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Home Explore Cooking Light Mediterranean Diet

Cooking Light Mediterranean Diet

Published by pochitaem2021, 2022-08-11 12:16:55

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COOKING LIGHT CONTENTS MEDITERRANEAN DIET • 2022 42 92 4 WHAT HEALTHY 28 MEANS NOW MEDITERRANEAN DIET 6 THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET 10 OLIVE OIL GUIDE 11 CHEERS! 12 DIP INTO BEANS 14 FRUITS Embrace a new way of eating—enjoy fresh fruit for breakfast and dessert. 26 VEGETABLES Use fresh veggies in a variety of salads, stratas, pizzas, and grilled main dishes. 40 GRAINS & PASTA Enjoy nutty whole grains and pastas topped with a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables. 62 LEGUMES Include high-protein, high-fiber peas, beans, chickpeas, and lentils in your Mediterranean meals. 76 FISH & SHELLFISH Celebrate the sea and aim for a minimum of three to four servings of seafood each week. 96 RECIPE INDEX 1

Mediterranean Diet EDITOR MEREDITH PREMIUM PUBLISHING Anne C. Cain, MPH, MS, RDN VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER Jeremy Biloon DESIGN DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT, GROUP EDITORIAL Tempy Segrest DIRECTOR Stephen Orr DIRECTOR, EDITORIAL OPERATIONS PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR & FINANCE Greg Kayko Paden Reich EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS, BUSINESS ART DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT & PARTNERSHIPS Emily Johnson Megan Pearlman, Nina Reed OPERATIONS EDITOR DIRECTOR, BRAND MARKETING Diane Rose Keener Jean Kennedy CONTRIBUTING COPY EDITOR BRAND MANAGER Jacqueline Giovanelli Kate Roncinske CONTRIBUTING PROOFREADER ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, BRAND MARKETING Susan Roberts McWilliams Bryan Christian PHOTOGRAPHERS SENIOR BRAND MANAGER Antonis Achilleos, Caitlin Bensel Katherine Barnet PROP STYLISTS ASSOCIATE BRAND MANAGER Kay E. Clarke, Christina Daley, Claire Spollen Samantha Lebofsky CONTRIBUTING PROP STYLISTS CONSUMER MARKETING MANAGER Missie Neville Crawford, Lydia DeGaris Pursell Lynn Bolinger FOOD STYLISTS ASSOCIATE BUSINESS DIRECTOR Melissa Gray, Ali Ramee Jenna Bates ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER Renae Mabie Lisa Carlson SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT & DIRECTOR, PREMEDIA SERVICES GROUP PUBLISHER Amy Tincher-Durik Mark Josephson DIRECTOR, QUALITY [email protected] Joseph Kohler MEREDITH PREMIUM PUBLISHING PREMEDIA TRAFFICKING SUPERVISOR EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATION Sarah Schuster EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, PREMEDIA IMAGING Jill Waage Michael Sturtz EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR COLOR QUALITY ANALYST Michael D. Belknap Rob Roszkowski ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Jennifer Speer Ramundt Melanie Stoltenberg BUSINESS MANAGER, EDITORIAL PRODUCTION MANAGER Cindy Slobaszewski Trevi Jones LEAD BUSINESS OFFICE ASSISTANT DOTDASH MEREDITH Gabrielle Renslow PRESIDENT, LIFESTYLE Alysia Borsa DIRECTOR, MEREDITH FOOD STUDIOS Allison Long Lowery DIRECTOR, MEREDITH TEST KITCHEN Lynn Blanchard Copyright © 2022 Meredith Operations Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. COOKING LIGHT is a trademark of TI Lifestyle Group, LLC, a subsidiary of Meredith Operations Corporation, registered in the U.S. and other countries. For syndication or international licensing requests or reprint and reuse permission, email [email protected]. Be sure to check with your health-care provider before making any changes in your diet. PRINTED IN THE USA

Editor’s Letter R ooted in the cuisines MESCLUN of countries on the WITH BERRIES Mediterranean coast, the Mediterranean diet is widely AND SWEET embraced by leading health SPICED professionals. Its pattern of eating leads to improved health ALMONDS and longer life, a concept that is nothing new to Cooking Light p. 18 readers, as it aligns with our philosophy of a healthy lifestyle. Instead of being a restrictive plan, the Mediterranean way of eating is defined by a focus on plant-based foods, fish, and shellfish. While the diet is strongly plant-based, it is not exclusively vegetarian. And with its inclusion of healthy fats such as monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids, it is not really a low- fat diet. In this book you’ll find a variety of recipes that will help you enjoy the foods that are key to a Mediterranean lifestyle, as well as tips, techniques, and nutrition information that will move you toward your personal health goals. One of the things I like best about the Mediterranean diet is its focus on sharing meals with family and friends as often as possible, and with a glass of wine (in moderation, of course). Whether it’s during a weeknight meal or a special occasion, I hope you can slow down, savor each bite, and enjoy good food and fellowship with those you love. Anne Cain, MPH, MS, RDN MEDITERRANEAN DIET 3

COOKING LIGHT WHAT HEALTHY MEANS NOW There is a lot of noise out there about what defines HEALTH-PROMOTING FOODS Our recipes healthy eating—some of it rings true, while some of it highlight categories of foods that may lead to is hype. For over three decades, Cooking Light has been improved gut health; help prevent diseases a trusted source not only of reliable nutrition informa- such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer; tion but also of delicious ways to put that information and enhance the immune system. We provide into practice in the kitchen. So, what is the Cooking current, science-based nutrition information so Light approach to healthy eating? that our readers can be informed about their healthy food choices. ALL FOODS CAN FIT We want people to enjoy a variety of wholesome, nutritious foods CONVENIENCE We know that our readers that promote health. And while the focus is are busy—with jobs, families, sports, and not specifically on weight loss, it is certainly community activities—so there are always possible to lose weight while using our recipes recipes that are both quick and easy. While we and following the healthy eating guidelines we do not use overly processed foods, we do rely suggest. on time-saving ingredients and simple cooking methods. MORE PLANT-BASED FOODS, LESS MEAT The recipes offer delicious ways to increase ADVENTUROUS Our audience likes to travel, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean eat out, and experience new cuisines, so our sources of protein, including plant-based recipes feature the exciting flavors, global proteins. cuisines, and inspiring ingredients our readers yearn to explore. WHOLE FOODS FIRST The focus is on ingredients that are minimally processed and COMMUNITY We believe that healthy eating as close to their natural state as possible. is not only about the food but also about While not overly restrictive, there is a shared experiences at the table. Whether you moderate use of salt, saturated fat, and added are dining alone, taking a meal to a neighbor, sugars in amounts that can promote health. making a weeknight meal, or preparing a holiday feast, health and wholeness come RESPONSIBLE Healthy eating must also take when we can slow down and savor the into account responsible use of our earth’s goodness of the food and the pleasure of resources. We offer strategies and recipes gathering with those we love. that provide ways to avoid waste and use ingredients wisely. 4 COOKING LIGHT

HEALTHY EATING GUIDELINES At Cooking Light, our team of food editors, experienced cooks, and dietitians builds recipes with whole foods, whole grains, and bigger portions of plants and seafood than meat. We emphasize oil-based fats more than saturated, and we promote a balanced diet low in processed foods and added sugars. We also promote foods that contain specific disease-fighting benefits: antioxidants, fermented foods, and anti-inflammatory foods. Ingredients that are high in saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars are used only in small amounts and as flavor- boosting solutions rather than the focal point. We don’t cook with any products containing artificial sweeteners or trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils). DAILY NUTRIENT RECOMMENDATIONS HOW MUCH IS ONE Cooking Light recipes adhere to rigorous nutrition guidelines that govern calories, saturated fat, sodium, and added sugar based on various food categories such as main SERVING? dishes, sides, and desserts. These standards enable you to easily incorporate our recipes into a diet that follows the most recent USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Cooking Light ensures that recommendations from the American Heart Association. every serving is a satisfying, realistic SAMPLE RECIPE NUTRITIONAL INFO portion that fulfills its role as a DAILY AMOUNTS part of a balanced plate. This includes CALORIES FIBER CALCIUM the following in each category: 1,600 – 2,000 25-30g 1,0 0 0 m g SEAFOOD based on age, gender, SUGARS Recommended and activity level Daily Value (DV) 5 ounces cooked Includes natural SATURATED FAT sugars such as fruit POTASSIUM BEEF AND PORK sugar and milk sugar 20g or less 4,700mg 3 ounces cooked ADDED SUGARS or less than 10% Recommended POULTRY of total calories 38g or less Daily Value (DV) 4½ ounces cooked SODIUM or less than 10% white meat or of total calories 2,300mg 3 ounces cooked or less dark meat GRAINS About ½ cup FRUITS AND VEGETABLES At least ½ cup ALCOHOL 1.5 ounces liquor, 5 ounces wine, or 12 ounces beer MEDITERRANEAN DIET 5


THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET While other diets come and go, there’s been one constant for over 50 years, and that’s the Mediterranean diet. This eating approach consistently ranks as one of the healthiest diets, and there is data to prove it. Not only can the Mediterranean diet protect your heart, but research also continues to find additional ways it can keep you healthy! BY CAROLYN WILLIAMS, PHD, RD The Mediterranean diet is consistently benefits, as does the avoidance and antioxidants and phytochemicals rated a top diet in U.S. News and World minimization of processed foods, (beneficial bioactive compounds found Report’s annual review, yet it’s not your high-fat red meats, added sugars, refined in plants). typical diet. The plan isn’t dictated by oils, and trans fats. However, researchers calorie or macronutrient guidelines, are quick to point out that the diet’s In terms of fat, a traditional restrictions, or even serving sizes. It was health benefits appear to be a synergistic Mediterranean diet often falls within the somewhat unknowingly developed in effect from the overall food pattern. No upper end of the recommendation (30 to the 1950s and 1960s when a few one or two foods or nutrients can offer 35 percent of calories from fat), with the researchers happened to notice the the benefits of the Mediterranean diet majority coming from unsaturated fat significantly lower prevalence of heart by themselves; it’s the balance and thanks to the daily consumption of olive disease in countries bordering the combination of those foods. oil, as well as fats in avocados, nuts, and Mediterranean Sea, including Spain, seeds. The diet’s low to moderate Italy, and Greece. They attributed the There are other aspects of the inclusion of dairy products and animal low prevalence of heart disease to the traditional Mediterranean lifestyle that proteins keeps saturated fat low, and the overall lifestyle observed, but may play into these synergistic effects. consumption of fish and seafood particularly to the pattern of foods Researchers found that most individuals provides beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. eaten. Meals centered around led an active lifestyle at work, home, or vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, within the community. Foods were BEYOND HEART HEALTH and whole grains, most of which were incorporated based on locality, whole or minimally processed. Protein seasonality, cultural customs, and The Mediterranean diet was came mostly from plant sources and traditions, and the use of whole foods “discovered” because of its impact on seafood, with other sources like eggs, meant meals required preparation and heart disease rates in Mediterranean dairy products, and poultry incorporated cooking. Mealtimes were a time to populations, and research continues to only a few times during the week. Red gather for conversation with family or support the protective and therapeutic meat was eaten on occasion (1 or less friends. Even though these aspects are effects it can have on heart health. The times per week), as were desserts and hard to measure, researchers suggest benefits are likely due to the anti- foods and drinks with added sugars. that they likely played a role in reducing inflammatory effects of antioxidants in The diet also included liberal amounts health risks. produce, phytochemicals in plant foods of daily olive oil and moderate amounts and olive oil, omega-3 fatty acids, and of wine. WHAT MAKES IT HEALTHY? the lack of inflammatory ingredients like added sugars. These components are It’s from these observations that the Most of the diet’s benefits appear to associated with improving risk factors “Mediterranean diet” became known, stem from the emphasis on plant foods like blood pressure and lipid values that, and today many know the diet best for and the overall fat composition. The in turn, lower the risk of cardiovascular specific foods in the traditional eating traditional Mediterranean food pattern diseases including heart attacks and pattern like extra-virgin olive oil, is a plant-focused approach where meals strokes. spinach, beans, nuts, herbs, and red are centered around whole or minimally wine. There’s no doubt that the processed vegetables, fruits, legumes, These same anti-inflammatory effects inclusion of specific foods and food whole grains, nuts, and seeds. This also appear to be why the Mediterranean groups plays a role in the diet’s health pattern not only promotes higher fiber diet offers benefits beyond heart health. intakes, but also higher intakes of Over the past two decades, research has 5M-EINDGITREERDRAIENNETA1N5-DMIIENTUTE RECIPES found that the Mediterranean diet may 7

increase longevity and be an effective BRAIN HEALTH, MOOD, approach for losing weight. It also AND MEMORY appears to aid in the management of autoimmune diseases and offer The Mediterranean diet’s combination protective and therapeutic benefits for of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory other health conditions. compounds, and omega-3 fatty acids promotes optimal brain functioning, and TYPE 2 DIABETES AND appears to offer a potentially protective GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT effect when it comes to memory, cognition, and mental health conditions Cardiovascular disease and type 2 like depression. Research suggests that diabetes (T2DM) share some of the pro-inflammatory foods like processed same risk factors such as obesity, meats, trans fats, and added sugars abdominal area body fat, inactivity, low appear to impact brain structure and HDL cholesterol, and high triglycerides. function through oxidative stress In fact, these two conditions are often so and neuroinflammation, which can intertwined that determining the actual inhibit neurotransmitter production and risk reduction for T2DM is difficult. a neuron’s ability to get oxygen, get However, research clearly suggests that energy, and communicate. Minimizing following a Mediterranean eating inflammatory compounds while focusing pattern is beneficial for the prevention on a primarily plant-based diet packed and management of T2DM. with antioxidants is believed to minimize the damage. In fact, higher In a 2011 meta-analysis, data was adherence to a Mediterranean food pooled from over 50 Mediterranean diet pattern is associated with a lower risk for studies and over half a million people in depression and cognitive decline, and is which indicators for diabetes, glucose positively associated with memory. management, metabolic syndrome, or insulin resistance were assessed. The A variation of the Mediterranean diet research findings suggested that the known as the MIND diet has also made Mediterranean diet was an effective way waves in recent years, suggesting the to prevent and manage diabetes based diet’s potential to slow cognitive decline, on improvements in risk factors such as as well as degenerative brain diseases fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, like Alzheimer’s. The MIND diet is HgbA1c, and body weight. A separate patterned after both the Mediterranean study that compared diet interventions and DASH (Dietary Approach to for diabetes management also found that Systolic Hypertension) diet plans and following a Mediterranean diet was an emphasizes key foods such as berries effective way to improve glycemic and leafy greens that may have a greater control, reduce insulin resistance, and influence on the brain as compared to lose weight. other types of produce. Findings suggests that individuals who had the CANCER RISK greatest adherence to the MIND diet showed significantly slower cognitive The Mediterranean diet may also decline and had a 53 percent lower risk reduce the risk for developing cancer. A of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 2017 meta-analysis pooled data from 83 studies and over 2 million people and It’s rare you find a nutrition or diet found that the eating pattern was topic where there’s an almost associated with lower risk for all cancers. overwhelming consensus among both High adherence to the diet and a lower research findings and healthcare cancer risk were found to be strongest providers, but the Mediterranean diet is for colorectal, breast, stomach, liver, one exception. In fact, it’s hard to deny head and neck, and gallbladder cancers. the potential benefits that eating a Results from a 2021 review were similar traditional Mediterranean diet and and suggested that following the incorporating aspects of that lifestyle Mediterranean diet resulted in a lower may offer. risk for all cancers in adults 30 years and older, with a risk reduction even stronger COOKING LIGHT among women. 8

MEDITERRANEAN DIET THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET PANTRY Keep these items on hand to incorporate the Mediterranean diet into your everyday eating—in addition to fresh fruits, veggies, and seafood. BEANS AND LEGUMES (dried or canned) black, cannellini, chickpeas, navy, pinto, lentils CANNED FISH anchovies, clams, salmon, sardines, sustainable tuna CHEESES feta, goat, mozzarella, Parmesan, Romano DRIED FRUIT apricots, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, figs, raisins, prunes EXTRA-VIRGIN OLIVE OIL HERBS AND SPICES cumin, basil, dill, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, turmeric OLIVES Castelvetrano, kalamata, Niçoise ONIONS AND GARLIC RAW OR ROASTED NUTS AND SEEDS almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, walnuts TOMATOES canned, paste, sauce, sun-dried VINEGARS balsamic, red wine WHOLE GRAINS brown rice, bulgur, farro, millet, pasta, quinoa, whole-grain cornmeal YOGURT plain Greek-style 9

OLIVE OIL GUIDE Most people associate olive oil with its heart- healthy monounsaturated fat. But olive oil also offers health benefits from the antioxidants in the mix of plant polyphenols that are in the olives—these compounds are what give olive oil its green color. Here are some tips for buying and storing olive oil and terms you may see on the labels. TIP! TIP! Buy extra-virgin olive oil Don’t worry about color. in dark glass bottles or The color of the oil metal cans and store it in doesn’t indicate its a cool, dark place. Light quality. Color indicates exposure causes the oil the variety and ripeness to become rancid and of the olives used to lose its healthful make it. properties. TIP! Check the bottling and expiration dates for guidance on how long the oil will keep. 10 COOKING LIGHT

EXTRA-VIRGIN LIGHT CHEERS! VS VIRGIN The terms “light,” “lite,” Wine is a part of Mediterranean cuisines— Oils labeled “extra-virgin” and “extra-light” are Spanish, Italian, French, Greek, and and “virgin” are purely marketing terms others—but that doesn’t mean you should processed by crushing used on highly refined overindulge. Leading health experts olives into a mash, which oils that refer to mild advise women to stick to no more than is pressed to extract the flavor and/or color, not one 3-ounce serving per day, and men to oil (this is called the first reduced calorie content. one 5-ounce serving. press) without the use of heat (called cold PRODUCT OF ITALY When it comes to health, red wine may pressing). Extra-virgin oils be healthier than white. Before most white are of higher quality, as This label term means the wine is fermented, the skins are separated the olives used to make oil was processed in Italy, from the mashed fruit and juice. With red them are processed not necessarily that the wine, the skins remain throughout the within 24 hours of picking. olives were grown there. fermentation process. Since many of the disease-fighting antioxidants in grapes FILTERED VS REGIONAL are in the skin, red wine contains more UNFILTERED DESIGNATIONS antioxidants than white. Oils can be filtered or not. You can find oils based on When you do sip, drink in moderation Unfiltered oils have tiny their country of origin– and try to do so with a meal. And it’s even particles of olive flesh in oils that use solely Italian better if that meal is shared with loved them, which reduces shelf olives or olives from ones. If you’re a teetotaler, you should not life, and may appear Greece or California. start to drink just for the Mediterranean cloudy if those particles Often made from olives diet. Research suggests that red grape haven’t settled at the from single estates or juice and grapes can provide some of the bottom of the bottle. particular growing same antioxidants as red wine. regions, these high- PURE quality artisan oils have 11 more distinct flavors and Pure olive oil or simply are more expensive. olive oil are below extra-virgin and virgin standards and are heavily processed to remove off flavors and aromas. CAROLINE PURSER/GETTY IMAGES EVOO OR NO? Much of the literature that surrounds whether or not to cook with olive oil states that olive oil has a lower smoke point than most other oils. We’ve been told that in addition to creating harmful compounds from quickly heating olive oil past its smoke point, heating it will destroy most of what makes it healthy in the first place— the free-radical-fighting polyphenols. However, scientific research has proved this false and tells us that high-quality extra-virgin olive oil that has not been refined or blended with other oils is highly stable when heated. It not only has a high smoke point, but most importantly, it does not break down into harmful compounds like other oils when heated at high temperatures. MEDITERRANEAN DIET

