Power TalkClick here for PDF version August 2018 Issue 2 Meet the new EPPF Invested in our Nopasika members Lila To retire well, save for longer Understanding mental health and its impact A member-centric EPPF future
Power Talk Contents In this Issue 02 06 Personality Profile - Meet the new EPPF Chief Executive Your Finances – To retire well, save for longer and Principal Officer 10 08 Book List – books on retirement planning and Your Health – Understanding mental health and its impact mental health 11 16 Hot Topic – The FSB changes form, and name to the FSCA Know Your Fund – A member-centric EPPF future 25 27 Fund News The family is growing 28 36 Update your personal information Contact Us Invested in our members
Power Talk 01 Editor’s Note NEDotIeTOR’S Dear Member We are pleased to present you with the second issue of the en- hanced Power Talk, in which we continue to offer you lifestyle sto- ries that are not only informative, but also educational. As a valued member, we also keep you abreast of developments at your Eskom Pension and Provident Fund (EPPF). In this second issue, with the theme,“Futureproof You”, our beau- tiful cover features the Fund’s new Chief Executive and Principal Officer, Ms Nopasika Lila, a dynamic leader determined to drive the Fund to new horizons and take it on a member-centric journey to become the most-admired Fund in South Africa. On page 8, we present you with an in-depth article on mental health, and focus on depression – an important topic on the heels of July’s Mental Awareness Month led by the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG). In this edition, Your Finances looks at retirement planning, the chal- lenges that come with a lack of commitment to it and tips to avoid cost-challenges in your golden years – see page 6. In keeping with the above theme, the Book List in this issue features retirement planning and mental health publications, which we believe will make for interesting reading. This month’s Hot Topic focuses on the change of the Finan- cial Services Board (FSB) to the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA). Read the article on page 11. We are excited to present you with this issue and hope you enjoy it Invested in our members
Power Talk 02 Personality Profile Meet the new EPPF Nopasika LilaChief Executive and Principal Officer, We are excited to introduce the EPPF’s new Chief Executive has really been about the people at the Fund. We’ve been able and Principal Officer, Ms Nopasika Lila. Ms Lila, who has to gradually attract and retain some of the best talent that the served as the Chief Financial Officer since joining the Fund in industry has to offer and that for me means we are increasingly December 2010, took over the reins on 1 April 2018 with plans becoming an employer of choice. The third highlight has to be to usher the EPPF into a new era.We recently spent some time our improvement in the quality of service that we are delivering with her to find out who she is, what she feels about her appoint- to our members.We are certainly not where we should be, but ment and what her plans are for the Fund. we have improved noticeably with time. Finally, I’m proud about the way we’ve been deliberate about moving from our archaic Congratulations on your appoint- systems that have held us back to systems which unlocked more ment as the new Chief Executive efficiency and allowed us to do more for our members. and Principal Officer, and what was your immediate reaction? What drives and motivates you as a leader and how would you classify I was honoured by the confidence that the EPPF Board had in me your leadership style? in appointing me to the role of Chief Executive and Principal Of- ficer. For me, this appointment was another opportunity to serve I’m driven and motivated by three key aspirations: education, em- the organisation and our members whom I’ve been committed powerment, and evolution (3Es). I believe that the more we edu- to for the past eight years, in the role of CFO.When I first found cate our members, the more we put power in their hands and this out I was also excited about the people I’d continue working with. gives each and every one of our members and their beneficiaries Being part of Exco for the past eight years has afforded me the more control of their investments. Educated members also make opportunity to work with some amazing people, and I was natu- better decisions for themselves and their families. Empowerment rally excited that I would be able to continue to work with our of our members (which flows from education) and empower- leadership team, albeit in a new role. ment of the people that work for the Fund is critical for me. As a leader, it’s important to create an environment where every I experience invaluable pleasure in serving the Fund, which is a person believes that he or she has the tools, the knowledge and unique organisation that is designed to ensure cost-effective and the power to make decisions to better serve our members.And member-focused administration of the benefits promised to the with these tools, knowledge and power comes responsibility and (approximately 85 000) members, pensioners and beneficiaries. accountability. The true test of leadership is not about creating In the course of doing its business, the EPPF invests assets that more followers, but about empowering people to become lead- are in excess of R140-billion to meet the promised benefits to its ers in their own respective spaces. Given the industry and de- members. mographic changes we cannot survive without evolution. I think that one of the key focus areas of any leader is to create an agile Reflecting on your time at the Fund, organisation driven by people with an agile mindset – without what would you say have been the this we can only be a follower in the industry and never a leader. key highlights thus far? And so everything I do as a leader is centred on these 3Es. I have four distinct highlights.The first of these is the growth that Invested in our we have seen in the Fund in terms of the Assets Under Manage- ment.We’ve doubled in size and I think given the tough environ- members ment, such growth is a worthy achievement.The second highlight
Power Talk 03 Personality Profile You have enjoyed great success, es- pecially with your career. Please share your philosophy for success. My philosophy is simple: believe in the best of people. I’ve always be- lieved that when people are supported adequately and are planted in the right environment, they will always do more than is required and they will always give of their best. I am grateful for all the women in my personal and professional life who have made it part of their lives' work to be a community of sup- port and counsel to me. I owe much of my personal and professional success to them. The Fund has experienced significant growth and achieved key milestones in recent years. What will be the key areas that you want to focus on going forward? Although the Board and Exco are working hard at finalising the future strategy, the overarching themes of education, empowerment, and evolution are being woven into our strategic aspirations.We want to see the Fund playing a more visible and active role in educating our members and South Africans in general about how to better manage and access their hard-earned investments. For us, education of mem- bers is a national responsibility and we don’t limit that aspiration just to ourselves.The empowerment of our members and teams is at the core of the emerging strategy.When we have empowered staff and members, we can serve and meet their demands more accurately. When we have empowered teams we can make every touchpoint in the member journey memorable and meaningful. We cannot afford to be caught flat-footed by industry changes, so evolution must find expression in the skills that we are able to attract to the Fund, the systems that enable us to deliver for our members, and an all-round agility in how we work is going to be critical. Invested in our members
Power Talk 04 Personality Profile What work needs to be done Closely associated with the cultural issues are the legal issues. For regarding the retirement fund example, it is not uncommon for an African family to have more industry in the country with our than one household.This introduces untold complications when members and pensioners in mind? the law recognises only members of legally-recognised house- holds and biological or legally-adopted children.The very nature I think all the 3Es I’ve just mentioned are going to be critical if the and formation of some African families are not rooted in these industry is going to remain relevant to its members, pensioners legal constructs and this really becomes problematic. Again, the and beneficiaries. need for education and empowerment of our members is evident. What are the challenges you feel One of the clear opportunities for the industry is the reality that need to be addressed at the Fund there are increasing funds to be invested. This, of course, is an in order to be even more opportunity as much as it is an interesting challenge.The industry member-centric? is increasingly looking at innovating investment strategies to grow the earnings of our members in order to ensure that they retire One of the unique advantages that we have as the Fund is that comfortably. This is a “nice problem” to have and one that we the staff members are also members of the Fund.This means that take very seriously at the Fund we know the service excellence that we would want, especially in those critical moments when we or our families need to access Getting to know Ms Lila funds, and so we are able to channel our own aspirations for ser- vice excellence into our work. What we need to focus on now Where were you born and where did you grow up? is to be deliberate about codifying behaviours that we want to I was born in Mzimkhulu [in the Eastern Cape]; I lived for a shape the way we work and that shape the culture of where we short while in Germany with my parents and siblings, and spent work. Our behaviours must support our aspirations of service most of my formative years in Mthatha [also in the Eastern excellence; we need to be obsessed about locating the voice and Cape] when we returned to South Africa. experience of our members in everything that we do, and we have to ensure that we create a culture that supports these ideals. What attracted you to the world of finance from a young age? What are the challenges of the I actually think that I was more attracted to the world of music South African retirement fund as a child more than finance! Like most parents who influence industry? their children’s careers, my parents and sister, who is also a char- tered accountant, persuaded me that I would contribute more The retirement fund industry is interesting because we have both to the economy if I studied something in the finances. In hind- challenges and opportunities.The challenges are many, but I think sight, I’m glad that although they persuaded me to embrace we can group them into four themes: engagement and reachabil- finance they still allowed me to dabble in music, and today I ity, cultural, unclaimed benefits and legal challenges. think I find happiness and fulfilment in both these spheres! The industry as a whole struggles with member engagement What do you do to relax? because we haven’t always invested in data management and I play the piano and I read. I’m currently reading The Ones with qualitative data. It’s quite difficult, if not impossible, to engage Purpose by Nozizwe Cynthia Jele, The Seat of the Soul by Gary members when we don’t even know where they are and what Zukav, The Age of Agile by Stephen Denning and Lead and Dis- their preference of engagement is. So, I think across the board, rupt: How to Solve the Innovator’s Dilemma by Charles O’Reilly member engagement is an acute challenge. Cultural challenges III and Michael Tushman. can be seen with the cultural discomfort that sometimes comes with talking openly about money and investments. We’ve grown Invested in our up in a cultural setting where talking about money is frowned upon and shrouded in secrecy. As you can imagine, this makes members it even more difficult for beneficiaries to know if and how to access funds, and of course that secrecy also erodes educa- tion and empowerment. So we have to find innovative ways of working around and dismantling these cultural discomforts.
