My Journal Entries 2015-2016 Anne Jackson Scott
Journal Entry Some things I find interesting are Social Studies, Dance, Math, andReading. I am interested in History because I love knowing what life was likebefore me and I love knowing how I am here, why I have certain things, andalso what lead up to me. I am also interested in Dance the reason I aminterested in dance is because i love the movement and expression it shows.I also love Math because it shows logic and it makes sense to me there isreason and we use it for almost everything in the real world. When I read ittakes me to a different place if I read about a person it puts me in their shoesand it makes me feel like a different person. These are some of the things Ifind Interests in.
One of my greatest accomplishments was……… winning the Mary P.Shaw award at my elementary school because…… It was the highest awardit was for good grades and good character. It was very honoring to get it. Ifelt that all my hard work paid off. It was very fun to get because I loveschool. Part of the fun was that I won the award with one of my best friends.This was one of my greatest accomplishments.
A person that I admire is Misty Copeland because she is such aninspiration pushing through all the criticism she gets because of her race. Sheis not just an inspiration to dancers but to everyone. She demonstrates how ifyou just hang in there things will get better. She went through a very hardchildhood but look where she is now. I am a dancer so in my eyes she is justflat out amazing in all ways not just dancing. This is why Misty Copeland issomeone I really admire
I would describe myself as a goody-two-shoes because Ialways do what I am supposed to do I and I love to do the right thing.I would also say that I am proud to say I am a goody-two-shoes. Iwould say this also because I am smart. I also have big dreams aboutbecoming a doctor or lawyer. I also am a goody-two-shoes because Ilike to please people. I also act like this because I want to please thelord. This is how I am a goody-two-shoes.
Thanksgiving to me means time to celebrate all I have and thankeveryone who does so much for me. Thanksgiving also means family.Thanksgiving means something dear to my heart because I get to celebratemy Grandfather coming home from the hospital. I am very thankful thisthanksgiving because my Grandfather is home and we can go back tonormal and also do our thanksgiving traditions. This is what Thanksgivingmeans to me.
This Thanksgiving holiday was fun because I got to spend timewith my family. I also got to do my Grandpas physical therapy it wasfun pretending to be some kind of doctor. I got to spend time with mylittle cousin. This thanksgiving I learned how to drive the fourwheeler itwas a lot of fun. This Thanksgiving I got to eat a lot so that was fun.This is why my Thanksgiving was fun.
It really gets on my nerves when people say they are going todo something bet they never do it. I believe if you commit to somethingyou should do it. I also believe that everyone else does their part Ithink you should do yours. I think it is lazy not to do your part. I think itis better if everyone does their part and works together. This is whatgets on my nerves and why.
My favorite game show is Family Feud. I love guessing theanswers and getting the right answer. I think it is fun because myfamily pretends to be on the show and we play it just like the actualshow. I also love seeing the families and their reactions. The show isvery funny that is partly why I like it. I also love Steve Harvey he isvery funny. This is why my favorite game show is Family Feud.
I like to spend my free time spending time with my family. Myfamily and I are really close. Sometimes I feel like we are to close weare like the families out of the movies always spending time together.We love to play games, eat, watch movies, and to joke around. Myfamily is a lot alike that's what makes it fun. This is what I like doing inmy free time.
My dream house would definitely have a pool. I would love tohave an antique home. I love houses that have an open kitchen whichalso has to be big. I would love a house that is brick with blackshutters and a pink door. My dream house would also have a hugeroom just for Dance. I would also have a huge closet. This what mydream house would be like.
My favorite pet is a fish. I specifically have a favorite fish it is amale Betta fish. I have had a ton of fish in the past. They are easy totake care of. They also are very beautiful to look at. I think fish arefunny to watch and see what they do. There are so many types ofthem. I love how each type of fish has unique qualities. They eachhave different colors. This is why my favorite pet is a fish.
This holiday I would like to spend time with my family. I wouldlike to Give out presents to my family. I would like to do this because Ilove seeing their reactions. I think that look on their faces are priceless.I think family time is one of the most important things in life. I am alsovery excited to go to the parties my family has planned to go to. Thisis how I would like to my holiday.
My holiday break was awesome it was also a lot of fun. It was a tonof fun to spend time with my family. I had several parties to attend so thatwas awesome. I visited a lot of places. I never sleep in but I was so tired soI did it was cool. It was also fun because I got everything I wanted forChristmas. I had a very amazing Holiday break
My New Year's Resolution is to eat healthier and to have a healthierlifestyle. I choose this because my family members are going on a diet. Ihave always wanted to go healthy so this is the perfect time. I like goinghealthy it makes me refreshed. Also just the change of less soda and a lotmore water makes me feel better and more awake. This is my 2016 Newyears Resolution.
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