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Home Explore Trumpet Newsletter Milestone Edition

Trumpet Newsletter Milestone Edition

Published by karishma.dcosta, 2016-06-22 13:58:22

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TCS Maitree Toastmaster's Club Pune presents Milestone Edition JUNE 2016 President Distinguished Club First in D98 to achieve 10 points 100th Meet of TMTCP TCS Maitree Best Organized Club Award Hosted Division Contest Diamond Club Award

TRUMPETEERSTM VINITA TM KARISHMA EDITOR CO-EDITORTM RADHIKA TM NITHYANAND DESIGNER ARTICLE COLLECTOR Editors Briefing Dreams and goals are very important for anyone to be happy. Growth inpersonal life, professional life or social life helps us in achieving our dreams or goals. It is important to track one's growth and setting Milestones is an effective way to do just that. TCS Maitree Toastmasters club Pune had a dream to win Diamond Club award, the highest award which any club can have. We had set milestone of achieving 10 goals and in Jan 2016, our club was the first club in D98 to achieve it receiving Kudos from all Directors. Accomplishing different milestones our club recently received Diamond Club Award making every member proud. Listen more about our club's milestones, member's milestones at personal and professional level and their views in our Newsletter edition \"Milestones\". ~ TM Vinita Potdar Editor, Trumpet - Milestone Edition Mailto : [email protected]  Facebook:

Milestone Edition - 2016What's Inside??4……District 98 takes pride in TCS MaitreeToastmasters Club Pune!TM Chandrashekar, Program Quality Director 5…… President’s message on Milestones TM Harshad Khiera, TMTCP President6……Milestones of TCS Maitree Toastmasters ClubPuneTM Nithyanand 9…… Artist…..Who Me? TM Srikant11……My Life's MilestonesTM Santosh 12.… Memories created over Coffee TM Avani

Milestone Edition - 2016There is More..13……A Smile of AquaintanceTM Neha 14…… Photo Gallery ­ Toastmaster's Click15……Proud Moments ­ TMTCP's Accolades19…… 17……How I  Evoluate? The Distinguished OneTM Virat TM Anupriya21…… 24.…TCS Maitree Toastmaster’s Welcome the New Leaders ­  Ex­commClub Pune Family

Milestone Edition 2016 District 98 takes pride in “To me, a milestone is when we stop stumbling TCS Maitree on daily obstacles and let ourselves be a part of a Toastmasters Club Pune! greater universal vision.” ~TM ChandrashekarFellow Toastmasters of TCS Maitree - Pune, Firstly, Program Quality Directorcongratulations for accomplishing 10/10 on the DCP Chart andmaking Dist 98 proud. Well, did I say Dist 98 proud. I am sorry, Read on to find out ourlet me rephrase this - \"District 98 takes pride in TCS Maitree Program QualityToastmasters Club, Pune\". As a champion club in the Director’s, ToastmasterToastmasters world, this milestone of yours is no surprise, Chandrasekhar’s viewsnevertheless yet another reason for celebration. Hearty on milestones.congratulations to all of you at the club! Friends, Pain they sayis of two types. The first type is the one that discomforts you, 4while the second one is the one that changes you. Needless tosay, from the inception of this toastmaster’s year, you have beenbusy organizing yourselves as a club, planning your goals andachieving your milestones one by one while experiencing thefirst type of discomforting pain. But friends, let’s think about itobjectively. Is this all it takes to achieve a milestone? What isnew? We claim and communicate that every milestone is new.Let’s face the fact, there's nothing new. We conduct the samemeetings, give the same speeches, take the same evaluations andeven participate in the same contests. It's time to ask, what isreally a milestone? · To me, a milestone is when every memberof our club is filled with magic, miracle and marvel at thepossibilities of their potential. · To me, a milestone is when westop stumbling on daily obstacles and let ourselves be a part of agreater universal vision. · To me, a milestone is when each oneof us can effortlessly express ourselves and become hard tocontain by the mortal shackles around us. Let's together resolveto embrace accomplishing this milestone, which in essence willbe the real milestone for a clubs of your stature. And, as youprepare yourself to embark on this journey, you will discovernew insights, develop new leaders, and more importantly createa new identity. All this will also cause pain, but this pain is ofthe second type, one that would allow you, with a possibility toBE a lasting change. Friends, make no mistake, by no stretch ofimagination, I am discounting your accomplishment, but as theysay, 'with great power, come great responsibility,' I am onlybeing human by expecting greater milestones from you all. Allthe best!

