Amelia Bedelia Road Trip! Novel Study Name: _________________________ 1
Before Reading: Pre-reading: Look at the cover and the illustrations throughout the book. Make a prediction of what you think this book might be about. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Connect: Have you ever read any other books from the series? If so, what do you remember about the stories? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 2
After Chapter 1: Roamin' Holiday Point of View: From which point of view is this story written? a) First person b) Third person Which words or phrases helped you to determine the point of view? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reread to Clarify: \"Amelia Bedelia's father came home from work in a great mood.\" Why was Amelia's father in such a great mood? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reread to Clarify: \"'Yippee! We're going to Rome.'\" Why did Amelia Bedelia think she was going to Rome, Italy? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 3
Word Meaning—Prefix: “She began laughing uncontrollably.” Underline the base word and circle the prefix in: What does the prefix mean? ______________________ In which word does the prefix 'un-' mean the same as it does in 'uncontrollably': a) uniform b) underwear c) unfair Figurative Language: Write the type of figurative language used in the following Chapter 1 excerpt. hyperbole simile metaphor alliteration personification onomatopoeia \"Looking at the map made Amelia Bedelia feel dizzy. She felt like a bird, flying higher than any other bird, looking down on everyone and everything.\" __________________________________ Reread to Clarify: What did Mr. Bedelia mean when he said the family is going to roam? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 4
After Chapter 2: Packing It In Supporting Details: Cite two pieces of evidence from the story that supports the following statement: Amelia Bedelia takes what people say very literally. 1) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Reflect: What did the Bedelias decide to do with Finally while they went on the trip? a) They left Finally with a neighbor. b) They left Finally at home. c) They took Finally to a kennel. Infer: How did Amelia feel when she dropped Finally off at Paw Palace? Cite evidence to support your answer. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 5
Word Work: If a word ends in ‘-ometer’, what does it mean? a) It weighs things. b) It counts things c) It lists things. Reading for Details: Write the purpose of each device. Device Purpose Odometer Speedometer Thermometer Vocabulary-Context Clues: Define the underlined word using context clues and/or a dictionary. \"When they went back outside, the heap of luggage was neatly packed in the car.\" heap - __________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 6
After Chapter 3: Neither Here nor There Reflect: \"'Well, if we're there, what can I do for fun?'\" What did Amelia's mother give her to pass the time? _________________________________________________ Vocabulary - Synonym and Antonym: Write a synonym and an antonym of the underlined word. \"They turned onto a big highway and drove along with lots of other cars.\" Synonym of big: _________________________________ Antonym of big: _________________________________ Vocabulary-Context Clues: Define the underlined word using context clues and/or a dictionary. \"'Off we go, into the wild green yonder!'\" yonder - _________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reflect: \"'Which way should we go?'\" How did the Bedelias choose which way to turn when they reached the dead end? a) They let Amelia decide. b) They flipped a coin. c) They played rocks paper scissors. 7
After Chapter 4: To Get There, Go Backward Cause and Effect: Fill in the cause. Cause: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Effect: \"Amelia Bedelia's parents were silent. The truth was, they were dumbstruck.\" Vocabulary: \"'Well, little lady, that is a mighty interesting question.' Without looking at the map, he began reeling off directions.\" What does the word reeling off most likely mean? a) to list things in rapid succession and with no apparent effort b) to wind thread or fishing line c) to move unsteadily, staggering or swaying from side to side Parts of Speech: \"She drew a picture of a bumpy road.\" Which part of speech is bumpy as used above? a) adjective b) noun c) verb 8
Analyze: Choose one of the fortunes the Bedelias read from the fortune cookies. Write the fortune you chose. Analyze and explain the meaning of the fortune. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reflect: \"She promised to be nicer to him tomorrow.\" Why did Amelia decide to be nicer to her dad tomorrow? a) She was going to try to persuade him into taking her to the water park. b) Tomorrow is her father's birthday. c) His fortune said \"follow your dreams,\" and his dream was to roam with his family. Reflect: The author titled the chapter \"To Get There, Go Backward.\" Why is this an appropriate title for the chapter? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 9
After Chapter 5: One-Horse Town Reflect: \"'Congratulations, honey.'\" What did Amelia’s family accidently drive into? a) A drive-in movie. b) A bus lane. c) A parade. Analyze: \"'This sure is a one-horse town.'\" What did Mr. Bedelia mean when he said the town is a \"one- horse town\"? a) The town is very small. b) The town only has one horse. c) The two is enormous. Cause and Effect: Fill in the cause. Cause: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Effect: Amelia was presented with a giant key for the small town. Reflect: Why did Amelia refuse the giant key from the mayor? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 10
