Mastery Means PromotionWhen we were growing up, we were taught to balancethe head and the heart. Soon enough, especiallyin the corporate world, we learn that in order foran individual to succeed in his or her profession,he or she must have both his head and heart on thejob.Everybody wants to move up the corporate ladderbut this is made difficult by the competition. Bymastering your job, you will look good to thebosses.
You can do this by asking yourself what yourstrengths are. When you come up on the answers youmust build on them. You should also recognize yourweaknesses. You can either eradicate or lessenthese flaws.You should also reflect on what you have offeringand providing to the whole business, the company,the team and the boss. This is rooted from yourstrengths. You should also determine which ofyour skills have an advantage when set alongsideyour co-workers.Know that getting promoted is a procedure youshould work on. You can start by doing your jobin the best way possible. It may sound easy butit not. You are expected to deliver the goodsbefore you are given the promotion you have beenwanting. You have to make a reputation foryourself. Show the boss and those around you thatyou can deliver top-notch results on the dot.
You have to make yourself visible by developingthe skills that you have. These skills should helpyou do a better job in your current position. Bylearning how to do the tasks assigned to you well,your boss will realize how competent you are. Hewill give you more responsibilities. Thus youhave to do the tasks that will get you the goodreviews not only from your boss but from yourco-workers.Practice makes perfect. That really notapplicable in the corporate scene. Practice isonly permanent. Constantly practicing yourskills doesn't make you perfect but it may makeyou better.You have to look for opportunities that arevisible. Whether the assignments be permanent ortemporary, take them because they will build upyour visibility to the company and your boss.
Promotion means more work but if you areinterested in what you are doing, you won't be asstressed out. As long as you have the ability andthe interest to the tasks assigned to you, you areon your way to getting promoted.
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