Milestone Edition 2016President’s Message on Milestones “In a nutshell, my presidential tenure was aWhen I took up the President role in TCS Maitree Toastmaster wonderful tenure, filled with beautiful memories,Club Pune, Club looked like an aeroplane, about to take off, to different milestones andachieve a height of success. But soon I realized, I was achievements were aunderestimating club’s performance. It was actually a rocket, Cherry on the Cake.”speeding to never ending heights through different achievements. ~TM Harshad KhieraAchievements of the club has always amazed me and made meproud. As President of the Club, I felt like the Captain of a Read on to find out ourwinning team. New tenure started in Jan 2016 and our club President, Toastmastergrabbed everyone’s attention by being the First Club to Achieve Harshad’s message on10/10 DCP goals .This was the first gift to all the members of the milestones.Club and to me, in my President role. With 15 + Educationalawards till date, our club held the 2nd Highest position in terms of 5educational awards. When contest season started, one of ourmember reached the Division contest. Division conference forDivision C and Division D of Pune District hosted by our ownclub, was attended by an overwhelming 300+ audience andeveryone was in praise for the hospitality and perfectarrangements done by TMTCP Club volunteers. After Divisionconference (Expressions) in April, came the District conference(Eloquence) in May and I experienced the unforgettable moment,our club receiving Diamond Club Award - The Highest Awardmade for any toastmasters club. It is very difficult to achieve, asalong with achieving 10 goals, different strict criterions need to bemet, but with support of all members, our club achieved it. Notonly had this, First Annual Conference of District 98 - Eloquence2016, witnessed enthusiastic energetic aura of our club membersin Dance, Instrumental and Singing performance. Our Memberspresence was seen everywhere, in Entertainment Committee,Educational Committee as well as important conference roles.Eloquence souvenir magazine featured some articles and poemswritten by our own cub members. To top the list, was the proudmoment when TM Anupriya Sinha got elected as DivisionDirector for Division C for Term Jul-16 to Dec-16 with a greatmajority. In a nutshell, my presidential tenure was a wonderfultenure, filled with beautiful memories, different milestones andachievements were a Cherry on the Cake. I would like to thank allmembers, ex-members, executive committee till date and TCSMaitree for all the support. Without strong backing andencouragement from all of you, our club would never had reachedsuch a height. Wishing our club “All the Best”, to reach moreheights, achieve more milestones so that I can proudly witnessTMTCP success story in front of my eyes with a broad smilingface.

Milestone Edition 2016 Milestones of TCS Maitree “The journey of a hundred miles starts with Toastmasters Club Pune a single step” ~TM NithyanandWhat is a milestone? A simple Google search lands you on a Read on to find out howWikipedia page which gives the definition that “A milestone is Toastmaster Nithyanandone of a series of numbered markers placed along idea on milestones anda road or boundary at intervals of one mile or occasionally, parts his account of theof a mile”. Then the obvious question on anybody’s mind would milestones that TCSbe why did these people at the newsletter team keep “Milestones” Maitree Toastmastersas the theme for the current edition of the newsletter? Club Pune has covered till date.Let us compare it with life. If life had similar markers every time 6you take up a journey then what would it tell you? Obviously, itwould tell you that you are heading in the right direction - carryon, isn’t it? Probably you must have heard the saying “Thejourney of a hundred miles starts with a single step” or “a wellstarted work is almost half done”. Everybody in their life wantsto do something that they can really be proud of and showcasethe same as your own. Hence as humans we start veryenthusiastically as we are champions at it but as we near ourtarget we are haunted by a question “Am I doing the things thatwill allow me to get there?”Remember those days when you promised yourself that youwould go on a walk from Monday so that your body stays fit andfine, and you did it on that Monday and never did it again, or,think of the situations when we were college students, we used tosay that next semester we would score better marks than thecurrent semester and were not able to achieve that. Similarly atoastmaster journey is no different. It needs commitment,passion, a will to face what you fear and the mind-set to improveyourself even when life throws lemons at you. To celebrate thefact that we are heading in the right direction due to the passion,charisma and commitment of our members at TCS MaitreeToastmaster Club Pune, the newsletter team would like to takethis opportunity to give you all a pat on your back and say“Toastmasters, you are in the right direction and continue doingyour awesome work”.