Power Talk 05 Personality Profile Quick facts about Ms Lila • What is your main area of study? Accounting, Business Management, and Corporate Governance • What are your areas of professional interest? Education and training – I’m an ac- credited assessor qualified to sign off or certify CAs. This is something I’m very proud that the Fund is able to do. • Of the books you have read, which one stands out the most for you and why? The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I’ve loved this book from the first time I read it and I’ve gone back to read it time and time again. At the core it proposes four agreements that can lead to a fulfilling life. These are: 1. Be impeccable with your word. 2. Don’t take things personally. 3. Don’t make assumptions. 4. Always do your best. What are you passionate about? I’m passionate about people! I love seeing people reach their potential and I’m always grateful to be able to contribute to that journey of self-discovery and learning. This is maybe why I’m so proud of the achievement of the Fund of becoming one of the first pension funds in South Africa that is accredited by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) to sign off and certify chartered accountants. Traditionally, this has been the preserve of the big banks and big auditing firms in South Africa. Which two countries have you last visited that amazed you and why? I love Finland! This is the country that allows me to indulge in another passion of mine – experiencing track-driving and han- dling cars on ice! For the past few years I’ve been able to expe- rience track-driving and take on a frozen swamp that has been turned into a race track and completely enjoyed the exhilarating feeling of spiked tyres on ice. I have loved China (especially Taiwan) for many years. Every time I go back to China I’m always humbled by how different things are. It’s more than just a cultural shock, everything from the language (which I’ve now learnt to speak, read and write), to the food is just so unique to this one place in the world. China always reminds me of how big and diverse the world is and the importance to be humble because we are always learning about each other and the magnificent creations. Invested in our members
Power Talk 06 Your Finances sTaove rfoertLirOeNwGeElRl, Retirement, especially for the young and upwardly mobile and To avoid financial difficulty as a those at mid-career level, seems like a faint idea in the distant retiree, a mindset change is neces- future. As a result of this line of thinking, many of the people in this group fail to save for retirement when they enter the world sary while you’re still working” of work with some lacking the discipline to maintain their savings throughout their career. Compound interest The reality is that at the age of 34, most people have already Let’s understand compound interest because of the key role it passed the half-way mark to retirement age. Getting old is not plays in retirement saving. Thought to be the eighth wonder of optional. This means that at retirement, there will still be costly the world, compound interest is one of the most important foun- financial needs, which ideally should be planned for earlier in a dations of savings and retirement savings in particular. career to avoid playing catch up. Wikipedia defines compound interest as the “addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit” – or in other words, The reality is that at the age of interest on interest.This includes your pension savings. 34, most people have passed their half-way mark to retirement age” Invested in our Playing catch-up members Late retirement planning has a negative impact on savings for the golden years.The snowball effect for the non-savers is that sud- denly they try to play catch-up, having missed out on the irre- placeable benefits of compound interest (see information below on compound interest). Most people cannot resist the tempta- tion of withdrawing their pension savings when they change jobs and only realise closer to retirement that they need 70% to 90% of their in-service income to maintain their lifestyle, or at least a comfortable one at retirement.To avoid financial difficulty as a retiree, a mindset change is necessary while you’re still working. It’s a mind game Experts say that like most commitments in life, retirement plan- ning and saving come down to a habit that is developed over time, with discipline. For one, this requires a mindset change – including living within your means; budgeting; making lifestyle adjustments; carrying your pension over (or deferring) to a new fund when you switch jobs or placing it in a preservation fund; having a com- prehensive retirement plan and sticking to it. Committing to a strict plan ensures your savings enjoy the irreplaceable benefit of compound interest – growing your nest for the golden years.
Power Talk 07 Your Finances Growth on growth Investopedia adds that compound interest makes a sum grow at a faster rate than simple interest – which is calculated only on the In other words, compound interest is the result of reinvesting principal amount. This means compound interest provides you interest, rather than paying it out, so that interest in the next with a great opportunity to save and grow your retirement nest. period is then earned on the principal sum plus previously accu- mulated interest. Financial readiness The key here is that the money is not withdrawn, thereby allow- The downside of not saving enough is that later in life, you may ing further interest to earn interest over a prolonged period – burden friends and loved ones by depending on them for financial growing your retirement savings. support, rely on the government grant or find yourself struggling to make ends meet. Contribute to a fund and preserve your savings The question is, will you be financially ready to retire when the time comes? Here are some tips on getting on the savings track 1. Commit to retain your pension savings throughout and remaining there your career. The dire state of retirement The trick here, according to retirement experts, is to start saving savings in South Africa early on in your career and leave your accrued contributions in a fund. Continuously contributing to this fund will realise the • Only 6% of South Africans can retire independent of others benefits of compound interest and multiply your savings over • 16% of retired people are fully dependent on state pensions time. The temptation to withdraw these accrued contributions, • 31% of people who reach retirement age have to keep on meant for your provision at retirement age, should be overcome with discipline. working to earn a living 2. Have a correct retirement plan • 47% of people who reach retirement age depend on family Without a plan, it is hard to have discipline. Most employers have pension funds in which employees can participate during members or friends to support them financially their term of employment. The terms of participation and possi- ble retirement benefits are explained on commencement of mem- - Sources: www.MoneyWeb.co.za; www.Fin24.co.za bership. Therefore, you can plan ahead by ensuring that you save appropriately in order to have a reasonable income replacement Adjust your lifestyle ratio on retirement. You may also approach a financial planner to assist you in drawing a comprehensive plan for your savings and Started a little late to save for retirement? Don’t despair. retirement. 3. Know your future needs for retirement • Start with drawing a savings and retirement plan with the We live in a consumer-driven society with purchasing habits help of a financial planner motivated by wants rather than needs. This can distract you from committing to save for retirement. The moment you draw up • Whether in the middle or latter stage of your career, don’t your needs for retirement and the kind of lifestyle you want to delay to save for retirement as you don’t want to reach your lead then, you will be encouraged and motivated to save and be golden years with absolutely nothing prudent in your pre-retirement years. 4. Understand your employer’s pension fund • Withdrawing your pension causes you to miss out on your Often employees join a new company, enter into a new fund but savings growth through compound interest, which catch-up overlook the importance of understanding the rules of their fund cannot replace and their implications. It’s important that you understand the fund rules, the benefits structure, how your pension fund will • Know now what kind of lifestyle you desire to live in your affect your other savings, the impact of transferring your savings retirement years between funds and deferring. This will assist you to avoid surprises on retirement. • You’re able to add more than what the employer is putting away for you in your fund, it is best to do so if it is within your means – at the EPPF, this can be facilitated through Addi- tional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) Scheme – visit www.eppf.co.za for more information Invested in our members
Power Talk 08 Your Health mUnednertsatalnhdiengalth and its impact Good mental health is one of the important ways of maintain- The staggering costs of depression ing a balanced lifestyle and a good level of happiness. How- ever, society shuns talk of mental disorders and people afflicted Mental illness, particularly depression, is not without costs – by them are sometimes looked down upon and left too embar- personally and to the economy. The World Health Organisation rassed to seek help.This is in spite of the serious challenge that (WHO) indicates that more than 300-million people globally suf- mental health poses. fer from depression, which is also known to be the leading cause of disability, therefore affecting people’s ability to be productive. Among the common mental illnesses that afflict about 17-million Experts say that it’s not helping that depression is not seen as a South Africans (City Press, 21 July 2017) is depression, anxiety disability, although medically designated as one, and sufferers are disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention-deficit hyper- viewed merely as “weak”, urged to “pull themselves together” activity disorder (ADHD) and substance abuse-related disorders. and develop a thick skin. However, the costs of this disability can It’s commonly understood that many more cases go unreported be severe. or undiagnosed. In South Africa, owing to lost production, depression costs the The focus on depression economy more than R232-billion, the equivalent of a staggering 5.7% of the country’s GDP, according to Independent Online (8 Of these disorders, one of the more common and often undiag- October 2017) while in the US the cost is pegged at $1-trillion nosed is depression, affecting more than 4.5-million South Afri- annually. The tally is mainly attributed to productivity lost in the cans at any given time (www.iol.co.za, 8 October 2017).This has workplace as a result of, among others, chronic absenteeism or a life-changing impact on families and relationships, while affecting working while unwell. productivity, particularly in the workplace and costing the local economy billions. What is depression? In order to maintain good mental health and to help other people The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines depression as “a around you, it is important that you’re aware and well-informed serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hope- of mental health issues and where to go for help. less and unimportant”, and often such a person is unable to live in a normal way. Of these disorders, one of the Invested in our more common and often members undiagnosed is depression, affecting over 4.5-million South Africans at any given time”