DIP INTO BEANS Key ingredients in the Mediterranean diet, beans and legumes take a featured place in these classic dips and spreads. Virtually any kind of bean can be mashed, spiced, and turned into a nutritious veggie dip or bread spread. Beans seem to bring out the best in other ingredients and are a terrific match for all manner of spices and herbs. 12 COOKING LIGHT

White Bean Dip with Roasted Red Pepper Rosemary Olive Oil Hummus HANDS-ON 10 MIN. HANDS-ON 8 MIN. TOTAL 20 MIN. TOTAL 2 HR. 8 MIN. Rosemary oil adds rich flavor and color This hummus is even tastier after to this earthy appetizer dip. Use any being refrigerated overnight. Serve variety of white beans you have on the dip with whole-grain pita chips or hand—Great Northern, cannellini, or fresh veggies. white kidney beans. 2 (15-oz.) cans chickpeas 1/4 cup olive oil, divided 1 (7-oz.) bottle roasted red bell 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 (15-oz.) cans white beans, drained peppers, drained 3 garlic cloves and rinsed 3 Tbsp. tahini (sesame seed paste) 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 Tbsp. olive oil 2 tsp. kosher salt 6 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 3 fresh rosemary sprigs, rinsed 1 tsp. curry powder 1/2 tsp. ground cumin 1. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large 1/2 tsp. ground coriander skillet over medium. Add garlic and 11/4 tsp. salt cook until fragrant, being careful not to 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper brown garlic, about 1 minute. Pour oil and garlic into a food processor. Wipe 1. Drain chickpeas, reserving 1/4 cup of out pan and set aside. the liquid. 2. Add white beans, lemon juice, and 2. Place chickpeas, reserved liquid, and salt to food processor and process until remaining ingredients in a food smooth. Transfer to a serving bowl. processor; process 2 minutes or until very smooth. Cover and chill 2 hours. 3. Return skillet to medium and add remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil and SERVES 28 (serving size: 2 Tbsp.) CALORIES 59; rosemary sprigs. Heat rosemary in olive FAT 2g (sat 0g, unsat 2g); PROTEIN 2g; CARB 8g; oil until fragrant, about 3 minutes, FIBER 2g; SUGARS 2g (added sugars 0g); stirring occasionally so the rosemary SODIUM 191mg; CALC 2% DV; POTASSIUM doesn’t burn. Remove from heat and let 1% DV cool 10 minutes. RINSING 4. Set rosemary aside and drizzle olive REWARDS oil over bean dip. Mince 1 teaspoon of the rosemary leaves and sprinkle over Food scientists have demonstrated the dip. that draining and rinsing canned beans are effective ways to reduce SERVES 16 (serving size: 2 Tbsp.) CALORIES 56; the sodium content. Draining alone FAT 4g (sat 0g, unsat 3g); PROTEIN 2g; CARB 5g; reduces sodium by 36 percent, FIBER 2g; SUGARS 0g (added sugars 0g); while draining and rinsing reduces SODIUM 362mg; CALC 1% DV; POTASSIUM sodium by 41 percent. Rinsing 2% DV beans after they’re drained ensures that all residual sodium adhering to the beans’ surface is removed and results in the highest reduction. Using a draining-and-rinsing technique, you can reduce canned beans’ sodium content and enjoy their many nutritional benefits. MEDITERRANEAN DIET 13



Fruits Summer Melon Salad reserved vinegar mixture; discard the SERVES 8 (serving size: 1 cup melon, 11/2 tsp. remaining vinegar mixture. Sprinkle vinegar mixture, 11/2 Tbsp. granola, and 1 Tbsp. HANDS-ON 20 MIN. evenly with basil leaves. basil) CALORIES 178; FAT 10g (sat 1g, unsat 8g); TOTAL 20 MIN. PROTEIN 5g; CARB 20g; FIBER 3g; SUGARS 15g SERVES 4 (serving size: 1/2 cup) CALORIES 115; (added sugars 2g); SODIUM 165mg; CALC 6% Put in-season melon to good use with FAT 6g (sat 2g, unsat 4g); PROTEIN 5g; CARB DV; POTASSIUM 11% DV this savory and sweet salad. Use a 12g; FIBER 1g; SUGARS 10g (added sugars 3g); small scoop or melon baller to get SODIUM 270mg; CALC 4% DV; POTASSIUM Prosciutto and Melon perfectly formed melon balls. 4% DV Salad with Cantaloupe Vinaigrette 1/2 cup plain 2% reduced-fat Greek- Melon Salad with style yogurt Savory Granola HANDS-ON 10 MIN. TOTAL 10 MIN. 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh flat-leaf HANDS-ON 15 MIN. parsley TOTAL 35 MIN. A fresh interpretation of the classic Italian antipasto of melon and 1 Tbsp. white balsamic vinegar Add a spicy crunch to juicy fresh prosciutto, this recipe adds arugula to 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil melon by topping it with a granola the mix. Ripe cubed cantaloupe 2 tsp. honey mixture of rolled oats, seeds, and ensures a smooth dressing. You can 2 tsp. fresh lime juice chili powder. prepare the vinaigrette a day in 3/8 tsp. kosher salt, divided advance and refrigerate. 1/8 tsp. freshly ground black pepper Cooking spray Dash of crushed red pepper 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 1 cup cubed cantaloupe 2/3 cup honeydew melon balls 1 egg white 2 Tbsp. rice vinegar 2/3 cup watermelon balls 1/2 cup sunflower seed kernels 1 tsp. sugar 2/3 cup cantaloupe balls 1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 4 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 cherry radish, cut into thin slices 2 Tbsp. sesame seeds 1/8 tsp. salt 2 center-cut bacon slices, cooked 1 Tbsp. sugar 12 cups arugula leaves 11/2 tsp. fennel seeds 1 medium honeydew melon, and crumbled 1 tsp. chili powder 12 small fresh basil leaves 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil peeled, seeded, and cut into 2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 24 slices 1. Spread yogurt in a circle on a large 1/2 tsp. honey 1 medium cantaloupe, peeled, serving plate. 8 cups sliced Charentais melon or seeded, and cut into 24 slices cantaloupe and honeydew melon 8 very thin slices prosciutto 2. Combine parsley, vinegar, oil, honey, 1/2 cup torn fresh basil leaves (about 4 oz.) lime juice, 1/8 teaspoon salt, black 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper pepper, and red pepper in a medium 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. bowl, stirring with a whisk. Add melon 1. Combine cantaloupe, vinegar, sugar, balls and radish to bowl; toss gently. 2. Line a baking sheet with parchment oil, and salt in a food processor; process paper; coat with cooking spray. until smooth. 3. Using a slotted spoon, mound melon Combine salt and egg white in a mixture on top of yogurt, reserving medium bowl, stirring with a whisk until 2. Place arugula on salad plates. Top vinegar mixture. Sprinkle evenly with frothy. Add sunflower seeds, oats, with honeydew slices, cantaloupe bacon and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt. sesame seeds, sugar, fennel, and chili slices, and prosciutto. Drizzle with Drizzle salad with 2 tablespoons of the powder; stir to coat. Spread mixture in vinaigrette and sprinkle evenly with an even layer on prepared baking black pepper. Heirloom sheet. Bake at 350°F for 15 minutes, Charentais melons stirring once after 10 minutes. Cool SERVES 8 (serving size: 11/2 cups arugula, 3 have smooth, gray- granola completely. honeydew slices, 3 cantaloupe slices, 1 prosciutto slice, and 1 Tbsp. vinaigrette) green skin and 3. Combine oil, vinegar, and honey in a CALORIES 111; FAT 4g (sat 1g, unsat 3g); bright orange flesh small bowl, stirring with a whisk. Place PROTEIN 5g; CARB 15g; FIBER 2g; SUGARS 13g that is supersweet melon on small plates. Top with vinegar (added sugars 1g); SODIUM 321mg; CALC 6% DV; mixture, granola, and basil. POTASSIUM 10% DV and fragrant. COOKING LIGHT 16