Milestone Edition 2016Here are some of the milestones we have achieved from the period of January 2016 to thepresent month.Our club belongs to the District 98. To give you some background of District 98, it is thenewest addition to the Toastmaster International fraternity and is just a year old. District 98consists of a total of 124 clubs, and with immense pride I would like to inform you that weare the first club to be recognized as President’s Distinguished Club. We received thisrecognition in the mid of January 2016 and we have achieved the diamond club award. Thisis not just an award based on individual efforts but it is an award that portrays collectiveefforts of all our members. In Toastmasters, as in any organization no one is too small tomake a difference. To achieve this award, members have to attend trainings, complete theirprojects, show constant commitment with timely renewals and many other factors as listed inthe article written by our member and Area Director Anupriya Sinha featured later in themagazine. So, members we are heading in the right direction.The next milestone was achieved on the 11th of March 2016, the aura in the A1, LR3 meetingroom was filled with enthusiasm, pride and may be a few tears of joy in the eyes of the foundermembers namely Arun Mishra, Anupriya Sinha, Indrajit Suryavanshi and Yasha Nanda. Theoccasion was that we had completed a total of 100 meetings after chartering of the club on 1stof September 2014. As the part of the celebration we had speeches as in the regular meeting,a mind blowing table topic session and certainly an evaluation round. Additionally, we didrelish a wonderful cake and beautifully designed certificates of “I was there at the 100thMeeting of Toastmasters” were distributed among the members. Members, with yourcommitment, you have certainly shown that the show will go on and we will break even morebigger and better records.One of the biggest tests while learning to become better leaders is when we have to organisean event as big as the joint division conference for division C and D. The preparation for aday’s event starts almost four weeks earlier with assembling a team, assigning individualteams with work and ensuring timely execution. As the host club, we arranged the Divisionconference for Division C and D on the 9th of April 2016. The conference almost had aresponse of more than 300 members pouring in from all parts of Pune and Goa. Allarrangements were carefully taken care by the club members with a lot of enthusiasm, teamspirit and dedication. The conference arrangements were highly appreciated by the DivisonDirectors DTM Niteash Aggarwal and DTM Leo Paulose and many other members whoattended this meeting. This is one milestone when our club members proved that “We canand we will” achieve anything and everything.Everybody feels happy when praised by their parents…isn’t it? TCS Maitree Toastmastersclub would not have come into existence if it was not for the help provided by our very ownbenefactor TCS Maitree, Pune. TCS Maitree, Pune has been the back bone for all the activities 7

Milestone Edition 2016that take place in all TCS locations across Pune and it is their constant unwavering supportthat has helped us in coming this far. TCS Maitree had arranged a volunteer’s meet on the16th of April 2016 for which we were invited and given the award as best organised clubamong the thirteen clubs currently under the wings of TCS Maitree, Pune. This is rather amoment of pride as budding future leaders, it is an important trait and has been recognised atthe corporate level. It surely goes on to say that we made ripples in TCS and in Toastmaster’sInternational. Kudos to all the member who helped us achieve this feat. Like this was notenough, we went on to receive the highest award that a club can dream of achieving. AtEloquence 2016, TMTCP received the Diamond Club Award; making every member proud.Finally, let me ask you this question, “Is toastmasters all about just giving speeches andbuilding our leadership skill or is it something more than that?” In our club we do have avery strong bond of friendship and togetherness among our members, and we certainly trainhard and enjoy even harder. Hence to make the Toastmaster experience even better we had aCafé Coffee Day meeting on the 30th of April 2016. A total of around 20 members attendedthe meeting, and along with the hot piping coffee and even more spiced up speeches it was aSaturday morning to remember. Thanks to the efforts of our executive committee membersfor meticulously arranging this meeting and all the members for attending it.So, dear member and guests reading the article, I supposedly did my work in highlightingthe milestones till date, and certainly feel that we are headed in the right direction of becomingone of the best clubs in Toastmaster International and giving a quality platform for individualsto learn, practise and grow. Hope that the next time when I write this article I fill the entirenewsletter with our milestones. 8

