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Published by pochitaem2021, 2022-06-25 16:23:09



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51 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 GoinG for the douGh: Brooks Koepka, just days after competing in the 122nd U.S. Open, is on the verge of abandoning the PGA Tour for the Saudi-backed LIV Golf series. Getty Images By Mark Cannizzaro densed fall schedule with much make the postseason. Koepka said at the time. “I’m here at the U.S. Open, I’m larger purses. Koepka is still in the The fall would be used for play- “If somebody gave me $200 mil- ready to play the U.S. Open, and I The turbulent times for the PGA field for the Travelers, though he think it kind of sucks, too, you are Tour rolled on Tuesday as yet an- was not at the meeting. ers beyond 70th to secure cards lion tomorrow it’s not going to all throwing this black cloud over other one of its big-name stars for the following year, although change my life. What am I going the U.S. Open. It’s one of my fa- was poised to join the Greg Nor- According to ESPN, a revamped research showed most inside the to get out of it? I already have vorite events. I don’t know why man-led LIV Golf Invitational Se- schedule could be approved for top 100 would be safe. [enough money] that I could re- you guys keep doing that. The ries, according to The Telegraph. 2023 that will include “increased tire right now, but I don’t want to. more legs you give it, the more purses worth at least $20 million Also of note is the fact that I just want to play golf.” you keep talking about it.’’ The United Kingdom paper re- in at least eight existing marquee Koepka’s younger brother, Chase, ported that Brooks Koepka will events.” There also reportedly will a fledgling pro who has been A two-time U.S. Open winner, Well, Koepka has apparently enlist with the controversial Sau- be three new events with purses fighting to earn his PGA Tour card Koepka was vocal during last given LIV Golf more legs. di-backed tour, joining the likes of of at least $25 million that would for status to play on that tour, is al- week’s Open in criticizing those in Phil Mickelson, Dustin Johnson, be similar to LIV Golf events — ready a LIV member, having the media who were asking ques- Mickelson has reportedly been Bryson DeChambeau and other smaller fields and no cuts. played in its inaugural event two tions about LIV, saying it was cast- paid $200 million by LIV, Johnson stars of the game who have al- weeks ago. ing a “black cloud’’ over the major. a reported $125 million and De- ready defected. Two players at the meeting Chambeau $100 million. It’s not told the AP the PGA Tour plans Koepka was the second player, “I don’t understand, I’m trying known what Koepka’s number is. Koepka, who has won four ma- to return to a calendar season after Rory McIlroy, to speak out to focus on the U.S. Open, man,’’ But he has earned $37.9 million in jor championships, notably that would start in January and against a rival league in early 2020 Koepka, who finished 12-over and career prize money to date on the scrubbed the PGA Tour from his the FedEx Cup playoffs would be when he told the AP, “I have a tied for 55th, said indignantly. “I PGA Tour, and the guaranteed social media platforms. He’s ex- eligible for only for the top 70 hard time believing golf should be legitimately don’t get it. I’m tired money from LIV will likely be at pected, according to the report, to players. Currently, the top 125 about just 48 players.” of the conversations. I’m tired of least double, and possibly triple. play in the next LIV Golf event, all this stuff. that figure. next week outside of Portland, “Money doesn’t matter,” Ore. Monahan has suspended all 17 Morikawa says he’ll be staying put PGA Tour member players who The 32-year-old Koepka is a big played in the first LIV event out- get for LIV Golf considering that, Collin Morikawa said Tuesday he won’t be leav- major champion wrote on Twitter. “Sure enough, I side of London and is expected to like his rival DeChambeau and ing the PGA Tour any time soon. woke up this morning to everyone thinking I’m do the same for golfers, such as Johnson, he’s in the prime of his next. Not to say I told you so but… I told you so. DeChambeau, Patrick Reed, Abra- career. Some of the other players Amidst a continued exodus of players to the Sau- ham Ancer (who announced his who have joined LIV Golf are 40 di-backed LIV Golf — Brooks Koepka, on Tuesday “To state for the record, once again, you are all jump to LIV on Tuesday) and years of age or older. morning, became the latest and most notable de- absolutely wrong. I’ve said it since February at Riv- Koepka, who have subsequently parture — Morikawa refuted rumors about his iera that I’m here to stay on the PGA Tour and joined. The news was as surpris- PGA Tour commissioner Jay own potential retreat. nothing has changed. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve ing to most players, similar to Monahan, meanwhile, held a man- got some cereal to pour in my milk.” Dustin Johnson on the initial LIV datory player meeting on Tuesday “Last week at my press conference, I said the me- list, because Koepka had been so morning at the Travelers Champi- dia loves creating drama,” Morikawa, a two-time — Jared Greenspan outspoken about it. onship in Cromwell, Conn., to dis- cuss, among other things, a con- [email protected]

52 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 By Zach BraZiLLer Jazz, took part in the draft combine and a number of mock drafts have him get- The NBA always seemed like a fan- ting taken at some point in the second RON-DERFUL: Ron Harper Jr. went from being an unheralded prospect tasy, a far-off dream. Then came Ron round. from Don Bosco Prep when he arrived at Rutgers, to now possibly being an Harper Jr.’s sophomore year at Rutgers, NBA draft pick on Thursday. and everything changed for him. “Similar to Julian [Champagnie of St. Getty Images (2) John’s], real good shooter,” an NBA The 6-foot-6 Harper was putting up scout said. “Has to show other parts to strong numbers in the Big Ten, helping his game as a creator, as a defender. the Scarlet Knights play their way into Right now, he’s proven he’s a shooter the NCAA Tournament picture before with size.” COVID-19 forced the cancellation of the postseason. Harper’s final year at Rutgers was his best. He produced career-highs in “We were having a really good sea- points (15.8), assists (1.9), 3-point son and I was at the front line of that,” shooting (39.8) and free-throw per- the former Rutgers star told The Post. centage (79.5). He led the Scarlet “We were doing things that everybody Knights to consecutive NCAA Tourna- told us we couldn’t do. I just really ment appearances for the first time started to believe in that dream coming since 1974-75, and won the Haggerty true. It looked more and more realistic Award, given to the area’s top local every day.” player. It was only the start of his ascension He will have to start all over again from an unheralded recruit out of Don as a professional, this time against Bosco Prep with a famous last name — the best players in the world. But his father Ron Harper won five NBA ti- Harper has only wanted an opportu- tles — who wasn’t even ranked in the nity and now he will be getting his top 150 of his class into a potential shot. NBA player. “I feel like I’ve proven I can play on Thursday night, the next stage of the highest level from a college stand- Harper’s career will begin, potentially point, and obviously the NBA is differ- with him hearing his name called in ent,” he said. “But I feel like I will be the NBA draft and following in his fa- able to prove myself there, too. ther’s footsteps. If selected, the Frank- lin Lakes, N.J., native would become “It’s really exciting, I was an under- the first Scarlet Knight selected since recruited guy, I didn’t expect myself to Hamady N’Diaye went 56th overall to make it here growing up. But the jour- the Timberwolves in 2010. Harper has ney I went through, I wouldn’t change reportedly worked out for the Knicks, it for the world and it shaped who I am Nets, Kings, Hornets, Trail Blazers and as a person, as a player.” [email protected] By Brian Lewis Nets still Kyrie’s most likely landing spot Despite the Nets and — or more accurately, his letic of “an impasse.” Now ing it up doesn’t guarantee this is a game of poker being their first-round playoff exit Kyrie Irving hitting an im- unavailability for them — comes a Bleacher Report he’s staying, since it could played by Irving to bluff — to stay in Brooklyn. And passe in their talks, both ensured what was already story that dialogue is “ex- make moving via trade eas- Nets GM Sean Marks into the Nets are the only team sides are still working to going to be a complicated pected to be fluid in the ier. concessions, as The Post re- that can offer him a five- find a happy medium in negotiation was going to lead-up to his decision.” ported Monday. An ESPN year, $245.6 million contract. Brooklyn rather than an exit have fits and starts. While any trade of Irving report Tuesday concurred, But that’s exactly what sour- strategy out of it. Or as a That decision would in- would probably be a com- and most around the league ces have intimated is at the source told The Post These recent reports are clude having a June 29 plex three- or four-team feel a return to Brooklyn is crux of the matter. “what’s good for both the former. First came an deadline to pick up his $36.9 deal and be more likely to the most probable end re- [sides].” earlier tabloid story stating million player option for occur before Thursday’s sult. With Irving having played the Nets were “outright un- next season. Declining it draft than after it, it’s still just 103 of 226 possible regu- The stalemate in contract willing” to give Irving a doesn’t ensure Irving’s de- not likely. Irving has expressed a de- lar-season games since ar- talks between the Nets and long-term extension to parture, because he can still sire — both during the regu- riving in Brooklyn — miss- their enigmatic All-Star isn’t Monday’s report in the Ath- ink an extension. And pick- Several league sources lar season and again after ing time not just to unavoid- the first, and it may not be said the perception is that the last. Considering Ir- ving’s history with the Nets