Fruits Basil-Lime Fruit Salad Summertime Fruit Mesclun with Berries Salad with Cream and Sweet Spiced HANDS-ON 20 MIN. Almonds TOTAL 20 MIN. HANDS-ON 12 MIN. TOTAL 23 MIN. HANDS-ON 5 MIN. Basil and lime lend this colorful fruit TOTAL 5 MIN. salad a savory undertone. To make Fresh berries and stone fruits shine in ahead, prepare the infused syrup and this nutrient-packed fruit salad. With Raspberries add bright color and clean and chop the fruit; refrigerate just a bit of whipped cream and a several good-for-you nutrients like separately. Toss the fruit and syrup sprinkling of almonds, it’s luscious fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C. together just before it’s time to serve. enough to serve for dessert. Almonds are a good source of vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. Chives, 1/2 cup sugar 1/3 cup water members of the onion family, add 1/2 cup water 5 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. sugar, divided phenols and flavonoids. 1/2 cup packed fresh basil leaves 1/4 cup plus 1 tsp. Chambord 5 cups gourmet salad greens plus small leaves for garnish (raspberry-flavored liqueur), 13/4 cups raspberries 1 Tbsp. lime zest divided 4 cups cubed pineapple 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives 3 cups quartered strawberries 2 cups diced nectarines 3 Tbsp. white wine vinegar 2 cups cubed peeled mango 1 cup pitted and halved 2 tsp. honey 4 kiwifruit, peeled, halved sweet cherries 1/2 tsp. country-style Dijon mustard 1 cup sliced strawberries 1/4 tsp. salt lengthwise, and sliced 1 cup raspberries 1/8 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 cup blueberries 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1. Combine sugar and 1/2 cup water in a 1/3 cup whipping cream 6 Tbsp. Sweet Spiced Almonds saucepan; bring to a boil. Cook 1 minute 3 Tbsp. slivered almonds, toasted or until sugar dissolves. Remove from (recipe on facing page) heat; stir in basil and zest. Cool. Strain 1. Combine 1/3 cup water, 5 tablespoons sugar mixture through a fine mesh sieve sugar, 1/4 cup Chambord, and lemon Combine salad greens, raspberries, and into a bowl; discard solids. juice in a small saucepan over medium- chives in a large bowl. Combine vinegar, low; bring to a boil. Simmer 8 minutes or honey, mustard, salt, and pepper in a 2. Combine pineapple, strawberries, until sugar dissolves, stirring frequently. small bowl. Gradually add oil, stirring mango, and kiwifruit in a large bowl. Remove from heat, and cool. with a whisk. Drizzle vinegar mixture Drizzle with sugar mixture; toss gently. over lettuce mixture, and toss gently to Garnish with small basil leaves. 2. Combine nectarines, cherries, coat. Arrange salad on plates, and top strawberries, raspberries, and with almonds. SERVES 12 (serving size: about 3/4 cup) blueberries in a large bowl. Add sugar CALORIES 104; FAT 0g (sat 0g, unsat 0g); mixture and toss gently to coat. SERVES 6 (serving size: 1 cup salad and 1 Tbsp. PROTEIN 1g; CARB 26g; FIBER 3g; SUGARS 22g almonds) CALORIES 82; FAT 4g (sat 0g, unsat (added sugars 8g); SODIUM 2mg; CALC 3% DV; 3. Place whipping cream and 2 3g); PROTEIN 2g; CARB 11g; FIBER 4g; SUGARS POTASSIUM 5% DV teaspoons sugar in a medium bowl and 6g (added sugars 4g); SODIUM 123mg; CALC 5% beat with a mixer at high speed until stiff DV; POTASSIUM 5% DV BASIL-LIME peaks form. Fold in 1 tsp. Chambord. FRUIT Serve whipped cream over fruit, and sprinkle with almonds. SALAD SERVES 8 (serving size: 1/2 cup fruit salad, 11/2 Tbsp. whipped cream, and about 1 tsp. almonds) CALORIES 161; FAT 5g (sat 2g, unsat 2g); PROTEIN 2g; CARB 26g; FIBER 3g; SUGARS 21g (added sugars 10g); SODIUM 4mg; CALC 3% DV; POTASSIUM 5% DV 18

Sweet Spiced Almonds Fruits HANDS-ON 5 MIN. 19 TOTAL 30 MIN. Keep these sweet almonds on hand to sprinkle on salads or to nibble on for a healthy snack. 1 cup sliced almonds 1/3 cup packed brown sugar 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground coriander 1/2 tsp. ground cumin 1 large egg white, lightly beaten Cooking spray 1. Preheat oven to 325°F. 2. Combine almonds, brown sugar, cinnamon, coriander, and cumin in a small bowl. Stir in egg white. Spread mixture evenly onto a foil-lined baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Bake at 325°F for 10 minutes. Stir mixture; bake an additional 15 minutes or until crisp. Transfer foil to a wire rack; cool almond mixture. Break almond mixture into small pieces. Store at room temperature in an airtight container for up to one week. SERVES 16 (serving size: 1 Tbsp.) CALORIES 27; FAT 2g (sat 0g, unsat 1g); PROTEIN 1g; CARB 3g; FIBER 0g; SUGARS 2g (added sugars 2g); SODIUM 2mg; CALC 1% DV; POTASSIUM 0% DV MESCLUN WITH BERRIES AND SWEET SPICED ALMONDS MEDITERRANEAN DIET

OVERNIGHT BANANA-BERRY OVERNIGHT OATMEAL OATS Speed up your morning routine with a low-maintenance, high-fiber breakfast made the night before. OVERNIGHT OATS WITH STONE FRUIT 20

Fruits Banana-Berry Overnight Oats with Overnight Oats with Overnight Oats Kefir, Berries, and Stone Fruit Toasted Coconut HANDS-ON 5 MIN. HANDS-ON 20 MIN. TOTAL 6 HR. 5 MIN. HANDS-ON 10 MIN. TOTAL 7 HR. 20 MIN. TOTAL 8 HR. 10 MIN. Studies show frozen blueberries A buttermilk, syrup, vanilla, and have considerably greater This oatmeal bowl is a great cinnamon mixture makes a polyphenol concentrations than on-the-go breakfast and is also luxurious creamy oatmeal. fresh, while most other nutrient made probiotic-rich with the Refrigerate oats and fruit in levels are comparable between addition of kefir. Because the separate containers overnight, the two. Walnuts deliver a active cultures in kefir are then combine and top with nuts one-two punch of crunch and sensitive to heat, it’s best to just before serving. nutrition: They are a top nut for enjoy the bowl cold. brain health thanks to the 2/3 cup old-fashioned powerful combination of 11/3 cups plain low-fat kefir rolled oats omega-3 fats, vitamin E, and 2/3 cup old-fashioned antioxidants. 1/2 cup low-fat buttermilk rolled oats 1/2 cup 2% reduced-fat milk 1/2 medium-size ripe banana 2 tsp. honey 2 Tbsp. maple syrup 1/4 cup plain 2% reduced-fat 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 cup sliced strawberries 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon Greek-style yogurt 1/2 cup blueberries 2 Tbsp. chopped pecans 1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled 2 Tbsp. unsweetened coconut 1 cup chopped fresh stone oats flakes, toasted fruit, such as cherries, 1 tsp. chia seeds peaches, or plums 1/8 tsp. kosher salt 1. Combine kefir, oats, honey, and 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice 2/3 cup unsweetened cinnamon in a bowl. Stir well to combine. Cover and refrigerate 1. In a large bowl, stir together almond milk overnight; stir. oats, buttermilk, 2% milk, syrup, 1/4 cup frozen thawed vanilla, and cinnamon. Divide 2. Divide oat mixture between between 2 (2-cup) containers. mixed berries bowls. Top evenly with berries Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 Tbsp. chopped walnuts and coconut. 7 hours or overnight. 1. Place banana in a small bowl SERVES 2 (serving size: about 1 cup oats, 2. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread and use a fork to thoroughly 1/2 cup berries, and 1 Tbsp. coconut) pecans on a small baking sheet; mash. Add yogurt; stir to combine. CALORIES 263; FAT 7g (sat 4g, unsat 2g); bake at 350°F until toasted and PROTEIN 12g; CARB 42g; FIBER 5g; fragrant, 8 to 10 minutes, stirring 2. Add oats, chia seeds, salt, and SUGARS 21g (added sugars 6g); SODIUM once. Let cool. almond milk; stir well to combine. 86mg; CALC 23% DV; POTASSIUM 5% DV Cover and refrigerate overnight or 3. In a small bowl, stir together at least 6 hours. fruit and lemon juice. Just before serving, stir oats mixture and top 3. Top with mixed berries and with fruit and pecans. walnuts before serving. SERVES 2 (serving size: 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup SERVES 1 (serving size: about 1 cup) fruit, and 1 Tbsp. pecans) CALORIES 299; CALORIES 352; FAT 13g (sat 2g, unsat 8g); FAT 9g (sat 2g, unsat 6g); PROTEIN 9g; PROTEIN 14g; CARB 51g; FIBER 10g; CARB 47g; FIBER 5g; SUGARS 26g SUGARS 14g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM (added sugars 13g); SODIUM 148mg; 391mg; CALC 42% DV; POTASSIUM CALC 19% DV; POTASSIUM 11% DV 11% DV OVERNIGHT OATS WITH KEFIR, BERRIES, AND TOASTED COCONUT 21

Fruits Chocolate-Amaretti Triple-Berry Crisp Greek-style yogurt Peaches is made by straining HANDS-ON 15 MIN. out the extra whey, HANDS-ON 5 MIN. TOTAL 1 HR. making a yogurt that TOTAL 12 MIN. is thicker, creamier, Tart, jammy berries form the base of Amaretti cookies have a distinct this fruit dessert, and the granola adds and tangier than almond-amaretto flavor and crunchy crunchy sweetness. regular yogurt. texture that make this easy fruit dessert memorable. In a pinch, you Cooking spray can substitute crumbled almond 2 cups blueberries biscotti for the amaretti cookies. 2 cups raspberries 1 cup blackberries 1/2 cup crushed amaretti cookies 3 Tbsp. honey (about 8 cookies) 1 Tbsp. water 2 Tbsp. cornstarch 2 Tbsp. brown sugar 1 cup granola 4 large ripe peaches, halved 1 Tbsp. olive oil and pitted Vanilla Greek-style yogurt (optional) Cooking spray 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 9-inch 8 tsp. butter square baking dish with cooking spray; 1 oz. bittersweet chocolate, shaved set aside. Toss together blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries in a 1. Preheat broiler. Combine cookie medium bowl. Stir together honey and crumbs and sugar in a small bowl. water in a small bowl until combined. Add honey mixture and cornstarch to 2. Hollow center of peach halves using berry mixture; stir until evenly a melon baller. Fill each peach half with combined. Let stand, stirring 1 rounded tablespoon of the cookie occasionally, 10 minutes. Spoon mixture crumb mixture. into prepared baking dish. 3. Arrange peaches in an 11- x 7-inch 2. Bake at 350°F until berries are glass or ceramic baking dish coated bubbly, about 35 minutes. Remove from with cooking spray. Place 1 teaspoon oven. Stir together granola and oil in a butter on top of each filled peach half. medium bowl; sprinkle evenly over Broil 2 minutes or until butter melts. berry mixture. Return to oven and bake Sprinkle evenly with chocolate. Cool 5 at 350°F until granola is hot and slightly minutes before serving. toasted, about 10 minutes. Top with yogurt, if desired. SERVES 8 (serving size: 1 filled peach half) CALORIES 121; FAT 6g (sat 3g, unsat 1g); SERVES 6 (serving size: about 2/3 cup) CALORIES PROTEIN 2g; CARB 18g; FIBER 2g; SUGARS 15g 186; FAT 5g (sat 1g, unsat 3g); PROTEIN 3g; (added sugars 3g); SODIUM 45mg; CALC 1% DV; CARB 37g; FIBER 6g; SUGARS 19g (added POTASSIUM 4% DV sugars 8g); SODIUM 15mg; CALC 3% DV; POTASSIUM 4% DV 22 COOKING LIGHT



