Business Communication And Ethics
Author Miss. Ankita Singh TECMPN3 14102C2053
Acknowledgements An outstanding group of people have come togetherto make this book possible .and I would like to thankthem.To start with my colleagues who gave their activeparticipation in all the group activities without them thiswouldn’t have been possibleSaachi Suvarna
Rohan PatilSangam Kaware Shweta Mahajan
GuideMrs. Avila Naik
TABLE OF CONTENTSREPORT WRITING....................................... 3 Synopsis of project report ............................. 4INTERPERSONAL SKILLS.......................... 7 LinkedIn profile.............................................. 8MEETING AND DOCUMENTATION ............ 9 Notice ............................................................................12 Video .............................................................................13 CORPORATE ETHICS AND ETIQUTTES ...14 Mini Presentation .....................................................15 EMPLOYMENT SKILLS........................................16 Resume .......................................................................17 Video .............................................................................18
ASSIGNMENT NO.1CHAPTER: - REPORT WRITINGTOPIC: - Synopsis of project reportCONCEPTA report is written for a clear purpose and to aparticular audience. Specific information and evidenceare presented, analyzed and applied to a particularproblem or issue. The information is presented in aclearly structured format making use of sections andheadings so that the information is easy to locate andfollow.When you are asked to write a report you will usuallybe given a report brief which provides you withinstructions and guidelines. The report brief mayoutline the purpose, audience and problem or issuethat your report must address, together with anyspecific requirements for format or structure. This guideoffers a general introduction to report writing; be surealso to take account of specific instructions provided byyour department.
Project Synopsis BORSTAL 3/9/2015TeamProject Leader: 14102C2056 Kaware SangamTeam Members:Roll No Names14102C2047 Mahajan Shweta14102C2049 Suvarna Saachi14102C2053 Singh Ankita14102C2057 Patil Rohan Submitted to Mrs. Avila Naik
Objective:Borstal Schools are a type of youth detention center and are usedexclusively for the imprisonment of minors or juveniles. The primaryobjective of Borstal Schools is to ensure care, welfare and rehabilitationof young offenders in an environment suitable for children and keep themaway from contaminating atmosphere of the prison. The juveniles inconflict with law detained in Borstal Schools are provided variousvocational training and education with the help of trained teachers. Theemphasis is given on the education, training and moral influenceconducive for their reformation and prevention of crime.However, the facilities provided to these juveniles in these borstals are notefficient. According to the news the borstals are in various states of Indianot sufficient for their accommodation. The school at Pudukottai, whichhad an original sanctioned strength of only 40, had 458 inmates at onepoint of time, a rights activist said, adding that perhaps this prompted thegovernment to convert 10 more sub-jails and special sub-jails into Borstalschools. The government should look into this issue more precisely so thatthe juveniles have good conditions to nurture.The girls are not being segregated which creates an uncomfortableenvironment for the girls to live there.Details:In spite of the laws made in India for borstal schools various news comeup about the different issues going on there like: Quality of training and working condition in the borstal Quality and quantity of essential resources provided to the offenders Capacity of borstal and the actual demand for accommodation Physical/mental abuse done to the offenders by the officials or inmates if any
Post detention life of the offendersUsefulness and Innovativeness: The offenders will get an better environment to live If the training and education is given in an right manner they will have an successful after life Not only training if the offenders are given sessions on morals, it will help them in gaining confidence and having an positive attitude towards life
ASSIGNMENT NO.2&3CHAPTER: - INTERPERSONALSKILLS TOPIC:-Create Linkedin profile and connect with the teacher for approvalCONCEPTLinkedIn is a social networking sitedesigned specifically for the businesscommunity. The goal of the site is toallow registered members to establishand document networks of people they know and trustprofessionally.
ASSIGNMENT NO.4CHAPTER: - MEETING ANDDOCUMENTATIONTOPIC: - Draft a notice, agenda and the minutesof the meeting related to the discussion of theprojectCONCEPTNotice of a Meeting:When a meeting is to be convened, a notice is requiredto be sent to all who are to attend it.It should satisfy these conditions:1. It should be under proper authority2. It should state the name of the organization3. It should state the day, date, time, and place. Also,sometimes, how to reach the place4. It should be well in advance. Some require sevendays’ notice, some 48 hours
5. It should state the purpose and, if possible, theagenda6. It should carry the date of circulation andconvener’s/secretary’s signature7. It should go to all persons required at the meetAgenda:As stated earlier, an agenda is the list of items to beconsidered at a meeting. It is also called business ororder of businessHere are some guidelines for listing the items:1. Apologies from absent members (need not bewritten previously)2. Condolences if any (may or may not be writtenpreviously)3. Reading and approval of minutes of the last meet4. Matters arising out of previous meet’s minutes (thisneed not always be mentioned)5. Urgent and non-controversial items6. Matters requiring closer discussion and debates7. Any new, on-the-spot items with the approval of thechairman
8. Date of the next meet.Minutes of the Meeting:The minutes of a meeting are the record of thediscussions/decisions therein. They have an officialstatus; they are useful in law, and in some casesrequired by law to be written. Minutes are final whenthey are approved by the members of the group towhich they relate, generally in the next meeting, andsigned by the chairperson.The overall minutes should give:1. The name of the organization/ unit2. Day, date, time and place3. Number in order (e.g. 33rd meeting of…)4. Names of chairperson and secretary5. Names of members present6. Names of the absent7. Attendees by special invitation, e.g. auditor, caterer,etc.8. Record of the transactions (on the guidelines givenabove)9. Signature of secretary and, after approval, that of thechairman.