Former Iowa star and All-American Keegan 53 forward Keegan Murray is expected to be a top-10 pick in Thursday’s NBA MURRAYSERBY’S Q&A WITH ... New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 draft, but first he took a shot at some of my mindset going into those final slanted driveway, but it got the job amid ‘impasse’ Q&A with The Post’s Steve Serby. minutes. done. It just kinda went downhill, Q: You once said, “I’ve been an Q: So you’ve never had a fear of not severe but ... able injuries, but to personal deal. But sources implied the underdog my whole life.” failure. Q: You played one-on-one with leaves and refusing to get length of the deal is more of A: In high school I wasn’t a high- A: No. Never. your dad? vaccinated for COVID-19 — a sticking point than the ranked recruit. I had one Division Q: The biggest obstacle you had A: Yeah I did, ’til he thought that we both The Post and others re- money; Irving wants a I offer (Western Illinois) but the to overcome. could beat him, so he never wanted ported that the Nets are in- longer contract, while the coach left and the players went in A: I think that was probably my to lose against us, so he stopped tent on protecting them- Nets prefer a shorter one. the transfer portal, so I had a bunch senior year when I wasn’t getting playing us when we were about like selves in any extension. of Division-II offers, and two junior recruited as much, and it was like seventh, eighth grade. As such, whispers that Ir- college offers. ... I felt underappreci- April of that year, I had no clue Q: How did your dad’s game com- Brooklyn can make up to ving could become available ated, under-recruited my whole life. what I was gonna do for college or pare to your game? 15 percent of Irving’s next made their way around the And when I got to Iowa, a lot of fans anything after high school. I think A: I’d say athleticism-wise, we’re contract — about $6 million league since last month’s didn’t think that I earned a scholar- that was probably the biggest hurdle about the same. He was more — payable as “unlikely bo- NBA Draft Combine, ac- ship to go there just ’cause my dad just because of the unknown aspect defense-minded, he wasn’t the best nuses,” affording 10 times cording to Bleacher Report. went there in the ’90s. of what I was gonna do next. offensive player. More of midrange, the protection in his current Q: How did that motivate you? Q: Adjectives that describe you get to the basket. Didn’t really have [email protected] A: It just made me work harder and on the court. a 3-point shot. But I think we com- earn whatever I was given. A: Confident ... competitive ... relent- pare athleticism-wise, toughness- Q: How did you deal with that less. wise. kind of disrespect at that time? Q: Your on-court mentality? Q: Was your dream to play at A: I just focused on myself. I had a A: I think it’s confident, I’m never Iowa? good circle of people around me who gonna shy away from anyone, I’m not A: No, it wasn’t my dream to play at have supported me, so I really didn’t scared of anyone. I always just give Iowa. I was just close to home and have any negativity coming my way. my all, try to outwork everyone else stuff like that, but I just wanted to I knew that my hard work would on the court, be the best player on play college basketball at the highest take care of itself at some point but I the court. level, and be able to go to school for didn’t know when it would. Q: NBA players you like to watch? free. Q: The criticism that you thought A: Khris Middleton, I like watching Q: What’s it been like having a was most unfair or bothered you him a lot. ... Devin Booker, I think he twin brother? the most? has a smooth game. ... Jayson Tatum, A: It’s been fun. It’s easy, because it’s A: I wasn’t ready to play college he has a smooth game. kind of like you have a built-in workout basketball, I think that was probably Q: Which one of them is most the biggest thing. I had the height, like you? partner, so that was pretty cool. but physically I wasn’t ready. But I A: I think Khris Middleton Q: What kind of an played my freshman year, so I guess just because he came from the impact do you think I did that. G-League and became an NBA you can make as a Q: Do you still have a chip on your champ. He’s not the most ath- rookie? shoulder to this day? letic guy in the world but he uses A: I think I can bring a A: Yeah I think so. I mean, I don’t a change of pace, change winning mentality to really care who I play, I’m gonna give of speed, and does that whatever team. Everything 100 percent. I don’t really care what really well. else will take care of anybody says about me, I think criti- Q: Your father itself. Obviously it’s cism is better than praise because (Kenyon) 82 games in a that means you have to work on stuff, coached you for season, so it’s a so yeah, I have a chip on my shoulder a long time, long year, and for sure. right? you’re gonna Q: Do you root for underdogs? A: Yeah, he be able to do A: I think so. I feel like it’s just a was my only things every cool thing to see, people that aren’t trainer night, so for expected to win or do good, end up growing up me it’s just to surprising or end up having great throughout learn from the careers. Steph Curry came from elemen- older guys, Davidson, no one thought he’d be a tary, middle better myself good NBA player, and now he’s one school, high as a player of the best players in the world. school. He and just ... be Q: Who are some other under- played Divi- a winner. dogs you like? sion-I basket- Q: Tell an A: I guess you could say UMBC beat- ball, McDonald’s NBA GM ing Virginia when they had the 16th All-American, so why he should seed, I feel like that was a really cool he knows what he’s draft Keegan story. ... Saint Peter’s this year when talking about. I feel Murray. they went on their run. like he put a good A: I’m a versatile Q: What is it about the big skill set in me and player, I can play moment in games that you like? established fundamen- a lot of different A: I just think having the ball in my tals at an early age. positions, fill any hands in the big moment, I know I Q: Did you have a role you need me to can rely on myself. ... I just like to hoop in your drive- do, and also I bring have the ball in my hand and have way? a winning mentality, the opportunity to win the game, tie A: Yeah, it was like a and I proved that the game or lose the game. And I’ll throughout my col- take whatever the outcome is. I don’t Getty Images lege years. really care if I miss a shot to end the game, I’ll just get it back next game or next opportunity. Q: Have you always been that way? A: Yeah, I kinda have an I-don’t-care mindset. I feel like I can win a lot of games down the stretch. That’s kind

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com54GROWTH SPURT: After an By Jared Greenspan impressive showing at the NBA When: Thursday, 8 p.m. Draft Combine last month, Jalen Before Jalen Williams experi- Where: Barlays Center Williams has gone from a lightly enced a growth spurt, his physical TV: ESPN recruited high school player in appearance often left the same Knicks picks: Nos. 11, 42 Arizona to a potential lottery pick in first impression: Nets picks: None Thursday’s draft at Barclays Center. “He looked awkward,” Paul Su- Getty Images ber, Williams’ longtime trainer, re- called with a laugh. “Take a look at him sideways, you would think he was the letter ‘L.’ ” “All arms and legs,” said Sam Duane, Williams’ coach at Perry High in Gilbert, Ariz. Williams, a gangly 5-foot-10 as a high school sophomore, is now a toned 6-foot-6. His arms remain freakishly long — he measured a 7-foot-2.25 wingspan at the NBA Draft Combine in May — but the rest of his body has matured, too. That transformation has vaulted Williams, 21, from an unheralded high school recruit to a coveted NBA prospect. The Santa Clara product may very well be a lottery pick during Thursday’s 2022 NBA Draft, a thought that seemed un- fathomable just a few months ago. But for Williams, it will mark another example of him invalidat- ing those who wrote him off — while proving himself right. “It’s been something I’ve been thinking about, something that I worked hard to get to,” Willi- ams said of his ascension. “I didn’t really have a surprise. … I’m just kinda big on letting the work speak for itself and doing that whole process. “Nothing was really shock- ing.” Putting in the work Williams was 6 years old when he realized what he wanted to do with his life: He would become a professional basketball player. “It’s just something that you always want to do,” Williams says now. In middle school, as a member of the I-10 Celtics of the AAU ranks, Williams first put that vision into motion. Suber, the program’s fa- cilitator, didn’t have a team in Williams’ age group, so he