Power Talk 09 Your Health Work-life balance affected The tally on mental illness In South Africa, more than 4.5-million people suffer from depres- sion, implying a high chance that a person next to you is at some • In South Africa alone, one-third of people suffer from stage battling the illness. mental illness According to WebMD, mental illness, especially depression, in- • Worldwide, over 300-million people suffer from depression creases the chances of risky behaviours such as drug or alcohol • 17-million people in South Africa suffer some form of addiction. These can ruin relationships; cause problems at work and make it difficult to overcome serious illnesses, which further mental illness affect work-life balance. • 4.5-million South Africans suffer specifically from The onset of depression depression • 75% of those affected by mental health issues will not The WHO reports that between 50% and 80% of visits to gen- eral practitioners are rooted in a stress-related illness. In a Mail receive help & Guardian article (published on 13 January 2012, www.mg.co.za) • Depression, owing to loss of production, costs the on mental illness, clinical psychologist Dr Colinda Linde explains stress as a relationship between the demands of time, tasks or South African economy R232-billion people, and the coping resources such as good health and financ- es or support systems. In other cases, it may also be the result of - Sources: www.iol.co.za, www.who.int, www.mg.co.za, Sunday bereavement or a traumatic event. Times, City Press In South Africa, more than Some signs of depression to 4.5-million people suffer from look out for depression, implying a high • Feelings of hopelessness and constant sadness chance that a person next to you is • Suicidal thoughts or actions at some stage battling the illness” • Loss of interest in normal day-to-day activities • Sleeplessness When people are off-balance with matching these limited • Problems with memory resources with the demands, they start to experience stress and • Procrastination the snowball effect of this leads to depression. • Trouble with making simple decisions • Extreme fatigue In its serious state as clinical depression, or major depression, it • Difficulty concentrating affects the body, mood, thoughts, how you eat and sleep. At this • Anxiety stage, proper treatment, which may involve antidepressants and • Fear and panic psychotherapy, becomes necessary. Speak to someone Ensuring that you’re well-informed may help you recognise some signs of mental illness, especially depression, in yourself or those The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) around you. In this way, you are able to seek the necessary help • For counselling queries email [email protected] • Contact a counsellor between 8am and 8pm Monday to Sunday on Tel: 011 234 4837 • For a suicidal emergency call 0800 567 567 or the 24hr Helpline on 0800 12 13 14 Adcock Ingram Depression and Anxiety Helpline: 0800 70 80 90 ADHD Helpline: 0800 55 44 33 Pharmadynamics Police and Trauma Line: 0800 20 50 26 ICAS ctoon0t7a1ct1I1C9A2SI4n623v4e/7sotne:d08i0n0 4o57u4r58 membersEskom or SMS employees may “Please call me”
Power Talk 10 Book List The READING list In this edition’s picks we’ve selected books that focus on the mindset, looks at mental health and give advice on planning for your retire- ment.The following Book List is linked to the theme,“Futureproof You”, of this edition of Power Talk.We hope that you enjoy these books on your journey of constant self-improvement. Zen and the Art of Happiness by Chris Prentiss Cutting-edge science and spirituality tell us that what we believe, think and feel actually deter- mine the makeup of our body at the cellular level. In Zen and the Art of Happiness, you will learn how to think and feel so that what you think and feel creates happiness and vibrancy in your life rather than gloominess or depression. You’ll learn how to adapt to life’s inevitable changes, how to deal with stress in a healthy way, and how to nurture a mindful happiness in your daily life. Most importantly, the gentle wisdom of Zen and the Art of Happiness will show you how to invite magnificent experiences into your life and create a personal philosophy that will sustain you through anything. A timeless work about the art of happiness, the way of happiness, the inner game of happiness.This popular work has been published in more than 20 countries around the world. – Amazon Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson #1 New York Times Bestseller In Furiously Happy, a humor memoir tinged with just enough tragedy and pathos to make it worthwhile, Jenny Lawson examines her own experience with severe depression and a host of other conditions, and explains how it has led her to live life to the fullest. Retire Inspired: It’s Not an Age, It’s a Financial Number by Dave Ramsey When you hear the word retirement, you probably don’t imagine yourself scrambling to pay your bills in your golden years. But for too many, that’s the fate that awaits unless they take steps now to plan for the future. Whether you’re 25 and starting your first job or 55 and watching the career clock start to wind down, today is the day to get serious about your retirement. – Amazon Invested in our members
Power Talk 11 Hot Topic The nFaSmBe changes form, and to the FSCA The Financial Services Board (FSB) has transformed, taking Leadership on a new form and name. As of 1 April this year, it is now known as the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), which The leadership of the FSCA will be made up of the Commis- is a dedicated market-conduct regulator for the South African sioner and Deputy Commissioner. The appointment process for financial services industry. the two positions will begin soon, and until such time as they are appointed a Transitional Management Committee will manage The change is a formal implementation of the Twin Peaks model the FSCA. This Committee is led by the former FSB Executive of financial sector regulation, which was approved by Cabinet in Committee, the Chairperson of the former FSB Board, Mr Abel June 2011, resulting in the drafting of the Financial Sector Regu- Sithole, in a caretaker role as acting Commissioner, and a Na- lation (FSR) Act that enabled the development of two new au- tional Treasury appointee, Ms Katherine Gibson. The Committee thorities. The Act was signed into law on 21 August 2017 with will stay on in an advisory role for three months following the the minister of finance subsequently signing the Commencement appointment of the Commissioner in order to ensure a seamless Notice for the Act to establish the two bodies: the FSCA and the disestablishment of the FSB and transition to the FSCA. Prudential Authority. A critical part of the transition Invested in our is that all communications, members regulatory actions and decisions are now in the name of the FSCA and no longer the FSB – this in- cludes use of new email addresses, stationery, branding and logo” Mandate The FSR Act provides a broad mandate and scope for the FSCA to ensure improved market conduct outcomes in the South Af- rican financial sector. The FSCA will support policy objectives of financial inclusion and transformation of the financial sector. In addition to the former FSB’s powers under existing financial sector laws, which remain in force at this stage, the FSCA has powers to issue conduct standards for a wide range of financial sector activities, as well as strengthened enforcement powers. These powers are balanced by strict accountability measures and an obligation to monitoring progress in delivering fair outcomes for financial customers.
Power Talk 12 Hot Topic The changes as of 1 April 2018 The transition will be gradual during the current year without a “big bang” change to ensure a phased approach and that business is not interrupted.This includes that the interim leadership structure as summarised has started with the aim to drive the smooth implementation and transition. Another critical part of the transition is that all communications, regulatory actions and decisions are now in the name of the FSCA and no longer the FSB – these includes use of new email addresses, stationery, branding and logo. What has the FSB changed to? financial customers by promoting their fair treatment by financial institutions, as well as providing financial customers with financial Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) – the education. This will be done while the FSCA also assists in main- market-conduct regulator of financial institutions including taining financial stability of the markets. banks, insurers, retirement funds and administrators; and market infrastructures. Want to engage the FSCA? Prudential Authority – Financial Sector Tribunal – which Visit the new website at www.fsca.co.za entities aggrieved by an FSCA decision can approach for Contact Centre: 0800 20 37 22 adjudication. The Tribunal replaced the FSB Appeal Board. Email: [email protected] Anonymous Fraud and Ethics reporting: What the FSCA does [email protected] The FSCA is responsible for market-conduct regulation and supervision. This is with the aim to enhance and support the efficiency and integrity of financial markets and to protect Invested in our members
Power Talk 13 Warm Onderwerp eDnienaFaSmB, het ʼn nuwe formaat en staan nou bekend as die FSCA Die Raad op Finansiële Dienste (FSB) het ’n verandering on- Hierdie magte word gebalanseer deur streng verantwoordbaar- dergaan, en het nou ’n nuwe formaat en naam.Vanaf 1 April heidsmaatreëls en ’n verpligting om vordering te monitor sodat hierdie jaar staan dit bekend as die Gedragsowerheid van die regverdige uitkomste vir finansiële klante verseker kan word. Finansiële Sektor (FSCA), wat ’n toegewyde markgedrag-regu- leerder vir die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiëledienste-industrie is. Leierskap Die verandering is ’n formele implementering van die Twin Die leierskap van die FSCA sal bestaan uit die Kommissaris en die Peaks-model van regulering van die finansiële sektor, wat in Junie Adjunkkommissaris. Die aanstellingsproses vir die twee posisies 2011 deur die kabinet goedgekeur is, en wat gelei het tot die sal binnekort begin, en totdat hulle aangestel word, sal ’n Oor- opstel van die Wet op die Regulering van die Finansiële Sektor gangsbestuurskomitee die FSCA bestuur. Die Komitee word gelei (FSR). Sodoende kon twee nuwe owerhede in plek gestel word. deur die voormalige Uitvoerende Komitee van die FSB, die Voor- Die Wet is op 21 Augustus 2017 opgeneem, en die minister van sitter van die voormalige FSB-Raad, mnr. Abel Sithole, in ’n oor- finansies het daarna die Aanvangskennisgewing vir die Wet gete- gangsrol, en ’n aanstelling deur die Nasionale Tesourie, me. Kath- ken om die twee liggame te vestig: Die FSCA en die Omsigtighe- erine Gibson. Die Komitee sal vir drie maande ná die aanstelling idsowerheid. van die Kommissaris nog in ’n adviserende hoedanigheid aanbly om te verseker dat daar ‘n naatlose opheffing van die FSB en oor- ’n Kritieke deel van die oorgang gang na die FSCA kan wees. is dat alle regulatoriese kommuni- kasie-prosesse en -besluite nou in die Invested in our naam van die FSCA is en nie meer die FSB nie – dit sluit in die gebruik members van nuwe e-posadresse, skryfbehoeftes, handelsmerk en logo. Mandaat Die FSR-wet voorsien ’n breë mandaat en omvang vir die FSCA om verbeterde markgedrag-uitkomste te verseker in die Suid-Afri- kaanse finansiële sektor.Die FSCA ondersteun die beleidsdoelwitte van finansiële insluiting en transformasie van die finansiële sektor. Benewens die voormalige FSB se magte onder bestaande wette van die finansiële sektor,wat op hierdie stadium van krag bly,het die FSCA die mag om gedragstandaarde te stel vir ’n groot verskeidenheid aktiwiteite in die finansiële sektor,asook sterker afdwingingsmagte.