Milestone Edition 2016 “At that moment, the true fact hit me and it hit me hard” ~TM Srikant Artist…Who Me? Read on to find out how Toastmaster SrikantIt all started when I was waiting for my call letter from TCS finds hit hidden talent at the least expected time inafter graduating from college in May 2014. The month his life.following May was great and I literally mean it! My school andcollege friends organized some memorable reunions that I will 9always cherish. While many opted for higher-studies, a bunch ofus were super-excited to enter our new phase of life called\"Profession\". But wait, when are you joining TCS?? This wasthe question asked by close friends, relatives and concernedpeople alike. Still awaiting the call letter, 15th August arrived. Iwas celebrating Independence Day with my school juniors. Atthe school premises, all of a sudden, a missile fired at the speedof a rocket exploded in my eardrum. “Hey Srikant! I heard thatyou are jobless??” It was my Sanskrit teacher asking me thisquestion. I wish I could have said, “Itne bhi bure din nahin aayehain’’ (Translation- such bad days have not yet arrived) but atthat moment the true fact hit me and it hit me hard. I was indeednot earning anything. It kept haunting me for many weeks,when I finally decided to approach my Sanskrit teacher insteadof a counsellor.

Milestone Edition 2016He casually said, “don’t worry, you can play carrom, chess, or even ludo with my son. Heshall keep you engaged”. I was amused hearing this and kept laughing at myself the wholeday. Well, who could have thought of something this amusing?As days passed, it was already mid-September. I have to admit that my teacher’s son whowas in the fourth grade was a genius. He asked me questions like - what is the Big BangTheory? How large is our universe? When can we visit the Amazon Forest? I wasdumbfounded. Thanks to Discovery channel! But a thing about him really interested me. Hewas a connoisseur of Mythological Art. He could draw Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga, LordGanesha with great ease and loved doing so. I could not imagine the intricacy of his work.He even recited shlokas and hymns in full flow as my Sanskrit (pandit) teacher did. I wasimpressed and requested him candidly to teach me such art. The boy brushing his fallinghair away from his face gave a strange look and hesitantly agreed. He mentioned that hewould show me how to draw a deity's figure but that I would have to practice hard. Hewould even grade me on your first sketch. It was as if I was on probation even beforeofficially having a job in hand. I am a devotee of Sai Baba and thought of making a sketchof same. To tell you the truth I was a bit nervous, since I cannot sketch, and a prodigy livingnext door was going to evaluate me. I submitted my work and was waiting for my resultseagerly akin to my present situation of getting the call letter. The verdict finally arrived onefine weekend and guess what? I passed with grade “A”. The boy went on to tell me,“Bhaiya, you are a good artist. Keep doing it and you will improve for better!’’ Wow, atthat moment I felt like an Artist in me was born rather than being discovered. My happinessknew no bounds. Elated, I gave the boy a tight embrace. His eyes were sparkling looking atme. I was somehow still lost in thought of what am I going to do about the next verdict? Itwas the end of October. I then returned home checked my e-mail. At that moment, I got theresults of the second verdict. My Joining Letter for 27th Nov. 2014 was confirmed. I wasglad that my long wait was over however I was sad to leave the companionship of this littleboy. I met him before leaving and to lighten up my mood he said, “Keep sketching and sendyour artwork to my Dad via Whatsapp’’. I was amused yet again. But this time the messagewas very clear. There is no age for artwork, everyone has a bit of it. We merely need toexpress it.PS: The image shown in this article is my first pencil sketch. 10

