Improve Health TodayThe science behind comprehensive nutritionA healthy body is a blessing — it allows you to truly enjoy and appreciate the things in life that really matter.But lasting health requires more than just a commercial brand multivitamin. You’ll need superior nutritionalsupport for all of your body’s vital, interconnected systems.We use only the purest ingredients because we want you to stay healthy and live better — and we neversacrifice quality to reduce costs, so you know you’re getting the most nutritional potency when you chooseLife Extension products. But while each of our supplement formulas is clinically validated and made withthe best raw materials in the world, we know that there is no such thing as “one-size-fits-all” nutrition.Odds are, you already take a daily multivitamin or an omega-3 supplement for heart health (if you don’t,start today). But what about your brain? Your bones? Your digestive system? Everything from your eyes tothe very cells that you’re made of has specific nutritional needs. And this catalog will help you fill in the“gaps” that can occur in even the healthiest diet.The science-based formulas in this handy, healthy guide to full-body nutrition will make sure that every partof you gets the essential nutrients you need to thrive. So let’s get started. You bring the motivation to stayhealthy, and we’ll provide the absolute best nutritional supplements. And together, we’ll achieve a lifetimeof health — the greatest blessing of all.Content Heart, Cardiovascular, and Mitochondrial Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Food for Thought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A Body in Motion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Prostate, Hormone & Sexual Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Gut Feelings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Weight Loss Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Skin Deep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 The Best Defense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 A Strong Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Energy management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Heart, Cardiovascular, and Mitochondrial Health Nutrition for heart and cellular energy support Your heart is critically important to your health. So choose the absolute best nutritional supplements to support it. Life Extension has been at the forefront of cardiovascular nutrition for more than 35 years. We were the first to suggest baby aspirin therapy, omega-3 fatty acids, and coenzyme Q10 for heart health — and these unique formulations continue that proud tradition!3 see heart health teaser movie
Our omega-3 supplement So pure, it exceeds international standards. Stabilizing omega-3 fatty acids for maximum effectiveness Our Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA with Sesame Lignans & Fish oil is highly susceptible to oxidation — a chemical Olive Fruit Extract is made with sustainably sourced, process which robs it of its beneficial attributes. So our premium-quality omega-3 fish oil that has undergone formula includes sesame lignans to guard against lipid extensive purification and distillation, earning it the peroxidation, extending the stability of DHA omega-3 International Fish Oil Standards’ (IFOS™) highest 5-star fatty acids and further augmenting their beneficial rating for the past five years! effects. Inspired by the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, Why waste money on inferior omega-3 supplements? supportive but not conclusive research shows that the Get the ultra-pure DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may and concentrated olive fruit polyphenols your heart reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. needs to keep going strong. Try our unique formulation designed specifically to promote heart health — Super That’s why Super Omega-3 contains clinically validated Omega-3 EPA/DHA with Sesame Lignans & Olive Fruit doses of EPA and DHA fatty acids. But the Mediterranean Extract! diet isn’t just about fish oil. So we formulated Super Omega-3 with highly concentrated olive fruit and leaf extracts that deliver the equivalent polyphenol content of 4 to 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to create one of the most advanced supplements for heart health and cognitive function anywhere.4
Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA Item # 01982Item #01982 • 120 softgels Retailwith Sesame Lignans & Olive Fruit Extract Price €41,95The Super Omega-3 product meets or exceeds YOURInternational Fish Oil Standards (IFOS™) for omega-3 PRICEconcentration, PCBs, dioxins, furans, oxidation and €31,47heavy metals, and thus has received its highest 5-star Yourating. IFOS™ certification mark is a registered trademark Saveof Nutrasource Diagnostics, Inc. These products have 25%been tested to the quality and purity standards of theIFOS™ program conducted at Nutrasource Diagnostics, Item #Inc. 01733 RetailSuper Ubiquinol CoQ10 with BioPQQ® Price €70,80Item #01733 • 100 mg • 30 softgels YOURTriple-action support for cellular energy production PRICE €53,10Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with BioPQQ® contains three Youkey nutrients to boost energy production at the cellular Savelevel. These ingredients benefit your heart, brain, 25%kidneys and every other high-energy cell in your body.This formula starts with the better absorbed ubiquinolform of CoQ10 that stays in the bloodstream far longer,in addition the adaptogen shilajit, shown to doubleCoQ10 levels in the mitochondria by facilitating moreefficient delivery of this nutrient — leading to greatercellular energy output!But it’s not enough to simply support existingmitochondria, so this formulation also delivers PQQ, anutrient that promotes new mitochondria generation.The result: more youthful cellular energy productionthat will help keep you younger longer. 5
Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ® Item #01868 • 120 capsules Energize every cell in your body! This state-of-the-art nutritional formula uses unique Item # ingredients to protect delicate cellular structures, 01868 facilitate life-sustaining cellular metabolic processes, and helps generate new mitochondria necessary for Retail youthful energy output at the cellular level. Price €94,40 PQQ® — promotes new mitochondrial growth and YOUR helps protect delicate mitochondrial structures. PRICE €70,80 Carnosine — inhibits toxic glycation processes. You It also protects your neurons against cytotoxic Save proteins associated with the negative effects of 25% aging Luteolin — suppresses inflammatory cytokines. Benfotiamine — supports healthy DNA and pro- motes already healthy blood glucose levels. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate) — protects against lipid and protein glycation reactions. Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid — blunts damaging free radicals while facilitating youthful mitochondrial energy output. Acetyl-L-Carnitine — stimulates healthy neurite growth. Promote robust mitochondrial function and healthy cellular energy output with this multi-nutrient formula — try Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ® today!6
Advanced Olive Leaf Vascular Support with Celery Seed Extract Item #01824 • 60 vegetarian capsules Advanced formula for vascular support This dual-action formulation delivers two bioactive Item # compounds to support optimal cardiovascular health. 01824 Olive leaf extract contains oleuropein, a natural Retail compound which supports healthy blood pressure Price already within the normal range. €47,20 YOUR Celery seed extract contains 3-n-butylphthalide, which PRICE supports the healthy inflammatory response critical €35,40 to maintaining a healthy circulatory system. Together, these clinically researched compounds provide powerful vascular support! You Save 25%7
Pomegranate Extract Capsules Item # 00956 Item #00956 • 30 vegetarian capsules Retail Power up with pomegranate polyphenols Price €25,57 Studies have shown that pomegranate is one of nature’s YOUR most powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate Extract PRICE Capsules provide the amount and ratio of pomegranate €19,18 polyphenols in each dose equivalent to the polyphenols You found in up to 364 ml of pomegranate juice. This Save gives you the clinically validated, cardiovascular 25% healthpromoting effects of pomegranate juice without the sugar or calories! Pomegranate is absorbed more efficiently than other fruit extracts. One study demonstrated that pomegranate extract was 95% absorbed — more than any other polyphenol-containing fruit extract of its kind. Try it today.8
Super Omega with Krill, Astaxanthin & Olive Fruit ExtractItem #01988 • 120 softgelsSuperior cardio supportThis breakthrough formula combines fish and krill oil Item #with olive fruit extract, sesame lignans, and the super- 01988antioxidant astaxanthin. This approach maximizes theuptake and protective benefits of omega-3 fatty acids Retailfrom marine oil! Price €59,00We absorb fish oil and krill oil in different ways. Research YOURindicates that when taken together, the two types of PRICEmarine omega-3s have complementary benefits — €44,26especially for your cardiovascular system and your Youbrain. Save 25%Fish oil omega-3s assimilate quickly into plasmatriglycerides and platelet phospholipids for cardio-vascular support. Krill oil omega-3s rapidly incor-porate into red blood cell phospholipids absorbed byyour brain. Both omega-3 sources together appear topromote cardiovascular and nervous system healthbetter than either form by itself.The potent antioxidant astaxanthin fights free radicals,boosts mitochondrial function, promotes cardiovascularhealth, and more. Olive fruit extract protects normalLDL from oxidation, and sesame lignans augment thebeneficial effects of marine oils by protecting themfrom lipid peroxidation. They can also promote ahealthy inflammatory response! Support your heart,mind, and wholebody health with Super Omega withKrill, Astaxanthin & Olive Fruit Extract! 9
NAD+ Cell Regenerator™ Nicotinamide Riboside Item #01904 • 100 mg • 30 vegetarian capsules Get advanced defense against cellular aging Age-related declines in cellular metabolism and energy Item # production can lead to feelings of fatigue and lack of 01904 motivation. NAD+Cell Regenerator™ combats this Retail with NIAGEN®, the first commercially available form of Price nicotinamide riboside — an essential compound that €44,57 promotes systemic youthful functions, regulates genes YOUR that control aging, and more. PRICE €33,43 Ward off the negative effects of aging at the cellular level, rejuvenate cellular energy output, and promote mitochondrial health with NAD+ Cell Regenerator™! You Save 25%10
Food for Thought Supplements for cognitive health Stay sharp at any age — feed your mind with the highest-quality brain food that money can buy. These Life Extension formulas have been scientifically formulated with special nutrients to promote brain health and support cognitive function!11 see cognitive health teaser movie
Cognitex® with Brain Shield® Item # 01896 Item #01896 • 90 softgels Comprehensive brain support Retail Price As we age, levels of neurotransmitters and other €78,66 brain compounds diminish — and that can impact YOUR what you understand, process, and remember. But PRICE Cognitex® with Brain Shield® contains the brain €39,34 boosting nutrients you need to help support youthful You cognition and memory all in one convenient formula! Save 50% Brain Shield® (Gastrodin) provides powerful support for the brain’s normal defenses and regenerative mechanisms. Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline boosts ace- tylcholine, a critical neurotransmitter. Hops and rosemary help inhibit inflammatory factors. Wild blueberry extract inhibits oxidative and inflammatory changes in brain cells. Phosphatidylserine benefits memory, learning, and concentration. Ashwagandha inhibits an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the brain. Grape seed extract boosts oxygen flow to the brain by improving blood vessel tone and elasticity. Uridine-5’-Monophosphate supports superior cog- nitive function in older adults.12
