touch6. Express Service is handled through exclusive channel from Car receiving to delivery by dedicated frontline, WS & Car wash team with dedicated production and parking baysAdditional InformationA. Impact Analysis using Fish Bone Methodology7
B. Service Automation Process Flow ChartC. Appointment System to ensure \"HEIJUNKA\" 2. Appointment Scheduler - Developed in Oracle 1. Appointment SchedulerD. Customer Wait & Take Program ResultsE. Service Automation Results (Cars/Day & TAT)F. Workshop Kaizen's & Automations (Before & After)8
G. Service Automation Results Summary H. Customer Voice pertaining to Express ServiceAdvantage's / Benefits:1. Overall reduction of Service Operation or Investigation TAT by 79% i.e. from 330 min to 69 min per vehicle2. Reduction in Manpower Cost by AED 85,050 & Parking Expenses by AED 26,2203. Reduction of 79% in Overall PMS Lead time from 5.5 hours to 1.15 hours (Average for all Periodic Maintenance type)4. Enhance service capacity by improving bay productivity from 4 PMS/bay to 25 PMS/bay and technician productivity from 4 cars/day to 12.5 cars/daySuccess story:The project has proven to be successful in Deira Service Centre, which was the pilot and the same has now been introduced in other locations such as Al Quoz, Awir, Sharjah &Ajman Service Centres. The success of this project has been in terms of Enhanced Customer Experience & Satisfaction along with Capacity Enhancement9
NSC name: Branch name: Kaizen title: Parking Yard Management Proposer/team photo Proposer info: Suhail Bahwan Automobiles Azaiba Individual proposal or team proposal (Team)Kaizen applicable situation: Maintenance Proposer name (Representative person): PDI Repair Body & Paint MOHAMED SHARIEF Diagnosis Car wash/cleanKaizen Concept:Improved Customer satisfaction index ( Reduction in Workshop Turn Around Time,Reduced internal Accidents, Reduced delay in delivery)Features:Yard Management- portal based software ( created in service)Kaizen content summary (how improved):1. Improved Customer satisfaction index 3. Reduced delay in delivery2. Reduction in Workshop Turn Around Time 4. Reduced internal AccidentsBefore Kaizen: Azaiba Branch Vehicle parking yard was an open ground with only a small area of tiled floor.500+ Vehicles awaiting repairs and 150+ vehicles ready for delivery were parked unorganized. This has created the following consequences. 1. Delay in finding out vehicles assigned for repairs hence increasing the total turn around time. 2. Delay in delivery caused by the difficulty in finding out ready vehicle. 3. Accumulation of dust on vehicles due to open ground. 4.internal accidents due to unorganized parking and difficulty in manoeuvre.After Kaizen: The following Kaizen improvements implemented for Yard. 1. Tiling of the entire yard area to prevent dust accumulation. 2. Creation of planned parking area with curb stones, bay parkings, bay numbers and vehicle zones for easy vehicle identification and manoeuvre. 3. Designed Yard management software to optimize the vehicle parking . 4. Appointed Yard manager for Control and organizing of vehicles. 5. Provided the vehicle parked location visibility to all staff through yard management software.Additional Information AZAIBA BRANCH VEHICLE PARKING YARD - ARIEL VIEW - BEFORE AZAIBA BRANCH VEHICLE PARKING YARD - ARIEL VIEW - NOW10
YARD MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE - Web Portal Based Yard management software can be operated from all internal Work stations. This will help any staff to easily identify the parking Created Zones fo easy identification and parking of vehiclesAdvantage's / Benefits:Reduction in Workshop Turn Around Time, Reduced internal Accidents, Reduced delay in delivery.Improves Productivity and accident free concept, (in & Out separate path), Provided the vehicle parked location visibility to all staff through yard management software.11
Kaizen title: PDI Production SystemNSC name: Branch name: Proposer Info: Team photo ARABIAN AUTOMOBILES CO LLC AWIR PDI Team proposal ( 2 persons)Kaizen applicable situation: Maintenance Proposer name ( Representative person): PDI Repair Body & Paint 1. Mr. K M Swamy 2. Mr. Arif Shaik Diagnosis Car wash/cleanKaizen Concept:PDI Production System was introduced by means of the following operational enhancements:1. Process Re-engineering to suit Production Line SystemPDI operation is perform similar to production line system where the vehicle move from station to station to perform sequence of operation until the final process is completed.2. PDI Dedicated Lines with Exclusivity.Features:1. Brand & Segment wise exclusive 5 PDI lanes established (a) Nissan-Retail, (b) Nissan-Fleet, (c) Infiniti, (d) Express and (e) Renault2. Real time status updation for PDI operations3. Complaint Resolution reduced by implementing EDER (Early Detection - Early Resolution) Method in the Production System (Quality Inspection at Each Stage)Kaizen content summary (how improved):1. Enhanced PDI Production capacity from 120 