This newsletter contains content emanating solely from DISCLAIMER the minds of the students of the University of Hyderabad. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing statement, we do not represent, warrant, undertake, or guarantee that the information in the newsletter is true, correct, accurate, complete, or non- misleading. We are not liable for any special, indirect, or consequential deceit or umbrage deemed by the reader.
Welcome to Precis The Precis Team is glad to announce that we are presently working towards creating a monthly E-newsletter, the first of its kind, by the students of CIS (College for Integrated Studies, University of Hyderabad). We have taken up this initiative to provide a platform for our fellow UoH members to showcase their talents, both artistic and critical. We want to create a network across campus and provide a space where people with similar interests can bond. This newsletter will consist of everything; poems, stories, articles, artwork, photography, diary entries, movie reviews, columns, experiences etc. of all languages. We want everyone to step forward and exhibit their passions and skills, even anonymously if they wish to. Through this newsletter we hope to achieve everything mentioned above. This is an exciting step for the students of CIS and we will work towards ensuring this is a success. We look forward to your love and support.
A message from the Director Dear Students, It gives me immense pleasure to see the first e newsletter of CIS being brought out by students. At CIS we have always believed that there is no single fixed definition of success. Grades in the transcript may have their own significance in life but they do not make or break any of us. Talent hidden inside us also manifests our personality and determines the meaning of success and satisfaction for each one of us. I am sure the newsletter would provide a platform to everyone to showcase their creativity and also to air their thoughts for everyone to hear. In these unusual times of lockdown, when physical contact is not there between us, the newsletter would bring us together and allow us to be connected, even if it is through thoughts. I once again congratulate the whole team behind it and wish them all success. Thanks, Stay Safe, Sanjay Subodh
Copyright Infringement in any form is Strictly Prohibited. COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957 The Indian copyright law protects literary works, dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph films and sound recordings. The author of the work is considered as the first owner under the Copyright Act. However, the nature of ownership differs according to the nature of work. In a 2016 copyright lawsuit, the High Court states that copyright is \"not an inevitable, divine, or natural right that confers on authors the absolute ownership of their creations. It is designed rather to stimulate activity and progress in the arts for the intellectual enrichment of the public. Copyright is intended to increase and not to impede the harvest of knowledge. It is intended to motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors in order to benefit the public.“ The fair dealing approach is clearly limited towards the purposes of private or personal use, including research and education, criticism or review. Reporting of current events and current affairs, including the reporting of a lecture delivered in public. Term of copyright in published literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works: Except as otherwise hereinafter provided, copyright shall exist in any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work published within the lifetime of the author until sixty years from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the author dies. The importation of copies of any literary or artistic work, such as labels, company logos or promotional or explanatory material, that is absolutely incidental to other goods or products being imported lawfully. \"Communication to the public\" means making any work or performance available for being seen or heard or otherwise enjoyed by the public directly or by any means of display or diffusion other than by issuing physical copies of it, whether simultaneously or at places and times chosen individually, regardless of whether any member of the public actually sees, hears or otherwise enjoys the work or performance so made available. Any work shall not be applied to any medium or mode of exploitation which did not exist or was not in commercial use at the time when the it was made, unless the work specifically referred to such medium or mode of exploitation of the work. Plagiarism, replicas or duplicates are not encouraged in any form or by any means. In case of any usage of other works, an appropriate citation or reference is to be given. No content is to be reproduced in any from or medium without a prior notice and permission of the rightful owner. In case of any broadcasting organisation desirous of communicating to the public, by way of a broadcast or by way of performance of any work which has already been published, the broadcasting organisation shall give prior notice, in such manner as may he prescribed, of its intention to broadcast the work stating the duration and territorial coverage of the broadcast.