Griffin set to join 55 father in the NBA Santa Clara faced se- New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 vere gym-time re- By Zach BraZiller team that asked him to fill a partic- strictions and had to sequester in a Santa ular role as a court-spacing marks- Cruz hotel just to play its schedule. Sitting courtside, AJ Griffin man, Duke assistant coach Chris In turn, Williams’ couldn’t help himself. His mind Carrawell said. He had some mon- production sagged. would wander, imagining himself ster games: 27 points in a rout of “He knew he could get better,” Archuleta on the NBA court throwing down North Carolina, 21 in an ACC said. “And then that summer going into dunks and hitting long jump shots. Tournament semifinal win over his junior year, it re- ally started to click for He was only in third grade then, Miami, 18 in the Elite Eight against him.” tagging along with his father, Arkansas. Griffin didn’t have a Sendek could see Adrian, an NBA assistant coach. senior season of high school due the difference in Santa Clara’s first preseason “Going to the games you see the to COVID-19, and dealt with the scrimmage. Williams was on the cusp of behind the scenes stuff,” Griffin early knee injury this year that stardom. told The Post in a phone inter- slowed his progress. “That’s what Jalen does,” Sendek said. “He view. “Just getting to see it early “Everything has its timing and comes back and he’s better. He does more made my dream come alive. Being you just continue to work,” Griffin things. And that’s been a pretty consistent surrounded by basketball as your said. “I’ve been seeing progress.” trademark since I’ve known him.” PUTTING IN THE WORK: Jalen Williams, a gangly youth whole childhood it’s hard not to He added: “I feel like I can show basketball player for the I-10 Celtics (left) before he Fresh doubters transformed his body and starred at Santa Clara, fall in love with basketball.” much more [than I did in col- impressed others with his training regimen. Courtesy Paul Suber (2) Now, after earning first-team All-WCC honors and averaging 18 Soon, that dream will become a lege].” points per game as a junior, Willi- ams is ready to take another step. reality, and it may happen close to ESPN college basketball analyst And again, he’ll have to quiet a his Ossining, N.Y., home. Griffin, a and draft guru Fran Fraschilla fresh batch of naysayers. 6-foot-6 guard considered didn’t see the same ath- “I think a lot of stuff happens moved Williams up a few grades. None of that fazed Williams, because obviously I went to a one of the best shooters leticism from Griffin at Early on, there were blemishes. well-known amongst his peers for smaller school,” Williams said. his ability to tune out any outside “That kind of gets played off. You in the draft, could fall to Duke as he did in high Williams, small in stature, com- noise. In November 2018, the have the questions: ‘Can I play peted against 7-footers in practice. 3-star prospect — and 242nd- with talent? Can I maneuver the Knicks at 11, and they school, but attributed Sometimes, Suber says, it looked ranked recruit in his class, per around guys?’ Stuff like that. more like volleyball than basket- 247Sports — committed to Santa have shown a significant part of that to the inju- ball. Clara. “The combine was big for me, just being able to showcase my amount of interest in him. ries, and sees an ex- “But Jalen figured out how to “For whatever reason, he flew talents and [show] that they’re shoot over them because he’s a under the radar,” Duane said. “A universal throughout where I’m The Knicks brought him tremely high ceiling for smart kid and he loves the game,” lot of people missed him. But he playing.” Suber said. knew he was good. And he always in for an individual work- Griffin, who doesn’t turn played with a chip on his shoul- At the combine, no one turned That, if anything, became the der, wanting to show people that more heads than Williams. He out, attended his pro day 19 until August. theme of Williams’ early basketball he was good.” wowed with his measurements career. While his physical develop- and dazzled in scrimmages, rising in Los Angeles and have “He definitely has ev- ment lagged, he found ways to cir- Added Suber: “What surprised from fringe first-rounder to po- cumvent troubles. Under the tute- me was that they weren’t looking tential lottery selection, sparking put a lot of time into vet- erything you would think lage of his dad, Ron, Jalen crafted a at the talent. They were looking at his decision to remain in the draft. lights-out jump shot. Playing along- his build. Everyone said, ‘He’s ting him, according to AJ you would need for him side older teammates throughout kinda awkward.’ Me being a New “He’s intriguing,” an NBA scout sources. Furthermore, his GRIFFIN to be a very good NBA middle school, he evolved into a Yorker, I’m saying, ‘To hell with told The Post regarding Williams. father, a former Seton player,” Fraschilla said. “I deft passer. And he found a capable the eye test. Are you seeing the re- “Where does he end up? I don’t training partner in his brother, sults and the way he plays?’ ” know. I feel like a lot of teams Hall star who is now the lead as- just think it’s going to take a cou- Cody, now a highly touted high thought he was going to go back school prospect himself. Those close to him noticed not for his senior year, and didn’t see sistant with the Raptors, previ- ple of years.” only the way he played, but the him a ton during the season. Then Williams had already developed way he trained, too. he had the combine he did, so he ously worked with Knicks coach Griffin has been around the a well-rounded game by the time ended up staying in the draft, so he spiked to 6-foot-4 entering his Lucas Archuleta, a player devel- now we have to really dive into Tom Thibodeau with the Bulls. game his entire life, and, as the senior year of high school. opment coach formerly based in this guy.” Arizona, remembers Williams Griffin is familiar with several youngest of three siblings, was “That’s when we started realiz- showing him a daily schedule dur- Added Sendek: “The NBA com- ing, ‘Wow, this kid, he might have ing one of their initial sessions. At munity has discovered here this players on the team, in particular pushed at a young age. For years, it,’ ” said Padraig O’Brien, an Ari- the time, Williams was merely a spring what we’ve been accus- zona-based trainer who began high schooler. Yet much to Archu- tomed to day in and day out over RJ Barrett and Obi Toppin. He’s he would lose to his older brother, working with Williams in high leta’s amazement, the ritual re- the last few years.” school. sembled that of a professional met Barrett a few times and played Alan, and sister, Aubrey. They also basketball player. Williams said that the reality of Others took longer to reach the his dream is yet to hit him, a few youth basketball with Toppin, a played Division I college basket- same epiphany. “His confidence, he really days before the draft. After his se- started to figure it out,” Archuleta lection, he predicted, the emo- Westchester native like Griffin. ball, Alan at Illinois and Syracuse Hofstra became the first school said. “Like, ‘Hey, I can probably get tions will set in. to offer Williams a scholarship in to this level if I really work at it.’ ” “That would be pretty cool to and Aubrey currently at Connecti- July of 2017, impressed by his per- But he won’t dwell on them formance at the “Rumble in the Unsurprisingly, Williams ar- long. The next leg of his basket- play for your hometown,” Griffin cut. It forced him to work harder Bronx,” a premier youth basket- rived at Santa Clara “really pre- ball journey beckons, and he ball summer tournament. Other pared,” according to Broncos wants to answer the call: said. “I played in MSG two times and instilled a competitive spirit schools followed suit later on: Ne- coach Herb Sendek. vada, Santa Clara and Santa Bar- “I’m ready for that next step,” he last year, and it’s just an experi- in him. bara among them. But those first two collegiate said. campaigns had their challenges. ence like no other.” Griffin was regarded as one of But even as Williams excelled The pandemic truncated what — he averaged 23 points per game had been a solid freshman season Griffin is one of the more de- the top prospects in the country as as a high school junior — high- — Williams started 23 games, av- major interest proved elusive, eraging 7.7 points per contest — bated prospects who have been in- a freshman at Archbishop Step- even locally. and distorted his sophomore year. Due to local COVID ordinances, vited to the green room, a projec- inac and was one of the most cov- “The joke was, ‘Jalen went for 30, but nobody cares,’ ” O’Brien said. ted lottery pick who was once eted recruits nationally when he considered a lock to go in the top committed to Duke. He’s won at 10. According to multiple scouts, every level, helping Stepinac win a there are questions about his con- state championship as a freshman sistency and athleticism relating and the city title game the follow- to his injury history. ing year, contributing to Duke’s Fi- He had back issues as a sopho- nal Four run last season and win- more in high school, dislocated his ning a gold medal with USA Bas- left knee the following year and ketball’s U-16 team in the FIBA suffered a sprained right knee Americas while in high school. prior to this season at Duke. He It’s all been leading up to this was a part-time starter for the Blue point — draft night Thursday at Devils this year, averaging 10.4 Barclays Center — when Griffin points and 3.9 rebounds while will become the first Stepinac shooting 44.7 percent from 3-point alum to be a first-round pick and range. join his father in the NBA. “There’s some concern with the “It’ll be one like no other,” he injuries,” one scout said. “But he is said. “Sharing that moment with 6-6 with a chiseled frame and he my family will be just an amazing shot 45 percent from 3.” time and it’s definitely going to be The counterpoint to the criti- a memory I won’t forget.” cism is Griffin was on a loaded [email protected]