cars/day to 200 cars/day2. Reduced PDI Turn Around Time from 3 days to 1 day3. Improved Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) on attributes (a) On-Time Delivery (Improved from 83% to 92%) and (b)Non F1-ratio (Improved from 96.8% to 99.2%)4. Improved PDI Delivery Quality (Non F1 ratio cases has improved from 96.8% to 99.2%)Before Kaizen:1. Workshop capacity constraint - Maximum PDI capacity of 120 cars/day against a requirement of 175 cars/day (Average back log of 300 cars/day)2. Complaint resolution takes more than 3 days3. PDI TAT is very high - 3 days4. FIFO (First In First Out) system not followed5. No Exclusivity - Both brand wise (Infiniti, Nissan, Renault) and Segment wise ( Retail & Fleet)6. No Real-Time PDI status updationA7f.tLeorwKasiczoerne: on SSI attributes related to PDI operationAn innovative PDI Production system was introduced which has resulted in substantial improvement in the following areas of operation:1. Production capacity enhanced from 120 cars/day to 200 cars/day2. TAT has improved from 3 days to 1 day (Order to Ready for Delivery)3. PDI On-Time Delivery has improved from 83% to 92% based on SSI attribute4. Non-F1 ratio cases has improved from 96.8% to 99.2%5. Brand & Segment wise exclusive 5 PDI lanes established (a) Nissan-Retail, (b) Nissan-Fleet, (c) Infiniti, (d) Express and (e) Renault6. Real time status updation for PDI operations7. Complaint Resolution reduced by implementing EDER (Early Detection - Early Resolution) Method in the Production System (Quality Inspection at Each Stage)Additional informationA. Root Cause Analysis using Fish-Bone Diagram & Key Kaizen InitiativesB. Situation Analysis ( Before & After Kaizen)12
C. PDI PRODUCTION SYSTEM PROCESS & FLOWCHARTD. PDI Dedicated Lines with ExclusivityE. PDI Production Line ResultsAdvantage's / Benefits:1. Total cost saving per month after eliminating waste movement of Technicians, Support Staff & Drivers is AED 191,100 per month2. Production capacity enhanced from 120 cars/day to 200 cars/day3. TAT has improved from 3 days to 1 day (Order to Ready for Delivery)4. PDI On-Time Delivery has improved from 83% to 92% based on SSI attribute5. Non-F1 ratio cases has improved from 96.8% to 99.2%Success story:The project has proven to be successful for PDI Operations and the success has been in terms of Enhanced Capacity & Reduction in TAT.13
Kaizen title: In-house Fabricated Tyre removal stand - SUV vehiclesNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Proposer/team photoSuhail Bahwan Automobiles Bureimi Individual proposal or team proposal (Team) please attach clear photo hereKaizen applicable situation: Maintenance Proposer name (Representative person): PDI Repair Body & Paint RAJAN NAGALINGAMDiagnosis Car wash/cleanKaizen Concept:Strain less/Effortless Tyre removalFeatures:Can handle easily, single lever operationsKaizen content summary (how improved):1. Simplified the work 2. Enhanced the safety 3. Reduced the physical Strain.Before Kaizen: Before- for removing and fixing the heavy SUV tyres technician use to do it by hand, it requires heavy physical strain, to bend down and lift the tyres from floor. Manual method of removing - technician is stressing for jobAfter Kaizen: The Kaizen team fabricated a tool which will facilitate the removal and refixing of tyre with minimum physical effort. This tool can hold the tyre in place safely and uses a simple lever to lift the tyre easily. This tool also helps to change the tyre without bending down so that technicians have a better comfort level for changing the tyres. Easy and comfortable position with the New ToolAdvantage's / Benefits:1. No need to apply physical strength for lifting the tyre.2. Tyre can changed in standing position which is comfortable and avoids any bending and kneeling.3. Improves Productivity and accident free operations14
Kaizen title: In-Hose Fabricated Air filter cleaning ToolNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Proposer/team photo Suhail Bahwan Automobiles Bureimi Individual proposal or team proposal (Team)Kaizen applicable situation: Maintenance Proposer name (Representative person): PDI Repair Body & Paint RAJAN NAGALINGAM Diagnosis Car wash/cleanKaizen Concept:Dustless- Environment safetyFeatures:Complete dust can remove without any shock/hit to the filter.Kaizen content summary (how improved):1. Dust free / no pollution 2. Healthy / environment friendly3. Improved work quality 4. Portable & MobileBefore Kaizen: The Conventional method of cleaning air filter is to hold it in hand in a designated area, and clean it using the compressed air. The following are the key drawbacks of the procedure. 1. Dust will fly around, and floor will get dirty 2. Harmful particles will be breathed by technician is bad for their health. 3. Increased Fatigue due to holding the air filter with hands stretched for long time. Air Filter Cleaning with compressed AirAfter Kaizen: The Kaizen members invented the Air filter cleaning Tool and fabricated in-house using Scrap salvaged parts. The following are the key features. 1. No Dust and Dirt spillage a. Enhanced Safety -Clean work place b. Clean and Safe air to breath 3. Reduced Fatigue of technician increased productivity 4. Cost Savings on Equipment purchase FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW Inside View of the ToolAdvantage's / Benefits:1. No need to wear mask by employee while doing dusting.2.Dust will not go to air, it will accumulate in bottom dust collector3. Clean and healthy filter- life span can increase Improves Productivity and Environment safety15