Cognizin® CDP-Choline Caps Item # 01659Item #01659 • 250 mg • 60 vegetarian capsulesSupports neurotransmitter synthesis and cognitive health Retail PriceCognizin® CDP-Choline Caps contain a form of choline €47,20capable of crossing the bloodbrain barrier. The brain YOURneeds choline to produce acetylcholine, a major brain/ PRICEmotor neuron neurotransmitter that helps facilitate the €35,40transmission of impulses between neurons. You SaveCDP-choline (cytidine-5’-diphosphate choline) is a 25%unique form of choline that readily passes throughthe blood-brain barrier directly into the brain tissue.Once it’s past the blood-brain barrier, it activates thesynthesis of critical components in cell membranes,enhances cerebral energy metabolism, and increaseslevels of various neurotransmitters.Neurotransmitter health is an important part ofcognitive function. Support your cognitive healthand neurotransmitter synthesis with Cognizin® CDP-Choline. 13
Neuro-Mag™ Magnesium L-Threonate Item #01603 • 90 vegetarian capsules No more “senior moments” with Neuro-Mag™ Item # Neuro-Mag™ Magnesium L-Threonate is one memory 01603 booster you don’t want to forget! Retail That’s because the benefits of magnesium for memory, Price cognitive function, and brain health can’t be overstated. €52,45 Unfortunately, most commercial magnesium supple- YOUR ments are not readily absorbed by your brain. PRICE €39,34 That’s why Life Extension developed Neuro-Mag™. You By utilizing a far more potent form of magnesium, Save Neuro-Mag™ overcomes the bioavailability barrier that 25% renders mainstream magnesium products ineffective. This means that with our magnesium supplement, your mind gets more of the potent nutritional support it needs for healthy memory and cognition. Forget something? Superior magnesium absorption is critical to Preserve the health of your brain brain health! with Neuro-Mag™ Neuro-Mag™ contains an innovative nutrient called Three Neuro-Mag™ capsules per day provide 2,000 magnesium L-threonate, which was first introduced by mg of magnesium L-threonate, which supplies 144 Life Extension. mg of elemental magnesium. Don’t endure another unnecessary “senior moment.” Try Neuro-Mag™ Magnesium L-threonate supports the aging brain and Magnesium L-Threonate today! nervous system directly: pre-clinical trials indicate that Neuro-Mag™ boosts magnesium levels in spinal fluid by a remarkable 15% — compared to no increase with conventional magnesium.14
A Body in Motion Nurturing healthy bones and joints Strong bones and healthy joints are crucial to the concept of whole-body health. These cutting- edge nutritional formulations contain the vital nutrients necessary to maintain healthy bones and connective tissue — and they’re available exclusively from Life Extension!15
ArthroMax® Advanced with UC-II® & AprèsFlex® Item #01618 • 60 capsules Dual-action joint support ArthroMax® Advanced is a multi-nutrient formulation Item # that provides more structural joint support than 01618 ever before with two clinically validated ingredients: AprèsFlex® and UC-II®. Retail Price AprèsFlex® boswellia is a superior inhibitor of 5-LOX €47,20 (5-lipoxygenase enzyme), and UC-II® promotes YOUR ease of motion. Excess 5-LOX activity results in the PRICE accumulation of leukotriene B4, a proinflammatory €35,40 compound that affects aging joints. Boswellia binds You directly to the 5-LOX enzyme in your body, preventing Save it from facilitating leukotriene production. And 25% AprèsFlex® boswellia absorbs into the blood 52% better than previously available forms of boswellia! UC-II® is a novel extract of chicken cartilage that can impact immune issues that can influence joint discomfort and ease of motion as you age. ArthroMax® Advanced also includes glucosamine sulfate and a bioavailable form of boron. Ease your range of motion and support joint and bone health with this innovative, multiingredient formula!16
Fast-Acting Joint Formula Item # 00965Item #00965 • 30 capsulesDon’t let soreness slow you down! Retail PriceFast-Acting Joint Formula offers greater comfort and €51,13ease of motion in just days (not weeks) thanks to three YOURunique ingredients: PRICE €38,35 Solubilized keratin — helps inhibit inflammatory You factors while promoting antioxidant activity to Save help shield your joints from free radical damage. 25% Decursinol-50® — derived from the herb Korean Angelica, this ingredient goes to work immediately, inhibiting activation of a DNA transcription factor associated with inflammation. Hyal-Joint® — lubricates joints and helps support healthy joint tissue growth with a patented blend of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and other glycosaminoglycans.Fast-Acting Joint Formula can be taken by itself or inconjunction with ArthroMax® Advanced with UC-II® &AprèsFlex® for optimized joint support. 17
Bone Restore with Vitamin K2 Item # 01727 Item #01727 • 120 capsules Highly absorbable nutrients for greater bone density Retail Price Maintaining bone density is about adding calcium. But €31,47 calcium must be accompanied by adequate amounts YOUR of manganese, zinc, silicon, boron, copper, and vitamin PRICE D3, as well as vitamin K, which facilitates the transport €23,60 of calcium from the bloodstream into the bone. You Save Certain forms of calcium are not well absorbed by your 25% body. That’s why Bone Restore is formulated to give you 700 mg of three different forms of highly absorbable calcium, plus magnesium oxide. This formulation delivers the MK-7 form of vitamin K2 as well, which is up to 10 times more bioavailable than K1. This form remains biologically active in the body over a sustained 24-hour period and to even higher levels (seven-to-eightfold) during prolonged intake. Adding Bone Restore with Vitamin K2 to your whole- body health regimen is a great way to get all of these critical bone-health nutrients in a single, convenient formula.18
