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Open Enrollment is Around the Corner Important Enrollment Dates Open Enrollment is soon! This year we’ve chosen to provide a new enrollment experience, offering 1:1 benefit enrollment meetings with Open Enrollment Window: licensed benefit counselors. This experience will allow you to learn November 29 – December 8 more about your benefit options and how they work together for the betterment of you and your family’s overall health and wellness. During this time you can ask questions about specific plans, discuss your healthcare utilization, and complete your benefit enrollment for the 2022 plan year. We will be sending out a few text messages during the enrollment Enrollment Availability: period to remind and encourage all employees to participate! Monday - Friday Next Steps 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST If you’re interested in a 1:1 benefit enrollment meeting with a coun- Schedule Your Meeting selor, you can schedule your appointment now. Simply scan the QR code on the right to access the scheduling calendar. We encourage Scan the QR Code to schedule your all employees to schedule their appointment as soon as possible to meeting with a benefits counselor. ensure the best fit with your schedule. If you do not want to meet with a benefit counselor then you can enroll on your own anytime between November 29 – December 8 to complete your elections. - Link to your benefits portal: https://www.employeenavigator. com/benefits/Account/Register - The Company identifier is HCCL ENROLLMENT IS MANDATORY group/enrollment-consultation-hcc

What’s Inside this Guide... Benefits Overview Benefits Overview......................................... 2 This booklet will answer some of the questions you may Eligibility........................................................... 2 have about your benefits. Please note that this document Qualifying Life Events................................. 2 is intended as a high-level summary of the major points Medical Benefits............................................ 3 of our benefit plans. This document does not cover all Pre-Tax Spending Accounts......................6 provisions, limitations, and exclusions. The official plan □ Health Savings Account documents, policies, and certificates of insurance govern Dental Benefits............................................... 7 in all cases and are available for your review at any time. Vision Benefits............................................... 7 Life/AD&D Insurance...................................8 Eligibility Disability Insurance......................................8 Voluntary Benefits........................................9 All regular, full-time employees working a minimum of 30 □ Hospital hours per week are eligible to participate in all benefit □ Accident plans on the 1st of the month following 60 days. □ Critical Illness Claims Questions......................................... 10 Also eligible for coverage are: Summary of Your Contributions.............11 □ Your legal spouse Contact Information....................................12 □ Your children up to age 26 regardless of marital status, student status or employment status Qualifying Life Events Each year during Open Enrollment you have the opportunity to make changes to your benefits plan elections. Any eligible employee may add or drop dependents, add or drop coverage, or change current levels of coverage. Changes made during the Open Enrollment period will be effective January 1, 2022 and will remain in effect until next year’s Open Enrollment. Any elections made are considered final and cannot be changed unless a qualifying change in status occurs. Qualifying changes in status include, but are not limited to: □ Marriage, divorce, or legal separation □ Reaching domestic partner status □ Death of spouse or other dependent □ Birth or adoption of a child □ A spouse’s employment begins or ends □ A dependent’s eligibility status changes due to age, student status, marital status, or employment □ You or your spouse experience a change in work hours that affect benefit eligibility □ Relocation into or outside of your plan’s service □ Becoming eligible for Medicare or Medicaid during the year You have 30 days from the Qualifying Event date to make any coverage changes; otherwise, you must wait until annual open enrollment. Employee Benefits Guide | 2022 3