56 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 TalenT To compare: Jaden Ivey, whose Purdue team lost to St. Peter’s in the NCAA Tournament, is a possible target of the Knicks if they can trade up to fourth or fifth in the first round of the NBA draft. ESPN’s Jay Bilas compared the point guard’s skill set to those of Ja Morant (below left) and Dwyane Wade (below right). USA TODAY Sports; Getty Images (2) By Peter Botte on the team or a valuable picks (Pistons). sort of a little bit of a com- shoot it; he’s a shot creator. would be a good fit for the asset whether you want to The 6-foot-4 Ivey could bination of the speed and His defense I think will im- Knicks. Jaden Ivey would wel- trade him later. explosiveness of Ja Morant, prove or should improve come landing in New York finally provide a long-term and then the size and because he’s not been the “Oh, absolutely. I think he if the Knicks can maneuver “He’s super-talented. … answer at point guard for length of Dwyane Wade. most focused defender, but could fit almost anywhere a trade up to select him in Those are tough, tough de- the Knicks. He averaged there’s not a whole lot to because he can shoot it, the NBA draft on Thursday, cisions. I have no idea what 17.3 points with 3.1 assists “He’s not as powerful as complain about on the of- and he plays hard,” Bilas but it will cost plenty for they want to part with, but while shooting 35.8 percent Wade was coming out of fensive end with Jaden Ivey. said. “But he’s still so them to do it. it better be a lot if some- from 3-point range as a [college], at least yet com- He’s a star caliber talent.” young. He’s got some de- body’s gonna give up the sophomore last season for ing out of Marquette back veloping to do, just like a ESPN college basketball fourth pick.” the Boilermakers. in 2003. But what an explo- If the Knicks stay where number of other 19-year- analyst Jay Bilas, who com- sive athlete, incredibly fast they are at No. 11, Bilas said olds coming out in the pared the Purdue point The 20-year-old Ivey, a “He’s so dynamic and ex- in the open floor. He can their direction will depend draft. They’re not finished guard Tuesday to “a little consensus second-team plosive,” Bilas said. “He’s on how the top 10 unfolds products yet.” bit of a combination” of Ja All-American this season in before they are on the Morant and Dwyane Wade, leading Purdue to the clock. But he mentioned ➤ Notre Dame freshman said the Knicks had better Sweet 16 of the NCAA Wisconsin guard Johnny be prepared to give up “a Tournament, had said Davis, Duke forward AJ guard Blake Wesley, projec- lot” to move up from No. 11 Monday, without being Griffin and Ohio State for- ted by ESPN to be selected in a potential deal with the asked about the Knicks, ward Malaki Branham as 20th overall, revealed that Kings at No. 4. that “there could be situa- those potentially available he was part of a four-player tions where I can land in in their range. ESPN’s most workout Monday at the “It depends what they’re New York.” recent mock draft has the Knicks’ training facility in willing to part with, and Knicks taking Griffin, a 6-6 Tarrytown. what Sacramento is willing The Knicks likely would wing who averaged 10.4 to take. If I were drafting at have to surrender their points and shot 44.7 per- “For what Tom Thibo- four in this draft, I’d want a first-round pick this year, cent from long distance as deau wants, I think he lot, and I can imagine that along with future draft cap- a freshman for the Blue wants a defender as a point Sacramento is gonna feel ital and one of their young Devils. guard, and I can do both,” the same way with that players — perhaps Obi Wesley said. “I can defend, pick,” Bilas said on a con- Toppin, Immanuel Quick- Bilas believes the 18-year- I can score and get others ference call. “Because ley, Quentin Grimes or old Griffin — the son of involved, and just play my Jaden Ivey is a valuable as- Cam Reddish — to vault former Tom Thibodeau as- role. Whatever he wants set whether you have him into the range of the fourth sistant Adrian Griffin — me to do, just play it.” (Kings) or fifth overall [email protected]

57 L New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Money Matters: Yankees star Aaron Judge, who leads the majors in home runs and was revealed as the leading All-Star vote-getter Tuesday, said he’s not sweating his arbitration hearing, which is set for Friday. Getty Images By Dan Martin done during the regular Judge is in this spot due a nJeoweVeltteabrkSaeanhthMseeiLerBrtbhimnraeseidladelercnspaadnoe&dsdloofJncbogataisnmesbeaHtflrlewdneeebimyattiemhesspuablnic. season. in part to the fact he re- ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. jected the Yankees’ seven- SCAN NOW T — Aaron Judge’s arbitra- Dellin Betances and the year, $213.5 million exten- tion hearing date is ap- Yankees famously butted sion offer prior to Opening ISTEN proaching, but the Yankees heads in 2017, when Betan- Day. O outfielder said he’s not ces lost his case and he got worried about any ill will into a bitter feud with team It was a gamble by Judge NYPOST.COM/P impacting what has been president Randy Levine, and it has looked like a ODCASTS/THE-SHOW an excellent start to his but Judge said it wouldn’t good one so far. He has ce- NEW EPISODE EVERY TUESDAY 2022 season. be an issue for him. mented himself as one of the premier players in the “It’s all business,” Judge “It’s probably tough [for game — and this year, he said Tuesday before the some people],” Judge said basically become the Yan- Yankees’ 5-4 loss to the Tuesday. “For me, it’s plain kees’ everyday center Rays at Tropicana Field on and simple. I love this team, fielder, which could in- Tuesday night. Judge I love this organization, but crease his value. didn’t start, but flew out to this is the business side of left field as a pinch hitter it. I don’t like it at times. I But Judge insisted the for Joey Gallo to end the don’t think a lot of people contract situation hasn’t game. like it. I don’t think the affected his play on the team likes it. You have to go field. The Yankees and Judge through it and you handle it have a few more days to and move on.” “I’m not motivated by strike a deal before they that kind of stuff,” Judge must head to an arbitra- The hearing will be held said. “I’m motivated by tion hearing, which is on Zoom, so Judge won’t what this team is doing, scheduled for Friday. be in the room, but he will the special talent and op- watch the hearing. portunity we have ahead Judge is seeking $21 mil- of us. I block the business lion for this season and the “That’s the plan,” Judge out.” Yankees have countered said. “I’ve had people in with an offer of $17 mil- my agency, past players, Manager Aaron Boone lion. [who] said they hated it said he’s not worried the and others said it was good arbitration will have an ef- Even though the hearing to hear what they said fect on Judge — regardless is being held during the about me. I’m looking for- of the outcome. season, the three-person ward to it.” panel will not be allowed “Whatever happens to consider what Judge has Judge added he didn’t there, I know what Aaron’s done so far this year in expect to participate in the focus is and what he wants coming to a ruling on his hearing — other than lis- to accomplish,” Boone salary for this season. tening in. said. “I don’t expect any- thing to get in the way of That’s bad news for Asked whether he had that. … I think he’s shown Judge, who has been on a any optimism that a deal you who he’s been tear for much of the sea- will be struck before the throughout his career, so I son. He leads the majors in hearing, Judge said, “I’ve don’t think it should be a homers with 25 and also is got no answer for that yet.” surprise to anyone. Obvi- the leader in All-Star vot- ously, he’s a great player, a ing; initial totals were re- Since the beginning of guy who’s really good vealed Tuesday. the season — as with all from the neck up. He’s other arbitration-eligible fully equipped to handle The timing is awkward, players — Judge has been these things.” since the lockout forced paid the lower amount. If many of the hearings to be he wins his case, the dif- [email protected] ference will be made up.

