96 Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies ment. Then: Thank the guest for bringing the matter to your attention. Record the complaint and pass on to supervisor or line manager. Here are some more tips on how to deal with guest complaints: • If a problem arises that you cannot solve, don't waste the guest's time. Call the supervisor to help you • Never dismiss guests’ requests. Tell them if you are unable to help them and offer to find the in- formation that they require • Be patient when dealing with a difficult guest or a guest complaint • Keep calm. Your job is to put things right, not to wriggle out of an awkward situation • Remember customers who complain may well be angry. Don’t make the situation worse by get- ting angry or frustrated yourself. Speak calmly and clearly and try not to forget that it is the situa- tion that I the problem – not you. • Never use coarse language or slang when you speak to a guest or to someone else within hearing of a guest. Complaints are Sales Opportunities An important point to remember about complaints is that they represent an opportunity and not a threat. Complaints, if received with the right attitude and handled properly, can be a valuable source of in- formation. There can be an opportunity to find out how the guest sees you, and what they think of the products. This information obtained free of charge by listening to your guests' complaints and can help you to provide a better service. Proper handling of a complaint, verbal or written, builds goodwill. When you have succeeded in re- gaining the guest's confidence, you can then tactfully turn the opportunity to your advantage. Every complaint: • Provides a chance to resolve the situation and regain the guest's goodwill. • Can provide information/feedback on the operation, from which staff can benefit.
Shri Technologies 97 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) The registers are used to record important information. They are very helpful when the shifts and staff on duty changes, and while working too. The registers serve the purpose of keeping clear and timely records thereby fostering good communication. Here are some important registers main- tained by housekeeping control desk: Departure Register It is kept to track the changes of guest room status such as V, VD, or VC after the guest has checked out. It also tracks the amount of Mini bar beverages consumption in the CO guest rooms. Expected Arrival Register It keeps the track of pre-registered guests and their profile as Regular/VIP/Other, Marital status, expected check-in time, and any special request to be fulfilled. Room Status Register This register records the list of all rooms and their current status such as V, VC, OOO, OOS, etc. Guest Call Register It records the instructions or notes relevant to the guest rooms and adjacent area. It is very useful in keeping the track of activities and their durations Guest Loan Register This register is maintained to record the delivery and recovery of the loan items given to the guests. The general format of this register is as follows:
98 Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies Missing Article Register If any article owned by the hotel (other than consumable items) is found missing in a Check-Out room, then it is recorded in this Register. Guest Supplies Control Register This register is maintained to record guest supplies. The general format is as shown below: Damage/Breakage Register If any hotel property placed in the guest room is found damaged or broken, it is recorded in this Register. Here is a sample register: Lost/Found Register If a housekeeping guest room attendant finds any guest-owned article left in the Check-Out room then it is recorded into the Lost/Found Register and sent to the same cell of the housekeeping de-
99 partment. It also records any personal article found in the hotel premises. Key Register It is a register for noting down the issued keys of the guest rooms, mater keys of the rooms and im- portant safes, and floor keys. Linen Control Register Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) It records the movement of linen between the laundry and the guest rooms or dining area. It makes the housekeeping staff easy to keep the track of clean and soiled laundry. Checklists and Reports in Housekeeping There are various housekeeping checklists and reports automatically generated by the hotel man- agement software. Checklists Checklists help to ensure all work is done appropriately without anything left to be completed. There are various checklists referred and filled by the housekeeping staff. Some important ones are:Shri Technologies
100 Shri Technologies Reports The reports are useful to study past records of occupancy, cleaning schedules, and predict the future status of the rooms. Let us see the reports generated for housekeeping department: Housekeeping Report This can be generated at the end of each shift to report the housekeeping status of each room. Housekeeping Assignment Report It is required for scheduling the room attendants and recording the room inspections. Housekeeping Occupancy Report This report shows the list of guests who have checked-in the hotel with details such as number of adults and children, number of nights, and housekeeping status. This report is generated for the oc- cupied rooms, rooms expected to be occupied, checked-out rooms, and vacant or blocked rooms. This report is generated for scheduling rooms for cleaning.Shri Technologies
101 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) The housekeeping staff is responsible for creating pleasant ambience in the hotel. This needs aesthet- ic sense and an eye for detail. A guest is keen to visit the hotel if he finds classy and catchy ambience with fresh air. Housekeeping staff must intelligently use artificial waterfalls, large vases with neat and eye-catching flower arrangements, paintings, wall pieces, murals, lighting with appropriate lu- minance, candles, electric lamps or any rare antic pieces. The housekeeping staff is required to know various materials such as wood, organic and artificial fibers, stone, sand, glass, plastic, and pigments to maintain the expensive hotel property. Hotel decors can be conducted thematically depending on the local/international prominent festi- vals and cultures. Décor is yet another important task that elevates guests’ experience with the hotel.Shri Technologies
102 Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies Security System: The hotel should have a proper security system to protect the human beings (guests and staffs), physical resources and assets (buildings, equipment’s, appliances) and also the belongings of the guests i.e. his luggage and property and sometimes even pets. There are two types of security threats hotels should be concerned with: 1. Threats that might affect a guest’s health, comfort or wellbeing. 2. Threats that affect the hotel directly, in particular its fixtures and fittings, its revenue and its reputation. Therefore, it is important for the hotel management to select reputable and reliable system and agency or agencies which will provide protection against all such threats which will create problem for the hotel. Safety and Security Measures 1. Resident card (identity card) has to be provided to the employees and insisted to use them regularly at all times during work. 2. Key control system should be employed. Bellboy errand card should be instituted. 3. Maintain record of master key used by staff. 4. Housekeeper’s occupancy report to be made regularly. Proper procedure of checking keys in rack should be followed. 5. Double lock system, magic eye and a door chain system to be installed. 6. Proper “left luggage system” to be followed. 7. Safety lockers for guest valuables should be provided. 8. Smoke detectors to be installed. 9. Install modern and efficient firefighting system. 10. Proper regular maintenance of equipment, appliances and building should be car- ried out. 11. Install close circuit camera at parking and other strategic areas in the hotel. 12. Fire escape route must be designed and highlighted. 13. Frequent patrolling by the security staff must be made. 14. Security frisking (body check) if needed (without offending the guest). 15. Heavy drapes to be drawn during night on windows and exposed glass panels to cut out external light. 16. Computer and data processing security installed (for safeguarding of computer
Shri Technologies 103 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) information, so that it does not reach the competitors and protection against virus in the programme.) A front office manager is duty bound to ensure that he is satisfied with a hotel’s: · fire detection systems · fire containment provisions · escape procedures · fire-fighting equipment 2) Terrorist Threats There is little, if anything, a front office manager and his staff may do if there is some kind of threat from terrorist attack. However, bomb threats are received by someone at the front line – a telephonist or a front office clerk - and a procedure must be in place to ensure that all the infor- mation that can be gathered about the nature of the threat is recorded thoroughly investigated. 3) Threats to Privacy It is the duty of front office to protect the privacy of its guests even and perhaps especially if they are in the public eye. However, it is not only the privacy of VIP guests that must be respected but also every one of our guests is entitled to his or her own privacy. Steps must be taken to ensure that information about our guests is not divulged to outsiders. Giving room numbers to individu- als other than the persons being accommodated in those rooms is unethical and should be avoid- ed at all costs. 4) Threats to Guests’ Property Although the hotelier’s liability is limited, it is in the interests of protecting the reputation of the hotel to ensure the safety of its guests and their property – if anything to protect the reputation of the hotel. If the hotel is in an unsafe area, or in an area frequented by unscrupulous characters, guests should be made aware of this, especially if they intend to venture out of the hotel at night. 5) Confidence Tricksters or Conmen There is very little a hotel can do if a confidence trickster makes his way into a guest’s “life”. These types of people often settle their own room accounts and are simply guests from a hotel point of view. However, when the identity of a conman is known the hotel is ethically bound to
104 Shri Technologies blacklist him and refuse him accommodation in the hotel, perhaps even inform the police as a com- munity service gesture. 6) Misbehaving Guests Guests themselves may also threaten each other’s enjoyment. If a traveller turns up in a drunken state asking for a room a hotel is entitled to refuse him on the grounds that he is not in a fit state to be received. This is true even if he already has a booking / reservation, as he has broken one of the implied conditions of the contract. Similarly if the guest misbehaves throughout his stay the hotel is not obliged to let him stay. When guests complain about being kept awake by a noisy couple or a drunkard next door, it is not good enough to tell a disturbed guest that “nothing can be done about that.” One must employ considerable tact in dealing with such situations and settle problems satisfactorily. 7) Protecting Staff Staff should be able to work in a harmonious and secure environment. In this sense, all measures taken to protect guests will provide further security for employees. Some guests are unscrupulous and although it is highly unlikely that guests will rob staff property some guests may make the in- tegrity of the staff questionable. Unfortunately this may happen to female staff who refuse sexual advances from guests. It is in the interest of the hotelto protect its staff by ensuring that the integri- ty of employees is safeguarded and it would be unwise for a manager to immediately accept the guest’s complaint without hearing the employee’s version of events. 8) Theft from Hotel It is unfortunate that even the wealthiest of guests may have a propensity to pilfer a hotel’s proper- ty as a souvenir. This normally happens at check out when a guest leaves the hotel with a variety of items – virtually anything that is not securely fastened down: soap, towels, mats, sheets, blankets, coat hangers, lamps, trouser presses, electric kettles, TV sets and even plumbing fixtures.Shri Technologies
105 Safety and Security Principles The workers must follow the safety rules mentioned below.Shri Technologies ers. Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) -non slip footwear while working. otherwise. Proper use of the hazard signs Hazard warning signs are used to warn staff and customers to a potential danger. They are very im- portant and the guidelines for their use must be strictly adhered to. Hazard warning signs are most commonly used during cleaning operations or when spillages occur and can be placed directly at the problem area. Before cleaning commences, hazard warning signs must be in place. Cleaning can cause floors to be- come slippery and cleaning machines with electrical cords can be dangerous to people in the imme- diate area. However, a hazard warning sign can easily tell people to stay away and therefore avoid injury. It is important that hazard warning signs: • are placed where the hazard is • are sufficient in number to indicate where the hazard starts and finishes • be placed in a position that they are not a hazard • be the correct types of hazard sign to warn staff and customers what the hazard is.
