AWC Innovation Hub
Table of Contents.0 1 About The Hub 0 8 High Performance Program0 2 IMS Plan on a Page 0 9 Facilitation0 3 Mission 1 0 Networks0 4 Values & Expectations 1 1 Innovation Strategy0 5 Goals 1 2 Marketing Strategy0 6 Jericho Dawn 1 3 Customer Service0 7 Innovation Program
About The IMS-ICX or ‘Innovation Hub’ stood up in Jan 2016, upon formation of the Air WarfareThe Hub Centre (AWC). The Hub’s mandate is to generate and foster innovation within Defence to ready the war fighter for complex warfare in a 5th generation context. This will be achieved by proactively seeking integration both within AWC but more importantly across Defence, Coalition, Industry and Academia. By pursuing integration in all these domains we will drive Innovation. The Hub’s primary function is to ensure the AWC integrates effectively which is a fundamental shift in our focus and how we approach problems. This is a cultural change and the Hub will build a cadre of people who, through collaboration, will be empowered to drive Innovation both within the AWC and through Defence as a whole.
IMS Plan on a PageDirector’s Intent “The Integrated Mission Support (IMS) revolves around the key tenets of 'Integration', 'Innovation'and 'Information'. IMS drives Innovation across both the AWC and more broadly across Air Forcethrough research, engagement, collaboration and demonstration, focusing on complex Operationalproblems to address capability gaps in the force in being.”Ends Ways MeansAWC Mission: Theme 1: Integrated air Operational Analysis,Ready the Warfighter warfare design, solution Innovation, Jericho Dawn, development and Integrated Project Teams, maintenance Knowledge Management, Theme 2: Generation of air Digital Innovation Lab, warfare integrators, Liaison Officers, S&T instructors and practitioners Coordination, Tasking Theme 3: Air Information Warfare Capability Delivery AWC Behaviours: Humble, and Force Generation Approachable, Knowledgeable and Expert
Inspiring Mission Creativity InnovationChallenge and lead through Growthcreativity. To achieve the extraordinary.
VA L U E S EXPECTATIONSBring positivity and fun to all we do. Each of us is 100% responsible for drivingWe take initiative and bring creativity results.with a sense of adventure. Seeing others succeed is a measure of mySay what we do and do what we say. Trust everything. If others let me down I will not hold a grudge.Excellence is achieved I'll move on and findthrough high energy another way.and committment. Values & If anyone providesAlways provide open Expectations feedback I will thank feedback. them for allowing me to grow.Relationships are everything. I will actively lead conversations onI am attracted to people who encourage self/professional to take risks. My success is governed by me, not myThe key to our success is how we reliance on others.collaborate and support each other and I expect others to hold me to myour networks. commitments.
Be a focal point for Goals Coordination of Sciencebottom up innovation and Technology andat the tactical and Research andoperational levels. Integrated and Development effort coordinated tactics and across AF. procedures development across all AF platforms using live, virtual and/or constructed environments.Testing of current and Collation of lessons Exchange of ideasproposed CONOPS against learned through across the ADF and theforce structure and higher experimentation for coalition.level Defence plans at the inclusion in strategicoperational and tactical planning, capabilitylevels. development, doctrine development and exercise planning.
Jericho The rapid prototyping of innovativeDawn proposals both internal and external to Defence under the Jericho Dawn program of work. This will deliver, in the operational horizon out to 5 years, fast, advanced technology prototype demonstrations in a military context. The objective of these prototypes is to achieve Defence sponsorship for incorporation into the acquisition process and provide a future enduring capability in the ADF.
Innovation ProgramThe Innovation Program gives AWC members the opportunity toexplore innovative ideas to meet capability gaps across Air Force.It is designed to foster integration and the exchange of ideas andinformation across AWC by supporting members to assistinnovative initiatives within their unit and through monthly guestspeakers and demonstrations of innovation in industry, academiaand coalition partners.Training will be provided in innovation tools and methodologies toAWC members on a \"as required\" basis.
High Performance ProgramThe High Performance Program is one of the mechanisms that will be used to achievecultural and behavioural changes, thereby developing enhanced integrated air warfarecapability in AWC members. The program consists of the following three elements:High Performance Leadership Enhanced Coaching Program MentoringDirected at personnel who This program will deliver The mentoring element willare proactive, high potential leadership opportunities to create a cross-industryindividuals who all AWC members mentoring scheme todemonstrate the initiative to including attendance at mutually enhancetake action, this coaching various events and forums ogranisational collaborationprogram has been designed such as the Air Power and innovation. It is open toto develop AWC members to Conference and Air Force all AWC members who wishbe innovative, empowered, Leadership Exchange. to take their career to theagile and willing to take next level.acceptable risks IAW theRAAF 5th Generationbehaviours.
FacilitationThe Innovation Hub is responsible for the development of the underpinningsystems, methodologies and culture to facilitate the idea generation,prioritisation and implementation of bottom up innovation the AWC andbroadly across Air Force. These include:Facilitation of Integrated Project As part of this process the HubTeams; provides leading innovativeFacilitation of Innovation methodologies and facilitation whenWorkshops; the ability to think differently isAWC Bottom Up Innovation; recognised in complex or moreInnovation Training; and demanding tasking. Should theInnovation Governance customer not be sufficiently trained, the Hub staff have specific training to provide just-in-time instruction on unique innovation methodolgies or general facilitation techniques pertinent to that task.
The development of widespread Networkscollaborative innovation networkswithin Defence, Coalition, Industryand Academia. This will deliver anextensive and diverse capability tosignificantly promote innovation.Challenging perceptions anddelivering opportunities to beinvolved in innovation both internaland external to Defence will activelyovercome bureaucracy andinflexible procedures providing atruly integrated approach toproblem solving.
Innovation StrategyAlthough there are other “Innovation Centres” within Defence andgovernment, the AWC Innovation Hub is the only one positionedspecifically to support AWC members and is the driver for bottom upinnovation at the tactical and operational levels. This means establishingcultural change within Defence to build a cadre of people who, throughcollaboration, will be empowered to drive innovation. There will be afocus on innovative initiatives and projects that will deliver a “10x”positive impact rather than incremental improvement. An innovationframework has been established to direct the generation and approval ofpotential new ideas from idea filtration, priotisation and implementation.
MarketingStrategyThe Innovation Hub has identified target margets for its currentprograms ranging from enlisted ranks to senior officers withcontacts internal and external to Defence. Jericho Dawn: Jericho Dawn is being remarketed towards addressingcapability gaps; the AWC Innovation Hub will use this strategy forboth visibility and credibility.Innovation Forum: Deliberately chosen initiatives will be deliveredsuccessfully and advertised to AWC to instil trust in the InnovationProgram’s ability, thus attracting members willing to put forwardfurther innovative ideas.Coaching: The appeal of individual coaching to assist membersthrough career progression and talent management throughleadership development. Team coaching is targeted towards CDRs,COs and section heads to potentially create high performing teams.
Staff Standards Communication 24hr response time Flexibility Customer feedback Problem Solving surveys Address complaintsCustomerService Products Facilities Advertising Appropriate facilities Professional Delivery Necessary Equipment Adapt to changing rules
AWC Innovation Hub“Setting goals is the firststep in turning theinvisible into the visible.”- Tony Robbins
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