Prostate, Hormone & Sexual Health The nutrients you need to stay healthy and live better depend a great deal on whether you’re a man or a woman. Only Life Extension has devoted more than 35 years to developing unique, science- based formulas with the right nutrients to support hormone balance, healthy prostate function, and sexual health.19
Ultra Natural Prostate Item # 01928 Item #01928 • 60 softgels Next generation prostate protection Retail Price If you’re 50 or older, a healthy prostate is the key. This €49,82 comprehensive formula supports multiple factors YOUR necessary to maintain a healthy prostate and support PRICE normal urine flow. Cutting-edge ingredients such as €37,37 standardized lignans, AprèsFlex® Indian frankincense, You beta-sitosterol, boron, and lycopene support prostate Save health. 25% Potent botanical compounds from stinging & dwarf nettle root extract, saw palmetto CO2 extract, pygeum (Pygeum africanum) extract, pumpkin seed oil, and Graminex® Flower Pollen Extract™ promote healthy prostate function and quality of life. No other prostate protection formula provides such a broad array of nutrients to support the aging prostate gland. Get the right nutrition to support a healthy prostate. Order Ultra Natural Prostate today!20
Advanced Natural Sex for Women® 50+Item #01626 • 90 vegetarian capsulesPromotes female sexual health and desireAdvanced Natural Sex for Women® 50+ provides a Item #unique phyto blend that targets and supports the 01626mechanisms that promote healthy sexual function andlibido, like cordyceps, maca root, and more. Retail PriceCordyceps mushroom extract modulates the levels €77,36of sex hormones and promotes their downstream YOURflow; boosts mitochondrial energy and sex interest; PRICEsupports vaginal lubrication and sexual function; and €58,02inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines that can dampen Yousexual desire. In placebo-controlled studies, scientists Savedocumented that cordyceps improved sexual function 25%and desire in 86% of women — in 40 days.Lepidium meyenii (maca) plant root extract has beenshown to modulate levels and flow of sex hormones;support adrenal function; and promote libido andsexual pleasure. Women who took maca scored over35% better than placebo subjects on a standard sexualfunction and libido scale after just six weeks.This innovative formula also contains Phlomis umbrosa,Cynanchum wilfordii, and Angelica gigas three herbalroot extracts used for more than 400 years in Koreato help balance estrogenic activity in those targettissues specifically related to menopausal symptoms.In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, thisformulation (EstroG-100®) helped inhibit menopausalsymptoms by 62% in just 12 weeks.Why settle for less-than-optimal sexual function andlibido? Try Advanced Natural Sex for Women® 50+ today 21
Super Miraforte with Standardized Lignans Item #01940 • 120 capsules Maintain optimized testosterone levels! As a man ages, low testosterone levels can lead to waning Item # sexual performance, cognitive decline, abdominal 01698 weight gain, and diminished strength. This formula contains high potencies of chrysin and nettle root Retail extracts which reduce the conversion of testosterone Price to estrogen (thus enhancing free testosterone levels) as €81,29 well as Bioperine®, which facilitates chrysin absorption YOUR into the bloodstream. PRICE €60,97 Lignans from a standardized Norwegian spruce extract You convert to enterolactone in the intestine and are then Save rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Enterolactone 25% has shown anti-estrogen and anti-DHT effects, particularly important to aging prostate health. This formula also contains the Brazilian Muira puama herb to support healthy libido.22
Natural Estrogen Item # 01892Item #01892 • 60 vegetarian tabletsNatural menopause discomfort relief Retail PriceNatural Estrogen combines a patented hops extract with €49,82standardized lignans and other bioactive compounds YOURto provide powerful nutritional support for menopause PRICEdiscomfort relief and to help maintain healthy estrogen €37,37metabolism. You SaveMany women suffering from menopausal symptoms 25%are challenged to safely manage night sweats, hotflashes, moodiness, and even depression. But recentlypublished studies show certain plant extracts can reducemenopausal discomforts and support healthy estrogenmetabolism — during menopause and beyond: Hops Extract — clinically shown to reduce frequency of hot flashes by 50% as well as improve other menopausal discomforts. Lignan Extract — clinically shown to block some of estrogen’s unwanted effects. Licorice Extract — clinically shown to reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes. Broccoli Extract — found to modulate estrogen and maintain healthy cell division. Dong Quai — valued by Chinese medicine to help with menstruation and menopausal symptoms Chasteberry Extract — has been shown to support hormone and neurotransmitter balance, which is important for relief of menopausal symptoms.Get the nutrition you need to restore balance andcomfort to your body. Try Natural Estrogen today! 23
Gut Feelings Promoting digestive health & comfort Healthy digestion is more important than you think. That’s because a healthy digestive system supports everything from nutrient uptake to immune system health. And these specialized probiotics, enzymes, and other formulas do more for your digestive health than a cup of yogurt ever could!24