106 Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies The initial assistance or treatment given to a casualty for any injury or sudden illness before arrival of an ambulance, doctor, or any qualified person is called as First aid. The casualty is likely to be in the need of secondary aid. Principles of First Aid ☼ Act calmly and logically. ☼ Be in control – both of himself or herself and the problem. ☼ Be gentle but firm, speak to the casualty kindly but purposefully. ☼ Build up trust through talking to the casualty throughout the examination and treatment. ☼ Avoid giving any misleading information. ☼ Never leave the casualty alone and continue to talk to him/her until the ambulance or doctor arrives. ☼ Continuously reassure the casualty. Job of the first aider § Always avoid endangering yourself § Ensure that victim is safe from danger § Check the victim’s condition and asses his or her injuries § Take immediate remedial action if necessary. Don’t’s ü Allow crowd to form around the casualty. ü Do too much, remember that doctor will be coming. ü Put any unclean dressing or cloth over the casualty. ü Touch a wound with your fingers. ü Move a patient unnecessarily. ü Risk burning a patient by using unwrapped hot water or other heated object. ü Remove his clothing unnecessarily. ü Attempt a precise diagnosis. ü Forget to send for a physician. COMMON SITUATIONS S For minor burns: Hold the injury under cold running water for five minutes . It needs no further treatment. It should simply be left exposed to air. Don't apply any oil or ointment. Don't prick or remove blisters. S For large and deep burns: Needs medical attention. Relieve pain by immersing the ar- ea in cold water or applying cold wet cloths. Wrap or cover injury with clean cloth and light bandage. Treat the victim for shock while waiting for medical help. These may be caused in many ways and if not treated properly may sometimes get infected. v The wound should be cleaned with warm water and antiseptic solution and then covered with a clean dressing. v In case of bleeding pressure should be applied on the wound if it is free of foreign particles. v For deep cuts and excessive bleeding the person should be taken immediately hospital.
Shri Technologies 107 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) For Controlling bleeding Ø Apply direct pressure to the wound, using fingers or hand. Ø If the wound is large, press the edges together, gently, firmly maintaining pressure. Ø Consider what you can use as a pad to control the bleeding more effectively, a clean folded handkerchief is ideal. Ø If bleeding is from limb, elevate it. Ø If direct pressure seems to control bleeding, put a sterile or clean dressing on the wound. Ø Bandage should be firm enough to prevent bleeding but not so tight to cut off circulation. Muscle Injuries Ø Sit or lay the injured person down. Ø Put the injured part in the most comfortable position. Ø Apply a cold ice pack. Ø Bandage it in place and leave for half hour which will limit internal bleeding. Ø Firmly compress the injured part with thick cotton wool bound on with the bandage. First aid box o First aid book o Antiseptic cream o Savlon or Dettol o Antihistamine lotion o Calamine lotion o Antacid Tablets o Anti- diarrhoel Tablets o Paracetamol o Asprin o Kaolin Clay o Chloromycetin eye ointment o Travel sickness tablet o Oil of Cloves o Clinical Thermometer o Sterilized dressing for fingers, hands, feet etc. o Sterilized cottonwool o Absorbent Gauge o Crepe bandage o Eye pad o Band-aids o Roller bandages o Triangular Bandages (unbleached) o Tweezers o Dressing Scissors o Safety pins o Pad & Pencil
108 The housekeeping staff needs to know various types of fires and fire extinguishers. The staff must be trained to handle small fires. Fire is classified into the following types: Fire Safety: Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of a fuel. It needs three elements to occur: Fire is classified into the following types: thing else that leaves ash behind. It needs water under high pressure to extinguish this fire. sand to extinguish. -conductive agent is required for extinguishing this fire. tinguished using Purple K, a typical agent found in kitchen or galley extinguishers. Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies Discovering a large fire (Basics) • Sound the alarm • Close the door (Although it should be closed) • Leave immediately • Proceed to assembly point • Ensure Fire services are called • Report to person in charge for roll call Do not return to building until told
109 Causes of fire Following are the major sources that can cause fire incidents in the hotel. • Electricity. • Cleaning supplies (liquid substances). • Flammable liquids. • Combustible liquids. • Careless smoking. • Improper storage. • Unattended cooking. Fire Extinguishers Soda Acid extinguisher is used to put out class A fire. It sprays the compound with gaseous pres- sure. Only good for small intensity fires. For large intensity and widely spread fire, water must be sprayed directly on the affected area with high pressure through the hoses. For putting out class B fires, Carbon Di-Oxide extinguishers are used. Carbon Di-Oxide fog extinguishers are well-places in case of small class C fires. The housekeeping staff must place appropriate extinguishers near the fire prone areas and must know to operate them under challenging conditions.Shri Technologies Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning)
110 When using a fire extinguisher, always remember the PASS • P - Pull (pull the pin that locks the handle) • A - Aim (aim the nozzle at the base of the fire) • S - Squeeze (Squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguishing agent) • S - Sweep (Sweep the nozzle from side to side, to cover the fire) Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies
Shri Technologies 111 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) Some hotels may have a formal hand over, such as a brief staff meeting where staff from both shifts meet and pass on information, keys etc., thereby “handing over” responsibility to someone else. Closing down Procedures The procedures, which should be carried out at the end of each shift, are as follows: • Empty trolley of stock. • Clean and restock trolley. • Remove dirty linen and rubbish from trolley and dispose of. • Empty and clean the vacuum cleaner used during work. • Clean and put away brushes, mops, buckets and wringers. • Tidy the pantry and wash the floor. • Lock up cupboards and pantry door. Before going off duty certain information may have to be passed over to the supervisor in charge, such as: 1. Any incidents entered in the book. 2. Maintenance problems and completed maintenance forms 3. Any rooms which need to be cleaned due to late departure or if the guest is still in room and has requested a late service. 4. Any supplies or linen to be replenished, including cleaning agents. 5. Submission of the daily worksheet showing rooms cleaned and the room status list. 6. Any information recorded in the hand over book. 7. Return of any loan item such as an iron and board or adapters, which have been handed over by guests. 8. Submission of turndown report if it is a hand over to a late shift. 9. Any lost property not already handed in. There will also be certain follow-up procedures, which should be made. These will include checking up on urgent maintenance already reported and informing the supervisor of any guest’s requests which have not yet been carried out, e.g. extra pillows, blankets, iron and ironing board or an extra bed. All the information requires is to be reported on and followed up on, in order to ensure continuing service to guests and the smooth running of the department.