New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 nypost.com58 off night: Nestor Cortes allowed four earned runs and three home runs Chappy not — two of which came off the bat of concerned Isaac Paredes (inset, celebrating with with role Yandy Diaz), who hit three home runs — before being removed by Aaron Boone during the fifth inning of the Yankees’ 5-4 loss to the Rays. AP (2) By Dan Martin By Dan Martin rAYS 5 Boxscore in three games. They’ve still des coming up again. YANKEES 4 Page 46 dropped just two of their past 12 Clarke Schmidt entered and TAMPA — As Aroldis Chapman ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — The games, and three of 20 in falling nears a return from Achilles tendi- Yankees got back into Tuesday of Judge. “He’s the best player in to 50-18 on the season. had the same fate as Cortes, with nitis, the left-hander said he’s not night’s game in an unlikely man- the league right now.” Paredes homering for the third worried about where he fits into the ner: a Marwin Gonzalez two-run Isaac Paredes — who hit three time on the night to make it 5-2. Yankee bullpen with Clay Holmes homer in the top of the ninth that But Judge couldn’t work his homers on the night — and Har- excelling in the closer’s role. got them to within a run. magic on Tuesday. old Ramirez went back-to-back An array of Rays relievers qui- off Cortes in the bottom of the eted the Yankee lineup, as Tampa “I am here, trying to recover, The blast got them just where “We heard the sound [of the bat first. Bay used seven pitchers to win come back, be well, healthy, and they’d hoped when the inning breaking],” Gonzalez said. for just the second time in eight help the team in any way, in any started, as Aaron Judge came to “When we saw the ball flying, we The Yankees tied the game in games as the Rays try to hold off role,” Chapman said through an in- the plate as the tying run. expected to go [out]. Everybody the second on a two-run single the Red Sox to stay in third. terpreter before the Yankees’ 5-4 else hits a ball like that, it’s a by DJ LeMahieu. loss to the Rays. “[Holmes] is doing Pinch hitting for Joey Gallo bloop over shortstop. Unfortu- The Yankees threatened in the an excellent job right now and I against lefty Colin Poche, Judge nately, it didn’t go out.” But Cortes’ rough night contin- eighth, as LeMahieu and Josh Do- think he deserves the role that he sent a fly ball to left, but broke ued in the third, as Paredes took naldson drew walks against Luke has.” his bat on the play, as their come- The Yankees were in that spot him deep again to give the Rays a Raley before Anthony Rizzo back fell short in a 5-4 loss at because Nestor Cortes was hit 3-2 lead. popped out to left. YANKEES NOTES Tropicana Field. hard for the second time in his last three starts, as the left- The lefty had allowed just six And the inning ended when Chapman is expected to begin a “Every time he steps to the hander allowed a season-high homers in his 12 starts prior to Stanton smashed a hard grounder minor league rehab assignment plate, you’re expecting some- three homers, all on cutters. Tuesday and was knocked out to the right of Taylor Walls that soon. He threw a 25-pitch live bat- thing to happen,” Gonzalez said in the fifth after a one-out sin- the shortstop was able to get to ting practice at the team’s player de- It was the Yankees’ second loss gle by Yandy Diaz — and Pare- and turn into a double play. velopment complex as he rehabs from left Achilles tendinitis that’s kept him out since May 24. “I’m past that point in my career in which I would fight for a role, for the closer role,” Chapman said through an interpreter. “I’ve already gone through that,” Chapman said of when he first be- came a closer with the Reds in 2012. “When I got to the major leagues, they gave me the opportunity to close and I took advantage of the opportunity. Pretty much the same thing is happening to [Holmes]. If he has that role, it is because he is doing well.” ➤ Zack Britton was also at the complex. He threw a bullpen ses- sion, with eyes on a late-season re- turn in his comeback from UCL sur- gery last year. “My arm feels great,’’ Britton said. “We’re working on stuff to make sure when I come back, I’m ready to perform. With the way the team is playing, I want to be in a position where I can help the team in the playoffs. My arm feels great and I don’t want to just get back, but be in position to where I can make the postseason roster and impact the team in the playoffs.” ➤ Albert Abreu, the right-hander who was traded to Texas during spring training in exchange for Jose Trevino, is back with the Yankees. The team claimed Abreu off waiv- ers from the Royals after Abreu was designated for assignment last week. The Rangers previously des- ignated Abreu for assignment last month. Since the 26-year-old is out of op- tions, he has to be put on the major league roster, something Boone ex- pects to happen in the coming days.

Rotation proving 59 Bombers not just an offensive club ON DECK New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 T HE GAME keeps you humble, Earle Combs, the original Murderers’ AT RAYS even if you win three out of every Row also featured what stands, all four games you play. The ’27 Yan- these years later, as the gold standard WEDNESDAY — 7:10 LHP Jordan kees lost 44 games. The ’98 Yankees of Yankees starting staffs. Montgomery (3-1, 2.72) vs. lost 48 games. The 2022 Yankees lost Topped by a pair of Hall of Famers RHP Shane Baz their 18th game Tuesday night to the at the top of the rotation — Waite (0-1, 5.40) Rays, 5-4, and, as Aaron Boone sur- Hoyt (22-7. 2.63) and Herb Pennock Game on YES, WFAN (660 AM, 101.9 FM) mised: “We’ll probably lose a few (19-8, 3.00) — the 110-win ’27 team ac- Four-game series vs. Astros begins Thursday more.” tually was well ahead of its time in INSIDE THE MATCHUPS The game even finds a way to hum- that it featured a genuine five-man YANKEES: ble the game’s best stories, like Nestor lineup, which also included Urban Montgomery will look to continue his Cortes. Cortes allowed three solo Shocker (18-6, 2.84), Dutch Reuther revelatory success, having not allowed home runs in 4 ²/₃ innings, and that was (13-6, 3.38) and George Pipgras (10-3, more than three runs in a start all season. enough to earn him his third loss of the 4.11). On Friday, he tamed a potent Blue Jays’ season and nudge 2. 1932 lineup, allowing just his ERA over 2. two runs over six innings while striking “I didn’t make Six years later, out five, walking one and allowing a homer. enough good the 107-win ’32 In 12 career starts against the Rays, pitches to get them Yankees actually Montgomery is 4-4 with a 5.02 ERA. out,” Cortes said. featured three RAYS: Baz didn’t make “It just didn’t work Hall of Famers. his season debut until June 12, sidelined out today.” Mike Vaccaro Red Ruffing (18-7, from a procedure to Boone said, “He 3.08) was the ace, remove loose bodies in his pitching elbow. wasn’t quite as backed by Lefty The flamethrowing 22-year-old, touted as crisp. Guys hit some balls pretty hard Gomez (24-7, 4.21) and Pennock (9-5, one of baseball’s top prospects, allowed five off him. Just not quite as sharp as we’re 4.60) with some able assistance from runs in his first start of the season against the accustomed to. Not quite his night.” Johnny Allen (17-4, 3.70) and Pipgras Twins, but rebounded with six scoreless Mostly these nights have gone the (16-9, 4.19). If the ERAs seem elevated, frames against the Orioles in his second Yankees’ way because, mostly, their well — the Yankees scored 1,002 runs appearance on June 17. five-man starting staff has been on an that year — 6 ½ per game. They al- STAT SO? epic run. In the 67 games (and 50 wins) most never needed to be perfect. YANKEES: New York is before Tuesday that rotation — Gerrit 3. 2003 10-0 this season when Cole, Cortes, Jameson Taillon, Jordan Aaron Hicks records an RBI. The much- Montgomery, Luis Severino — has Among recent Yankees teams, this maligned outfielder — who has just 15 demanded the sport’s attention. was probably the best of the bunch RBIs on the year — drove in the winning And it stands apart in the Yankees’ with four pitchers — Andy Pettitte, run with an RBI triple Monday night. long history. Entering Tuesday they Roger Clemens, Mike Mussina and Da- RAYS: After a Ji-Man were a combined 28-6. Their com- vid Wells — amassing 200 innings and Choi error led to a Yankees’ seventh- bined ERA was 2.77. Their combined combining to go 70-32. The fifth man in inning run Monday night, Tampa Bay has WHIP was 1.008. Every time this that rotation, though, was Jeff Weaver allowed 45 unearned runs this season, one quintet takes the mound this is their (7-9, 5.99) a legit weak link in the chain. run behind the White Sox for the most in average outing: 5 ²/₃ innings, four hits, 4. 