Fruits Red Wine–Poached 4. Whisk together mascarpone, milk, Pears and vanilla in a bowl until smooth. Place pear halves on serving plates. Drizzle HANDS-ON 20 MIN. each serving with poaching liquid syrup TOTAL 8 HR. 45 MIN. and top with vanilla mascarpone. Perfumy cardamom heightens the SERVES 6 (serving size: 1/2 pear, 11/2 Tbsp. sweetness of poached pears. We use poaching syrup, and 1 Tbsp. mascarpone) whole pods here to infuse the CALORIES 222; FAT 9g (sat 5g, unsat 4g); poaching liquid with the taste of PROTEIN 2g; CARB 33g; FIBER 4g; SUGARS 24g cardamom. Red wine flavors the (added sugars 16g); SODIUM 13mg; CALC 5% DV; liquid, rather than serving entirely as POTASSIUM 5% DV the base, so its bitter tannins are much more subtle. Baked Apples 2 cups water HANDS-ON 20 MIN. 6 Tbsp. sugar TOTAL 1 HR. 10 MIN. 1/4 cup cardamom pods 3 Tbsp. dry red wine Thickened with cornstarch and brown 2 whole star anise (optional) sugar, these sweet baked apples are 3 firm pears, peeled like a crustless apple pie with a toasty 1/4 cup mascarpone cheese crunch from the pecans. 2 tsp. whole milk 1 tsp. vanilla bean paste or 1/4 tsp. 6 medium Honeycrisp or Pink Lady apples, unpeeled and sliced 1/4 in. vanilla extract thick (about 10 cups) 1. Stir together 2 cups water, sugar, 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar cardamom, wine, and star anise, if 3 Tbsp. cornstarch using, in a saucepan over high; bring to 3 Tbsp. water a boil. Add pears; reduce heat to 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice medium. Cut a circle of parchment 11/2 tsp. ground cinnamon paper slightly larger than circumference 1/2 tsp. ground ginger of pan; press paper onto the surface of 1/4 tsp. kosher salt the pears to keep them submerged. 1/3 cup chopped pecans Simmer 20 minutes or until just tender. Remove from heat; cool completely. 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Toss together Chill pears in liquid in pan 8 hours. apples, brown sugar, cornstarch, water, lemon juice, cinnamon, ginger, and salt 2. Remove pears from liquid with a in a 13- x 9-inch baking dish. Cover with slotted spoon. Halve pears vertically. aluminum foil. Gently remove seeds and core with a spoon. Chill until serving. 2. Bake at 350°F 40 minutes. Remove foil; sprinkle apple mixture with pecans. 3. Place pan with poaching liquid over Continue baking, uncovered, at 350°F high, and cook until syrupy and reduced until apples are fork-tender, 10 to 15 to about 1/2 cup, about 25 minutes, minutes. Serve warm. stirring occasionally. Pour through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl; discard SERVES 6 (serving size: about 1 cup) CALORIES the solids. 190; FAT 5g (sat 0g, unsat 4g); PROTEIN 1g; CARB 40g; FIBER 5g; SUGARS 28g (added sugars 9g); SODIUM 52mg; CALC 3% DV; POTASSIUM 5% DV MEDITERRANEAN DIET 25



Vegetables Spring Salad with 1. Place a bowl of ice water next to the Grilled Heirloom Herbed Goat Cheese sink. Bring 8 cups water to a boil in a Tomato and Feta medium stockpot over high. Add Panzanella HANDS-ON 20 MIN. asparagus and peas, and cook until TOTAL 20 MIN. tender, 2 to 3 minutes; drain. Plunge HANDS-ON 20 MIN. asparagus and peas into ice bath; drain. TOTAL 20 MIN. Get a full taste of spring with this Transfer to a baking sheet lined with baby spinach, pea, and asparagus paper towels to dry; sprinkle with Spring for heirloom tomatoes in this salad topped with herbed goat cheese. 1/4 teaspoon salt. classic bread salad—their rich flavor You can blanch the asparagus and and vibrant color add a huge wow peas, make the herbed goat cheese, 2. Place a 12-inch square of plastic wrap factor. Beans bulk it up with fiber and whisk together the dressing up to on a work surface. Sprinkle parsley and and protein, making this an easy a day ahead. chives in the middle of the square. Roll main dish. goat cheese in herb mixture to coat, 8 cups water and roll plastic wrap around cheese. 2 lbs. heirloom tomatoes, halved 8 oz. fresh asparagus, cut into 1-in. Gently roll into a 4-inch-long log. Cut 4 oz. French bread, cut into log into 8 (1/2-inch-thick) rounds, cutting pieces (about 11/2 cups) through the plastic; discard plastic. 1-in. slices 1 cup frozen green peas 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, divided 3/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided 3. Whisk together lime zest, juice, 1 (3-oz.) block feta cheese 1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh mustard, honey, chopped mint, pepper, 1/4 tsp. kosher salt and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt in a 1/4 tsp. black pepper flat-leaf parsley medium bowl. Slowly whisk in oil. Toss 1 (14.5-oz.) can unsalted cannellini 1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh chives dressing with spinach; add asparagus, 1 (3-oz.) goat cheese log peas, and radishes; top with almonds, beans, drained and rinsed 1 tsp. lime zest cheese, and mint leaves. 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion 2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice 1/2 cup small fresh basil leaves 1 tsp. whole-grain mustard SERVES 4 (serving size: 2 cups) CALORIES 245; 2 tsp. red wine vinegar 1 tsp. honey FAT 18g (sat 5g, unsat 12g); PROTEIN 10g; CARB 1 tsp. finely chopped fresh mint 14g; FIBER 5g; SUGARS 5g (added sugars 1g); 1. Heat grill to high (450°F to 550°F). 1/4 tsp. black pepper SODIUM 541mg; CALC 13% DV; POTASSIUM Brush tomatoes and bread slices evenly 21/2 Tbsp. olive oil 16% DV with 1 tablespoon oil. Place tomatoes, 6 oz. fresh baby spinach bread, and feta on grill rack; grill until 1 cup thinly sliced radishes charred on both sides, 1 to 2 minutes 1/4 cup roasted unsalted almonds per side. Transfer to a plate, and 2 Tbsp. fresh mint leaves sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper. Let cool 5 minutes; cut larger tomatoes and Kitchen Confidential bread into chunks. Here’s how to easily coat 2. Combine tomatoes, bread, beans, the goat cheese with herbs onion, basil, vinegar, and remaining 3 and cut it into neat rounds: tablespoons oil in a large bowl; gently Use the plastic wrap to help toss. Spoon salad onto plates; crumble you roll the cheese and feta evenly over top. Serve immediately. keep it together as you slice. SERVES 4 (serving size: 11/2 cups) CALORIES 381; FAT 21g (sat 5g, unsat 14g); PROTEIN 13g; CARB 39g; FIBER 8g; SUGARS 10g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 530mg; CALC 19% DV; POTASSIUM 17% DV 28 COOKING LIGHT


Vegetables 30

Vegetables GRILLED Grilled Vegetable Salad Heirloom Tomato Salad VEGETABLE with Herbs and Capers SALAD HANDS-ON 15 MIN. TOTAL 27 MIN. HANDS-ON 10 MIN. MEDITERRANEAN DIET TOTAL 10 MIN. Intensify the flavor of fresh veggies by tossing them in olive oil and grilling Rely on the colors and flavors of until they’re tender, then serve over heirloom tomatoes and fresh herbs for crisp fresh salad greens. this simple, vibrant salad. 4 plum tomatoes, halved 2 cups assorted heirloom cherry 2 medium-size zucchini, each cut tomatoes, halved lengthwise into 4 slices 1/2 cup crumbled reduced-fat feta 2 medium-size yellow squash, each cheese (2 oz.) cut lengthwise into 4 slices 1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh basil 2 baby eggplants, each cut 3 Tbsp. chopped fresh flat-leaf lengthwise into 4 slices parsley 1 large red bell pepper, seeded and 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh mint 1 Tbsp. drained capers, chopped cut into 4 wedges 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 large red onion, cut into 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 2 lbs. assorted beefsteak heirloom thick slices 1 lb. asparagus tomatoes, each cut into 6 wedges 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper Cooking spray 6 (1/2-oz.) slices sourdough bread, 6 cups mixed salad greens 1/4 cup light olive oil vinaigrette toasted or grilled 1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese (2 oz.) Combine cherry tomatoes, feta, basil, 1. Preheat grill to medium-high (400°F to parsley, mint, capers, vinegar, olive oil, 450°F). Combine vegetables in a large and beefsteak tomatoes in a bowl. bowl, and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle Sprinkle tomato mixture with salt and with salt and toss to coat. pepper; toss gently. Serve with bread. 2. Place vegetables on a grill rack SERVES 6 (about 11/4 cups tomato mixture and 1 coated with cooking spray. Grill 5 to 6 bread slice) CALORIES 112; FAT 4g (sat 1g, unsat minutes on each side, removing 2g); PROTEIN 6g; CARB 15g; FIBER 3g; SUGARS vegetables as they become tender. Cut 2g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 511mg; CALC 4% grilled vegetables into bite-size pieces. DV; POTASSIUM 10% DV 3. Toss salad greens with vinaigrette Kitchen Confidential and place on salad plates. Top greens evenly with vegetables and sprinkle Use a combination of your with goat cheese. favorite tomato varieties. We like a mix of red SERVES 4 (serving size: 11/2 cups greens, 1/4 of Brandywine, Green Zebra, vegetables, and 2 Tbsp. cheese) CALORIES 263; and Persimmon for the FAT 16g (sat 4g, unsat 7g); PROTEIN 11g; CARB beefsteak tomatoes, and 28g; FIBER 11g; SUGARS 14g (added sugars 0g); Sungold, Yellow Pear, and SODIUM 523mg; CALCIUM 14% DV; POTASSIUM Green Grape for the cherry 31% DV tomatoes. 31