112 Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies The critical points that need to be taken care of are: Key control System: All keys must be returned to the housekeeping office and are signed for in ac- cordance with the hotel’s procedures. This is an important activity because of the security implica- tions. • Security of keys is essential from the moment guests arrive on site. Keys should be stored sepa- rately and securely. • No unauthorised person should be allowed access to any key, either to examine or handle it, since a photograph or impression can be taken in few seconds and duplicate subsequently made. Keep a log book of all keys signed out. • Establish protocol for distribution of keys. • Use keys that do not identify the property’s name, address, logo or room number. Perform an annual key audit • When keys are lost or stolen, the locks should be changed or rotated to another part of the proper- ty. Authorised employees should remind guests to return keys at checkout. The loss or suspected compromise of a key should be reported immediately and, after due inves- tigation, a decision be made as to whether or not the lock should be changed. Place well-secured key return boxes in the lobby, at exit points of theend of each shift and read at the commence- ment of the next shift. This book will contain information relevant to the shift, for example, esti- mated time of arrival of a VIP guest; any uncompleted work e.g. request for cot in Room: 1007; and maintenance issues etc. This is an important communication tool and it is the responsibility of all staff to familiarise themselves with it and to use it appropriately. Guestroom inspection: Each establishment will have a system for inspecting rooms that have been cleaned. They do this to ensure that standards are maintained and guests are not disappointed. If inspectors do not inspect the work, problems could arise that may make guests unhappy. Inspection programmes differ from one hotel to the next. In some hotels, rooms are spot-checked randomly; in others, each room is inspected daily. The per- son responsible for inspections is usually the shift or floor supervisor, but sometimes it could be the executive housekeeper or even a manager from outside the housekeeping department. Each inspector is usually responsible for a certain number of rooms. She/he must know the status of each room that is inspected. As a general rule, he inspects checkout- rooms soon after the house- keeper has reported that it is clean. Rooms that are occupied or have refused service are inspected at
113 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) different times. For these rooms the executive housekeeper will usually contact the guest and ar- range for a convenient time for the room to be cleaned or inspected. Inspectors should also inspect empty rooms, depending on the number of days that the room is empty between sales. Room inspection helps to identify normal problems with cleaning and also helps to identify areas in the room that may need deep cleaning or maintenance – for example the carpets. The inspector should submit a room inspection report that includes space where he can write notes on: •The condition of furniture, fixtures and equipment • The appearance of the ceiling and walls • The condition of the carpet and other floor coverings • The cleanliness of window interiors and exteriors. During a room inspection, you enter the room and carefully inspect everything, moving in a clock- wise direction so that nothing is missed. You will check that: • All fixtures, fittings and furnishing are clean and in good working order • All guest items have been replenished • All surfaces are clean and free from marks • Floors and floor coverings are clean and the appropriate finish has been achieved • Beds have been made according to the establishment specifications • Lighting, heating and cooling systems are in good working order • Bathrooms have been thoroughly cleaned • There are no signs of pests • The finished room meets the standards set by the organisation. Once the inspector has completed the inspection and has approved the room, the person responsible will notify the front office that the room is ready for use.Shri Technologies
Shri Technologies114 Shri Technologies
Shri Technologies 115 Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) When cleaning tableware you want cleaning solu- tions that are powerful enough to penetrate, break down and help lift and remove food soils. Cleaning solutions that are as safe to use and non-caustic as they are highly effec- tive. You want nothing but a deep clean right down to the surface. That’s the power of this essential pair of critical Cutlery How to clean cutlery with food residue using Alconox: Alconox makes an outstanding pre-wash solution for soaking cutlery and tableware to loosen dried-on food. 1. Use 2 Tbsp. Alconox per gallon of hot water in a soak tub. 2. Place soiled cutlery in the soak tub. 3. After soaking, wash as usual. How to clean cutlery with food residue in a sink by soaking with Liquinox: 1. Dissolve 2 Tbsp of Liquinox detergent per gallon of warm water. 2. Soak pans and utensils in the sink. Soaking time will vary depending on soil. Heavier soils will need more soaking time. 3. Scrub any tough spots before and after soaking. 4. Rinse thoroughly with tap water. 5. Dry as appropriate. How to clean cutlery with food residue in a sink by scrubbing with Liquinox: 1. Pre-soak items in hot water or by running hot water over them. 2. Soak a cloth or scrubbing pad in hot water and then moisten with a few teaspoons of Liquinox. 3. Scrub items with Liquinox soaked cloth or scrubbing pad.
116 Shri TechnologiesShri Technologies Energy consumption for different purposes of use and annual and hourly energy con- sumption patterns of hotels The following pie chart shows the results from an analysis and estimation on energy consump- tion structure of a hotel with a total floor area of 70,000 m2. The hot water supply has two peaks around 22:00 and in the morning. Energy conservation activities be carried out by employees in various departments other than Type 1 energy manager · Turning off lights and air-conditioning in the rooms not in use The first step of energy conservation activities is elimination of waste. Being aware of importance of making thorough efforts to small matters will result in great energy conservation. · Energy conservation during guest room cleaning In guest rooms, even when indoor air- conditioning units (fan coils and others) are turned off, outdoor air-conditioning units are still working. Try to open curtains whenever possible to let sunlight in the rooms during the clean- ing work, so that a lamp should be lit only in a dark place, such as a bathroom. · Lighting control in banquet halls Lights in banquet halls are categorized into two: those for general lighting to keep enough illuminance in the rooms, and those for directive illumina- tion such as chandeliers. This practice has already been implemented in a large number of ho- tels. · Ventilation fan control in kitchen area Air-intake and exhaust fans in a kitchen area are generally operated by cooking staff.
117 TASK 01: Assignment Sheet PROCEDURE STANDARD Go to the Housekeeping office to pick up All Room Attendants have written room assignment sheet listing room numbers assignments showing date and assigned and status of cleaning. area/room numbers. Write your full name on assignment Assignments are picked up at the start sheet. of the shift. Review listed rooms for: Rooms cleaned according to the catego- 1) Check-outs ry priority. 2) Stay-overs 3) Number of rooms listed Completion time is written as each room 4) Assignment area is finished. Clean assigned rooms according to DND rooms that were unable to be priority: cleaned are noted on the sheet 1) Early check-ins 2) Guest requested service times Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) 3) V.I.P. rooms 4) 12:00 noon arrivals 5) Check-out rooms 6) Service roomsShri Technologies Note on assignment sheet: 1) Any rooms you were unable to com- plete and the reason 2) Any guest requests for the specific room 3) Any maintenance problem in the room to be repaired
118 TASK 02: Cleaning Supply Caddies PROCEDURE STANDARD Pick up supply caddies from ____ and All bottles are full and clearly labeled; Shri Technologies ensure caddie is properly stocked with sprayers are functioning. rags and chemical spray bottles. Bed linens or hotel terry are never used Ensure that spray bottles are full and for cleaning. function properly. Rags and cloths are freshly cleaned. Cleaning chemicals/supplies: 1) Window cleaner All chemicals handled according to 2) All-purpose disinfectant MSDS standards. 3) Room deodorizer 4) Furniture polish Vacuum cleaner is: 5) Toilet bowl cleaner and disinfectant 1) Free of dust and dirt (non-corrosive) 2) Free of exposed wires 6) Mold/mildew remover 3) In working condition 7) Chrome polish 8) Mop Vacuum bag is not full. 9) Vacuum 10)Broom Cleaning equipment is in good work- 11)Dust pan ing condition: 12)Dusting brush 1) Bristles are firm and full 13)Scrub brush 2) Scrubbers are not worn down 14)Grout brush 3) Buckets are free of dirt and cracks/ 15)Scrub pad holes 16)Bucket 17)Pair of rubber gloves Broken equipment is reported and re- 18)Clean rags turned to Housekeeping. 19)Trash liners 20)Light bulbsShri Technologies
119 TASK 03: Carts PROCEDURE STANDARD Go to the linen closet where the carts are stored and Carts contain the specified supplies prior to re- pick up assigned linen cart and vacuum cleaner. moving carts from the linen room. Stock the cart with sufficient amounts of the following All supplies are stocked on the cart in the speci- items: fied location. LINEN/TERRY: Carts are restocked with supplies as needed ___ double sheets throughout the shift. ___ king sheets ___ pillow cases Carts are free of dirt and trash. ___ bath towels ___ hand towels Carts are balanced and not broken. ___ wash cloths ___ bath mats Linen and terry are free of stains, spots and not ___ bath rugs frayed or discolored. BATHROOM AMENITIES: All bathroom amenities are full and: ___ toilet tissue 1) Free of dust, dirt and tears or damages ___ facial tissue - boutique 2) Boxes are free of marks and dents ___ facial tissue - boxes ___ water conservation cards Bedroom amenities are: ___ glass covers 1) Free of stains, spots, marks, bent edges or ___ glasses tears ___ shower liners 2) Current ___ shower curtains 3) Ashtrays, glasses and coffee cups are free of ___ shower caps stains, chips and cracks ___ shampoo ___ conditioner Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) ___ toothbrush kits ___ face soaps ___ body soaps ___ bath gels ___ lotions ___ fabric wash ___ vanity kits ___ aloe vera ___ sewing kitsShri Technologies BEDROOM AMENITIES: ___ laundry bags ___ laundry slips ___ movie cards ___ matches ___ ashtrays ___ weekly flyers ___ comment cards ___ note pads ___ pens ___ postcards ___ envelopes ___ sheets stationery ___ telephone rate cards ___ DND signs ___ magazines ___ coffee cups ___ glasses
120 TASK 04: \"DND\" Rooms PROCEDURE STANDARD In the afternoon, for all \"Do Not Disturb\" All \"Do Not Disturb\" rooms are not dis- rooms, have management call the Front turbed and called into Housekeeping by Desk to see if guest is staying over, or is ___ p.m. checking out after ___ p.m. Every room has to be entered at least Management calls rooms and asks if once daily by a member of the staff. guest would like their room serviced at this time, or if they are staying over. Any DND room that was not cleaned is noted on assignment sheet If no one responds to phone call, knock on the door and enter to determine the status of the room. If occupied, continue to try to contact on PM shift. If guest still declines service and is Shri Technologies posting \"Do Not Disturb\" sign, and una- ble to clean room: 1) Slip card under the door 2) Note on room assignment sheet \"Do Not Disturb\" and time still postedShri Technologies
121 TASK 05: Enter Room PROCEDURE STANDARD Leave DND rooms undisturbed. Knock on the door twice before entering. Knock on door with knuckles and announce pleas- Announce yourself in a clear, moderate voice be- antly, \"Housekeeping.\" fore entering room. Wait 5 seconds for guest to respond. Do not knock with keys or other objects. Knock a second time. If no answer: All guests greeted with eye contact, a smile and 1) Open door with key, six inches appropriate salutation. 2) Announce \"Housekeeping\" again 3) Enter room Door to guest room must always be open when 4) Place doorstop to prop open door working inside; cart always blocks access to room 5) If the guest is sleeping, quietly withdraw from entrance door. room Linen may never be used for a doorstop. If guest answers after you knock, politely ask when they would like to have their room serviced. Never allow other employees or friends in room unless authorized by the floor supervisor. If you are working and the guest returns, polite- ly ask guest to verify that they are registered to the Only guests whose key/card proves them as the room. correct occupant are allowed to enter the room 1) Inquire if the guest would like you to return later While working in the guest room, always leave the guest room door open and blocked with your cart. TASK 06: Position Cart PROCEDURE STANDARD Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) Pull the linen cart up to the door with the The linen cart is placed at the door, as linen side facing the entrance. close as possible to the room, with the lin- Place linen cart completely in front of the en side facing the room. door and flush with the wall. Never leave cart, vacuum or other equip- Keep vacuums and other equipment in the ment unattended in hallways. Return items room/on the cart. to linen room when on break. Outside access to room is blocked while inShri Technologies room cleaning.
