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Published by ketan joshi, 2021-10-31 12:27:57



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11) Infinitive Ú to infinitive º . Ú :- to + Ú Ú to + Ú :- to verb Ú. : infinitive : 3 º Ú infinitive :- (1) To climb girnar is very difficult. -º :- (2) I want to get first class. (1) Mr. Chaudhari wants him to write this work. (3) My friend wishes me to pass the test. (2) Will you help me to solve this problem ? him, me, her (3) We wish her to attend this meeting. Ú. :- :1 infinitive . (1) To respect our teacher is our duty. :4 infinitive :- (2) To err is human. (1) This is the time to relax. (3) To forgive is divine. (2) He is the man to consult. (4) To find fault is easy. :2 Ú infinitive :- - º. :5 infinitive :- (1) The coffee is too hot to drink. (1) Sadhna wants to sing a song. (2) This sum is too difficult to solve. (2) We like to play cricket. (3) Vikram wants to achieve his goal. 12) Gerund Ú ‘ing’ Ú Ú º .® Gerund . – 1 :- gerund as subject of a verb : Ú . (1) He is fond of collecting photographs. (2) Raj is punished for playing mischief. , , Ú , Ê, Ú . (3) Ketki is afraid of going near a cat. . (4) On receiving the telephone call, she went out. (5) Don’t judge without watching. .. ing Ú º. Ú . -4 :- gerund governed by possessive : (1) Cycling is the best exercise. (2) Mountaineering is difficult. : (3) Walking is the best exercise. ÚÚ . – 2 :- gerund is subject of a verb : Ú Her, his, their, my, our . . : (1) Her hobby is singing. Ú. (2) His handling of situation is wonderful. (3) He did not like my leaving home early. What ®º . (1) I like reading novels. (what do i like ?) – 5 :- Ú – daily activities gerund (2) Children love watching cartoon films. (3) They hate shouting. . (4) I know cycling. (1) They go for riding. (5) Teach me reading. (2) She goes shopping. – :- gerund governed by preposition : : 6 the present participle :- : (1) He told me an interesting story. preposition (2) We watched an exciting cricket match on T.V. . (3) Look at the setting sun. (4) Don’t throw stones at the sleeping dogs.

:7 º Ú Ê (gap of - º º Ú Ú . time) ºÚ Ú . :1º º (1) Opening the text book our teacher began to read lesson. (2) Taking off our shoes, we intered the temple. Ê º. (3) Opening the car door, he got out. (1) I wrote a letter. I posted it immediately. - Having written a letter, i posted immediately. Or :8 º - I having written a letter, posted immediately. (2) Having received the news of my friend’s accident, i rushed to the º ºÚ the present hospital. participle . (3) Having closed his shop, the shopkeeper went home. (1) She came on the stage dancing. : 2 after ʺ . (2) Anand left home saying goodbye to his life. (3) Krish entered the house shouting. (1) She having finished her work, went to bed. - After having finished her work, she went to bed. :9 the present participle º Ú adjective phrase :3 º Ú. Ú perfect participle . (1) We saw rajesh flying kites. (2) Bring me the book lying on the table. (1) After having taken my lunch, i shall take rest for twenty minutes. (3) I saw the parrot flying. (2) After having finished my work, i shall go home. : 4 passive voice Ê :- : 10 ‘on’ º + having + been + . . P.P. + by + Ú :- + +º (1) On hearing the news of my father’s death. I fainted. (2) On receiving the message of his result, i enjoyed. (1) The chain having been pulled by the passenger, the train stopped. (2)the perfect participle ( Ú) (2) The answer books having been collected the supervisor allowed the examine to leave the examination hall. (3) Having been interviewed twice, i was not selected for the post of a lecturer. past participle ( Ú ) - º Ú past participle Ú. - Ê. - Ú (third form) past participle . :1 past participle :- (1) Mr. Patel felt disgusted. (2) Don’t be disappointed. (1) I have a written letter. (2) Himanshu saw a beautiful picture painted in different colours. : 3 past participle :- (3) That is a used car. (1) Those glasses are broken. (4) Have you read the autobiography ‘my experiments with truth’ (2) My brother got a new shirt made. written by mahatma Gandhi. : 4 passive voice Ê past participle (5) The officer gave him used stamps. (6) The frightened children began to cry. (7) A written document is a convincing proof of anything. :2 past participle :- :- -. - Ú to be Ú Ú (1) Forgotten by its mother, a baby was crying in a fair. (2) Harassed by her boss, she resigned her job. .. (3) Born in porbandar, gandhiji became the father of the nation.