Vocabulary-Context Clues: Define the underlined word using context clues and/or a dictionary. \"'On behalf of our fair hamlet, we welcome you as our one-millionth visitor.'\" hamlet - ________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Which is not a synonym of hamlet? a) metropolis b) small town c) village Analyze: \"'Actually, we're on vacation, traveling off the beaten path.\" What does it mean to travel off the beaten path? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Cite Evidence: Cite one piece of evidence from the chapter to support the following statement: The mayor is a generous man. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 11
After Chapter 6: Fish Story Narrative Elements: What is the new setting introduced in Chapter 6? Be descriptive! Setting Reflect: Why would Amelia Bedelia’s mother not be a great fisherman? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Figurative Language: Write the type of figurative language used in the following Chapter 6 excerpt. hyperbole simile metaphor alliteration personification onomatopoeia “Dead ahead was a largemouth bass as big as a semitrailer.\" __________________________________ 12
Analyze: Write the meaning of each sign on a map or a road indicate. Sign What the sign means Draw Conclusions: What did Mr. Bedelia mean when he said, “Let’s go buy some staples?” What ‘staples’ would the Bedelias need if they were to go fishing? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 13
After Chapter 7: A Good Sport Analyze: \"'Amelia Bedelia - find Audrey! You can try something new and get your feet wet.'\" What does it mean to get your feet wet? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Cause and Effect: Fill in the cause. Cause: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Effect: \"The engine made a sputtering, coughing, wheezing sound, and then... silence.\" Figurative Language: Write the type of figurative language used in the following Chapter 7 excerpt. hyperbole simile metaphor alliteration personification onomatopoeia \"She grabbed the side of Audrey's boat, and Audrey hauled her in like a big fish.\" __________________________________ 14
Vocabulary: \"'It's shallow enough to use this pole to push us around that spit of land.'\" What does the word spit most likely mean? a) to expel saliva forcefully from the mouth b) an elongated point of land or shoal projecting into a body of water c) to make hissing explosive sounds; hiss Reflect: \"'All I can think about is catching a big fish.'\" Why did Audrey want to catch a large fish? a) She wanted to bring dinner home to Doc. b) She wanted to show her boyfriend she is a better fisherman than he is. c) She wanted to win the Lake Largemouth fishing contest. Vocabulary-Context Clues: Define the underlined word using context clues and/or a dictionary. \"Amelia Bedelia and her mother moved to the stern to stay out of his way as he began pushing them along.\" stern - __________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reflect: Amelia fell into the lake. Why did Amelia Bedelia's father pull the boat right next to Audrey's boat? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 15
After Chapter 8: Hook, Line and Stinker Read for Details: What are two adjectives used to describe the worm Audrey used as bait? 1) ______________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________ Figurative Language: Write the type of figurative language used in the following Chapter 8 excerpt. hyperbole simile metaphor alliteration personification onomatopoeia “Audrey swung the line with the hook and bobber into the water with a plop...\" __________________________________ Reread to Clarify: What nickname did Audrey give Amelia? Why? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 16
Reread to Clarify: What nickname did Amelia give Audrey? Why? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Vocabulary-Context Clues: Define the underlined word using context clues and/or a dictionary. \"'Fishermen are very superstitious...'\" superstitious - ___________________________________ _________________________________________________ Infer: \"...Doc showed Amelia Bedelia how to clean her fish.\" How did Amelia feel as she watched Doc clean the fish? a) anxious; nervous b) excited; enthusiastic c) nauseous; uneasy Connect: Have you ever been finishing? Did you enjoy fishing? If not, would you like to go fishing? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 17
After Chapter 9: Miss Bigmouth Summarize: Summarize Chapter 9. Be sure to include the central (main) idea of the chapter. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 18
After Chapter 10: Life at the Lake Vocabulary-Context Clues: Define the underlined word using context clues and/or a dictionary. \"Amelia Bedelia and her parents adored the cabin.\" adore - __________________________________________ _________________________________________________ What is something or someone you adore? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Cause and Effect: Fill in the cause. Cause: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Effect: Amelia wrote a postcard to Diana. Read for Details: For how long each day was Amelia fishing with Audrey? a) thirty minutes b) one hour c) two hours 19