122 TASK 07: Room Cleaning Sequence PROCEDURE STANDARD Check room for bed type. Take in clean linen; place on Rooms are cleaned in specified 14 step sequence to max- nearest chair. imize time. Open drapes and balcony/patio door. Rooms are aired out while cleaning. Strip beds: 1) Inspect condition of pillows, bedspread and blankets Correct size bed linens taken into the room. and place on a chair. 2) Shake bedding to look for lost and found items. Fresh bed linens are free of stains, holes and tears. 3) Place soiled sheets and towels in linen bag on the cart. 4) Place stained, torn or ruined linens on the side of the Clean bed linens never placed on the floor. cart and leave in the designated linen room container. Damaged linens are kept separated from dirty linens. Empty ashtrays into trash containers. Pick up all trash from bedroom and bathroom (to include coasters, flyers, Bathroom cleaning chemicals are allowed to soak in be- etc.); deposit in trash bag on cart. fore scrubbing surfaces. Pick up dirty glasses, mugs, coffee pot, ashtrays, trays; Surfaces are dusted in a non-stop sequence from the first place on bathroom counter. corner to the last corner of the room. Spray tub, soap dishes, toilet, sink, counter and glasses; Burnt out light bulbs are replaced. Shri Technologies allow chemicals to soak in. Radios are left off in all rooms. Make beds. Set aside linen with stains or holes. Rooms are vacuumed from farthest end to entrance Dust room, starting with closet. door. 1) Check supplies and lights at the same time 2) Start at one corner and work your way around, creat- Balcony/patio doors are closed when finished cleaning ing a complete square the balcony/patio. 3) Service Rooms - Straighten guest's items 4) Check-Out Rooms - See next task Sheers are left closed and drapes are pulled half-way back. Clean the balcony/patio: 1) Wipe down chairs Status of room is called/dialed into Housekeeping office. 2) Clean floor and walls All maintenance requests are called/dialed into House- Clean the bathroom: keeping office. 1) Sweep floor 2) Scrub counter/sink 3) Sanitize glasses/mugs 4) Shower wall/tub 5) Scrub toilet 6) Finish glassware/sink area 7) Wipe mirror 8) Replace towels, amenities and trash can liners 9) Wipe floorShri Technologies Vacuum room, starting from far end and work your way out. 1) Close balcony/patio door 2) Close sheers; align drapes 3) Turn air conditioner on low/heater to ____° F Inspect room, starting at one corner and work your way around in a square. Spray room with air freshener. Call in status of room and work requests.
123 TASK 08: Check-Out Rooms PROCEDURE STANDARD Follow procedures for room cleaning All check-out rooms are cleaned with the sequence with the following additions: specified additional steps. 1) Open all drawers and wipe with a damp rag. Items left behind by guests are turned in 2) Check under the bed. to \"Lost and Found.\" 3) Check inside the safe for items left by the guest. Bathroom and bedroom amenities are 4) Turn on television and radio; check that restocked to full par; partially used they are in proper working order; then amenities are disposed. turn off. Television and radio reset to specified 5) Check for any damages within the stations. room or needed repairs and report it to the supervisor or Housekeeping office. Correct time is shown on clock. 6) Turn in all items left behind by guests to \"Lost and Found.\" Alarm is in \"Off\" position. 7) Replace bathroom and bedroom ameni- ties. 8) Reset television to channel __. 9) Reset alarm clock to \"Off.\" 10)Reset correct time on clock. 11)Set radio to station __ on low volume. TASK 09: Deep Cleaning Rooms PROCEDURE STANDARD Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) PREP ROOM: Rooms are deep cleaned __ times per month in Take extra supplies (bed pads, shower curtains/ specified 19 step sequence to maximize time. liners).Shri Technologies Check room for bed type. Take in clean linen; All deep cleaned rooms are to be inspected. place on nearest chair. Rooms are aired out while cleaning. Open drapes and balcony/patio door. Correct size bed linens taken in to the room. Clean bed linens never placed on the floor. Strip bed: Bed pads are changed when deep cleaning a 1) Inspect condition of pillows, bedspread and room. blankets and place on a chair. Damaged linens are kept separated from dirty 2) Shake bedding to look for lost and found linens. items. All bed linens (including skirting, spread, blanket) 3) Remove the bed pad. are free of stains, holes and frays. 4) Place bed pad, soiled sheets and towels in linen bag on the cart. 5) Place stained, torn or ruined linens on the side of the cart and leave in the designated lin- en room container.
124 STANDARD PROCEDURE No debris is left under beds, mattresses, chair cush- ions or behind furniture. Empty ashtrays into trash container. Pick up all trash from bedroom and bathroom (to include coasters, flyers, etc.); deposit in trash bag on cart. Pick up dirty glasses, mugs, coffee pot, ashtrays, Drapes hang evenly with all hooks firmly attached. trays; place on bathroom counter. Windows are free of streaks, spots, cracks and mil- Inspect room for: dew. Bathroom cleaning chemicals are allowed to 1) Change of bedskirting, bedspread or blanket soak in before scrubbing surfaces. 2) Check under beds 3) Items beyond reach behind the bureau Dusting is done in a square sequence around the 4) Re-hooking of drapes room. 5) Windows to be washed 6) Carpet to be shampooed All surfaces are left free of dust, hairs, streaks and 7) Change of chair cushions stickiness. 8) Damaged furniture/fixtures Safes are empty. Make phone calls to order bedspreads and place work orders. All lights function; burnt out bulbs are replaced. Spray tub, soap dishes, toilet, sink, counter and TV and remote function correctly. Shri Technologies glasses; allow chemicals to soak in.Shri Technologies Radios are left off in all rooms, except in V.I.P. Sweep carpet edges, including under the bed. rooms only where they are turned on by the super- 1) Start from one corner and work around in a visor. square. 2) Remove items behind the bureau with a broom. Balcony/patio doors are closed when finished cleaning. BEDROOM: 1) Make beds. Bathroom surfaces are left free of mildew, hairs, 2) Do not make beds if waiting for bedskirts or dust, streaks and dirt. bedspreads. Dust room, starting with closet and work your way around, creating a complete Medicine cabinet is empty. square. 3) Dust louvers with dust brush and wipe with rag All bathroom amenities are fresh, full and free of if needed. Test louvers. marks. 4) Wipe down all drawers with a damp rag. 5) Clean safe. Sheers are left closed and drapes are pulled half- 6) Wipe down door frames, picture frames, marks way back. on walls. 7) Dust lamps and test light bulbs. Rooms are vacuumed from farthest end to entrance 8) Clean under T.V. door. 9) Test T.V., remote and radio. 10)Wipe down air conditioner. Status of room is called/dialed in to Housekeeping 11)Clean telephone and radio with a toothbrush. and noted on the assignment sheet immediately as 12)Clean chair rungs. it is completed. 13)Clean wall outlets. All maintenance requests are called/ dialed in to Housekeeping office.
