Customer SupportCall Us Get in touch with our customer care executive on 1800-3000-2011 (Mon-Sat : 10am - 6pm) OR Shoot us a mail on Mail [email protected] and we will get back to you A comprehensive study package made by Top 100 JEE Rankers Plancess EduSolutions Pvt. Ltd.A-005/006, Boomerang, Chandivali - Chandivali Farm Rd, Andheri (East), Saki Naka, Mumbai - 400072, India, Office: 022-66043405
User Manual 3User Manual 1.Tab startup 1 Tab startup ....................................................................................... 3 1.1 Switching ON the provided tablet and follow the instructions appearing 2. Some pre-requisite settings for inserting the SD card........................ 3 on the tablet screen 3. Installing the Plancess app................................................................ 5 FIGURE 1- Switching on 3.1 Prerequisites 3.2 Device Navigation You may or may not create a Samsung account, but it is recommended to create a 3.3 Device Navigation Google account. Alternatively you can sign in with your existing account during the 3.4 File Browser startup procedure 3.5 Install Apk on the Tab 3.6 Installation You may or may not create a Dropbox account (just skip the step, if you don’t want to 3.7 Final Screen. create one, it will not affect your experience) 4. Register the chip .............................................................................. 7 Select ‘Finish’. Your Samsung Tab is now ready to use 4.1 Prerequisites (For more details, view the “Quick Start Guide” provided with the Samsung Tablet 4.2 Navigation in the box) 4.3 Login 4.4 Proceed 2. Some pre-requisite settings for inserting the SD card: 4.5 Process 4.6 Registration Successful 2.1 Update the default settings on your tablet to install third-party applications. Follow 4.7 My Courses the steps to do so: Go to Application > Settings > Security Tab 5. The Plancess user guide...................................................................10 5.1 Prerequisites….. Device administration Check the box to allow 5.2 Launching The App installation from unknown 5.3 Login Device administrators sources other than the 5.4 Introduction to interface (Menulist) play store 5.5 Introduction to Subject Screen View or disable device administrators 5.6 Introduction to Topic Screen 5.7 Introduction to Video Player Screen Unknown sources 5.8 Introduction to My Book Allow installation of apps from 6. Details regarding Guru Guidance......................................................14 sources other than the Play Store 7. Accessing the online test series.......................................................15 Verify apps Block or warn before installing apps that may cause harm Credential storage FIGURE 2: Settings
User Manual 4 User Manual 52.2 Insert the Micro-SD card of the subject you want to study 3.4 Tap on “SD card” to read SD memory card files on the card FIGURE 3- Inserting Micro-SD card FIGURE 6: File Browser extSdCard Time3. Installing the Plancess app 3.5 Select Plancess_C.apk file in the Plancess_C.apk folder to install the application 3.1 Kindly make sure you have the following for smooth installation of the application: LOST.DIR Working internet connection System Vol...formation Minimum 50% charge on your device (put on power in case of low battery) Appropriate SD card (this box comes with 3 Micro SD cards, one each for FIGURE 7: Install Apk on the Tab 3 subject -Physics, Chemistry, Maths 3.6 An installation screen will now Once you've loaded the required Micro SD card in the tablet, follow the steps to install appear on your screen. Select “Install” Plancess application 3.3 Select “My Files” under the Apps section 3.2 Open Applications from Home screen.ernet Apps NOTE: Before clicking 'Install,' ensure that your tablet allows Installation from “unknown resources\". For more details, refer point no. 2 (pre-requisite settings for inserting the SD card)FIGURE 4: Device Navigation FIGURE 5: File Browser Install FIGURE 8: Installation
User Manual 6 User Manual 7 4. Registering the chip 4.1 Kindly make sure you have the following for smooth registration of the Chip (SD-Card) Working internet connection Minimum 50% charge on your device (put on power in case of low battery) Appropriate SD card (this box comes with 3 Micro SD cards, one each for 3 subject - Physics, Chemistry, Maths open the App ?3.7 Once the application is Done successfully installed, you'll get the following screen on your FIGURE 9: Final Screen tablet. Click on ‘Done’. 4.2 Open the applications folder on your tablet. (Ref fig. 4 ) Tap on the icon to launch the applicationCongratulations!Now you've successfully installed the Plancess application onyour tablet. You can view the app on the Applications section on your tablet. Samsung Samsung App Link Plancess FIGURE 10 - Navigation
User Manual 8 User Manual 94.3 How to login to the application with your Plancess account ? 4.5 After clicking on proceed, the registrationEnter the login credentials starts as shown in theprovided at the time of figure below.purchase - PLANCESS 1. User ID 2. Password Content SD Card registration.. 3. Tap on Sign In 1 User IdPassword 2Sign in 3 Forgot Password ? FIGURE 11: Login FIGURE 13: Process Note - this is a one-time activity. For subsequent sessions, you'll be automatically 4.6 Once the registration is completed logged in to the application. Also, you must be connected to internet for the first successfully, the following screen would ppear on your screen instance of login, as details are mapped together for security purposes. PLANCESS4.4 After clicking on proceed, the registration starts as shown in the figure below. Once the content is loaded to SD Card, Select “Proceed”. Content SD card registration.. Content SD card successfully registered to your device Proceed FIGURE 12: Proced FIGURE 14: Successful