After Chapter 11: Fishing Versus Catching Read for Details: Answer the Chapter 11 multiple choice questions. 1) \"The town was filling up with fishing fanatics.\" What are fishing fanatics? a) People who love to fish. b) People who are allergic to fish. c) People who don’t like to fish. 2) Why would Amelia’s father admire Audrey? a) She always catches the biggest fish. b) She only uses one lure. c) She was a planner and very organized. 3) Which detail from the story proves Audrey is an experienced fisherman with a plan? a) Amelia and Audrey went fishing in the morning. b) She is going to wait until later in the day to fish because she knows where fish hide. c) “To our fisher girls, Amelia Bedelia and Audrey!” Predict: Do you think Audrey is going to win the fishing contest? a) Sure. b) No way. 20
After Chapter 12: Stumped Cause and Effect: Fill in the cause. Cause: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Effect: “Audrey was unusually grumpy when she picked up Amelia Bedelia in the boat.” Parts of Speech: \"Amelia Bedelia inhaled deeply.\" Which part of speech is deeply as used above? a) adverb b) interjection c) noun Figurative Language: Write the type of figurative language used in the following Chapter 12 excerpts. hyperbole simile metaphor alliteration personification onomatopoeia \"BANG! The engine conked out.\" __________________________________ \"The piece of pizza floated like an abandoned ship.\" __________________________________ 21
Cause and Effect: Fill in the effect. Cause: Audrey angrily threw a piece of pizza into the lake. The pizza stopped skidding and floated above the stump. Effect: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Reflect: \"They heaved the cooler full of water and fish into the boat.\" What bait did Amelia and Audrey use to catch the ginormous bass? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reflect: The author titled the chapter \"Stumped.\" Why is this an appropriate title for the chapter? Explain. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 22
After Chapter 13: Miss Really Bigmouth Analyze: Analyze and explain what the judge meant when he said, “You’re in just under the wire.\" _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Figurative Language: Write the type of figurative language used in the following Chapter 13 excerpt. hyperbole simile metaphor alliteration personification onomatopoeia “The newly crowned Miss Bigmouth stood beside them, shimmering like a mermaid in a sparkly green cape and tiara.” __________________________________ Infer: How did the crowd react when the girls pulled the ginormous bass out of the cooler? Cite evidence to support your answer. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 23
Cause and Effect: Fill in the effect. Cause: A photographer started snapping pictures of the girls with the enormous bigmouth bass. The flashes startled the fish. Effect: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Reread to Clarify: \"So the judges had to declare another winner.\" Why were Audrey and Amelia unable to be declared the winners of the fishing contest? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Reread to Clarify: \"They all had a good laugh, but even so, the morning was a sad one.\" Why was the morning after the contest a sad one? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 24
After Chapter 14: Roam, Sweet Home Reading Response: Amelia looked in the mirror when she got home. When she looked in her eyes, she realized she had changed. How did Amelia change? Cite evidence from the story to support your answer. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Infer: Amelia did not like the idea of writing in a journal when her mom first gave it to her. Do you think Amelia is glad she wrote in the journal? Explain your thinking. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 25
After Finishing the Story: Character Traits: Identify and describe one character trait of Amelia Bedelia. Cite two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer. Circle your character trait and underline your evidence from the story. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 26
Sequence of Events: Put the following events in order from first to last using the numbers 1 – 10. _____ Amelia and her family see a largemouth bass as big as a semitrailer. They know they are at Lake Largemouth. _____ Amelia’s father tells the family they are going to roam for vacation. Amelia is disappointed they are not going to Rome, Italy. _____ Audrey is upset her lucky shirt was washed. Amelia and Audrey work together to catch the ginormous bigmouth bass. _____ Amelia is the one-millionth visitor in the town so the mayor offers her a key to the town. _____ Amelia and her family begin their road trip. Amelia changes the population sign in her town. _____ Amelia Bedelia’s family runs out of gas when they go out on the boat. They meet Audrey. _____ Amelia Bedelia returned home and discovered she has changed as a person. _____ Amelia and Audrey's bigmouth bass jumped onto Miss Bigmouth’s head and dove into the water. _____ Audrey teaches Amelia how to fish. Amelia catches a whole bunch of fish. Doc shows Amelia how to clean the fish. _____ Amelia’s mother gives her a journal so she can write about her trip. 27
Author’s Purpose: What was the author’s purpose for writing ? a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain Herman Parish Rating: How many stars would you rate this book? 1 being terrible and 5 being awesome. Be sure to color or shade your rating! Connect: Does Amelia Bedelia appear to be someone you would like to be friends with? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 28
Amelia Bedelia Road Trip! Word Jumble Hidden Message: 29
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