125 PROCEDURE STANDARD BALCONY/PATIO: Status of room is called/dialed in to Housekeep- Clean the area: ing and noted on the assignment sheet immedi- ately as it is completed. 1) Spray walls, railing and bird droppings 2) Wipe down chairs and table All maintenance requests are called/ dialed in to 3) Wipe streaks off walls Housekeeping office. 4) Clean door tracks 5) Sweep and mop floor BATHROOM: Clean the bathroom: 1) Sweep floor 2) Clean hairdryer; use toothbrush if needed 3) Clean medicine cabinet 4) Clean pipes under sink 5) Clean counter, sink, ledge and amenity tray 6) Sanitize glasses/mugs 7) Clean shower wall 8) Clean tub 9) Clean toilet 10)Finish glassware and sink area 11)Clean spots off bathroom ceiling 12)Clean mirrors 13)Change shower curtain/liner (if needed) 14)Replace towels, amenities and trash can liners 15)Scrub bathroom floor, corners and edges; wipe dry CARPET: Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) Vacuum the room, starting from far end and work your way out. Inspect room, starting from one corner and work your way around in a square. Replace compendium, memo pads, matches, etc. Spray room with air freshener. Call in room status and work requests.Shri Technologies
126 TASK 11: Room Service Trays/Tables PROCEDURE STANDARD Pick up all ashtrays and empty contents in trash con- No trash is left in the room. tainer. Waste baskets are empty and clean with liner Double check that all butts in ashtrays are extin- inside. guished before discarding them in trash. Waste baskets are dry, no streaks or finger- Place all ashtrays on bathroom counter. prints. No odors. In a right to left direction, pick up all trash from the All ashtrays are clean and dry, free of butts and room and place in trash bag on linen cart. ashes, no chips or smudges. Wipe out trash containers with damp cloth and dry. Ashtrays placed in correct locations with match- Shri Technologies es sitting logo up next to the ashtray. Place a liner in each trash container. Matches are full, no marks, scratches. Place bath trash container on left hand side of sink without liner. Emptying trash can be a safety hazard. Do not put your hand inside the container. Place bedroom trash container underneath the desk/ next to the dresser. Ashtray placements: 1) ___ on table Check condition of matches and place with logo sit- 2) ___ on dresser ting up, next to ashtrays. 3) ___ on nightstands 4) ___ on balcony/patio table 5) ___ on bathroom vanity TASK 10: Empty Trash PROCEDURE STANDARD Remove all Room Service items from the room. Room Service trays/tables pulled out of Fold Room Service tablecloths neatly over the top the room and put in corridors for pick of the tables. up by Room Service. Call Room Service to pick up items. All Room Service items (glasses, china, silverware, condiments, etc.) removed Pull table tray out of room and put in hallway. from room and placed in service areas out of guest's Notify supervisor if guest hallways become clut- tered with Room Service items.Shri Technologies If necessary, remove to service elevator landing. Never leave in guest hall areas.
127 TASK 12: Remove Dirty Terry And Bed Linens PROCEDURE STANDARD Remove all dirty bath terry from the bathroom All soiled terry and linens removed from and place in bag on linen cart. the room. Strip beds: Damaged linens kept separated from 1) Remove pillow cases from pillows and place soiled linens. with dirty bath linen. 2) Place pillows, bedspread and blankets on a Pillows, bedspreads and blankets on a chair; if these items are soiled, replace with fresh chair, never on the floor one. 3) Remove bed pad if soiled or when deep clean- ing a room. 4) Shake bedding to look for lost and found items. 5) Place soiled sheets in linen bag on the cart. 6) Place stained, torn or ruined linens on the side of the cart and leave in the designated linen room container. TASK 13: Fresh Linen PROCEDURE STANDARD Bring fresh linen back into the room includ- Never bring fresh linen into the room until ing: all dirty linen has been stripped. 1) Sheets of the proper size and color 2) One pillowcase for each pillow Fresh linen should be free of holes, tears, stains or wrinkles. Place clean linen on the chair or bench. Only the correct amount of linen brought into the room. Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) No clean linen placed on floor. Any bed disturbed in any way must be changed with new linenShri Technologies
128 STANDARD TASK 14: Clean Vanity/Sink/Mirror/Hair Dryer PROCEDURE Spray sink and counter surfaces with all purpose Cleaned daily; free of: cleaner; allow chemicals to soak in. 1) Scum, mold or soap build-up 2) Smudges Scrub surfaces with a sponge and rinse with hot 3) Hair water. 4) Odors Clean, dry glasses/mugs/ashtrays (see Task for No dripping faucets. procedures on this). No clogged drain. Stainless is free of spots and prints. Dry the entire surface of the sink and vanity, paying special attention to the chrome fixtures. Leave the sink drainstop in open position. Medicine cabinet checked in all check-out rooms and cleaned thoroughly. Wipe down the hardware beneath the vanity area. Counter and sink are wiped down (dried) Open medicine cabinet in check-out rooms. Wipe while drying other surfaces of bathroom down shelves and all surfaces. (tub, toilet, etc.) Wipe down mirror: Pipes under sink wiped down in all check- Shri Technologies 1) Spray with glass cleaner out rooms. 2) Start at the top and work down to the bottom 3) Wipe until all glass cleaner has been removed Mirror cleaned after sink and counter are 4) Use clean, dry, lint-free, soft cloth done. Wipe down hair dryer, use a toothbrush to clean Mirror to be free of: vents of hair dryer. 1) Hair 2) Streaks Report any repairs as needed. 3) Smudges 4) Hair spray NOTE: If guest is a stay-over and has left toiletries 5) Debris on the vanity, clean under them and put back in a 6) Fingerprints neat, orderly manner. Never touch any jewelry 7) Cracks items or cases. 8) Corrosion Hair dryer is free of dust, debris and vent are clear.Shri Technologies
129 TASK 15: Sanitize Glasses/Mugs And Wash Coffee Pot PROCEDURE STANDARD After removing trash from the room, empty dirty Dirty glasses, mugs and coffee pots glasses and mugs in the bathroom sink. cleaned daily. Set glasses/mugs in the sink and spray thor- Free of streaks, fingerprints, dirt; no chips oughly; allow chemicals to soak in. or cracks. After rinsing bathroom counter/sink, rinse glass- Glasses and mugs are sanitized for __ mi- es/mugs with hot water and wash with white nute. mesh cloth. Triple rooms set with __ glasses and __ Place glasses/mugs face-up on bathroom coun- mugs; standard rooms set with __ glasses ter. and __ mugs: 1) Two (2) mugs set on top of ice bucket Spray glasses/mugs with sanitizer; allow it to set tray, next to ice bucket for __ minute. Proceed to clean the tub and toi- 2) Two (2) glasses set in front of mugs on let. ice bucket tray 3) Two (2) glasses set on bathroom coun- Wipe glasses/mugs with _____. ter Place glasses face down on clean coasters Glasses and mugs placed face down on (either on the ice bucket tray or on bathroom top of clean coasters. counter). Coasters are free of stains, spots, tears Place mugs face down on clean coasters on the and bent edges. ice bucket tray. Coffee pot and coffee maker are free of Clean coffee pot: stains, spots and moisture; turned off. 1) Empty any contents in the sink 2) Spray it with cleaner Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) 3) Rinse with hot water 4) Wipe dry 5) Return it to holder 6) Wipe all surfaces of coffee makerShri Technologies
130 TASK 16: Clean Toilet PROCEDURE STANDARD Use toilet bowl or all-purpose cleaner and johnny mop. Cleaned daily. Squirt under rim of bowl and let chemicals stand a few minutes. The toilet is free of: 1) Hairs Starting under the rim, scrub the inside of the toilet, being 2) Debris careful not to splash any chemicals on your skin or in your eyes. 3) Scum Clean all surfaces: 4) Waste build-up 1) Rim 5) Dust 2) Seat 6) Stains 3) Hinges 7) Odors 4) Base 8) Spots 9) Rust Use a pumice stone to remove stains on porcelain. The toilet works properly. Flush until water in bowl is clean and to ensure it functions properly. Wipe down all hardware. Thoroughly dry the outside of the toilet, while drying other bath- room surfaces in sequence. NOTE: Do not use toilet bowl cleaner on any other surfaces. TASK 17: Clean Shower/Tub Shri Technologies PROCEDURE STANDARD Spray all surfaces of shower walls and tub after putting dirty glass- Cleaned daily. es/ashtrays in the sink. Allow chemicals to soak in. Shower walls and tub are free of: Return to clean shower/tub after making beds, dusting and clean- 1) Soap film, dirt, spots ing the balcony/patio. 2) Hairs 3) Mildew and mold Place the dirty bathmat in the tub and stand on the mat while 4) Lime deposits cleaning. 5) RustShri Technologies Use a sponge and water to wash down the walls: All fixtures are shiny; free of spots. 1) Begin at the top and work down towards the bottom. 2) Wash the tub starting with the inside, working high and on the Faucet is set for water to come out of the sides to the drain, then to the exterior. tap, not the shower head. 3) Scrub thoroughly, especially the sides of the tub, as this area accumulates the most soap residue. Clothesline is clean and works properly. 4) Pay particular attention to corners and ledges. 5) Clean the shower head, soap dishes, faucets and chrome fix- Drain rim is clear and drain is not clogged. tures. 6) Remove bathmat. Drain stopper is left open Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with hot water. Dry all surfaces after cleaning the toilet, sink and counter. Report any scratches, mold/mildew to supervisor.