Kaizen title: Tires Movement by \"Tire Trolley\"NSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Proposer/team photoAbdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Co. W.L.L Shuwaikh Individual proposal or team proposal ( 1 person) please attach clear photo hereKaizen applicable situation: Maintenance Proposer name (Representative person): PDI Repair Body & Paint Shankar Prasad Diagnosis Car wash/cleanKaizen Concept:Higher productivity & Image Quality (CS)Features:Can be locally fabricated and Cost effective. Easy to handle.Kaizen content summary (how improved):- To ensure a smooth and tidy transfer of tires to the wheel balancing section.- To reduce the time wastage by carrying all four tires on trolley at one time in an orderly manner, instead of rolling tires on floor.Before Kaizen: • Inappropriate work ethics owing to workshop image. • Time wasted by technician to make two trips from work bay to the wheel balancing area (Productivity loss). • Chances of tires accidentally hitting other parked vehicles while rolling, due to misjudgement of rolling.After Kaizen: • Introduction of tire trolleys - thus reducing movement time and effort. • In – House Fabrication. • Safety. At Smaller workshops we haven't provided this Tire trolley as distance to Balancing machine is quite near. And also space constraint.Advantage's / Benefits:Normal condition Technicians used to roll a tire or tires to the wheel balancing area or changing tires. This practice consumes time as technicians has to move twice to deliver 4tires and same while bringing back to work bay. Also if workshop is fully crowded, then there is possibility rolling the tires may damage parked vehicles.With this simple Tire Trolley, 4 tires be can accommodated at a time thus increasing Technicians productive time and can be safely moved. Also such practice enhances Imagequality of the workshop in Customers eyes.This also reduces Technicians work fatigue as normal rolling of tires need Technicians body to be bent continuously.Easy to move and Handle the movement. Reduces workers fatigue. Strong, bigger diameter wheels makes movement easy. Long life (Since a year we fabricated this, still nocomplaints nor maintenance). Cost effective (USD. 828/-)Success stories:At main workshops we have provided one Tire trolley for every 8 bays. At Quick Service outlets we have provided 1 Tire trolley to each workshop. Today 7 workshops out of 9workshops are equipped with Tire Trolley. (78%)16
Kaizen title: Parts Inbound OperationsNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Team photoArabian Automobiles Co. LLC Spare Parts Distribution Center (PDC) Team proposal (5 persons) Sundarmoorthy S Sandeep DKaizen applicable situation: Proposer name (Representative person): Vehicle receiving (including customer interview) Order taking, Customer handling Telephone handling for customer approval Vehicle/Parts Receiving Sundaramoorthy SKaizen Concept:Parts binning operations changed by introducing independent \"Sorting\" process alongwith change in the binning instruction from an A4 Sheet (max. of 12 lines/sheet) to a Nijam S Noorudhin S Taha HSorting / BinningTag (1 Part/tag) which has all the relevant information for sorting &binning.Features:In the new process, sorting introduced as an independent process by a team and then followed by binning process by another team.Kaizen content summary (how improved):Parts binning operations changed by introducing independent \"Sorting\" process along with change in the binning instruction from an A4 Sheet (max. of 12 lines/sheet) to aSorting / Binning Tag (1 Part/tag) which has all the relevant information for sorting & binningBefore Kaizen: Binning Slip 70000 32.8 Inbound KPI - Year 2014 33 60000 50000 31.6 32 40000 30000 31.2 31.6 31.1 20000 30.3 29.8 10000 30.1 30.5 30.9 30.3 31 Receiving Lines 30 55355 48360 56322 59117 49686 55147 60190 62231 53680 47061 50580 56357 Lines / Hrs. 29 28.6 28 0 27 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Jul'14 Aug'14 Sept'14 Oct'14 Nov'14 Dec'14 Receiving Lines Productivity (L/Hrs.) o Sorting & Binning operations are both done by a Single Operator o Binning path not defined leading to wasteful movement during binning operation o Low Binning productivity - 30.7 Lines / Hrs. o On an average / month 4,900 sheets of A4 paper used to print the binning slipsAfter Kaizen: Case Label Sub Case Label Binning Tago New HHT based