Team Meeting AgendaMeeting InformationObjective : To create a schedule and assign tasks for our survey.Date : 09-10-2015Time : 09:00 A.M.Venue : M-303, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, WadalaCalled By : Mr. Sangam Kaware Attendees : Ms. Shweta Mahajan (14102C2047) Ms. Saachi Suvarna (14102C2049) Ms. Ankita Singh (14102C2053) Mr. Sangam Kaware (14102C2056) Mr. Rohan Patil (14102C2057)Agenda Overview1. Reading the Agenda.2. Discussing about the goals to be achieved.3. Dividing the tasks among the team members.4. Deciding Schedule.5. Question and Answer session.6. Conclusion by Secretary.Next MeetingDate : 16-10-2015Time : 9:00 A.M.Venue : M-303, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, WadalaOther Notes or Information:Everyone must be formally dressed.____________________________ ______________________Recorded by: Date:
ASSIGNMENT NO. 5&6CHAPTER: - INTRODUCTIONTO CORPORATE ETHICS ANDETIQUETTESTOPIC: - Mini presentation on dress etiquetteCONCEPTA presentation is the process of presenting a topic toan audience. It is typically a demonstration, lecture, orspeech meant to inform, persuade, or build good will.The term can also be used for a formal or ritualizedintroduction or offering, as with the presentation of adebutante.
ASSIGNMENT NO.7 & 8CHAPTER: - EMPLOYMENTSKILLSTOPIC: - Draft your resume and submit a softcopy of the sameVideo recording of the mock interviewCONCEPTA résumé is a document used by persons to presenttheir backgrounds and skills. Résumés can be used fora variety of reasons, but most often they are used tosecure new employment. A typical résumé contains a\"summary\" of relevant job experience and education,
SINGH ANKITA RAJESHE-mail ID:[email protected] Mobile No.: +91 8879844110ADDRESS: 19/550, Sheetal co-operative housing society, Pantnagar, Ghatkopar (east), Mumbai-400075OBJECTIVETo work in organization where culture of freedom and working for initiatives is ensured , facilitating mycontribution through thoughts and actions to the company’s vision and thus achieve self development by playinga significant role in building the organization.ACADEMIC PROFILEDegree Bachelor of Engineering SGPA Year of PassingBranch Computer 7.10 2015Examinations YearUniversity B.E. 2nd yearCollege Mumbai University Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Wadala, Mumbai.Examination Diploma in Computer EngineeringPercentage 83.24%Year Of PassingCollege 2014 Vivekanand Education Society’s Ploytechnic,MumbaiExamination Secondary School Certificate ( SSC )Aggregate Percentage 84.91%Year Of Passing 2011School Dominic Savio Vidyalaya, Ghatkopar, Mumbai-400075.TECHNICAL SKILLSProgramming languages: Java, VB.Web Technologies: HTML, CSS.DBMS: SQL.Office Tools: MS office.Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows/Linux.
PROJECT DETAILSNAME OF PROJECT: Corporate Recruitment System.Period: 2013 - 2014Abstract: Our project Corporate Recruitment System (CRS) program is a system used to apply for jobs thissystem eases the work of the HR panel to select the most efficient and best fir match for a particular job. It is atwo way system which eases the work of the applicant as well as intervieweeEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Worked as a Volunteer in inter-college Techno-Cultural fest named, ‘ANVESH’2012. Participated in ‘Loophole+ Ethical Hacking Workshop’2012 Worked as a Event Head in inter-college Techno- Cultural fest named ,‘ANVESH’2013. Participated in fashion show in intercollegiate festival ,‘VERVE’2015.PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth : 23-04-1996. Gender : Female. Marital Status : Single. Nationality : Indian. Languages Known : English,Hindi and Marathi. Hobby : Sketching, Acting, DancingDECLARATIONI hereby declare that the information given herewith is correct to my knowledge and I will responsible for anydiscrepancy.Place: MumbaiDate: 31/08/2015 Signature (ANKITA SINGH)
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