131 Check shower curtain and liner for any stains, mold Checked daily. or tears. Shower curtain/liner is free of: Remove soiled curtain/liner to be laundered and re- place with clean one when needed. Place curtain 1) Holes, tears and rips with seam facing inside tub. 2) Soap film, dirt and stains Wipe down shower curtain/liner with dry cloth. 3) Hairs Place bottom of curtain outside of tub; bottom of liner 4) Mildew/mold inside of tub. There is a hook for every \"eyelet\" in Pull curtain/liner halfway towards shower head end, the shower curtain. leaving about ____\" open from shower head end. All hooks face inward. All seams face inward. Arrange curtain in pleats. Shower curtains are left open ___\" Replace shower curtain with a clean one for all V.I.P. from shower head end. check-ins. Shower curtain is left hanging out- Face the seam of plastic curtain rod cover towards side of tub/liner hangs inside tub. the shower wall.Shri Technologies Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning)
132 TASK 19: Facial/Toilet Tissue PROCEDURE STANDARD FACIAL TISSUE: Facial tissue is no less than ¼ full. Check facial tissue supply. Replace if less than ¼ Facial tissue cover polished, free of stains and full. Fold top tissue into a \"V\". dust. Wipe the exterior surfaces of box. Toilet tissues face out. TOILET TISSUE: Toilet tissue is always available for the guest. Cascade toilet tissue over the roller, facing the Both facial and toilet tissue have a \"V-Fold\" on guest. Fold end into a \"V\". the end. Replace toilet tissue upon check-out if the roll is Replenished daily as needed. less than half full. Tissues are white. Emboss all \"V-Folds\" with hotel logo. Tissues are dry with no If roll on holder is half used, set spare packaged roll on tank. TASK 20: Refresh Towels STANDARD Shri Technologies PROCEDURE Place towels on towel shelf/bar: Towels set to par: 1) Bath towels folded neatly on shelf with hand 1) ___ bath towels folded neatly on top. 2) ___ hand 2) Bath towels folded and hanging on towel bar. 3) ___ face Hand towels folded and hanging on top of towel 4) ___ bathmat rack. Towels are placed in designated locations. 3) Face towels folded and hanging on top of hand All towels hung evenly lengthwise and in width. towels on towel rack. No towel seams or tags exposed to the guest. 4) Fold each face towel in half and roll before Towels free of stains, rips and tears. placing in amenity basket. Place bathmat over side of bath at opposite end to curtain. See diagram for placement. All towels show logo centered and facing right side out.Shri Technologies
133 TASK 21: Replace Bathroom Ameniti PROCEDURE STANDARD Set amenities to par and place as per property instructions. Amenities set to pars in designated locations. Check the condition and cleanliness of each amenity. Shortages replaced daily. Remove and dispose of exhausted amenities in all rooms; Used and exhausted amenities removed from the remove used amenities from check-out rooms and replace room. with fresh ones. Amenities are free of stains, dirt, dust, marks and ___ large soap damages. ___ small soap ___ shampoo ___ conditioner ___ bath gel ___ bubble bath ___ body lotion ___ loofa sponge ___ shower cap ___ shaving cream ___ razor ___ toothbrush kit ___ nail file ___ cotton balls ___ Q-tips ___ sewing kit ___ shoe cleaner ___ disposal bags ___ hairdryer ___ tray ___ cup per person ___ saucer per person ___ spoon per person NOTE: See attached for amenity placement. TASK 22: Clean Bathroom Door Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) PROCEDURE STANDARDShri Technologies Clean both sides of the door with a dampened cloth Check daily. using the all-purpose cleaner. Remove all scuff marks. Dust the entire door, including the hinges and door- knob. The door, hinges and doorknob are free of: Keep bathroom door open after finished cleaning 1) Fingerprints the bathroom. 2) Smudges Report any damages to supervisor. 3) Dust 4) Stains 5) Streaks 6) Marks No dust on ledges or in corners.
134 TASK 23: Clean Bathroom Floors PROCEDURE STANDARD Sweep away debris and dust, paying particular atten- All floors swept and cleaned daily. tion to corners and behind the toilet. Floors to be free of: Use damp rag to pick up hairs. Remove any scuff marks. 1) Dirt On hands and knees using a sponge and all-purpose 2) Dust cleaner, wash entire bathroom floor. 3) Hair Wipe floor dry. 4) Footprints Inspect floor for cleanliness and pick up any hairs. 5) Marks 6) Spots 7) Stains TASK 24: Making A Bed PROCEDURE STANDARD Strip bed. All linen is clean, pressed, free of rips, Shri Technologies Call Housekeeping to have any bedboards removed. tears and stains.Shri Technologies Make sure box springs and mattresses are properly Blanket, bedspread and pillows never aligned. placed on floor. Check that mattress pad is clean and place it flush Mattress pad is not stained or soiled and with head of bed. is placed evenly on top of bed. Check bed skirting condition and alignment. Correct sheet size is placed on beds. Select appropriate size sheet for bed and open out Damaged linens kept separated from dirty over top of bed, making sure all sides fall evenly. linens. Check condition of sheets while placing them on Box spring and mattress are flush against beds. the headboard wall. Sheets, blanket, dust ruffle and bed- Standing at the foot of the bed, place the wide hem spread hang evenly on each side of the of the bottom sheet toward the head of the bed. bed. 1) Make sure all sides hang evenly. Bottom sheet is completely tucked under 2) Tuck sheet under mattress at the foot of bed to the mattress on all sides. hold it firmly. Top edge of blanket is aligned 6\" from the 3) Miter the corner and tuck the sheet under mattress headboard and is covered by the second along that one side. sheet (and top sheet in rooms where used). Place second sheet, seam side facing up and wide hem aligned at headboard, in line with head of mat- tress. Make sure sides hang evenly. . Third (top) sheets are used on V.I.P. rooms only.
135 PROCEDURE STANDARD IF USING A THIRD (TOP) SHEET: Sheets and blanket are completely tucked un- 1) Center third sheet on top of blanket, allowing a 2\" der 3 sides of the mattress (both sides and the overage at the head of blanket. foot of the bed). 2) Wrap the overage around the blanket, covering the All bed corners are mitered. blanket edge. No linen tags showing. 3) Fold bottom sheet over both blanket and top sheet. Pillows are completely covered by the bed- spread. Fold top edge of second sheet over the top edge of blanket. All pillows on a bed are the same size, height and fluffiness Tuck sheets and blanket tightly under mattress at the foot of bed. Miter the corner at the foot of bed and tuck in the rest for that side of the bed. With bed finished on one side, move to the opposite side and Pillows are flush against the headboard. starting at the foot of the bed, miter the corner. Pillows are never placed under your chin Move to the head of the bed and lay back the top sheet, blan- when putting on the pillow cases. Pillow placement: ket and second sheet. 1) ___ on a king bed 2) ___ on a double bed Tuck in bottom sheet. Pull this sheet very tightly before tuck- 3) ___ on a twin bed ing under the mattress. Straighten out the top bedding so that it hangs down the side. Bed is realigned after it is made up. Tuck all very tightly under mattress. Finished bed has a smooth, even appearance, no Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) lumps or wrinkles. Center bedspread at the foot of the bed. 1) Make sure the corners at the foot of the bed fit snugly on Soiled sheets and linens on cribs/rollaways in occu- each corner. pied rooms are changed daily. 2) Make sure all sides hang evenly. 3) Leave the top end at the headboard open for pillows. Cribs are free of dust, soil and smudges. Open the pillow case and slide it over the pillow to- wards you. 1) Tuck in both ends of pillow case to make an envelope fold. 2) Shake the pillow to evenly distribute the feathers. 3) Lay pillows flush to the headboard, smoothing them from middle to outer edges. Fold top end of bedspread over the pillows and tuck it under them snugly.Shri Technologies Straighten corners of bedspread, and smooth out surface. Cribs/Rollaways: 1) If present in the room, change the sheets and any soiled linens; make up the bed.