Milestone Edition 2016 My Life’s Milestones “After giving my 1st speech “Ice-breaker”The word milestone has become a part of my life since I graduated from the competentand started working in the software industry. There is not a single communication (CC)day that I have spent without thinking about next project deliverable manual, I set a newmilestone. In the early stage of my professional career, I was more milestone to my personalconcerned about my deliverables, but as I climbed up the life to become anprofessional ladder more milestones worries entered my life. Every excellent speaker”milestone came with different challenges and different experience ~TM Santoshand I did not understand when 14 years of life expended.One day I thought - what is my identity other than a professional Read on to find out howworking for one of India’s best IT firms and earning handsome salary Toastmaster Santosh hasevery month? I always admire the great orators like Winston unleashes his potential toChurchill, Pandit Nehru, Dr. Ambedkar, Dr. A.P J Abdul Kalam and become an excellentso many of today’s leaders like Sharad Pawar, Lalu Prasad, etc. I speaker through hisdecided to improve my speaking skills and add a personal milestone journey withto become a good speaker. I joined TCS Maitree Toastmasters club Toastmasters.and started attending each and every meeting and thereby I would notmiss a single speech. After giving my 1st speech “Ice-breaker” from 11the competent communication (CC) manual, I set a new milestone tomy personal life to become an excellent speaker. The more speechesI delivered from the competent communication manual myexpectations and milestone kept changing. After attending divisioncontest held in TCS premises on 9th April, I set my milestone toprepare for the next International speech contest. After hearing 16extraordinary speakers I was stunned and realized that there are somany thing that I need to improve to become an extraordinaryspeaker.I revisited all feedbacks that I received till date for all my previousspeeches and listed down all my shortcomings. I prioritized all ofthem as milestones and assigned action items to improve all theshortcomings. I think that I made a good decision by joining a TCSMaitree Toastmasters club. I made a lot of good friends who alwaysinspire me to be myself and give my best for each of my subsequentspeech. I have created my new identity in TCS as Toastmaster andmost of the credit goes to my fellow toastmasters. So manyassociates from TCS who are not part of my portfolio also know menow. When some TCSer’s greet me and give me a feedback that myspeech was good and creative, aligned with today’s burning socialproblems, I feel that I am on my way to achieve my Milestones.

Milestone Edition 2016 Memories created over Coffee “The idea behind this meeting was to produceThe thought of meeting outside the campus increased a free mind and relax the mood as there was nothe excitement in the executive committee meeting room. pressure of anyIt started with selection of date followed by booking of manager’s call, meetingsvenue, a few follow ups and asking members to join in. or production buildWhen the date and venue was informed to the members, failure”we got overwhelming responses from them. There were ~TM Avanifew people who went to CCD one day prior to make surethat the arrangements were proper. Now came the big Read on to get a glimpseday, when everyone gathered at Café coffee day, Vishal of the special meetingNagar on Saturday 30 April 2016 9:30 a.m. A few organized by the TCSmembers arrived before time and a few on time. Maitree ToastmastersEnthusiastic role players with the help of CCD crew Club Pune which waswere trying their best to make CCD a comfortable and was filled with fun andconvenient meeting room for all the members. The memories.freshness of that morning and the smell of coffee madethe mood swing in and generated a happy environmentall over the place. The meeting started with laughter andphoto sessions. Two members took their first steptowards their CC journey. The idea behind this meetingwas to produce a free mind and relax the mood as therewas no pressure of any manager’s call, meetings orproduction build failure. Everyone in the room gotchance to speak and the coffee in the hand was thecherry on top of the cake.As the VPE, organizing successful meetings withhappiness on the faces, creates a sense of achievementand satisfaction. The tag line of CCD “A Lot CanHappen over Coffee” was justified by the end of meetingwith lots of memories, joy and bond with the members.This was not the end, the party started after the coffee atlunch time with the toastmasters. Here, you could seethe different side of the exotic or sophisticatedtoastmasters in a relaxed and chilled out mood.Having coffee and lunch with exuberant toastmasters hasalways been great fun! 12

Milestone Edition 2016 A Smile of Acquaintance ~TM Neha With head held high, sunglasses on my eyes, 13 Beside my new car, in pride I stood while I lavishly laughed at a barefoot passerby who was clothed in rags and begged for food. The response of the beggar was also apathetic; His glaring eyes set deep into mine. And the look in his eyes imminently turned sympathetic when he left me in an enigma with a smile of acquaintance. Within hours I had forgotten the man in rags as I drifted silently along solitary roads Through the desserts having no milestones or tags when I heard a screech and my car stood still. A couple of times, in vain I tried to start it up and minutes later , stepped out in scorching sun only to discover that my car-my pride is wounded in the engine and has substantially given up. My branded shirt was scratched and torn as I tried to mend it but I was no mechanic, so I set out to find one. I walked for miles along unknown, unseen directions till my feet were sore and I threw away my new itchy shoes. It was past twilight, no human in sight and I had almost given up when I felt something. There was a mirror in my pocket which showed me my true face which was no different from the beggar I had earlier laughed at. I realized that I was barefoot, almost in rags and could even beg for food. Recalling my rude gesture, I repented and begged for forgiveness.I insanely smiled at the mirror, only to find back a rugged smile of acquaintance, -a smile more quenching and precious than any of the waning worldliness. Well, the lesson was learnt; hence the sin forgiven but my ruthless laughter will never be forgotten for it reminds me of a fulfilling smile of acquaintance which yet another angel in a car, who stopped to save me, gave by.