Medical Benefits Hancock Claims Consultants offers you and your dependents three medical plan options through Cigna. As a plan member you have access to many consumer education tools and value-added programs designed to help manage your family’s medical care – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To locate network providers, visit the Cigna website at To speak with a Cigna service representative call (866) 494-2111. Cigna HDHP Base Plan Buy Up Plan In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network Deductible $2,500 $5,000 $3,500 $7,000 $1,500 $4,500 □ Individual $5,000 $10,000 $7,000 $14,000 $4,500 $13,500 □ Family Coinsurance 0% 20% 20% 40% 20% 40% □ Member Pays 100% 80% 80% 60% 80% 60% □ Plan Pays Out-of-Pocket Maximum (includes deductible and copays) □ Individual $3,500 $7,000 $7,150 $21,450 $7,150 $21,450 $14,300 $42,900 $14,300 $42,900 □ Family $7,000 $14,000 Office Visits Deductible + 0% Deductible + $45 copay Deductible + $25 copay Deductible + □ Primary Care 20% $75 copay 30% $50 copay 30% Physician □ Specialsit Deductible + 0% Deductible + Deductible + Deductible + 20% 30% 30% □ Telemedicine Deductible + 0% Deductible + $10 copay Not Covered $10 copay Not Covered Inpatient Hospital 20% Outpatient Deductible + 0% Deductible + Deductible + Deductible + Deductible + Deductible + ER 20% 20% 40% 20% 40% Urgent Care Deductible + 0% Deductible + Deductible + Deductible + Deductible + Deductible + 20% 20% 40% 20% 40% Deductible + 0% $350+20% $350+20% Deductible + 0% Deductible + $75 copay $150 copay $60 copay $120 copay 20% In-Network Medical deductible applies $15/$35/$60/20% to $300 max $15/$35/$60/20% to $300 max Prescriptions Deductible + 0% 2.5x Retail 2.5x Retail Deductible + 0% □ Retail Prescription Drugs (30 days) □ Mail Order Prescription Drugs (90 days) 4 Hancock Claims Consultants

WHEN LEAVING THE HOUSE IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE. Get care whenever and wherever with minor medical and behavioral/mental health virtual care. Life is demanding. It’s hard to find time to take care of Convenient? Yes. yourself and your family members as it is, never mind when Costly? No. one of you isn’t feeling well. That’s why your health plan through Cigna includes access to minor medical and Medical virtual care for behavioral/mental health virtual care. minor conditions costs less than ER or urgent care Whether it’s late at night and your doctor or therapist isn’t center visits, and maybe available or you just don’t have the time or energy to leave the even less than an in-office house, you can: primary care provider visit. › Access care from anywhere via video or phone. › Get minor medical virtual care 24/7/365 – even on weekends and holidays. › Schedule a behavioral/mental health virtual care appointment online in minutes. › Connect with quality board-certified doctors and pediatricians as well as licensed counselors and psychiatrists. › Have a prescription sent directly to your local pharmacy, if appropriate. 937207 b 08/20 Offered by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company or its affiliates. Employee Benefits Guide | 2022 5

Minor medical virtual care Behavioral/Mental health virtual care Board-certified doctors and pediatricians can Licensed counselors and psychiatrists can diagnose, diagnose, treat and prescribe most medications treat and prescribe most medications for nonemergency for minor medical conditions, such as: behavioral/mental health conditions, such as: › Acne › Insect bites › Addictions › Postpartum › Allergies › Joint aches › Bipolar disorders depression › Asthma › Nausea › Child/Adolescent › Bronchitis › Pink eye › Relationship and › Cold and flu › Rashes issues marriage issues › Constipation › Respiratory infections › Diarrhea › Shingles › Depression › Stress › Earaches › Sinus infections › Eating disorders › Trauma/PTSD › Fever › Skin infections › Grief/Loss › Women’s issues › Headaches › Sore throats › Life changes › Infections › Urinary tract infections › Panic disorders › Parenting issues MDLIVE providers can also conduct virtual wellness screenings. Connect with virtual care your way. To connect with an MDLIVE virtual provider, visit, locate › Contact your in-network provider or counselor the “Talk to a doctor or nurse 24/7” › Talk to an MDLIVE medical provider on demand callout and click “Connect Now.” on To locate a Cigna Behavioral Health provider, visit, go to › Schedule an appointment with an MDLIVE “Find Care & Costs” and enter provider or licensed therapist on “Virtual counselor” under “Doctor by Type,” or call the number on the back › Call MDLIVE 24/7 at 888.726.3171 of your Cigna ID card 24/7. Medical and behavioral/mental health virtual care is available from MDLIVE. *Availability may vary by location and plan type and is subject to change. See vendor sites for details. Cigna provides access to virtual care through national telehealth providers as part of your plan. Providers are solely responsible for any treatment provided to their patients. Video chat may not be available in all areas or with all providers. This service is separate from your health plan’s network and may not be available in all areas or under all plan types. A primary care provider referral is not required for this service. In general, to be covered by your plan, services must be medically necessary and used for the diagnosis or treatment of a covered condition. Not all prescription drugs are covered. Product availability may vary by location and plan type and is subject to change. All group health insurance policies and health benefit plans contain exclusions and limitations. See your plan materials for costs and details of coverage, including other telehealth/telemedicine benefits that may be available under your specific health plan. All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC), Cigna Behavioral Health, Inc., and HMO or service company subsidiaries of Cigna Health Corporation, including Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of California, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Colorado, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Connecticut, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Florida, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Illinois, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Indiana, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of New Jersey, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of South Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Tennessee, Inc. (CHC-TN), and Cigna HealthCare of Texas, Inc. Policy forms: OK–HP-APP-1 et al. (CHLIC); OR–HP-POL38 02-13 (CHLIC); TN–HP-POL43/HC-CER1V1 et al. (CHLIC), GSA-COVER, et al. (CHC-TN). The Cigna name, logo, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. 6 937207 b 08/20 © 2020 Cigna. Some content provided under license. Hancock Claims Consultants