Sorting process introduced where: Inbound KPI - Year 2015 37.9 o This kaizen completely Operator performs only the sorting or binning operation Sorter assigned to a specific Zone parts sorting 70,000 29.1 28.5 33.2 34.6 33.5 32.3 31.4 32.8 34.6 40 developed Sorts on Sub case level / Case level with resources available Sorts Parts storage WH / Location wise 50,000 25.9Receiving Lines 30 Quality check is performed at every step of the receiving 43265 In-house process 30,000 20 (IT development / Binning 51727 Inbound Layout after Kaizen 52065 Trollies) o Ease in binning as binning 64023 path is 56571 57183 defined on HHT to the 56906 operator o Binning productivity has 65660 improved 54023 46453 from 30.7 L/H to 33.8 L/H 51668 (approx. by 10%) o Total elimination of A4 Lines / Hrs. Papers usage 10,000 10 from the inbound operations -10,000 Jan'15 Feb'15 Mar'15 Apr'15 May'15 Jun'15 Jul'15 Aug'15 Sept'15 Oct'15 Nov'15 0 Receiving Lines Productivity (L/Hrs.) Inbound Process after Kaizen17
Advantage's / Benefits:Binning Productivity has improved approx. by 10 % with total elimination of A4 papers usage in the inbound operations.1. Provides complete support to a Binner by providing a binning path2. Complete elimination of the A4 Paper in the Inbound process3. All form of documents are now available in Oracle for future reference4. Provided opportunity for complete visibility of the complete Binning process5. Hard copy of the binning slips (A4 Papers) documents need not be stored physically resulting in Saving of storage locations in WHSuccess Story:This kaizen completely developed with resources available In-house (IT development / Binning Trollies).18
Kaizen title: I-PAD APPLICATION ON DMS SYSTEM FOR AFTERSALES OPERATIONNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Proposer/team photo NISSAN OTOMOTIV A.S Individual proposal or team proposal please attach clear photo here ( TEAM PROPOSAL 5 persons)Kaizen applicable situation: Proposer name (Representative person): Vehicle receiving (including customer interview) Order taking, Customer handling KORCAN YILMAZ Telephone handling for customer approval Vehicle/Parts deliveryKaizen Concept:The service advisor is opening work order from I-Pad in front of customer's vehicle.Features:We started opening work orders with I-Pad application in aftersales operation in Turkey network.Kaizen content summary (how improved):We started opening work orders with I-Pad application in aftersales operation in Turkey network.Before Kaizen: Service advisor open work order from DMS system in service acceptance area from DMS system. It takes nearly 3.45 min. There is no technological tools when opening work order.After Kaizen:The service advisor is opening work order from I-Pad in front of customer's vehicle. The major improvement is time efficiency that takes 1.2 min for each work order.The perception of customer increased after application regarding brand power awareness. The technic details are shown in ppt presentation.MAIN BENEFITSAccess to on-line and integrated structure between NOAS and dealers.Access to updated data instantly.The application is in-house development.Dealer employs login to the application with accounts of active directory.User-friendly screens for quick adaptation.Prevention of incorrect data entry.Ensures that customer info is correct and unique.Business rules can be managed centrally.Integration.Advantage's / Benefits:Access to on-line and integrated structure between NOAS and dealers.Access to updated data instantlyThe application is in-house developmentDealer employees login to the application with accounts of active directoryUser-friendly screens for quick adaptation.Prevention of incorrect data entry.Ensures that customer info is correct and uniqueBusiness rules can be managed centrally.The I-Pad application improves the brand power of customer's perception that impacts positive effects on AS service quality.The customer doesn't need to wait 2 min more and also have more information in front of their car. There is no paper control.19
Kaizen title: Hand Held Terminals based Outbound OperationsNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Team photoArabian Automobiles Co. LLC Spare Parts Distribution Center (PDC) Team proposal (6 persons)Kaizen applicable situation: Order taking, Customer handling Proposer name (Representative person): Vehicle/Parts delivery Sundaramoorthy S Vehicle receiving (including customer interview) Sundarmoorthy S Manoj M P Sandeep D Telephone handling for customer approvalKaizen Concept: Sebastian L Taha H Sanju SParts picking instruction was changed from an A4 Sheet which had no bar codes (max.of 15 lines/sheet) to a Pick Tag (1 Part/tag) which has all the relevant information forparts Picking process embedded in a bar code.Features:The process followed prior to introduction of HHT in the shipping operations was Pick - Sort - Pack process, in which a individual picker picks parts (individual / multiplecustomers at a time) & leaves it in