Table of Contents 07 Artwork by G. Vijayalakshmi (19IAMP09) 08 “An analogical illustration of Trauma” by Swapna 01 News Polali (18IPMH17) …8 Film Review: The man from Earth (2007) by Aman (19IAMS14) …9 02 Photography by Hemanth Vishwa (17IHML12) 09 My Bahubali “Stunts” by J.P. Dhanakonda 03 “Building Bridges” by Disha Atukuri (19IMMM21) (19IAMP14) 04 Lockdown Diary by Devi A (19IPMP16) 05 …2 06 …10 Role of Nato and the Warsaw Pact: Re-examined by Anurag Dwibhashyam (19IAMS03) 10 Photography by Divya Erramilli (19IPMH12) “मेरे श्याम आओ “ by Khurram Muraad Siddiquie …3 (19IHML03) …11 Photography by Aswathy Vinod (19ILMB07) 11 “కర్పూర్ వసంతరాయలు” by Naidugari Lokanath “Pawsome Anecdotes” by Aditi Kakkad (19ICMC04) (19IAME09) …12 …4 Artwork by Reshma Hari (19ICMC06) 12 “I climb up the stairs” by Raghav R (19IAME05) “നീ അന്നെന്ന്നെ കളിപ്പാട്ടം “ by Chithal Photography by Manaswitha T (19ICMC12) …5 …14 The Missing Girls of India: UNFPA Report 2020 by 13 Credits Subhanjali Saraswati (19IAMP12) …15 …6
UoH ranked Number Four in the Country UoH- Institute of Eminence and number One in South India in The Week-Hansa Research Rankings of 2020 “Institution of Eminence (IoE)” is the dream project of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, that reinforces the Union Government's The University of commitment to improve the quality of higher education in the country. Hyderabad has been “It is our commitment to empower Higher. Educational Institutions to help ranked at the fourth them become world class teaching and research institutions. An enabling position, among the best regulatory architecture will be provided to ten public and ten private Universities in the Country institutions to emerge as world-class Teaching and Research institutions. by The Week-HANSA This will enhance affordable access to high quality education for ordinary research survey for the Indians”. - Prof Appa Rao Podile, Vice Chancellor, University of Hyderabad. year 2020. UoH was successful in maintaining QS World Rankings its position at number four that it got in 2019. University of Hyderabad has been placed among the “Top 101-150 It us also noteworthy that UoH has been ranked at the first position fastest growing institutions in the among the top multidisciplinary Universities in the South. World Under 50 years” category, by the prestigious QS World Rankings. UoH gets record Applications amidst Pandemic This makes University of Hyderabad, the only The ongoing Coronavirus Multidisciplinary Public University pandemic has not dampened the among the 2.67% institutions from enthusiasm of those seeking to India to figure in the list. study at University of Hyderabad. Upholding its Institution Eminence status, the University received a record number of 62,853 applications this year for 2456 seats in 132 postgraduate and research programmes. The number of applications received last year was approximately 56,000. 1
Building Bridges - Disha Atukuri (19IMMM21) Fear constructs walls, it does not build bridges. We construct the walls, and break down the bridges. It is we, Who shut the door of opportunity? It is we, Who intensifies the pain? It is our deeds, which abate the gain. We bring it on ourselves, we invigorate it more, and we are disregardful, to the effect of its forge. I do not want to live in confine; I want a life of liberty, I want to build bridges, not install walls. These two images were shot on different days at different places. One from South Junction and the other when I was sitting on white rocks on a lazy Friday. The two pictures are not related to each other, but together, they let the viewer create another image in his/her mind. - Hemanth Vishwa (17IHML12) 2