Power Talk 14 Warm Onderwerp Die veranderinge vanaf 1 April 2018 Vir die huidige jaar is die oorgang geleidelik, sonder 'n \"groot omwenteling\", om te verseker dat die veranderinge in fases plaasvind en dat besigheid nie onderbreek word nie. Dit sluit in dat die interim-leierskapstruktuur, soos opgesom, begin het met die doel om 'n gladde imple- mentering en oorgang te bewerkstellig. Nog 'n kritieke deel van die oorgang is dat alle kommunikasie, regulatoriese aksies en besluite nou in die naam van die FSCA en nie meer van die FSB is nie – dit sluit in die gebruik van nuwe e-posadresse, skryfbehoeftes, handelsmerk en logo. Wat word gevestig? heid en integriteit van finansiële markte te verbeter en te onder- steun, en om finansiële klante te beskerm deur seker te maak dat Gedragsowerheid van die Finansiële Sektor (FSCA) – die hulle regverdig behandel word deur finansiële instellings, sowel as markgedrag-reguleerder van finansiële instellings, wat ban- om finansiële klante finansiële kundigheid te verskaf. Dit sal ge- ke, versekeraars, aftreefondse en administrateurs insluit; en doen word terwyl die FSCA ook help om die finansiële stabiliteit mark-infrastrukture. van die markte in stand te hou. Omsigtigheidsowerheid – Tribunaal vir die Finansiële Sektor Wil jy met die FSCA in– wat genader kan word vir beregting wanneer entiteite ge- grief voel oor 'n besluit deur die FSCA. Die Tribunaal het die aanraking kom?FSB-appèlraad vervang. Wat die FSCA doen Besoek die nuwe webtuiste by www.fsca.co.za Kontaksentrum: 0800 20 37 22 Die FSCA is verantwoordelik vir die regulering van en toesig oor E-pos: [email protected] markgedrag. Dit word gedoen met die doel om die doeltreffend- Anonieme rapportering van Bedrog en Etiek: [email protected] Invested in our members
Power Talk 15 Taba E Tjhesang lFeSbiBtsoehfeotoblaaFseSbCopAeho le Lekgotla la Ditshebeletso Tsa Ditjhelete [Financial Services Ho phaella matleng ao pele FSB e neng e na le ona tlasa melao e Board (FSB)] le fetohile, le nkile sebopeho se setjha le lebit- laolang lekala la tsa ditjhelete, eo e leng yona e ntseng e sebetsa hona so le letjha. Ho tloha ka la 1 April selemong sena, hona jwale le jwale, FSCA e na le matla a ho fana ka melao e tataisang mekgwa e se le tsejwa e le Lekgotla la Tsamaiso la Lekala la Tsa Ditjhelete sa tshwaneng eo lekala la tsa ditjhelete le etsang dintho ka yona, ham- [Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)], e leng lekgotla le moho le ho matlafatsa matla a lona. kgethetsweng ho laola mekgwa eo ditaba di tsamaiswang ka yona Matla ana a akarelletsa boikarabelo bo matla le tlamo ya ho beha mmarakeng bakeng sa indasteri ya tshebeletso ya tsa ditjhelete ya leihlo kgatelopele e bang teng ho fana ka ditshebeletso tse seng leeme Afrika Borwa. ho bareki ba tsa ditjhelete. Phetoho ena e kenya tshebetsong ka molao Dintlha Tse Pedi tse Boetapele lokelang ho latelwa ke lekala le tsamaisang ditaba tsa ditjhelete, tse ileng tsa tjhaelwa monwana ke Khabinete ka June 2011, tse Boetapele ba FSCA bo tla thehwa ka Mokhomishenara le Motlat- ileng tsa etsa hore ho ngolwe Molao wa Tsamaiso ya Lekala la Tsa si wa Mokhomishenara. Mohato wa ho kgetha batho ba tla tlatsa Ditjhelete [Financial Sector Regulation (FSR)] o dumellang ntsh- dikgeo tsena tse pedi o tla qala haufinyane, empa pele nako ya etsopele ya dintlha tsena tse pedi tse ntjha. hore ba kgwethwe e fihla, Komiti ya Bolaodi ya ho Fana ka Mara- po ke yona e tla tsamaisa FSCA. Komiti ena e eteletswe pele ke Molao ona o ile wa tekenelwa ka la 21 August 2017 mme hamorao Komiti ya Phethahatso ya FSB, Modulasetulo wa Boto ya mehleng letona la ditjhelete la tekenela Tsebiso ya ho Qala ho Sebetsa ha ya FSB, Monghadi Abel Sithole, e le yena ya tshwereng mokobobo Molao oo e le ho theha makgotla a mabedi, e leng: FSCA le Bola- bakeng sa Mokhomishenara, hammoho le ya kgethilweng ke Le- odi ba Tsamaiso e Ntle ya Kgwebo. fapha la Naha la Matlotlo, Mofumahadi Katherine Gibson. Komiti ena e tla tswela pele e fana ka boeletsi dikgwedi tse tharo kamora Karolo ya bohlokwa haholo ho kgethwa ha Mokhomishenara e le ho netefatsa hore dintho di ha ho fanwa ka marapo ke ya tsamaya hantle ha FSB e fana ka marapo ho FSCA. hore dipuisano tsohle, mehato ya tsa- maiso le diqeto tse etswang di se di tla Invested in our etswa lebitsong la FSCA e seng FSB – tsona di akarelletsa tshebediso ya members aterese ya imeile, seteishenari, letsh- wao le lepetjo” Thomo Molao wa FSR o fana ka thomo e namaletseng le e pharaletseng ho FSCA ho netefatsa hore mekgwa eo ditaba di tsamaiswang ka yona mmarakeng ke e ntlafetseng lekaleng la tsa ditjhelete Afri- ka Borwa. FSCA e tla tshehetsa merero ya pholisi ya ho kenyel- letsa ditaba tsa ditjhelete le ho fetola lekala la tsa ditjhelete.
Power Talk 16 Taba E Tjhesang Diphetoho ho tloha ka la 1 April 2018 Ho fana ka marapo ho tla etswa butlebutle selemong sena, e ke ke ya ba phetoho ya “hlana phetho” e le ho netefatsa hore dintho di etswa ka mekgahlelo le hore tsamaiso ya kgwebo e se ke ya ameha. Sena se akareletsa taba ya hore tlhophiso ya boetapele ba nakwana, jwalokaha e hlalositswe, e se e ntse e qadile ka sepheo sa hore tsamaiso e thelle hantle ha phetoho e kenngwa tshebetsong le ha ho fanwa ka marapo. Karolo e nngwe ya bohlokwa haholo ha ho fanwa ka marapo ke ya hore dipuisano tsohle, mehato ya tsamaiso le diqeto tse etswang di se di tla etswa lebitsong la FSCA e seng la FSB – tsona di akarelletsa tshebediso ya diaterese tse ntjha tsa imeile, seteishenari, letshwao le lepetjo. Ho thehilwe eng? ho ntlafatswe le ho tshehetsa tshebetso e ntle le botshepehi ba dimmaraka tsa ditjhelete hammoho le ho sireletsa bareki ba tsa ditjhelete ka ho kgothalletsa mekgatlo ya ditjhelete hore e ba tsh- Lekgotla la Tsamaiso la Lekala la Tsa Ditjhelete (Financial ware hantle, hammoho le ho fa bareki ba tsa ditjhelete thuto ma- Sector Conduct Authority [FSCA]) – lekgotla le laolang bapi le ditaba tsa ditjhelete. Ho tla etswa sena ha ka lehlakoreng le mekgwa eo ditaba di tsamaiswang ka yona mmarakeng leng FSCA e tla be e ntse e thusa ho boloka botsitso ba tsa bakeng sa mekgatlo ya tshebeletso ya tsa ditjhelete e ditjhelete dimmarakeng. akareletsang dibanka, diinshorense, matlole a peho ya meja fatshe le batsamaisi; hammoho le dimmaraka. Na o ka rata ho Iteanya le Bolaodi ba Tsamaiso e Ntle ya Kgwebo - Lekgotla la Lefapha FSCA?la tsa Ditjhelete - boo ditheo tse sa thabiswang ke qeto ea FSCA di ka yang ho bona bakeng sa ho ahlolelwa taba. Etela webosaete e ntjha ya www.fsca.co.za Lekgotla lena le nkela sebaka Boto ya Boipiletso ya FSB. Setsi sa boiteanyo: 0800 20 37 22 Imeile: [email protected] Seo FSCA e se etsang O ka tlaleha Boqekanyetsi le Mekgwa e seng metle ntle le ho FSCA e ikarabella mekgweng eo ditaba di tsamaiswang ka yona itsebahatsa ho: mmarakeng hammoho le ho beha tsohle leihlo. Morero ke hore [email protected] Invested in our members
Power Talk 17 Izindaba Ezishisayo Iy-okFuSseBbeinshzain, tnshegaaimndalela I-Financial Service Board (FSB)[iBhodi Elisingatha Ezezimali] Ubuholi isishintshile, isisebenza ngendlela ehlukile futhi inegama elisha. Kusukela ngo-April 1 kulo nyaka, manje seyaziwa ngokuthi i-Fi- Ubuholi beFSCA bakhiwe isiphathimandla kanye nesekela laso. nancial Sector Conduct Authority( FSCA), egunyaza ngokuzinike- Inqubo yokumiswa kwalezi zikhundla izoqala maduze, futhi kuze la indlela yokusebenza kwezentengiselwano emkhakheni wezimali kube yilapho bemiswa ikomiti ephethe umsebenzi izophatha zaseNingizimu Afrika. i-FSCA. Le komiti iholwa ikomiti edlule yeFSB, usihlalo webhodi leFSB uMnumzane Abel Sithole, usesikhundleni sesikhashana njen- Lolu shintsho luwukusungulwa kohlelo lwe win Peaks enikeza gesiphathimandla, kanye nomgcini mafa kazwelonke uNkosazane imikhakha yezimali indlela yokusebenza, eyagunyazwa isigungu Katherine Gibson. Ikomiti izosebenza njengabeluleki izinyanga ngoJune 2011, okwaholela ekwenziweni kweFinencial Sector Reg- ezintathu emva kokumiswa kwesiphathimandla ukuze kuqiniseki- ulation (Umthetho Wokulawulwa Kwezezimali) swe ukuthi akuphazamiseki ukusebenza nokushintshwa kweFSB (FSR) Act eyabe seyakha izingxenye ezimbili ezilawulayo. iya kwiFSCA. Lo mthetho wasayinwa ngo-21 August 2017, kamuva ungqongq- oshe wezimali wasayina incwadi yokuqhubezela ukwakhiwa kwez- inhlaka ezimbili: i- FSCA kanye nePrudential Authority. Isici esibucayi salolu shintsho ukuthi konke ukuxhumana, izenzo ezingokomthetho nezinqumo manje sekusegameni leFSCA hhayi le FSB – lokhu kuhlangani- sa ukwenziwa kwamakheli e-email amasha, izinto zokusebenza, uphawu nelogo” Umgomo Umthetho we-FSR unikeza iziyalezo ezibanzi nendlela yokusebenza ye- FSCA ukuqinisekisa umphumela wezentengiselwano omuhle em- khakheni wezimali eNingizimu Afrika. I-FSCA izosekela isimiso sose- benza sokusetshenziswa kwemali nokuguqulwa komkhakha wezimali. Ukunezela kulokho okwakwenziwa i-FSB esasebenza emthethweni wezimali kuze kube manje, i-FSCA inawo amandla okukhipha indlela yokusebenza kukho konke okwenziwa emkhakheni wezimali, kanye namagunya aqinile. La magunya amiswe izimiso eziqinile, kanye nesibopho sokulandelela Invested in our intuthuko ekuvezeni imiphumela emihle. members
