Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 101 Duplicating Layers and Composition 1. F copy layer FFF F F FF F FF layer layer F F F Ctrl + D 2. F F copy layer composition F composition F Ctrl + C composition F F Ctrl + V 3. copy composition F copy layer F ˁ Ctrl + D 4. ʾˊ F F F F F cursor Ctrl + Shift + d Soloing Layer layer F layer F ˈ layer F F solo F 1 layer
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 102 Renaming Layer ,F composition FF F FF FF FF F ˁ Enter F Replace Source F F F layer F F F F F property F F F F F property F F F F F Alt F FF F F F F F F Alt
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 103 Replace Footage F Replace Source F composition F ˈ F replace F F F replace footage 1. footage F replace 2. F Replace Footage File shortcut Ctrl + H
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 104 Marker Fˈ F F layer F F F ˈ2 Composition Marker Layer Marker 1. Composition Marker F F Timeline F FF FF FF F 2. F F F F Settings
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 105 3. Layer Marker F F F F F ˁ * F F ˆˉ ˈ FF F F2 Taking Snapshots snapshot after effect F F FF F FF F composition panel shortcut Shift + F5 F FF 1. F F F F F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 106 2. F layer F F FF Align & Distribute F layers F F F layer F F F F F Align Distribute F 1. layer F align F F F 2 layers
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 107 2. F Align F F Window Align 3. F Align panel F F Distribute FF F F 3 layers
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 108 Guide Layer F F FF F render F F ˈ Guide layer F Guide layer FF 1. F F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 109 2. F ˂F F F F F After Effect F F Photoshop FF after effect F FF F F F after effect update F F 1. F F F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 110 2. Windows XP F F default F F F .TIFF F ʽ F Photoshop 3. Edit Edit Original ˈ ʽ F F Photoshop 4. F F Photoshop F save
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 111 5. F ʽ after effect ˂ ˈF Color Coding F FF F layer FF
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 112 Adjustment Layer FF F FF F ˈF F FF F ˈ footage 1. F composition 2. Adjustment Layer F Layer New Adjustment Layer F F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 113 F footage 3. F effect F Adjustment Layer F Hue F F FF F 8 Trimming Layers overlay, ripple, sequence layer, nifty keyframe, Trimming Layers F spilt layer, slip, multiple layers In, Out, Duration, Stretch FF ˈ F F layer F FF layer F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 114 Trimming Layers ˈ F F F Video Audio F F ˈ F F F trim F layer , text layer, solid layer, shape layer trim F timeline trim F 2 1. Trim Timeline Panel F F F layer F F Fˈ FF F FF shift F F time indicator 2. F F layer layer F FF FF 3. Trim Layer Panel F ˈʾ F F timeline ʽ F ˈ original F F FF ˉˆ F F F FF ˈ ʾ ˉˆ
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 115 Slip Edit Tool F layer F F F F layer keyframe F F keyframe layer F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 116 layer F keyframe F F F Slip Edit Tool trim layer F F F ˈ F F FF F F Fˈ F FF F layer F F keyframe F layer F F F keyframe F slide Slip Edit Tool F layer F keyframe F F FF
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 117 Sequence Layers layers F ˈ F F layer F ˈ cut away F F F fade F layer F fade in out F F layer F F keyframe opacity F layer F FF F F F 1. layers composition ( Ctrl + a) 2. layer F Keyframe Assistant Sequence Layers 3. F F 3 F F fade F F F ˈ F layer F Overlap F F layer fade F3 Duration Transition F fade - Off F F F transition F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 118 - Dissolve Front Layer F keyframe opacity layer F layer FF - Cross Dissolve Front and Back Layers F keyframe opacity layer F FF layer F FF
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 119 Splitting Layer ˈ 2 layer F FF F F layer FF FF FF F FF F F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 120 F F F layer F ˁ Ctrl + Shift + d Edit Split Layer ˈ split layer Overlay and Ripple trim F Overlay and Ripple FF footage F composition F F ˈ FF 1. F layer F footage
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 121 2. ʽ footage F 3. F Ripple Overlay
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 122
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 123 9 Motion blur, Blending mode and Pre-compose Motion Blur ˈ ˆ F F FF F F F Motion Blur F F F F F Layer ˈ Footage Frame Motion Blur F F F render F F F Motion Blur F Timeline Panel F column Fˈ Fˆ F F FF F F layer Shutter Angle and Phrase ˈ F Composition Settings Advanced ˈ F motion blur F shutter angle F shutter phrase 2 samples motion blur FF ˈ F F shutter phrase F F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 124 layer Echo Effect FF motion blur F ˈ effect Effect Time Echo F FF F F F effect F F F Echo F FF F F Number of Echoes F Echo Operator