PHOTO GALLERY Milestone Edition 2016 By Rahul Surange By Anupriya Sinha 14

PROUD MOMENTS Milestone Edition 2016 TCS Maitree Toastmaster’s Club Pune was the 1 First in District 98 to achieve 10 Points 2 TMTCP proudly celebrates 100th Meeting 3 TMTCP awarded best organized club by TCS Maitree TM Virat 45 TM Vinita Mehta Potdar –Div Contest –Area Contest 2nd Runner-up 2nd Runner-up 6 TM Anupriya Sinha elected as Division C Director 7 TMTCP hosts Division C and D Conference in Tata Consultancy Services, Pune with an overwhelming 350+ audience 15

PROUD MOMENTS Milestone Edition 2016 8 TCS Maitree Toastmaster’s Club Pune achieves the Diamond Club Award 9 TMTCP Club receives Automation Club Award 10 Eloquence Souvenir showcased our club’s talent: TM Vinita – Best Speech, TM Neha – 1st Runner-up poetry, TM Ruddhi – 2nd Runner-up poetry and TM Virat’s poetry. 11 TM Vinita and TM Poonam receives Triple Crown Award for completing 3 educational awards in a year 16

Milestone Edition 2016 The Distinguished One “TCS Maitree Toastmasters club PuneIf you are a visitor, a new member, or maybe even someone is the 1st club to achieve the Presidentswho has been in Toastmasters for a while but not yet familiar Distinguished status bywith all of the vocabulary, you might wonder what it means achieving all 10 DCPwhen you hear the term “Distinguished”. As the term implies, it goals.”is a great honor to be awarded with, at every level from the ~TM Anupriya Sinha,member, to the Club, Area, Division, and even District, the ACB, ALB,“Distinguished” tag. Area Director, Area C-3, District 98.The primary objective of Toastmasters clubs is to provide the Read on to know morebest possible experience so that existing members are retained about the journey of aand new members join. The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) toastmaster from asets a standard for excellence that allows clubs to measure the simple member to aquality of the experience they provide for their members. When DTM. She alsothe clubs achieve the DCP standards of excellence, the club highlights thethrives and everyone benefits. remarkable journey and accolades of her veryThe DCP works hand-in-hand with the club mission by own club.providing a structured, supportive meeting environment that is 17productive and fun for all the members. As members set andmeet educational goals, they develop confidence and criticalcommunication and leadership skills, inspiring others to do thesame. The club’s focus on individual and collectiveachievement also helps build team spirit and club pride that isinfectious and self-sustaining.Meetings are exciting and productive. Members succeed inmeeting their individual communication and leadership goals,and guests are eager to join.The DCP consists of 10 goals in four categories: Education,Membership, Training and Administration. World Headquarterstracks each club's progress in achieving the goals during theprogram year (July 1 through June 30) and recognizes clubs thatachieve a minimum of 5 goals and meet membershiprequirements by June 30.Following are the 10 Goals that clubs should strive to achieveduring the Toastmasters year from July 1 to June 30.

Milestone Edition 2016 1. Two CCs 2. Two more CCs 3. One ACB, ACS, or ACG 4. One more ACB, ACS, or ACG 5. One CL, AL or DTM 6. One more CL, AL or DTM 7. Four new members 8. Four more new members 9. Minimum of four club officers trained during each of two training periods 10. One semi-annual membership report and one club officer list submitted on timeIn addition to achieving the goals, clubs must meet a membership requirement. At year-end(June 30), a club must have at least 20 members or a net growth of at least 5 new members.Clubs that meet the membership requirement and also do the following are eligible forToastmasters International recognition at year-end:  Achieve five of 10 goals – Distinguished Club  Achieve seven of 10 goals – Select Distinguished Club  Achieve nine or 10 goals – President’s Distinguished ClubTCS Maitree Toastmasters club Pune is a part of area C-3 which along with three otherareas forms the Division “C”. Six such divisions go on to form a district 98 that has clubsacross 7 states of India.TCS Maitree Toastmasters club Pune is the 1st club to achieve the Presidents Distinguishedstatus by achieving all 10 DCP goals. A feat that shows the excellence, energy andenthusiasm of all its members. Congratulations TMTCP  18