Power Talk 18 Izindaba Ezishisayo Izinguquko eziqala mhla ka-1 Ephreli 2018 Izinguquko zizokwenzeka kancane kancane phakathi nonyaka ophezulu hhayi “isigubhukane” ukuze kuqikelelwe ukuthi zenzeka ngezigaba no- kuthi umsebenzi awuthikamezeki. Lokhu kubandakanya nokuthi ukuhlelwa kwethimba labaholi besikhashana njengoba kwachazwa, sekuqalile ngenhloso yokwenza lezi zinguquko nokuthi zenzeka ngokushelela. Enye ingxenye esemqoka phakathi noguquko iwuka konke ukuxhumana, ukulawula kanye nezinqumo manje sekwenziwa egameni le-FSCA, akuseyona i-FSB – lokhu kubandakanya ukusebenzisa amakheli amasha e-imeyli, isiteshinari esisha, amagama nelogo entsha Yini esunguliwe? I-FSCA inomthwalo wokulawula nokuqapha ukuziphatha ezima- kethe. Lokhu kwenzelwa ukuthuthukisa nokweseka ukuphumelela IGunya Eliqaphe Ukuziphatha Emkhakheni Wezimali (Finan- nobuqotho bezimakethe zezimali nokuvikela amakhasimende cial Sector Conduct Authority) (FSCA) – lingumqaphi wokuz- ezimali ngokuqokomisa ukuphathwa kwawo kahle yizinkampani iphatha kwezinkampani ezimakethe zezimali ezihlanganisa zezimali nangokuhlinzeka amakhasimende ezimali ngemfundo amabhange, izinkampani zomshwalensi, izikhwama zom- yezimali. Kuzothi lokhu kwenziwa, i-FSCA ibe ilekelela nasekug- hlalaphansi nabalawuli bazo; nezingqalasizinda zezimakethe. cineni izimakethe zizinzile ngokwezimali. Ingabe ufuna ukuxoxaIGunya Lokulunga (Prudential Authority) – ISigungu Sezikha- lo Emkhakheni Wezimali (Financial Sector Tribunal) – ku- ne-FSCA?lapho zingaya khona izinkampani ezingavumelani nesinqumo se-FSCA ukuze zithole isixazululo. Lesi Sigungu singena endaweni yeBhodi Le-FSB Elisingatha Izikhalo Ngezinqumo Ngena kuwebhusaythi entsha ethi www.fsca.co.za (FSB Appeal Board). Isikhungo Sezokuxhumana: 0800 20 37 22 I-imeyli: [email protected] Umsebenzi we-FSCA Ukubika uKukhwabanisa Nomkhonyovu ngaphandle kokuzazisa: [email protected] Invested in our members
Power Talk 19 Know Your Fund What the EalPl aPbFoutis In this section, we want to give members insight into the Fund Fund membership overview and how it works.This will cover various topics and may expand on specific topics over several editions of Power Talk. EPPF membership is categorised in three ways: In-service members – members who join the Fund and are As a retirement fund and administrator, the Eskom Pension and still in service at their participating employers; also known as ac- Provident Fund (EPPF) is managed by a Board of Trustees with a tive members. core mandate to manage and administer pensions on behalf of all members. The EPPF also ensures that your pension savings are Deferred pensioners – members who have left the service not only invested responsibly and efficiently, but are safeguarded of participating employers and deferred (preserved) their pen- too. sion savings at the EPPF. This responsibility speaks to the Fund’s tagline – “Invested in our Pensioners and beneficiaries – members of the Fund who members” – meaning that everything the Fund does, it does in have reached retirement age, as well as dependents of deceased your best interest in order to provide for your comfortable re- members including spouses and children. tirement.The participating employers of the EPPF are Eskom, its subsidiary, Rotek Industries and the EPPF itself. These groups of members are drawn from employers Eskom, Rotek Industries and the EPPF. Interest The Fund interest rate is a percentage declared by the Board with the advice of the Fund’s Actuary (valuator), which is applied to the investment schemes at the EPPF. The percentage is set in order to determine the rate of return on members’ investment benefits in the various schemes. The Board reviews the interest rates on a quarterly basis, taking into consideration the financial performance of the EPPF’s investments. The investment schemes include your normal monthly con- tributions which make up your benefit in the EPPF, Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) Scheme, the Performance Bonus Scheme, in which the pensionable portion of members’ perfor- mance bonuses are invested, and the Deferred Pension Scheme. Invested in our members
Power Talk 20 Know Your Fund Fund interest rates Below are the Fund interest rates for the past 12 years. Protection of Personal Information Act cludes prohibiting the sharing of a member’s personal information (PoPI) with third parties without consent of the member. The Fund com- plies with the PoPI Act to ensure that our members’ information In 2013, certain sections of the PoPI Act came into effect. The is secure and protected. Therefore, the EPPF does not provide PoPI Act seeks to regulate the processing of personal information pension information to third parties (e.g financial advisers) unless by responsible parties, in this case, the Fund.The purpose of the authorised by the member or compelled to do so by law. PoPI Act is to ensure that all South African institutions conduct themselves in a responsible manner when they are in posses- Invested in our sion of another entity or person’s personal information. This in- members
Power Talk 21 Know Your Fund A member-centric EPPF future The EPPF has embarked on a transformational journey to put Get closer to your customers, so the member first by being more member-centric.This is one close that you tell them what they of the EPPF’s flagship projects on its path to become the most-ad- mired fund in the country,specifically by addressing the most press- need well before they realise it ing member needs so that it can provide a seamless service and themselves” – Steve Jobs become even more empathetic. The renewed focus on member-centricity, stemming from the Enterprise Architecture project, is aimed at understanding what the EPPF needs to do to close the gap between where it is now, and where it wants to evolve to, placing the member at the cen- tre of all it does. With the goal of reaching full-steam evolution, the EPPF has ini- tiated a five-step process addressing critical areas affecting mem- bers. Once these areas have been addressed, member needs will continue to be met but with efficiency and higher empathy response. To be able to achieve this goal, the Fund believes that it needs to make what we have dubbed the “one-degree change”. Invested in our members
Power Talk 22 Know Your Fund Five-step process to achieving a 5. Candidate projects member-centric EPPF This phase is focused on defining candidate projects that should The ultimate aim of this process is to serve members in the best be implemented to solve member needs. way possible by reducing pain points and providing a seamless service. The process has been followed to define the candidate The EPPF member-journey map projects, which will address member needs and, as a result, help the EPPF in becoming a member-centric organisation. Here are To understand its member better and service them in the best the steps. way possible, the EPPF came up with a member-journey map, which highlights key events, touchpoints, pain points and target 1. Needs-based segment overlap member admiration levels. These run across four critical mo- ments of truth for a member, including Onboarding, Significant Targeted at providing clarity on different types of members ac- Life Events, Pre-retirement, and Post-retirement.These moments cording to their distinctive needs, which would allow the EPPF of truth are inter-linked, with some affecting each other at vari- to tailor effective value propositions for each unique member ous stages of the member’s time with the Fund from the day they segment. are onboarded.The following is a high-level view of the member journey at the EPPF. 2. The burning platform Create a positive, memorable and Within these segmented groups, the EPPF then identifies the spe- constructive first experience for cific member insights, the pain points and delivery gaps in order members. This will set the tone to address understood challenges and needs. for the remainder of their journey 3. Value proposition with the Fund” Aimed at providing thematic recommendations to design the member experience suitable to member needs. 4. Solution components This step comprises the EPPF looking at offering a set of resourc- es, tools and channels to solve underlying member needs. Invested in our members