ROLE OF NATO AND THE Now unpacking a little history, the story goes WARSAW PACT: RE-EXAMINED back to the reunification of Germany, when the Soviet Union had troops deployed in the then East - Anurag Dwibhashyam Germany and were (19IAMS03) concerned about their borders, as they had to Amid the media’s fetish with President Trump’s remove them. grandiloquence, the outcome of the July 11-12, 2019 Then Gorbachev came up with an unwritten pact, in which he assured that he NATO meeting got lost, though the “Summer would remove his troops, as long as NATO stops recruiting members from the Declaration'' makes for a clear-headed reading. The Soviet dominated Warsaw Pact. media documents reported that there is an “upgraded military readiness” and is “harshly critical of Russia,” But after the Pact getting dissolved, President Clinton intervened in the civil war and couldn’t provide further details beyond that. But between Serbs and Albanians over the Serbian Province of Kosovo. With the US’s the press can’t tend to ignore it, as every detail matter, “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine, NATO opened a massive 11-week bombing because that’s where the devil is obscure. campaign against Serbia. With the “Readiness Initiative”, which beefed up all the From Moscow’s point of view, the war was naval, air and ground forces in the eastern part of the unnecessary. But NATO virtually demanded a large alliance, now NATO is moving to base troops in Latvia, force that would be immune from Serbian law. And Estonia, Czech Republic and Poland. By inviting finally, NATO was successful in scooping out a part Ukraine and Georgia to join them, some of these forces of Serbia to form Kosovo. But it didn’t stop there. It might end up deploying troops on Moscow’s southern recruited the former Warsaw pact members of and Western borders. Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania. With the troops getting into an eye-to-eye position, even Hence, it’s finally time to rethink alliances, keeping in mind that NATO is a a small sparkle from the regional military commanders brainchild of the cold war and Russia is not the same Soviet Union. The old way of could be conjured up as a crisis-to-conflict situation. thinking is way-far outdated and also dangerous. It’s time for NATO to go the way More than 60 such incidents have been recorded in 2018, of the Warsaw Pact. as per the European Leadership Council. 3
PAWSOME ANECDOTES - Aditi Kakkad (19ICMC04) Pawsome anecdotes are a collection of my personal experiences of living with pet dogs for more than 14 years now. These experiences will be brought to the readers in the form of short amusing and interesting stories about all those real-life incidences which took place around me while I grew up with my pets. Most episodes in this narration will revolve around three pet dogs of mine: Chimpu, Titu, and Bosco. Some stories may have guest appearances who will be introduced as the piece of writing develops in that episode. EPISODE 1: BOSCO’S ANTICS Bosco has been a loner ever since When he was done with the latter kind of game, he came up with a my oldies dogs and his young age weird new game. companions passed away. He placed a single fritter neatly on the ground and started rolling with Nevertheless, he seems to enjoy his his belly turned up right next to the fritter. After a good session of own company to the fullest. At rubbing his back on the ground, he stood up and examined how the times his means of keeping himself fritter smelled. I couldn’t understand this game pattern until The red-whiskered bulbul, or crested bulbul, is a engaged are creepy and hilarious. it struck me what poor Bosco might resident frugivore found mainly in tropical Asia. They actually be imagining. He must are about roughly 20 cm in length with brown upper- Bosco can play with almost have imagined himself rolling over parts and whitish underparts with buff flanks and a anything. Indeed anything. Be it the fritter to make the fritter smell dark spur running onto the breast at shoulder level. tennis balls, squishy toys, dead of himself. Maybe He was also It has a tall, pointed black crest, red face patch and bodies, or even food. imagining himself getting a back thin, black moustachial line. The tail is long and massage with the soft fritter. brown with white terminal feather tips, but the vent I remember this one time when he area is red. Juveniles lack the red patch behind the had managed to get himself some 4 eyes, and the vent area is rufous-orange. sweet fritters from my mom. After eating as much as he could Bosco - Aswathy Vinod (19ILMB07) started playing with the rest of the fritters by throwing them and jumping around them.