136 TASK 25: Clean Under Bed PROCEDURE STANDARD Check under the beds for trash and any items left All check-out and deep cleaning rooms over. Remove all trash and any additional linen. checked. Carefully reach between the mattress and box springs No trash left under bed or between mattress and remove any trash. and box springs. Make certain boxspring fabric is not torn or hanging. All dust ruffles hang even to floor and well- Check centering of dust ruffles. maintained Turn any items left into \"Lost and Found.\" TASK 26: Bathrobes/Slippers STANDARD PROCEDURE Inspect condition and cleanliness of robe(s) and slip- Robes/slippers are clean, free of stains, pers. tears, holes and strings. If soiled or damaged, replace items. One robe card in left pocket of each robe. Shri Technologies If check-out room, replace soiled items with clean, Robe card is not bent or torn; free of spots fresh ones. and marks. Hang one robe per person on pants hanger in clos- Robes tied and hung neatly in closet. et. One robe and one pair of slippers per 1) Place one robe card in left pocket of each robe. 2) Neatly tie belt around waist of robe and let ends fall person are set in: in front. 1) Deluxe ocean view rooms Place one pair of slippers (wrapped in plastic) per per- 2) V.I.P. rooms son on closet floor, beneath hanging robe. 3) All suites TASK 27: Straighten Guest Personal Items PROCEDURE STANDARDShri Technologies Straighten up guest belongings which are laying Guest clothing is picked up from the floor around the room: and neatly folded. 1) Pick up clothing from floor, fold neatly and place Do not place anything inside drawers. on chair Do not open any drawers or the closet. 2) Align shoes neatly in pairs (outside of closet only) Do not touch any money, jewelry, other valu- 3) Align chairs to proper positioning ables or any business papers/computer 4) Neatly arrange guest's toiletries equipment. 5) Put caps back on bottles 6) Close closet door and bureau drawers (if left open by guest)
137 TASK 28: Clean Closet/Door/Safe PROCEDURE STANDARD NOTE: If guest is a stay-over, do not clean closet, just Only closets in check-out rooms are cleaned. replace laundry bag (if necessary). Close closet doors if guest items are not in the way. Hangers are free of chips and paint spots, and not broken. INSIDE CLOSET: Check hangers. Remove any broken ones. Replace The closet is neat, organized and free of de- to par and hang evenly. bris and dust. Remove any wire or plastic hangers in check-out ___ laundry bags on shelf with ___ laundry rooms only. slips neatly folded on shelf/hanger. Place one extra pillow on closet shelf. Hangers at par and hung evenly. Check the walls and wipe down any marks. 1) ___ skirt hangers Wipe down shelf/rack using cleaning solution. 2) ___ satin hangers Report the walls which are in need of repair. 3) ___ pants hangers Pillows neatly stacked on closet shelf and covered with pillow case in envelope fold. Wipe down the luggage rack and place it closed Luggage rack is free of dirt and rust. against the back wall of closet. No marks on wall. Check laundry bags, slips and shoe bags; replace as No dust on shelves or in corners. needed to par. CLOSET SAFE: Safe is free of dust and dirt. 1) Check inside the safe and turn any items left by In check-out rooms, key is in the door lock of guest in to Lost and Found the safe. 2) Remove any debris Door of safe is left closed. 3) Dust the exterior surface, paying particular atten- tion to the top of the safe CLOSET DOOR: Doors function properly and are clean: Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) 1) Clean the doors, inside and out, using a dampened 1) No marks cloth with all-purpose cleaner 2) No dust 2) Dust louvers and all surfaces of door with a dust 3) No fingerprints brush The mirrors are clean with no cracks, 3) Remove any scuff or soil marks on door streaks, fingerprints, smudges or smears. 4) Polish the hinges with a dry clothShri Technologies DOOR TRACKS: Hinges are polished and dust free 1) Clean the tracks using the cleaning solution and a cloth 2) Vacuum all debris from inside of tracks Doorknobs are clean and shiny. 3) Clean the mirrors using glass cleaning solution and dry them with a clean cloth The tracks are clean: 4) Wipe the doorknob with clean soft cloth 1) No debris 2) No dust Close closet doors. 3) No corrosion Report any damages to supervisor Doors are closed when finished cleaning the closet.
138 TASK 29: Clean Furniture PROCEDURE STANDARD Use a clean dust cloth with polishing solution to Furniture dusted daily; free of: clean all furniture pieces: 1) Dust 1) Armoire 2) Dirt 2) Dresser 3) Fingerprints 3) Nightstands 4) Smears 4) Headboard 5) Smudges 5) Bed posts 6) Marks/scratches 6) Coffee table The furniture is in good repair, sturdy and sta- 7) Desk ble. 8) Non-fabric chairs and sofas Crevices in rattan furniture free of soot, dirt 9) Wooden legs/arms and debris. Wipe, dry and buff to a high luster, removing all Bed frames and headboard are free of dust. dust, smudges and fingerprints. Pay attention to tops, sides, legs, arms and intricate woodwork on Check-out rooms: all furniture. 1) Drawers are empty and free of hair/debris In all check-out or vacant rooms, open all drawers/ 2) Any items left by guest are turned in to lost doors and remove any items left by guest. Dust and found inside, paying attention to corners and ledges. Use feather duster for inside shelves and all high Any damage reported immediately. Shri Technologies places. Furniture positioned to floorplan. Brush cloth covered areas of upholstered furniture. Use a damp rag to wipe off the vinyl cushion sec- tion of any furniture (i.e., headboards). Wipe down bed frames once every ___ weeks as scheduled. Use toothbrush to clean crevices in rattan furniture. Report any damaged furniture or repair needs to supervisor. Set furniture straight to floorplan (see attached).Shri Technologies
139 TASK 30: Sofa, Chairs And Cushions PROCEDURE STANDARD Pull out pillows and cushions from the chairs and the Checked daily. sofa. No trash under sofa or between cushions. With a damp cloth, remove all debris, dust and foreign Dust and debris removed. particles. All cushions free of rips, tears and stains. Check under the chair and sofa for trash. Remove if Pillows are fluffed present. Fluff up pillows and replace on couch. Inspect pillows and cushions for tears, rips and stains. Report any damage to the supervisor. Clean with hand vacuum monthly. TASK 31: Clean Artifacts STANDARD PROCEDURE Use clean, slightly damp, soft cloth to wipe artifacts. Cleaned daily. Do not remove from holder or wall mount unless neces- No dust. sary for cleaning purposes. No breakage. NOTE: Extreme caution should be used when cleaning all artifacts because of value of items. TASK 32: Clean Pictures/Mirrors/Frames Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) PROCEDURE STANDARD Dust all sides of frame using clean soft cloth. Dusted daily.Shri Technologies Take a clean cloth, dampened with window cleaning so- Do not spray solution directly onto framed lution and wipe the entire glass surface of the pictures/ pictures/mirrors. mirrors; start at the top and work down to the bottom. Dry the glass surface with a clean dry cloth until all Pictures/mirrors/frames are free of: glass cleaner is removed. 1) Dust Check for smears, smudges and streaks. 2) Cracks/chips/dents Report any damaged or missing pictures to supervisor. 3) Streaks 4) Smears 5) Fingerprints 6) Mildew Do not stand on chairs to reach items; at- tach rag to broom instead.