Extraordinary Enzymes Item # 01706Item #01706 • 60 capsules RetailStay comfortable after meals Price €34,09Extraordinary Enzymes delivers protease, cellulase, YOURand lipase — potent enzymes that support healthy PRICEdigestion by adapting to a variety of stomach acid €25,57pH conditions. This unique, multi-enzyme formula Youfacilitates optimal nutrient absorption and broad relief Savefrom digestive discomforts, without promoting after- 25%meal glucose surges.A total of 12 enzymes support the digestion of justabout any food that may give you reason for regret —be it protein, fiber, or fat! Extraordinary Enzymes helpsyour system convert a variety of foods to energy andabsorb the nutrients in the foods you eat … and mayeven enhance protein content in your body and allowfor better fat utilization.This formula also facilitates the healthy breakdown ofplant fibers that some people avoid because they findthem hard to digest. Just one capsule before eatingshould help keep you comfortable — even after thebiggest meals of the day! 25
FlorAssist® Probiotic Item #01825 • 30 liquid vegetarian capsules You have probably heard of probiotics: supplements Item # that use living cultures to balance the good-to-bad 01825 bacteria in your intestine. Recently, probiotics have been shown to help promote whole-body health as Retail well — but many commercial probiotics can’t handle Price the natural environmental hurdles of the intestinal €41,95 tract. That’s why we formulated FlorAssist® YOUR PRICE Dual-encapsulation delivery system stands €31,47 up to the harsh environment of your stomach You FlorAssist® Probiotic Liquid Vegetarian capsules Save contain probiotic strains that are acid resistant, 25% protecting them from stomach conditions that can destroy the viability of standard strains. FlorAssist® also features dual-encapsulation technology. By keeping the capsule intact longer, this innovative design ensures that our proprietary blend actually reaches your small intestine, where these potent strains of probiotic bacteria can do the most good. Get more probiotic power Try a science-based probiotic that goes way beyond Six different strains of good bacteria a cup of yogurt. Enjoy the benefits of balanced gut for maximum digestive health support bacteria — add FlorAssist® to your regular nutritional Each FlorAssist® capsule contains a proprietary probiotic regimen today! blend of six bacterial strains. That works out to about 15 Billion CFU (Colony Forming Units) — unprecedented amounts of live bacterial colonies, sent right to your gut to help support the digestive system.26
Tranquil Tract™ Item # 01917Item #01917 • 60 vegetarian capsulesDon’t let bloating, gas, and GI discomfort ruin your day Retail PriceTranquil Tract™ contains a phyto-extract and a patented €68,18strain of a probiotic organism that work together to YOURrelieve occasional bloating, pressure, and soothe and PRICEbalance your intestinal tract. €51,13 YouThe herb of the mint family Perilla frutescens is richly Savepacked with beneficial biomolecules, notably the 25%unique flavonoid vicenin-2. Saccharomyces cerevisiae(CNCM I-3856) is a probiotic that normalizes theintestinal microbial community.Tranquil Tract™ is designed to deliver unparalleledsupport for intestinal regularity and GI comfort. So whylet abdominal discomfort throw your balance off? Trythis innovative formula today. 27
Enhanced Super Digestive Enzymes Item # 02021 Item #02021 • 100 vegetarian capsules Promotes digestion and absorption of nutrients Retail Price Did you know that your body produces fewer digestive €28,84 enzymes as you age? Enhanced Super Digestive YOUR Enzymes is Life Extension’s response to the need for a PRICE comprehensive digestive enzyme supplement. €21,63 You This innovative formula provides you with a potent Save array of amylase, protease, and lipase — enzymes that 25% work in a variety of stomach acid pH conditions and facilitate digestion of protein, fat, carbohydrates, milk lactose, and vegetable cellulose. That should help keep you comfortable through the summer and beyond.28
Weight Loss Support Building a healthier, happier you! Losing weight isn’t easy. It takes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and responsible lifestyle to reach your goals. But our innovative formulas can help you eat smarter, boost your metabolism to burn stored fat, and maintain already-normal blood sugar levels. And each and every ingredient has been clinically tested for purity, potency, and safety.29
Optimized Saffron with Satiereal® Item # 01432 Item #01432 • 60 vegetarian capsules Retail Fight the urge to snack Price €47,20 Satiereal® is a patented extract of the saffron spice. YOUR Optimized Saffron with Satiereal® helps you resist PRICE “munching” between meals, “grazing” after-hours, and €35,40 the all-consuming desire for a snack! Clinical studies You have shown that women taking Satiereal® saffron Save extract were able to defeat the most common enemies 25% of diet and weight loss. Item # Take a bite out of your calorie consumption (and feel 01908 good while you’re at it) with Optimized Saffron with Retail Satiereal®! Price €23,60 Mediterranean Trim with YOUR Sinetrol™-XPur PRICE €17,70 Item #01908 • 60 vegetarian capsules You Kick-start your healthy weight loss program Save 25% Inspired by the Mediterranean diet, Mediterranean Trim with Sinetrol™-XPur contains a synergistic blend of polyphenolic compounds specially selected from potent Mediterranean citrus fruits plus Brazilian guarana seed extract to help you look great, feel great, and kick-start your healthy weight loss program! This formula also contains guarana seed extract that has been shown to reduce localized fat deposits via similar mechanisms. Try Mediterranean Trim with Sinetrol™-XPur today.30
Skin DeepNurturing healthy, youthful-looking skinThe skin is your largest organ — so give it the nutrients it needs to shine! These science-based oraland topical formulas will help you achieve the healthy looking, beautiful results you’re looking for.Use them to renew, restore, and revitalize your way to more youthful-looking skin!