Milestone Edition 2016 How I Evoluate? “Never Compare: Sharma ji’s son was atNo, the spelling is not wrong. No, I am not drunk and no, this school. We do not have him around any not a deliberate typo to grab your attention. Be absolute at the test speaker’s speech”This is a simple formula, ~TM Virat MehtaOf ensuring that there is EVOLution during my evalUATION. Read on to find out how Toastmaster Virat MehtaThe evolution of the target speaker, the audience and you as a EVOLUATES, it’s astoastmaster, and as a person. simple as that!The Target Speaker: There might be more than a week’s 19preparation or an overnight engineer’s study; a best friend or aname you’ve heard for the first time; an Ice breaker or anACG10; one thing is common, the person is a human being. 1. Know the objectives thoroughly: You can’t judge a fish by the speed at which it climbs. 2. Understand the past of the speaker: Past speeches, past comments, past remarks, past experiences. (Note: Please do not disturb the chief judge to find out who your contest’s test speaker is). 3. Never Compare: Sharma ji’s son was at school. We do not have him around any longer. Be absolute at the test speaker’s speech. 4. Give the solution: I know I am fat. It is how I can lose weight what I need to know. 5. Leave the stage with a smile: If you can’t do that, read the mission of toastmasters till you understand it completely.The Audience: Imagine a fight, and people gathered around.The police comes and takes the fighters away. What do thepeople gain? You aren’t in such a fight so make sure theaudience has something to take away at least. 1. Rememberability: My favorite word, even when no such word exists. If a member of the audience remembers even one word of your evaluation, you have imparted some learning (let the halo glow. Beware, bad evaluation is also remembered).

Milestone Edition 2016 1. Avoid negativity: There are already enough number of electrons in the surroundings for that. Avoid strong negative words like don’t, can’t; basically any such word that you do not want to hear. 2. Don’t be the audience: Avoid saying the audience felt this or that. Generalization is dangerous. Can you imagine someone coming up and saying, “I did not laugh at all”, when you had said, “the audience really enjoyed your humor?”You, yes you: Dirty hands can never serve clean food (unless you have gloves, but nogloves here… Haha caught you!). As a toastmaster and as a person, you can make adifference in your life in these 2-3 minutes 1. Grab the opportunity: For all those who are waiting for the ‘right’ occasion, we have fired the pandit. If you are eligible for evaluation, try it firsthand. What would be worse than becoming a complete loser on stage is sitting in the audience and assuming you aren’t one? 2. Experiment with your evaluation: Chronology, theme based, acronym kind – be different at as many times as you can. Variety is the spice of life. 3. Be happy to evaluate: If you have forced yourself into doing this, stay rest assured that the audience will force you to sit down before you finish your evaluation 4. Use the time: It is stage time fellas! If not while on stage, then when?I am not a guru of evaluation, but I hope you had fun reading what I have written. See youon the stage soon.Note: This is my perspective. If you don’t agree with it, I respect it and would sincerelyappreciate a discussion. 20

TCS Maitree Toastmaster’s Club Pune FamilyAkshay Kalyankar Anaya Pawar Ankit Chatterjee Anupriya SinhaAvani Saklecha Charulatha Shankar Pradeepthi Kalapala Fouzia KhanGirish Goutam Gurashish Kaur Harpreet Singh Harshad KhieraHira Bhandare Hiren Chandani Jimit Amin Jomson PerayilKarishma D’costa Manish Dwivedi Modita Dhavale Neeraj Kumar 21

TCS Maitree Toastmaster’s Club Pune FamilyNithyanand Ramani Poonam Kumar Pritam Shete Puja SoniRahul Surange Rohan Rajwade Ruddhi Kadam Radhika BelkhedeSantosh Ughade Saurabh Rai Sheeba Khan Shubham MalpaniSiddharth Patel Srikant Das Vinita Potdar Virat MehtaZain Krutika Kathal Ankita Wani Arun Mishra 22

TCS Maitree Toastmaster’s Club Pune FamilyShilpi Chourasiya Kavita Joshi Syed Zainuddin Arpita SachdevaShankho Ghosh Sagar Bhikonde Bhabanisankar Kanak Kulkarni MohantyNeha Thakur Amruta Tarsode Harini Sampath Aishwarya PatilRishab Gupta Anand Kitturkar Sherin Thomas Kshamda KaraniShailesh Patil 23


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