- Reshma Hari (19ICMC06) നീ അന്നെന്ന്നെ കളിപ്പാട്ടം - Chithal നീ അന്നെന്ന്നെ കളിപ്പാട്ടം തച്ചുടച്ച് പിണങ്ങി പപായപപ്പാൾ ഉണ്ടായ അപത ഭാരമാണ് ഇെ് കാലങ്ങൾക്കിപ്പുെം നീ നമ്മുന്നട സൗഹൃദന്നെ തച്ചുടച്ച് പപായപപ്പാഴും ഞാൻ അനുഭവിച്ചത്... കളിപ്പാട്ടങ്ങൾ നാം വീണ്ടും ഒരുപാട് വാങ്ങിയത് പപാന്നല നമ്മുന്നട സൗഹൃദവും പുനർജ്ജനിക്കുന്നമെ എന്ന്നെ മണ്ടൻ പതാൊലാവാം ചിലപപ്പാൾ അതിന് കാരണം... പപേ ഇെ് നാം ആ കുട്ടികളലല. കാലം കണ്ണുകൾ ചൂഴ്ന്ന്നെടുെ ഒരു പഴഞ്ചൻ പാവക്കുട്ടിന്നയപപ്പാന്നല നമ്മുന്നട സൗഹൃദം മറ്റാർക്കും പ്പപവശനമിലാല െ നമ്മുന്നട മനസ്സിന്ന്നെ ഒഴിഞ്ഞ മുെിയിൽ ഉെങ്ങന്നട്ട. തനിച്ചിരിക്കുപപാൾ നമ്മുന്നട നലല ഓർമ്മകൾ അവൾക്ക് താരാട്ട് പാടുെത് നമുക്ക് പകട്ടിരിക്കാം.. 5
The Missing Girls of India: UNFPA Report 2020 “And If I were dead, it would be just the same!” ~ Lady Orlando, Orlando, Virginia Woolf. - Subhanjali Saraswati (19IAMP12) The philosophy of nihilism stands to be truer for women today than in The study of the relation of cases of Hepatitis B with the birth of the past times, for so many go missing! The word being a deceitful term male babies, as presented in the Journal of Political Economy by the same way ‘misplaced’ is used for the word ‘lost’. “Missing” is used Emily Oster, does not stand to explain cases in India beyond 20 for presumed dead, murdered or killed. To be directly stating facts or percent. Moreover, the rise in education levels also does not serve being straightforward is after all a sham in this world. to solve the ingrained biases about gender. States in North and Western India have way lower sex ratio than the rest of the country, The phrase “Missing Women” was coined by Amartya Sen in 1990, to however, this delineated idea stands true for urban areas as well. point towards the discrepancy in the number of women as compared to the women who are expected to exist. The 2020 UNFPA Report states Countless women are subject to physical as well as psychological that: 4,60,000 Girls in India Are Missing at Birth. Presumably dead, for harm daily, leading them to be incapable of reaching their full rarely do any of them reappear. This is despite research pointing to the potential. The cultural acceptability of the practices such as fact that male babies are more inherently vulnerable to infant mortality female genital mutilation, child marriage, son preference results than females. According to a research by Ingrid Waldron, published in in reinforcement of age-old stereotypes and gender inequalities the Journal of Social Science and Medicine, X-linked immunoregulatory over the years. genes appear to contribute to greater female resistance to infectious diseases, especially in infants. This biological advantage serves to The first and primary notable pointers of the biases that exist are improve the sex ratio in favour of female babies, instead, the long- the non-existence of girls. They aren’t allowed to exist. Female standing “son-preference” and cultural behaviours stand to oppose the Foeticide, and Infanticide despite being banned continue to be ‘natural selection’. practised today. According to the Lancet Global Health, there were Contemporary literature and research regarding the subject, attempt to approximately 15.6 million abortions in India in 2015 alone. Legal explain the great discrepancy of sex ratio (According to Census of 2011 Measures prove to be barely a solution to the societal evils. the sex ratio was 94:100). 6
Female children are unwanted, and especially the rising commercial aspects of resulted in the conclusion that the social therefore either neglected or obliterated. marriages today result in the heightening of the expectations surrounding normative The preferences of male babies is so high, son’s preference. Education only serves to be a behaviour are a major obstacle for those that couples go to great lengths to avoid heightening factor for enabling the same, the who might otherwise wish to abandon a giving birth to a female child. Seen as a knowledge of Sex-selective abortions, as well discriminatory norm. The gender and financial burden with little to no use in this as scientific methods of disposing off infants, power dynamics require a radical change world beyond the management of the and being able to keep the activities “hidden”. in order to eliminate discriminatory domestic sphere, the issue lies in the long- The deeply entrenched casteist norms and patterns of collective behaviour. The