Vegetables Grilled Eggplant with 2. Preheat grill to medium-high (400°F 1. Preheat grill to medium-high (400°F Freekeh Pilaf to 450°F). Cut each eggplant in half to 450°F). lengthwise. Lightly coat eggplant with 2. Place broth, orange juice, wine, and HANDS-ON 15 MIN. cooking spray; sprinkle with remaining herbes de Provence in a medium TOTAL 41 MIN. 1/4 teaspoon salt and black pepper. saucepan over medium-high; bring to a Place eggplant on grill rack coated with boil. Cook until slightly syrupy and Pomegranate molasses brings tartness, cooking spray; grill 3 minutes on each reduced to 1/3 cup (about 10 minutes). and the feta adds a salty finish to this side or until tender. Remove from grill. Remove from heat; cool. Stir in olive oil, hearty side dish. Find the molasses Arrange eggplant on a platter; top with olive paste, salt, pepper, and garlic. where you buy Middle Eastern freekeh mixture. Drizzle evenly with 3. Place tofu and vegetables on grill ingredients, or substitute balsamic pomegranate molasses and remaining rack coated with cooking spray. Brush glaze. Freekeh is a whole-grain 1 tablespoon olive oil. Sprinkle evenly half of juice mixture over tofu and cracked wheat with a nutty flavor and with feta and mint. vegetables; grill for 4 minutes. Turn tofu texture. If you can’t find it, bulgur will and vegetables over; brush with work as well. SERVES 4 (serving size: 2 eggplant halves, 1/2 remaining juice mixture. Cook for 3 cup freekeh mixture, 1 Tbsp. feta, and 1/2 Tbsp. minutes or until vegetables are golden 5 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided mint) CALORIES 361; FAT 9g (sat 2g, unsat 6g); brown and tender. 1 cup chopped onion PROTEIN 10g; CARB 64g; FIBER 11g; SUGARS 9g 4. Combine basil, parsley, and thyme. 2/3 cup cracked freekeh or bulgur (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 472mg; CALC 11% Place vegetables and tofu on plates and 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, divided DV; POTASSIUM 13% DV sprinkle with fresh herb mixture. 3/8 tsp. crushed red pepper 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon Grilled Tofu with SERVES 4 (serving size: 2 tofu slices, 1/4 of 1 garlic clove, minced Ratatouille Vegetables vegetables, and 1 Tbsp. herbs) CALORIES 310; 2 cups unsalted vegetable stock FAT 14g (sat 2g, unsat 6g); PROTEIN 14g; CARB 1/2 tsp. lemon zest HANDS-ON 17 MIN. 33g; FIBER 8g; SUGARS 18g (added sugars 0g); 4 (1/2-lb.) Japanese eggplants TOTAL 27 MIN. SODIUM 495mg; CALC 27% DV; POTASSIUM Cooking spray 22% DV 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper This colorful summery dish combines 2 Tbsp. pomegranate molasses the vegetables of the classic Provençal Kitchen Confidential 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese (about stew with meaty grilled tofu. Herbes de Provence is 1 oz.) 1 cup less-sodium vegetable broth a mixture of dried herbs 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh mint 1/2 cup fresh orange juice typical of the Provence 1/2 cup dry rosé wine region of southeastern 1. Heat a medium saucepan over 2 tsp. dried herbes de Provence France. The blend usually medium. Add 2 teaspoons oil to pan; 2 Tbsp. olive oil contains savory, marjoram, swirl to coat. Add onion; cook 6 minutes 1 Tbsp. olive paste rosemary, thyme, and or until beginning to brown, stirring 1/2 tsp. kosher salt oregano. occasionally. Add freekeh, 1/4 teaspoon 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper salt, red pepper, cinnamon, and garlic; 4 garlic cloves, minced 33 cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add Cooking spray stock; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce 1 (14-oz.) pkg. extra-firm tofu, cut heat, and simmer 20 minutes or until freekeh is slightly al dente. Remove into 8 (3/4-in.-thick) slices from heat; let stand 5 minutes. Stir in 3 small eggplants, each cut lemon zest. lengthwise into 4 slices MEDITERRANEAN DIET 3 small zucchini, each cut lengthwise into 4 slices 1 Vidalia or other sweet onion, cut into 1/2-in.-thick slices 1 large red bell pepper, cut into 8 wedges 4 small tomatoes, halved 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh thyme

Vegetables Mediterranean Grilled 3. Preheat grill to medium-high (400°F 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Vegetable Tagine to 450°F). 2. Cook spinach in microwave HANDS-ON 30 MIN. 4. Remove bell peppers and red onion according to package directions; cool TOTAL 1 HR. 5 MIN. from bag, discarding marinade; place on slightly. Place spinach in a clean kitchen grill rack coated with cooking spray. Grill towel, and squeeze dry. A tagine is a succulent stew simmered 10 minutes, turning frequently. over low heat until rich and tender. 3. Combine spinach, scallions, This all-vegetable version features 5. Bring 1 cup of water to a boil in a artichokes, bread, and Monterey Jack ingredients often used in Moroccan medium saucepan; gradually stir in cheese in a large bowl; toss. Arrange cuisine—olives, raisins, tomatoes, couscous. Remove from heat; cover and bread mixture in a broiler-safe 11- x couscous, pine nuts, cinnamon, let stand 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork. 7-inch glass or ceramic baking dish and cumin. Serve tomato mixture over couscous. coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle Top with grilled bell peppers and red Parmesan cheese over top. 1 small red onion onions; sprinkle with pine nuts. 2 red bell peppers, quartered 4. Combine milk, Dijon, pepper, nutmeg, 1 green bell pepper, quartered SERVES 4 (serving size: 1/2 cup couscous, 11/4 and eggs in a bowl, stirring with a whisk. 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar cups tomato mixture, 1/2 cup grilled vegetables, Pour egg mixture evenly over bread 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, divided and 1 Tbsp. pine nuts) CALORIES 409; FAT 10g mixture. Bake at 375°F for 38 minutes or 1 tsp. olive oil, divided (sat 1g, unsat 4g); PROTEIN 11g; CARB 71g; FIBER until set. Turn broiler to high (do not 13/4 cups chopped onion 8g; SUGARS 19g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM remove pan from oven). Broil 4 minutes 2 garlic cloves, minced 891mg; CALC 8% DV; POTASSIUM 9% DV or until edges are lightly browned. 1 tsp. ground cumin 1/2 tsp. fennel seeds, crushed Artichoke and SERVES 6 (serving size: about 11/3 cups) 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon Spinach Strata CALORIES 294; FAT 11g (sat 5g, unsat 3g); 11/4 cups water, divided PROTEIN 19g; CARB 28g; FIBER 7g; SUGARS 7g 1/4 cup sliced pitted green olives HANDS-ON 15 MIN. (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 603mg; CALC 40% 1/4 cup golden raisins TOTAL 1 HR. 5 MIN. DV; POTASSIUM 7% DV 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 (28-oz.) can diced tomatoes, A strata is basically a savory bread Kitchen Confidential pudding. This one features, in undrained addition to the bread, eggs, and A hearty strata is a great 6 small red potatoes, quartered cheese, the convenience of frozen choice for a brunch menu, Cooking spray spinach and artichokes. and can be assembled a 2/3 cup uncooked couscous day ahead. After pouring 1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted 1 (10-oz.) pkg. frozen spinach the egg mixture over the 3 scallions, chopped (white and bread mixture in the baking 1. Cut red onion into 4 wedges, leaving dish, cover and refrigerate root end intact. Place red onion, bell light green parts only) several hours or overnight. peppers, vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 (9-oz.) pkg. frozen artichoke Let the strata come to room 1/2 teaspoon oil in a zip-lock plastic bag. temperature before baking Seal bag; toss well to coat. hearts, thawed and drained according to the recipe 8 oz. whole-wheat sourdough directions. 2. Heat 1/2 teaspoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high. Add bread, crusts removed and cubed chopped onion and garlic; sauté 3 (about 5 cups) minutes. Add cumin, fennel, and 4 oz. reduced-fat Monterey Jack cinnamon; sauté 1 minute. Add cheese, shredded (1 cup) remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 cup water, Cooking spray olives, raisins, black pepper, tomatoes, 1 oz. Parmesan cheese, grated and potatoes; bring to a boil. Cover, (1/4 cup) reduce heat, and simmer 25 minutes or 13/4 cups 1% low-fat milk until potatoes are just tender. 2 tsp. Dijon mustard 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper Dash of ground nutmeg 4 large eggs 34 COOKING LIGHT