22) Important words ( Ú) 1. Pious / Ú 43. Devious Ú Ú 2. Intention Ú / 44. Random Ú 3. Own/owner 45. Candidate ÚÚ Ê 4. United Ú Ú 46. Shallow 5. Scold 47. Voluntary ® 6. cyclone Ú 48. Manger Ú Ú 7. Opportunity Ú 49. Miracle º 8. Leading Ú 50. Overnight Ê 9. Den Ú 51. Oversight Ú , 10. Enlarge 52. Jealous , 11. Naughty Ú Êº 53. Transparent Ú Ê 12. Lid Ú 54. Wind Ú , , 13. Transit 55. Sole 14. Opposite º 56. Soul Ê Ê 15. Detachable Ú 57. Garbage 16. Stranger , ÚÚ Ú 58. Monk 17. Dilemma Ú 59. Kleptomania 18. Planet Ú Ú, 60. Rude 19. Satellite Ú , 61. Superior 20. Superstitious 62. Throat 21. Transaction º :Ú 63. Knight 22. Aspect Ú 64. Shoulder 23. Initial 65. Tap Ú 24. Unpleasant Ú 66. Shrewd Ú 25. Liberal 67. Snake-charmer 26. Creeper 68. Statue 27. Wound 28. Fortnight , 70. Fatigue 29. To tame Ú 71. Ego 30. Trig 72. Echo 31. Widow Ê 73. Idol 32. Widower 74. Bud 33. Delicious 75. Slave Ú 34. Maize 76. Fairy ºÚ 35. Mansion 77. Franchise 36. Mention 78. Fiasco Ê 37. Mayor 79. Skeleton 38. Opaque Ú 80. Generous ® 39. Flamboyant 81. Ghost Ú 40. Excited 82. Trigger Ú 41. Dissimilar 83. Stream 42. Haughty 84. Tress pass Ú

85. Glory 128. Panic ºÚ 86. Graceful 129. To trail behind Ú 87. Immature 88. Sinner Ú 130. Isolated Ú 89. Rumour ÚÚ 131. Fatal Ú 90. Deserving 132. Hindrance 91. Duffer Ú 133. Stain Ê 92. Gigantic 134. As a mark of Ú 93. Wick 94. Tenure ÚÚ 135. In full swing º Ú 95. Wisdom Ú 136. Reliable Ú 96. Amazing 137. Scar Ú 97. Rubbish ºÊ 138. Superstition Ú Ú 98. Rome was not 139. Straight ºÚ Ú ºÚ Ú 140. Smooth ® built in a day Ú Ú, 141. Gangster º º ºÚ Ú 142. Cannon º 99. Cudgel 143. Ankle Ú 100. Howl (Ú 144. Anchor 101. Up side down Ú 145. Glad º 146. Glamorous º 102. Spasm Ê 147. Tedious 103. Hasty 148. Hooligan 104. Substitute ÚÊ 149. To be afraid of 105. Epidemic 150. To get angry 106. Civil services Ú 151. Annual 107. Procession Ú 152. Assembly 108. Martyr Ú 153. Bitter 109. Including 154. Sour 110. Wet 155. Obstinate 111. Savage 156. Devotee 112. Paramount 157. Millionaire 158. Strap 114. Indigenous Ú Ú 159. Scrap 115. Indigo Ú Ê 160. Hiccup 116. Congested ®Ú 161. By hook or by 117. Whim Ú 118. Whimsical º Ú crook 119. Circumstances Ú 120. Palanquin Ú 162. Who ever 121. Slum º 163. Stingy 122. Urban 164. Almighty 123. Hut Ú 165. Gloves 124. Shell 166. Rug 125. To kneel down 167. Influence 126. Stubborn 168. To commit 127. A good for suicide nothing fellow

169. No power on 212. To have a soft earth corner for 170. Auspicious 213. Impartially 171. Fictitious 172. Funeral Ú º 214. Diplomatic Ú º 173. Destination Ú 215. Flower vase ÚÊ Ú 174. Designation Ê 216. Ditch Ú 175. unconscious ºÚ 217. To ditch ÚÊ 176. Caravan ÚÚ 218. Bitch ºÊ Ú 177. Carpenter Ú 219. Witch 178. Cartoon º Ú 220. Orphan Ê 179. Citizen Ú 221. Curious 180. Competition Ú Ú 222. Furious Ú 181. Courage Ê 223. Tribute ,Ú 182. Curtain Ú 224. Handicapped 183. Emotional Ú Ú 225. Tom, dick and 184. Tears Ú ÚÊ 185. Pickle Ú º harry 186. Cunning Ê 187. Bandit Ê 226. Splendid ÚÚ Ú 188. Rotten Ú Ê ÊÚ 189. Virtues Ú 227. Ultimate ºÚ 190. Gaudy Ú 191. Shabby º Ê 228. Prominent º 192. Caution º 193. Famine Ú Ú 229. Unusual 194. Flood º º Ê 195. Mortar 230. To be under the 196. Swallow wrong 197. Incident impression 198. Coincident 199. To feel giddy 231. To carry tales 200. Extravagant 201. To wait & watch 232. Drawback 202. Intoxicating 233. Setback 203. Decorum 204. Directory 234. To quench the 205. Elbow thirst 206. Elocution 207. Entertainment 235. Intimate , 208. Feather 236. To intimate Ú 209. Forehead 237. Guts 210. Turban 238. Riot 211. Constipation 239. Once in a blue moon 240. Tyranny Ú Ú 241. Prostitute ºÚ Ú 242. Farewell 243. Hen pecked Ê husband ºÚ 244. Angel Ú 245. Mischief 246. Suffocation 247. To be engrossed 248. Gloomy 249. Scandal