the pre-dispatch area where parts are Sorted / Checked / Packed customer wise by another Team Member of the shipping operations.With the introduction of HHT's, wherein a new process was introduced : Pick - Check - Pack, where a individual picker at the time of picking itself checks / packs the partscustomer wise & upon completion leaves it in the customer / shipping route defined despatch area.Kaizen content summary (how improved):Parts picking instruction was changed from an A4 Sheet which had no bar codes (maximum of 15 lines/sheet) to a Pick Tag (1 Part/tag) which has all the relevant Sales Order &pick informationBefore Kaizen: 140 Claims - Year 2013 Total claims - 115 904Order Entry Start Order Entry Order book & Pick slip 120 release to WH 100 86 90 79 77 84 80 69 60 77 73 67 68 Manually Sort Pick slips Manually Task of assigning Zone Wise 56 based on Truck Despatch Pick Slips to PickersTask Planning schedule (Single or Multiple customers) 40 20 Move to locations & Pick Complete Picking & move to Drop off the picked parts in 0 parts as per Sales Orders despatch area the inspection areaPicking Master Pick Slip Pick SlipInspection Start inspection of picked parts using Master Consolidate packing Move the inspected / o Complete Outbound Process is manually operated Pick slip customer wise based on truck of all Sales Orders packed boxes to route o No visibility on the status of operations at any given point of time in terms of: despatch schedule wise designated storage Overall lines picked & pending to be pickedShipping Transact orders in Oracle Generate Invoice / Load the delivery Truck departs Actual number of Team members in picking operation based on Inspection Packing list vehicle based on from PDC for Individual Picker productivity is not visible results customer wise unloading sequence delivery o Shipping quality is not good & hence impacting CSAfter Kaizen:Order Entry Start Order Entry Order book & Pick slip release to WHTask Planning Manually Sort Pick Manually Task of assigning slips based on Truck Zone Wise Pick Slips to Pickers Despatch schedule (Single or Multiple customers) Generate the reqd. Prepare appropriate Scan the Pick ID, move to Drop off the Customer 120 Claim Lines - Y'2014 Total claims - 791 number of Customer / required number the Location & complete wise picked parts in thePicking wise Case Labels of shipping boxes Picking customer wise route wise staging location 100.8 100 90.25 90.95 80.75 74.8 80 57.8 45.9 46.75 57.8 51.85 48.45 45.05 At the designated staging location Inspection of the 60 picked parts using Customer wise Master Pick slip basedInspection on the truck despatch schedule 40 20 Based on unloading sequence Scan the dock door, scan a Ship confirm the entire list 0 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Jul;14 Aug'14 Sept'14 Oct'14 Nov'14 Dec'14 move Customer wise cases of a cusomter cases one by one of cases to generate Invoice Jan'14 & Packing List of thatShipping particular customer Truck departs from PDC for delivery particular route to the loading dock & complete loadingHand Held Terminal based Shipping Process: Summary:20
Summary: AAC's Parts Distribution Centre is a state of the art automated facility with modern racking & storage systems assisted with advanced material handling equipment's. The latest technology / automation enables prompt and quicker Parts receiving, storing, picking and shipping functions & at the same time ensure higher stock accuracy to be performed / maintained in the most efficient manner possible & hence achieve - to supply the right part at right time to the customer. The process that is was in the shipping operations was Pick-Sort-Pack process, in which the picker picks parts (individual / multiple customers at a time) & leaves it in the pre- dispatch area where Checking / Sorting / Packing customer wise is carried out by another TM of the shipping operation. Moving ahead with Zone wise picking, a custom designed program was introduced for Hand Held Shipping Operations, which has been developed in-house after extensive study based on Pick-Check-Pack Process. Hand Held Terminals(HHT) were introduced to cover the entire process of Shipping, from Parts Picking to Loading of packed cases into designated trucks. The HHT based operation has proved to be the most economical / relevant process resulting in better productivity, low initial cost, reduced operational area in the Warehouse & higher accuracy in shipping loading / dispatches. Under this process, a picker performs the parts picking based on customer order, packs in relevant shipping boxes at the time of picking itself & once completed drops off the completed shipping cases for dispatch at the designated shipping area for the respective Branch / Dealer. Further, as soon as all the packed cases for a customer are loaded in the truck, the Invoice & packing list are generated immediately. This process eliminates one complete step of shipping operations i.e. the Checking / Issuing step. Benefits: 1. Real time Inventory as well as Stock accuracy can be maintained at higher level 2. Higher Productivity 3. Every process / step of Shipping Operation is traceable on a real time basis 4. Improved Picking / Shipping quality 5. Faster picking & packing leading to reduced process time that can improve CS levels 6. Inconsistency/variance between the picked items and the Sales Orders are immediately detected and raised for remediation. 