BEST PRICERENTCAR RENT A CAR BOOK HERE Tel.: +971 4 355 1229 | Fax: +971 4 355 1339 Email: [email protected] Web:
INTRODUCTION‘CONNECT RENT A CAR LLC’, a young and progressive Car Rentaland Transporta on Company established and opera ng in Dubai,United Arab Emirates since June 1997.Providing a full range of unmatched service standards,quality vehicles, compe ve rates, value for money anddelivering commitments on me, every me.Our clients include:MNC’sSME’s andIndividuals COMBINED EXPERIENCE OF
VISION, MISSION & VALUESVISION:To be one of the leading car rental and transporta on companyby providing innova ve products, network expansion,implemen ng effec ve process and con nual improvement.MISSION:To exceed the expecta ons of every customer by offeringexcep onal service and value for money while ensuringwell maintained vehicles and professional service.VALUES: Deliver on me commitments to the sa sfac on of our clients and build loyalty. Comply with all government rules and regula ons applicable to our line of business. Mo vate and train staff to acquire the required skill and exper se and ensure con nual improvement Implement system and effec ve procedures to review quality objec ves to ensure con nuous improvement to meet client’s expecta ons. Take ownership and responsibility for all that we do. Respect and value our clients and business associates.40OVER YEARS IN THE INDUSTRY
Workplace quality, business ethicsWorkplace QualityProviding an atmosphere that challenges all employees to dotheir best work which in turn helps them achieve successfulcareers and a healthy work/life balance. Sustaining our strongworkplace reputa on is cri cal to a ract and retain the best people.Helping our employees achieve higher sa sfac on and engagementcan drive lower absenteeism, higher produc vity, be er reten onand other outcomes that contribute to our overall success.Business EthicsWe define business ethics as understanding, embracing anddisplaying the highest standards of integrity in the day-to-dayconduct of our business. It means accep ng our responsibility, as acompany and as individuals, to do what is right and maintain a highlyethical work environment. Following through on these responsibili es,earns us the trust, credibility & customer loyalty we need to buildour brand in the marketplace. Meanwhile, our internal commitment totraining and compliance helps us build employee engagementand job sa sfac on.
OUR FLEETOur fleet comprises of the latest popular makes & models,ranging from Economy, Compact, Mid-Size, Standard, SUV,MPV, 4x4, 15 & 30 Seats Buses and Commercial vehicles.All our vehicles are serviced & maintained regularly to provideour clients with uninterrupted, swi and efficient service.We emphasize more on safety and ensure our fleet is wellmaintained & road worthy to safeguard your experience.
SERVICES OFFEREDShort Term Rental (Ex-Fleet Vehicles)Delivery & collec on of vehicle for a minimum 3 days & above rental periodŸ Daily rental (minimum 24 hours)Ÿ Weekend rental (Thursday 5 p.m. to Saturday 9 p.m.Ÿ Weekly rental (minimum 7 days & above)Ÿ Monthly rental (minimum 30 days and then without anyŸ commitment a er 30 days, calculated on a pro rata basis).Long Term Leasing (Brand New Vehicles)Leasing op ons ranging from 1 to 4 years with brand new vehicles withvarious mileage op ons.Passenger Transporta on (15 /30 Seats Buses)This includes, airport & intercity transfers, city tours (half & full day), sta/crew, events &exhibi ons and corporate travel with a well-maintained fleet of 15 & 30 seat buses and 48seat luxury coaches and uniformed, courteous and well experienced drivers.Other Servicesvehicle registra on & renewal, service, maintenance & repair, collision, personal & thirdparty liabili es insurance cover, delivery & collec on within Dubai (charges apply for otheremirates), vehicle replacement, 24 hours bread-down, road side assistance & recovery,baby/ child seat and GPS naviga on system.
SAFETYSAFETY STANDARDS:We value Health and Safety with top priority. All our vehiclesare maintained as per the safety standards drawn by GCC and localtraffic police. Fire ex nguishers, First Aid kits and seat belts areavailable in all our vehicles.INSURANCE COVER:All our vehicles are fully comprehensively insured covering allpassengers including driver, the vehicle and third party proper es,as per the direc ons of the Insurance law prevailing in the UnitedArab Emirates.
FLEET MANAGEMENTOffering the latest car models, which are more efficient,including electric and hybrid vehicles.Enterprise Flex-E-Rent is our specialist solu on for businessand community rentals.At Enterprise, we offer tailored short and long-term rental servicesfor commercial and community operators. Whether you requirea vehicle for a day or several years, Enterprise Flex-E-Rent hasthe range and exper se.
CUSTOMER SERVICEDelivering a great customer experience bymaintaining an uncompromising commitment tocustomer service across each of our service brands.\"Top Box”This is a simple but effec ve “manage-what-you-measure” approach,combined with our ability to con nually develop new and be er waysto meet customer needs, has made our name synonymous withsuperior customer service.Ÿ We conduct telephone surveys of our customers every month.Ÿ Each loca on earns a ranking based on the percentage of its customers who were completely sa sfied with their last rental experience. This ranking is the standard of customer service excellence we set for ourselves. Scores for local opera ons are compared with the corporate average.Ÿ This plays a major role in decisions about our employees' rewards and advancement.
P.O. Box No. 86142Dubai | U.A.E. Tel.: +971 4 355 1229 | Fax: +971 4 355 1339 Email: [email protected] Web:
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