Skin Restoring Phytoceramides Item # 01596 Item #01596 • 30 vegetarian liquid capsules Retail With Lipowheat® Price €32,78 Wheat-derived oils have been used in natural, topically YOUR applied moisturizers for centuries. That’s because the PRICE special lipids, called ceramide oils, produced by young €24,58 skin to retain its supple appearance are identical to You those found in wheat. Save 25% In fact, ceramide oils make up 35%–40% of the binding matrix that maintains moisture and protects the surface of your skin. But naturally occurring ceramides in your skin decline as you age — so restoring ceramide levels is essential for supple, healthy-looking skin! You can’t get enough ceramides from ingested wheat or topically applied wheat germ oil to have a long-term impact on your skin’s appearance. And some people have dietary or medical reasons to avoid wheat. So we developed Skin Restoring Phytoceramides with Lipowheat®, an oral formula packed with skinnourishing phytoceramide oils so concentrated, they are gluten- free. Nurturing beautiful, youthful-looking skin starts with replenishing the ceramide oils within. Try Skin Restoring Phytoceramides with Lipowheat® a clinically validated, gluten-free way to restore your body’s ceramide levels and nourish youthful, healthy- looking skin from within!32
Super-Absorbable Tocotrienols Item # 01400Item #01400 • 60 softgelsSupport healthy hair growth and more Retail PriceMost people don’t realize that vitamin E contains €39,34eight different compounds. Commercial vitamin E YOURsupplements focus on only four of these compounds PRICEcalled tocopherols while mostly leaving out the four €29,50tocotrienols that are rich in therapeutic and antioxidant Youbenefits. Save 25%Super-Absorbable Tocotrienols softgels containtocotrienols derived from red palm oil from the Elaeisguineensis tree. Due to their unique chemical structure,tocotrienols provide potent antioxidant benefitsthroughout the body.Most importantly, tocotrienols shield DNA fromoxidant damage while protecting cellular membranes.As research continues to accelerate, scientists arediscovering that tocotrienols support healthy celldivision, promote a healthy lipid profile, protect brainfunction, and even support healthy hair growth.Through a patented delivery system, Life Extensionprovides the most absorbable red palm oil tocotrienolssupplement available today. 33
The Best Defense Nutrients for a healthy immune system You can maintain a strong immune system — provided you support it with the right mix of vitamins, minerals, and vital nutrients. And that means more than just a little vitamin C once in a while. These clinically validated products deliver unique ingredients to promote strong, healthy immune systems!34
Black Cumin Seed Oil with Bio-Curcumin®Item #01710 • 60 softgelsBalance immune support & inflammation controlAs we age, a balanced immune and inflammatory Item #response becomes critical to guarding our health. Black 01710Cumin Seed Oil has been clinically shown to support theeffectiveness of many biological factors that contribute Retailto the body’s normal inflammatory activity including Pricecellsignaling chemicals and hormone-like messengers. €41,95 YOURIt also has been shown to facilitate optimal function of PRICEa healthy aging immune system by supporting the vital €31,47defensive activities of macrophages and helper T-cells. You SaveCurcumin, from the curry spice turmeric, benefits 25%virtually every organ system in the body. It alsosupports immune function and promotes a healthyinflammation response. So the benefits you derive fromone complement the other. 35
Advanced Bio-Curcumin® Item #01924• 30 softgels With Ginger and Turmerones No whole-body health regimen is complete without Added standardized ginger compounds (including Advanced Bio-Curcumin® with Ginger and Turmerones. beneficial gingerols and shogaols) also complement the Curcumin is a super-nutrient that benefits nearly every health benefits of curcumin. Advanced Bio-Curcumin® organ in the system. It inhibits inflammatory factors, also contains phospholipids, emulsifying molecules supports immune, heart, and breast health, and even which greatly enhance the absorption of poorly soluble provides antioxidant support. But curcumin’s beneficial active compounds like curcumin. compounds are difficult for your body to absorb. Try Advanced Bio-Curcumin® with Ginger and BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin® Turmerones — and maximize the benefits of curcumin — a bioavailability break-through! for your health today! Our Advanced Bio-Curcumin® formula uses BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin®, a patented form of curcumin extract that is seven times more bioavailable than conventional extracts! Get the full benefits of curcumin Item # with Advanced Bio-Curcumin® 01924 Retail Ginger and turmerones healthy benefits Price Our Advanced Bio-Curcumin® formulation goes €39,34 way beyond traditional curcumin supplements, YOUR augmenting BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin® with ingredients PRICE like turmerones — extracts of turmeric oil that increase €29,50 the amount of beneficial curcumin inside the cell. You Save 25%36
Resveratrol with Pterostilbene Item # 01410Item #01410 • 100 mg • 60 vegetarian capsules RetailPromote longer life Price €47,20Findings from published scientific studies indicate YOURthat resveratrol is a highly effective plant extract for PRICEpromoting longevity. Unfortunately, most resveratrol €35,40products on the market today contain primarily cis- Youresveratrol and not nearly enough trans-resveratrol to Savedeliver optimal longevity benefits. 25%However, this formulation provides a potent dose (100mg) of 100% standardized trans-resveratrol. It alsoincludes pterostilbene, which works synergisticallywith resveratrol to unlock your “longevity genes” plusquercetin to enhance resveratrol’s absorption, alongwith other grape phytonutrients. 37
A Strong FoundationWhole-body health begins with the basicsLife Extension’s variety of high-potency vitamin formulations are decades ahead of commercialbrands. That’s because they’re made with the most absorbable forms of the nutrients you need tothrive, delivered in clinically validated doses.