1961 the majors. It’s the six strikeouts, one walk. franchise’s highest pre-All-Star break The Yankees — despite their eternal Like 1927, the ’61 team is generally total since 2005. reputation as an offensive wrecking defined by the fact that not only did crew — have had some fine rotations Roger Maris (61) and Mickey Mantle through the years. If they keep this up, (54) combine for 115 homers but four Cortes is in the midst of his first could’ve done the job,” Cortes they have a genuine chance to become others — Elston Howard, Yogi Berra, rough patch of the season. said. the best Yankees rotation of all — Moose Skowron and Johnny Blan- The Twins got to him for four Aaron Boone believed the Rays runs in 4 ¹/₃ innings on June 8 be- “sold out” on looking for the cut- though if they keep this up, at this chard — hit 20 or more. Still, the fore he bounced back with a solid ter at times and added he didn’t outing last Wednesday against let Cortes stay in the game longer pace, they may actually aspire to the Yanks got great pitching almost every the Rays in The Bronx. to try to get his stuff back be- cause he doesn’t have the experi- best rotation any team ever had. game thanks to Whitey Ford (25-4, But on Tuesday, facing Tampa ence of some of their other start- Bay for the second time in less ers. (For the last 51 years, it has long been 3.21), Ralph Terry (16-3, 3.15), Bill Staf- than a week and third time since May 26, Cortes was smacked Cortes left with an ERA north assumed that the ’71 Orioles hold that ford (14-9, 2.68), Rollie Sheldon (11-5, around — and not just the ho- of 2.00 for the first time this sea- mers were hit hard. son (2.31) and the Yankees lost for distinction, thanks to four 20-game 3.60) and Bud Daley (8-9, 3.96). just the second time in Cortes’ Diaz smoked a liner to left in last eight outings. winners — Jim Palmer, Dave McNally, 5. 1978 the third and a single in the fifth. Mike Cuellar, Pat Dobson — all of Ron Marinaccio, the third Yan- Cortes said the fact the Rays kee pitcher of the night, hit Pare- whom had ERAs between 2.68 and It’s impossible to have a list like this had seen him so often in recent des with a pitch with two outs in weeks was “definitely on my the seventh, but it was an 83 mph 3.08. They started all but 16 of the 101- and not include this staff, even though mind.” changeup. win Orioles’ 158 games.) it relied heavily on the Big Three of “It probably gave them a little [email protected] advantage, but if I located better, I The best Yankees staffs? Here’s five Ron Guidry (25-3, 1.74), Ed Figueroa to ponder. (20-9, 2.99) and Catfish Hunter, who 1. 1927 finished 12-6 but went 10-3 with a 2.71 in the second half as the Yankees Though the legend of the ’27 Yan- made up a 14-game deficit behind the kees is almost entirely built around Red Sox, the last great hurrah of the hitting prowess of Babe Ruth, Lou Hunter’s Hall of Fame career. Gehrig, Tony Lazzeri, Bob Meusel and [email protected]

60 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 By Mike PuMa ASTROS 8 Boxscore in keeping the rotation respecta- METS 2 Page 46 ble with Scherzer, Jacob de- HOUSTON — The back of Grom and Tylor Megill on the this patched-up Mets rotation tablished a double-digit lead, injured list. Williams has has largely kept the team com- after last season reaching the bounced between the bullpen petitive, but there will be games World Series and losing to the and rotation, serving the team as against upper-echelon oppo- Braves. needed. nents the reinforcements will be severely challenged. Jose Altuve led off the third “It’s a real tribute to him that with a shot into the left-field he’s been able to dial up what we Exhibit A — as in Astros — seats for the game’s first run. need,” manager Buck Showalter came Tuesday night deep in the Williams then retired Michael said. “I can’t tell you how many heart of Texas, where Trevor Brantley, but walked Alex Breg- times he’s come in and I’ve told Williams got jumped early and man before Yordan Alvarez hit a him, ‘That’s it. Nice going.’ And Chasen Shreve cratered behind two-run homer. The blast was he’s always said he’s got another him in the Mets’ 8-2 loss at Min- Alvarez’s 19th this season, plac- inning if we need it. That has al- ute Maid Park. ing him tied for third in the ways been his response. That is American League. kind of why he is wanted on the The beat down came hours club, and he’s been invaluable to after Max Scherzer threw 65 “He’s a good hitter and you tip us.” pitches in a rehab start for Dou- your hat to him, along with the ble-A Binghamton that could be character of this team that they Kyle Tucker smashed a bases- the final step before he rejoins hit your mistakes,” Williams loaded double in the fifth against the Mets rotation. Scherzer has said. “They do a good job of util- Shreve that scored all three run- been sidelined for the last izing that and kind of exposing ners and buried the Mets in a 6-0 month-plus after straining his your mistakes. Today they did hole. The lefty Shreve, in a sec- left oblique. that.” ond ugly appearance in his last three, walked three batters in the “It’s a good thing when I am Williams, who owns a 3.86 inning and allowed three hits. not in the rotation because we ERA, has joined David Peterson Mauricio Dubon’s single have everyone healthy and ev- brought in another run. eryone clicking and I am doing my job to give the bullpen a day After a solid first month of the off when they need a day off,” season, Shreve has pitched to an Williams said after allowing two 8.40 ERA in 13 appearances homers that accounted for three since May 14. runs over four innings. “When I get the ball to start I give it my “I feel like at first it just wasn’t best effort and make it my day going my way, I got singled to and give the team the best of my death, giving up runs,” Shreve abilities that day.” said. “I felt like today was the first day I didn’t pitch well. I The loss was the Mets’ sev- couldn’t locate my fastball, but it enth straight in this ballpark, was fine. They are a good hitting dating to 2011 when the Astros team and I didn’t have it today.” still played in the National League. The Mets are in town Pete Alonso’s 20th homer of for the first time since 2017. Even the season — a rocket that left with the loss, the Mets (45-25) the bat at 107.8 mph against Jose maintained their 5 ½-game lead Urquidy — pulled the Mets on the Braves in the NL East. within 7-1 in the sixth inning. Alonso extended his MLB lead The Astros (42-25) are domi- to 65 RBIs. nating the AL West, having es- [email protected]

61 ON DECK HE BASEBALL gods have given Mets New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 fans Steve Cohen, and Buck Showalter, AT ASTROS WEDNESDAY — 2:10 Tand M-V-Pete Alonso, and a profes- RHP Carlos Carrasco (8-2, 3.96) sional outfit that has been taught how to vs. RHP Luis Garcia (4-5, 3.41) play winning baseball ... a mentally tough, SNY, WCBS (880 AM) Three-game series vs. Marlins resilient team that has weathered the absen- starts Friday ces of Max Scherzer and Jacob deGrom. INSIDE THE MATCHUPS But it is not lost on the Mets fan that the METS: In his last start versus the defending World Series champion Braves Marlins, Carrasco allowed three runs and eight hits while striking have conceded nothing, and are forever out seven over 6 ¹/ innings. The right-hander boasts a 4-3 lurking not terribly far behind their Boys of record with a 3.69 ERA in nine appearances versus the Astros Summer. in his career. This will be the first time he faces Houston while You can’t blame them for pleading: donning a Mets uniform. ASTROS: Garcia delivered HURRY BACK, MAX. a strong outing in his last appearance against the Rangers, And, following his 65-pitch rehab start in allowing four hits and two runs (one earned) while striking out Binghamton on Tuesday night, you can’t nine over six innings. Garcia and reliever Phil Maton made blame Scherzer for expressing a burning de- history as the two righties each threw an immaculate inning sire to hurry back. — three strikeouts on just nine pitches. It was the first time two He isn’t one who is content collecting on immaculate innings had been thrown in the same game. his three-year, $130 million contract unless STAT SO? he is driven to chase a World Series, and he METS: Following their 6-0 win can’t do that in Binghamton. against the Marlins on Monday, the Mets entered play with 11 Showalter will make the call on whether shutout victories this season. ASTROS: Tuesday’s game against Scherzer should be summoned to pitch in the Mets marked the first time facing a team with a better record Miami on Sunday or whether the left ob- than the Astros since their May 2 game against the Mariners, who lique he strained on May 19 is better served were 12-10 at the time (Houston was 11-11). waiting a turn. JUST OUT OF REACH: Left “I want to be in the big leagues,” Scherzer fielder Mark Canha can’t make the play on a double hit by Mauricio said after Tuesday’s rehab start, “not be a Dubon in the second inning of the Mets’ 8-2 loss in Houston on Rumble Pony.” Tuesday, as starting pitcher Trevor Williams (far left) allowed three runs No surprise there from a three-time Cy over four innings. Young winner who has been a horse for AP (2); USA TODAY Sports much of his major league life. GETTING CLOSER: Max Scherzer delivers a pitch during the third inning of his rehab By now, it should be evident to one and all start Tuesday in Binghamton for the Double-A Rumble Ponies. Gordon Donovan that In Buck They Should All Trust. Includ- ing Scherzer. and it went well, but he likely won’t be a fac- at the end of the last homestand. “Every “It’s a good step for him,” Showalter said. tor until after the All-Star break. Any de- time when we go out I know the other “Physically he felt fine, that’s the most im- Grom is better than no deGrom, but expect- team’s thinking that this team’s really good. portant thing. He’s physically pitching well ing Cy deGrom is a pipe dream, considering We can be losing by five, six runs and we enough to continue to make strides to join that his last start came last July 7. come back easily. They know they can’t re- us at some point.” Chris Bassitt and Car- lax.” Trevor Williams, who los Carrasco have for It was the Astros who stayed relaxed after belongs in the bullpen, the most part held the Alonso’s sixth-inning home run (20th) made tried his darndest in his fort, but Scherzer is The it a 7-1 game, and after Eduardo Escobar’s sixth start, but third-in- Straw That Stirs The solo shot in the seventh made it 7-2. ning home runs by Jose Drink on the mound. “We got the chance to make it to the Altuve and Yordan Al- Steve Serby Even if the Mets were World Series this year,” Diaz said. varez had the Mets in a not 5 ¹/₂ games ahead of Yes they do. With a healthy Max Scherzer. 