Employee Benefits Guide | 2022 Pre-Tax Spending Accounts HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA) An HSA is an account that allows you to put aside money for deductible and out-of-pocket expenses incurred under a high deductible health plan. Money is direct deposited into the HSA on a pre-tax basis. The Health Savings Account is administered by WEX. How the Health Savings Account Works: It comes with tax advantages Tax savings. Money you put into your HSA can reduce your taxable income — helping you save on taxes you pay. Tax-free earnings. Money you keep in your HSA earns interest tax free. Let it grow from year to year. Tax-free spending. Money you take from your HSA to pay for qualified health care costs is never taxed. There are other benefits, too You own your HSA. You decide how to spend — or save — your health savings account. If you change jobs or health plans, you keep the account. You can even name a beneficiary to inherit your account. There’s no use-it-or-lose-it policy. Any money not used at the end of the plan year rolls over to the next year…every year. It’s an investment. That’s right. Your HSA is a savings account that earns interest. It’s a terrific way to put away money for health care costs down the road, even in retirement. At an additional cost, investment options are also available. Contribute anytime You, your employer, and your spouse and family members can contribute anytime, up to a yearly maximum. The more you contribute, the bigger your account can grow. There are convenient ways to contribute. Write a check. Set up an electronic funds transfer from your bank account. Use a payroll deduction. Do what works best for you. 2022 Pre-tax Annual HSA Contribution Limits: A total of $3,650 for individual coverage. A total of $7,300 for family coverage. If you are age 55 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 per year. 7

Dental Benefits Hancock Claims Consultants offers you and your dependents a dental plan through Cigna. This plan provides both in-network and out-of-network benefits and allows you to use any dentist you choose; however, you may have higher out-of-pocket costs if you use an out-of-network dentist. Please see plan highlights below. Cigna In-Network Out-of-Network Deductible $50 $50 □ Individual □ Family $150 $150 Annual Maximum $1,500 $1,500 Preventive Basic 100% 100% Major Orthodontics 80% 80% □ Adult & Child Orthodontia 50% 50% □ Orthodontic Lifetime Maximum 50% 50% Out-of-Network Reimbursement 50% $1500 Max Fee Schedule 90th Percentile Vision Benefits Hancock Claims Consultants offers you and your dependents an option to enroll in a vision plan through Cigna. To receive the deepest discounts, choose an in-network eye doctor. Cigna In-Network Out-of-Network Exams $10 n/a Lenses $10 $32 allowance □ Single $10 $55 allowance □ Bifocal $10 $65 allowance □ Trifocal Covered in Full $210 allowance Contact Lenses $130 allowance $105 allowance □ Medically Necessary $130 allowance $71 allowance □ Elective Disposable 12 / 12 / 12 / 12 Frames Frequency (exams/lenses/frames) 8 Hancock Claims Consultants