High Potency Optimized Folate (L-Methylfolate)Item #01913 • 5,000 mcg • 30 vegetarian capsulesPromotes cardiovascular healthFolate helps maintain homocysteine levels within the Item #normal range, which promotes cardiovascular health. 01913It also supports neurotransmitter synthesis — which inturn helps maintain cognitive abilities. Retail PriceHowever, not everyone has sufficient activity of the €32,78enzyme required to convert folate to its biologically YOURactive form, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, or 5-MTHF. PRICE €24,59Those whose homocysteine levels remain high Youmay benefit from the bioactive form of folate called Save5-MTHF, which is up to 7 times more bioavailable than 25%ordinary folic acid. This unique compound requires noenzymatic conversion to become metabolically active— providing maximum support for both cardiovascularand cognitive health.Each vegetarian tablet of High Potency OptimizedFolate provides 5,000 mcg of the metabolically active5-MTHF form of folate to support cardiovascular health. 39
Two-Per-Day Item # 02014 Item #02014 • 120 capsules Life Extension’s Two-Per-Day multivitamin formula Retail Price Two-Per-Day Capsules are the highest-potency €28,84 multivitamin on the market. YOUR PRICE In fact, they have the highest potencies of any science- €21,63 based multivitamin formula that can fit inside two You capsules — so you get the full-spectrum of vitamins, Save minerals, and essential nutrients at a very affordable 25% price! High Potency, Low Price. And that’s only the beginning. Two-Per-Day Capsules also contain bioactive forms of vitamin B2 and B6, plus zinc citrate (for its superior absorption), lycopene, alpha-lipoic acid (a universal antioxidant), and more … all in moderately-sized tablets for easy swallowing. Two-Per-Day Capsules now contain NIAGEN® — the first commercially available form of nicotinamide riboside — to help combat the aging process. So start supplementing your nutrition with the best multivitamin you can buy. Order your Life Extension Two-Per-Day Capsules now!40
Liquid Vitamin D3 Item # 01732Item #01732 • 2.000 UIHealthy mind, healthy body! Retail PriceEvidence indicates that maintaining healthy.levels of €36,71vitamin D can help mitigate cognitive decline. Plus, YOURclinical trials confirm the importance of maintaining PRICEvitamin D levels for broad-spectrum health benefits, €27,53including bone health. If you are already getting 1,000– You3,000 IU of vitamin D in your multivitamin, this 2000 SaveIU potency is perfect for achieving optimal vitamin D 25%levels.Caution: Individuals consuming more than 2,000 IU/day of vitamin D (from diet and supplements) shouldperiodically obtain a serum 25-hydroxy vitamin Dmeasurement. Do not exceed 10,000 IU per day unlessrecommended by your doctor.Vitamin D supplementation is not recommended forindividuals with high blood calcium levels. 41
Super K with Advanced K2 Complex Item # 01834 Item #01834 • 90 softgels Retail Comprehensive Vitamin K formula Price €39,34 Super K with Advanced K2 Complex provides three forms YOUR of vitamin K: vitamin K1 and two distinct forms of K2, PRICE MK-4 and MK-7. By incorporating three different types €29,50 of this essential vitamin, this comprehensive vitamin K You formula promotes both bone and arterial health! Save 25% Vitamin K1 is usually found tightly bound to plant fiber. Because of this, only a fraction is absorbed into the bloodstream. Vitamin K2 is found in meat, dairy, and egg yolks — and the two separate forms (MK-4 and MK-7) have unique nutritional properties. MK-4 is the most rapidly absorbed form of vitamin K2, and MK-7 has a longer half-life within the body than MK-4 (or vitamin K1 for that matter), remaining bioavailable for far longer. Both MK-4 and MK-7 have demonstrated remarkable health benefits including cardiovascular health support. The comprehensive combination of these three forms of vitamin K sets our formula apart from commercial varieties — making Super K with Advanced K2 Complex an excellent way to get all of your vitamin K!42
Energy managementMitochondria are amazing cellular compartments that convert fats and sugars from foods weconsume into cellular energy. This energy generated by the mitochondria runs every process thebody needs to stay young and healthy.As we age, those cellular dynamos can slow down. But you can boost cellular energy production andcounteract agerelated changes with nutrients that are essential to youthful energy output.