User Manual 10 User Manual 11 Menu List Screen consists of various options as shown in the figure below4.7 User screen allows you to 3 1 Mathematics (2015-16) view the menu and access MY COURSES 2 components of the Mathematics 11 selected course. Mathematics 12 1 Mathematics (2015-16) 2Mathematics 11 MY COURSES 3 Mathematics 12 4 5 Mathematics 11 FIGURE 15: My Courses Screen FIGURE 16: Menu list 1. Course and Class Name. 5.4.1 Messages: Received messages like assessments published from portal, 2. “MY COURSES” tab - by default this tab is visible. 5.4.2 3. \"Menu list\" button, consisting of different options. 5.4.3 content messages, alert messages can be viewed in this tab.After registration for the first time, you can use the chip even offline - i.e. without any 5.4.4internet connection. 5.4.5 Tasks: Students can create Events, weekly tasks and Study Plans based Note - Internet connection is mandatory for the first instance of registering each upon their schedule. chip / Micro SD cards (for other subjects). The process for installation is exactly the Stats: Student can see the time spent on each topic/chapter/subject same as mentioned above. wise and can also see details of the tests attempted.5. The Plancess application Profile: Students can get their details like Name, Institute Name, ES-id 5.1 Kindly make sure you have the following for smooth registration of the Chip (SD-Card) and APK version. Working internet connection Minimum 50% charge on your device (put on power in case of low battery) Settings: Students will get different settings option through which they can Appropriate SD card (this box comes with 3 Micro SD cards, one each for 3 subject - Physics, Chemistry, Maths configure their device settings. 5.2 Open the Plancess application (refer point 4.2 of Registering the chip) 5.3. If you're not already logged in, you'll be prompted to log in with your registered Plancess ID. Enter the credentials and click on Sign in. (refer point 4.3 of Registering the chip) 5.4 Inroduction to Interface (Menulist) The user screen allows you to view the menu and access components of the selected course
User Manual 12 User Manual 135.5 Introduction to subject screen 5.6 Introduction to Topic Screen Subject screen displays the list of content for the subject selected by user in Topic Related Screen displays detailed view of topic and multiple options for the user. \"Menu List Screen\". Click on topic “1.1 Introduction” and go the next page for the screen as shown in the figure below. 1 2 3 4 6 Mathematics 11 5? Mathematics 12 7 02 FIGURE 17: Subject Screen5.5.1 Course selected by user. FIGURE 18: Topic Screen5.5.2 indicates the Menu List, click on it to see the list of subjects available in this current course. 5.6.1 Indicated tools listed below with description5.5.3 \"Home\" takes users to their Home Screen. Tap on icon and select text which will be marked with default colour.5.5.4 \"Menu List\" button. Click on it to see the list with different options as Tap on icon and select text which will be strike-off with default colour discussed above. Tap on icon and select text which will be underlined with default colour5.5.5 List of chapters available in the selected subject. If more chapters available Tap on icon and select text which you want to mark with default colour then scroll the list upwards(first chapter will be selected by default). Tap on icon and add notes which saves the notes for future reference of5.5.6 Indicates the topic list under selected chapter, if more topics are available this current topic, saved notes will get saved in “Notes” option of Menu list.. then just scroll the list up. Tap on icon and enter any text to search in the current page.5.5.7 Number of topics available(In our example, we see 03 means we will have 3 topics
User Manual 14 User Manual 155.7 Introduction to video player screen 6. Details regarding Guru Guidance: FIGURE 19: Video player screen Personal IITian Mentor (Guru Guidance) Click on topic “1.1 Introduction” and go the next page for the screen5.7 Introduction to My Books as shown in the figure below. My Books Menu shows the available books in your menu directly, instead of going A personal IITian guru/mentor/instructor caters to all your queries back to subject screen. and doubts, to help you acquire winning strategies and learn some Swipe screen from right to left at the right end to get \"My Books Menu\" as shown in ingenious tips and tricks. Our Gurus will be available on phone to figure below address your queries from 11 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 4 PM from Monday to Friday. Also, you can ask your concerns on the email IDMathematics 11 ? MY COURSES provided at the time of product purchase. Mathematics 12 Mathematics 11 02 What a Guru does? Mathematics 112 1. Focuses on improving the perception of students to always challenge themselves. 2. Motivates and counsels students throughout the preparation phase. 3. Tries to improve the thought process of the student. 4. Organizes time intelligently. Since time left for complete preparation is less, all the topics are correctly organised, which makes the revision process systematic and quick. 5. Lists down important and scoring topics for smooth preparation. 6. Provides convenient time plan divided into no. of hours for every topic. Also lists down stratgey to complete the topics on time. 7. Prepares plan by balancing time between video lectures and exercises. 7. Assessment (how to assess yourself via online test series): Copy the link provided to you during purchase, for accessing the test series Paste the link in the Chrome Browser address bar Sign in with your Plancess ID, and voila!, you are ready to go. FIGURE 20: My Books
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