Power Talk 23 Know Your Fund Moment of truth 1: Onboarding Moment of truth 3: Pre-retirement This is the first critical moment for members where the Fund This phase and third moment of truth provides an opportunity aims to create a positive experience as the member begins their for the Fund to leverage what it knows about its members.This journey through an even more empathetic EPPF. information needs to be used in a meaningful way in order to prepare members for the critical milestone of retirement in a Includes simple manner. 1. Member is hired by employer Includes 2. Member is onboarded as EPPF member 3. Collection of member contributions This involves two streams determined by the member’s choice. 4. Option for member to make Additional Voluntary There are points of interaction between the two streams where Contributions (AVC) the outcome of the moment of truth can be deferring a pension 5. Receipt of benefits statement benefit, transferring to another fund, and withdrawal of benefit in cash. Moment of truth 2: Significant Life Events Stream one – Stay at employer until retirement These are developments that occur in the lives of members, 1. Normal retirement providing the Fund with opportunities to show empathy and to 2. Early retirement build trust. 3. Ill-health retirement Includes Stream two – Leave employer before retirement 1. Marriage 1. Resignation 2. Divorce 2. Retrenchment 3. Children 3. Dismissal 4. Children’s disability 4. Death in service 5. Update of member details and nominee forms Moment of truth 4: Post-retirement The fourth and critical moment of truth kicks in once a member becomes an EPPF pensioner. It provides an opportunity for the Fund to delight its members in this phase of their lives with a personalised and convenient experience. Includes 1. Member becoming a pensioner 2. Death of a pensioner 3. Beneficiaries surviving the pensioner such as spouse and children 4. Death of a spouse, death of children over 21 years old 5. The end of the pension process in the retirement journey Invested in our members
Power Talk 24 Know Your Fund Value proposition for all member types and their unique needs The EPPF aims to actively evolve to a point where it will design member experiences unique to each member type – therefore meeting overall member expectations and satisfying all needs. Here are five unique, needs-based segments, each with a distinctive value proposition that shows the approach the Fund aims to incorporate when delivering member experiences. It takes one degree of change for boiling water to become steam. For the Fund, making an impact through the members’ Moments of Truth and getting things right at such moments, will help us achieve that one degree of change and make a difference. Invested in our members
Power Talk 25 Ken Jou Fonds ’n Lede-sentriese EmPetPsFel-fstmoeeekr eommpasti–e Die EPPF het ’n transformasionele reis aangepak om hulle Kom nader aan jou klante, lede eerste te stel deur meer lede-sentries te wees. Dit is soveel nader dat jy vir hulle kan een van die EPPF se vlagskipprojekte op sy pad daarna om die sê wat hulle nodig het nog lank puikste fonds in die land te word, spesifiek deur die dringendste behoeftes van lede te ondersoek – om so ’n naatlose diens te voordat hulle dit self besef ” – lewer en selfs meer empatie te hê. Steve Jobs Die hernieude fokus op lede-sentrisiteit, wat voortgespruit het uit die Ondernemingsargitektuur-projek, is daarop gemik om te verstaan wat die EPPF moet doen om die gaping te sluit tussen waar hulle hulle tans bevind en waarheen hulle wil groei – om die lid die middelpunt te maak van alles wat hulle doen. Die EPPF het, met die doel om ’n algehele evolusie te bewerkstel- lig, ’n vyf-stap proses begin om die kritieke gebiede waardeur lede geraak word, te hanteer.Wanneer al hierdie gebiede aangespreek is, sal daar steeds in lede se behoeftes voorsien word, maar op ’n doeltreffende wyse en met groter empatie. Om hierdie doel te kan bereik, glo die Fonds dat hulle moet doen wat bekend staan as die “eengraadsverandering”. Invested in our members
Power Talk 26 Ken Jou Fonds Vyfs-stap proses om 'n lede-sentriese 5. Kandidaatprojekte EPPF te bereik Hierdie fase is daarop gefokus om die kandidaatprojekte te Die uiteindelike doel van hierdie proses is om lede op die beste omskryf wat geïmplementeer moet word om aan die behoeftes manier moontlik te dien deur pynpunte te verminder en 'n naat- van lede te voldoen. lose diens te voorsien. Die proses is gevolg om die kandidaat- projekte te omskryf, wat na lede se behoeftes sal omsien en, as Die EPPF se lede-reiskaart gevolg daarvan, die EPPS help om 'n lede-sentriese organisasie te word. Hier volg die stappe. Omdat die EPPF hulle lede graag beter wil verstaan en hulle op die beste manier moontlik van diens wil voorsien, het hulle vorendag 1. Behoeftegebaseerde segment-oorvleueling gekom met 'n lede-reiskaart wat kerngebeurtenisse, raakpunte en pynpunte beklemtoon en lede se bewonderingsvlakke teiken. Die doelwit is om duidelikheid te voorsien oor verskillende Dit strek oor vier kritieke oomblikke van waarheid vir 'n lid, wat soorte lede volgens hulle onderskeie behoeftes, wat die EPPF in die volgende insluit:Aanboordneming, Belangrike lewensgebeurt- staat sal stel om vorm te gee aan doeltreffende waardeprosisies enisse,Voor-aftrede en Na-aftrede. Hierdie oomblikke van waar- vir elke unieke lede-segment. heid is onderling verbind, en party van hulle beïnvloed mekaar op verskillende stadiums van die lid se tyd in die Fonds vanaf 2. Die brandende platform die dag wat hulle aanboord geneem word. Die volgende is 'n hoëvlak-beskouing van die lid se reis by die EPPF. Binne hierdie gesegmenteerde groepe identifiseer die EPPF dan die spesifieke lede-insigte, die pynpunte en leweringsgapings, wat Skep 'n positiewe, onvergeetlike en hulle sal help om die uitdagings en behoeftes te begryp en daar- konstruktiewe eerste ervaring vir van werk te maak. lede. Dit sal die toon aangee vir die res van hulle reis saam met die 3. Waardeprosisie Fonds\" Dit is daarop gemik om tematiese aanbevelings te voorsien sodat die lede-ervaring by die lid se behoeftes pas. 4. Oplossingkomponente Met hierdie stap kyk die EPPF daarna om 'n stel hulpmiddels, gereedskap en kanale aan te bied, om aan die onderliggende be- hoeftes van lede te voldoen. Invested in our members
Power Talk 27 Ken Jou Fonds Oomblik van waarheid 1: Aanboord- Oomblik van waarheid 3: Voor-aftrede neming Hierdie fase en derde oomblik van waarheid gee die Fonds die Dit is die eerste kritieke oomblik vir lede waar die Fonds dit ten geleentheid om te benut wat hulle oor hulle lede weet. Hierdie in- doel het om 'n positiewe ervaring te skep wanneer die lid sy of ligting moet op 'n betekenisvolle manier gebruik word om lede op haar reis begin as deel van 'n selfs meer empatiese EPPF. 'n maklike manier voor te berei op die kritieke mylpaal van aftrede. Sluit in Sluit in 1. Lid word deur werkgewer aangestel Dit sluit twee strome in wat deur die lid se keuse bepaal word. 2. Lid kom aanboord as 'n EPPF-lid Daar is interaksiepunte tussen die twee strome; die uitkoms van 3. Insameling van lede se bydraes die oomblik van waarheid kan dus beteken dat 'n pensioenvoor- 4. Opsie vir die lid om Addisionele Vrywillige Bydraes AVC deel uitgestel kan word, dat dit na ander fonds oorgeplaas kan te maak word en dat die voordeel in kontant getrek kan word. 5. Ontvang van voordelestaat Stroom een – Bly by werkgewer tot aftrede Oomblik van waarheid 2: Belangrike lewensgebeurtenisse 1. Normale aftrede 2. Vroeë aftrede Dit is verwikkelinge in die lewe van lede, en dit voorsien die 3. Aftrede weens swak gesondheid Fonds van geleenthede om hulle beter te verstaan en 'n ver- trouensverhouding op te bou. Stroom twee – Verlaat werkgewer voor aftrede Sluit in 1. Bedanking 2. Inkorting 1. Huwelik 3. Afdanking 2. Egskeiding 4. Sterf in diens 3. Kinders 4. Kinders se gestremdheid Oomblik van waarheid 4: Na-aftrede 5. Bywerking van lede se besonderhede en nominasievorms Die vierde en kritieke oomblik van waarheid skop in wanneer 'n lid 'n pensioenaris van die EPPF word. Dit gee die Fonds 'n geleen- theid om hulle lede in hierdie fase van hulle lewe te verheug met 'n verpersoonlikte en gerieflike ervaring. Sluit in 1. Lid word 'n pensioenaris 2. Dood van 'n pensioenaris 3. Begunstigdes wat die pensionaris oorleef, soos eggenoot en kinders 4. Dood van eggenoot, dood van kinders ouer as 21 jaar 5. Die einde van die pensioenproses in die aftrede-reis Invested in our members
Power Talk 28 Ken Jou Fonds Waardeproposisie vir alle ledesoorte en hulle unieke behoeftes Die EPPF het dit ten doel om daadwerklik te evolueer tot op 'n punt waar lede-ervarings ontwerp sal word wat uniek is tot elke ledesoort – en sodoende in die oorkoepelende lede-verwagtinge en almal se behoeftes te voorsien. Hier is vyf unieke, behoefte-gebaseerde segmente, elk met 'n onderskeidende waardeproposisie wat wys watter benadering die Fonds wil inkorporeer wanneer hulle lede-ervarings lewer. Dit verg net een graad van verandering voordat kokende water in stoom verander.Wanneer die Fonds 'n impak maak deur hierdie Oomb- likke van Waarheid vir hulle lede en wanneer hulle dinge op hierdie oomblikke reg doen, sal dit ons help om daardie een graad van veran- dering te bereik en om, verskil te maak. Invested in our members