NAD+ Cell Regenerator™ Item #01904 • 60 Capsules NAD+ Cell Regenerator™ promotes systemic youthful Nicotinamide riboside has been documented to functions by providing nicotinamide riboside — a help replenish cellular NAD+ and in the process: patented compound for reversing the age-related decline in NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) Promote sirtuin (SIRT1 and SIRT3) gene activation levels. Found in every cell in the body, this enzyme Enhance growth and efficiency of mitochondria plays a critical role in maintaining healthy cellular Support energy levels and physical performance metabolism. Moderate the metabolism favourably Contribute to neuronal health Nicotinamide riboside represents an innovative — supporting cognitive function during aging advance to combat aging that functions via unique Promote insulin sensitivity — supporting healthy mechanisms not found in typical dietary supplements. blood sugar levels in those within the normal And with NAD+ Cell Regenerator™, you now have an range effective and affordable method to boost the critical NAD+ enzyme for refreshed vitality. NIAGEN® is a registered trademarkof ChromaDex, Inc., Patents see: If you are experiencing fatigue and lack of motivation, it may be due to the age-related decline in NAD+ Item # levels1 and subsequent impairment of healthy cellular 01904 metabolism. NAD+ promotes systemic youthful functions and is found in every cell in the body. In Retail addition, NAD+ plays an essential role in regulating Price genes that control aging. Newly patented nicotinamide €44,57 riboside increases cellular levels of NAD+ in the body. YOUR For the first time, aging humans have an effective and PRICE affordable method to boost the critical NAD+ enzyme €33,43 for refreshed vitality. You Save 25%44
RiboGen™ French Oak Wood ExtractItem #01900 • 200 mg • 30 vegetarian capsulesAre you one of the millions plagued by fatigue? Address Try RiboGen™ French Oak Wood Extract today!the problem at the cellular level with RiboGen™ French Common complaints from general fatigue includeOak Wood Extract, a clinically validated formula that unrefreshed sleep, low energy, weakness, and head andreduces general fatigue and maintains healthy energy muscle discomfort. Stimulation by caffeine only offerslevels. short-term relief with possible health consequences. An effective solution to general fatigue must originate atRiboGen™ delivers bioactive polyphenol compounds the cellular level.called roburins which support ribosomes, the smallmolecular factories in your cells that create proteins Oak wood extract is now being hailed for its ability toneeded for energy production. So don’t let general support ribosomal biogenesis, the body’s natural wayfatigue slow you down. of restoring ailing ribosomes. Researchers found that a regimen with oak wood extract upregulated important genes involved in ribosomal biogenesis. This product is the ideal option for those who would like to target complaints of general fatigue at the subcellular level throughout the body, including: Maintaining energy levelsItem # Promoting ribosomal production of structural and01900 functional proteins Retail Supporting vital body activities affected by energy Price metabolism€47,20YOUR Minimizing fatigue-related, quality-of-life declinePRICE associated with aging€35,40 You So reduce general fatigue by supporting ribosomal Save biogenesis. 25% Add RiboGen™ French Oak Wood Extract to your regimen today! Robuvit® is a registered trademark of Horphag Research and the use of this product is under International patent applications. 45
Rhodiola Extract (3% Rosavins) Item # 00889 Item #00889 • 250 mg • 60 vegetarian capsules Retail The Russian herb rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) is remarkable Price in its ability to support cellular energy metabolism by €18,36 promoting higher levels of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) YOUR and CP (creatine phosphate) in the mitochondria. Unlike PRICE some other rhodiola supplements, Rhodiola Extract €13,77 uses only the authentic Rhodiola rosea species, and is You standardized to contain 3% rosavins and not less than Save 1% salidrosides — matching the concentrations used in 25% clinical trials. This means more cellular energy for your body! A common complaint among older adults is loss of physical and mental energy. As people age, their cells’ ability to produce energy is diminished. Many scientists believe that cellular energy deficit is a critical factor in the onset of many problems. Rhodiola has demonstrated a remarkable ability to support cellular energy metabolism. Rhodiola promotes higher levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the cellular power plants known as the mitochondria, thus providing more of the energy molecules needed to perform many daily activities. Promote more cellular energy for your body. Try this innovative formulation today.46
Biosüße Natural Sweetener Item # 00889Item #40001• 400 g RetailBiosüße is a 100 % organic and caloriefree alternative to Pricesugar and artificial sweeteners. €18,36 YOURThe advantages of Biosüße PRICE €9,18 Tastes and looks like sugar You 100% natural origin Save Good tolerability 50% Contains no calories or carbs Does not raise the blood sugar level (glycaemic index = 0) Does not induce insulin secretion (suitable for diabetics) Tooth-friendly Acts as an antioxidant in the human body Natural tasteUnlike artificial sweeteners, Biosüße does not tasteunnaturally sweet. Actually, it tastes and looks likesugar. It has the same crystal structure and crunches thesame way between your teeth.Biosüße is eminently suitable for cooking and baking,with a sweetness equivalent to about 80 percent ofhousehold sugar. This makes it easy to calculate theright dose for any of your favourite dishes.For a variety of delicious recipes and ideas, please 47
Advice and order All prices and product info is subject to change. Check our website for the current prices and is the place to find all information regarding our more than 400 differentproducts and special offers. You can easily buy Life Extension formulas online or order by telephone. Freecalllines are available for different European countries. Our experienced staff gladly supports you selecting thecorrect dietary supplements.ShippingOrders placed and paid before 14:00 on working days are generally shipped the same day with the securestandard service of UPS. Shipping costs to all EU land based member states and the U.K. are € 4,95.Satisfaction guaranteeAt Life Extension Europe the customer comes first. Besides our personalised customer service we offer asatisfaction guarantee for all purchases: If you are not 100% satisfied with a purchased product for anyreason, you can return the item within 3 months and receive your money back – no questions asked. Affiliate no:Life Extension Europe B.V.Frankfurtstraat 38NL-1175 RH LijndenPhone: +45 7020 6900Email: [email protected]/LifeExtensionCOM
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