need standing misogynistic and biased ideals notions, patriarchy and machismo only serve to to keep up with social expectations and that are believed to be the God’s word in heighten the difference in India as compared to the desire to belong to the community at many cultures. This along with the current its neighbouring countries. large is what results in the propagation of trends to limit population, results in the the discriminatory practices. Collective transformation of neglect of girl children, to The ‘Girl Child Protection Scheme’ in Tamil behaviour of the masses may be them being erased as an option. Nadu, the ‘Ladli’ scheme in Delhi or the ‘Beti redirected towards an equitable Bachao Beti Padhao Andolan’, serves to reform understanding of gender, by exploiting The other option being, human trafficking, the long-standing biases. The mothers seldom these very ideals. for even a little commercial benefit via have a choice, for they are faced with violence commodification (Marxist theory) is a and abandonment if they produce female In simpler words, indirectly making benefit to an economy based on classism. It children instead of male ones. Self Help Groups, people believe and understand the fact is but the trouble of the times. and the economic incentives only serve to solve that gender equality is what has been the problem a little. preached for generations, and that it is a The lack of employment opportunities for right and morally correct thing to do is highly educated women, along with the According to the UNFPA Report on “How the simplest way we can achieve it. To prevalent norms of cultural dowry, Changing Social Norms is Crucial in Achieving allow the girls to stay in their place, Gender Equality”, Applications of Game Theory instead of getting ‘lost’ or go ‘missing’ at have birth, we must be crafty and wicked witches and poison the minds of men to believe that those that come after us are rightfully placed on earth by the Goddess to bless the earth with Goodness. Only then can they be truly Empowered! 7
An analogical illustration of Trauma - Swapna Polali (18IPMH17) - G. Vijayalakshmi (19IAMP09) Add A Footer 148
FILM REVIEW: THE MAN The conversation is captivating, the casting is thought, ideas and possibilities, make FROM EARTH (2007) excellent, the structure of the story, set within absolute certain you do not miss this film. one location, is impressive. In one room this - Aman (19IAMS14) movie has analyzed the concept of biology, It's available on Telegram and Amazon Prime history, religion, anthropology, and best of all for all to enjoy. I believe the movie could be human emotions. There are no flashbacks or put into comparison with a campus night out special effects. Just the philosophical with loved ones which you never want to discussion it provokes is enough to keep you end. It is mature, deep, complex, and hooked. It does contain lot of scientific facts thoroughly enjoyable. The story is so explained in a very convincing and rational perfectly knitted together that you feel like way. It will kind of make you think about you are sitting in the same room and origin of religion, culture, language and everything is happening around you. Now evolution. The whole movie is just a simple tell me, won't you love a movie which makes idea. An idea adapted smoothly into one of you want to live it? Watch it and see what the best sci-fi ever written. you think. Director Richard Schenkman's 'The Man Each time he is asked, John either avoids the For anyone who has an intellect, is open from Earth (2007)' is one of the most question or gives an ambiguous answer. He minded and ready for an adventure born of intelligent, clever science-fiction films eventually responds to them by posing a I've seen in a very long time. It is based hypothetical question about what a man on the novel by American sci-fi writer would be like if he had lived since prehistoric Jerome Bixby. times. The film starts very simply with the This question starts an innocent discussion, central character John Oldman (David but changes in tone as John claims to be a Lee Smith) packing his truck, and then caveman who has survived for 14,000 years joined by colleagues of his who have without aging and always disappears every 10 come to wish him farewell. However, years otherwise people would find his secret. they cannot help but express how puzzled they are about his leaving, since The discussion that follows by intellectual he has established himself very well as a arguments between Jhon and his fellow professor and is well liked. faculty members is the premise of the movie. The entire film is set in and around Jhon’s house and is composed almost entirely of dialogue. 9