Vegetables Grilled Stuffed Portobello Stuffed Bell Peppers Mushrooms HANDS-ON 20 MIN. HANDS-ON 5 MIN. TOTAL 1 HR. 50 MIN. TOTAL 15 MIN. In the slow cooker, the peppers remain Fill meaty portobello mushroom caps with firm enough to hold their shape but are a robust mixture of spinach, garlic, oregano, tender enough to slice. You can use one and Parmesan cheese package of microwavable brown rice for the cheesy kale and rice filling. 2 (41/2-in.) portobello mushroom caps 2 tsp. olive oil, divided 4 large yellow bell peppers 1 garlic clove, minced 1 Tbsp. olive oil 3/4 cup minced onion 1 cup chopped yellow onion 11/2 tsp. chopped fresh oregano 1 Tbsp. chopped garlic 1/2 cup baby spinach leaves 2 tsp. chopped fresh thyme 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese (1 oz.) 4 cups chopped stemmed Lacinato kale 1/3 cup Italian-seasoned panko (Japanese 11/2 cups cooked brown rice 2 oz. Gruyère cheese, shredded (1/2 cup) breadcrumbs) 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 11/2 tsp. balsamic vinegar 3/4 cup shredded low-moisture part-skim 1/2 tsp. black pepper Cooking spray mozzarella cheese (3 oz.), divided 1/2 cup water 1. Preheat grill to medium-high (400°F to 1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream 450°F). Freshly ground black pepper 2. Remove brown gills from undersides of 1. Remove and discard top quarter of each mushrooms using a spoon; discard gills. Set bell pepper; remove and discard inner the mushroom caps aside. membranes and seeds. Set peppers aside. 3. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large nonstick 2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high. skillet over medium-high. Add garlic and Add onion, garlic, and thyme; cook, stirring onion; sauté 2 minutes. Add oregano and occasionally, until tender, about 4 minutes. spinach; sauté 1 minute or until spinach wilts. Add kale; cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer mixture to a 4. Transfer spinach mixture to a medium bowl; medium bowl; stir in rice, Gruyère, salt, and stir in remaining 1 teaspoon oil, cheese, 1/4 cup mozzarella until combined. Spoon panko, vinegar, and pepper. Divide filling mixture evenly into prepared peppers. evenly among mushrooms, spooning onto gill sides. Place mushrooms on a grill rack coated 3. Arrange stuffed peppers in an even layer in with cooking spray; grill 7 minutes or until a 6-quart slow cooker; sprinkle with cheese melts. remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella. SERVES 2 (serving size: 1 mushroom cap) CALORIES 4. Pour water into bottom of slow cooker. 190; FAT 9g (sat 3g, unsat 5g); PROTEIN 8g; CARB 20g; Cover and cook on high until peppers are FIBER 3g; SUGARS 6g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM tender, filling is hot, and cheese is melted, 306mg; CALC 16% DV; POTASSIUM 9% DV 1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 hours. Transfer peppers to a plate; dollop with sour cream, and sprinkle evenly with black pepper. SERVES 4 (serving size: 1 bell pepper and 1 Tbsp. sour cream) CALORIES 367; FAT 15g (sat 7g, unsat 7g); PROTEIN 16g; CARB 42g; FIBER 7g; SUGARS 10g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 532mg; CALC 45% DV; POTASSIUM 12% DV 36 COOKING LIGHT


Vegetables PEPPER-ONLY PIZZA VEGGIE-FULL PIZZAS Fill your market basket with fresh summer veggies such as yellow squash, zucchini, sweet corn, tomatoes, and red bell peppers, and then use your produce to make colorful, nutrient-packed pizzas. Look for mild Sweety Drop peppers at specialty stores or use chopped pickled sweet cherry peppers instead. 38

Vegetables Pepper-Only Pizza 1 Tbsp. yellow cornmeal Local Farmers’ 1/2 cup lower-sodium marinara sauce Market Pizza HANDS-ON 17 MIN. 1/2 tsp. kosher salt TOTAL 49 MIN. 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper HANDS-ON 32 MIN. 6 oz. fresh mozzarella cheese, TOTAL 1 HR. 1 Hatch or Anaheim chile 6 oz. refrigerated fresh whole- thinly sliced and torn into pieces 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 2 cups thinly sliced onion wheat pizza dough, at room 1. Place a pizza stone or heavy baking 1 tsp. chopped fresh thyme temperature sheet in oven. Preheat oven to 500°F 2 cups thinly sliced red bell pepper 2 Tbsp. lower-sodium marinara (keep pizza stone or baking sheet in 5 garlic cloves, thinly sliced sauce oven as it preheats). 1 cup fresh corn kernels 1/4 cup crumbled queso fresco (1 oz.) 1/4 tsp. salt 1 Tbsp. pickled Sweety Drop 2. Preheat grill to medium-high (400°F 1/4 tsp. black pepper peppers to 450°F). 1 lb. refrigerated fresh pizza dough, 1 Tbsp. Mexican crema 3. Flatten bell pepper pieces with hand. at room temperature 1. Preheat broiler to high. Place Hatch Arrange all the vegetables in a single Cooking spray chile on a piece of heavy-duty foil. Broil layer on a large cutting board or baking 10 minutes or until blackened, turning sheet; brush both sides evenly with 11/2 5 oz. thinly sliced fresh mozzarella occasionally. Wrap chile in foil; let stand tablespoons oil. Arrange onion wedges cheese 10 minutes. Peel chile; discard skin, on skewers, if desired. Arrange seeds, and stem. Slice into thin strips. vegetables on grill rack coated with 1/3 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cooking spray, and grill for 3 minutes on cheese (11/2 oz.) 2. Preheat oven to 550°F with a large each side or until crisp-tender and grill cast-iron pan inside; continue to heat marks appear. Remove from grill. 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved pan an additional 10 minutes after oven Coarsely chop bell pepper. 1/3 cup fresh basil leaves has reached 550°F. 4. Roll dough into a 14-inch circle on a 1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Position an 3. Press dough with fingers into a 9-inch lightly floured surface, and pierce entire oven rack in the next to lowest setting. circle on a floured surface. Carefully surface liberally with a fork. Carefully Place a 16-inch pizza pan on the rack. remove pan from oven. Place dough remove pizza stone from oven. Sprinkle circle in pan. Spread sauce on dough, cornmeal over pizza stone; place dough 2. Heat a large nonstick skillet over leaving a 3/4-inch rim around outside. on pizza stone. Bake at 500°F for 5 medium-high. Add olive oil to pan, and Sprinkle evenly with cheese. Top with minutes. Remove partially baked crust swirl to coat. Add 2 cups onion and sliced chile and Sweety Drop peppers. from oven. Spread sauce over crust, thyme to pan; cook for 3 minutes or until Place pan in oven; bake at 550°F for leaving a 1/2-inch border. Arrange the onion is tender, stirring occasionally. 7 minutes or until top is browned. vegetables over dough, and sprinkle Add bell pepper and garlic to pan; cook Drizzle with crema. Cut into quarters. evenly with salt and crushed red for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add pepper. Top evenly with cheese. corn, salt, and black pepper to pan; SERVES 2 (serving size: 2 slices) CALORIES 274; Carefully return pizza to pizza stone. cook for 1 minute or until mixture is FAT 5g (sat 1g, unsat 2g); PROTEIN 10g; CARB Bake at 500°F for an additional 12 thoroughly heated. 46g; FIBER 8g; SUGARS 3g (added sugars 2g); minutes or until crust and cheese are SODIUM 473mg; CALC 5% DV; POTASSIUM browned. Brush edge of dough with 3. Roll dough into a 16-inch circle on a 4% DV remaining 11/2 teaspoons olive oil. Cut lightly floured surface. Remove pan from into 6 large slices. oven. Coat pan with cooking spray. Grilled Summer Place dough on pan. Arrange mozzarella Vegetable Pizza SERVES 6 (serving size: 1 slice) CALORIES 377; slices evenly over dough. Spread corn FAT 16g (sat 6g, unsat 6g); PROTEIN 12g; CARB mixture evenly over mozzarella, and top HANDS-ON 15 MIN. 47g; FIBER 3g; SUGARS 4g (added sugars 0g); with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. TOTAL 32 MIN. SODIUM 752mg; CALC 2% DV; POTASSIUM Bake at 425°F for 23 minutes. Arrange 4% DV tomatoes evenly over pizza; bake an 1 red bell pepper, seeded and additional 5 minutes or until crust is quartered browned. Remove from oven; sprinkle with basil. Cut into 6 slices. 1 zucchini, cut into 1/4-in.-thick diagonal slices SERVES 6 (serving size: 1 slice) CALORIES 357; FAT 12g (sat 5g, unsat 3g); PROTEIN 15g; CARB 1 yellow squash, cut into 1/4-in.-thick 48g; FIBER 8g; SUGARS 6g (added sugars 0g); diagonal slices SODIUM 470mg; CALC 17% DV; POTASSIUM 6% DV 1 small red onion, cut into 12 wedges 2 Tbsp. olive oil, divided Cooking spray 1 lb. refrigerated fresh pizza dough, at room temperature 39