Power Talk 29 Tseba Letlole la Hao bl–BeoobbhkoolaonmkbaoeonhesgaeonkleegbtkdasueihtEtlhiwPloeenPplogeFle Letlole la EPPF le kene letsholong la ho fetola mawa e le hore le “E ba haufi le bareki ba hao, behe ditho tsa lona pele ho ntho efe kapa efe. Ena ke e nngwe o be haufi le bona hoo o ka ba ya diporojeke tsa bohlokwahadi tsa EPPF tseleng ya yona ya ho batla ho ba letlole le ratwang ka ho fetisisa naheng ena, haholoho- bolellang seo ba se hlokang lo ka ho fana ka dintho tse ka sehloohong tse hlokwang ke ditho le pele bona ka bobona tsa lona e le hore tshebeletso ya lona e be e tswileng matsoho le e bontshang kutlwelo bohloko ka ho eketsehileng. Boikemiset- ba hlokomela seo” – Steve Jobs so bona bo botjha ba ho beha ditho pele, bo hlahisitsweng ke porojeke ya Setheo sa Tsebo ya Meralo ya Kaho, bo reretswe ho utlwisisa seo EPPF e hlokang ho se etsa ho kwala sekgeo se teng hona jwale, le hore na e batla ho iphumana e le hokae, ha ka nako e tshwanang ditho tsa yona e ba tsona tse behwang pele ho dintho tsohle. Ka sepheo sa ho fetola mawa ka ho feletseng, EPPF e thakgotse mohato o mekgahlelo e mehlano o sebetsanang le ditaba tsa bohlokwa tse amang ditho tsa yona. Hang ha ditaba tsena di sebeditswe, ditho di tla tswela pele ho fuwa seo di se hlo- kang ka bokgabane bohle le ka kutlwelo bohloko yohle e teng. E le hore letlole lena le finyelle sepheo sena, le dumela hore le lokela ho etsa seo le se bitsang “phetoho ya moshwelella.” Invested in our members
Power Talk 30 Tseba Letlole la Hao Mehato e Mehlano ya ho finyella 5. Diporojeke tsa basebeletsuwa EPPF e behang ditho tsa yona pele Karolong ena ho shebuwe taba ya ho hlalosa diporojeke tsa base- Sepheo sa mehato ena ke ho sebeletsa ditho ka tsela e ntle ka beletsuwa tse lokelang ho kenngwa tshebetsong e le hore di hohle kamoo ho ka kgonehang ka ho fokotsa mathata le ho fana rarolle mathata a tsamaisanang le seo ditho di se hlokang. ka tshebeletso e thellang hantle. Ho latetswe mehato ena e le hore ho fanwe ka tlhaloso ya diporojeke tsa basebeletsuwa tse tla Mmapa wa EPPF wa leeto le ditho sebetsana le ditlhoko tsa ditho ebe ka tsela eo di thusa EPPF hore e be mokgatlo o behang ditho tsa ona pele. Mehato eo ke e latelang. E le hore EPPF e utlwisise ditho tsa yona haholwanyane le ho di sebeletsa hantle ka hohle kamoo e ka kgonang, e entse mmapa wa 1. Karolo e thehilweng ho seo ditho tse sa tsh- leeto le ditho, o totobatsang diketsahalo tsa bohlokwa, dintlha tsa waneng di se hlokang tshebedisano, mathata le ho sheba hore na ditho di kgotsofatswa ke eng. Dintho tsena di ama diketsahalo tse nne tsa ho tobana E reretswe ho fa mefuta e sa tshwaneng ya ditho tlhakisetso ka le nnete bophelong ba setho, ho akarelletsa ha setho se Ingodi- ditlhoko tsa tsona tse ikgethang, e leng se tla thusa EPPF hore e sa, Diketsahalo tsa Bohlokwa Bophelong, Nako ya Pele Setho se hohele ka katleho karolo ka nngwe e ikgethang ya ditho. Beha Meja Fatshe le Kamora Hore Setho se Behe Meja Fatshe. Diketsahalo tsena tsa ho tobana le nnete dia amana, tse ding di 2. Seo ho amehilweng ka sona ama tse ding hamorao bophelong ba setho ho tloha letsatsing leo se neng se ingodisa e le setho sa Letlole. Boikutlo bo latelang ke Ka hara dikarolo tsena tse sa tshwaneng, EPPF e hlwaya dintho bo nkelwang hodimo ke EPPF leetong la eona le ditho. tse ikgethang tse ka tswelang ditho molemo, mathata a tsona le moo ho nang le dikgeo tsa ditshebeletso e le ho sebetsana le Etsa hore lekgetlo la pele la ho diphephetso le ditlhoko tsa ditho. sebedisana le ditho e be le tha- bisang, le sa lebaleheng le le di 3. Tshebetso e hohelang tswelang molemo. Sena e tla ba motheo o motle karolong e setseng E reretswe hore e fane ka ditlhahiso tse molemo tse tla etsa hore ya leeto la tsona le Letlole lena” ditho di sebeletswe ho latela ditlhoko tsa tsona. 4. Mekgwa ya ho rarolla mathata Mohatong ona EPPF e sheba taba ya ho fana ka dihlahiswa, disebe- diswa le metjha ya ho rarolla mathata a tsamaisanang le seo ditho di se hlokang. Invested in our members
Power Talk 31 Tseba Letlole la Hao Ho tobana le nnete ya 1: Ho ba setho Ho tobana le nnete ya 3: Nako ya pele setho se beha meja fatshe Ona ke motsotso wa pele wa bohlokwahadi ho ditho, moo Letlole le ikemisetsang ho sebedisana hantle le setho se qalang leeto le Nako ena eo e bileng e leng ketsahalo ya boraro ya ho tobana le sona le sebedisa EPPF e nang le kutlwelobohloko e eketsehileng. nnete e fa letlole monyetla wa ho sebedisa ka bohlale seo e se tsebang ka ditho tsa yona.Tlhahisoleseding ena e lokela ho sebe- Ho akarelletsa diswa ka tsela e molemo e le ho lokisetsa ditho nako ya bohlokwa ka ho fetisisa ya ho beha meja fatshe ka tsela e bonolo. 1. Setho ebe se hirilweng ke mohiri 2. Setho se ngodisitswe e le setho sa EPPF Ho akarelletsa 3. Ho bokellwa ha tjhelete ya ho ba setho 4. Monyetla o fuwang setho wa ho fana ka Tjhelete e Sena se ama kgetho tse pedi tse entsweng ke setho. Ho na le moo Eketsehileng ya Boithaopo (AVC) kgetho tsena tse pedi di kopanang teng, moo ho tobana le nnete 5. Ho fumana setatamente sa kuno e itseng ho ka tjhetjhisetsang morao kuno ya penshene, ya e isa letloleng le leng, le ho fumana kuno e le tjhelete e kontane. Ho tobana le nnete ya 2: Diketsahalo tsa Bohlokwa Bophelong Kgetho ya pele – Ho dula o hiruwe ho fihlela o beha meja fatshe Tsena ke diketsahalo tse bang teng bophelong ba ditho, tse fang Letlole monyetla wa hore le utlwisise ditho haholwanyane le ho 1. Ho beha meja fatshe ho tlwaelehileng etsa hore di le tshepe. 2. Ho beha meja fatshe pele ho nako 3. Ho beha meja fatshe ka lebaka la ho kula Ho akarelletsa Kgetho ya bobedi – Ho tlohela mosebetsi pele 1. Lenyalo nako ya ho beha meja fatshe e fihla 2. Tlhalo 3. Bana 1. Ho dihela mosebetsing 4. Ho holofala ha bana 2. Ho fokotswa mosebetsing 5. Ho fana ka tlhahisoleseding ya moraorao ya ditho 3. Ho lelekwa mosebetsing le ba ngodisitsweng foromong 4. Ho hlokahalla mosebetsing Ho tobana le nnete ya 4: Kamora ho beha meja fatshe Ketsahalo ya bone le eo e leng ya bohlokwa ya ho tobana le nnete e fihla ha setho e ba mopenshenara wa EPPF. E fa Letlole monyetla wa ho thabisa ditho tsa yona ka tsela e tobileng le e loketseng nakong ena ya bophelo ba tsona. Ho akarelletsa 1. Ho ba ha setho mopenshenara 2. Ho hlokahala ha mopenshenara 3. Bajalefa ba mopenshenara ba kang mohatsa hae le bana 4. Ho hlokahala ha mohatsa setho, ho hlokahala ha bana ba setho ba ka hodimo ho dilemo tse 21 5. Qetello ya mohato wa penshene leetong la ho beha meja fatshe Invested in our members
Power Talk 32 Tseba Letlole la Hao Tshebetso e hohelang bakeng sa mefuta yohle ya ditho hammoho le ditlhoko tsa tsona tse ikgethang EPPF e ikemiseditse ho fetoha ho fihlela e tshwara setho ka seng ka tsela e kgethehileng ho latela hore na ke setho sa mofuta ofe – ka tsela eo e finyelle seo ditho ka kakaretso di se lebeletseng le ho kgotsofatsa sohle seo di se hlokang.Tsena ke dikarolo tse hlano tse ikgethang, tse thehilweng ho seo ditho di se hlokang, e nngwe le e nngwe e na le tshebetso e hohelang e bontshang katamelo eo Letlole le ikemiseditseng ho e sebedisa ha le sebetsana le ditho tsa lona. Ho hlokahala kgato e le nngwe ya motjheso hore metsi a belang a fetohe mmuwane. Bakeng sa Letlole, ho etsa phapang bophelong ba ditho nakong ya ha di tobana le nnete bophelong le ho etsa dintho hantle dinakong tse jwalo, ho tla re thusa hore re finyelle kgato eo e le nngwe e kang ya motjheso ho fetola dintho le ho etsa phapang bophelong ba ditho tsa rona. Invested in our members
Power Talk Yazi 33 Ngezezimali Zakho Okwelunga Ikusasa le-EPPF – Linozwela ngisho nakakhulu I-EPPF isithatha uhambo olusha lokubeka lokubeka amalungu Sondela kubathengi bakho alo phambili. Lona umsebenzi omkhulu we EPPF endleleni yayo eduze uze ubatshele lokho yokuba abasizi bezimali abahlomishwayo kulelizwe, ngokukheth- abakudingayo ngaphambi ekile ngokunaka izidingo zamalungu ukuze izonikeza umsebenzi kokuthi bona bakubone lokho” – ngaphandle kwezithikamezo. Steve Jobs Ukunakekela okubuyekeziwe kwamalungu, okubangelwa ukwakha nomdwebo, kufuna ukuqonda ukuthi yini engenziwa ukuze iva- le igebe phakathi kwendawo ekuyo manje, nalapho efuna ukuya khona, ibeka ilungu phakathi nendawo kwakho konke ekwenzayo. Inomgomo wokufinyelela ushintsho oluphelele, i-EPPF isiqale inqubo yezinyathelo ezinhlanu inaka izici ezibalulekile ezithinta amalungu. Uma lezi zinto sezinakekeliwe, izidingo zamalungu zizoqhubeka zinakwa kodwa ngezinga elikhulu. Ukuze sifinyelele lomgomo, Usizo lwezimali kumelwe lenze lokho esikubiza nge “ngoshintsho lwezinga elilodwa (one degree change)” Invested in our members