Life/AD&D Insurance BASIC LIFE & AD&D INSURANCE Hancock Claims Consultants offers a Basic Life & AD&D insurance through Unum. Be sure to keep your beneficiary information up to date! This benefit is 100% paid for by by Hancock Claims Consultants. Unum Basic Life & AD&D Employee Life Benefit $25,000 Employee AD&D Benefit $25,000 Portability Conversion Yes Waiver of Premium Yes Age Reduction Included (off original amount) 65% at 70; 50% at 75 VOLUNTARY LIFE/AD&D INSURANCE As a Hancock Claims Consultants employee, you have the option to purchase Voluntary Life & AD&D insurance for yourself and your dependents through Unum. If you elect amounts over the Guarantee Issue (GI) you will need to submit an Evidence of lnsurability form to Unum for approval. Please note that you must elect Voluntary Life & AD&D for yourself in order to elect for your dependents. This benefit is 100% Employee paid. Disability Insurance Unum Voluntary Life & AD&D SHORT-TERM DISABILITY BENEFIT (STD) Employee Benefit 5x Base Annual Salary to $300,000 Hancock Claims Consultants offers Short-Term Disability max through Unum. STD provides income replacement on a Employee G.I. weekly basis for a limited period of time in the event that $100,000 you become ill or disabled in a non-work related injury. Spouse Benefit $5,000 to $150,000; Not to Exceed This benefit is 100% Employee paid. Spouse G.I. 100% of EE amount $25,000 UNUM STD Child Benefit $10,000; Not to Exceed 100% of EE Benefit Percentage 60% Child G.I. amount $1,000 Age Reduction $10,000 Weekly Benefit Maximum 12 weeks (off original amount) 65% at 70; 50% at 75 Benefit Duration 7 days 7 days Waiting Periods □ Accident □ Sickness LONG-TERM DISABILITY BENEFIT (LTD) Hancock Claims Consultants offers Long-Term Disability through Unum. LTD provides income replacement on a monthly basis for a longer period of time and can cover you up to your Social Security Normal Retirement Age. This benefit is 100% paid for by Hancock Claims Consultants UNUM LTD Benefit Percentage 60% Monthly Benefit Maximum $15,000 Elimination Period 90 days Own Occupation Period 2 years Benefit Duration SSNRA Pre-Ex Limitatiion 3/12 Employee Benefits Guide | 2022 9

Voluntary Coverages HOSPITAL INSURANCE Hancock Claims Consultants offers you a Hospital Insurance Plan. Hospital Insurance is a plan that pays you benefits when you are confined to a hospital, whether for planned or unplanned reasons. This benefit is 100% employee paid. Admission (1 per year) $1,000 $100 Daily Stay (per day up to 365 days) $100 Daily Stay - Hospital ICU (per day up to 30 days, additive to daily stay) ACCIDENT INSURANCE Hancock Claims Consultants offers you accident insurance through Unum. Accident insurance is an extra layer of protection that gives you a cash payment to cover out-of-pocket expenses when you suffer an unexpected, qualifying off-the-job accident. This benefit is 100% employee paid. Ambulance (Ground) $300 Burn Up to $10,000 Concussion Dislocation $200 ER Treatment Up to $3,375 Fracture Hospital Admission $100 Laceration Up to $4,500 Lodging (more than 50 miles from residence) $1,000 X-Ray Up to $600 $150/day $50 Please refer to your Unum plan documents for a full list of covered benefits CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE Hancock Claims Consultants offers a Critical Illness plan through Unum that will pay cash benefits directly to you when you have a major medical diagnosis or event. This benefit is 100% employee paid. Benefit Amount/Maximum $10,000, $20,000, or $30,000 □ Employee 50% of Employee Benefit □ Spouse 50% of Employee Benefit □ Child $30,000 Guarantee Issue 50% of Employee Benefit □ Employee 50% of Employee Benefit □ Spouse □ Child 100% 100% Contract Features 100% □ Heart Attack 100% □ Heart Failure 100% □ Stroke 100% □ End Stage Renal Failure □ Cancer (Invasive) □ Organ Failure Please refer to your Unum plan documents for a full list of covered benefits. 10 Hancock Claims Consultants

OORDRDBOBOEEYNYNOOEEUUFFIIHHTTSASAVQVQEUEUCECESLSLTATAIIOMIIOMNSNSS?S? CALL IRONWOOD!CALL ONWOOD! CYoounCYthooaauncvtthaeaucvasteudifaseydidfoeiyucdoaiunctaeentedeededrdearesassossosuisuisrtrctacaenenctctheherrwwoouuiittgghhh:h: IrIoronnwwooodo’ds ’CslCailmaismAsdAvodcvaoccyatceaymte. am. » C»laiCmlasimSusbSmubismsiisosniosns » » dCooCdcoootrcoodtrrion’dsarion’tsifaofoitncifoefwincitehwaitlhl caalrlricearsrraienrdsyaonudr your » Claims Review » Claims Review » Understanding your benefits and how » Claims Appeals » thUeyndweorrsktanding your benefits and how » C»laiCmlasimAspQpeuaelsstions they work » Claims Questions Before calling, please be sure to have the following information available: Befor»eFcualllnlianmge, please be sure to have the f»olDloewpeinndgenitnifnoforrmmaattioionn(ifaavpapliilcaabbllee): » F»ullSnSaNme » » DaDtepoefnsderevnicteinformation (if applicable) » SS» NDate of Birth » » PrDoavitdeeor fnasmerevice » D»ateExopflaBniarttihon of Benefits (if applicable) » » BiPllerodvaidmeorunnat me » Explanation of Benefits (if applicable) » Billed amount Speaking with Ironwood is completely confidential. Speaking with Ironwood is completely confidential. 11 Ironwood Claims Advocacy beInrefoitsncwlaimoso@idronCwolaodiimns.csomAd| 8v7o7.4c3a7.6c8y54 Employee Benefitbs Geunidee f| | 877.437.6854