Grains & Pasta Toasted Farro Salad Farro Salad with 2. Meanwhile, bring a medium with Watermelon and Cherries, Corn, saucepan filled with remaining 21/2 cups Peaches and Basil water to a boil over high. Add farro; reduce heat to medium, and simmer, HANDS-ON 25 MIN. HANDS-ON 25 MIN. uncovered, until farro is tender, about 15 TOTAL 25 MIN. TOTAL 2 HR. 45 MIN. minutes. Drain well. Spread farro on a rimmed baking sheet; let cool Toasting the farro before boiling it This make-ahead salad is bright and completely, about 15 minutes. brings out an added layer of rich juicy thanks to the cherries, while the nuttiness in this hearty grain salad. farro base keeps it hearty and filling. 3. Stir together cooled farro, cherries, Complemented by fresh herbs and corn, almonds, basil, cilantro, oil, sweet, juicy peaches and watermelon, 4 oz. shallots (about 4 medium pepper, 1/4 cup pickled shallots, 1 this summertime side dish is the shallots), thinly sliced tablespoon of the pickling liquid, and ultimate refreshing and nutritious bite remaining 3/4 teaspoon salt in a large you need. Serve it immediately, or let 2/3 cup sherry vinegar bowl. Store salad, covered, in the flavors meld in the refrigerator for 2 tsp. granulated sugar refrigerator up to 2 days. Store a couple hours (or overnight) and 2/3 cup plus 21/2 cups water, divided remaining pickled shallots in a sealed enjoy it chilled. 13/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided glass jar up to 4 days. 1 cup uncooked farro 1 cup uncooked farro 11/4 cups halved pitted dark sweet SERVES 4 (serving size: about 11/2 cups) 11/2 cups cubed seedless watermelon CALORIES 314; FAT 10g (sat 1g, unsat 9g); cherries PROTEIN 9g; CARB 49g; FIBER 6g; SUGARS 11g 2 medium peaches, diced 3/4 cup fresh corn kernels (added sugars 1g); SODIUM 770mg; CALC 7% DV; 1/2 cup chopped fresh mint, POTASSIUM 7% DV 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil (about 1 ear) 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 cup toasted sliced almonds Kitchen Confidential 1 Tbsp. sherry vinegar 2 Tbsp. thinly sliced fresh basil 1 Tbsp. finely chopped shallot 2 Tbsp. thinly sliced fresh cilantro Whole, intact grains such 1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil as barley, farro, and wheat 1 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 tsp. black pepper berries must be stored a bit 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper more carefully than refined 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese (1 oz.) 1. Bring a small saucepan filled with grains because the healthy water to a boil over high. Add shallots; oils found in the germ can 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. cover and remove from heat. Let stand be negatively affected by until softened, about 10 minutes. Drain heat, light, and moisture. 2. Spread farro on a baking sheet and well. Pour vinegar, sugar, 2/3 cup water, Store in a cool, dry place bake until slightly toasted and fragrant, and 1 teaspoon salt in a quart-size in an airtight container for about 10 minutes. lidded glass jar; seal and shake up to 6 months or in the vigorously until sugar and salt are freezer up to 1 year. 3. Bring about 2 inches of water to a dissolved, about 20 seconds. Add boil in a medium saucepan. Add toasted shallots. Seal and refrigerate until farro and cook until just cooked, about chilled, about 2 hours. 10 minutes. Drain immediately. 4. Combine farro, watermelon, peaches, mint, basil, olive oil, vinegar, shallot, lime juice, salt, pepper, and cheese in a medium bowl, and toss mixture gently to combine. SERVES 4 (serving size: about 1 cup) CALORIES 279; FAT 9g (sat 2g, unsat 7g); PROTEIN 9g; CARB 44g; FIBER 5g; SUGARS 10g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 575mg; CALC 12% DV; POTASSIUM 6% DV 42 COOKING LIGHT


Grains & Pasta Greek-Style Tomato Watermelon Grain Bowl and Cucumber Salad with Farro HANDS-ON 15 MIN. TOTAL 1 HR. 5 MIN. HANDS-ON 20 MIN. TOTAL 30 MIN. Combine nutty wheat berries with sweet watermelon, crisp cucumber, Whole-grain farro bulks up this hearty and salty cheese for a colorful and Mediterranean salad. If you like the vibrantly flavored main dish. crunch of fresh red onion but not the full pungency, give the slices a 11/2 cups uncooked wheat berries GREEK-STYLE 30-second dip in ice water to tame the or farro TOMATO flavor; drain and toss into the salad. 3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil AND CUCUMBER 1/2 tsp. lemon zest 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar SALAD WITH 3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 11/2 tsp. honey FARRO 3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 3/4 tsp. finely ground sea salt 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar 1/2 tsp. black pepper 2 tsp. finely chopped fresh oregano 3 cups cubed seedless watermelon 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 2 cups thinly sliced unpeeled 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 2 cups cooked farro English cucumber 1/3 cup kalamata olives, pitted and 2 oz. ricotta salata cheese, thinly halved lengthwise sliced (about 1/2 cup) 1/3 cup thinly sliced red onion 1 cup radish sprouts 11/2 lbs. cherry tomatoes, halved 11/2 lbs. small pickling cucumbers, 1. Prepare wheat berries according to package directions. Drain; rinse with halved lengthwise and cut into cold water, and drain again. 1/2-in.-thick slices 2 oz. feta cheese, crumbled 2. Whisk together oil, vinegar, honey, (about 1/2 cup) salt, and pepper in a large bowl until smooth. Add watermelon, cucumber, Combine lemon zest, lemon juice, olive and cooked wheat berries; toss to coat. oil, vinegar, oregano, salt, and pepper in Spoon mixture into shallow serving a large bowl, stirring well with a whisk. bowls; top evenly with ricotta salata Stir in farro, olives, onion, tomato, and and sprouts. cucumber, and toss gently to combine. Top with feta cheese. SERVES 4 (serving size: about 21/3 cups grain mixture, 2 Tbsp. cheese, and 1/4 cup radish SERVES 4 (serving size: 1 cup salad and 2 Tbsp. sprouts) CALORIES 436; FAT 16g (sat 4g, unsat feta) CALORIES 308; FAT 19g (sat 4g, unsat 13g); 9g); PROTEIN 13g; CARB 65g; FIBER 10g; PROTEIN 8g; CARB 36g; FIBER 5g; SUGARS 4g SUGARS 10g (added sugars 2g); SODIUM (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 606mg; CALC 11% 679mg; CALC 5% DV; POTASSIUM 5% DV DV; POTASSIUM 6% DV Kitchen Confidential Whole-grain wheat berries retain their outer bran layer and take longer to cook than pearled wheat berries. Consider making a big batch at the beginning of the week and storing in the refrigerator to use for other meals during the week. 44


Grains & Pasta Mediterranean Barley Broccoli Rabe and Pumpkin seeds are with Chickpeas and Barley Grain Bowl with an excellent source Arugula Cilantro Pesto of magnesium, a HANDS-ON 6 MIN. HANDS-ON 15 MIN. mineral that has TOTAL 31 MIN. TOTAL 40 MIN. been shown to promote relaxation While not as high in fiber as hulled Broccoli rabe (also called rapini) is a and restorative barley, pearled barley cooks in about leafy cousin to broccoli and is known half the time. With other high-fiber for its bracing bitterness. A quick sleep. ingredients such as chickpeas, bell blanch followed by pan-searing tames pepper, and arugula, this dish its bite and renders the greens 2. Place cilantro, pepitas, 1/4 cup olive provides almost half of the daily meltingly tender. oil, lemon juice, garlic, coriander, recommended amount of fiber. pepper, remaining 1 tablespoon water, 11/2 cups plus 1 Tbsp. water, divided and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt in a food 1 cup uncooked pearled barley 1/2 cup uncooked pearled barley processor and process until smooth. 1 cup packed arugula leaves 3/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided 1 cup finely chopped red 1 (15-oz.) can unsalted cannellini 3. Place broccoli rabe in a large saucepan and add water to cover. Bring bell pepper beans, drained and rinsed to a boil and cook 2 minutes. Rinse with 3 Tbsp. finely chopped sun-dried 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves cold water; drain. Pat dry. Heat 1/2 cup roasted pepitas (shelled remaining 1 tablespoon oil in a skillet tomatoes, packed without oil over medium-high. Add broccoli rabe 1 (151/2-oz.) can no-salt-added pumpkin seeds) and lemon zest; cook, stirring often, 5 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, 3 minutes. chickpeas, drained and rinsed 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice divided 4. Place 2/3 cup barley mixture in each of 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 tsp. lemon zest plus 11/2 Tbsp. 4 bowls. Top evenly with broccoli rabe, 1 tsp. salt cilantro pesto, and cheese. 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper fresh lemon juice, divided 2 Tbsp. chopped shelled pistachios 1 garlic clove SERVES 4 (serving size: about 11/2 cups) 1/4 tsp. ground coriander CALORIES 442; FAT 28g (sat 5g, unsat 21g); 1. Cook barley according to package 1/4 tsp. black pepper PROTEIN 16g; CARB 35g; FIBER 8g; SUGARS 2g directions, omitting salt. Combine 12 oz. trimmed broccoli rabe (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 574mg; CALC 18% barley, arugula, bell pepper, tomatoes, 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese DV; POTASSIUM 7% DV and chickpeas in a large bowl. (1 oz.)   2. Combine lemon juice, oil, salt, and crushed red pepper, stirring with a 1. Bring 11/2 cups water, barley, and whisk. Drizzle over barley mixture, and 1/4 teaspoon salt to a boil in a medium toss. Sprinkle with pistachios. saucepan. Reduce heat to medium; cover and cook until barley is tender SERVES 4 (serving size: 11/4 cups barley mixture and water is mostly absorbed, about 25 and 11/2 tsp. pistachios) CALORIES 350; FAT 10g minutes. Stir in beans. (sat 1g, unsat 8g); PROTEIN 10g; CARB 57g; FIBER 12g; SUGARS 4g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 633mg; CALC 7% DV; POTASSIUM 11% DV 46 COOKING LIGHT


Grains & Pasta Spring Vegetable Grain Bowl HANDS-ON 30 MIN. TOTAL 50 MIN. This grain dish is all about clean flavors and distinct textures. Farro provides satisfying chew, while the raw shaved veggies soften slightly in the vinaigrette to become perfectly crisp-tender. To blanch the green peas, cook in boiling water for 1 minute or until crisp-tender, then dunk in an ice bath for 1 minute to stop the cooking. A mandoline or vegetable peeler makes quick work of thinly slicing vegetables. 11/2 cups uncooked farro 3 cups water 11/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp. sherry vinegar or white wine vinegar 1/2 cup roughly chopped beet greens or arugula 1/4 cup blanched green peas 2 baby carrots, thinly sliced 1 scallion, thinly sliced 1 celery stalk, thinly sliced 1 small red beet, peeled and thinly sliced 2 oz. goat cheese, crumbled (about 1/2 cup) 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1. Combine farro, 3 cups water, and 3/4 teaspoon salt in a small saucepan over medium-low; cook, covered, 25 minutes or until farro becomes tender. Place farro in a strainer; drain well. 2. Place hot farro in a large bowl. Add remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, oil, vinegar, greens, peas, carrots, scallion, celery, and beet; stir gently to combine. Top evenly with cheese and parsley. SERVES 5 (serving size: about 1 cup) CALORIES 344; FAT 10g (sat 2g, unsat 5g); PROTEIN 11g; CARB 49g; FIBER 10g; SUGARS 2g (added sugars 0g); SODIUM 572mg; CALC 6% DV; POTASSIUM 4% DV 48

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