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 125 F Adjustment Layer F F F effect F F F F F layer
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 126 Third Party Effect Effect F motion blur ˈ effect F CC Force Motion Blur Blending Modes Blending Modes F layer F F after effect F FF FF FF F FF F 2D F 3D FF F F F layer F FF F Blending Modes timeline panel 1. F F F layer F F F layer F F F F 2. F layer Mask, Effects Transformations F temporary buffer F 3. ʽ F Blending Modes F F4 F Toggle Switches / Modes
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 127 4. 1 layer F F 1 mode F blending modes F layer F F ˈ layer 5. F F 2 layers F layer F F F Blending Modes after effect F F Blending Modes F F 5 F F F Modes FF 1. F F (Darkening Modes)
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 128 2. F F (Lightening Modes)
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 129 3. F (Lighting Modes)
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 130 4. F Layer F F (Subtraction Modes)
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 131 5. F F (Property-Replacing Modes) Pre compose
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 132 1. Pre-compose F F composition layers F FF Fˈ F ˈ composition F 2. F layers F F layers F ˁ Shift F F F layer 3. Toolbar Layer Pre-compose
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 133 4. composition F F 5. F F composition ˈ F FF F mask F F FF 10 Masking F effect mask F footage F F F F F F (Shpae Tool) 5 FF mask F FFF import path Photoshop Illustrator rotoscoping auto-trace F Mask 1. layer F mask 2. F mask 2 ˈ ˈ (Pen Tool) F mask
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 134 3. rounded rectangle mask F F composition panel ( F F F layer mark F ) F m property mask 4. F F mask F Mask 1 F delete Mask F Layer Panel 1. F Composition panel F F Layer Panel layer F F Layer Panel
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 135 2. F F F View F ˈ Masks F Render 3. mask Mask F F mask F F original layer 1. Layer Mask New Mask 2. Layer Mask Reset Mask ˈ mask FF
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 136 3. F mask F F shape tool F star ˈ mark star 4. mask F shape tool F shift F ˈ Fˈ Fˈ mask F star polygon F F 5. - Rounded rectangle mask F ˁ ˈF - Polygon, Star ˈ
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 137 F Mask F Free Transform Tool mask F Ctrl + t F F Free Transform Tool F ˈ F mask 1. mask F F F mouse cursor ˈ 2. mask F mouse cursor F F (F Fˈ FF F anchor point F F F free transform tool ) F anchor point
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 138 Mask Feather ˈ mask F F background F mask property shortcut m F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 139 Mask Expansion F mask property ˈ mask F F Mask Opacity F property layer ˈ
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 140 Pen Tool Bezier Mask F FFF FF F F FF Fʿ F FF FF F F FF
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 141 F ˈF mask F ˈ ʽ mask 3 F F Mask and Shape Path Closed
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 142 F Rotobezier Masks F Pen Tool F ˈ mask F FF FF F FF ˈ hard corner F Ctrl + Alt F F mouse cursor ˈ F F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 143 F F Rotobezier ˈ Bezier F mask F Mask and Shape Path Rotobezier mask F Bezier Animating a Mask selection tool F mask F keyframe mask path F F mask path F F F F F mask FF FF Fˈ FF mask F ˈ background Fˈ
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 144 Fˈ F mask sliding F keyframe F F FF F mask path
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 145 mask path ˈ mask F F ˈ footage F layer F mark F F F First Vertex Point ˈ F mask path F F F mak path FF F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 146 F F mask F F Mask and Shape Path Set First Vertex
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 147 Inverting a Mask FF F mask ˈ transparent mask F Inverted F F F mask property F
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 148 Mask Mode F mask F FF F mask F F mask 1 ˈ F ˈ Add F FF F F mask 2
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 149
Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 150 ˆ opacity mask F mask F mask F F F F opacity mask F mask F F F opacity F mask F F opacity property layer
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