250. Guilty º 293. Druggist Ú ÚÊ 251. To stroll ÚÚ 294. Dentist - ÚÚ 252. Substantial 295. Shopkeeper 253. Dowry Ú 296. Nurse Ê 254. Horns 297. Washer-man º 255. Prehistoric 298. Draftsman º 256. Bribe º 257. Broom ºÊ 258. Banister Ú 259. Central idea º Ú Ê 299. Dramatist 260. Hydrophobia Ú 300. Inspector Ú 261. Quest Ú 301. Examiner º Ú 262. Disgusting º , 302. Constable 263. To be situated at 303. Publisher Ú Ú Ú 304. Manager º ºÚ 305. Hawker Ú /Ú 306. Photographer Ú Ê 264. To be depressed ºÚ Ú 307. Carpenter ÚÊ 265. Predecessor Ú 308. Conductor º 266. Subsequent ºÚ 309. Beggar Ú Ú, 267. Bride 310. Fisherman 268. Bridegroom Ú 311. Cleaner Ú Ê 269. Zeal Ú 312. Proprietor Ê Ú 313. Gardener Ú 23) PROFESSIONS 314. Mechanic ºº 315. Agent 270. Teacher Ê 316. Sweeper / 271. Engineer 317. Cobbler 318. Clerk 272. Compounder Ú Ú 319. Chemist 273. Poet Ú 320. Dyer 321. Politician 274. Assistant 322. Blacksmith 323. Advocate 275. Businessman º 324. Physician 276. Artist 325. Musician 326. Merchant 277. Farmer 327. Editor 328. Barber 278. Potter 329. Waiter 279. Coachman Ê ÚÊ 330. Treasure 280. Retailer 331. Minister Ê 332. Player 333. Hero 281. Peon 334. Soldier 335. English/british 282. Author/writer , 336. Commissioner 283. Milkmaid 284. Painter Ê ÊÚ 285. Watchman Ê 286. Surgeon 287. Landlord ÚÚ 288. Magician 289. Weaver 290. Contractor 291. Oilman 292. Broker Ú

337. Collector Ú 348. Councillor Ú 338. Voter / 339. Social worker 349. Judge 340. Graduate ® 341. Practitioner 350. Reporter/journal ÚÊ 342. Officer ist Ú 343. Counsellor 344. Tailor 351. Sailor ® 345. Archer 352. Jailor 346. Partner Ê Ú Ú 353. Jeweler 347. Cook, chef , º, 354. Smuggler 355. Grocer Ú 356. Notary DEGREE OF COMPARISON Positive Ê Comparative Superlative Sad Ú Ú Sadder Saddest Bold ºÚ Bolder Boldest Thin Thinner Cheap Ê º ,Ú Cheaper Cheapest Wet ,Ú Wetter Thinnest Clever Ú Cleverer Cleverest Dry Ú Drier Dear Ú , Dearer Dearest Easy Ú Easier Wettest Deep Ú Deeper Deepest Happy ÚÚ Happier Few Ú Fewer Fewest Heavy Ú Heavier Driest Great Ê Ú Greater Greatest Merry Merrier High º Higher Highest Wealthy Ú Wealthier Easiest Kind º Ú Kinder Kindest Ugly º Uglier Long Longer Longest Helpful More helpful Happiest Poor º º Poorer Poorest Beautiful Ú More beautiful Rich Ú Richer Richest º Heaviest Short º Shorter Shortest Careful Ú More careful Small Ú Ú Smaller Smallest More Merriest Sweet Ú Sweeter Sweetest Importa important Tall Ú Taller Tallest nt More proper Wealthiest Thick Thicker Thickest Proper More useful Young Younger Youngest More learned Ugliest Able Abler Ablest Useful Brave Braver Bravest More Most helpful Fine Finer Finest Learned wonderful Large Larger Largest Better Most Noble Nobler Noblest Wonderf Ú beautiful True Truer Truest ul Ú Most careful White Whiter Whitest Good, ºÚ Wise Wiser Wisest well Ê Most Big Bigger Biggest Bad, ill, important Fat Fatter Fattest evil Most proper Hot Hotter Hottest Much Red Redder Reddest Most useful Many Most learned Most wonderful Best Worse Worst Little More Most More Late Less Most Later, latter Far Farther Least Inner In Latest, last Upper Up Farthest Outer Out Innermost, inmost Uppermost, upmost Utmost

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