My Bahubali “Stunts” Lockdown Diary! The movie was amazing and - Devi A (19IPMP16) we started freaking out! It’s already been 5 years since the release of Instead of eating, we threw 6th July, 2020 ‘Bahubali’? Wow! Time flies! This makes me half of our snacks at nostalgic about my school days and the stunts I Bahubali’s entry and the other Monday used to pull to watch the magnum opus. I did half at Kalakeya’s entry. We my schooling at ZPHS, Suraram village, weren’t even sitting in our Dear Diary, Hyderabad. I was in 9th class and we were seats for most of the movie! about 26 people in the class; thirteen boys and One was giving spoilers, one Triple lockdown! Unbelievably screwed up it is! The police aren't letting thirteen girls. was shouting “Jai anyone do anything freely. How can they? They too are humans. These Mahishmati” and someone corona-days are pressurizing everyone, especially the police and the hostel else was shouting Kalakeya! staff. Actually, it’s a very violent task for them. Most of us, the common Finally, after the ending, I was folks can’t abide by the rules, and thereby we attack the police verbally. It’s highly disappointed. The fact so unfair! And maybe that’s the reason behind loosening the lockdown. But Kattappa killed Bahubali was even though the rules are a little liberal now, the lockdown is still there! bothering me. In fact, I was disappointed in myself for But you don’t be liberal with the rules. When there are many loopholes, it going to a movie that ended doesn’t mean you escape. They are there to provide you some space to with such suspense and also breathe. We Indians always like to break the rules. But while breaking a for stealing money from my noble one, it affects everyone around us. Now it is high time for us to follow dad’s pocket. proper social distancing. To undergo the natural selection process, one must be a little patient. Sometimes, a little patience can fulfil all our dreams. My friends and I were so excited to watch But the biggest thing Bahubali. Eleven of us planned to bunk school bothering me was, what if my There is a lot of news about the patients escaping from the corona-wards in on 13th of July, 2015, which was a Monday and teachers told my dad that I the hospitals. Maybe they were suffering high depression in the hospital the third day of Bahubali’s release. And for the was bunking school? Since my environment. How can one tolerate the vicious atmosphere of the hospitals? same, I stole 100 rupees from my dad’s pocket dad was already doubting me Everyone can’t be noble enough to protect others by social distancing! I when he went to take a bath. for stealing money! But always prefer not to lose the seeds of humanity in my mind. And in these luckily, I planned to convince times, it's one story, that pacifies me: The D-day is here. As usual, I told at home that I my family to go visit the was off to school. I didn’t wear my uniform that ‘Godavari Pushkaralu’. So, all There were three around me! day and after leaving home, I threw my school the ten people who bunked One lost her name after getting married; bag into some bushes, met my friends and we with me, got punished and Another under the vicious cancer; finally went to the cinema hall. their parents were informed! And the last, living her so-called life, with damn respect from her so- But luckily, I escaped! called husband. Which of these is better? The answer is quite obvious. -J.P. Dhanakonda (19IAMP14) 10 I always complain to god for not giving me a simple life. But I also know the fact that the almighty would always give me the thing that I truly wanted and maybe I’m unaware of that when he does. Maybe this is the time for me to understand what I really wanted. How can a soul forget the reason for its existence? Or maybe it never forgets and it’s just waiting for the correct time. There is just a rumour that one fisherman in my ward is a corona- positive. If that’s true, my place will become a contamination zone and there are chances for us getting affected too.
