Mathematic Activities E Book Grade 1-3 1|Page
Table of content Page 3 Introduction Page 4-6 Number Concept Development Page 7-9 Problem Solving Activities Page 10-12 Computation Page 13-15 Measurement Page 16-18 Money Page 19-21 Geometry Page 22-24 Data Handling Page 25 Conclusion 2|Page
The introduction This is an interesting e book for mathematic activities for grade 1-3 It cover different topics such as number concept development, problem solving, geometry just to mention a few. The activity contains useful picture which a color that can help the learners to answer certain question. The question are design in such a way that it will cater for all level of learners 3|Page
Theme: The Social Environment Topic: Number concept development { writing number } Grade 1 activity The Number 6. Trace Colour to show 6 66666 Colour the pictures that show 6: 4|Page
Theme: The Social Environment Topic: Number concept development {counting} Grade 2 activity Count in 1’s from 57 – 62. Colour it yellow. r a) Count in 2’s from 88 to 100. Colour it pink. b) Count in 3’s from 15 – 30. Colour it green. c) Count in 4’s from 4 – 20. Colour it purple. d) Count in 5’s from 40 – 70. Colour it orange. e) Count in 10’s from 10 – 50. Colour it blue. 5|Page
Theme: The Social Environment Topic: Number concept development {odd and even number} Grade 3 activity Colour all even numbers from 1-30 green in thetable below. Colour all odd numbers from 1-20 red in the tablebelow. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Complete the table below: Before Number After 27 6|Page 38 16 43 Write the number names: • 5= • 10= • 7= • 3=
Theme: The Social Environment Topic: Problem Solving Grade 1 activity 1.Dad has 5 green cars and 4 red cars. How many cars does he have altogether? 2.There are 7 blue trucks and 2 red trucks on the highway. How many trucks altogether? 3.At the airport there are 2 airplanes and 4 more airplanes landed. How many airplanes are there altogether? 4 There are 4 cars in the parking lot, 2 more cars were parked in the parking lot. How many cars are there altogether in the parking lot? 5. There are 5 boys and 3 girls on the train. How many children are there altogether on the train? 7|Page
Theme: The Social Environment Topic: Problem Solving Grade 2 activity 1. On Wednesday dad fixed 12 televisions in his shop. Thursday he fixed 5 more. How many televisions has dad fixed altogether? 2. My 3 friends and I sell newspapers. If each one of us sells 5 newspapers. How many newspapers have we sold altogether? 3. Sam has to write 15 letters. He has only written 7 letters. How many more letters does he have to write? 4. in your class, only 12 of the 20 learners were at school. How many learners were absent? 5. Dan is inviting 20 friends to his birthday party. He only sent 13 invitations. How many more invitations should he send? 8|Page
Theme: The Social Environment Topic: Problem Solving Grade 3 activity 1.There are 35 computers and 43 telephones at our school. How many are the computers and telephones all together? 2.There are 40 learners in Grade 3B. 28 learners have e-mail addresses. How many learners do not have e-mail addresses? 3.John bought 2 liter of guava juice and 6 liter of apple juice. How many more apple juice did she buy than the guava juice? 4.There are 10 houses in our street. Each house has 3 televisions. How many televisions are there altogether? 5.Anna counted 64 cars on the highway on Friday. She counted 24 more cars on Saturday. How many cars did she count altogether 9|Page
Theme: The Natural Environment Topic: Computation Grade 1 activity 10 | P a g e
Theme: The Natural Environment Topic: Computation Grade 2 activity Complete the subtraction sums bycrossing out the number shown. 5-1=4 7-3= 4-1= 5-1= 6-1= 8-2= 11 | P a g e
Theme: The Natural Environment Topic: Computation Grade 3 activity 5 Times Table Count the fingers to help you learn. 1x5= 2x5= 3x5= 4 x 5= 5 x 5= 12 | P a g e
Theme: Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Topic: Measurement {Capacity} Grade 1 activity Circle the container that holds more 13 | P a g e
Theme: Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Topic: Measurement{weight} Grade 2 activity Light or Heavy Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the pageand glue them under the correct heading. Heavy light 14 | P a g e
Theme: Healthy Nutrition and lifestyle Topic: Measurement {length} Grade 3 activity Measure the pencils below with a ruler: cm cm cm cm cm cm cm 15 | P a g e
Theme: The Natural Environment Topic: Money Grade 1 activity Money 5 cent 10 cent 50 cent N$ 1,00 N$ 5,00 Name the coins: b) a) a) b) c) d) 16 | P a g e
Theme: The Natural Environment d. e. Topic Money Grade activity 2 Write the value of this money b. c. 1. Calculate your change. You pay with N$10: a) N$10,00 - N$5,00 = N$5,00 b c) nd) 17 | P a g e
Theme The Natural Environment c) Topic Money Grade 3 activity Write the value of the money. a) b) d) e) f) g) h) 1. Write the amount. a) b) 18 | P a g e
Theme: Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Topic : Geometry{ 2D shape} Grade 1 activity 2D Shape 16 Complete Shape Name How many How many sides? corners? 19 | P a g e
Theme: Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Topic: Geometry {2D shape} Grade 2 activity Choose and write the correct name under each shape. circle rectangle oval triangle square Look at the shapes above and fill in the correct answer. Which shape is first? Which shape is third Which shape is between the circle and oval Which shape is between the triangle and thesquare Which shape is last? 20 | P a g e
Theme: Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Topic: Geometry {3D shape} Grade 3 activity pyramid rectangular prism Choose the correct choice that best describes each object. 21 | P a g e
Theme: The Natural Environment Topic: Data handling A Grade activity 1 Data Handling How do you get to school?? Use the bar graph to answer the questions. Getting to school transportation Bus Car Walk 123456 78 9 Number of children 1.How many children take the bus to school 2.How many children walk to school 3.Which transportation do children use the most 4.How many children take the bus and drive in total 22 | P a g e
Theme: The Natural Environment Topic: Data handling Grade activity 2 This is how the children came to school on Monday. Each symbol show how one child got to school. 1. How many children walked to school? 2. How many children came by bike? 3. How many children came by car? 4. How many children came on the school bus? 5. How many children did not walk? 23 | P a g e
Theme: The Natural Environment Topic: Data handling Grade 3 activity 1 Fishing Trip Pictograph Michael Emily Jose Jennifer Kevin fish represents = 5 fish 1. How many fish did Micheal catch? 2. How many fish did Emily catch? 3. How many fish did Kevin catch? 4. How many more fish did Jose catch than Emily? 5. How many fish did the girls catch? 24 | P a g e
CONCLUSION The e book for mathematics it’s so helpful to both the teacher and the learners. It helps the teacher to plan for the lesson as the activities are already provided. The learners will have access to the activities anytime 25 | P a g e
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