7. Minimized the utilization of A4 Size Papers Key Success Factors: 1. Program has been developed with the support of in-house IT department to reduce the module development cost. 2. Complete transparency in the whole process for all stake holders of the Supply Chain (Dealer on-line system/branches) 3. Separate printers installed to print the zone wise detailed pick slip (for pickers)Advantage's / Benefits:1. Achieved higher picking Productivity2. Improved Picking / Shipping quality3. Every process / step of Shipping Operation is traceable on a real time basis4. Inconsistency / variance between the picked items & the Sales Orders are immediately detected & raised for remediation.5. Provide to Branches / Dealers the relevant Invoice / Packing details based on actual loading of Shipping Cases6. Provide ASN to Branches / Dealers about the order dispatch details7. Complete transparency in the whole process for all stake holders of the Supply Chain (Dealer on-line system/branches)8. Provided opportunity to create complete Parts Operations real time Dashboard9. Minimized the utilization of A4 Size Papers10. Program has been developed with the support of in-house IT department to reduce the module development cost.11. Introduced HHT based operations at all the branches in AAC - AS networkSuccess Story:1. Program has been developed with the support of in-house IT department to reduce the module development cost.2. Introduced HHT based operations at all the branches in AAC - AS network21
NSC name: Branch name: Kaizen title: Service Advisor Guidebook Proposer/team photo Proposer info: Arabian Automobiles Co. National Service Department Individual proposal or team proposal ( 2 persons)Kaizen applicable situation: Order taking, Customer handling Proposer name (Representative person): Vehicle/Parts delivery Subramanyam N.K./ Domingo Ortega, Jr. Vehicle receiving (including customer interview) Telephone handling for customer approvalKaizen Concept:SA Guidebook: The customer side of the guidebook shows visual representations ofparts or components in question thereby providing customer a mental image of thetopic for easier understanding.The service advisor side of the guidebook shows simple and relevant information aboutthe subject allowing him to explain clearly while avoiding the use of technical jargons.Features:Service Guidebook contains Maintenance Service information with visual representation of vehicle parts /components and detailed explanation guide for Service advisors, toprovide a clear explanation to the customer during the consulting and delivery process.Information was also arranged in an simple and organized manner so that the Service Advisor can easily navigate the guidebook.Kaizen content summary (how improved):An effective guidebook developed, consisting of repair and maintenance service information, with visual representation for enhancing the quality of communication withCustomers during telephone enquiry, consulting and delivery processes.Before Kaizen:Illustrated boards were displayed at Service reception for customer awareness on the importance of maintenance Service. However, due to limited information on the board,Service Advisors had difficulty in providing an elaborate and convincing explanation to customers related to service. Moreover, it was practically inconvenient for the Serviceadvisors to refer to the board at all times especially during telephone enquiry, consulting or delivery process for a detailed explanation to customer. Illustrated board is provided but Limited Information on no detailed explanation guide the board does not available for the service advisor. satisfy customer expectations. Customer and service advisor had to approach the board for the explanation process causing inconvenience to both. As a result, SA often skipped the explanation process, which adversely affected the CS attribute scores.22