मेरे श्याम आओ - Khurram Muraad Siddiquie (19IHML03) चोटी मे तारे, प्रनतक्षा िरुं गी उम्र भर नज़र में शरारे तमु ्हारी वो जमनु ा किनारे, घर नारी, गंुवारी, हुंु सारी किशन िो पिु ारे तीहारी हुई शाम आओ ढले रूप, चाहे जाए मेरे श्याम आओ जावानी ना चोटी, ना तारे, ना पवन तेज है, दरीया मौज मारे जमनु ा मे पानी िहा था िे लौटुंगा सरू ज िे ढलते तभ भी सुनाऊंु गी बिरहा सरू ज ढला चंुद्र आया ननिल िे िी वाणी पररदुं ों िी चू- चू मवशे ी कि टन टन हुई शाम आओ नहींु रास आनत मेरे श्याम आओ पायल िी छन छन हुई शाम आओ मेरे श्याम आओ Holi at University of Hyderabad is a special time of the year to बिन पी िे मीरा क्या राग छे डे remember those who are close to our hearts by splashing colours. िश्ती िी क़िस्मत है दररया थपडे े यंुू हर रोज़ जाना मेरा ददल जलाना That day, the dialogue: \"Bura na mano, holi hai!\" echoes through समय पार न आना, ये िै सा सताना our ears with loads of love and happiness. नहींु िरती िोइ गगला अि तो आओ िहुंगी ना िु छ जो मरु ली िजावो - Divya Erramilli (19IPMH12) हुई शाम आओ मेरे श्याम आओ 11
కర్పూర వసంతరాయలు సి.నా.రె గారు 14వ శతాబ్దం చివరి సంవత్సరాల రచయిత - సి.నా.రె నండి తీసుకున్న నిజ పాత్రల ఆధారంగా అల్లిన్ ఒక 135 పేజీలు - 5 ఆశ్వాసాలు కాలపనిక గేయ కావయం కర్పపర వసంత్రాయలు. ఈ 1957 సం.వ కావయం ఊహాజనిత్మేనైనా \"మలింపల్లి సోమశేఖర శరమ\" గారు రచించిన్ \"రెడిిరాజ్యయల చరిత్ర\" నండి పాత్రలన, న్మో మదనాయ యువహృదయ సదనాయ అని పండుగలన, సంప్రదాయాలన, రాజ్యయలన ప్రారిథంచు సమయాన్ రతీ దేవి వలే అగుపంచే న్రత కి లకుమ. తీసుకునానరు. దీనిన రచించి చాలా దశాబ్దదలవుతునాన తొల్ల చూపు లోనే లకుమకు పడిపోతాడు రాయుడు. సహజ ఈనాటికీ మన్లని ఆలోచింపచేసే కావయమిది. మన్ సిదింగానే లల్లత్కళాపపాసి అయిన్ వసంతుడు లకుమ తెలుగు గడ్ి మీద కూడా హోళీని పోల్లన్ వసంత్ నాట్యయనిన చూసి మైమరిచిపోయి త్న్తో మనోనాట్యం ఉత్సవాలు జరిగేవని తెలుసుతంది. అయితే ఇకకడ్ చేయసాగాడు. జోరు మీరు తీరు మారి నాట్యం బ్యట్కి మాత్రం రంగులకు బ్దులుగా కర్పపర కస్తతరికా వచిచంది. పకకనే ఉన్న త్న్ అరాింగి దానిన నియంత్రంచింది. మృగమద శ్రీ చందనాలన చలుికునేవారు. ఘన్ంగా 9 రాజు ప్రసాదించిన్ కంఠాభరణానిన చూస్తత రాయుడు రోజుల పాటు ఈ ఉత్సవాలన జరిపంచడ్ం వలి త్న్న సపృశంచిన్ మధురక్షణాలన గురుత చేసుకుంటంది కుమారగిరిరెడిికి కర్పపర వసంత్రాయలుగా ప్రసిదిి లకుమ. ఇరువురు పరసపరం సవపానలలో తేల్లపోతునానరు. చందారు. ఇకకడ్ కవి లకుమకు(స్త్రీ ) మరియు రాయుడికి(పురుషుడు ) కూడా ఒకే చంద్రుడినే ర్పపకం(Metaphor) గా వాడి దృష్టి ని బ్టిి సృష్టి గోచరిసుతందన్నటుిగా చూపస్తత పాఠకుల మదిలో ఒక అందమైన్ సన్ననవేషానిన చిత్రకరించారు . 12
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