3-0 hole that wound up the Braves, who lost to “I want to get back out there so bad,” as an 8-2 defeat at Min- the Giants, you could Scherzer said. ute Maid Park in Houston. etch it in stone that Showalter would not Hurry Back, Max. DeGrom faced live batters in Port St. Lucie panic, because it isn’t in his DNA. Or Hurry Up And Wait if the manager on Tuesday for the first time since suffering “We can lose one or two games and we makes that call. his shoulder blade injury in spring training, know we are good,” closer Edwin Diaz said [email protected] Max throws 65 pitches in rehab start By Mike PuMa METS NOTES winning with them. I want to be ton, could return to the Mets as in the big leagues, not a Rumble soon as Friday, according to HOUSTON — Max Scherzer was able to step on a few fast- Pony.” Showalter. The veteran catcher reached 65 pitches in a minor balls, I felt that was a good underwent surgery on his left league rehab start Tuesday thing. I was able to throw all my Scherzer’s return will push wrist last month. night in what could be his only pitches … I did check all the Trevor Williams or David Pe- appearance before returning to boxes here.” terson to the bullpen. Williams ➤ J.D. Davis was in the the Mets. is the more likely candidate for Scherzer said his oblique relief duty. lineup as the DH a night after Pitching at Double-A Bing- didn’t tighten on him, but he was drilled in the left hand, hamton against Reading, the Wednesday will be a key indica- ➤ Jacob deGrom, working necessitating an X-ray on his right-hander allowed two tor in how he feels. pinkie finger. Davis began his earned runs on three hits (in- out in Port St. Lucie, Fla., faced major league career with the cluding a homer) and one walk The Mets could presumably live batters for the first time in Astros, and was returning to with six strikeouts over 3 ¹/₃ in- extend Scherzer to 75-80 his rehab for a stress reaction Minute Maid Park for the first nings. The game action was pitches for his next start. If the on his right scapula. The club time since his trade to the Scherzer’s first since he was Mets were comfortable pitching said deGrom’s session “went Mets, before the 2019 season. placed on the injured list on him on normal rest, he could be well.” The right-hander, who May 19 with a strained left ob- inserted into the rotation Sun- hasn’t appeared in a major ➤ Travis Jankowski, who lique. day in Miami. Scherzer’s hope is league game since July 7 of last one rehab start will be enough. season, could be a possibility to was placed on the IL on May 26 “I went out there and accom- rejoin the rotation at some with a fractured fourth meta- plished what I thought I was go- “You put in all the work, you point next month. carpal on his left hand, has ing to do,” Scherzer told report- see the team playing great base- been cleared to resume base- ers in Binghamton. “I wanted to ball,” Scherzer said. “You want ➤ James McCann, who ball activities, according to get four ups in, 65 pitches in. I to be out there competing and Showalter. caught Scherzer at Bingham-

62 New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 “The Resort” premieres July 28 on Peacock with an Saddling up for new role ensemble cast, including Cristin Milioti and William Peacock Jackson Harper. It’s “a multi-generational, coming-of- Dana Delany will play an affluent equestrian age love story disguised as a fast-paced mystery ...” on Sylvester Stallone’s upcoming Paramount+ drama “Tulsa King.” Stallone is a former New York mafia capo “exiled” to Oklahoma after serving 25 years in the slammer. Getty Images TV Wednesday fowl To forTune ‘Duck Dynasty’ family returns to seek buried ‘Treasure’ in the South Fox Nation (2) By BEN COST Jase, 52, said, “Treasure hunting, is what we do T HE Robertson family of — a lot of it is based Jase (from left), Si and Jep Robertson, and Murry Crowe, on “Duck Family “Duck Dynasty” is back on stories. So you’re Treasure.” Inset: Jase and Jep in action. on the hunt — and this trying to figure out time, instead of ducks, fact from fiction. In the first couple episodes of cleaning up the earth.’ ” they’re on the prowl for What’s in the the show, the would-be Indiana For the brothers, however, the buried treasure. ground, now that’s The Post spoke to Jep and Jase fact.” Jones bros embark on everything journey is just as precious as the Robertson — the sons of “Duck The siblings first from searching for meteors in metals. Dynasty” patriarch Phil — about got into treasure hunt- Kansas to excavating historical “When you think about the what “DD” die-hards can expect ing after accompanying relics in Vicksburg, Miss. And name ‘Duck Family Treasure,’ from the show in their brand-new Crowe, who had just while the gold diggers can’t di- most people are going to think, series “Duck Family Treasure,” been diagnosed with can- vulge their specific finds, Jase ‘Oh it’s about what they find,’ ” and how the idea came to frui- cer, on a fortune-foraging says they’ve discovered those said Jase. “I think with most trea- tion. foray. hobby truly “eye-popping” artifacts. sure-hunting shows, it’s all about “We found some, I would say, “He asked me if he could hunt on their “Some of the members of our what they find. By the time you eye-popping finds,” Jase said of at my place,” Jase said. “We went podcast “Una- family, who are guests on the get to the 10th episode, you’re the new series, which is now out there and he brought me a de- shamed,” explaining: “My cousin, show, they think we’re just grown gonna realize that treasure has streaming exclusively on Fox Na- tector and we got started. This is who is the producer of the pod- men being silly,” said Jase. “When many definitions. tion. “Duck Family Treasure” like his dying wish to get detect- cast, said, ‘Well this is what you we found something of great “You see the relationship, inter- sees the Louisiana-born Robert- ing. need to do a TV show about. This value, all of a sudden, they got actions. That’s really what it’s son brothers, along with their “So every time he called I is interesting.’” real quiet.” about.” Uncle Si, 74, and Murry Crowe — would take him out there and we Jase continued, “I said ‘I’ll tell “We’ve found something on the Ultimately, Jase deems “Duck a treasure hunting veteran with formed a friendship,” he said. you what, I’ll ask the people lis- show that’s over a thousand years Family Treasure” a “family-based nearly a half-century of experi- “Then I’ve got Jep and I’m like, tening to this podcast if they ago” he said — claiming that TV show that you can watch with ence — scour the South with ‘This is fun, we’re finding all think it’s TV show-worthy. If we they’ve even gone to places with the whole family that’s fun, and, metal detectors in-hand in search kinda old cool stuff and valuable get 20,000 people to reach out to “paranormal baggage” and had to in this case, a bit historical and it of riches. stuff.’ And so Jep said, ‘I’m in.’ ” you, we’ll do it. Well, the first “overcome that fear.” has a lot more heart in it than you Describing the They decided to turn hour that that podcast was re- Jep, 44, added, “I would say, me would think. premise of the show, their treasure-hunting leased, over 20,000 people had personally, I’m the newest, as far “At this stage in my life, I don’t dream into a reality contacted the producer saying, as treasure hunting. I haven’t have the desire to be on TV other show while ‘Do it.’ ” been doing it nearly as long. I’m than something that I think She’S ready to go discussing “Duck Family Treasure” was pretty not great at it. I find a lot makes the world a better place,” their new born. of junk. But I always say ‘I’m he said. Sherri Shepherd’s nation- ally syndicated talk show, “Sherri,” will premiere Aisle marker Monday, Sept. 12. It will According to HBO Max, “Father of the air weekdays at 10 a.m. on WNYW/Ch. 5 from Bride” drew the biggest viewing Chelsea Studios on audience, to date, for a streaming-only West 26th Street with movie. It premiered last weekend with a live studio audience. stars Andy Garcia, Adria Arjona and Gloria Estefan.

