This is an online catalogue for marketing and operational materials that are required on site at all times. Orders for posters, leaflets and other marketing materials are to be ordered directly through Leah. Please contact her on [email protected] with the following information • Product you are ordering • Quantity required • Anything with address details on please e.g., price lists, ensure you specify which site you are ordering for. • If ordering business cards please provide full contact details for the card: Name, contact number and email address • Please give full address details and a contact name for the delivery If you can’t find what you are looking for please speak to Leah REMEMBER • Please give Leah as much notice as possible to order items • Please use contact information provided in the catalogue to order your items • Leah MUST be copied in on all correspondence when ordering items from other suppliers.
VS1 VS2 Car wash paddles Core Values poster double sided for back o ice Supplier: CSI digi link Supplier: CSI digi link Front Back
VS3 Wipe Clean Target board for back o ice Supplier: CSI digi link VS4 $5 o Bogo cards Contact Leah
VS5 Business Cards - Ensure you give correct title, contact number and email address Supplier: CSI digi link VS6 Resealable Poly bags - di erent sizes (6\"x6\", 4\"x4\", 3\"x7\"). Supplier: O ice Depot
VS7 VS8 Blue cones various sizes available, Replacement sleeves for cones- these come with reflective sleeves Please check the size of your cones Speak to Manager before ordering Contact Leah
VS9 VS10 SMS Valet hangers Dump your trash & tags Labels Supplier: SMS Valet Contact Leah DUMP YOUR TRASH HERE
VS11 Tablecover Contact Leah VS12 Cashless venue poster for o ice Contact Leah
VS13 Various Posters/Flyers Contact Leah VS14 Google/Yelp review cards Ensure you specify which location these are for Contact Leah
SUPPLIER INFORMATION CSI Digilink SMS Valet Steve Mckinney Andrew Sherstad [email protected] [email protected] 703-675-3588 O ice Depot Marketing Order online or visit Leah Watts [email protected] a local store https://www.o
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