140 TASK 33: Clean Television/VCR/Remote PROCEDURE STANDARD NOTE: Always have the television off and never Checked daily. Shri Technologies spray directly on television (may cause shock to you Television/VCR/remote free of dust and or damage to set). dirt. Check that television is working properly. Report any Screen clean, no streaks. malfunctions to supervisor. Set to in-house channel Television off during cleaning. _____. Television set to in-house channel. With a cloth, dampened with cleaning solution, wipe Television stand, vents and base clean and the outside of the television set, VCR and remote free of dust. control unit. Television/VCR/remote in working order. Dampen cloth with window cleaning solution and Remote control unit placed on top of T.V., wipe down television screen. next to cable box. Clean and dust underneath set and back vents. Current T.V. Guide placed on ____. Current movie rental insert positioned Place remote control on _____: evenly in cable box. 1) Ensure that the channel labels are properly at- tached to the back of the unit. 2) Check condition and legibility of channel labels. Place current weekly T.V. Guide on ___. Place current movie rental insert on ___. Clocks reset to correct time in check-out Check clock time and reset if inaccurate (check-out rooms only. room only). TASK 34: Clean Alarm/Clock Radio PROCEDURE STANDARDShri Technologies NOTE: Do not spray all-purpose cleaner directly on radio. Clean daily. Clean and wipe alarm clock. Clock free of dust and dirt. Use a toothbrush to clean vents. Correct time shown in check-out rooms. Make sure alarm is set to \"off\" position (check-out rooms Alarm left in \"Off\" position in check-out rooms. only). Station set to channel _____ in check-out rooms. Set correct times if inaccurate (check-out rooms only). Alarm, clock and radio in working order. Turn on radio to check that it is in working order. Set to sta- tion ___, and turn it off. Report any non-functioning units to supervisor.
141 TASK 35: Clean Lamps/Light Switches PROCEDURE STANDARD Dust, using a cleaning cloth dampened with all-purpose Clean daily. cleaner. Lamp clean and dust free. Wipe down all parts (harp, finial, base, cords and shades). Shades clean, no rips or stains and Clean the inside of the lamp shade. set straight. Seams face the wall. Dust all bulbs with a dry cloth. Switches and bulbs in working order Remove all dust, spots and fingerprints on light switches. and dust free. Turn on all lights to make sure bulbs and switches are in Burnt out bulbs replaced. working order. Replace as needed. Make sure wattage is Ensure 60 watt bulbs (minimum) are correct. used. Use a toothbrush to clean pleated shade. Three-way bulbs (50-75-100) used in Straighten lamp shades. Face seams to wall. ___lamps. TASK 36: Clean Telephones PROCEDURE STANDARD NOTE: Do not spray cleaner on phone. Telephone cleaned daily, free of: Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) Inspect working condition of all phones. Report any malfunc- 1) Dust tions to supervisor. 2) Grease Using a cloth dampened with all-purpose cleaning solution, 3) Hair wipe the entire telephone (hand set, cradle, cord and base). 4) Sticky spots Remove the phone from the cradle; pay attention to ear and 5) Mildew mouthpiece and remove any build-up of grease from hair oils Cord must hang properly. and make-up that may be on piece. No exposed wires. Use a toothbrush to clean vents. All phones function properly. Ensure that the correct room number is on the phone and Telephones properly placed in desig- that the face plate is legible and undamaged. nated locationsShri Technologies Ensure placement of telephones are as follows: 1) One on night stand, parallel to right edge of stand 2) One on desk 3) One in bathroom Wrap cord around telephone in bathroom so the cord does not touch the toilet paper.
142 TASK 37: Clean Ice Bucket/Tray PROCEDURE STANDARD Empty any liquid from the ice bucket into the sink. Ice bucket and tray free of stains, mil- Wipe entire surface, inside and out with a clean cloth. dew, water spots and fingerprints. Wipe tray surface, removing any spills or stains. Placed in room on top of _____. Dry thoroughly and place _____. Make sure ice tongs are clean and placed next to ice bucket. TASK 38: Clean Mini Bar STANDARD PROCEDURE Use a cloth dampened with all-purpose cleaner to wipe Checked daily. Shri Technologies down all surfaces of mini bar. Free of marks, dust, spills and dirt. Make sure unit is plugged in and door is locked shut. Not sticky. Report any damages to supervisor. Mini bars are securely locked and functioning TASK 39: Align Drapes And Clean Shutters/Blinds PROCEDURE STANDARD DRAPERY: Drapes and sheers in good working Test drapes and shears by opening and closing complete- order, pressed and free from holes, ly. stains and dust. Hang evenly. Make sure they meet when closed and hang evenly. All hooks in place. Check condition and cleanliness. Daytime alignment: 1) Check that all hooks are in place 1) Sheers closed 2) Report any damage or repairs needed to supervisor 2) Drapes open Remove dust on drapes with a small vacuum once every two weeks.Shri Technologies Beat drapes daily to remove dust. Nighttime alignment: SHUTTERS: 1) Sheers closed Using a high duster, dust shutters starting from the top and 2) Drapes closed ending at the bottom. Make sure slates are open to get in- Shutters/blinds in good working order. side grooves and corners. Shutters/blinds free of dust and de- Report any loose or broken shutters to Housekeeping. bris
143 TASK 40: Replace Bedroom Amenities PROCEDURE STANDARD Set amenities to par and place as per property instructions. Amenities set to pars. Check the condition of cleanliness of each amenity. Shortages replaced daily. Remove and dispose of exhausted amenities in all rooms. Used and exhausted amenities re- ___ current hotel promotion cards moved from the room. ___ Health Club brochure Amenities are free of stains, bent edg- ___ Preferred Hotel brochure es, tears and marks. ___ Hotel brochure All literature is current. ___ American Express brochure Pen has enough ink to write; pencils ___ Guest Services directory are sharpened and with full eraser ___ Room Service menu head intact ___ Door Knob menu ___ Daily Activities sheet ___ T.V. Guide ___ movie rental insert ___ envelopes ___ stationary paper ___ postcards ___ pens ___ tablets/notepads ___ in-house telephone directory ___ telephone rate card ___ Gideon Bible ___ laundry bag ___ laundry slip ___ shoe bag ___ comment card ___ matches Refer to attached property diagram.Shri Technologies Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning)
144 TASK 41: Clean Balcony/Patio/Plants PROCEDURE STANDARD Turn on light switches to make sure they work properly. Checked daily. Check for correct wattage (___). Balcony free of: Spray walls, railings, and bird droppings with cleaner; allow chemical time to set in. 1) Trash Wipe and clean all railings and light fixtures with a damp 2) Cobwebs cloth or sponge. 3) Debris 4) Dust 5) Bird droppings Using cloth and all-purpose cleaner, wipe down patio Light fixtures in working order and Shri Technologies furniture: clean. 1) Chair back, seat, legs No debris is pushed over edge of bal- 2) Tabletop, underside, legs cony. Clean glasstop tables with window cleaner and wipe dry. Patio furniture free of debris, crumbs, Sweep floor with broom. Use dustpan to scoop up dirt. Do cobwebs, stains, spots and tears. not sweep over edge. Furniture sturdy and not damaged. Using hose, wash down balcony weekly. Plants and planters free of dead Clean patio door tracks. leaves and debris. Spot clean fingerprints/smudges on glass doors. Balcony/patio floor hosed down Remove all dead leaves and debris from plants and plant- weekly. ers. Close patio door when finished cleaning. Notify supervisor of any dead plants and repairs to be made. TASK 42: Clean Windows STANDARD PROCEDURE Spray or wipe windows with a window cleaning solution. Spot-cleaned daily.Shri Technologies Start at the top and work down. Windows free of dust, dirt, spots, Wipe with a dry rag until clear and dry. streaks, smudges or fingerprints. Remove all dust, spots and smears. Windows closed and locked. Inspect condition of windows and report any damage to su- Window frames free of dust, dirt and pervisor. smudges. Use glass cleaner to wipe down the frame of window. No cracks
145 TASK 43: Clean Entrance Door(s) STANDARD PROCEDURE Wipe both sides of door and door frame, using cloth damp- Checked daily. ened with cleaning solution. Door free of fingerprints, smudges, Remove any marks. scratches, dust, dirt, stains and Wipe vinyl track. Vacuum any debris. marks. Clean all hinges and area where the door hits the casing. Track free of dirt, debris and stains. Wipe the doorknob. Hinges, door knob and hardware clean and polished. Check all locks and dead bolts to ensure working condition. Lock system functioning properly. Ensure fire safety procedures and rate cards are clean and Peep hole is clean and clear. in good condition. Fire safety rate cards (where re- quired) are current and posted clear- DOOR CARDS: ly. 1) Wipe both sides of cards with dampened cloth. Door cards are clean, free of smudg- 2) Replace sign if damaged, dirty or missing. es, rips and frayed edges; placed on 3) Put sign on inside door knob or dead bolt with the \"Do Not inside of entrance door, facing the Disturb\" side facing the room. room Report any damages to supervisor. TASK 44: Clean Air Condition/Heating Unit PROCEDURE STANDARD Wipe and clean entire unit, including vents and grids, using a Air conditioning/heating unit free of cloth dampened with all-purpose solution. rust, smudges, dirt, dust and streaks. Set air temperature control to ___° F. Air temperature set to ____° F. Housekeeping Attendant (Manual Cleaning) If room is too hot or unable to regulate, report to Engineering Thermostat control free of dust, rust, services. smudges and dirt Clean vents and grid with a toothbrush.Shri Technologies
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