After Kaizen:A table top guidebook was developed with all the necessary Maintenance Service information, with visual representation and detailed explanation guide for Service advisors, toprovide a clear explanation to the customer during the consulting and delivery process. It also helped improve the communication during telephone enquiries handled by theCLOs. Information provided includes: *Function of mechanism *Need for Maintenance *Parts replacement Interval *Job done during PMS Customer's side Service Advisor's sideVisual representations of Relevant and simplified information about the required parts or components, help guide the SA for a clear explanation avoiding parts or components helped customers use of technical jargons for better customer understanding understand the service Contents of the guidebook requirements better are better organized for easy identification of the required information Both customer and service advisor can be Numbered page tabs seated comfortably during the explanation are provided for easy process. navigationImpact on CS due to implementation of SA explanation table top tool for below mentioned Attributes :1. Explanation at vehicle receiving2. Explanation at vehicle delivery3. SA knowledgeAdvantage's / Benefits:\"Customer's side\"Shows visual representations of parts or components in question thereby providing customer a mental image of the topic for easier understanding.\"Service Advisor's side\"Shows simple and relevant information about the subject allowing him to explain clearly while avoiding the use of technical jargons.\"Service Advisor's communication with customers was improved by providing visual representations for customer and simple relevant information for service advisors to guidethem in explaining during consultation and delivery process. The Service advisor guide was also an effective tool for service advisors and Customer Liaison Officers duringtelephone inquiries as reference while conversing with customers.Success Story:Improved on CS due to implementation of SA explanation table top tool for below mentioned Attributes :1. Explanation at vehicle receiving, 2. Explanation at vehicle delivery, 3.SA knowledge.23
Kaizen title: DIGITAL SIGNAGE BOARD PROJECTNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Proposer/team photoNISSAN OTOMOTIV AS / TURKEY ALL DEALERS Individual proposal or team proposal ( TEAM ) please attach clear photo hereKaizen applicable situation: Order taking, Customer handling Proposer name (Representative person): Vehicle/Parts delivery MURAT EKMEKCI Vehicle receiving (including customer interview) Telephone handling for customer approvalDKaeiazleenrsChoandcebpete:n used handwritten Periodical Maintenance boards beforeimplementation.On the previous board, Periodical Maintenance Price changes can be updated manuallyand very hard because of all price can be changes with handwrittenPrevious boards can not covered when new model vehicles has been lunch such as T32,J11, K13, E12,..etc.Features:Digital signage boards have been installed to all dealers customer lounge area . By using software any type of data can be presented onboards. Actual PMS data oradvertisements can be presented.Kaizen content summary (how improved):Other brand's Digital Boards has been analysed for benchmark. Screen designs has been determined and shared with two different 3rd part companies.Two different companies system has been implemented as pilot in two different dealersDealer implementation has been completed less than one month. (Mid of November ‘14)Before Kaizen: Dealers had been used handwritten Periodical Maintenance boards before implementation. On the previous board, Periodical Maintenance Price changes can be updated manually and very hard because of all price can be changes with handwritten. Previous boards can not covered when new model vehicles has been lunch such as T32, J11, K13, E12,..etc.After Kaizen: All dealers are using updated and actual PM prices. Local sublet and oil prices can be changed by dealers.(Compliance availability.) On the Digital Signage boards, After Sales Advertisements has been shown to customers such as - Accessories video films, - After sales campaign visuals (3+ Menu Campaigns, Seasonal After Sales Campaigns, etc.) - Branded kasko İnsurance visuals (Nis Kasko) - Vehicle Sales Advertisement films ( QASHQAI , X-Trail , Micra ,Juke , Navara ..etc.) , - Local Campaign and Activities ( Dealer based ) So Digital Signage Board effects dealers and Nissan Otomotiv AS operations directly. Benefits: - Nissan Brand Empowerment - Upselling and profit increase with using After Sales Campaigns, Marketing activities, Advertisements - Online , centralized and integrated by NOAS - Integrated with social media such as Facebook and Twitter - All price changes can be updated automatically. - Daily city weather status will be informed for every dealers . - Local dealer activates can be shown related dealers screensAdvantage's / Benefits:All dealers are using updated and actual PM prices. Local sublet and oil prices can be changed by dealers. (Compliance availability.)On the Digital Signage boards, After Sales Advertisements has been shown to customers such as accessories video films, After sales campaign visuals (3+ Menu Campaigns,Seasonal After Sales Campaigns, etc.),Branded kasko Insurance visuals (Nis Kasko)Vehicle Sales Advertisement films (QASHQAI, X-Trail , Micra ,Juke , Navara, etc.)Local Campaign and Activities (Dealer based )So Digital Signage Board effects dealers and Nissan Otomotiv AS operations directly.Nissan Brand EmpowermentUpselling and profit increase with using After Sales Campaigns, Marketing activities, AdvertisementsOnline , centralized and integrated by NOASIntegrated with social media such as Facebook and TwitterAll price changes can be updated automatically.Daily city weather status will be informed for every dealers .Local dealer activities can be shown related dealers screens24