Best Bets Wednesday June 22, 2022 SP = Spectrum, C = Cablevision, F = FiOS Movies Sports New 63 What’s on Tonight Evening SP C F 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm game shoW 2 WCBS 2 2 2 CBS News Inside Edition Entertainment The Price Is Right at Night: The Price Is Right at Night: One Last Time: An Evening: CBS 2 News at (11:35) Late New York Post, Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Norah Tonight Adam Devine. (R) Ludacris Foundation. Duo performance. (R) 11PM Show The Price Is Right at Night: 8 p.m. on WCBS 2. Actor/ 4 WNBC 4 4 4 NBC Nightly News 4 New Access Chicago Med: Dangerous Chicago Fire: Annual CFD Chicago P.D.: Gang leader. News 4 New (11:35) Tonight comic Adam Devine News York at 7 Hollywood infection. (R) Gala. (R) (R) York at 11 Show competes in support of the Children’s Miracle 5 WNYW 5 5 5 TMZ (R) Extra (R) You Bet Your MasterChef: The chefs’ first So You Think You Can Dance: The 10 O’Clock News The Big Bang The Big Bang Network. (R) mystery box challenge. Double elimination. Theory Theory comedy 7 WABC 7 7 7 ABC World Jeopardy! (R) Wheel of (8:10) 2022 Stanley Cup Final: Game 4: Colorado Avalanche at Tampa Bay Lightning News (11:35) Kimmel News Fortune (R) from Amalie Arena. Live. Live Wellington Paranormal: 9:30 p.m. on WPIX 11. Karen 9 WWOR 9 9 9 The Big Bang Family Feud Family Feud Dateline: Calls unanswered. Dateline: An Olympic Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud O’Leary. Police look into Theory (R) (R) medalist is found dead. (R) (R) (R) (R) footage of a camper getting abducted by a large, hairy 11 WPIX 11 11 11 PIX11 Evening black-ish Young The Flash: Flash and team Wellington Wellington PIX11 News at Ten with Seinfeld Seinfeld creature. News Sheldon struggle to stay alive. Paranormal Paranormal Fadal and Chambers Talk shoW 13 WNET 13 13 13 BBC World The PBS NewsHour Nature: Behavior of sharks. NOVA: The technology Planet California Amanpour and Company News (R) behind self-driving cars. (R) The Tonight Show 11:35 p.m. on WNBC 4. Actress Maya 21 WLIW 21 21 21 (6:00) News Metro (R) TABLE ALL Carol Burnett Show (R) (8:55) Jon Stewart: The Mark (R) POV (R) Metro (R) BBC World Rudolph; Internet personality Emma 25 WNYE 25 22 25 Report 92Y on NYCLife Secrets NY New York Neighbor Eat Harlem $9.99 Story in Speakeasy Chamberlain; musical guest Brett Eldredge. 31 WPXN 31 3 531 (6:00) Blue Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods 41 WXTV 41 6 41 Noticiero La rosa de Guadalupe La mexicana y el güero Mi fortuna es amarte El último Rey Noticias 41 Noticiero 47 WNJU 47 16 12 Noticias La Casa de los Famosos Amor valiente Infiel: Hist de un engaño Noticiero Noticias 55 WLNY 55 10 10 Queens Man Man Chicago Fire WLNY News WLNY News Judge Judy Judge Judy Girls Girls A&E 46 46 181 First 48 (R) The First 48 (R) The First 48 (R) The First 48 (R) (10:01) The First 48 (R) (11:04) The First 48 (R) AMC 54 43 231 (5:00) Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) R aaa Back to the Future (1985): A teen accidentally changes the past. Back to the Future Part II (1989) aaac BET 37 54 270 (6:00) Movie Tyler Perry’s Sistas BET The Encore Tyler Perry’s Sistas BBCAM 71 101 189 (6:00) Smokey and the Bandit (1977) PG (8:15) Smokey and the Bandit II (1980): Moving an elephant. PG aa (10:45) Smokey and the Bandit (1977) BRAVO 18 44 185 Sthn Charm Real Housewives Real Housewives The Real Housewives of Dubai Real Housewives (R) Housewives CNBC 15 24 102 Money The News ExxonMobil at the Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank: Tree rental. CNN 78 25 100 Situation Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360° CNN Tonight Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight COM 45 50 190 South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Daily Show Beavis DIS 49 31 250 Miraculous Big City (R) Big City (R) Big City (R) Big City (R) Raven (R) Raven (R) Big City (R) Big City (R) Miraculous Miraculous DSC 66 27 120 Exp Unknwn Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown: Searching for global mysteries. (11:09) Exp. Unknown (R) E! 24 51 196 Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Nightly Pop ESPN 28 36 70 Sports 2022 NCAA College World Series: Game 12 Live. SportsCenter with Scott SportsCenter ESPN2 29 35 74 Preview WNBA Basketball Live. 2022 NBA Draft Preview 37 Words W. Studios W. Studios FBN 43 106 117 Evening Ed Kennedy Mansion Mansion American American Mansion Mansion American American FNC 44 26 118 Spc. Rpt. Jesse Watters Primetime Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity The Ingraham Angle Gutfeld! FOOD 50 97 164 Grocery (R) Guy’s Grocery Games (R) Guy’s Grocery Games (R) Guy’s Grocery Games (R) Guy’s Grocery Games (R) Guy’s Grocery Games (R) FREFRM 38 49 199 The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The 700 Club (R) FS1 400 99 83 NASCAR Westminste The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show The Westminster Kennel FX 10 40 53 Ford v Ferrari (2019): A car designer. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014): X-Men fight to prevent dooming event. aaac The Old Man (R) HALL 191 240 Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (2021) Paris, Wine & Romance (2019): Concours viticole. Golden Golden Golden Golden HGTV 64 98 165 Bargain (R) Bargain Block (R) Bargain Block (R) Bargain Block Hunters Hunters (11:01) Buy It or Build It HIST 40 47 128 Forged in Forged in Fire (R) Forged in Fire (R) Forged in Fire (10:03) Forged in Fire (R) (11:03) Forged in Fire (R) ID 23 171 123 Diabolical Diabolical: Cindy McKay. In Heartland (R) Killadelphia (R) See No Evil See No Evil (R) LIFE 62 45 140 Castle Castle: Jealous Castle. Married at First Sight (10:03) Married at First Sight (R) MeTV 33 33 3 The A-Team M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Andy Andy Pyle Acres Hogan Hogan Burnett P. Mason MSG 27 87 78 The Bettor Giants NY Giants American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior The Bettor Hour (R) MSG Shorts MSG Shorts MSG Plus 48 88 80 Trackside The Bettor Hour WPT Alpha8 Replay. WPT Alpha8 Replay. WPT Alpha8 Replay. The Bettor Hour (R) MSNBC 14 23 103 Ari Melber The ReidOut All in with Chris Hayes MSNBC Prime Lawrence O’Donnell The 11th Hour MTV 20 53 210 Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous NATGEO 65 162 121 Catch (R) To Catch a Smuggler (R) To Catch a Smuggler (R) To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler (R) To Catch a Smuggler (R) NICK 6 121 252 Loud House Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (2012): Boy’s quest. PG aaa Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 173 180 145 (6:00) Vows Fatal Vows Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It PARMT 36 56 54 (6:32) Men Men Men Midway (2019): The story of the Battle of Midway during World War II gets told. Top Gun (1986) PG aaa SNY 26 60 77 Flight 2022: New Heights Amazin’ MLB Baseball: New York Mets at Houston Astros. Replay. Sports Sports SYFY 17 48 180 (5:45) Captain America: Civil War (2016): Avengers divided. aaaa Armageddon (1998): Oil rig workers must destroy asteroid. Bruce Willis. aaa TBS 8 39 52 Bang Bang Bang All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite Live. Rat in the Kitchen (R) Young Young TCM 82 41 230 Roberta (1935): Fashion faux-pas. aaa The Bounty (1984): Conflict aboard ship leads to mutiny. PG aac Mad Max (1979): A cop seeks revenge. TLC 52 28 139 My Feet (R) My Feet Are (R) Dr. Pimple Popper My Feet Are Killing Me My Feet Are Killing Me Hoarding (R) TNT 3 37 51 Lucifer Lucifer: Claim to be God. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of (2020) R aaa Suicide Squad (2016): Villains team-up. TVLAND 85 34 241 Andy Andy Andy Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Loves Ray. Queens Queens USA 16 38 50 (6:00) SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 19 52 217 Law Abiding Citizen (2009): A man seeks revenge. Jamie Foxx. aaa Four Brothers (2005): Four men avenge their mother’s death. R aaa Citizen aaa WE 59 42 149 (6:00) NCIS NCIS: City-wide blackout. NCIS: Child prodigy. NCIS: Preacher’s son. NCIS: Pilot killed. NCIS: Assassination plot. YES 53 89 76 Pregame MLB Baseball: New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays. Live. Yankees Postgame Live. MLB Baseball Replay. EPIX 595 395 Bayou aa (7:10) Billy the Kid (R) A Quiet Place Part II (2021) Emily Blunt. Candyman (2021): Stories of a killer. R (11:15) Paranormal (2014) HBO MAX 511 301 400 Gumbel (7:05) The Card Counter (2021): A gambler’s past. aac Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes (2022) (10:40) The Time Travel Millers aaa SHO 531 371 420 Collateral (2004): Hitman’s hostage. R Extract (2009): Boss’s troubles. R aac Serving Sara (2002): A trip to Texas. aa (11:13) R.I.P.D. (2013) aac 551 321 365 (5:45) The Hunt for Red October (1990) Shooter (2007): Sniper framed for dignitary’s death. R (10:05) Crank (2006): Poisoned hitman. 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AMAZIN’S PAGES 60-61 MAX HAPPY WITH GET CRUSHED REHAB OUTING HOU’ STUNNED BYASTROS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 The Best Sports In Town® Tampa Bay’s Isaac Paredes hits the third of his three home runs Tuesday night against the Yankees, this one a two-run shot in the fifth off Clarke Schmidt. The Yanks tried to rally in the ninth, but a long fly out by Aaron Judge came up just short in a 5-4 defeat. PAGES 58-59 AP 3C-IDRCINUGS’ Trio of HRs by Rays’ Paredes sting Bombers NETS, KYRIE TRY TO STAY MARRIED PAGES À[)91925|lj;daK]È {x\\n\\c\\C\\? 52-53

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