Summary of Your Contributions See below for a summary of your contributions for each of the benefits Hancock Claims Consultants offers. These deductions are WEEKLY. Medical HDHP Base Plan Buy Up Plan Employee Only $7.38 $17.31 $21.92 Employee + Spouse $141.92 $165.00 $214.62 Employee + Child(ren) $132.00 $155.08 $199.38 Family $183.46 $234.23 $287.54 Dental $0.00 Vision $0.00 $7.10 $1.58 Employee Only $11.05 Employee Only $1.61 Employee + Spouse $20.45 Employee + Spouse $3.51 Employee + Child(ren) Employee + Child(ren) Family Family Vol Life & AD&D Employee & Spouse 20 - 24 Voluntary STD Age Banded Rates per $1,000 25 - 29 $0.050 30 - 34 Rates - $10 of Weekly Benefit 20 - 24 $0.050 35 - 39 25 - 29 $0.060 40 - 44 $0.31 30 - 34 $0.100 45 - 49 $0.71 35 - 39 $0.140 50 - 54 $0.96 40 - 44 $0.230 55 - 59 $0.72 45 - 49 $0.350 60 - 64 $0.49 50 - 54 $0.500 65 - 69 $0.49 55 - 59 $0.650 70 - 74 $0.64 60 - 64 $0.850 75 - 79 $0.78 65 - 69 $1.550 $1.00 70 - 74 $5.210 $1.21 75 - 79 $0.400 $1.21 Child Rate per $1,000 $0.030 $1.21 Employee & Spouse AD&D Rate per $1,000 $0.028 Accident Insurance $2.91 Spouse AD&D $0.033 $5.21 Dependent Child AD&D Employee Only $6.88 Employee + Spouse $9.18 Critical Illness Employee + Child(ren) Age Family <25 Employee & Hospital Insurance $4.41 25 - 29 $9.13 30 - 34 Child(ren) Rate per Employee Only $6.19 35 - 39 Employee + Spouse $10.91 40 - 44 $10,000 Employee + Child(ren) 45 - 49 Family 50 - 54 $3.88 55 - 59 $4.78 60 - 64 $6.08 65 - 69 $7.78 70 - 74 $10.58 75 - 79 $14.58 80 - 84 $20.68 85 + $28.68 $41.08 $60.38 $91.28 $129.48 $181.28 $286.78 Critical Illness Premium Calculations (Benefit Amount / 1000 ) x your age banded rate + $1.88 wellness benefit = your monthly cost (Monthly cost x 12) / 52 = weekly cost Ex. 30 year old employee electing $10,000 ($10,000 / 1000) x $0.42 + $1.88 = $6.08 per month ($4.2 x 12) / 52 = $1.47 per week 12 Hancock Claims Consultants

Contact Information Benefit Company Phone Website Medical Cigna 866.494.2111 Dental Cigna 866.494.2111 Vision Cigna 877.478.7557 Telemedicine Cigna 888.726.3171 H.S.A. WEX 866.451.3399 Basic & Voluntary Life & AD&D Unum 800.275.8686 Short-Term Disability Unum 800.275.8686 Long-Term Disability Unum 800.275.8686 Hospital Unum 800.275.8686 Critical Illness Unum 800.275.8686 Accident Unum 800.275.8686 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Unum 800.854.1446 Ironwood Claims 877.437.6854 Ironwood Only the official plan documents or insurance contracts establish and govern all rights to benefits under the plans. This guide is not a plan document or any insurance contract. If there is a discrepancy between the information provided in this guide and the applicable plan document or insurance contract, the plan document or insurance contract will control and govern.