Kaizen title: Parts Operations DashboardNSC name: Branch name: Proposer info: Team photoArabian Automobiles Co. LLC Spare Parts Distribution Center (PDC) Team proposal (5 persons)Kaizen applicable situation: Proposer name (Representative person): Vehicle receiving (including customer interview) Order taking, Customer handling Telephone handling for customer approval Parts Receiving & Delivery Sundaramoorthy S Sandeep D Sundaramoorthy SKaizen Concept: Noorudhin S Taha H Sanju SWith the complete Parts operations under HHT environment, Oracle EBS interphasedwith Oracle Apex system to generate & display the daily Parts operations KPI's on a real-time basis (Individual Binning / Picking Productivity, Pending Pick Lines Status, Vehicleloading status etc.).Features:Real time status of both Inbound & Outbound operations which isKaizen content summary (how improved):With the complete Parts operations under HHT environment, Oracle EBS interphased with Oracle Apex system to generate & display the daily Parts operations KPI's on a real-time basis (Individual Binning / Picking Productivity, Pending Pick Lines Status, Vehicle loading status etc.).Before Kaizen: - Daily Parts operations report prepared & shared with all key Warehouse operations staff the next day - No clarity / visibility in terms of individual productivity or Sales orders status etc. in the Parts operations to the Ware House team members - Due to absence of visibility, not able to handle abnormalities in the Outbound operations which were affecting the delivery schedules to customers - No clarity to Parts management on the Daily Parts operationsAfter Kaizen:o Utilizing the real time data that is being generated in Parts Operations through the Hand Held terminals, In-house IT team has developed the Dash boards which give thestatus of operations (both Receiving & Shipping) on a real time basis.o Following are the processes whose real time status can be navigated viewed using the dash boards Inbound Operations • Warehouse zone wise Binning • Resource wise (Team member) binning productivity Outbound Operations • Overall Picking • Customer class wise picking • Zone wise Picking status • TM wise Productivity (Overall / Hour wise) • Route wise Pending lines • Dock Door Status • Customer class wise pending statusObjective:AAC - After Sales has always been an epitome of success with innovations which has been driven by Passion for excellence. This in turn has led the Parts operations to innovate& introduce the Hand Held Terminals in the Outbound Operations in PDC – DIC resulting in complete automation of the Parts Operations. This automation has given PartsOperations the opportunity to take advantage of the accurate data available in Oracle System on a real time basis, utilization of this accurate data facilitated in making the realtime display of the complete array of Warehouse Operations KPI relating to Inbound and Outbound Process in terms of Dashboards which are very essential to maintain highstandards in the operations & at the same time achieve higher operational efficiency; the main benefits that can be derived from the Dashboards are as mentioned below: o Complete transparency in the Parts operations at PDC - DIC Dash Board in Operations Area o Real time work progress / pending work load status o Performance dashboards provide actionable information o Assistance to plan the complete work load at any point of time o Performance dashboards encourage people to work harder out of pride o Assists WH Managers to conduct frequent &constructive performance reviews o Assists in maintaining high quality in the complete WH Operations o Guides for accuracy in loading of customer packed casesAdvantage's / Benefits:Parts Operations KPI relating to Inbound and Outbound Process can be easily controlled with the visualization of the KPI's on real-time basis which also assists in maintaininghigh standards in the operations & at the same time achieve higher operational efficiency1. Complete transparency in the Parts operations at PDC -DIC2. Real time work progress / pending work load status3. Performance dashboards provide actionable information4. Assistance to plan the complete work load at any point of time5. Performance dashboards encourage people to work harder out of pride6. Assists WH Managers to conduct frequent & constructive performance reviews7. Assists in maintaining high quality in the complete WH Operations8. Guides for accuracy in loading of customer packed casesSuccess Story1. Program has been developed with the support of in-house IT department2. This dashboard concept has been successfully launched in the AAC Service department as well25
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