Power Talk Yazi 34 Ngezezimali Zakho Izinyathelo ezinhlanu zenqubo yok- 5. Amaphrojekthi alabo abazoba ngamalungu uphathwa kwamalungu e-EPPF Le ngxenye igxila ekucaciseni amaphrojekthi alabo abazoba Inhloso eyinhloko yale nqubo iwukuphatha amalungu ntofontofo ngamalungu okufanele enzelwe ukuxazulula izidingo zamalungu. kangangokunokwenzeka ngokunciphisa izingqinamba nangoku- wahlinzeka ngenkonzo engenabuhixihixi. Le nqubo ilandelwa Imephu yohambo lwelungu le-EPPF ngenhloso yokuchaza amaphrojekthi alabo abafuna ukuba amalun- gu, okuyohlangabezana nezidingo zelungu futhi, ngenxa yalokho, Ukuze siwaqondisise kahle amalungu ayo nokuba iwaphathe nto- kulekelele i-EPPF ekubeni yinhlangano ephatha kahle amalungu fontofo kangangokunokwenzeka, i-EPPF isungule imephu yoham- ayo. Nazi lezo zinyathelo. bo lwelungu, eqokomisa izenzeko ezivelele, izikhathi zokuthintana, izingqinamba kanye namazinga okuhlonipha ilungu esifuna uku- 1. Izigaba ezisekelwe ezidingweni wafinyelela. Lokhu kusezikhathini ezine zamaqiniso abucayi ilungu elidlula kuzo, ezibandakanya uKujoyina, iZenzeko Ezivelele Eku- Kuhloselwe ukucacisa kahle umehluko phakathi kwezinhlobo ez- phileni, iSikhathi Sangaphambi Komhlalaphansi, kanye neSikhathi ingafani zamalungu ngokwezidingo zawo ezihlukene, okubangela Sangemva Komhlalaphansi. Lezi zikhathi zamaqiniso zixhumene, ukuba i-EPPF ikwazi ukwenza izici ezivelele esigabeni ngasinye sa- ezinye zinomthelela kwezinye emaqophelweni ahlukahlukene malungu ngokuhluka kwaso. phakathi nesikhathi sokubulungu beSikhwama kusukela mhla li- joyina. Okulandelayo umbono osezingeni eliphakeme wohambo 2. Ipulatifomu evuthayo lwelungu ne-EPPF. Phakathi kulawa maqembu ezigaba, i-EPPF ibe seyifuna ukuqondi- Ukwenza isimo amalungu ayo- sisa amalungu, izingqinamba kanye nezingebe ukuze ikwazi ukun- sithokozela, angenakusilibala qoba izinselele nezidingo ezaziyo. nayosakha. Lokhu kuzocaba in- 3. Isici esivelele dlela lolu hambo oluzohamba ngayo neSikhwama” Kuhloselwe ukuhlinzeka izincomo zokuklama indlela eyohlang- abezana kahle nezidingo zelungu. 4. Izixazululo Kule ngxenye i-EPPF ibheka izindlela zokuletha iqoqo lezinhlinze- ko, amathuluzi nezintuba zokuxazulula umsuka wezidingo zelungu. Invested in our members
Power Talk Yazi 35 Ngezezimali Zakho Isikhathi seqiniso 1: Ukujoyina Isikhathi seqiniso 3: Ngaphambi Kom- hlalaphansi Yisikhathi sokuqala esibucayi lesi kumalungu lapho iSikhwama si- hlose khona ukwenza ilungu linethezeke njengoba liqalisa uhambo Lesi sigaba kanye nesikhathi seqiniso lesithathu kunika iSikhwama ne-EPPF enozwela ngendlela emangalisayo. ithuba lokusebenzisa lokho esikwaziyo ngamalungu aso. Le minin- ingwane kudingeka isetshenziswe kahle ekuhlomiseleni amalungu Kubandakanya isikhathi esibalulekile somhlalaphansi. 1. Ilungu liqashwa umqashi Kubandakanya 2. Ilungu lijoyina njengelungu le-EPPF 3. Kudonswa isitalimente selungu Lokhu kubandakanya izingxenye ezimbili ezinqunywa yilokho 4. Ukukhetha kwelungu ukufaka iSitalimente Sokwenezela okukhethwe yilungu. Kukhona lapho lezi zingxenye zihlangana Esingaphoqelekile (AVC) khona lapho umphumela wesikhathi seqiniso ungaba ukuhlehlisa 5. Isitatimende semihlomulo umhlomulo wempesheni, ukuthuthela kwesinye isikhwama, kanye nokuwudonsa umhlomulo ngokheshi. Isikhathi seqiniso 2: Izenzeko Ezivelele Ekuphileni Ingxenye yokuqala – Ukuhlala kumqashi kuze kube isikhathi somhlalaphansi Lezi yizinto ezenzekayo ekuphileni kwamalungu, ezinika iSikhwa- ma ithuba lokuwazi kahle nokwakha ukwethembana. 1. Umhlalaphansi ovamile 2. Umhlalaphansi wangaphambi kwesikhathi esivamile Kubandakanya yelungu nokulungisa 3. Umhlalaphansi wokugula 1. Ukushada Ingxenye yesibili – Ukushiya umqashi nga- 2. Isehlukaniso phambi komhlalaphansi 3. Abantwana 4. Ukukhubazeka kwabantwana 1. Ukusula 5. Ukufaka imininingwane yamuva 2. Ukudilizwa amafomu abahlomuli abaqokiwe 3. Ukuxoshwa 4. Ukufa usasebenza Isikhathi seqiniso 4: Ngemva Komhlalaphansi Isikhathi seqiniso lesine nesibucayi siqala lapho nje ilungu lithatha impesheni ye-EPPF. Kunika iSikhwama ithuba lokujabulisa amalun- gu aso kuleli qophelo lokuphila kwawo ngokunaka ilungu ngalinye nangendlela elungele ilungu. Kubandakanya 1. Ilungu lithatha impesheni 2. Ukufa kwelungu elithola impesheni 3. Abahlomuli abashiywa yilungu elithatha impesheni njen gowakwakhe nabantwana 4. Ukufa kowakwakhe, ukufa kwezingane ezingaphezu kuka-21 ubudala 5. Ukuphela kwenqubo yempesheni ohambweni lomhlalaphansi Invested in our members
Power Talk Yazi 36 Ngezezimali Zakho Isici esivelele zazo zonke izinhlobo zamalungu nezidingo zawo ezingafani I-EPPF ihlose ukuqhubeka ithuthuka kuze kube seqophelweni lapho iyokwazi khona ukuklamela uhlobo ngalunye lwelungu impatho yalo lodwa – ngaleyo ndlela ihlangabezane nalokho okulindelwe yilungu, yanelise nazo zonke izidingo zalo. Nazi izigaba ezinhlanu ezingafani, ezise- kelwe ezidingweni, ngasinye sinesici saso esivelele okubonisa indlela iSikhwama esihlose ngayo ukwenza inhlanganisela ekuphatheni kwaso amalungu. Kuthatha idigri eyodwa ukuba amanzi abilayo abe isitimu. Maqondana neSikhwama, ukuba nomthelela emalungwini ngeZikhathi Zamaqiniso nangokwenza izinto ngononina kulezo zikhathi, kuzosisiza sikwazi ukufinyelela kuleyo digri yoguquko nokuba sishintshe izinto. Invested in our members
Power Talk 37 Fund News Iwet’sxhecebrei,sttihineteEgPPFr’sevamped The much-awaited revamped Fund website launched to much Interacting with the enhanced excitement on 2 July 2018. EPPF website This project is one of the Fund’s most exciting and value-adding To guide you through the new website, we’ve developed a initiatives which is aimed at ensuring that we live up to our tag- Getting Started manual (highlighted in red below) and tutorial line,“Invested in our members”.This is just one of the many ways video (highlighted in green below) to help you navigate the site in which we aim to deliver on this promise to members. easily. Please visit the homepage of the website at www.eppf.co.za to find this. The benefits of the enhanced Fund website include: • Becoming the central point for member needs Members are welcome to give us feedback on the website by • Providing members with real-time access to information emailing [email protected]. • Improving member self-service options
Power Talk 39 The Family Is Growing New EPPF appointments The EPPF aims to attract and retain talented, ambitious individ- uals in order to deliver its mandate with success. Being the second-biggest pension fund in South Africa demonstrates our ability to attract and retain “the best of the best” in the retire- ment fund industry.We welcome the following new colleague to the EPPF family: Thelma Melk – Head of Legal and Corporate Secretariat Thelma became the Head of Legal and Corporate Secretariat at the EPPF effective 1 April 2018. She obtained a Bachelor of Law and LLB degree at the National University of Lesotho. She further acquired certificates in Munici- pal Finance and Corporate Governance. She is currently pursuing a qualification in International Leadership Development. Thelma began her career as a legal adviser at the Mmabatho City Council. She later joined the Department of Trade and Industry, where she started as the Secretary: Board Manufacturing De- velopment and was later appointed as the Deputy Director. She moved to Transnet where she was employed as the Deputy Group Company Secretary. Thelma then joined the SABC and South African Airways where she held Group Company Secretary roles, respectively. She part- nered with the North West Development Corporation as the Company Secretarial Consultant. Before joining the EPPF, she was the Company Secretary at the Joburg Market. Invested in our members
Power Talk 40 Personal Information Update of personal INFORMATION It is important for the Fund to have accurate and up-to-date records of your personal information, hence we urge members to update their personal information.This includes ensuring that the Fund has the correct spouse’s date of birth. Should you go through a divorce and remarry, please ensure that you update the Fund with the details of your new spouse. Call: 0800 11 45 48 Visit: www.eppf.co.za IInnvveesstteedd iinn oouurr mmeemmbbeerrss
Power Talk 41 Persoonlike Inligting Bywerking van persoonlike INLIGTING Dit is vir die Fonds belangrik om akkurate rekords te hê wat jou jongste persoonlike inligting bevat, en daarom moedig ons lede aan om hierdie persoonlike inligting by te werk. Dit sluit in dat die Fonds jou eggenoot se korrekte geboortedatum moet hê. Indien jy egskeiding verkry en weer trou, moet jy asseblief seker maak dat jy die besonderhede van jou nuwe eggenoot vir die Fonds stuur. Skakel: 0800 11 45 48 Gaan na: www.eppf.co.za Invested in our members
Power Talk Tlhahi- 42 soleseding ya Botho Ho fana ka bITNoLGHthAyoaHmISoOrLaEorSaEoDy-a Ho bohlokwa haholo hore Letlole le be le ditlaleho tse nepahetseng le tsa moraorao tsa tlhahisoleseding ya hao, kahoo, re kgothalletsa ditho hore di fane ka tlhahisoleseding ya tsona ya moraorao. Sena se akarelletsa ho netefatsa hore Letlole le na le letsatsi le nepahetseng la tswalo ya molekane wa hao. Haeba o ka hlala kapa wa hlalwa yaba o kena lenyalong hape, ka kopo netefatsa hore o fa Letlole tlhahi- soleseding ya molekane wa hao e motjha. Letsetsa: 0800 11 45 48 Etela: www.eppf.co.za IInnvveesstteedd iinn oouurr mmeemmbbeerrss
Power Talk Iminining- 43 wane Yo- muntu Siqu Ukuthuthukiswa kwemininingwane YOMUNTU Kubalulekile ukuthi isikhwama sezimali sibe nolwazi olunembile lwemininingwane yomuntu, yingakho sinxusa amalungu ukuba ayithuthu- kise imininingwano yawo. Lokhu kuhlanganisa ukuqinisekisa ukuthi isikhwama sinosuku lokuzalwa okuyilona lomuntu oshade naye. Uma kwenzeka udivosa futhi uphinde ushade, sicela uqiniseke ukuthi uyayifaka imininingwane yomuntu oshade naye. Ucingo: 0800 11 45 48 Vakashela kwa-: www.eppf.co.za Invested in our members
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Power Talk 46 Contact Us Invested in our members
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